My night under the stars with Laura Rangoni

Laura Rangoni, journalist, writer, woman researcher and lover of nature. Chief Editor of the weekly food and wine Kale I work with. There are many similarities that led me to her. The 10 August, at his home in the province of Bologna Savigno, under a starry sky between talk, memories and plans for the future, We slid the hours waiting for a shooting star.

The nights in the country are full of atmosphere, the sounds of nature lead us away from concerns that the artificial noise created by man, over time, we wear out weighing down our lives. Surrounded by the hills of Bologna, in the company of his faithful companions, we spent the night of San Lorenzo sitting in his garden, among the scents of the garden and those of rose plants. The stars are not expected to fall. In truth, I believe that the stars are also on the ground. Those lucky enough to meet them, but especially those who have the ability to see them, can experience moments of true beauty, traendo of this luce, true warmth and well-being.

Sunday 10 August, a Casa rangoni, we held the first inaugural dinner of the cultural association of the same name that soon will start paths degustativi, and cultural well-being. A dinner of friendship and good taste-based products of the care that Laura and personally follows. I wanted to bring it here in my blog, to cherish in my memories a special evening spent among nature and listening to a courageous woman, now I'll know better.

Casa rangoni

Inaugural dinner of the Cultural House Rangoni

D) Laura, I quote a passage in which you present: “I started keeping a journal when, to fifteen years, I left Bologna, my school, friends, dreams of adolescence, to arrive at Monza. The work of my father kidnapped me, and forced to live in a region that I have never loved, in case diverse, in inhospitable places, people with foggy as the weather ... Fifty years have revolutionized my life. " I am convinced that every experience teaches. I say this because I think we can learn from every situation and in every place where we live. Given this, never give up on your dreams. Concordi?

R) Certainly, Cynthia. Dreams are my only, true wealth. And dreams are simple, writer by country. The scent of jasmine, the tranquility of my pet, the jars of preserves in the pantry. In short, what the ancients called the Golden mediocritas. The fifty years for me have marked an important turning point: enough to live “out”, I preferred to focus on “within”. On those things that make me happy, that fill my day, and that does not have an economic value. The serenity and well-being are my daily goals.

Casa rangoni

Casa rangoni

D) Change your life today, in critical times like these, someone is considered courage, other unconsciousness. I know for a fact that 'only daring' you can enjoy life in the true way to be lived. I'm not saying it's easy, tutt’altro. As far as I'm concerned, the emotions experienced through knowledge in recent years, I pay off the inevitable disappointments that these paths we have. You are at a good point. Can you give some advice to those who would, ma not bear?

R) I do not like to give unsolicited advice, because the life of each of us is different. But there comes a time in life in which – if it is fate – you realize that you can no longer remain firm in your “comfort zone”, understand that you have to dare, You need to do what you really love and try to be as happy as possible, because life runs away in an instant. I understand these things in a very traumatic, when my father came out in the morning to buy bread and never came back. A heart attack has struck down in the street. So I decided to be daring, to savor every moment of life as you were to die tomorrow. And I live today with simplicity, enjoying the small things.

…enjoying the small things

D) Now we come to Casa Rangoni, more than a house a cultural center for the promotion of the territory and of the psycho-physical well-being. How did you came up with the idea, and what the next projects in the program?

R) The idea came day after day, growing in silence. Since I moved the Colli Bolognesi, friends who came to visit said, all (and repeat: all) “Here is just fine, There is regenerated”. So I thought it was just that the “magical power” House Rangoni: make people feel good. We have distanced ourselves from the very nature, and stay here, choose their own tomatoes from the garden, go get the wood to light fire, walk among the roses, taste simple but full of stories to tell, reconciles people to a way of life more human, more harmonious with the slow pace of land. Well-being does this mean: feel good about themselves, regenerate, learn to listen and listen. After many years of studies, after so many books written, are now ready to pass on what I have learned to anyone who wants to listen and try to live in a more holistic way. So in the project there are per-courses to learn how to feel good about themselves, to enjoy the honey and wine tastings that have nothing to technical, Cooking ancient foods, traditional, genuine and simple, cultivation and use of herbs and medicinal, di fitoalimurgia…

Casa rangoni - external

…a more human way of living, more harmonious with the slow pace of land

D) As a young girl my father, for me to overcome shyness that led me to isolate myself, gave me a puppy. A dog that, as well as make me happy, for the first time made me feel responsible for creature. We are a country are not adequately educated the reception of man's best friend, despite their therapeutic help is now well established and recognized in many care. I believe that the civilization of a nation should also be recognized through respect and education to animals. To do this you should start from school. What do you think?

