“The need to learn arises from doing. " Two beautiful stories of teaching and refreshment in Brianza.

The In-Presa voucher ', educational cafeteria and pastry shop of the training school professional of the Social Cooperative of In-Presa; 'Tasty', educational restaurant of the Don Carlo Gnocchi Hotel Institute. Two beautiful realities of Carate Brianza.

A few weeks ago, always in the intent to settle in and to conoscere interesting realities dand the territory in which recently I live, I came across, and I must to admit surprisingly immersed, in an abandoned industrial area of ​​ben 50 thousand square meters located a short distance from the center of Carate Brianza: l 'ex Formenti, now the Taste District. I wrote 'immersed' because the atmosphere of that industrial architecture of the past, per me of great charm, in recent years as well as being subject to recovery, they welcomed and gave new ones you start various craft activities, and not only… (we will have time to investigate). Well, a pole that could not fail to attract my attention for the multiple types of offers productive: two breweries, two schools with annexed bar-pastry shop and restaurant, both of them didactic, a tavern, a production of chocolate and fruit juices, and so on yet.

in fact, after having paused on the orientation map placed in one of the entrances, I decided to start thereto my exploration starting with the visit of the two schools who train operators for the restaurant-tourism sector.

The In-Presa voucher ', educational cafeteria and pastry shop of the training school professional of the Social Cooperative of In-Presa. 

Gled by the principal of the school Chiara Frigeni, I listened to the beautiful story that gave rise to this project. A dream of aa donna, now become reality, who left a tangible mark for his work and for his educational and training method. A model developed over the years after foster care experiences with difficult children, that, passed an internship with artisans locals, have been inserted into the working world.

A training course based on attention to the individual, on welcoming a family, at work and then at school, designed by Emilia for astudents with severe school dropout who are unable to finish the three years of middle school, or with difficulty in entering the secondary education circuit due to situations of school dropout or personal hardships. A training that takes the form of various workshops technicians - including the gastronomic one - with an educational garden and with study groups that, in addition to teachers, they provide the support of a tutor. Internship and external internships are turnedi involving the entrepreneurs themselves, who in a certain sense rediscover the value of their art in an activity that you educate through work.

A growing educational proposal that currently account two hundred and eighty students applied to multiple training courses. Per the food and wine sector, to me dear, led to the creation of an educational cafeteria and pastry shop – Il Buono di In-Presa - systematically conducted by students with constant support gods room teachers e of pastry chefs. The need to learn arises from doing, this is the formula. An idea born in 1995, transformed into a structured project in 2000, until the concretization in 2005, with the creation of a real professional training center.

In-Presa, a social cooperative made up of some founding members, working partners and other friends of Emilia Vergani, creator and founder native of Carate Brianza. The 30 October it is celebrated the twentieth anniversary of his tragic death, occurred in a road accident while traveling in Paraguay.

Tasty ', the educational restaurant of the Don Carlo Gnocchi Hotel Institute.

Cynthia, andSuch a beautiful school does not exist!” It ' so that Tiziana Villa – preside dthe institute hotelersthe Don Carlo Gnocchi from Carate Brianza - he made his debut during our meeting. An institute equal born in 2008 with the idea of ​​combining theoretical subjects with practical ones. Init was didacticto consolidated by solid cultural foundations, which aims to make people understand astudents how important it is use your head to doand go hands.  A study project who gave vita to "Saporinmente", educational restaurant attached to the school.

Here too you learn by doing, everyday, through critical experience. Two hundred and twenty students who with teaching and experience direct re-evaluate the importance of the room, because the room tells what which happens in the kitchen.

Experiences gained also thanks to thea collaborationand with a teachero di ccuts off which Claudio Sadler. An esempithe autenticor genius that he has permesso students to approachthe world of gastronomy, difficult mto exciting. A meeting that led to the creation of an evening and a menu elaborated with the students.

Here are the impressions of one of them: "Having met and recognized Claudio Sadler as a master was a gift for us and, at the same time, a challenge. Despite our doubts, the gratitude for having been able to get to know his genius closely and his example overcame the initial fear of not being up to, Thanks, above all, to his willingness to organize with us an evening that will see us as protagonists first of all as men, even before being a chef. By virtue of this real collaboration, we have in fact understood that, to give excellence to their guests or, as he would say, "Clients", an inestimable value must be recognized in scientific and humanistic preparation, to the mastery of the word, attention to detail e, finally, at the service, which must be flawless. "

During the visita in the school hall I was struck by the attention to the beauty of the arts, pictorial and more. Works widely exposed donated by artists, whose collaboration resulted in dinners topics open to the public. A way to combine and enhance art and personal creativity of students, expressed through their dishes.

