I go on trying not to think too much ... but I occasionally vent

Now just look at the tv. When I have to turn it on is a continuous shaking his head. Programs from the low, perhaps because people want to escape ... or programs of complaint, them and the anger rages.

But how we got so? The dirty tricks, the mafia ... ?! Well ... when we realize that the good of the individual is not the good of the community. I forgot that in Italy individualism reigns, i piccoli orticelli… Di fatto siamo un paese in ginocchio, a country that is paying for the mistakes of the past. It is said that those who want anything too tightens, and yet…

We are a country undisciplined, disrespectful of the rules. Un paese dove tutti hanno diritti e pochi hanno doveri. A country where it is common to hear that 'anything's up to me, but to someone else '. A country that does not respect the timeliness of payments, the example in the first place by the tax authorities of the state.

We are a country ruled by bureaucratic with too many privileges, with salaries too far from those of the people. I happen to look at the elderly, the fear in their eyes. And the young ...?! Persi senza certezze del futuro, but the brave, Innovative, fighters! Io credo in loro.

I would like to do so many things ... but I do not know what to do. So I write, travel, I know and I talk to people. Share ideas and beautiful places of Italy. Everyone can do something ... a step forward to come meet. We'll make? Non lo so. They say that history teaches, and yet we do the same mistakes.

In Francia, too many privileges of the nobility at the expense of the lower classes, fece scatenare nel 1789 una rivoluzione guidata in città dalla borghesia, and in the countryside by farmers. Those were different times, but beware, Hunger creates despair.

Now go ahead, trying not to think too much ... but I occasionally vent.

Do you think the water helps you lose weight?

E 'with this question that begins the book of Nicola Sorrentino, Specialist in Food Science and Dietetics that, with the collaboration of Paola Gambino, idrosommelier and specialist in Medical Hydrology, reiterates the importance of drinking between six and eight glasses of water a day for proper activation of metabolic pathways. A constant physical activity and, allows us to obtain a psychological well-being.

There are no tricks in my opinion to stay in shape. Following a healthy diet based on good raw materials not produced too many, and consuming light meals that do not weigh down the body, it has the best recipe for the maintenance of a healthy.

The fact remains that we are made of water. How many times have we heard this phrase that we hear often but that which we do not pay proper attention. I do the same when the mea culpa, laziness, I do not drink enough. Well, without water we can not digest foods will eliminate the waste. We would not have the skin elastic and firm and would we be without the necessary natural lubricant in the joints and organs such as eyes and lungs.

We think?! I will, In fact, right now I'm naturally hydrating with a nice jug of water that allows me to maintain my perfect water balance. Cost? Virtually zero. And if I do not? Well, not drinking enough, as well as to have a skin off, you may run into a general malaise or risk the formation of kidney stones or disorders such as muscle cramps and constipation.

There is also quenches eating. Indeed, water is contained in all foods, but in different percentages. In particular is present in fruit and vegetables with a quantity ranging from 80 to the 90%. Speaking of food consumption, do you remember the recommendation to drink between meals? Nicola Sorrentino explains in the bookLa dieta dell'Acqua that it is a false myth, as, drink during the meal, positive change in the texture of foods facilitating digestion.

But back to the original question: "The water helps you lose weight?"The answer is yes. As explained in the book, drunk before meals, has a satiating effect without any intake of calories. In support of this thesis, there are many scientific studies and publications.

The type of water to drink will leave you to read the directions that are widely reported. As far as I'm concerned, where it is clearly guaranteed purity, privilege the public network. Remember that our tap water, when it's good, as well as helping to save us not pollute the environment.

Bottled water, alas, are mostly transported for miles and miles in length and breadth to our country. For those who chose the latter, however,, the recommendation is the proper storage of plastic bottles that, if kept away from sources of heat or if exposed to direct sunlight, transfer to water pollutants.

Source: The Diet Water. What to eat, that drinking water to stay healthy and lose weight. Nicola Sorrentino with Paola Gambino – Salani Editore

Lambrusco is a wine, but a set of wines

Creed, rather they are convinced, that the average consumer intends Lambrusco as a type of wine. Well, is not so! Lambrusco is actually a collection of different wines that grows in the hills of Modena-Reggio Emilia. A family of indigenous varieties of ancient origins, mentioned for the first time by Pliny the Elder as Vitis Lambrusca work "Naturalis Historia".

