The 'Caves of Silenus' chora of Taranto, a frontier land full of magic and mysteries not yet violated.

The Caves of Silenus, an archaeological site where oil is produced, ancient wine and fruit. Here you will find the garden of 'Columella', the prehistoric hut, but above all the warmth of Magna Grecia (xenia).

Sileno, a mythological being an educator of ancient Greece Dionysus (Bacchus). Depicted as an old drunk riding a donkey, is the protector of the vineyards and wine.

I met him in his cave, or better, in the area around a farm in the province of Taranto Castellaneta where, during archaeological excavations, plants were found in vineyards and pre-Roman depictions of Silenus. Testimonials attesting to the vocation of this land to the production of wine.

Hence the origin of the name of the farm of which he is a member Raffaele Rochira: The Caves of Silenus.

With Paolo Barberi Az. Agr. Bell Equipment Raffaele Caves of Silenus

Paolo Wed Barberio. Farm Bell – Raffaele Rochira Az. Agricola The Caves of Silenus

An estate that purchased after passing a difficult time in her life. Despite not being born farmer, its origins have invoked the earth. Determinants studies in Tuscany. The passion for the land and the stubbornness of its people to promote it, he has been in years to come of great teaching.

Although Italy has always been a country suited to the land and agriculture, bureaucratic complications hinder those who want to, with great effort, dedicate to it. A key alas sore, argue that, unfortunately, I feel every time I visit a farm reality.

4 - A screw one hundred years. Monuments of nature.

A screw one hundred years. Monuments of nature.

  • Raffaele, let's start from here. How do you live your territory?

It 'difficult to operate in an environment characterized by lack of love and lack of economic opportunities; in particular in the vision, by some citizens, conditioned by representatives of the Institutions, that, for several reasons, do not believe or do not want to believe in the primary sector.

The importance of communicating the territory through the recovery of our historical roots is the true awareness to not lose our identity for a new cultural and economic vision.

Le grotte di Sileno

The Caves of Silenus – Antique door

  • Wine, Oil and ancient fruit. These are your main productions.

Exact. What I try to do is tell with our products, the nature and culture of this great land loved since the dawn of time, da filosofi, Scientists, Emperors and Princes. I tell my Earth, Puglia, la weir (land) Taranto, where the olive trees migrate in a metaphorical sense and not.

A frontier land full of magic, full of mysteries not yet violated. What I try to do is to arouse emotions in those who decide to "live it".

The married Olive with stone

The olive married with stone

  • I've talked about your old garden: the garden of Columella.

The idea stems from the fact that, I bought the company I found intact the garden of Columella (Surveyor General and the Roman Empire which granted to veterans of the Roman legions, returning from missions, land). Novanta are (nine thousand square meters) bordered by dry stone walls on the north side are up to four feet to protect from cold north winds vegetable garden and fruit trees.

Given that fortuitously had preserved this ancient structure, why not replace the ancient plants and ancient semi reconstructing in full the garden and made a living example of archeology of the area? So I made.



  • You made me see the reconstruction of prehistoric hut Middle Bronze Age, found south of the company. It 'tied to a project?

One, is a faithful reconstruction, put in place with the help of architects and archaeologists: an experimental archeology project aimed at the promotion of the territory. We have some different, including one for the promotion of construction techniques Biodynamic the realization of which passes through a synergistic action between universities, professionals and other businesses.

House of Straw

House of Straw

  • In your estate organizes archaeological activities with children. An initiative that has had a successful, and teaching them to love story. I do parli?

Thanks to the collaboration with the Cultural Association Aulon Res, composed of specialized guides supported by archaeologists and architects, visits are organized with schools, and not only. Both children and adults have the opportunity to experience the excitement of an archaeological dig with the discovery of structures, tombe e reperti.

Arouse emotions is the mission of the Caves of Silenus, in this case, with the charm of the discovery of the ancient, the mystery.

Ancient well

Ancient well

  • Now we talk about tourism. I can say I have seen the foundations for a successful host country and not only. I saw started your farm. To what extent are the work of implementation?

Cynthia, We are already operating, in the sense that we practice the principles of hospitality and welcome of Magna Grecia (xenia). L'agriturismo, such as in-room hospitality, will be operational for the opening of the Expo 2015.