A conclusione della mia visita, after talking for a long time with Tiziana, presides over it, I listened to some of his wishes for the future. The first, is that this hotel establishment become a model that can be replicated anywhere, to ensure that those with talent find a suitable place to learn and express themselves. The second one, is that this peer school, albeit providing scholarships, be more accessible to those with difficulties economic in to sustain thea retta. Finally, the third, it is aimed at local institutions, to strengthen the public transport network, facilitating students who they come from Milan.

Writing about school and teaching in the restaurant industry these days is not easy. I chose to do it because despite the difficult period, students of these schools continue to prepare for the future, expressing himself with the only means allowed at this moment: the food delivery. Supporting them means helping to support their hopes, and especially, this sector is so severely tested.


In-Presa Social Cooperative Society www.in-presa.it   Via Emilia Vergani, 14 – Carate Brianza (MB)        

Don C School Institute. Gnocchi www.liceodongnocchi.eu  Piazza Risorgimento, 1 – Carate Brianza (MB) 


Photo credit Istituto Don Carlo Gnocchi

A history of agriculture in Brianza: Cascina Bressanella

Acclimatize yourself in the place where you live following your passions, my first rule, ffundamental to know and appreciate what surrounds us.

Da few months, again, I have turned the page and place of residence. I live in Brianza, green land full of good energy, that of nature. From my windows, wherever I look, I see trees. Essential, vitale, regenerating. Dyes weeks of vicissitudes and hitches burocratici tied upi to the my moving house, but especially to the difficult period that everyone we are living, Finally I startedd explore the area around me. This is how I spent the summer, documenting myself on the surrounding realities – historical, artistic and productive – and agoing up and down the Brianza valleys. I assure you, really amazing! Know that close a Monza and a Milan, metropolitan cities, there is this green lung is reassuring and heartening.

In addition to documenting, having the need to make good purchases, during my wanderings I met Cascina Bressanella. Ua history of agriculture born thirty-five years ago in the beautiful Brianza thanks to the passion of a woman, founder and current partner, that, after earning a laurea in scientand delland productioni animali, he started a'activities a few kilometers from the current headquarters of the farm. A farm of poultry - ducks, Pharaoh, capponi, chickens andcc. – that cor the passage of timehave led to expand. L’acquisto di a plot of four hectares of land and the desire to move to a rabbit farm, closer to his university specialization and to the studies done on this animal, gave rise to the Cascina Bressanella. In the following years, agricultural activity andbbe a new twist: the transition to cultivation of fruit and vegetables, but especially, the intuition of the importance of home delivery.

Create a true loyalty relationship con ithe customer, understand his tastes, propose seasonal products, they took her to to reach about three hundred deliveries a week in the neighboring municipalities of Monza. Attention to the consumer which rewarded it with the constitution in 2015 di will see agricultural company established together withthe daughter and son-in-law. It is with him, socio more actively engaged in the company, that I confronted myself chiacchierando long. Graduated in pedagogical consulting, accomplished i 33 age, has completely left his business pandr learn one of themltra, in nature and for nature. A reference to agriculture also due toand its peasant origins. In fact, I believe that every work experience contributes knowledge and capacity. I'm then there’Coaching, listening to those who have matured skillsand, studies and research, a shaperci andd noticearci towards new working lives. A commitment that allowed the company to be recognized as IAP (unpredictori agriculturali professionali).

About three hectares of horticultural cultivation and one and a half hectares dedicated towith fruit, including table grapes, small fruits, plums, the fig of Brianza, pere e mele, with the minimal use of phytosanitary products and with plant-based products that does not contrastino useful insects for the vegetative cycle of crops, respecting biodiversity. The plants are of the new generation with high density, with plants placed in 80/100 cm from each other. The origin and tracking of the seeds guaranteed by the passport. Dto the 2015 An online platform was also born through which you can proceed directly with orders di fruit e vegetables. Today the activity dthe company is supported by two employees establish and fromcollaboration seasonal with on-call contracts, who often fall into the circle of boys that were formed during the school internship at ENAIP, the professional training body in the agricultural sector of Monticello Brianza: www.enaiplombardia.eu . Also, with the work desk managed by the municipality of Casatenovo, the society one firstand of tirocini annual which provide for recovery paths.