Over SorbaraThat said I quote some: Lambrusco Salamino, Lambrusco Maestri, Lambruscthe Barghi, Lambrusco Marani, Lambrusco Viadenese, Lambrusco and Olive ... Lambrusco Sorbara. A native vine tied to the land and the grapes from which it takes its name, which is characterized by freshness, the Acidito and minerality. Perfumes, colors and tastes that have surprised me. A good alternative to the usual suggestions.

Wednesday 29 October at the Ristorante Sadler Milan took an evening devoted to Lambrusco Sorbara of Cleto Chiarli. A farm in Modena, which extends, with various seals, on over 100 hectares of vineyards. One hundred and fifty years of history and five generations of producers engaged in the exploitation of the grape Sorbara.

While listening to Mark's Church evolution over time that has characterized this wine, I happily accepted the plates studied by CClaudio Sadler checklist of t, great interpreter of pairings of the evening. A superb dinner with excellent wine pairings. The dish that I liked more?  The risotto with mushroom powder trumpet and gold dust. Resounding! The wine? The Sorbara grapes Founder's Reserve, a classic Chiarli produced according to the traditional rules, bottle fermentation method with ancestral (ancient method).

I conclude with a written Veronelli  stretch of “Learn about wine” (Rizzoli-Hachette 1997) Source House Veronelli. Read describes as Lambrusco di Sorbara…

No other wine brings us back, come lui, all'idea patriarchal, Daily life.
E 'un wine "umano». Precisely for this, perhaps, is the wine against which the highest are the betrayals.
So I have to wait for years and have thousands of tests for drinking and Ribère a glass that fully satisfies me.

Why is really Sorbara so good, Your Lambrusco should have the following characteristics:
red light on net pink background, bright; cheerful fragrance, with a clear emphasis of purple; very personal; dry and fruity flavor; freshness accentuated by clean acidity not without its rustic elegance; crisp and vibrant red foam.

Its alcohol content is between 10,5 and 12 ° and the Acidito totale da 6 a 8% .
The year is always the last to recommend, since it is a delicate wine that she has a brief, Enchanted youth.
It 'important that the bottle - brought to a temperature of 14-16 ° C - is served at the time, so enjoy it, and primis, the abbondante, evanescent foam.


“The wine is a beautiful story.” Alberto Malesani

In the picture at the head of the cellar of the farm 'The Giuva’ with the collection of road bikes Alberto Malesani.

"The timing in football is like wine. The deadlines is essential. "Alberto Malesani

I'm not a passionate football, or better, I do not like today's football. Too many interests lead me to not follow a sport that many years ago I felt more sincere. You may wonder then how I came to a man who for many years has been a coach. In fact it is still, although at the moment he took some time off. Do you think they are so careless that do not even remember that it was he who led the team of Chievo to their first successes. Good times ...

Well, I met Albert through a 'chimney', one of the many coincidences that drive for years now my life. A Alberto Malesanifootball coach portrayed in the media as a person of character that I appreciated the kindness and sensitivity. As I often say, the reality is often very different from what apparently tries to send the information. It's up to us to go further if we want to live in the truth.

The next morning when I went to him the hills were shrouded in mist. My eyes shine in front of autumn leaves to the atmosphere that only nature, with its colors, sa creare. Being able to enjoy the simple beauty of all this is already a great success.

Upon my arrival, After welcoming me with a smile, left me free to take a short trip around the vineyards. I need to acclimate in every place I go. I always start so my visits.

Once satisfied, alone, I reached into the cellar. It was taken from an exchange of words with two people. I do not put much to introduce and blend in conversations when I am comfortable. Since then he has started the tour company. As I listened to Albert that I illustrated his plans, I inserivo from time to time with advice and suggestions, After many visits to production facilities, arise spontaneously. For example, I would pay more attention to the production of good wine vinegar. I know there are some quibbles, but why not climb over? Then, I would like to see more aggregated holdings of the same territory with events promoted by those involved in digital communications Wine. How many things I want… especially more synergies.

The Giuva

The Giuva

As I described the 'his wine', told me the embarrassment felt the first time he attended his taste. The emotions I felt at that moment was much more intense than any sporting achievement. I was impressed by his first experience of working with Japan and the story of the teachings. The more I know the way of life in this country and most attracts me. A man who, after working in a multinational logistics for many years, has achieved important goals thanks to the determination and passion.

