"Are you certain of… learn to cook an egg?”

That trivial question say, yet it is not at all, Also because you are turning the Veronelli. Let me explain ...

I started this new year Zagarolo, an ancient village of the Castelli Romani Rome. A country with a network of streets, old historic homes and businesses, with characters and typicality to be discovered. If you go over there, go and visit Toy Museum at Palazzo Rospigliosi, is the largest in Italy. We live in a nation that, with its many diversity, is teeming with artistic treasures, territorial and food and wine so beloved by foreigners, but alas!, neglected by Italian.

And 'these days that I have known, albeit briefly, some people, now friends, that accompanied my early 2015 in a very intense and exciting. Thanks to them and the sunny days, in addition to stroll the surrounding fields picking wild fennel and enjoying the views, I am dedicated all'appassionante reading a fantastic collection of old editions of Domenica del Corriere.

In particular, I focused on the rubrics of Louis Veronelli. The year is 1965. I remember that not long ago, cook with a friend, we discussed the uncertainties of many people on some preparations sometimes discounted. Perhaps it is for this reason that, flipping pages, my attention was captured by the title of this article.

Veronelli told that his uncle priest, Don Rinaldo, He was mocked by his family because he claimed that no one could cook egg shell, also called soft-boiled, as the nuns of Corso Monforte. I often prepare me, a quick snack that seasoned with a bit 'of salt and a good extra virgin olive oil. As said Veronelli - you know it is preparing a large specialty!

The egg shellFirst equip yourself with a saucepan suitable, where you can introduce a basket (of those used for frying) that does not hinder the closing of the container with a lid. In choosing Casserole, remember that the eggs must, literally, drowning in water. So you put the saucepan with salted water (for a surprising osmosis process that affects the success) on fire, and bring fast boiling.

Withdrawn from heat, soak the basket in which reclined eggs, cover with the lid and count three minutes. It 'important that the water is abundant because its temperature, introducing the basket, does not drop too, but also the cooking takes place off the heat, with decreasing temperature. Luigi Veronelli Domenica del Corriere – May 1965



A man without land, but with a great desire to make wine. Back to the roots.

A few weeks ago, in full Christmas, was held at Restaurant “The Cannetto” dell’Hotel Sheraton Milan Malpensa, the last wine travel year with a meeting between Fabio Fiorelli, pastry chef of the Hotel Danieli in Venice, and some wines of Lombardy. As always pleasant tasting and interesting meetings that have allowed me to listen to stories of life by exchanging opinions and experiences.

I will tell a story, the story of Alex Pollini. A man who after growing up in the countryside of Asti, land of great wines, finished university he moved to Milan to work. Despite the change of course of his life, move from a small company to a metropolis not made him lose the passion for wine-born youth.

Curiosity and interest in the traditions and regional wine, brought him in time to attend specialized courses to grasp the diversity of wine as an expression of the territory. It was at that time that was taking shape in his mind a project: no longer a simple fan taster, but turn into a small producer. But where to start? No real experience as an entrepreneur it nor as a producer, but especially, without land.

"Cynthia, it was then that my thoughts begin to turn to France and his long experience wine. About how some of his great wines are born to producers who did not own land but knew wisely select. The ability to refine and cut wines purchased from growers loyal, did the rest. "

He was convinced to follow suit. Choice as the Lombardy region, After a search that led him to meet many small farmers in the area of ​​Brescia and Bergamo ... after tests, analysis, tastings, cuts on cuts, finally the idea was realized: “The Origins

"I knew I wanted to create the first-born of my project as a red and a white, Both wines not toSutilis 2010 The Origins denomination, but an expression of my idea. It 'was the genesis red Sutilis, which means "United Together", in honor of the two varieties that create it, ie Cabertnet Sauvignon and Merlot. A Bordeaux blend then, perhaps the most famous union of the world (... From the point of view oenological means) but also dedicated to my family, inspiration, to which are extremely linked. A wine 2010, aged in barrels and barrels that expresses the rigor and finesse of Cabernet and softness of Merlot in a union very interesting. Full-bodied and smooth with fruity and spicy notes and a freshness that expresses the potential evolutionary future. Afterwards was born white Magis, whose meaning "Of More" (dedicated to my wife) indicates the target: give something extra in terms of longevity and evolution than many whites existing good only by young. A wine with fruity and floral notes very pleasant. "

Of the two I tasted Sutilis; must still grow but interesting. The only thing that left me a bit’ puzzled is to think of a wine produced with grapes not personally followed by the producer. Perhaps because it is natural to think that wine is a product expression of the person and of the territory in the fullest sense. Then I said to myself: “If this can help agriculture, why not?” We'll talk again…

Christmas 2014

Pending… Good 2015

The markups on wine in the restaurant does not have to depend on their 'silk tablecloth'!