Amy question about any difficulty in recruiting staff, much complained by farmers, I was pleased listen to the double significance of the problem. in fact, speople land difficulty nascit in the inability of the same agricultural entrepreneurs in not seeing young people in training courses, without necessarily expecting operators facti it's overi. To build well, also in the agricultural training, serve time and patience.

Cascina Bressanella, a farmer company attentive to the balance in terms of sustainability, whose growth is supported by an agronomist consultant – who by his training is close to biological methodologies - and by a food technician, by phase of transformation. A story of agriculture that respects tradition while contemplating innovation, as close to nature as possible and available to the territory.

Cascina Bressanella www.cascinabressanella.it
Via della Cascina Selva 11
Besana in Brianza (MB)

There are those who dream of America ... I dream of Trinacria

Remembering Ragusa ... traveling 'home’ between memories and flavors.

There are those who dream of America ... as far as I am concerned, on the list of my travel wishes there is beautiful Sicily, an island with a particular shape once called Trinacria, heraldic symbol depicting a female head with three bent legs. A name made up of two Sanskrit terms: ‘trna’ garden and 'krjia’ created, the garden of Eden. In realtà, in late April, I had planned a nice traveling trip unfortunately canceled due to the emergency that involved and shocked the entire planet. A dream journey but only postponed to better times. The least of the evils in this dramatic period that everyone - who more, who less – we are living.

Well, to console myself, I wanted to brush up on some memories of a tour done some time ago in Ragusa. A city that I initially met - like many others – thanks to the well-known television series taken from the novels of dear Andrea Camilleri. To tell the truth I wanted to visit it also for the feeling that it was a bit’ neglected by tourists who choose Sicily as a travel destination.

Ragusa, the city of a hundred bridges and eighteen Unesco monuments, the island on the island (you will understand the meaning of this definition after visiting it). For some years, from a tourism point of view, things have definitely changed. A success certainly to be attributed to artistic wealth, landscaping and gastronomy, but also to the extreme care of the city and the kindness of its people. Great credit for this growth, which, among other things, has made it possible to improve its reception and services, it is certainly attributable to the television series of Commissioner Montalbano. A fiction that in addition to enhancing the Ragusa area, helped to make known some recipes of the Sicilian tradition. Preparations with local ingredients that I did not miss during my stay in Ragusa. Arancini, busiate alle sarde, caponata, Sicilian salad (pomodoro, onion, capers and oregano), minne di Sant'Agata, loaf of bread (seasoned bread), cassata with ricotta ... and many others.

Since tomorrow we will all live an 'armored' Easter in our homes, I decided to brush up the good memories of my trip by preparing an ancient Ragusan dessert typical of the Easter period. A preparation made of simple ingredients that has nothing to do with the most well-known Sicilian cassata. A basket of pasta filled with fresh tuma – the curd, the first phase of cheese production – and ricotta.

Ragusan ricotta cassate

For the stuffing:

  • 1 kg per ton
  • 500 Article. cottage cheese
  • 450 Article. sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • cinnamon, chocolate and grated lemon peel

For the dough:

  • 1 kg of durum wheat semolina flour
  • 3 yolks
  • 50 gr of lard
  • water to taste.

Mix tuma and ricotta (or just cottage cheese) with eggs and sugar, then add cinnamon, grated lemon peel and chocolate chips. The cassata basket is prepared by mixing the flour with the egg yolks, lard and sugar and a little water. Obtained a homogeneous mixture, roll it out to obtain discs of about fifteen centimeters in diameter and some strips of dough of about one centimeter which will be used to reinforce the inside of the edges. Fill the baskets with the ricotta cream and bake for about fifteen minutes at 150 °.

Once ready, sprinkle with a little cinnamon and chocolate chips, if of Modica even better! In combination I recommend a good dry Marsala, Sicilian fortified wine with a great history.

Happy Easter!

Recipe source www.visitvigata.com


A birthday I will never forget… at the time of COVID-19

And 'all started late 2019, almost unnoticed, or better, Perhaps we were that we did not give weight to the news began to arrive from China. Unaware of the tsunami that every few months would have overwhelmed us, we went on with our lives, playing down ... – certainly a bad flu, really, do not exaggerate – we said so. But no. The sad reality is showing.

