According to what you want Italians when they go to the restaurant?

A few days ago I did a little survey on what people expect going out to the restaurant. A pleasure to which Italians hardly give up, even in a time of crisis like this. I often hear people say - but how, all are in crisis but the restaurants are full! - Sure, not all, but many.

As for me I love it (are better at eating than cooking). 😉 Assaggiare cibo e vino è una mia grande passione, a moment of true bliss gift that I carefully choosing the place of refreshment. Sometimes I follow the advice of friends and acquaintances, while sometimes, especially when they are traveling, uso il ‘Tosin method’. How it works: with the excuse of a photo 'attack button' with the locals who say so, I washed for, and then, I ask directions on eateries where typical stop eating. The results are often surprising!

But now let's go back to my little survey. I state that I was very surprised that few have made reference to the 'account'. I am convinced that at a critical time like this the right relationship between quality and price is one of the main reasons that determines the choice. Some argue that it is impossible to eat well without spending, alas, molti non si possono più permettere. Io credo che partendo da buone materie prime che l’agricoltura italiana ci mette a disposizione, you can do without spending a quality kitchen madness. For example, a pasta with tomato sauce if done well, is a great dish!

That said, below, here is what has emerged (I also added my thoughts). Some, nothing new, but perhaps it does not hurt to remember.

Italians when they go to the restaurant would…

  • Qualità e accuratezza nell’uso di buone materie prime. Italian agriculture provides in abundance there without exorbitant costs. In this regard, I particularly recommend the fruit. A basket at the end of the meal, without having to ask, is more than welcome! I forgot… I would also recommend the salads, there are very few restaurateurs who know them as they go without.
  • Friendliness, education and courtesy. A smile is the best host (and costs nothing). Having to deal with the service staff is friendly and a point gained favor.
  • Accessibility. An essential feature considering the 80 million people with disabilities in Europe… 650 million worldwide.
  • A the wine list well done broken down by region, and not only with the usual well-known names. There are production of small and medium-sized agricultural realities of excellent quality.
  • We are a land of great oils, mwe want to put them on the tables so that people can know them! Personally them or put them there or ask! About, also applies to the vinegar (and I'm not referring to some balsamic products that have nothing to do). Among other things, there are many who love wine vinegar, but it's good (I understood). Once it was in every cellar, today is almost a rarity. Let's go do it!
  • A relaxing environment. I happened long ago, in a place renowned for its excellent pizza, see running up and down the staff in the dining room. It was filled with some, but be struck by the continuous passage hectic, urtava we. I love the peace ... I is crucial when I go out to lunch or dinner.
  • Cleaning and services in order treated the same way as local host us to eat. Unfortunately it happens it happens the other way.
  • The possibility of having a space for their pets What is very much appreciated by many.
  • The parking that, in cases not provided for in the vicinity, There is facilitated when we book without making us go crazy on arrival at the unexpected difficulty.
  • Wifi libero restricting the use of cell phones, which sometimes is abused by disturbing the peace of others. Compared to first of all.

Regarding this last point, Having regard to the use and sometimes misuse of the media, I would like to find 'Face to face Restaurant’, I think the name makes the idea of ​​what I want: #socialization.

Three rules for guests: you must sit at the table with people who strictly do not know, presents itself to us and chat, and… cell phones off. Outcome of the evening: it is easy to hang out with new friends, or ... try again and you'll be luckier! How about… we talk about it? 😉

Here are the answers to my original survey:

1' parte

2' parte

4' parte3' parte

The table in the photo was staged by Amelia Face, freelance fashion designer

Do not grease without sacrificing good food… you can!

The German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach argued that 'we are what we eat'. I can only share this thought because I love the food in history, for the traditions, but also for their therapeutic properties. Eating well is the secret to staying healthy!

I often hear people say: "Cynthia, ma eats, I see you always eat and yet you're so skinny?!"No secret. First of all, I'm lucky to have a good metabolism, I also love eating little, often and all! I love everything that is natural, and I do not miss the beautiful walks. But not only, I also healthy habits that I like to follow:

• I like to start the day with sweetness, with a breakfast of fresh and dried fruit, honey, good jams and baked goods.

• I drink a lot, between meals to be easy digestion.

• I love the simple and not too elaborate.

• I love vegetables, specialmente cruda, why so, without cooking, does not lose vitamins or minerals.

• Mangerei semper frutta, However, although it is recommended in the morning and between meals to prevent intestinal fermentation and consequent swelling.

• I like cereals and legumes, all year.