Today I want to talk about the mark-ups on wine made by restaurateurs and wine bar. Recharge I would call unruly, as indeed Italians and much of what concerns them. You will say: “Cynthia, but what enters their silk tablecloths?"Got to do and how if markups, apart from those obvious and very legitimate, are made to distribute the costs of the same local. With 'silk tablecloths' I was referring precisely to this.

Let me explain. A few days ago, sitting at the table with friends journalists in the industry long-standing, it is on a discussion that debates and debates ..., you know what I was told when I challenged this state of being? I have that enthusiasm that they have lost the fight what should be corrected, but which has now entered the customary.

Put whatever you want, but I find it absurd that the markups on wine in restaurants are made in an indiscriminate and uncontrolled penalizing wine and limiting consumption. You know what I say to you: "You have to make the revolution, understood as a big change, Also nell'enogastronomia!”

As always speak as a passionate and informed consumer who likes to confront. For this reason I asked some friends who live in this area first, their views on the issue. (An answer key is in alphabetical order).

Mark's Church, wine consultant.

We all expect lower markups on wine, because the wine in Italy remains a product “popular” always on the table and so is unjust, for example, that the wine from 5 EUR shelf, is sold to 15/18 euro and the wine 10 EUR is sold 30. But if we think, each bottle of wine has an operating cost which includes: space cellar, borrowing costs between purchase and collection, time waiter / sommelier for management, service, disposal, glasses and washing, any changes to the customer or if inventory sold in glass. Together with Accor years ago we calculated that the cost of running a bottle in an efficient structure as a hotel 3/4 star international chain costs about 10 euro. The average Italian restaurant is much more inefficient, we do 12. If I buy a wine 5 euro, I have to sell it in order to remain equal to 17, then if I want to earn then at least one 40% margin would be correct. The accounts are made soon and you will understand why many restaurants close: do not know how to do, accounts.

If we think a plate of pasta has a lower manufacturing cost to the euro, but we pay him 8/10 and no one blinks an eye. Why does not happen with wine? Wine is penalized just when it is sold as a service to low price, when to stay in the accounts the manager buys wines to two euro and resells them to 10, getting lost anyway. I believe that in Italian wine prices at the restaurant are very low and almost always miscalculated. Just take a trip abroad to understand. I stop but I could talk a lot about…

Gianni Galantino, restaurateur. Restaurant Da Giulia – Milan

The wine has not only purchase costs but also costs related to the conservation and management of the cellar. I do a few examples. If we buy a bottle of wine at a cost of 6 we have to sell the euro at about 18/20 euro. If we buy in 25 we have to sell the euro at 50 euro. Otherwise we lose. Cynthia, then you have to keep in mind, that there are wines that taste of cork or for air intake or become undrinkable marsalati.

Simone Liloni, sommelier. Trattoria Pegaso – Gavardo (BS)

This burning issue… I must say that I try to be as honest as possible about markups is the glass that the bottle. In many area if they take advantage and not a little. I give you an example. In a good pizzeria near my house damage to glass as a sweet wine liqueur of Zibibbo Florio, ordinary wine, pleasant although too sweet for my taste. Well, wine costs at the supermarket in size from 0,75 4,50 euro. Sell ​​it by the glass 4. Whereas from a bottle derive seven glasses, So twenty-eight euro, earn twenty-three euro clean! This is just one of many examples.

Another problem of the wine by the glass is the repetitiveness of the labels, eventually, Roughly, always turn those three or four by type. I propose a little wine’ countercurrent glasses, perhaps almost unknown but customers require me.