Always eats, but especially this summer, We will arrange guided tours on the farm and in the surrounding areas available to take at the guests of the other facilities with paths between nature and history…



Flower of Pomegranate

Flower of Pomegranate

The Caves of Silenus

The Caves of Silenus

Raffele Rochira www.legrottedisileno.it


La Maison Charles Heidsieck, 160 year history of Champagne

The British writer Charles Caleb Colton compared champagne at a critical: "There is nothing more repulsive when it is bad ... nothing more delicious when it's good."

Although I am a woman who loves red wine (the good ones), when I have the chance I take with pleasure the taste of a glass of champagne produced by a Maison renowned for the quality and history.

Charles Heidsieck is a French wine that was born in the vineyards of Champagne - Ardenne region in northern France. A wine that appeals to luxury, elegance and seduction, much loved by women.

Champagne Charles Heidsieck

Champagne Charles Heidsieck

Well, a few nights ago I took the invitation of Philarmonica, Actually the distribution of selected productions, attending a dinner dedicated to this product champagne from a historic Maison born in 1851.

In the center of Milan, accepted in the delightful Restaurant ‘Brassica Merenda‘, obtained from a patrician apartment at the end of 1700, was held the event with tasting conducted by the expert guidance of Mark's Church.

A summer evening in Milan with #charliesway @philarmonicaspa

One summer evening in Milan with charliesway # @ philarmonicaspa

Not knowing Marco, when I asked him what that occupy, his answer was ready: “Cynthia, I tell stories of wine and men”. What better opportunity to listen…

In an estate will be, in a unique and elegantly furnished, with ten bloggers I did a tour of tasting, combined with a dinner by the typical Mediterranean flavors.

Si beve Champagne Charles Heidsieck Millésime 2000 Vintage Brut e... Mediterranean food you eat

Si beve Champagne Charles Heidsieck Millésime 2000 Vintage Brut e… Mediterranean food you eat

A Maison with five labels: Charles Heidsieck Brut Réserve, Rosé Reserve, Vintage Brut 2000, Vintage Rosé 1999 e White Millennia 1995.

To each his own champagne. My, at least one who has approached more to my liking for the pleasure of the nose and in the mouth, è stato he millennia Vintage White 1995 Vintage.

Vintage White millennia 1995 Vintage - Charles Heidsieck

Vintage White millennia 1995 Vintage – Charles Heidsieck

To accompany, oltre a Billie Holiday con ‘Crazy He Calls Me‘, listening to the tales of Marco on the vicissitudes of a family that has resulted in the soirees of the European courts to the present day, its products.

‘Champagne Charlie’, the name by which it is known in America, is a wine of a French company that stands out for its recognized ability to work as a team. An attitude than an inclination, that over time enables economies and territory.

Restaurant 'brassica Merenda'

Restaurant 'brassica Merenda’


Social Veg, Kitchen Antonio Marchello in key social

Social Veg, a project Antonio Marchello to raise awareness, interact and prepare a dish vegan or vegetarian through the web. Anthony, the Robin Food del web, is so called by his students for the determination with which it undertakes, in bringing in Italian homes, the techniques of cooking. The advantages are easy to enumerate.

First, the cost compared to traditional courses, then the opportunity to interact in chat with the community and staff live streaming, and finally, for those who have no way to physically move, the opportunity to be able to access from home, a real cooking class.

It’ Just register on www.socialveg.it. After you have received an email with the ingredients and the necessary material, follow the appointment of www.socialveg.it / live-video. Guided by expert hands of Antonio in less than an hour together, We will create a dish of the day.

When I reported this initiative, I wanted to know how I do it is customary, The person leading the project: I present Anthony Marchello. 🙂

Antonio Marchello - Photography by Monica Placanica

Antonio Marchello

Antonio has lived since childhood kitchen thanks to the passion that his mother sent him. An excellent cook who brought him up to the kitchen an ideal place to bring together the whole family. An environment that since, in a way, he never abandoned.

Since the time school, during the summer holidays, began to form working in various restaurants until, at twenty-four, the decision to open one of his own. Subsequent experiences abroad were then determining the choices and changes of direction.