R) I think it is very true. All those who know me, attraverso i social o FaceBook, or my books know that I'm a cat lady unrepentant, and my dog ​​Morgana has become a star of the web :-). I love animals, but without exaggeration, respecting their nature. This should teach children, show them that dogs and cats are not toys, but people with their rights and their thoughts. And explain to them that all creatures “serve” in natura, even the mosquitoes… Maybe it will avoid a lot of ugliness and absurdity, such as the recent proposal to tear down the bear that, to defend the puppies, attacked quell'incauto seeker mushrooms…

One of the cats Laura

…all creatures "serve" in nature

D) I often say that 'I love eating more than cooking'. I say this in an ironic sense, seen that in the food and wine especially love the stories search, traditions and emotions stirred. Veniamo a te: Laura Rangoni, not a cook, but a woman who studies, search, kitchen and writes. Mistake?

R) Exact. I am not a cook, I do not have the technical basis of a chef, and I would never do such work. But I love the food because the bearer of cultural meanings and anthropological. The food is the prime factor of a people's, is still the first language and religion, in my view. I love to research the ancient flavors, especially of my land, and places in the world that I loved deeply, I love cooking as it was a time, on the stove economic, using antique tools. Dough by hand, chopped by hand, hand-cut. I do not have even a food processor and my “equipment” cookware is from museum. I love the simple food, what I call the “food hunger”, traditional, poor, with ingredients found on the territory. Too often we have forgotten the poor dishes, bread soup, just to give you an example. In my courses I teach just that: to recover flavors, who have a story to tell, a story that smacks of evenings spent by the fire, fairy tales told in the twilight, or hard work to convince the earth to give us vegetables and fruits…

Then, for work, I also studied foods more sophisticated, Ethnic and similar, but that's another story.

Dinner under the stars 10 August Noodles

…the food is the prime factor of a people's

D) And 'my habit to photograph everything that I like and share, because the beautiful and the good must be spread. House Rangoni, in your hills, I photographed many varieties of flowers. In particular, loving the natural medicine, I am fascinated by the medicinal plants. I would like to organize themselves more courses to raise awareness of the many therapeutic properties of plants. This is to keep people away from the easy remedies pharmaceutical chemicals, not always necessary. When is the first course?

R) As soon sprout herbs, in the spring! But, not being doctor, I do not want to talk about therapies, and I will not do herbal medicine courses. I prefer to consider the plants, both spontaneous and herbs, as facilitators of well-being. The flowers are also: cultivate a garden or a vegetable garden is how to cultivate his own soul…

...cultivate a garden or a vegetable garden is how to cultivate his soul ...

…cultivate a garden or a vegetable garden is how to cultivate his own soul

Cultural Association Casa Rangoni

Savigno (BO)   www.casarangoni.it


TARTUFI & FRIENDS, the new truffle lounge of Milan

The truffle, the precious underground fungus 'spontaneous' that our area boasts among its excellence. A product of the land by the heady fragrance and a long history. As Aristotle wrote, a fruit sacred to Aphrodite, decanted from ancient times.

Amandone the aromas and delicate flavors, Wednesday 17 September, I accepted with pleasure the invitation to the opening of TARTUFI & FRIENDS, the new truffle lounge in Milan located in the prestigious Palazzo Serbelloni, after a year and a half, followed the opening of the Rome office.

Among a sample and the other, by Chef Marco Fossati, in a refined setting of 250 square meters designed by architect Laura Franco, I immersed myself in the retro atmosphere entirely dedicated to the precious tuber. But not only, I also liked the call of nature with the vertical garden, and the vision of the prints of the 1500 in the room 'explorer' that describe the history of time.