“Cynthia, the passion, personal initiative, sharing, involvement and measurable objectives, need to live each moment of life fully and without regret. This is the diet of my life. He accompanied me in the past, in this, and accompany me in the future. Everything I do or dream first of all I must wonder, then, Once you understand the source of this wonder, I know what it can become. Applies to all ... both for a human relationship, or to coach a team or to produce a wine. I am and always will be the same in front of their successes and failures, because some are indispensable to the other.”

For some years he devoted himself entirely to the farm that runs together with his daughters Julia and Valentina, The Giuva, an acronym of their names. A reality with organic certification located in Trezzolano, in the province of Verona, in the Val Squaranto. A hilly area characterized by a calcareous soil prominently in excavations leading to the basement.

With esperta di guida Lorenzo Caramazza, winemaker dell'azienda, produce so UVE autoctone Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella e Oseleta, wine as an expression of the territory, the Valpolicella DOC. I appreciated it for the pleasure and body. Outspoken accrued only when steel, more intense in the past when wood.

During the tasting was debated some issues that recur every time I visit a company, in particular on smoothly created by bureaucracy. It seems almost monotonous touch this key continuously, sore painful economic development of our Italian. Despite this, our country is a committed supporter who still feel belonging and fights for his recovery.

I think you know by now how I feel exposed as a representative symbol on the flag of Italy that works. Precisely for this, seeing him painted on the ceilings of La Giuva, I pleased to express my sincere Alberto approval.

IMG_5557I studied with Lorenzo Caramazza an issue recently addressed by writing an article about some agricultural situations in Valcalepio visit. I am referring to the damage and the possible solutions to combat a nasty mosquito killer: the Drosophila suzukii. Well, Lorenzo explained to me that it is trying to solve the problem using a natural solution by the excellent results. I let him continue.

Cynthia, the Drosophila suzukii should be clear that the natural trap, composed of wine with a greater presence of acetic acid and sugar, is used in the cultivation of strawberry in lessinia. You are using this technique in the vineyards trying to comply with organic farming. In Trentino someone is using a similar mix to sell it in containers ready for use. This remedy helps to 60/70 % catch. Someone on the fruit used for networks and / or treatment. In the case of screw the biggest problem we have in the fruit for drying the grapes where ventilation and cold are the only real defense.

My visit did not end in the company but in a nice restaurant in the area, between talk and smiles. These are the moments that give meaning to what I do. A chapter of the most intense of my life the last few years. In the words of Albert: “The wine is a beautiful story.


The wine Alberto Malesani

The wine Alberto Malesani

The Gathering of the Subversive ... a set of Taste of Beauty, Pleasure, Essence and Purity.

I could not find better words to describe the ninth edition of this annual gathering that took place on Sunday 19 October in Gardone Riviera, except those used by my dear Daniel Martial:  “The Gathering of the Subversive Taste is always a set of Beauty, Pleasure, Essence of Purity and ... an avalanche of hugs and smiles full of love.

But who are the subversives of Taste?

The Subversive Taste, the real ones, are those who believe that in the typical Italian artisans, with great difficulty, carry on giving continuity to the traditions of our country. This is the ‘Beautiful Italian‘, food and wine that makes us famous in the world. It can also be subversive just supporting them, and believing in their.

Get together, united by faith, Italy is to celebrate real, one who works and who rebels against those of Italian, nothing to see. Who has not participated in this rally can not understand the atmosphere that is created when Adriano, going up on stage, expressed his happiness in having around if its people. Albeit in fewer than hoped, was created so that an intimacy between the people present, to make those unforgettable moments, heat loads and deep emotion.

Adriano, Now I turn to you. Despite the difficult times you are living in the last months, you knew and wanted to organize this festival with all your strength. A meeting between producers, friends and supporters, for the good of Italy, feel subversive soul. Each, for this goal, fights his way. Despite the hypocrisy and opportunism of many, we were there, per sostenerti. Adriano, we love you!!!

Daniele, tocca life of!

– Daniel Martial, the Baker Subversive

Because when you are friends ... friends, and just!

Because it is like putting on one of your favorite rock songs, take off your shirt, and run bare-chested with open arms as children… screaming out loud, up to where you think ...

Why Dreaming is still possible ... we need to do, continuously!

But above all, we must never stop playing! In addition to the accounts of every day, over the atomic jerking daily, over falsehood normalized, over the fatigue ... the Fair is that being at the table with your friends, with producers, with the dreamers and madmen ... I hope that a better world could exist yet!