Isabella Monguzzi, holder Enoteca Vincanto - Senago (MI)

Behind some price increases are the glasses, their sanitation and all that entails pouring; then, you can find the locations that they charge the environment and maybe (indeed often) fold up scarce products with price increases from usury. But as they say the eye wants its part and often, when the client is immersed in an original and / or fairytale, he does not care what you drink! This is what I have taught some restaurateurs customers!

Gianluca Morino, producer. Cascina Garitina – Nizza Monferrato (AT)

These price increases are a huge penalty for wine.

Matthew Knowles, restaurateur. Osteria della Buona Condotta – Ornago (MI)

A three star restaurant markups other than those who have none, In fact he even ten times the cost of the bottle, and it is clear why. For example, if you have glasses riedel have cost more, as it is clear that if you have a sommelier will have a higher cost to be spread on the customer's account. In any case, all that is present in a restaurant has a reloading, the food cost is a tax rule. Cinzia this work has become expensive and difficult, we are inundated with costs and taxes. In France, wine markups are high. They are right ...

Tano Simonato, restaurateur. Restaurant Tano pass me the oil – Milan

In normal restaurateurs recharged twice in restaurant, and three times in the restaurant. Some top restaurant four times. The costs are so many… personnel costs, high rents, taxes on taxes, expensive raw materials…

Robert Spinazzè, producer. Terre di Provides – Frattina Pravisdomini (PN)

The markups honest allow a tour of consumption. Unfortunately it is not always so. Mah, there would have to do endless discussions.

Chiara Soldati, manufacturer. The Scolca – Gavi (AL)

The custom of significant markups on wine is now widespread and consolidated. In Italy surely this phenomenon is much more noticeable than the foreign countries. I believe that a balanced reloading is legitimate, but in many cases are priced wines not justified. I think a good price policy would help both the category of restaurateurs that the world of wine. A balanced pricing policy would help the spread of a quality consumer and perhaps not penalize the Italian market already in crisis for several factors.

Helping territoriality, study adequate policies “by glass”, system between various parties agreeing adequately output prices, would be a good rule to streamline the market. Cynthia, have you ever noticed how some wines that are in the paper on top of the prices are sometimes sold below cost in the offers of retail?

Alessandro Vitiello, Restaurateur and sommelier. Restaurant Il Fauno – Cesano Maderno (MB)

Cynthia, I agree with you. Surely every local freedom to decide as it sees fit and depending on what adds 'free' to the glass of wine, But I am convinced that the 'world wine' would have to qualify if they shared the 'guidelines' that allow the customer to drink knowing that the price of a glass or a bottle is properly proportional to the price determined by the manufacturer.

I take the word.

What's left to say? I still think that these mark-ups should be regulated so that the wine is not to pay the excess of the cost of managing the catering. The fact remains that by which they are informed consumer, I would like to understand what is in each case plus its cost.

This awareness would fall into my satisfaction in the evaluation of a restaurant. With so many guidelines that are, I wonder how it is possible that there will be an updated and available online which gives the possibility to make this immediate verification. Who knows ...

Wine Passion

You know when he was born to rock? I tell you this while I prepare Spongata


Honestly before attending the evening culinary-literary held on 4 December 'The Garibaldi 'Cantu, I did not know it either when he was born to rock. The answer gave it to me Ezio Guaitamacchi, journalist and music critic, author and host of radio and television, founder of the historical monthly Jam, Italian thriller writer of the first rock 'Psycho Killer'. His latest book, with a preface by Renzo Arbore, is precisely dedicated to the 'History of Rock'.

Well, birth dThe history of rockel rock historians believe dates back to 1954 in the southern United States. A music that embodied the rebellion of young age and has had several phases. That of Lou Reed, according Ezio Guaitamacchi, was unique and special.

His interview more exciting one with Ray Charles, what is still lacking with Bob Dylan. During dinner inspired by the Christmas traditions of Parma, city ​​of the restaurant's chef, between courses and the other has traced the history of rock with songs performed by Ezio and by the talented singer Brunella Boschetti Ventura.

Music and flavors of Parma

Dinner started with the classic Culaccia, an exclusive specialty of Salumificio Rossi Sanguinaro Fontanellato. A salami without preservatives or additives produced only with pork legs National. A follow anolini in broth to which I added, following the teachings of my grandfather Giuseppe (mantuan), of From Old Red Rows the historic Cantine Bergamaschi ofChristmas traditions of Parma Busseto, birthplace of Giuseppe Verdi.