Framers of everything and Alberto Angelo Sermoneta, already working on the next opening in the 2015 an office in London and Dubai, to bring this Italian excellence to be known in the world.

A taste but also knowledge, as it should be for someone like me who loves to go beyond the tasting of a product.

To assess the quality of a truffle must be based on 'view, smell and touch '. They must be clean so that the gravel does not cover the defects. At the touch must be compact but with a slight note of elasticity, while the nose the smell is perceptible only in the time of ripening. Its aromas are reminiscent of the garlic, mushroom and damp earth.

There are many species, but the white truffle of Alba white, Tuber Magnum Pico, is the most valuable and larger. Piedmont is the region in which it is no longer present, but can also be found in Lombardy, Pavese hills dell'Oltrepò, in Mantua, e sia pur rarissimamente nell’Italia centrale. Senza togliere l’indiscussa corona al tartufo bianco cito ad esempio i tartufi neri pregiati reperibili fino a Marzo, or between April and May whitebait, or July the scorzoni.

The truffle hunter, in Piedmont is called with the dialect term trifolau o trifulé,  Search the precious fungusIMG_5063 from September to January. Italian legislation provides that the collection is free, whether it takes place in the woods than in the uncultivated land.

The white truffle is cleaned well but do not peel. Unlike the black should not be cooked. It is used as a condiment, cutting it into thin slices of lightly seasoned dishes. It contains about 80% water. It is rich in potassium, soccer, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc and copper. Anyway, its value does not impact significantly on the contribution food.

We recommend keeping it wrapped in a paper towel and in a cool environment with a temperature of 3 to 6 degrees. To ensure the product is sold in a numbered bag due to the origin of origin.


Corso Venezia, 18 – Milan

StreetFood On The Road®, the traditional food for a walk

In October 2012, here on the blog, after a chat with the owners  del Burger Bar in Milano At the Market I wrote: “Street Food, literally translated street food. In the past a common habit, practice abroad, lately in Italy evaluated with the use of an English terminology. Let's face it, so calling it a sense of modernity that would not otherwise have, but the bottom line is that these are typical of the local food that is consumed while walking or on a bench,  more economically, experiencing more territory. "

Two years have passed since that meeting. The crisis that we are experiencing unfortunately penalizes choices of taste that once we could afford more lightly. Well, now more than ever street food, or whatever you want to call it, allows us to get closer to experiences with the food of tradition without upsetting our finances. A food that meets people's needs, keeping alive the tradition of the territories and local production. It is the guarantor and promoter of the most anticipated event: EXPO 2015.

In Exhibition Park Novegro, the 12 13 and 14 September there was the Street Food Days, three days dedicated to street food quality and its protagonists. Food but also music and cultural insights. Very interesting days which gave me the opportunity to study topics of personal interest.

With Sergio Battimiello XCom Cross Media Agency, Donato Ancient Butcher Turba Turba, Thomas Farina food journalist and artist Davide Foschi

Sergio Battimiello XCom Cross Media Agency, Donato Ancient Butcher Turba Turba, Thomas Farina journalist and artist Davide Foschi

Interesting the intervention of Donato Turba, dell’Old Butcher Turba Melzo. Plauso when the lui, speaking of workshops, reiterated the importance for all of us to live the neighborhood stores that guarantee the quality and professionalism.

Donato, come me, is a simple kitchen without too much manipulation of the raw materials, because, as pointed out by, when the product is good it does not need too many reworkings. There was also talk of agriculture, respect for the animal, and protection of small farmers through the consumption of their products. Concepts on which I insist, and that I fully agree.

Donato Turba Turba Ancient Butcher with Tommaso Farina

Donato Turba Turba Ancient Butcher with Thomas Farina

Very exciting space in which, David Lacey proprietor of the restaurant in Milan 'The Malmaison’, has captured the attention of the public with advice and insights on the proper way to eat crustaceans and molluscs. Speech that soon delve further.