Back in Italy, after a period spent working in New York, the decision to leave the restaurant to become a personal chef gave a new turn to her life. The idea of ​​being at home people to cook tailored, entering somewhat more directly in their lives, attracted him very. The truth is that creative people are in need of constant stimuli. A necessity that I understand very well, and which I myself can not do without.

Of poco, in addition to the new adventure of social and social veg kitchen, has met his other great passion: il teatro. Insieme a MaxPisu, for the production Bananas-Zelig, tour is bringing in the play "Max ter Chef"That he is the protagonist on stage in a show cooking sauce comic.

To the right key Antonio is all here: have fun working. Now that you know a little’ better I'd say it's appropriate to pass the word to him.

  • Anthony, we want to talk about Social Veg?

Sure Cinzia! Come per social kitchen, Social Veg also gives everyone the chance to cook live with us, from home, without makeup and without deception. The same ingredients, same equipment, same time and the same desire to pass along a bit 'of time in the kitchen. Eventually we will have prepared all a good dish to bring to the table and to be tasted alone or in company.

Social Veg

  • Social Veg was born after Social Kitchen. How was your first experience with the kitchen on the social web?

The beginnings were not easy. When I told my idea often say that I felt would not work and that no one would be put in the kitchen with me, following me on the web. But I have not given up, until one day I met another "crazy" like me who believed in this project. Since then Alessandro Luciano, with sua Excogitanet, is the core technology of Social and Social Veg kitchen. I think I have finally found a playmate with whom fun in creating and designing something new. People perceive it at home and listen to the transmissions are confirmed.

  • Cook for themselves alone often leads to not stimulate the desire to get in the kitchen. Any suggestions to overcome this obstacle?

Even in this case suggest to use a little 'fantasy, an essential ingredient for me. Forget about being alone. Rather mandatevi all an invitation, sia sms, via mail, with a note, un post it, as favorite. But do it really. Invitatevi dinner! Then prepare something good, make ready for good and introduce yourself to your appointment well dressed and perhaps with a good bottle of wine. I am sure that among all the guests that you have received in your life, spend some 'quality time with yourself will reserve you some pleasant surprises!

  • From your words I think I understand that the opportunity to offer to all those who want to try in the kitchen, with a discussion and sharing, it was the spring that drove you to experience the social channels of which among other things I myself am an avid supporter. It 's so?

I strongly believe in technology and progress, particularly if they are associated with human aspect quell'imprescindibile. The kitchen itself , has always been in some way sharing, exactly as for social. And 'from this concept that the idea was born to create, even if only virtually, the larger kitchen and tableware longest in Italy, but not only, because we have a following abroad. A real big family that I really like!

  • Do you think there is hope for people like me in the kitchen is a bit like saying ... a landslide?

Of course there is hope, and not only!  As we say in social kitchen and social veg "the kitchen must be accessible to all". Cooking for yourself… Rather, you are officially invited to cook with me live!

Caspita, have been challenged! At this point I can only accept! State pronti, but especially, stay tuned on Social Veg! 😉

Photo di Monica Placanica


Greatest Chef China Italy edition: Liu Peng Vs Eugenio Boer. A challenge between chefs.

Sunday 8 June, Doriana Tucci together with her friend, I attended a special evening: a challenge among the best Chinese chefs in comparison with internationally renowned chefs.

The show was held at the Boscolo Hotel in Milan with the recording of an episode of Greatest Chef China Italy edition.  Stars of the evening: Liu Peng e Eugenio Boer.


More than a challenge, a true comparison between techniques, traditions and products. This is gourmet cooking television program aired on CCTV, Chinese state television, and at the same time is being promoted online.

Do you think that in the edition of 2013 the average viewers per evening was twenty million with a peak of listening that has touched the thirty-five. Caspita! Without a shadow of a doubt is the moment of cooking and its protagonists, not only in Italy, but all over the world!

Although lately maybe you overuse the sharing of food images, the fact remains that people love the creativity with which the chefs, almost true superstar, transform.

During serata, sitting next to delicious Patricia Contreras, young Mexican artist and photographer, between a chat and the other dishes I tasted and voted for this competition to taste.