Since we are used to living with that lightness that brought us too many years not to believe that a tragedy of this magnitude could involve us. But how can?! People like me who lives in Lombardy – the region with more contagions, health excellence region – if he continues to ask. The truth is that we were not ready. Far be it from me to do controversy, the last thing we need right now. Now we especially thank all those involved in this emergency ... indeed, we must help them and help us with that social distancing so necessary to stop contagion. There will be time for reflection to be drawn from this hard lesson.

A few days ago I found myself listening to an old man… "To, for people my age is worse than war, I can tell you with certainty because I have lived. We seniors are living in solitude for fear of stumbled upon this invisible enemy. Technology helps, it is true, but many of us have not that familiar with it for use. Some, There is also television, but to fight the anxiety is often better to turn it off.I also heard the story of a doctor and moved at the same time assisting traumatized patients in wards Covid: "One moment there was, a moment later he was gone…”

New coronavirus COVID-19

COVID-19, ‘CO’ per corona, 'VI' per viral, ‘D’ per disease (disease in English) and '19' for the year in which it was identified. A new particularly aggressive and contagious coronavirus so named for its shape of a crown with thorns, whose infection leads to more or less severe breathing problems. An infection that manifested itself for the first time in Wuhuan, in China, whose most common initial symptoms are fever, tiredness and dry cough. It spreads through the simple sneeze, or touching nose and eyes mouth with contaminated hands. To limit its spread is critical sneeze or cough into a tissue (to be thrown immediately into a trash) or on the bend of the elbow, and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. A patient can be defined as healed after the resolution of symptoms, and definitively, after being negative result to two consecutive swabs carried out at a distance of 24 hours of each other. The indication for running the swab in symptomatic persons is carried out on medical advice. Given the global reach of this new disease on March 11 2020 WHO declared the pandemic COVID-19. (Source: Ministry of Health)

A few days ago I had a birthday, a birthday I will never forget, experienced virtually, thinking about what will happen with my beautiful Italy. I wondered if once over this emergency will continue to feel united as in this difficult time… if we support our artisans, now more than ever bent by the crisis. If we continue to feel that sense of belonging to Italy, which these days has all of us excited and warmed my heart. Last year, under the pressure of these reflections I decided to give my book a provocative title: Once there were Italians. Well, I believe that after the end of this emergency that is hitting us so hard we will be wiser, but especially, we will know how to defend our Italian never. We need, ALL. This at least is my greatest hope.

Covid-19, Questions and answers  www.salute.gov.it

BIT 2020. Prompts for reflection of a traveler.

Go to BIT – the International Tourism Exchange – is a bit 'like traveling. I repeat every year, because this important tourism event held in Milan for over thirty years, shortens the distance to an encounter between those living in the territories and those who want to learn about them. A passion – that of travel – involving more and more people and that knows no age.

“We do not travel to escape life, ma perché la vita non ci sfugga.

Una vetrina internazionale con grandi presenze che permette di scoprire nuove destinazioni, e che vede l’Italia al primo posto nel mondo nei desideri dei viaggi per la sua grande forza attrattiva storico-artistica e paesaggistica. The numbers prove it, among other numbers always destined to grow more.

That said, cosa chiedono i viaggiatori agli operatori turistici italiani alla fine di una vacanza? More services.

During my visit in addition to the moments of meeting and discussion at the various exhibition stands, were so many insights and insights offered by a number of thematic conferences. Yup, because in order to promote tourism need serious reflection, ma soprattutto servono operatori disposti asuperare gli individualismi, quei paletti che intoppano sul concetto di fare sistema. Operatori con intraprendenza che sappiano ascoltare l’ospite, perché il viaggiatore di oggi vuole esperienze di viaggio più significative, che diano un impatto autentico nella propria vita. Vuole entrare in contatto con la realtà del luogo, with esperienze emozionali che lo arricchiscano. Mi riferisco a viaggiatori sempre più connessi, ma che non disdegnano scollegarsi dalla rete per qualche ora per favorire le connessioni con le persone