My dear friend Adriano is very good in all this! Long live the ... Lilo and thanks again!

In addition to the large Nadia Zampedri, the woman who accompanies Adriano Liloni in life and work, there is a silent person today that I wanted here with me.

– Stefania Possi, employee of Pegasus, the trattoria Liloni Adriano and Nadia Zampedri

During the course of life we ​​have the opportunity to meet people of all kinds. With some, the temptation is there for them to escape, you love them and hate them, but then, once included, do not leave them more. One of these is the Liloni. Sunday along with a few Subversive, some producer, to some manufacturer not subversive, and not a few subversive producer, the emotion was so much!

The Lilo that ran between the tables, talking and laughing with all, Who Played with women, careful always to friends Subversive, bloggers and journalists to various. Of Nadia, Santa immediately, as he followed the catering you had with me and with Simone, our sommelier in double (incredible!). For the occasion I put the shoes with heels, is five years since I did it.

Who works with the Lilo loves him, finds himself doing things with him that until recently would not have done, sometimes litigandoci and beating his fists on the table! He believes so much in what you do is contagious, and in any case, wanting or not wanting, you find yourself at her side. But the poetry of this day I have lived mostly in the evening, when, returning to the restaurant with "irreducible" between laughter, good wine, songs and merriment, Lilo began by saying: "Today was tough, but now I'm here with your faccioni that make me happy. "

A day full of emotion from beginning to end that I want to close with an excerpt from Francis Sinatra dell'Avvelenata:

But if I had foreseen this
(data cause and pretext) maybe I'd do the same
I like to make songs and drinking wine,
I like to mess, Then I was born a fool
and then shot forward and I do not undress
cloths that are used to bring
I have so many things to tell even for those who want to listen ...

Some moments of 9 th Meeting of the Subversive Taste.

Panettone all year? "Panettone Sottocasa", history and tradition in Vimercate.

In head toasted panettone with Sicilian anchovies.

The Panettone, the sweet Brianza symbol of the tradition of pastry Lombard, the 6 and the 7 December 2014 market will become the star of a party that has as its objective the development of small businesses in the area.

An initiative born thanks to the synergy of the President of Union of Confcommercio Vimercate Alessandro Barbone, andPanettone Sottocasa the head of the public exercises of the territory chef Matteo Scibilia.

Event location "Villa Sottocasa”, a historical residence of the Counts Sottocasa built in the last decades of the eighteenth. Acquired later in 2001 from the town of Vimercate, after restoration, was in part intended to MUST, museum of the area Vimercate.

Panettone Sottocasa”, History and tradition, This is the name and theme of the first edition of this event to be defined that will allow selected productions and in addition to tasting, the direct purchase from local producers.

Press conferenceMonday 13 October at the 'Osteria della Buona Condotta Ornago I attended the press conference, in addition to presenting the project, allowed me the pleasant taste of a sequence of dishes to work of Matthew Knowles and his wife Nicoletta Rossi with the cake as the main ingredient.

Unexpected combinations that, from appetizers to desserts, have shown how to use this product may have tasty tradition.

Panettone all year? Sure you! Why deprive yourself during all months of the year the typical sweet Lombard? Io insisto, primarily because I like, and secondly, because even so, thanks to the creativity of our artisans, You can not fight the crisis.

Villa Sottocasa

Via Vittorio Emanuele, 53 Vimercate (MB)

Carnaroli creamed Franciacorta with crumbs of cake at mandarin

Carnaroli creamed Franciacorta with crumbs of cake at mandarin

Scalloped potatoes with mozzarella, gorgonzola cheese and powdered cake

Scalloped potatoes with mozzarella, gorgonzola cheese and powdered cake

Omelette with fresh orange juice and brioche chocolate

Omelette with fresh orange juice and chocolate brioche


Dreaming and Subverting the Bello Italian. 9Th Meeting of the Subversive Taste

Just a few days to 9Th edition of the annual Gathering of the Subversive Taste. Food, culture and debates to Italian, on the production and producers who tenaciously continue with their dreams subversives in the name of quality and tradition. Frame of this Villa Alba, a prestigious location in the elegant historic and picturesque Gardone Riviera that, with its history and its sumptuous gardens, make this town a jewel of, of culture and tourism of Lake Garda.