A wine produced with grapes typical of the Parma: Fortana, Lambrusco, Barbera and Croatina. After the mariola cotta (traditional salami Parma) with mashed potatoes and cabbage and sour, dinner ended with spongata, a Christmas cake from the ancient tradition of poor but rich.

And here I stop, rather, I give you the recipe in my turn I got to give.

Christmas 2014

  • Shortbread

We begin to prepare the pastry by mixing 400 Article. flour, 200 Article. di burro ammorbidito, 1 glass of white wine, 180 Article. sugar, 2 eggs and a pinch of salt.

Then let the dough rest for an hour in the refrigerator and roll it out with a floured rolling pin to form two halves, one base and a cover. Use a pan to low edge.

  • Stuffing

Heat in a water bath 400 Article. of honey. Then chop 200 Article. walnuts and combine 100 Article. breadcrumbs toasted, 100 Article. raisins, 100 Article. pine nuts, 100 Article. candied citron, 10 Article. cinnamon and a sprinkling of nutmeg.

Mix everything with honey, pour over pasta, and finally cover with the second disc. Prick the surface with small holes, and put in oven at 200 degrees for about 35 minutes.


My explorations in GourmArte 2014

It has just successfully completed the third edition of GourmArte, the three-day food and wine event that takes place annually at the Fiera di Bergamo. A format organized by Ente Fiera Promoberg percent dedicated to excellence in Lombardy, created and led by Elio Ghisalberti, journalist and industry expert. As in previous editions, area reserved for productions it was possible to devote tastings and knowledge producers, while in space dedicated to catering, has been able to taste a selection of dishes of famous chefs and restaurateurs Lombard.

A special edition that coincided with the award of Premio Luigi Veronelli ten years after the disappearance of the wine journalist. Only category 'The Earth'. Prize Giorgio Grai, Trentino winemaker from long experience, Nataša Černic, young winemaker of a land as difficult as that of the Karst, and finally Marisa Cuomo, that, with her husband Andrea Ferraioli, stood out for having been able to tear strips of land to be dedicated to the cultivation of the vine in Amalfi Coast. Having said, I will tell you of some production from the many exposed that caught my attention. It happens when, in the stories of the people, emerging environmental awareness, the quality and originality of the productions.

Always a pleasure to meet friends of Cantina di Quistello.  Il loro Lambrusco Grappello Ruberti mi riporta alle mie origini mantovane, and an extensive territory along the banks of the river Secchia ancient traditions wine.

Cantina di Quistello

A delightful surprise meeting with Marco Church, My kind guide to the pleasant taste of wine 'Azienda Agricola San Michele Capriano del Colle, in the province of Brescia. I particularly appreciated the intensity and the body of the '1884 Red Book' : Marzemino 40%, Sangiovese 40%, Merlot 15% and Barbera 5%. A great value for money.

Azienda Agricola San Michele

I know the Blue Buffalo? It 'a cheese' character 'of my favorites, which owes its name to the blue-green mold used to make Gorgonzola. Paolo Leone, my cheese expert, describes it as tasty and persistent. This is one of the Dairy Farm Four Gates Cologno al Serio, in the province of Bergamo.

Dairy Farm Four Gates

Walking through the stands I could not avoid to stop in front of the Bonucci Truffles Romano di Lombardia (BG). Irresistible perfume. I met so Gloria Bonucci, third generation of truffle, that with the help of his dog continues the family tradition. Tells his passion on his blog Passion Undergrowth. To follow! 😉

Gloria Bonucci

Gloria Bonucci

Host region of this edition of GourmArte Sardinia. The witness'Azienda Agricola Fratelli Pinna Ittiri, in the province of Sassari. A reality of family 170 hectares for the cultivation of olive trees of centenarians 'Bosana', a cultivar diffused in the north of the island. An extra virgin olive oil that I enjoyed for intense aromas and flavors. The oil in the mouth ...

Azienda Agricola Fratelli Pinna

Inevitable a greeting to friends of 'Azienda Agricola Salera. This time I found very interesting their puffed rice with saffron and spinach prepared by chef Antonio Cuomo. A good alternative to be proposed for aperitifs.