David Lacey, proprietor of the restaurant in Milan 'La Malmaison'

David Lacey, proprietor of the restaurant in Milan 'La Malmaison’

I conclude with a proposal for a micro-enterprise that I liked very much, and I would like to share more because in my opinion is a true expression of the application of street food. I refer to the bee-car gastronomic. A real job opportunities.

Stefano Lanati, Cristian De Carolis and Lorenzo Regiroli, with their present hamburgheria Mobile on social networks, l 'Ape Tizer, gave birth to Assago, in the province of Milan, the project The Different Burger. A hamburger cooked at low temperature (about 60 °) so to preserve the nutritional and organoleptic.

A means low-power mobile (6Kw in order to operate all the equipment) designed, both from the aesthetic point of view that functional, from international designer Andreas Varostos of Inarea, who took care of all the details. For those who want to take this path, as regards the part bureaucratic, even here the simplicity reigns. Anyway, you can get information at the office of its common trade.

Ape Tizer

Ape Tizer

Alcuni momenti a StreetFood On The Road

Are you sure you know all about apples? Let's talk in front of a cake.

Today I want to talk about the apple, my delicate fruit, one of my strudel breakfast Trentino, what I use for cakes that take me back to childhood. Well, I think the apples are the oldest fruit. So many things you could write ...

Surely the most famous is the apple of Adam and Eve, the fruit of sin, not to mention that poisoned Snow White, or the one used in the title of a film to evoke the time of innocence and youth.

I therefore ask you: “What brings you to mind an apple?“As far as I'm concerned, it brings me back to the family and the beautiful traditions of the past.

Did you know that ...

  • Apples are a good source of fiber and for this a great low calorie snack, easy to carry Orchard.is.
  • They are rich in antioxidants.
  • Due to their low sugar content are ideal for diabetics.
  • Given the high digestibility can be safely consumed by those who have digestive problems, even after a meal.
  • And 'advisable to eat apples with peel, only in the case where there is the safety that have not been performed, treatments with pesticides.
  • There are more than a thousand varieties, for this is the most common tree on Earth.

This is the time for apples, I want to talk in front of a cake?

The Apple pie

Every family has an apple pie with its variants. I will do a very simple fact that I love to eat for breakfast. Here's how I prepare.

Once you have beaten three egg yolks with 150 Article. sugar, add the whites beaten stiff, and amalgamate with:

– 200 Article. flour

– 1 packet of yeast

– 80 Article. of butter out of the fridge for long

– a sprinkling of cinnamon

– half lemon juice

– three apples cut into cubes

Place the dough in the oven heated to 170 degrees, and cook for about 40 minutes.

The apple for breakfast

The passion, the guidance of the blogger. Woe to those who lost, but woe also to those who abuse it!

I think by now everyone knows what a blog, a diary in network born from a passion, in which to write and share via social networks, what we love to live. A phenomenon that has developed since the late 90s, and has contributed to radical changes in the way people communicate on the web. A personal space free from constraints, in which to give vent to their thoughts and their own creativity. A real container, full of life and emotions.

Regarding my, I mean the blog, I do not know how long. It 's just a phase in my life that allowed me to know and learn, getting up after a fall. For some, I know that I will cherish some of the stories that I have lived, printing them on paper pages, irreplaceable traveling companions, says a future time.

All this to say what? Perhaps to say that it is the passion that drives us? Some, woe to those who lost, but woe also to those who abuse it! Feeling taken into due, the risk of being repetitive, I continue to write about this on my personal space, to clarify that the passion should not be used, ne fraintesa.

This is my thought, alas, unfortunately, does not correspond to the reality of things. I blogger, loved and criticized, those who commit themselves by customizing what they do,  those who put in their company does little energy, who move within their means, armed with cameras and the technology to share. They are the ones that use all the free time, often their holidays, studying and writing in the most unexpected hours.

Some become so good to be researched and be contacted by those who need to be known, often without recognizing. This is the point. Let me tell you a few episodes that involved me, and that made me almost lose the will to continue in a world in which the cunning prevail. It 'been a while, because I have not finished yet.