• Do not ever skip meals, because if not I risk, to the next, to eat a lot more tiring digestion and slowing down your metabolism. Caution: Instead of skipping meals to lose weight makes you fat!

About, I do not ever miss a good glass of red wine, thanks to its antioxidant properties, is good for health. 😉 Having said, pass the word to Anna Cervini, a 'friend and a personal trainer.

We begin to burn a little 'excess fats?

di Annalisa Cervini

Enjoy fine Italian cuisine and drink a good glass of wine is a treat for all. Our country offers variety and high quality in both sectors. In most good for your health, seen that good nutrition provides the elements necessary to our body and our muscles to our bones to stay strong and elastic.

Sit at the table, however, can sometimes mean even find yourself burdened and swollen. How then to avoid gaining weight without sacrificing good food? It can be all right, just good food to match the right physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.

In muscles, in addition to sugars, can also get fat through the bloodstream. When sugars and fats are in contact with the oxygen carried by the blood "burn".

Activity aerobic exercise is ideal to consume fats, and is possible only if the movement is not intense. At thisimages purpose are good all the activities of medium and long duration low intensity, such as running slow, bicycle, walking etc ... After about 20 'minutes of aerobic activity are used fat storage.

It 'important to have a steady and healthy lifestyle to maintain a lean physique and elastic. It 'just some small measure. For example, you can begin to pretend not to see the elevator preferring the stairs. Step by step tonificherete legs and buttocks.

Attend to some committee making a nice brisk walking for 25 '/ 30' to allow to burn fat. Even cycling allows us to move by staying in shape.

Bring a good pair of shoes and well-read amortized, and choose a location, possibly in green. Walk without thinking about anything just concentrating on your muscles. Bring back the good legs so that the pitch is sustained; with this movement each time rassoderete also the buttocks.

Walk at least half an hour a day, if you can, try to do a light jog for 5/10 minutes and start walking; interspersed with the two. If you can not walk or run everyday do it every time you get the chance.

Remember that a moving body also helps to speed up their metabolism, which will tend to result in burning fat faster. Changing our lifestyle means to keep fit and healthy.

Annalisa Cervini – Personal Trainer



You are off the lights: Gone are the days of Fairs Wines and ... # selfie !

I love the quotes and sayings, pearls of wisdom that often facilitate you with a few words what I want to express. For example, I remember now ... "talk good or evil talk, ma basta che ne parlate”. Ebbene, given the recent events today let's talk about wine fairs.

We assume that the Italian wines that you can not speak well (exceptions to the rule that are not part). Then, what we should speak ill? Of course you do to talk. Let's just say that in recent days that an invasion of photos of wines and winemakers, on social, there has been a veritable invasion of #selfie (photo made themselves). The sense, mah, personally I do not like, let's just say they are fads and as such should be considered. Anyway, if talking about it is reconnected wine events, well are also those! – Cynthia, but you say?! You must deny and contradict? – (Now talking to myself, I do ask her and I say well). Ma noo! I'll repeat it – I can not stand 'sti # selfie –  well aware, however,, that people love the show, and these events, spectacular are seriously!

The world of wine, the real one, is made up of farmers, sweat, sacrifices, of disappointments, of bureaucracy. But not only, is also made in satisfaction, Smiles, of friendship and solidarity. The success of today's wine industry at the moment is under the eyes of all. The Made in Italy is of great attraction for the foreign, a richness that sometimes we underestimate. When I see foreign productions on the board of the Italians say to myself (for the series talking to myself) – ma eats, the Italians eat foreign and foreign countries want to eat Italian?! –  It will be for lower costs, but not for the quality! Eat less, but you eat better!

Young people have understood. Many of them are turning to food and wine. A force that makes me believe that we are on the right direction. I am convinced that the new generations will be towed us out of this crisis. Minds are fast, Digital, clean that increasingly turning their interest to agriculture. The gran you, come Italiana, I ask that the government will facilitate this process!

Fermatemi!!! When you attack with this key I do not stop more! Cynthia Force, returns to talk about the exhibitions. Personally I do not go crazy, I much prefer to live the reality 'on the ground'. It’ well known by those who know me, and often is forced to recover me in some corner where I shelter to get away from the hustle (I find it always). I admit, however, in spite of myself, that these occasions are always favorable for greetings, meetings and new contacts.

It’ This is the reason why I was uncertain whether to participate in Vinitaly. I only have one day, and with a day at Vinitaly, not done nearly nothing. This annual citadel of wine requires the attention it deserves. Well, Despite this, feeling pull the ears of many, I decided at the last when making the request for accreditation, not subsequently validated (maybe it was really too late). Learned, Friends and producers not only, in private, however, they invited me to participate with their pass (among other things, the system adopted by most bloggers and journalists ).