Villa AlbaAn event organized by Hadrian Liloni, Subversive founder of Taste, and some of his co-workers. For those who still do not know this group of producers, will report the answer to a question I asked a few years ago to Adrian during our chat.

Who are subversive of Taste?

They are a small group of villagers cheese producers, of honey and wine. It all started quietly with evening gatherings. Then, the 2 July 2006 in my moment of madness I rented the island of Garda and created the first event with a lot of boat. The aim was to bring together local producers. Following infiltration journalistic led to a domino effect that not even imagined ... As the presentation of the first volume of the Subversive in Milan at the program RAI Radio 2 Vergassola. The events continue, annually and are repeated in different locations.


19 October 2014 - Syllabusthe event "The Beautiful Italian",  the leitmotiv of the day:

  • Hours 12,00 - Ingresso a Villa Alba

Presentation of the event

Hours 12,30 - Buffet with tasting of the circuit subversive of Taste.

Tables tasting oils and wines of producers who were unable to attend the event in person.

Table of selected cheeses dell'Oste Adriano Liloni

Hours 14,30 - Opening discussions with journalists and producers. The main theme: "Agriculture in Italy"

– Cost of entry and tasting Euro 15,00

  • Hours 19,30 - Entrance to the Italian Vittoriale

 Opening the evening with actress Francesca Garioni theatrical piece.

 Hours 21,00 Concert with Eugene Kelly fibrillating Tour.

The event will be recorded for the realization of a book and two television series.

– Information and Advance: battitidali@gmail.com

Adriano, one last thing. Who knows you and follows you knows that you believe in me like handcrafts symbol of Italian gastronomic traditions that, despite the deep crisis that we are experiencing, make us famous in the world. For health reasons you are experiencing a very difficult time in your private life. Want to add something?

Cynthia, This is a demonstration of a simple private citizen who, moved by passion, the tenacity and the hymn to create, organizing class events without many parastatal sideshows. I did it from a hospital, through digital media. But now I want to go out and live among my people this event.

Some of the producers present at the event:

LE RAMATE: Malvicino (AL)
OLEARIA SAN GIORGIO: S. Giorgio Morgeto (RC)
AMALTEA: Senigallia (AN)
FARM SAN POLO: Castelvetro (MO)
CASA DEI slash: Alba (CN)
BROTHERS TREVISANI: Soprazocco Gavardo (BS)
FARM VARALDO: Barbaresco (CN)
Tenuta LE MOJOLE: Tagliuno Castelli Calepio (BG)
VENERANDA SCREW: Montemarciano
CASCINA assignable: Castel Boglione (AT)
Frantoi Bay: Limbadi (VV)

Work in progress…

– FB Event Page https://www.facebook.com/events/1544678299077192/?ref=br_rs

– Sede Villa Alba www.villaalbaeventi.it Corso Zanardelli, 73 Gardone Riviera(Brescia)

Hashtag #RadunodeiSovversividelGusto2014 # IlbelloItaliano # SovversividelGusto

A history of food tainted by past

In swordfish tested at low temperature, 62 degrees, with caramelized chestnut Gran Marnier, pureed cannellini and zest (peel) orange caramel. Chef William Paolucci.

David Lacey, father del Ristorante The Malmaison di Milano. I met him during a recent demonstration on street food. What struck me about him? The way he told his raw materials, in particular by providing recommendations and insights on crustaceans and molluscs, drawing particular attention to the public, have given rise to one of the most successful interventions of the day.

E 'for this reason that I wanted to know him better by accepting an invitation to dinner at his restaurant. But I did not know everything, one, I did not know earlier related to his private life that alas affect its history of restorative.

Yesterday, People who know me and care about me, knowing how I feel about the protagonists eno, you are worried about writing me in private. I was there just to get to know a person and the dishes of his good young cook, William Paolucci. Point.

 Raw fish

Raw fish

A man from Puglia who has lived in Milan a difficult, who left school at fifteen to work in the markets of fruits and vegetables, getting up at three in the morning, in the cold of winter and the sun in the summer. Then, at night, work in a nightclub to cover the costs.

“Cynthia, I will never forget where I came from, memories always give me the joy of smiling. I was born in a historic district on the outskirts of Milan, Giambellino, in 1965. I've lived through the worst years. Più della metà dei miei amici e compagni di scuola sono morti per droga, while others ended up in jail. Now that I have something of mine that really gives me satisfaction, I do my work with love and passion, that's it.”