First case. A couple of years ago I was contacted to tell the personal stories of life of a famous castle of Bergamo where you Restaurants. After having known them and have found their stories interesting, I accepted the assignment. They were still needed a couple of meetings to collect the material I needed. To support this, I asked them a refund for the time and car trips. No reply, then suspended collaboration.

According to case. Circa un anno fa, I was involved in a three-day tour-blogger-course related to the promotion of the territory in the Veneto, precisely to Treviso, a city that I love very much to my roots. I wrote 'course' with us because there was a photographer who guided us. It was agreed to reimburse travel expenses. Months have passed, continued promises, but nothing. I had almost resigned, when, towards the middle of August, I was again promised the reimbursement of expenses incurred before the expiry of the month. Still nothing, or better, almost a mockery. My passion is and that of many, and that of these gentlemen as we call?!

Yesterday, after my outburst, in private many have told me to live the same situations. Carry the words of a friend: “Cynthia, if you write, maybe do a favor to all of us, many things go unnoticed, Now it is fashionable to speak of bloggers more harm than good.

I promised that I would.

Dante Cattaneo, Mayor-sweeper Ceriano Pond

Today I present Dante Cattaneo, the young mayor of Ceriano Pond, in the province of Monza and Brianza, I've known a few months ago during the 'Day of Bloom' toOrchard Park.  Why do you speak? Because along with a group of volunteers, during the month of August, helped to improve the environment by cleaning up the flower beds in the country that administers.

One way to get closer to citizens, know and discuss, to discuss issues whose solutions improve theDante Cattaneo city ​​services. Listening to the people we are enriched by experiences that, se messe a frutto, allow to improve by giving a meaning to our work. Myself, for my writings, I believe these sources are essential. For the Mayor, an example of how to bring the role to the role of the mayor who was and who should be.

Many will think the hype. As for me I just wanted to write because I wish that were the representatives of the institutions closer to the people. On the work of Dante then, time will tell who's wrong or right. Meanwhile, rather than stand by and watch, we all learn to pick ourselves up his sleeves to protect our territories!

Ma gold a rent to the oral…

  • Ciao Dante, briefly tell those who do not know the path that led you to become mayor?

I am passionate about politics and my country has always. In 2004 I was elected municipal councilor only 21 years in the ranks of the Northern League, movement to which they are writing from an early age. In 2009, a 26 just turned, I was elected Mayor of Ceriano Pond, Live the dove always, and reconfirmed in 2014 for the second term.

  • You spent most of the month of August to eradicate weeds from the flower beds of the city that administers. To tell the truth to me weed is something else ... Anyway, I am convinced that this experience has allowed you to get closer to the reality of ordinary people. How you did this idea?

It’ born in a very natural way. From 2009 in Ceriano there is a group of local volunteers called GST. (Territorial Support Group), that helps free the town with endless works and actions: control of the territory, minor maintenance, cleaning, support during the demonstrations, aid to traffic. I am one of them and I wanted to dedicate some of my free time, in a particular month as that of August, the community. I love to see my country clean and tidy, and not having resources for gardeners or entrust the work to outside firms, we roll up our hands in first person.

The team

The team

  • Can you tell me some anecdote that happened to you in this time of 'street cleaning'?

The stories are all about the relationship with the people you are seeing stops work on roads. Many have thanked me, complimented and some have gone out of their houses and joined us to clean up the country. Such generosity and gratitude, many invitations to share a drink or a coffee, because people have recognized the positivity of our example.

  • Among the plants that have eradicated remember seeing a picture of a seedling of wild rocket you've replanted in your garden at home. I know that like me you really like. I use it to prepare a sauce with the tomatoes truly delicious. E tu?

La Mangio in insalata, mixed with other salad green rigorously, or better yet alone with olive oil taggiasca, apple cider vinegar and salt. I like the spicy taste.

Wild Rocket

Wild Rocket

  • This bizarre summer is almost over. The only thing that remains is to hope for a better autumn. Watched your previous, in Serbia have any plans for the next few months?