While thanking I decided not to accept orienting towards a fair of wines and numbers closer to me: ViniVeri, Wines according to Nature. This eleventh edition has been dedicated to Emmanuel Giboulot, a producer of Burgundy present at the event, that he refused to use pesticides in the vineyard and that this is likely the prison. Starring 140 vintners wine artisans from Italy and not only, with a common belief: produce a clean wine stranger to chemical. Wine but not limited to, thanks to 14 artisans of agro-food products.

Here are some moments of the show that I have lived.


ViniVeri 2014

I will begin by 'coffee promised and delivered a' friend Daniel Martial (Our bet a). A food and wine of Romagna resistance with a man who has learned how to make bread from his father, and to love the earth by his grandfather. A true poet of simple things, who believes in the quality of products and relationships.

10 ViniVeri

Daniel Martial – The Little Oven Martial Saludecio (Rimini)

I finally met Michele Praise The slope of the Farm, I would have preferred some (and I will do it as soon as possible) know the field. He always has to do, at least so says. Do not tell you how I got around this phrase. 😉 A parte gli scherzi, sooner or later we will see to reconcile the common commitments to meet, just like me in the vineyard and in the cellar, Where did the grape and wine. During the tasting of his wines I enjoyed 'The Woodcock’ 2008, Cabernet Franc in purezza.

Il Pendio

Azienda Agricola 'The Slope’ Michele Loda – Monticelli Brusati (Brescia)

Always a pleasure to meet Walter and Paul Vodovipec of’Winery Paolo Vodopivec. Il loro wine the Vitovska, a wine typical Karst increasingly appreciated. Their, una terra friulana “stone and wind… nature strong and vigorous”.


Valter Vodopivec, winemaker Sgonico (TS)

The wine labels always intrigue me. This in particular, dell’The Almond Farm, I really liked. He knows of nature and the earth. A young company located in Belvedere Suvereto in Livorno, whose vineyards border only with the stain of oak, myrtle, cork and brooms. The wine produced a good Sangiovese.

80 ViniVeri

Azienda Agricola I MANDORLI – Suvereto (LI)

The origins always call. Also drink Prosecco Valdobbiadene DOCG. A Viniveri I tasted one of the’Azienda Agricola Casa Coste Piane Follador of Loris. Prosecco is a wine of ancient origin which in recent years has particularly successful among consumers. But beware, there prosecco and… Prosecco DOCG!

70 ViniVeri

Azienda Agricola Casa Coste Piane – Santo Stefano di Valdobbiadene (TV)

Scents of extra virgin olive oil… just wonderful! Aromas of olives Leccino with traces of Coratina and Oliarola Garganica grown from’Farm family Pizzarelli Rocco. An agricultural reality in a territory that is now part of the Gargano National Park.


Farm Pizzarelli Rocco – Ischitella Gargano (FG)

We could not miss the traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena. To produce the TRUE serve at least twelve years. The adjective 'TRADITIONAL' it apart by vinegar industry that we can buy a few Euros. This is the one produced by the Therapy Center La Lucciola, Association O.N.L.U.S. for the help of children in difficulty Stuffione Ravarino (MO). 

I like a lot on the ice! 😉

Traditional Balsamic Vinegar La Lucciola

Traditional Balsamic Vinegar La Lucciola

 At the next !

The Orchard Park, a history of fruit born from a dream Trentino

The recipe: Tortei potatoes de Val di Non

I love fruit! I often wonder why it should not be offered from catering. For example, the apple is a fruit known for its digestibility. E’ nutriente, low in calories, and is a good source of fiber. I love it so much that I adopted an apple tree! 😉

Today I will tell you a story of fruit born from a dream Trentino made in Brianza.

It all started when, not so long ago, drive along a road that I did not know, I noticed a gate in front of a cart with an indication of an orchard, or better, of Orchard Park.

From the outside you could see a long dirt road with lots of fruit trees. I could not get… It 'started as a story of knowledge and friendship with a group of Trentino who have realized their dream of land and agriculture in the beautiful Brianza.

But not only, my adventure took me to adopt a tree apple that will follow from now on during flowering and pruning, up to September, month dedicated to the collection of fruits.

One way to approach to agriculture, for learn about the work of the farmers, to follow the stages of the life of the trees under the guidance of experts during visits to explain the evolution of plants taken. Adopt a tree means treat yourself, with an annual quota of 25 euro, a true contact with nature. One piece of advice that I give to parents encourage new generations to the land and to ensure that the resent their.