Azienda Agricola Salera

Agriculture can help in many ways. The Cafe Milano Treviglio did recovering an ancient cultivation of melons Calvenzano with it and producing a liquor. You drink it in small glasses of chocolate and it matches the Turta de Trei, a cake in the 90s won the competition of the Association of City Shops Treviglio. Two creations of their production.

Cafe Milano

Do you like the Pomegranate? A me si, I put it even in the salad. Do you think that in Milan by a pomegranate tree grew on a terrace, a family starting to produce a liquor to friends, gave birth to a real production. It is called Melogranello®.  Sometimes you have to dare!


Productions to be told there would be many more. But some want to go to meet you directly in the field, I like it. That said, ora concluderò questo mio racconto mostrandovi qualche piatto che ho avuto il piacere di assaggiare. 🙂

Travelling through the taste ... #Sheratonwinetravel

In head ravioli smoked salmon trout with cheese and mashed beetroot. Chef Alessandro Lori.

There are many ways to travel. One of these takes place with the tasting of the creations and productions, expression of the territories and people. Thursday 27 November 2014, to Sheraton Milan Malpensa, I participated in a journey of knowledge and blend the flavors of Valtellina and Trentino.

The Valtellina meets TrentinooGuests at the show cooking Bassola of Leonardo 'Hotel Chesa Colani  in Engadine, Switzerland, Stefano Gaiter's Restaurant The Chimpl Tamion from Vigo di Fassa, Lori Alessandro dell 'Hotel Restaurant Rita Canazei, and Nicola Vian's Ristorante The Filò Pozza di Fassa.

I must admit that this time it was not easy to talk to them saw the many people present. When I can, I try to kidnap the manufacturer or the cook on duty isolate myself for the time necessary to allow me to establish a moment of real intimacy, to know seriously, I like it. Anyway, trotting up and down the room between presentations and greetings, I got to taste as always rich flavors interesting. But not only…

I wrote 'wine travel' and therefore it is. During serata, between the various tastings, I appreciated the Rossara Legiare 2012 IGT dell 'Azienda Agricola Zeni of Clot, San Michele a/A (TN).  A pleasant wine of medium structure from pale red color. The vine is the Rossara. The wine-growing area concerned, for a part, is located on the Campo Rotaliano whose name originates from the territory formed with stones rolled downstream. A company with a long tradition founded by Roberto Zeni in 1882, that continues with Roberto and Andrea Zeni, generation. I enjoyed reading them the attention and commitment to environmental protection, implemented with the signing of a strict protocol created by Trentino Viticolo use of plant protection in the country.

Wine but also beer, this time with barley malt, hops and mashed cranberries. Is produced by 'Farm Fumasoni Olmo between the views of the Rhaetian Alps Valtellina, just above Sondrio. Its interesting pairings.

I have not yet told me that there were four boys Brianza, or better, one of Parma, one of Messina, one of Milan and one of Rome: John, Andrea, Matthew and Paul. They met at the Faculty of Agriculture and decided to produce saffron. A spice from the many virtues that is good for health as antioxidant, antiviral and antibacterial. Are Masters Apothecaries, class between 1986 and the 1991. The idea of ​​cultivating saffron was born to Ivan in 2011, after a trip to Kashmir, in India. I knew them in Usmate Velate, field, Where does their product.

But that's another story ...


Chiara Boni, a fashion designer in balance with nature

Chiara Boni, one of the big names in Italian fashion. I met her a few days ago in Milan, in its environment, among people with whom he collaborated for years. A Florentine designer who I met through his thoughts, real attacks poetic whose thrust well understand. Its, a feeling expressed in the work and respect for the environment.

Why meet a stylist? As I often say Italy has many strengths to promote: l’agricoltura, food and wine, Tourism, l'arte, fashion ... Everyone tries to do it his way. As far as I'm concerned, I try to learn more about the people who are its protagonists through their creativity and their commitment. Follow them during their work allows me to enhance them when I feel that they can do good for the economy Italian.

Given this, I do not hide that always appreciate the style and elegance. In a society of race, where time is neverChiara Boni enough, Chiara has combined practicality without neglecting femininity. But not only, his is a fashion in balance with nature, an eco-sustainable production controlled from the outset.