For the next few months I currently have in mind only concerns: administer a country these days, and with a state that further complicates things to the municipalities has never been so difficult.



Italians, an undisciplined people

And 'Saturday, here in the north continues to rain. Questa strana estate of 2014 seems to feel the mood of the people. Mah, I'm thinking about what to do? I wanted to go to the lake, walk around looking at the mountains and enjoy a little 'sunshine. But no! Then I read. Nothing good. On the web information reminds us that we are in deflation, we do not even realize we were. Come spiega Wikipedia: "The deflation is a fall in prices. It derives from the weak demand for goods and services. "And how could it be otherwise…

To remedy might act on spending, reading labels better, and above the origin of the products. Obviously portfolio allowing, seen that the sacrifices they are doing especially producers and consumers, whose portfolios are emptied from taxes. I remember the lords of the institutions, even though they know it, that we have the record also those! If at least they gave the example! Ahh mine Povera Italia, that of my grandparents, the beautiful country, rich in many resources, except that of discipline and wisdom…

'd Better keep reading goes ... In other news: “The activities included in theUnlock Italy – ANSA says Agriculture Minister Maurizio Martina – help companies make a quantum leap in exports and increase revenue with new tools for promotion and protection ofMade in Italy ‪ ‎agroalimentare. We aim to make it easy to recognize the origin of our products and to strengthen the fight against fake Made in Italy”. Source Ansa Earth&Taste 29 August 2014.

A story that I shared and that has warmed the hearts. Carry some comments.

Arnaldo da Brescia: “The leap in quality!!! It means to jump from the bridge of London rather than one on the Po…”

Salvatore Accurso Tagano: “I hope it's true. We continue to get cheese, dairy product, meats and much more, from all countries of the world, with names of Italian products. The most glaring are the Parmigiano, Grana and Mozzarella. If the labels are clear and legible, Italians would realize how much garbage they eat.

Matthew Knowles: “I'm not convinced that Italians interests recognize one product over another… at the bottom are already recognizable foreign products produced by Italian.

Gian Carlo Spadoni: “In this perspective, agro food should also be involved restaurateurs, with new rules for the insignia of the Italian cuisine, with the obligation of Italian Chefs School, and the use of 90% Italian products. Then you would do all that “system”. Because if you put everything in the hands of the consumer ends up as in the catering trade liberalization on.”

What about… perhaps only that an examination of conscience on our behavior we should do it all. In these days of falls, in the stories that I have heard from several people returned from abroad, you can easily understand how, both services and civic-mindedness of many countries, is better than our.

Italians, alas, are an unruly people. The reason is obvious: we do not know to respect the rules. But not only, Unfortunately, we continue to be concerned as they say, only to 'our backyard'. The funny thing is that we own ourselves to point out the thing.

Then, do? On productions must intervene heavily and immediate competence of the institutions, easing the mechanisms of bureaucracy, and guaranteeing the authenticity of Italian products with trademarks can be easily understood. I sincerely hope that these latest measures by the Minister of Agriculture Maurizio Martina are effective in this regard.

With regard to discipline, alas latita, should be reinstated as a priority the’Civics, established by school subject Aldo Moro in 1958 in all schools, and currently only inserted as an appendix in other subjects. The findings resulting from such failure shall be under the eyes of all…

Maybe it only remains to hope that, view of the serious situation in which we find ourselves, something decisive is done. Meanwhile, because the sun is not out yet, I will console myself by making an apple pie, those of my tree. 😉


The Dandelion, yellow gold fields

In the photo of the head of dandelion root, dried.

These are the last days of August in which many will remember. To tell you the truth often looking at the sky here in the north it seemed to me almost fall. A special atmosphere ideal for my walks in the woods. With all this rain then, some will think that I began to look for mushrooms, but no! I'm going in search of the roots for my potions. 😉

It's a little 'witch? Ma nooo, joke, the truth is that I like to walk and enjoy the peace and energy that conveys the nature, but most of all I like to collect wild herbs and roots from medicinal properties. I'm no expert, but only very passionate about natural therapies. There are people who make it a cult, I will do a philosophy of life, firmly believe that nature provides free defenses necessary to protect our health.