The Orchard Park Pond Ceriano, in the province of Monza and Brianza, extends 80 acres within the Park Groane. A farm was born from the idea of ​​a group entrepreneurs of Trento that fate would bring in Brianza. Inside you can also find a Bottega circuit Campagna Amica, with local agriculture and typical Trentino.

The first of the originators of the project that I knew was Walter Cova, a furniture enthusiast agriculture that is divided between the land and its work. Both the commitment necessary to conduct the seal, but as I said Walter – work the land regenerates you and pays you back in time with its fruits - A thought which I fully shared.


Sunday 6 April we celebrated together day dedicated to bloom.

E 'was great to see them all together laughing and joking, simply, as it was once in the countryside. A day dedicated to nature and ecology sponsored by Pro Loco and the administration of Ceriano Pond. Respectively present the President Gianmario Longoni and the Mayor Dante Cattaneo.

During our time together we talked about agriculture, History, and traditions of Brianza and Trentino. About the latter, I got to taste 'Potatoes tortei de Val di Non 'Prepared by Stefano Conforti and Matteo D’Andrea under the supervision of Alberto Cova. Three friends and chefs to delight and passion.

Who does not know this dish of traditional thirty can read below the recipe that I got from my chefs give talkers (I did not think the Trentino speak so much ... even more than me). 😉

Tortei potatoes de Val di Non

Ingredients for 4 people:

– 1 pounds of white potatoes
– 100 gr di farina bianca
– Sale q.b.
– Peanut oil for frying


  • Peel the potatoes and grate them coarsely.
  • Combine flour and salt, then mix with a spoon of 'Uncle Paul' (a spoonful, they call it so).
  • Fry until golden brown.
  • Then spread on a paper towel, and serve with cold meats and cheeses from Trentino.

Regarding the wine, I was advised to combine a good Teroldego, and volete, for after dinner, a delicious flavored grappa all'Asperula, medicinal herb which is found in woods.

As I always say the 'People’ are the key to everything, health, and goodbye to Orchard Park!


Orchard Park – Via the Pond 56 – Ceriano Pond (MB)

www.frutteto.biz – E mail: info@frutteto.biz

Territorial identity, respect for the land, Agriculture and Sustainability: the keys to the future

Sunday 30 March, in the splendid setting of Palazzo Arese Borromeo Cesano Maderno in the province of Monza and Brianza, si è la svolta kermesse "A World of Taste"The festival of food and culture aimed to study issues in view of Expo 2015, the Universal Exposition to be held next year in Milan between 1′ May and 31 October.

Cultural initiative sponsored by the City of Cesano Maderno coordinated by Ketty Magni, Antonio Zappa, Eva Musci and Simone Toninato, aimed at enhancing local products and included in the project Supermilano. Up to 16 April sixteen municipalities involved in the events dedicated to the promotion of food, agriculture and artistic heritage, for the rediscovery of its territory and its enhancement.

An event in the round during which through the intervention of writers, Journalists, chefs and producers, we wanted to dedicate a showcase to the local area and its potential. Territorial identity, respect for the land, Agriculture and Sustainability: the keys to get out of the crisis we are experiencing in recent years.

L 'Expo 2015 will be unrepeatable opportunity to see our country at the center of the world. We are ready…? Maybe not yet fully, however, it is our duty to prepare well for everyone as it can enhance its territory, for the future of the new generations.


Gigi Bridges mayor of Cesano Maderno and Celestino Oltolini Councillor for Culture

The event opened with the participation of Davide Oldani, chef and owner of Restaurant D'Or Cornwall, who presented with Davide Oltolini, food and wine critic, his latest book, "Chefacile".

Although I appreciate the creativity of the chefs, I deeply love the simple cuisine of tradition based on good local ingredients that promote Italian agriculture. For this reason, I happily accepted the testimony of Davide Oldani, when, during his speech, cited 'compliance with the farmer' and its determination to bring to the table local products.

Leafing through his book, I appreciated the simplicity of some of the dishes that have accompanied me during my childhood, such as the 'Polenta and milk' or 'omelette and bread'. About, in the first pages there is also the recipe for the dough to clean copper pots. Listen to this short video in which I have taken.


Among the many exhibitors the Baker in Cesano Maderno Gianmario Longoni that offered in the tasting 'Bread Borromeo'Prepared according to a historic recipe. With his friend Gianmario share a passion for the history and traditions. I'll let you know through his words.

