La sauna, a natural therapy for health

Finnish sauna (dry sauna).

For a long time I put a book in which I write what 'naturally' can help us to live better. The reason is very simple, I love nature and its natural remedies. I am well aware of not discovering anything new, let's just say I remember, and a PRIMIS me, and then to those who eventually passes through here.

Today I will make you sweat, or better, I will invite you to do the sauna. Personally I really love to practice it because it makes me feel good and it relaxes me. Unfortunately, in Italy there is the right one culture and tradition that occurs while traveling abroad, where it is practiced more regularly to the beneficial effects on health.

Let's see why…

  • The sauna helps to eliminate toxins simply sweating. Sweating is in fact a form of defense of our body to fight infections.
  • Has beneficial effects on the respiratory system.
  • It helps to relax the muscles, calms, and promotes sleep.
  • Due to its detoxifying properties makes the skin more supple and radiant.
  • La sauna fa dimagrire: its heat in fact favors the increase of the heartbeat, and consequently the consumption of about 300 calories per session.

Some tips…

  • It should be practiced in total nudity, or at least wearing cotton garments. This is because the synthetic fibers, with the high temperatures, emit fumes hazardous to health.
  • The ideal is to do two cycles 10/15 minutes, each of which is followed by a shower with cold water to restore the correct body temperature.
  • While relaxing, after each session, it is important to replenish lost fluids with herbal tea.
  • It 'not recommended to those suffering from heart disease, circulatory problems, and to those who are prone to high blood pressure.

That said, I do not know you, but I'm going to do it! 😉

Did you know that the salad ...

  • L’insalata, even if formed by 90% of water, is a good source of fiber, vitamine e sali mineralized.
  • Make carotenoids, antioxidants that prevent degenerative diseases.
  • Per se has few calories, However, the amount condiment conditioned which is used.

Personally I love the salads, especially those mixed! Too bad that often, when I order at the restaurant, I get two green leaves and a few tomatoes! 🙁

Well, you know what I mean by mixed salad? More of everything, or better, un’insalata a foglie verdi, vegetables, frutta fresca e secca… of course, all in accordance with the seasonal.

Having said this I must point out a really good, un’insalat…ona that one evening I prepared a Friend. 🙂

L’Insalat…ona Augustine


  • Salad Chioggia
  • Grated carrots
  • Cherry vine tomatoes
  • Night
  • Golden apple cut into thin slices
  • Olives
  • Pine Nuts
  • Sesame seeds and fennel seeds toasted in a pan

Combine all ingredients and season with extra virgin olive oil, good vinegar and salt q.b.

A Vera Bonta !

Maurizio gilyak. A matter of formal defect, and not of truth.

I present my, my name is Maurizio Gily. I am an agronomist specialized in viticulture and enology and a journalist. I run a technical review of the sector, Millevigne, collaboro con Slow Food, and is a consultant for wine enterprises and public administrations.

Maurizio gilyak, a man of earth and wine, a person whom I respect. Accused of formal defect in expressing true news, was sentenced to compensation for having harmed as a result, the honor of a fellow journalist.

These are the words of the judge: “… There is no question as to whether Dr.. Gily in writing reported true news ... ". But the shape wins, at least it condemned him, at the moment…

I quote part of Millevigne's article "The hemlock of Velenitaly

by Maurizio Gily

More than five years after the "Velenitaly" case, the atomic bomb dropped on Vinitaly by the weekly L'Espresso, than denouncing, correctly, some cases of fraud and sophistication, spoke, not quite as well, of hundreds of thousands of bottles of poisoned wine (poison never found), and, in another article, of the brunellopoli case, approaching pollution from carcinogens in a great confusion (never found) with Merlot pollution in Sangiovese (which obviously doesn't kill anyone), a judge of the Rovereto court sentenced me to compensate the Espresso journalist I had attacked on Millevigne. I would have damaged his reputation. Five thousand euros, plus legal fees.

According to the judge, mine was a "personal attack"Which would have gone beyond the right of criticism, damaging the honor of his colleague, which is worth a sentence for compensation, albeit decimated with respect to the counterpart's request, that it had started ten times as much (50.000 euro). Yet I have not made use of profanity, nor have I accused anyone of anything they had not done: I just wrote that one piece of news was not true (not fraud with watering down and enriching the musts, that was true, but the poisoning), after two ministries and an investigating magistrate on the investigation in question had already said so in official statements, diligently reported by me. I haven't even talked about bad faith, but only of excess of imagination ("Horror fantasies" to be precise) in reporting information collected in a power of attorney and elaborated in a creative way (for example speaking of carcinogenic substances, but without mentioning any, indeed, citing some that are not, in addition to not being ascertained its presence in the product in question).