In addition to this, per lo sviluppo del turismoche vale il 13% del nostro PIL (dati Eurostat) – è necessario investire sempre più in accessibility, sostenibilità e innovazione. Servono strategie di marketing territorialeanche e soprattutto nelle stagioni in cui l’Italia non è favorita dai flussi turistici. Unadestagionalizzazione che richiede programmazione e persone competenti che sappiano promuovere i tanti segmenti di questo comparto così importante per la nostra economia: il turismo enogastronomico, il turismo culturale, il turismo verde, il turismo del benessere, il cineturismo, il turismo sanitario, il turismo sportivo

Purtroppo chi vive il territorio spesso non lo conosce a sufficienza, tasto dolente che ahimèper esperienza direttami trovo spesso a constatare. In tal senso può venire in aiuto un’informazione diffusa: strumenti digitali e cartacei facilmente fruibili negli esercizi ricettivi costruiti sulla base delle domande abituali dei turisti. Aiuti concreti che fanno guadagnare reputazione a chi li crea e che aiutano il viaggiatore ad ambientarsi.

C’è tanto da fare, c’è tanta bella Italia da comunicare



Nostalgia nostalgia di di Budapest goulash ..., Hungarian soup

And to, every time you return from a vacation, short or long it is, It is gripped by that melancholy that travelers like myself know well. That hint of sadness that comes from nostalgia for the places and the experiences. Despite this, as I often say, the important thing is 'go' to know and to spread the time. Today is already so ..., I have recently returned from Budapest, the 'Paris of the East', from 1873 the capital of Hungary. A city known for its hot springs that the Danube – 'King of the rivers' – divided into two: 'Buda', the highest side of Trapani; ‘Pest’, the lower part and modern. An elegant European capital created by the union of three cities: Buda, Buda and Pest e – where the seat of the parliament and the largest synagogue in Europe, and the oldest underground 'Continental' (1896).

The best thing is the view of Pest to Buda ' (Hungarian proverb).

Well, in this cold February evening I decided to overcome the post-trip preparing melancholy a dish that I love: yl goulash Hungarian traditional (goulash). A soup of ancient origins made with beef and vegetables that once cooked-beinga outdoors in large pots placed directly on fire. A very apt choice, seeing, in the United States and beyond, each 4 February is celebrated with the soup 'National soup day’. Below carry-over recipe that was given to me by the chef dell'Ungarikum Bisztró, a typical restaurant in the center of Budapest where I had the pleasure of dining.

Traditional Hungarian Gulyás


  • 400 grams of beef into cubes
  • two tomatoes
  • two carrots into rounds
  • a yellow pepper, chopped
  • two chopped onions
  • 2 patate be a
  • means of celery stalk
  • a clove of minced garlic
  • a tablespoon sweet paprika
  • two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • two liters of water
  • salt and pepper


Saute the chopped onions, then add the meat over high heat rosolandola. Add salt, pepper and ground cumin seeds, stirring continuously. Add the tomato, the pepper, garlic and paprika. Deglaze with about two liters of water, and bake at moderate heat for about 90 minutes. When the meat is almost ready to add the other vegetables and cook for another ten minutes.

The traditional Hungarian Gulyás is served with small dumplings of dough called 'csipetke'. They are prepared by making a dough with an egg, one hundred grams of flour and a pinch of salt. Cook them in boiling water for several armed, drain and add to the soup.

goodbye (goodbye) Budapest!

Hungarikum Bistro – Budapest, Steindl Imre u. 13

Poggiorsini, pure water country and wild orchids.

We are in the province of Bari, more accurately Poggiorsini. A small, quiet town known for its rich geological basin and the natural beauty of the Alta Murgia National Park. Situated on a hill, enjoys a strategic position for the proximity to places from historical and environmental interest Matera, Altamura, Gravina and Trani. A beautiful resort in Puglia in the past of the Orsini family feud, which it takes its name. One of the many small historic and scenic villages that bear witness to the Italian Memory. Place to preserve and rediscover not to lose our identity.

strong point of the country is the “belvedere” located just outside the small historic center. A panoramic terrace that sweeps up the Basilicata that allowed me to enjoy the beautiful autumn colors of the earth in all its nuances. A territory – to Poggiorsini and the surrounding municipalities – so impressive to become a film set for the film “Last Paradise” Riccardo Scamarcio, and actually shooting the film “Mother” written and directed by Antonio Costa. But not only ... in Gravina di Puglia, archaeological-naturalistic town, were filmed some scenes of 'No time to die', 25the James Bond film franchise th.