An increasingly strong deviation from the ancient recipes of the past in favor of a standardization of industrial products has greatly corrupted, and continues to corrupt not only tastes, but also the authenticity of the food in question. Handle the dough is an action that goes beyond the raw mechanics and development of a product: create a means to transfer to a food component inanimate, but coming from Nature, a new life.”


Il Fornaio in Cesano Maderno

I love fruits and vegetables. To represent The Orchard Park, a farm of well- 80 acres within the Park Groane.

A few days ago for my birthday I asked my son to give me a tree, or better, I wanted to adopt it in this orchard. An apple tree Red Delicios with my nameplate that will follow during the flowering season, and from which the fruit directly gather.


The Orchard Park Pond Ceriano (MB)

Did you know that saffron cultivation is limited to about 25 ettari in Sardegna, a 8 in Abruzzo, and in small areas cultivated in Tuscany, Walking, Umbria, Sicily and Lombardy for a total of about 35 ha? Well you.

They told me the boys Zafferanamy, a small agricultural reality Brianza born from an experience of production for family use. A highly prized product. Think about that for a pound of saffron stigmas should be collected about 120.000 flowers.


Zafferanami, simple agricultural society Varedo (MB)

Even at the risk of being repetitive I testify again: "I love agriculture and farms!"Do you think that in Cesano Maderno, a short distance from my house, c’è l’Azienda Agricola Villa Marina. A company focused primarily on the breeding of native breeds at risk of extinction. A farm where you can see the cattle Varzese, the sheep Brianza, the goat with four horns, Workhorses, Donkeys, again, pigs, geese and poultry. In short, a wonder!

I will visit as soon as possible to have it learn more, anche perché stanno recuperando con il vinoGroanello, the wine tradition of Brianza already documented in the scrolls of the Benedictine monastery of Santa Maria in Milan Aurona.

Welcome guest Allan Bay, wine and food journalist and writer who has presented his latest book 'The dishes of my life'. It made me think his speech devoted to the temperature sanitizing of food often overlooked in the home.

Allan ha sottolineato quanto a volte, cercando la tecnica migliore, you do not pay proper attention to the temperature of food preservation, con conseguenti rischi di malattie a livello gastrointestinali, often not associated with these oversights.


Allan Bay con Ketty Magni

At the conclusion of the event was a roundtable dedicated 'to the flavors of the past and flavors of today'.

Speakers Mauri Corrado President of the Cultural Association 'Living Building', Gianmario Longoni baker in Cesano Maderno, Stephen Pelizzoni professor at the Institute Hotelier Dancers Seregno, lo chef John Gain President of Cooks Brianza, Gianluca Capedri portal and Gastronomist Matthew Knowles, Ornago restaurateur recently awarded by the President of the Republic for his commitment to cultural.


Layer rotonda “The flavors of yesteryear and today's flavors”

Among the realities of the territory are also the 'Tree of ice cream Seregno I've already known and previously reported, the sweetness of the honey Joseph Viscardi, the wines presented by 'Enoteca Colombo Cesano Maderno, Cioccotratto by Association 'Atelier del Risk’, the Prosciuttificio Marco d'Oggiono, and finally the library 'A world of books'Seregno .

Among the books presented by the authors' Cheescake and Whoopie!'Of Mauro Padula and Carolina Turconi and 'The area is woman' of Gigliola Braga, biologist and nutritionist.

Food, culture ... and a lunch at the historic Restaurant Il Fauno Cesano Maderno inspired recipes Scappi, cook to Pope Pius the Fifth, from the book 'The cook of the pope' of Ketty Magni.

It chief Simone Toninato ha interpretato con maestria i piatti dell’epoca, avvicinandoli ai gusti dei nostri tempi.

Cibo e Cultura… Body and Mind…

I present Alessandro Vitiello, or better, "Only the vin d'art"

Alessandro Vitiello, for friends Sandro, a sommelier and restaurateur but above all a friend. 'Only the vin d'art' is an anagram of his name developed by Joseph Maria Grassi, a friend who delights so.

A man who has in his heart a land, his Ponza. I am moved when I see him sharing memories and photographs in black and white of the island who had to leave as many for business reasons. He says in his blog: ‘The home of the Sack of Ponza’.

"When tornavo to Ponza, the next morning, ridiventavo the sailor of my father and his five-meter boat we went fishing together. My father gave up practicing the sea at the end of '92: had more than eighty years ... "

Constantine Sacco in Santa Teresa in the 60s (left on the bow)

Constantine Sacco, father of Sandro, Santa Teresa in the 60s (left on the bow)

Sandro, thanks to its long experience as a restaurateur before the Osteria of the Seveso bowls and now at Ristorante Il Fauno Cesano Maderno, has many memories spent with the characters of Italian. From time to time when there is an opportunity, I love knowing how to listen, someone agrees with me.