Of course I gave him some advice. There are many changes to be made in its local. As I said to David last night, sometimes change is necessary to give a true turn their lives around, making hard choices and serious about turning the page. Chapter closed.

Vi lascerò solo le immagini che mi hanno colpito il giorno in cui l’ho conosciuto.

Viticulture in Valcalepio, this is the hashtag : #ilvalcalepioècambiato

For those who still do not know, The hashtag is an English word made up of 'hash tag', which in Italian means gate and label. In practice, a gate placed in front of a word becomes a label, aggregating arguments with the same interest and the same key discussion.

Well, this is the point from which: #ilvalcalepioècambiato. E 'changed in quality that people want to convey the protagonists of these lands with their productions. Knowing them will help you understand the will and determination that are intended to achieve this objective.

Tuesday 23 September, I attended a press tour dedicated to viticulture in Valcalepio. The protagonists of the Association visited two wineries ‘Women of Wine‘, from twenty-five years that combines the management of women with wine enterprises. Due Lord of Valcalepio that have reinvented themselves in viticulture for love and family tradition.

The Lord of Valcalepio

Cristina Kettlitz and Martha Mondonico, The Lord of Valcalepio

A day of September warmed by the sun and a good company, began with a visit to the estate of the Castle of Grumello. Which, with pleasure, I saw him waving the Italian flag.

I would like to see it wherever there is a source of pride for the sense of belonging to a territory that we feel like our, so rich in history and natural beauty.



The farm Tenuta Castello di Grumello is located between Bergamo and Lake Iseo. A reality of winemaking 37 ha, referred 18 intended for the vineyard, located on a hill where stands a majestic castle, a military fortress dating back to the 1200 belonged to Bartolomeo Colleoni.

I do mystery of my passion for history and antique weapons, for this I very much appreciated the sword of the knights, Excalibur, an original piece of the twelfth century castle in this.

Grumello del Monte

Tenuta Castello di Grumello

E 'in this historic setting, a short distance from Milan, that Cristina Kettlitz, journalist and communicator, with the support winemaker Paolo Zadar, produce about 100.000 bottles of different types of Valcalepio PDO. The grape varieties are Cabernet Sauvignon present, Merlot, Chardonnay, Pinot Gris and Muscat of Scanzo. The training is at the back, and the planting density average is 5000 vines / hectare.

Among the wines tasted Valcalepio red Doc Riserva “Castle Grumello” 2007 and red Valcalepio Cru Reserve Colle Calvario 2005. Both Bordeaux blend (mixture of different wines by grape variety, provenance and age) Cabernet Sauvignon 60% e Merlot 40%. The first mature twelve months in barriques, and the second eighteen, with remaining in bottle. Alcohol content 13/13,5% vol. Wines of body and character.

As regards the Valcalepio Moscato Passito Docmade from Moscato grapes Scanzo, vine native to the Bergamo, la produzione di questa stagione anomala farà capire le scelte “quality” which aim producers in the area.

Tour press dedicated to viticulture in Valcalepio

Tour press dedicated to viticulture in Valcalepio

The tour continued with a visit to the second cellar, the Tenuta Le Mojole located Tagliuno of Castles. Actually born in a farm 2002 about 2,30 hectares followed by the owner Martha Mondonico, first teacher and then, according to the passion of her husband, winegrower.

The vines are Merlot present, Cabernet Sauvignon and a modest presence of Syrah. Marta Female, together winemaker Paolo Posenato, in the conduct of the winery adopt natural methods respecting the environment and the person. The production is about 8.000 bottles.

Tenuta Le Mojole

Tenuta Le Mojole

La degustazione dei suoi vini è iniziata con“Donna Marta Rosa” IGP 2013 rosé of Bergamo, Merlot grapes vinified in pink. Alcohol content 12,5%. Fits menu not binding. Closer to my tastes the The Cabernet Sauvignon Mojole 2010, from selected grapes of Cabernet Sauvignon 100%. Alcohol content 13,5 eighteen months in tonneau and ten in bottle. Winner of several international competitions, including the gold medal at the Brussels World Competition 2014.

A long day of wine tasting and knowledge in an area that I would recommend to personally visit, live to appreciate the beautiful atmosphere that the words and images I have tried to convey.

Everything perfect, if it was not for the Drosophila suzukii, the gnat of berries of which has been discussed at length with Donna Marta. Farmers, already plagued by a difficult season, lacked only this unwelcome visitor Asia that officials consider the Lombardy region come from Chinese imports of cherries. I restrain myself from adding more!