Want to know who won the challenge? Of course Italy! To represent the chef Eugenio Jacques Christiaan Boer.  Let us try to know him better ...

Eugenio Boer

Chef Eugenio Jacques Christiaan Boer

As a Dutch father and mother Ligurian, Eugene grew up in a mix of very different culinary cultures together. Already three years she cooking in the Netherlands with his grandmother Rosa, the mother of his mother. The love of cooking was born so, with fresh pasta prepared together every Thursday to the delight of his father. At twelve, the decision to work in a restaurant despite the contrary opinion of the family. At the end, Having regard to the stubbornness of his son accepted, but only on condition that ended in contemporary studies by Accountant.

I worked and went to school, but I was happy. I liked what I was doing, and I love it still. I've been really lucky in the years of apprenticeship. I had the good fortune to meet the great masters of life, as well as unequivocal professionals. They helped me grow teaching me how to capture the 'true'… avoiding the 'unnecessary'. Now these teachings, even the most hard and humiliating, I know that I have served.

– Eugenio, I shall quote a comment that made a person of my acquaintance referring to your beard: "A chef is like a doctor and a soldier, must be able to present. Shaved or at least with a short beard. "

By reading this comment, I can only smile. I chose in my life a formation of severe discipline. Only those who are 'forced’ in the ideas and executions, It can really give a new aspect to his work. And 'why I do not judge the work of a professional by his appearance, albeit cared anyway.

– What do you think of Chinese cuisine?

I love the East, and Asia in general, a world that has always fascinated me and my wife Emma introduced me helping me to overcome my phobia of flying. But that's another story ...



A lemonade ... but thanks to the coffee! Do you know the Brasilena?

Exactly so, a soda to coffee that I was able to appreciate during my holiday in Calabria.

The Brasilena is a soft drink fizzy typical Calabrian obtained by infusion of coffee (infusion of the coffee powder in boiling water).

To prepare it using the spring water of Monte Covello, situated in the territory of Girifalco in the province of Catanzaro. This mountain is known for its wealth of woods, for its wildlife, and for the quality of its mineral waters.

Un soft drink, se vi piace chiamarla così, with a low percentage of coffee (about 12%) produced by 1982 Water from the Company Calabria.

And 'perfect for every hour, these aunt, and taste really nice. An Italian product. I do not understand why not propose this instead of notes beverages from abroad from objectionable content!

I have to admit that before going in Calabria did not know it either. So it is easy to say. The cause is mainly due to the poor promotion of the product by the manufacturer.

In all cases, I recommend you try it if you get a chance. The selection always depends on the question ...

Our Lady of Mount Covello

Our Lady of Mount Covello – Photography Tele Pepè Girifalco

It 'time budgets. Object: Business Plan? Subject: Cynthia shearers

A few days ago I did a little 'order in my archives.

Who takes care of 'communication', to be a blogger, a publicist or a journalist, lives between data, notes, Books, studies, schedari, contact ... for me it is so. I take very seriously what I do. There is a lot of work behind, travel, search, costs, knowledge, disappointments, emotions ...

Well, I have had in hand an analysis that, unbeknownst to me, almost without realizing it, I was made about a year ago. After, then, I was handed a script with three sheets. One, have been analyzed, I did not ask, and I do not know well because. I was subjected to this investigation as to understand if I were a person to invest, or perhaps better, use.

I spiego. A woman, ago, I approached demonstrating friendship and interest in what I was doing. I have no secrets ... I live in the sunshine, then, view his kindness, I had no problems to open them the doors of the house. In fact I was under analysis. As a result, to my surprise I was handed after time with a script called 'reserved'. I will not name, but what is written about me, if it is reserved or not, I decide io.