Today I want you to know…

Hello Sandro, I wrote these thoughts one morning at dawn. I did not sleep and my mind ran. Maybe the desire to travel with the words? Who knows… I think we understand each other nostalgic and romantic.

  • A few nights ago you were telling me that time… I love it when you tell me stories of the world of food, lo sai. Me citing someone who is stuck in my mind in particular?

There could be many Cinzia, to tell the truth rather than anecdotes remind people that love between Milan and surrounding areas have spread the art of good drinking. I recall, for example, Anthony Trimboli – Apulian origin – that in his youth, in the postwar period, had turned almost the whole of France and Italy had brought an encyclopedic knowledge of French wine in general and in particular the champagne. Talk to him – man bluntly – was a unique pleasure.

As with the rest of the "Jacobin" by Adriano Romano. Masters even before sellers. What about the brothers Brovelli? Men of other times that told the wine with great passion.

Un aneddoto. One evening happen a couple of friends for dinner at the Osteria delle Bocce (our previous restaurant) accompanied by another couple. On display at the entrance was the latest selection of whiskeys Samaroli. Dopo price, a nearly empty restaurant, the friend asks me to bring the whiskey more strange that I, in method anonymous, his guest. This gentleman, after tasting, told me everything you can about this strange distillate that I had pulled out of a piece of furniture that I had in another room. After drinking plenty together told me about his work. He spent his time in Scotland to select whiskey on behalf of a multinational. Some time ago to see the movie "the side of the angels," I remembered him.

  • Do you remember when we first met? I almost practically obliged to organize evenings of culture and taste for knowledge of food and wine. You should know that Sandro is a great connoisseur and lover of food and wine, maybe just lazy little enthusiasm from people in learning. But then came a volcano…

It’ Cynthia Tosini is certainly true that a volcano as it is also true that I cultivate "the art of the doubt". I was old enough to be sure of not having to sell certainties and every so often to ask if you need something or someone to tell my world. Then, when you clash with Cynthia Tosini many doubts go to hell and resumes.

You have to know that we started organizing events dedicated to wine and food from the autumn of '84: trent’anni fa. There was no internet and our news traveled by ordinary mail, yet there was so much attention, and often had problems dealing with the many who wanted to attend. I then I had fun to put together so many courses to organizations or institutions in the area. Before I teach you amused. Even now, this rule applies.

Alessandro Vitiello

Alessandro Vitiello… Sandro

  • Step to a question related to your business. How would you describe the average consumer today, in the sense of what to expect and what to look for?

The average consumer today suffers as long as you live. We who have lived through the years of the "Milan to drink" we find it hard sometimes to make sense of what is happening. The consumer remains attentive and curious, ready to consider with respect to the good and new is proposed. He added, however,, or rather considered more important than in the past, judgment on the fair value of things which are served.

You can also pay as much a bottle of wine but it is important to be worth the money spent. It is not enough that anyone who sells it is "a man from the first page". Not hide, however, that are complicated years; know how to do well in the kitchen and know how to find great wines at a fair price has become critical.

  • I often say that the role of restaurateur, presenting the dishes and serving wine, can be called a veicolatore pills information critical to convey to the consumer food culture. Esagero? I do not think. I am convinced that, starting from the table, not to bore the guest, you can do much in this direction.

You're absolutely right: the profession of catering can be a great opportunity to spread a lot of good habits, not only food. Not by chance at a restaurant or eating in the company, we often talk about food and conviviality.

It reminds me of Garcia Marquez – The General in His Labyrinth – he does ask a host of Simon Bolivar: “But because the Europeans are at the table when discussing food?”. What answer? At the table while talking about food is talked about throughout the human condition. Besides, even the Christian liturgy think in these terms: the story of Jesus on Earth ends with a last supper.

  • Now, at the end of our chat this, one of the many, I'd like you to write me a reminder of your land. Com’è Ponza a primavera?

Ponza is my "place of the soul". I spent most of my time here in Brianza, ma if I definirmi, me say that I am Ponzese. What do you mean? Anything and everything. We ponzesi not we better do it worse than others. We are another thing. It is said that a person's character is formed in the first years of life; I've built my looking at the sea. From my backyard, in the days of storm thinking of my father who was fishing in the waves or in the beautiful spring mornings, when the beauty of the landscapes is the scent of the gorse.