Another area of ​​very charming territory is that of Alta Murgia National Park, 68.000 hectares of vast hilly areas and stony interspersed with oak woods and conifers, and the presence of eighty varieties of wild orchids which better flowering is concentrated in April. Inside it is clearly visible the medieval Castle Garagnone (1048), a stronghold inserted into a castellare federiciano system, that at that time it connected the fortifications present on the Alta Murgia each other in order to report the arrival of enemies. A place for safeguarding the territory of the Knights Hospitaller, warrior monks belonging to the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, guarding the passage of food resources and protected the pilgrims in the Holy Land. You should visit with experienced guides to the lack of marked trails, but also not to bump unexpectedly in herds of wild boars. Social animals of peaceful disposition that become aggressive if they feel threatened, or if you feel a threat to their cubs. An emergency – that of the uncontrolled proliferation of wild boars – subject from time to containment actions, alas still inadequate, involving many Italian natural areas from north to south.

Behind that apparent tranquility that then and there I perceived in Poggiorsini, there is a swarm of young entrepreneurial initiatives aimed at encouraging tourism and food and wine tours. New levers of the 80s and 90s that, after being formed, They are working 'together' for sustainable development that enhances the local resources. Among these there is one in particular: l 'spring water. Thanks to its quality properties tested and certified by the University of Pisa is bottled, but not only ... It is in an advanced stage of the project a rural health center based on the therapeutic benefits of thermal waters and herbs of the high Murgia.

A water of high quality is also a key ingredient for a good craft beer. A production that is increasingly popular and that gave birth to the little two Poggiorsini craft breweries: Social Brewery Alta Murgia – SPAM,  Social brewery that promotes access to employment of persons with disabilities, and Brewery of Ostuni, founded in an old cinema.

You can not write about a city without mentioning its cuisine. That traditional murgese is very rich and varied, and it is based on the spontaneous products of the earth as the fungus Cardoncello, protagonist in the tables, but not abusive flavors. Do not miss the wonderful dairy products and the typical fresh handmade pasta. With the approach of the Christmas season, however, the desire to taste traditional desserts is felt more than ever. A Poggiorsini thanks to the expert hands of Giusy Cantore, fourth generation of master bakers of Bakery Cantore, I had the pleasure to watch the preparation of Sasanelli, sweet spicy Murge made with almonds and cooked wine entered by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in the list of Foodstuffs (PAT). Here's how to prepare.

Impastare 500 grams of flour sifted with 30 grams of unsweetened cocoa, 200 milliliters of fig vincotto, 10 grams of ammonia for cakes, 250 grams of toasted and chopped almonds in Toritto (typical Apulian), 125 grammi di zucchero, 100 ml of good extra virgin olive oil, grated lemon, cinnamon and clove powder. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture of putting spoonfuls onto a greased and floured baking pan, and bake for 15 minutes of a 160 degrees.

An idea greedy for a Merry Christmas tradition.


The environment must be safeguarded, but especially, It is regenerated! NeoruraleHub

Regenerate the environment but as ...?! Certainly each of us can something. For example, all we could start simply by planting a tree. Actually there is a state law – Law No.. 10 of 14 January 2013 – which establishes the obligation for municipalities over 15.000 residents to stay put a tree in the municipal area for each child born or adopted. To be honest it was even set up in the Ministry of a competent Committee for the development of public parks, with the aim of supervising and receive specific information regarding the planting. Yet in many municipalities this is not done because of lack of funds. At least that justify administrators. How sad ...

The question on environmental protection and climate change is a serious thing and now debated for years. The truth is that most debates still need more concrete actions aimed at recreating ecosystems. In this regard I am reminded of a documentary film 2014 – Il sale della terra – which shows how twenty years in the Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado, with his wife Lélia Deluiz Wanick, have 'regenerated environment' in a desert area of 600 ha. The deforestation of this area of ​​Brazil once used in the land withered pastures, leaving desolation and absence of nature. Salgado, determined to restore the biodiversity that had been destroyed, he planted on his property about two million trees recreating the atmosphere of ancient times, regenerating nature. An instructive documentary film that everyone should see and on which we should reflect very.

Fortunately it is in place for some time an incessant movement animated by the new generations: Fridays for Future. I am very proud of these young people, because they have an open mind and determined to stop the mechanisms that are bringing the land to rebel. The goal of the events going on around the world is actually to enforce the Paris Agreement of 2015 It aims to keep global warming below 1,5 degrees Celsius.