Morale: in the country recognized as 57th in the world for freedom of the press, according to the ranking of "reporters without borders", preceded by many nations not famous for their democracies, the truth must be told in moderation. Pardon, with continence. Especially when you go to touch companies, groups and people with shoulders wider than yours. Like Millevigne against Espresso- Republic: a flea against a tank.

“The extraordinary solidarity that came to me from much of the wine world, in particular by Italian winemakers, convinced me to appeal. From them, and from you, the push to open has also arrived, overcoming my natural embarrassment, a public subscription to finance the costs of this appeal, that neither I, nor the publisher of Millevigne are able to support.” Maurizio gilyak

  • At this LINK there is a good public subscription causa.org and a host of information.

Here is the HISTORY of the facts:

1. Paolo Tessadri's lawyer sent me, in September of 2011, a warning to remove my article "junk via express" from the web asking me at the same time 50.000 euro of damages for having infringed the honor of his client (who had therefore noticed it three years later). My answer was that I would remove the article from the web, and so did, as a conciliatory gesture and in relation to the time elapsed, but not denying anything of what I had written and obviously specifying that I would not pay a cent. And I thought, honestly, that it ended there.

2. After a second warning, I offered Tessadri the opportunity to reply to my article on Millevigne, stating that his reply would be published without comment. I am in fact convinced that this is the right way in which a journalist must defend his honor if he deems it harmed.. In truth I think that when a reporter publishes news that is neither true, nor likely, as in this case, honor damages him alone, but so much. Another possibility would have been that of a conciliatory meeting at the order, but even this was not taken into consideration.

3. Tessadri did not adhere to my proposal and started the civil case, lowering his request a 25.000 euro. My lawyer then explained to me that this choice was probably motivated by a banal question of a bracket in the cost of stamps ... Tessadri's defense had perhaps realized the surreal entity of the first request.

4. The competent court of Rovereto, instead of that of Alba, where Millevigne is based, it depends on the fact that Tessadri's defense does not refer to the magazine, but to the web, based on a sentence of the Supreme Court which establishes that in the event of defamation via the web, the competent court is that of the residence of the injured. My defense had no grounds to oppose in this regard. Note that the Millevigne site in 2008 the classic four cats saw it (we have also produced an appraisal which proves this, a few dozen contacts per article at most), while the magazine was, then, a tabloid with free circulation in addition 10.000 copy, but "sticking to the web" allowed Tessadri to get the trial by playing at home.

5. After this sentence, Tessadri could report me to the order, which in turn could sanction me and suspend me for ethical violation. I don't know if it will but as far as I know it I think it is probable.

Did you know that chocolate…

These days I ate too much chocolate… uff, I have a face full of pimples!

I still remember when ... let me think, here is, I have been sixteen, in an afternoon of total boredom (even then could not sit still) I made a powerful concoction made with chocolate. I had used so much, but so much, chocolate to make a truly explosive! Well, a few days after the explosion occurred, one, but with a giant pimple! 🙁

My father took me to the doctor, that, soon as he saw, sent me to the hospital for direct etching. Fairly embarrassing situation, one, because the location was not the most sympathetic. I can not forget the episode, also because, thanks to the scar that has remained (fortunately not visible to most) I can not.

Anyone who knows me knows I am greedy ...! I can not get it to start it to close the day, without having eaten a cake! That said, to return to the chocolate, I recommend, do not like me, do not overdo it!

A short but good and all, the secret is to stay healthy! 🙂

Did you know that ...

  • Chocolate is made from the fruit of the cacao tree, a plant native to South America, whose scientific name is Theobroma cacao, in greco, food of the gods. The Aztecs 3000 years ago, used these seeds as coins.
  • There's chocolate, and chocolate! Favouring a quality that contains at least 70 percent cocoa.
  • And 'rich in antioxidants, substances that slow the aging process.
  • Being very energetic, is an excellent food to recharge. And 'even included in the diet of astronauts during space missions.
  • And 'rich in fat: provides 500 calories each 100 grams
  • Chocolate contains caffeine: 125 grams of dark chocolate contain an amount of caffeine equal to that contained in a cup of coffee.
  • Thanks to phenylethylamine, a chemical found in cocoa, il cioccolato ha delle proprietà antidepressive, therefore improves mood.