Those things you bring them stuck inside and not lose the most. Ponza in the spring is the most beautiful place in the world. Not only for the beauty of the area, but also and above all for its flavors. Go around the hills to pick wild asparagus, savor the goodness of certain artichokes grown in the volcanic soil that gives it a very strong flavor is unique emotion.

And the sea? In the spring you eat the most delicious crab spider, cuttlefish and squid in quantity and fish soup which at this time has a special flavor. I could go on for hours telling you, but if you have so, give yourself a week to Ponza in the spring, I guarantee you that you will have trouble getting back.

Sandro, I promise you that I will…

Photographs by Alessandro Vitiello

Piero Bertinotti, a man who does not have the 'star', because he stars, the real ones, ce le ha già.

The first time I saw Piero Bertinotti it was like seeing an old trunk of olive. You know the olive trees, those marked by many grooves that draw the eye to the pride and peace that transmit? Well, I do not know words to explain better, I know that the feeling I had was this, but not only… looking Piero, that evening, I saw him in the face of my father.

I think it's been over a year since that time, whatever was left in me like a tightrope, call it pure sensations, but I had to go back to find the man with whom I felt the need to speak. Life d'istinto, convinced that in good times and bad everything makes sense.

Piero Bertinotti, with her daughter Paola and daughter Laura, leads to Borgomanero in the province of Novara, the 'Pinocchio Restaurant‘. A local in 2012 celebrated fifty years of work created with his wife Luisa. A realtà, as often happens, born from a passion.

Piero was born chef, began his working life as a truck driver in his father's. Fu nel November '62, with the purchase of the parents of 'Pinocchio Bar' in Borgomanero, to bring it closer to the kitchen. The time, experience and enthusiasm then did the rest.

There are things that you can not do without. You can not always choose what we want, but above all we love to do. They say they want is power, I only say that those who do not test has already lost. Piero has done. In his local fairytale you can escape from reality for a moment. Although it does not have the 'star', I am personally convinced that the real stars, ha ce compatible with Gia.

When I came back to find it, waiting for him while he was still in the kitchen, I sat in exactly the same place I had occupied the first time I had been there. In front of the large window, looking at the garden wet with rain, between a speech and the other with Laura and Paula ran the thoughts interrupted occasionally by the dishes that tasted.

Nostalgic atmosphere and pleasant music suddenly drew my attention to a man who looked like me in the room admiring a plant mimosa. I have no fear of saying what I feel. It’ why not spontaneously I restrained myself from saying… “But how beautiful life…” He looked at me, and sharing the same thought me smile.

Once finished lunch I moved into the living room by the fireplace. Looking burn the wood was reflecting on the 'heat' that transmits the fire, in the broadest sense of the term. Once there was a fireplace in every home, was to the nest, the meeting point of the family. I really miss those days ...

While I waited for Peter to reach me, on a small table I noticed the calendar of historic cars of 'Association Les Miserables Borgomanero. A passion that unites us and that we grow both as soon as the weather permits it.

Upon his arrival, After the customary greetings, I think he expected the usual questions. I do not do interviews with real, or better, we say that what interests me is to understand people when they feel that their existence can send me something. It 'sa way I learn by listening to the experience of those who, Piero, familiar with an industry that I love but by the many facets.

We spent the afternoon so, anecdotes, advice and stories of life. I'll tell one that struck me in particular. One evening a few years ago Piero received a call for a last minute booking. The lady on the phone asked if he could have dinner together with another person to 21.30 justifying the delay for a return from abroad. Piero despite the time agreed, commending, however, do not delay.

From there a short lady called warning that unfortunately would have been late an hour for reasons not related to their. Piero heard the tone mortified accepted, provided that the two people were content to simple dishes. The couple arrived: it was Oscar Farinetti and his assistant, of which Piero was not aware, but who knew. In an age where most go on with names altosonanti, listen to this story made me very happy. The rest I leave to you.

At the end of our chat, when I asked him if he had someone in the years to inspire, did not hesitate a moment to answer. I spoke of a 'Cook with a capital C’ which he considers the best. A man who loves to be in the spotlight, some consider to be a free spirit insane.

La follia, the real one, we see it every day in people who apparently seem normal. What I mean is quite another thing, is synonymous with genius that changes the world through ideas. I love challenges and people of character, sometimes rough, but that leave a mark. Of course, I got to give the name of the Chef who keep to myself for now. First I have to know.