We must act quickly, because I am convinced that the Earth can save us, if we can save her.

Reflections that led me to grasp with interest the invitation to visit NeoruraleHub, a rural area of 1.700 hectares born in 1996 between the provinces of Pavia and Milan, thanks to the will and passion for the environment engineer Natta, the engineer-in-law. Piero Manzoni, CEO of this reality. A region that once agriculture desert that I brought to mind the example of Sebastião Salgado in Brazil. INo more than two decades of research and development has been transformed into an agricultural and environmental sustainability model where you have re-created the right conditions for biodiversity.

re-naturalized area with about 78 hectares of forest and 107 hectares of humid air that welcomes the Innovation Center Giulio Natta, a resource center for innovative start-ups in the world dell'agrifood. Home to the agriculture sector 4.0, of the research and development of new biotechnologies for agriculture and the environment, and specialist in the energy efficiency of industrial processes of the agri-food companies. At the same time it was created the brand 'Knights of Italy’ boasting certification 'Biodiversity Alliance’ by CCPB, organization that certifies organic and sustainable products, food and non.

A startup incubator that houses research laboratories and innovative and sustainable solutions in the agrifood. Of particular interest is the presence of an experimental field for the development of medicinal plant extracts, in particular dell'epilobio, a plant known for the treatment of diseases of prostate and bladder.

A regenerated nature that rebalances the human activities with the environment.

Innovation Center Giulio Natta – Giussago (PV)


September, time to nuts. It holds you in walnut largest in Italy!

Eraclea… one of my places of the heart, andin cittat of sea ​​and great green views in provincia di Venezia with whom I have had a strong relationship for years. A recall It dictated not only from my origins. In fact, i perfumes of its large pine and the nostalgia ofthe my long walks at dawn by the sea, They bring me there often, for experience the region restoresmembrane the right balance. Simple and natural well-being, and a touch of poetry that is good for the soul. But poetry breaks easily! Sì, especially when feedback that importantthe reality locals are ignored by many. I do not mean some tourists, in ad some people actively involved in the economies of surrounding municipalities that snub and underestimate the potential of this place. and aNutile campanilismo it does no good to the territory. Eh sì, here we go again…

Thea reality that I mean is that of a walnut grove of more than 140 ha, the first private producer of walnuts in Italy: 'Cuor di Noce' Tenuta La Spiga Eraclea. An oasis uncontaminated of great scenic beauty born in the early '900 driven by Alessandro Gaggia, natural heir of the founder family. A highlight of the Veneto region which in recent decades has been characterized in Italian walnut plantations with well 757 hectares of plants. The most common varieties are California's Chandler and Lara French.

Alessandro Gaggia, nell'accompagnarmi visiting the Tenuta, He told me about the reclamation work in the early '900 has allowed us to recover well 3.650 hectares of land for agriculture and livestock. It was the great-grandfather Achille the author of this activity, which over time we have become a thriving farm specializing in the cultivation of walnuts. A closed-end fund that protect nature and safeguard the flora and native fauna. A really nice spot to sustainable farming practices and innovative techniques go hand in hand. Recently forty cameras were placed on the trees along the probes into the soil transmit data to understand the needs of plant.

But now let's talk about nuts ...

The Walnut - scientific name Juglans regia – It is a majestic tree and longevity of Asian origin. Its fruit, la Noce, It is contained in the husk, External green and fleshy part that opens to maturation. The part that we all know is the kernel, the delicious seed of the fruit from the many properties. The Veneto produces 30% National product. Venice – considered the capital of walnut – It produces a third of Venetian production.

Collection : nel mese di September is now harvest time! Every year between September and November, when the husk darkens and tends to break, It proceeds to the collection of nuts which then must be dried on racks outdoors.

Property : Nuts are great allies of the welfare of our bodies for their beneficial nutritional properties. They are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, omega 3 and minerals. Their regular consumption prevents cardiovascular diseases and helps to lower the cholesterol 'bad'. They are energetic and counteract high blood pressure.

daily consumption : tKing walnuts per day and levi the doctor away! However, being very caloric must not exaggerate. Three nuts a day, approximately 15 grams, behave 100 kilocalorie.

storage : theand nuts do not like the heat or humidity, then they should be stored in a cool place, dry place away from heat.