In magazines, My strengths are revealed (I transcribe verbatim):

  • "Ability to report very strong. Can you get a feeling for the people and to get you to open the door to enter. It 'an extraordinary strength. "The answer is simple, are sincere and especially myself. It is not always easy to open. But I know that my experience can serve other, and then, why not. People, now more than ever, need honesty, simplicity and especially to trust in someone.
  • "Culture and Manners. Transmit both so strong, and this is an excellent paper. "But again, there is sudden communicators, in no way. To do that you need to experience the area by listening to the characters that live the reality and the productions. Then we complete the research and study.
  • "Passion determined, and not just because you tell yourself that you are passion-driven, but because we perceive really. "Nothing to add.
  • "Expertise and skills for effective communication on the web (Search SEM and SEO: if you rely on yourself, you are able to find immediately, with the various search engines, the place and the people you follow)."I love the digital communications for the possibilities it offers for the promotion of the territory, and visibility that, through it, I can give to those I consider it appropriate to learn. I do not deny that I also met the wrong people for whom I trusted, is part of life ... the weather is great and the detector shall cause to overcome the bitterness.
  • "Write good, with your own personal style, simple and pleasant. "I started writing by accident ... it is now a necessity. I write first and foremost for me, learning and continuing to do so.
  • "Photography. Sei brava, photos are nice, whether it be people or objects. Can you grasp the essence. "Older I get the more I like. Photographer everything, almost in fear of losing what I see. I agree to communicate beauty.

All the nice things you say. The only note dolente, written at the end of the three pages that I have been handed a surprise in an envelope, can be summed up with an interpretation of my work with "lack of focus, or better, with lack of clarity of purpose ".

Perhaps, after almost four years that I carry out this activity, it is time to take stock and reflections. He was right this person? I do not know what to tell you. I know for a fact that I know very well what is my goal: communicate the territory and especially the people who are its protagonists. My dream for the future: be part of the active.

My blog is a container of what I have experienced and learned in recent years. I do not know Other, or better, perhaps the sore, not for me, that much about 'snubbing the rules of this society' (only when it is the right), has a long and difficult path.

I live what I do customizing it with who I am and with what I believe. I write what I live if I pass something, or I think it needs to be done to pass a message. What is certain is that I'll never do it 'dictation'.

The signal the berry Green. The grape and wine Longanesi Bursôn.


La natura, with its perfection, continues to surprise me. A single green grape, Once ripe,, indicates the right time for the grape harvest. A special feature, though not singular, but very rare.

We are in Ravenna. The berry to which I refer is that of bunch of grapes Longanesi, an ancient indigenous vine. Da quest'uva, registered in the Register of Varieties by 2000, si produce il wine Bursôn.

Friday 6 June to Restaurant Daniel Milan, took an evening sponsored by the The Consortium Bagnacavallo to spread awareness of this wine typical of Emilia Romagna.

Present Sergio Boys, technical manager of the consortium, and some manufacturers that are part of. During dinner, edited by Chef Daniel Canzian, I heard the story from the protagonists who reported to relive this vine.

Sergio Boys #Spinetta #Randi #consorziobagnacavallo

Sergio Boys Spinetta # # # Randi ConsorzioIlBagnacavallo

It all started when, in 1920, Antonio Longanesi nicknamed precisely Bursôn, became curious noticing a wild vine clinging to an oak. Given the resistance of the plant decided, since the mid-fifties, of cultivating, producing a wine that, with his initial surprise, reached an alcohol content of 14 degrees.

From that moment, with the birth of the consortium and with the synergy of the seventeen producers associated, has continued to promote the dissemination and knowledge of the wine of ancient origin.

During the tasting, despite the constant of the same grape variety, territory and winemaker, I had the pleasure of tasting a wine with characteristics different. To influence, in addition to the hand of the producer, the origin of a land crossed by three different rivers.


The wines tasted: Bursôn annate dal 2005 to the 2009 – Rambèla – Dear sweet malbo version – Bursôn Passito – Sparkling Rambèla of Bursôn

Produced in two types: Bursôn Etichetta Blu from non-dried grapes, and Bursôn Black Label from dried grapes and aged in wood for over two years.

Speaking with producers and listening to their choices, I could not help but point out that when we talk about agriculture held in, rather than changes in life, I believe that there is talk of return. Italy is a country tied to the land. Farmers were peasants and go back to being. About the use of capital letters, because the people who today are oriented towards agriculture, are formed and prepared as it should be. Recovering traditions and using modern technology, guarantee the quality of products while maintaining their typical.

The only hope is the help of the administrative apparatus of competence, nell'alleggerire those who really want to work the land and to produce. One word is decisive for the future development of agriculture: #sburocratizzare!