Today I want to talk about the Tarassaco, dal Greek Taraxakos, which translated means healing. A wild plant that is extremely adaptable with many properties, known as dandelion for its toothed leaves. E 'especially appreciated for its leaves rich in vitamins that are harvested in the spring and that are used for salads therapeutic. Also, due to its diuretic properties, is a valuable aid against a nasty disorder that affects women: the tremendous water retentionVino di Tarassaco.

Let's move on to the root. I want to talk? I'd say yes, seen that most of the properties disintossicanti e depurative sono concentrate proprio li. The root of the dandelion in fact, that few know and use, he uses very interesting. It is harvested in the autumn months and, once cut into pieces and dried, can be used to purifying decoctions.

It tostata, can be used for a good substitute for coffee, while, facendone macerate 50 Article. in half a liter of white wine for a week, allows to obtain an interesting digestive wine.

To sum up ...

  • The dandelion is a good source of iron, potassium, calcium and beta-carotene.
  • It 'an excellent diuretic and depurative.
  • Facilitates the digestive function.

In cucina:

  • The leaves can be eaten raw in salads or sautéed with garlic and extra virgin olive oil.
  • They are also excellent in soups and omelets.
  • The radice, not yet known as he deserves, is great simply boiled and served with a good extra virgin olive oil.

The Dandelion or Dandelion

The Dandelion or Dandelion

Sources: Wild Plants of R. Chiej Gamacchi - Foods that are good foods that are bad for Tom Sanders, professor of nutrition and dietetics at King's College, University of London - The oldest herbarium of Joy Stefania Romagnoli and Jars.

Lamborghini, a fantastic story of motors and wine began building a tractor.

It is said that Enzo Ferrari one day, addressing Ferruccio Lamborghini said: “You continue to build tractors and let me build sports cars."Enzo Ferrari, however, was usually also speak: “If you can dream it you can do”.

Museo Lamborghini 1 - CopyLamborghini, class 1916, historical founder of Automobili Lamborghini. The son of farmers, but with the mechanics in the DNA. A passion for cars that I understand and agree. Driving pleasure is born with us, is freedom index, is carefree travel and. Per me, for my son and for many other, is so.

A few days ago, led by Fabio Lamborghini, Big nipote Ferruccio, I had the pleasure of visiting the museum brainchild of his son Tonino, now engaged in lifestyle. In 5000 square meters of exhibition of the new forum opened 27 May 2014, I could see over twelve original prototypes of the legendary MiuraSV personal Ferruccio, his helicopter,  the futuristic Countach '74, la da golf car usata Pope Karol Wojtyla, Off Shore marine engines with a Lamborghini pluricampioni, and much of the historical production of an Italian genius that made us famous in the world.

Today, for those who still do not know, I'll tell you a little’ di's…

Ferruccio Lamborghini made his first workshop in the barn of a house Renazzo, in the province of Ferrara. After the war, starting from the needs of the campaign, built the first tractor at low cost, The Carioca, a term used in the area to indicate a product assembled with existing pieces and modified. In fact it was built with remnants of war and the recent war.

A tractor accessible to all, presented for the first time at the Fiera di San Biagio di Cento. L’unico ‘neo’ was the gasoline engine, so no low-cost. For what it was decided to design a component called 'vaporizer' so as to allow the engine to operate in oil. The gas was used only in the initial phase for the ignition. In the first four-cylinder model 1946, and six in the next 1947, most powerful.

Loving sports cars and high-speed, in 1946 decided to change his Mickey Mouse Museo Lamborghini 1both in body and in the engine, until they reach the 140 km all’ora. With this car,  still functioning and present in the museum of the company, competed in 1948 to the Mille Miglia. On the front you can see the first logo used by the home, a triangle with three letters FLC (Ferruccio Lamborghini Hundred), then replaced in 1963 under the brand name of 'bull', zodiac sign of Ferruccio.