With or without the shell? With the shell I'd say that's a different story! It has a higher retention and quality assurance, thus avoiding risks of oxidation and contamination of mold.

A curiosity: the walnut shells ground into powder are used in the restoration sector blasting of delicate paintings and wooden works.

And in the kitchen ... I've done with walnuts pesto!

Easy to prepare and delicious on pasta. It is obtained by blending 50 grams of washed and dried basil on a towel, joined two garlic cloves, 6 walnuts and a pinch of coarse salt.

Next add 100 ml of good extra virgin olive oil, 5 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese and 2 pecorino. Blend all the ingredients until the mixture is smooth to refrigerate. A real treat of flavors and fragrances!

Tenuta La Spiga - Cuor di Noce www.cuordinoce.it

Via Sette Casoni, 4 place. Torre di Fine - Eraclea (AND)

Saranda, new Albanian tourist destination low cost. My impressions.

I must admit that when I was offered a trip to Saranda – town south of Albania new frontier of tourism low-cost – then and there I was a bit 'puzzled. A destination that is not considered and has never particularly interested me. A city in a non-EU nation whose political situation of recent years has not contributed positively for tourism. But things are starting to change. The beauty of its coastline and tourist packages at affordable rates are helping to make Albania a new frontier of tourism low cost. Well, made these considerations, After some research and watching some videos, curiously I did not hesitate to go.

 Once arrived in Saranda my expressionIt is returned to being puzzled.

The view of the coastline disfigured by rows of palaces, one behind the other, for sure it was not aroused a positive impact. A framework certainly not among the most beautiful that made me think of a race to a reckless tourism, exploiting the resources regardless of which each territory needs dell'equilibro. A first rather unpleasant impression I hin fact think of a settlement of the new rich of the post-communism. Entrepreneurs of the new capitalism linked to old beliefs of the past, that quite yet it is not actually. See the entrance of a four-star hotel, certainly not comparable to our, symbols casts evil eye as strings of garlic it seemed really weird. Eppure…

Yet after a week stay I can say I visited, albeit for a small part, a country with beautiful beaches whose memory has been undermined by a long dictatorship. A country in which the presence of a witness to history bunker far exceeds the religious buildings, mostly destroyed during the regime.

Here are some of my nature and gastronomy?.  

Saranda, a coastal city with archaeological sites and beautiful pebble beaches and sand, with comfortable lidos. As a particularly lively night, maybe for my taste a bit 'too. Certainly an ideal destination for those who love the sea and nightlife.

They call it 'black eye', actually the exact name is Blue eye. A karst spring sixteen km from Saranda with a constant year-round temperature of ten degrees. Bathe in its crystalline waters I assure you that it is highly refreshing!

Ksamili certainly remain the Albanian seaside town of which I will have more nostalgic. His white beach, The color of the turquoise sea, and four small islands overlooked, They have donated moments of comfort and true emotion. Located about seventeen kilometers from Saranda is a very essential step!

Gjirokastra, a historic village located sixty kilometers from Saranda and forty from the border with Greece. A city recognized by UNESCO World Heritage Site of the oldest in Albania, to stroll between stone houses and local artisan shops.

Although the Albanian traditional cuisine is more related to meat preparations, during my stay I have tasted really well-made fish dishes.  Among the local specialties I appreciated Albanian fried food of cheese or curds, a dish made with ricotta, Red peppers, tomatoes, onions and spices are cooked together. The final product is a thick sauce, that accompanied with a little 'bread is really delicious. As for the local wine tasting after several attempts I gave up. Really a company understand the provenance and origin… not to mention the wrong temperatures that are served. Alas… here the time is not yet ripe for the tasters.

In conclusion ... What I liked most and what less than Saranda.

What I liked most? No doubt the beaches and the color of the sea.

What I liked less? The improvisation in welcoming tourist and the reckless. Not to mention the condition of the road surface and the waste management. Walking requires a careful look on the ground to not run into holes and anything else.

What would? Certainly needed investments in tourism services, in strengthening totally inadequate public transport, in road safety and particularly in hotel training in toto. The fact remains that the Albanian Riviera is the country a very important economic sector. The way I saw it, It is serving still at least a decade of good practices. If that happens, There are good prospects for economic improvement of a country with an average income per capita 300/400 € monthly.


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