Serata Bursôn

Serata Bursôn

Coping with Renato and Helen of Visitors at the Table

Coping with Renato and Helen of Visitors at the Table

Risotto with lemon and licorice gravy

Risotto with lemon and licorice with gravy – Chef Daniel Canzian


The historic mill “The Acropolis of Puglia” Martina Franca


Martina Franca in the province of Taranto, an elegant city with a rich history in the heart of Valle d'Itria. I met her walking along its streets and admiring the baroque style of its houses and palaces. A city that I was particularly struck by the care and the order in which it is held. "Qui Mangi Pane e barocco intitolava nel giugno del ’97 la rivista “Bell’Italia” a proposito del suo centro storico.

Until yesterday I had those parts for a short holiday. Always unite business with pleasure by visiting the realities of agricultural lands that I visit. I was advised that one but unfortunately, because of my departure, I could not see: the historic mill The Acropolis of Puglia”.

It did for me Vito Piepoli. I share with you his story.

The historic mill "The Acropolis of Puglia"

Vito Piepoli

The month of May is said mass in outer space in front of the entrance of the mill "The Acropolis of Puglia" in Martina Franca (Taranto), in business since 1889, Family Lucarella, where stands a beautiful statue of Our Lady of Odegitria . With this vision of blessing begins a visit to the ancient oil mill in the company of no less than one hundred twenty-two years of Beatrice Lucarella.

"He was my father's grandfather Domenico, Vincent then, the father of my father " Beatrice tells us vaguely of the top photo, placed immediately inside the mill family. Entering the temperature is changed, you're pretty cool. Being a hilly Martina, on the one hand and on the other you climb down ... so how crusher is buried. It is not very big, just as it was, in the center of town. And 'a semi FRANTOIO – ipogeo, like conformation and structure. E '"seeds" precisely because it is not placed in underground cavities but slightly below the road level. The production is cold with millstones and hydraulic presses.

The company is a destination for sightseeing and school groups for the rediscovery of ancient crafts and to learn about the different stages of production which the pressing, the gramolatura, la spremitura, storage and bottling. We continue to look inside the mill and allow ourselves to be attracted by signs and details a latere Principal activity. There are hooks on the ceiling.

Most of these hooks could have more functions or hang caciocavalli and sausages in general by season. The eye bolts were used instead to attack the animals to the chains. Per la staffa di cavallo c’è un duplice significato, the first is to mascot. The second concerns the use of the horse as a beast of 'round', or the quadruped used by the miller to turn the millstones.

Formerly, the place of transformation of olive oil was called “trappeto”, from the Latin trappetum, that is carved into the rock crusher that testify to the flourishing economy of the distant past, or even from the greek trapeo = pigiare o trepo = Twist or even trapetes which means mill by the number of mills that once were three, smaller diameter of the current, positioned at the bottom and a horse-drawn murgesi, Donkeys, typical of the area, or by oxen.

photo 2

The Acropolis of Puglia

The production is done just as tradition commands, the first pressing of the olives under the grinder and then the dough is placed on fiscoli, shaped donuts, originally stuffed, that go on each other to compose the "tower" , ready for juice under the "press". Four presses in the mill and, to say our guide, durante il periodo di produzione sono necessarie almeno quattro – five people to carry on working.

To make a grinder and make at least a "tower" it takes at least three tons of olives and, secondo Beatrice, this year the year should be good enough for the collection in the family estates that are located in the countryside of Martina Franca and Crispiano. What actually affect much in terms of cost is the maintenance of the countryside. Especially difficult to recover because they try to maintain an average price of sale to the public even if it is essential for the consumer to understand that if you want to eat good and genuine quality product at a cost.

Beatrice reminds us that, switching to another product of the earth, excellent white wines are derived from grapes (Martina white) and red (Primitivo del Salento) typical of the Valle d'Itria. Even the wine market globally has become difficult. I happened to have a meeting with the Russian importers, dice Beatrice, asking to pay the bulk wine to fifty cents per liter (un'assurdità!).