Fabio Lamborghini, Director of the museum of the same name, lead me in the eye when he told me Ferruccio, on his Ferrari 250 Gt, replaced the original clutch defective with the more robust of a tractor Lamborghini, brilliantly solving the problem. In May 1963, after having bought land in Sant'Agata Bolognese 25 km from the capital of Emilia, he decided to build his own sports car. Thus was born 'Automobili Lamborghini', and began producing a series of self among the most beautiful in the world.

In 1971, during a trip to Umbria, Ferruccio enchanted by the beauty of the land of the green heart of Italy, decided to buy an estate and invest in agriculture and wine production by creating an adjoining Resort with Golf Club. An activity that continues from the 90s with the management of his daughter Patrizia.

Despite the property of Automobili Lamborghini is no longer Italian years, the soul of this brand for me is that. Many companies are now owned by foreign multinationals, because of the difficulties of doing business in Italy, and certainly not by our skilled craftsmen. Ferruccio Lamborghini died 20 February 1993. Him remain his major creations.

I leave you with images and dreams roaring ...

reservation@ Museolamborghini.com

Such. 051 0340433 – 347 5329320

Visit the Salento's like when you fall in love ... your heart beats faster.

Years ago I discovered the Salento ... I say discovered because I did not imagine so much beauty of art, History, sea, vegetation, of flavors concentrated in a strip of land. I remember the sighs with sea views, walks among the olive trees, the intense flavors and full of warmth ... simple things that make you love life. And 'so started my love for the Salento, it was like when you fall in love,,it,I would sit on a rock and with an eye to the sea traveling with the mind ... is a way by which the soul makes love to the earth,,it,This flower in the sand that I photographed in Gallipoli is one of,,it,Many think it is here that the Adriatic and the Ionian Sea will meet,,it,three times to see all the beauties of Salento ... land to live and relive,,it,Salento,,en,Visit the Salento's like when you fall in love ... it beats the heart stronger.,,it, and the heart beats faster ...

Have you ever seen the cave of poetry? E 'in Roca old, a 20 km to Otranto; among other things, is located in an archaeological site. I went there early in the morning, to enjoy the intimacy of the place when everyone was still asleep. Mi sedevo su una roccia e con lo sguardo rivolto al mare viaggiavo con la mente… è modo con cui l’anima fa l’amore con la terra.

Cave of poetry

Cave of poetry

Questo fiore nella sabbia che ho fotografato a Gallipoli è una delle 1390 different species of flowering plants in the Salento.

Flower of Salento

Flower of Salento

Here is the famous Basilica of Santa Croce, in the historic center of Lecce. Year 1353, the style of the Baroque Leccese. A Lecce, beyond the sea, wherever you see the typical stone of the area named 'leccisu ". The quarries from which we extract are located in the southern part of the Salento peninsula, on the Adriatic coast. With this stone were made facades of churches, domes, floors and much more.


Basilica of Santa Croce in Lecce

The beautiful Cathedral of Otranto is located on the highest point of the city. The beginning of its construction dates from the year 1080. What makes it special is the magnificent mosaic floor made from monaco Pantaleon, Dean of the Faculty of Painting at the University of Casole.

Cathedral of Otranto

Cathedral of Otranto

Here is the entrance to the Cave Zinzulusa, a Castro, in the province of Lecce. Its name is derived from "Zinzuli" that in Salentino dialect means "rags hanging". Has been attributed to the limestone formations that hang from the ceiling like rags hanging.

Grotta Zinzulusa

Grotta Zinzulusa

This is the lighthouse of Santa Maria di Leuca put into operation in 1866. You can climb up to the terrace with a spiral staircase doing well 254 steps. Santa Maria di Leuca, beach resort famous for its caves, is located in a bay between Punta and Punta Ristola Meliso. Molti pensano che sia qui che il Mare Adriatico e il Mar Jonio si incontrino. The truth is that this embrace is at Punta Palascia, near Otranto.

Lighthouse of Santa Maria di Leuca

Lighthouse of Santa Maria di Leuca

Non just one, due, tre volte per vedere tutte le bellezze del Salento… terra da vivere e da rivivere.




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