For his clothes avails itself of the collaboration of an Italian company that cares about the environment, from 2001 to the 2008, was able to reduce for each kg of fabric produced the consumption of 5% electricity, of 13% methane, of 19% of water, of 21 tons paper consumption and carbon, and 25% the consumption of dyes and chemicals. These, alas, are increasingly frequent cause irritation and skin allergy.

Its, a passion for fashion as a child born with the attendance along with the mother of tailor shops and ateliers. After the London experience, in 1967, the rebellion to the clean lines of the Italian fashion of those years, it is expressed with a 'boutique breaking' in the open 1971 Florence. In the eighties, the important collaboration with the Group Financial Textile Turin lasting fifteen years, then, from 2000 to the 2005, experience in politics as a Councillor for the Image and Communication of the Tuscany Region.

A 'drive for flexibility' by experimenting on materials, in that 2007 led to the emergence of 'La Petite Robe'. Dresses in stretch fabrics in many versions that do not crease, ideal for the suitcase. From 2009 collaboration with Maurizio Biella Germanetti, gave a further boost to his life. In America today is present with a showroom in New York, and in the most important department store.

A day with Chiara Boni

One question.

  • Clare, in a project of 'Ideal City' what is your role?

Cynthia, the 'Ideal City' is a blend of creative attitudes, a partnership involving Urbanism, Design, Food and Fashion, as protagonists of urban ethics.

My role is to offer an opinion 'femminilista' evolution of the urban concept. 'Femminilista' is the style of those who, come me, embarked on a search for years flexibly to the needs of women in the sign of femininity.

After meeting, as always, I feel the need to digest what I live to draw the right lessons. The day spent with Chiara made me understand how fashion can contribute to environmental. Knowing sustainable product development is to know the methods of cultivation of materials, that demand respect for nature and the minimum use of chemicals. The ethical behavior for the realization of the tissues, safeguard the ecosystem and our skin.

Chiara Boni and his collaborator Monica Galleri

Dressed by Chiara Boni and his collaborator Monica Galleri

Let's Est again, a special event with special people

My encounter with Chef Kotaro Noda

The 10 Last November in Milan, at the Foundation Bertini, She svolta "Let's Est again!"An event organized by ItaliaSquisita to raise awareness of this reality, and to bring together producers and chefs at the launch of the "Book Feast in Vico 2014”.

Gisella BertariniA foundation built by Bertini Gaetano Malgarini, busy man and editor that, experiencing the discomfort of his brother Andrew, wanted to make sense of this experience. A path of social rehabilitation aimed at people with mental health problems, children in difficult circumstances, political refugees and former prisoners, now carried on by his wife Gisella with the help of her sister Fiorella.

For guests a unique opportunity to sample the many delights of well-known chefs, in a single evening, hardly has a chance to find. A special invitation I accepted with pleasure, after reading the 'good ingredients' of the evening. As always not only taste, but encounters and knowledge.

Often emphasize how much I admire the philosophy of Japanese life. Ancient rites, pursuit of perfection, harmony with nature, compared to the times and for the person. Well, for this reason, when I have the opportunity to meet people of this country, gladly exchange chat. So it was in this evening's meeting Kotaro Noda, a young Japanese chef degree in marketing and landed in Italy fifteen years ago.

After I presented, we started talking about the sorts of things, as is my habit to do to understand the people regardless of the work they are doing. Around us there was a great turmoil and a continuous passage of his colleagues noticed that he did not know. One thing I like to do is to connect people to each other, of course when I feel that together they can do well.

Intrigued, I asked him how he came to work in Italy. In fact, the passion for cooking that in time led him to become a chef, was born and developed in Kobe, Japan, in the restaurant Gualtiero Marchesi. After the closure, Follow the chef Enrico Crippa, he continued his education in Italy until the Michelin star, earned during the experience at Enoteca “La Torre di Viterbo”.

While we were talking about customs and traditions of our country something we both happen. Italy and Japan, despite the different cultures, one thing in common they have it. As I said Kotaro Noda: “We are two countries of delicious food they want to eat well!”  I have not got to taste anything of his, but I promised myself to do it during my next visit to Rome. I'm going to find the Bistrot64, the restaurant where he tests his kitchen with the chef Emmanuel Cozzo, owner of the premises.