Returning oil, the guide reassures us that the olives harvested and pressed at the mill family do not gather from the ground rather she herself tells us that there must be collected from the ground, because “the oil is a sponge in contact with the ground does nothing but absorb the humus, moisture and mold. I nostri terreni non sono trattati con diserbanti nocivi arando il terreno con l’uso di trattori per eliminare le erbacce e impastare il terreno. Harvesting is done mostly for extraction of the olives from the tree, but if we use the mechanical arm, the olives are immediately collected by networks. It 'a grind. Our main cultivar is characterized by olive "coratina" but also "leccina-Nociara" grafted in the same plant, the fruit of all trees. The harvest takes place during the months of November-December, although much depends on the type of climate that has taken place and the presence of abundant or scarce rainfall; pruning takes place shortly after the collection, with the system of pruning “.

The product is appreciated and exported to the U.S., in Eastern Europe, and in many European countries, especially in England and France. Italy applies the sale through the system of door to door or sent directly to families. Meanwhile, the tour continues and we see some underground tanks full of "yellow gold", where the smell of freshly pressed olive oil is felt even before the view, capturing a pleasant scent that intoxicates the lungs, even before the cup is dropped in the oil we approached the nose.

After one year of storage, we are told, the product remains definitely quality, however, is no longer the intense green, does not have that flavor that tingles, but maturing lose a little 'something, com’è natura. We know Vincent, the second of three sons, he also actively involved in the family business focusing on the sector marketing and sales. The crude oil filtration is carried out with method "in cotton wool", just as it was once, with cotton wool. More than a filtering is a real roughing.

The family Lucarella over to the mill has a farm that also produces other valuable food, for sale in a location situated in Piazza Umberto well as a line of natural cosmetics based on extra virgin olive oil. “We also produce a balsamic dressing, who has fifteen or twenty years of aging” – ha concluso Beatrice – that seems more than a tasting vinegar, a dessert wine and the cooked must of white grapes, the "mulled wine" from the particular consistency, product with the old disciplinary. And we do not just have to say goodbye and wish the mill "The Acropolis" long life, for the sake of our palate and the beauty of our skin.



Francesco e Salvatore Salvo & Enrico and Roberto Cerea: eight hands for a pizza with the Stars

In head Francesco and Salvatore Salvo with two of their co-workers.

Where was I with Francesco e Salvatore Salvo… ? Ah si, I had been in their pizzeria in San Giorgio a Cremano in the province of Naples. It was September 2013. The story began them, or better, first on the web through a mail exchange, then the person, I like it, clutching hands while speaking you look into the eyes.

Holders of pizza 'Unless Unique Seat’, Salvatore and Francesco are a point of reference for those who love pizza made with good quality raw materials.

Pizzeria 'Unless Unica Sede' - San Giorgion a Cremano (NA)

20 September 2013 – Pizzeria 'Unless Unique Seat’ – San Giorgio a Cremano (NA)

I am a passionate, and as such when I see the passion and desire to do well, my interest takes over. Deepen this knowledge brings me, as soon as possible, in the places where the stories originate.

Last 26 May at the Canterbury residence of Brusaporto, in the province of Bergamo, there was a dinner at eight hands that saw the protagonist of the Neapolitan pizza Francesco and Salvatore Salvo. Eight hands because with them the pizza has been interpreted by the hosts Enrico and Roberto Cerea.

These interpretations have given rise to the 'starry pizzas' thanks to a series of collaborations between the two brothers Salvo and chefs from various regions of Italy. A tangible sign of one who is distinguished by the desire to 'do good' but especially 'do together'.

I often say that - one thing leads to - and so it was. Thus was born my friendship with Francesco and Salvatore. To be in this evening was yet another proof of the fact that, when a relationship is based on the estimation, do not get lost.

A special meeting in a dream location: Residence Canterbury brothers Ceredigion, an oasis of refreshment and well-being in the green Brusaporto in the province of Bergamo.

Residence Canterbury - F.lli Cerea

26 May 2014 – Canterbury residence Brothers Ceredigion – Brusaporto (BG)

I did not know Enrico and Roberto Ceredigion. That evening, however, I was able to appreciate the simplicity and courtesy that I was shown. Their restaurant – Da Vittorio – named after the father died a few years ago. A man with a long experience in the restaurant that created, with his wife and sons Francis Brown, Henry, Roberto, Barbara e Rossella, the first Relais Chateau of Bergamo.