I only say that is characterized by large red eyes and the female lays her eggs in the pulp of the ripe fruit, causing their subsequent deterioration. Apart from the small fruit affects the vineyards. Understand well that, within walking distance of the crop, ties the hands of farmers preventing intervene appropriately.

For sure we know who does not like high temperatures and for this reason prefers hilly areas. There are those who try to protect their crops with dense networks, and he who sprinkles of apple cider vinegar to stop the growth of the eggs. We can only hope that the studies and research can help you quickly find effective remedies to counter this latest plague suffered by farmers.

How to solve the issue on typical Italian poor punctuality of pay within the agreed time? A producer responds.

Monday 15 September was held, at the 'Academy of Violas, a beautiful Provencal farmhouse in the atmosphere near Quintano Cream, a day of tasting, which involved, more than a dozen manufacturers, also it Chef Dante Ro, creator of the dinner that concluded the evening.

Accepted by the organizers, l 'Farm Ventura Sonnino (E) e l’Enoteca 'La Cantinetta' Monte Cremasco (CR), I had the opportunity to chat and enjoy the productions present giving the right timing that unfortunately the major events, often, do not allow for the large number of exhibition stands.

A pleasure to greet Ilaria Salera homonymous Azienda Agricola Salera a Garlasco (PV), and taste his rice, the main ingredient of good risotto prepared by Chef Ro Dante.

A great surprise the raw shoulder with the bone of the sausage factoryThe Scapineria, Sissa di Parma.

Food but also wine…

My land has called me to the stand of 'Winery Fruscalzo of Dolegna del Collio (GO) where I tasted a Gewürztraminer Delle Venezie IGP: the Rosa Canina Fruscalzo, a nice alternative to the usual wines offered.

I finally ended with a glass of Barbera dell 'Azienda Agricola Cascina Carrà di Monforte d'Alba, a fact that the family of the Langhe 1986 leads with natural methods 14 hectares of vineyards, and with the pleasant wine tasting Balgera Chiuro.

Asking prices for producers, naturally do not really positive reflections on the sometimes excessive mark-ups made by the food and wine.

As I often say events, as well as to taste and learn about production, allow comparison with the producers and listening to their problems and then treat love in my writings.

Precisely in this regard I have spent a long time at the booth of 'Farm Ventura Sonnino (E) producer of extra virgin olive Itrana. Together we debated on an issue that I care a lot and that I consider a real thorn in the side of Italian SMEs.

I spiego. I recently wrote about the difficulties of doing business, and not just for the bureaucracy, but also for the widespread bad habit in our country to defer to your liking payments due. I discussed it with Alberto Ventura, from 2004, after the change of course of his life as a commercial company producer of extra virgin olive oil, how many lives in Italy these difficulties.


In reality Alberto has adopted a policy resulting in the experience gained during his previous employment, Japanese influence and which has to do to trade relations.

  • Alberto, I leave the word to you to explain how you have tried to resolve the matter on the typical Italian poor punctuality of pay within the agreed time, for services and supplies received.

Let's say that from the beginning of my adventure, now the name is so, I made this rule: "Customers need to pay immediately!"I'm not sure most of the other good, However, in my small way I wanted, at least try, create a balance with my suppliers. I pay all the delivery, sometimes even before the receipt of goods.

A custom little Italian say. Well, the thing for me is not at all strange, because working with Japan are accustomed to punctuality and rigor, sometimes even to the receipt of payments one month before! You will understand well the difference.

I'll tell you another important thing. We farmers, not being able to produce during the year, we are forced spread the costs resulting in a concentration of the same at the time of harvest. After this phase, we have to bear the costs for the rest of the year,  always in the hope that things go well, both referring to future crops, both the business risks that only those who work the land know.

That said, if you resign myself to wait for the ones who should pay me but that do not in due time, then it would end. As far as I'm concerned, providing quality products and imponendomi well commercially and with the right people, it works.

A final recommendation: we Italians have put into their heads that we must learn not to be clever, obviously do not want to generalize, but unfortunately for the greater is so. Try to earn more money by giving a poor product and making it pay as such is not good for anyone. Making excellence, be able to sell it for a fee immediately, ensures continuity! Cynthia, I hope I explained myself, definitely do better the oil and journalist.


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