An evening of tastings, meetings but also of emotions experienced by listening to the experiences of boys trained to work through the courses of this Foundation. In particular, I spoke at length with Michel Bravi, a young man who has attended a course in graphic design and one of the kitchen.

We carry his words: “Here we had! We learned to cook, to mix the ingredients, colors, culture. We have learned to love each other!

An event lived in Genoa poetry ... – Critical Wine 2014

Sunday 9 November, with a group of friends and associates of the head Head and Throat, has taken the road to Genoa in the direction of the tenth edition of Critical Wine 2014. An opportunity to be together visiting a city that in recent months, alas, was battered by heavy rains. Fortunately welcomed us a sunny day, a brief truce that ended in the evening with the return of bad weather.

Critica Wine 2014I must admit that when I arrived the Buridda, the Social Laboratory which hosted for the first time this event, I was somewhat disappointed. Whether writing on the wall. Loving the order can not stand those who smear the public places of boredom or a form of entertainment that is far from what I conceive. I find a lack of respect for those who live sites and does not appreciate these events that have nothing to do with the artistic.

For this state of things, initially, to my entrance I was a bit 'annoyed. Then, walking along the corridors, I began to notice many sheets hanging on the walls. Did not I tell you that this year's edition was "veronelliamente" dedicated to "Poetry of the Earth." the producers were, each in his own way, to bring pages with lines of poetry.

For me, life is poetry, and the work is passion. In an age where everyone is running, through poetry evado, and with the passion alive. For this, page after page, I started to read entering the atmosphere with which the products are to be lived, manufacturers and their stories.

Many tastings, many productions and many people offered at this event. Just a showcase of who tenaciously work the land and he proudly exhibits the fruits. I will mention some lesser known.

I started with a taste Dolcetto d'Alba, Langhe wine obtained from the vine, a red wine in my comfort zone. The company that produces it is Il Bosseto, an agricultural reality in Trezzo, in the province of Cuneo.

Dolcetto d'Alba 'The Bosseto'

Dolcetto d'Alba 'The Bosseto'

As they say ... do not drink on an empty stomach. In fact I remedied immediately with a slice of Chickpea flour with vegetables and hemp seeds. These seeds are rich in omega 3 e omega 6, and therefore an excellent remedy to counteract LDL cholesterol (the bad) and cardiovascular disorders.

Chickpea flour with vegetables and hemp seeds

Chickpea flour with vegetables and hemp seeds

I know the Pastis Artigianale argali? I know him right there, through the story of Piero and Enrico, the two guys that produce it in Boves, in the province of Cuneo. An amber liquor produced in Roccavione at the foot of the Maritime Alps, long tradition. The flavor combines a liqueur made from herbs and plants mountain, and a liqueur made from anise. A unique fragrance, ancient and very intense. You can drink as an aperitif, digestive, heated like a punch, or used as a basis for the preparation of cocktails.

Pastis Artigianale argali

Pastis Artigianale argali

Walking through the stands I saw boxes full of yellow apples. Worshiping the fruit I have asked for a, and so I had a snack. An apple orchard from 'farm Spertino San Marzano Oliveto, Monferrato. A family reality of five hectares that produces excellent apple juice with no added sugar, preservatives or additives.

Apple Juice Farm Spertino

Apple Juice Farm Spertino

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love everything that is natural. He could not catch my attention then the stand of 'organic farm of Robert Shack, in Valgrana in the province of Cuneo. Herbs, herbal teas, semi, roots, syrups and cosmetics products with their fresh flowers marinated in extra virgin olive oil from Puglia, ideal for the perfect acidity.

Organic farm Roberta Hut

Organic farm Roberta Hut

It was time to go home. Leaving the lights on in the evening Genoa made me stop for a moment drawn to the landscape… It’ That's how I greeted.

The dual personality of Whisky. Do you know?

Until a few years ago I did not drink spirits, then, following a recommendation from a friend, I began to taste, correct me, to sniff!  In fact I do not drink, or better, but above all taste smell. Try doing that with your eyes closed, over time your luggage memories will be enriched by sensory experiences that will bring you back to mind the tastes and emotions.