About, I did not say that the first time I was by Piero I ate snails more good in my life! I advise… 😉

Piero e Paola

Peter and Paola Bertinotti with the book 'Family Secrets': home recipes handed down from generation to generation among the friends gathered. (photography by Paola Bertinotti)

‘U Cuccidatu’, The Bread of St. Joseph

Today on my way to buy my bread from the baker, I came across a nice story. The protagonist is a Sicilian woman of eighty, the sweet lady Gina.

I love listening to the stories they tell seniors… stories of memories, people, of flavors, traditions that bring us back to the land that each of us has the heart.

Gina, thanks to the support of Gianmario Longoni, a baker in Cesano Maderno, carries on an ancient tradition of his country: Sicily.

Every year, in the laboratory of handicraft shop Gianmario, prepares a distinctive symbol bread from various forms of celebrations dedicated to Saint Joseph: ‘U Cuccidatu’.

With the help of Gianmario and grandchildren, proceeds with patience to the mix and the recording of this simple bread dough that, once brushed with egg yolk and cooked in the oven, enriches the altar and is offered during the celebration of the Feast of St. Joseph.

One way to remember its origins and to keep alive the tradition of his country. A gesture of love for a land that many have been forced to leave, but despite the distance, continues to live on in the memories and traditions.

A story I wanted to tell in this day of 19 March, St. Joseph's Day and Father's Day. My best wishes are for you today… for those dads who live next door every day, and for those who live in our memories.

Pane di San Giuseppe 2


Tonight we eat broccoli! I recommend, but with the stem!

You know what I'm doing tonight? I go in the kitchen! Someone distort the nose… perhaps because who knows me knows that I love eating more than cooking. 😉

In the words of the German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbachwe are what we eat – clearer than that! Personally I love the search history, traditions, but also the therapeutic properties of the food, because eating well is the secret to staying healthy.

The important thing is to choose good raw materials, possibly #madeinitaly saw the great productions that we, but I recommend, optimizing and avoiding waste.

Stem Broccoli

Stem Broccoli

Today I went to the market and I bought two broccoli, dell’salad, a po 'di dried fruit, a piece of Provolone e un good extra virgin 'olive Italian' (check that it is written).

In this respect when you're on vacation take advantage to go visit a farm che lo produce; if you like it buy it, and then home easily send fatevelo. Against the other, consuming the same oil you've tasted on vacation will seem to relive the good times experienced.

But back to the broccoli. Now I use them to prepare a pasta dish and a mixed salad. About, are rich in vitamin C but unfortunately with the cooking in water in part is lost. To overcome this, the ideal is to cook steamed.

That said, once boiled them join anchovy fried with garlic, or in addition to the tuna. I will use this preparation for pasta. I recommend, not spared the 'quality of the pasta', affect much on the outcome of a dish!

Good, remained the stalk of broccoli. I love his taste! Once cleaned should be cut into thin slices and goes together with a nice salad, in chunks of provolone, and a lot of good nuts!

How about ...? Meanwhile, I eat, Bon Appetite! 😉

Orecchiette con i broccoli

Do not turn off the dreams of romantics: the Osteria senz'Oste, a beautiful reality that you want to punish

In Italy too often the word is not correct and punish.

We have to think that at times from an idea, from a dream threw the, born great projects. These are difficult times; people want to escape, wants carefree, want things that are true and genuine as it once was… when it was good.

They are not only nostalgic memories of those so young is no longer, no, is simply the need for an atmosphere that a bit is lost. Creed, rather they are convinced, that this is the reason why an organization like the Osteria senz'Oste really like the people.

A place for travelers in the beautiful Valdobbiadene I visited in November 2011 on the advice of a friend and chef, Simone Toninato. Knowing he had realized that it was a place for me, a place for romantics.

The Osteria senz'Oste

The Osteria senz'Oste

Well, a few days ago my cousin Hilary called me and told me that alarmed in Treviso and not only, you are going to help Cesare De Stefani, the creator of this project sanctioned for 62 thousand Euros payable under the tax, for entrepreneurial activity in the black for the year 2008.

Luca Zaia, President of the Veneto region on the question called for the use of common sense, the same idea Leonardo Muraro, President of the province of Treviso.

Why in Italy is mainly to punish and correct? A loud voice ask who can find a solution to this nonsense, before such a beautiful place and shut off the dreams of us romantics.

Behind this place where the door is always open, there is a story of men, including that of a circus that I met in Berlin 2011, in an afternoon spent drinking in front of Prosecco Valdobbiadene hills.

Who does not know this Osteria can see it here, through photographs and the story that I did after my visit.

Clicca who > Un'eterna romantic all'Osteria senz'Oste

Valdobbiadene in Autumn

Valdobbiadene in Autumn


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