The application - Except

26 May 2014 – Residence Canterbury – The application & Except

These are the eight hands, between St. George and a Cremano Brusaporto, who gave life to an evening dedicated to the pizza that I have had the honor and pleasure to participate, but attention also enjoy ...! Do not believe us? Friends, io ho le prove!

You open the dances ... the start of the parade of pizzas!

Except & The application

26 May 2014 – At work!

Margherita del Vesuvio

Margherita del Vesuvio : Tomatoes Piennolo Vesuvius PDO wineries Olivella, Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP, Extra Virgin cellars of Vesuvius Villa Dora and basil

Cossack : Tomato in Corby, Pecorino di Bagnoli Irpino, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil DOP Colline Salernitane the winery San Salvatore and basil.

Cossack : Tomato in Corby, Pecorino di Bagnoli Irpino, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil DOP Colline Salernitane the winery San Salvatore and basil


Marinara: Old Naples Tomato “Miracle of San Gennaro”, wild mountain oregano, garlic of Sulmona, Extra Virgin Olive Oil monocultivar Ortice Head of Pellingieri and basil

Spring onion and anchovies

Spring onion and anchovies : Onion nocerino, Fresh anchovies, Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP, Caciocavallo Podolian Irpino seasoned chips a year, Extra virgin organic olive farm Titone DOP Valli Trapanesi and basil

The pizza Starry Brothers Ceredigion

The pizza Starry Brothers Ceredigion : Smoked cheese of buffalo, tomato Piennolo, cod cooked at low temperature, creamed potato and pesto Genovese

Fried Stuffed Pizza

Fried Pizza : stuffed with Ricotta di Bufala Campana, Smoked Mozzarella di Bufala Campana, Cicoli pork kuoko Merchant Mario Avallone and black pepper Rimbas – Malaysia


Friend Sage 2014, Salon Organic wine, Biodynamic and Natural. Terminology is not yet clear to most.


From 24 to the 26 May, Enofila the Palace of Asti, was held Friend Sage, three days of tastings and knowledge for the promotion of wine as an expression of the man who produces it and the land where it was born.

An event organized by 'Department of Tourism and Promotion of the Territory of the town of Asti, in collaboration with Officine Enoica, non-profit association based in Milan that supports the tenants of the environment and biodiversity.

Three hundred wines for tasting told by winemakers to learn about wine, the territory and its problems. A preview of the events that will lead us to the fateful date of 1 'in May 2015, beginning of 'Universal Exhibition hosted by Milan.

Twenty million tourists estimated to visit our country and who will have the opportunity to know our territory and our productions. A wonderful opportunity to establish trade relations useful for some relief from the crisis that surrounds us, and that blocks our economy.

Chatting in the stands, over to greet friends found, listening to the people who attended the event, I realized how little clarity there is still with the terminology associated with wine (and not only). Mi riferisco alle definizioni di Biologico, Biodynamic and Natural by some considered a fad, while other reputed a real lifestyle.

Maybe too many subdivisions only create confusion to the consumer that, not being polite terminologies, is confused in choosing the final. Wine lovers just wants it to be produced by people linked to the territory and for this environmentally friendly and cycles of nature. A clean and pure wine.

That said, below do a quick review.

  • The term Organic Wine means a product without chemicals and with minimal sulfites. Certification at Community of European Regulation 203 entered into force on 1 'August 2012, allows you to sell it as organic and not just call it 'product from organic grapes'.
  • But when it comes to biodynamic wine we refer to the teachings of the Austrian Rudolph Steiner. Its rudiments are based on agriculture, which aims to maintain the fertility of the land, which does not require the use of chemistry, following the influence of lunar phases, and refers to wines, limita l’uso di anidride solforosa e prevede l’utilizzo di lieviti indigeni presenti sulle uve. Agriculture and strict attention to the environment and biodiversity.
  • Finally, talking about organisms naturali, it refers to a philosophy of sustainable living but not regulated by specifications and standards as the previous two categories. Certainly less extreme than that biodynamics, but in parallel columns to be followed by a careful viticulture to the nature and territory.

Some moments of Vinissage.

Source: Elizabeth Rossi – Thesis Master in Economics and Management Company


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