As they say "everything is born from the passion". So it was for Claudio Riva, soul of the web community SingleMaltWhisky.it, and for David Terziotti, passionate connoisseur and author of the blog Angel’s Sharand. Together, united by the desire to promote the culture and knowledge of quality distillates, gave rise to the WhiskyClub Italia.

The November 8, at the Club House of the Golf Villa D'Este Montorfano in the province of Como, was presented the club with a meeting between people who share this passion. L’evento, started with a tasting event whiskey selected, ended with dinner by the Chef Corrado Radice, that matched his creations to three beers matured in barrels Quarter Casks former Laphroaig.  Micro-breweries Lombard presented by the Master Brewers intervened with their stories during the evening.

Claudio Riva and the chef Corrado Root

Claudio Riva and the chef Corrado Root

Whisky, but not only…  Pass the word to Claudio Riva.

  • Claudio, this club was born from a passion for whiskey, but not only… what are the goals that you prefiggi, but especially, what action you intend to promote through it?

The aim of the club is to spread the culture of good spirit through its highest excellence, lo Scotch Whisky. We want to do it in a modern way, for this reason we defined the era 2.0 del whisky in Italia. No longer the old conception of exclusive club where you can only enter if invited, but a much more open and modern which also goes by the collaboration with other professionals or enthusiasts.

After the beers will deepen the pairing with cheese, then, in collaboration with Giorgio Cabella Chef and Culture, realize a project to explore seriously the pairing whiskey-food, virgin territory especially here in Italy. We will also cocktail parties, unthinkable for a 'whiskey club' old-fashioned. I do believe that if you drink a gin & tonic you have a right to expect high quality raw materials.

Claudio Riva

Claudio Riva

  • And 'my habit, When I attend an evening, interact with the people who follow me by publishing real-time and post photos. The reason is simple: give people the opportunity to speak with any questions or opinions. Well, commenting on my photo friend chef Matthew Knowles, emphasized the distinction between whiskey and whiskey sea floor. A classification did not know. Can you explain the difference, provided there is ...

I state that the difference between whiskey and whiskey sea floor does not exist. It is, however,, with good approximation, the double soul of Scotch, that usually leads to distinguish a peaty whiskey from a non-peated. Diversification comes obviously from the site and from the ecosystem in which the barrel is maturing (angel’s share).  The sea this air will be brackish with hints of iodine and medicines, and if close to the mountains will have floral scents, fruit and honey. During the long maturation of Scotch interaction with the wood of the barrel and the environment shape the character of the malt. The desire to slow the process of evolution of Scotch is the reason why the same can have a sort of terroir that determines a unique product and unrepeatable.

The whiskey islanders have a different character, perché gli isolani sono un po’ più folli degli Scozzesi di terra ferma 😉 e perché sulle isole non ci sono piante. The process of malting barley is done with the only fuel available in abundance: la torba. The peat smoke, much more pungent and penetrating than coal, goes so deep into the grain of barley to resist all'ammostamento, fermentation, two distillations, and aging in barrel. It follows that in the whiskey Islanders, almost always, the presence of peat is much more trodden than the other malts of land.


At the end of the evening you always pull the sums. As far as I'm concerned, among the many samples, my absolute preference has been for Octomore Bruichladdich, a special bottling done for the Feis Ile 2014, the whiskey and music festival which takes place in late May on Islay. L 'whisky più torbato al mondo, born into a distillery built in 1881, located on the island of Islay, in the far west of Scotland. Resounding!


Club-House Golf Villa D'Este

Chief Conrad Root

Salmon tartare marinated in the flowers you

Salmon tartare marinated in the flowers you

Risotto alla bottarga served with beer Extraomnes Dram (Ild Ale 13,5)

Risotto alla bottarga served with beer Extraomnes Dram (Old Ale 13,5%). Mastro birraio: Louis “Schigi” D'Amelio

Veal fillet in a crust of brown bread


Mini tarte tatin with creamed mozzarella and served with whipped cream natural beer Manaresta Damned (Imperial Russian Stout 10,5 %). Mastro birraio: Enrico and Marco Valeriani Dosoli.

Mini tarte tatin with creamed mozzarella and served with whipped cream natural beer Menaresta Damned (Imperial Russian Stout 10,5 %). Mastro birraio: Enrico and Marco Valeriani Dosoli.



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