Source: 'Foods that are good, foods that are bad '- Tom Sanders professor of nutrition and dietetics at King's College, University of London

Life Blogger… rather, then Farm Blogger. Cynthia Tosini.

Intervista di Justin Catalano published in the January 8,it 2014 its Head and Di Gola.

Eclectic, solar, intelligent, Curious, nice, from the big-talking .... many positive adjectives to define Cinzia Tosini, Farm Blogger e autrice su questo sito, but perhaps the most appropriate is passionate. I wanted to tell it in his own words and here I am.

Chi è Cinzia Tosini?

First of all, let me love you just call Cynthia! It 's the first thing I say when I introduce myself. To be honest I'm also Emilia which is the second name that was given to me in memory of my grandfather's legendary Friulian. Therefore, to return to the question - who are? - I will immediately respond that they are simply a woman who for over three years is living a second life.
It all started catching it in his hand, after, passed one initial loss, I reinvested my time in the passions of all time: land, l’agricoltura, wine, and the stories of people. I believe that the main motivation, can be attributed to the fact that as a young girl I grew up in the countryside with his grandparents in Treviso.
Often we do not realize that the earth, if you really lived, leaves a mark in time, in memories, and souls. Unfortunately, the evil of our century is that we run and we live in constant search of goals, without realizing that the primary need is to rediscover the harmony of being in contact with nature.

Come hai iniziato a scrivere?

My story, at least one of the last years, is a continuous succession of coincidences and joints that slowly led me to write (I swear, I would never have said).
It all started after reading the interview with a winemaker in Aosta. His words had me excited to the point, to convince me to go to Aosta to meet you in person. Its, a hard life, a bit 'as my. When he told me that he had no money to print the label on the back of the bottle of wine he produced, I decided to write a piece, I printed that, and that gave her so that the omaggiasse together with wine.
It was then that I was asked to publish, inserting it into my address book on a site about food and wine: Vino Way. I accepted a little 'hesitant, but only if you can tell the productions starting from the people. After, as He has limited its scope only to Lombardy, decided to exit continuing my adventure with the realization of a site, or better, a dream of which I was a founding member: World Wine Passion. Unfortunately,, not a sharing of some positions, convinced me to turn my Address Book on the site, in a personal blog: Stories of People.
What in recent years has been an obstacle course, intense and accelerated, past by writing what I experienced, listening to people, and traveling the length and breadth of Italy, the way that pleases me to know the area.

Why did you decide to write starting from the 'people'?

I decided immediately to write about people, primarily because to talk about food and wine, you have to have a lot of experience behind, and secondly, because I realized that I listen to the change in direction of people who had decided to invest their passion in the ground and nell'enogastronomia, really appealed to me.

Farm blogger, why are you so defined?

Therefore, This definition came about after many reflections made by myself. I was often to correct the other person on duty, when, feeling define a food blogger, I could not find anything fitting for this role. I confess to being better at eating than cooking.
I love the food and wine for his stories, for the territory, for its traditions and its protagonists. I like to know and enjoy experiencing the realities on the 'field', for me the best way! I love to visit the farm accompanied by manufacturers, then, see the evolution and the birth of the products, allows me to understand better understanding of the issues related to them.
It 'was born from these considerations that the definition that I finally felt fit like a glove: farm blogger.

After three years, experiences that you feel you've gained?

Many are the experiences, I learned a lot, and I have known many. I often say that this is not an easy world. Unfortunately selfishness win over common sense, often making it difficult the road that would do the right system for the benefit of all.
Italians must change their mindset if they want to start. We should begin by creating school immediately, with the new generation, a new way of thinking. Someone will smile now reading my words, has no importance, I believe in what I write seriously, utopistico the phenomenon.
Despite this, My greatest satisfaction is to have created over time a dense network of relationships based on the estimation, on respect and friendship. This to me is of paramount importance, build relationships based on good reputation, especially in a world like that eno, whose foundations are based on the passions.

Bloggers and journalists, much debated topic. What do you think?

I recently wrote on the blog, especially because I feel pulled in because.
Bloggers and journalists, passion and profession, emotion and rationality. Two roles whose writings have a very different emotional. I insist that, whatever, both can help by communicating, each in their own way, the land and its productions. The key thing for me is consistency, which must be maintained by not follow the waves of convenience of the moment.

World blogger: chi lo ama, chi lo odia, and who uses. But who cares really the communication made by bloggers? And because?

The passion that drove many bloggers in this direction, compresa me, did emerge as their emotional charge combined with digital communications, can be of help in these difficult times that we are living, to the territory that the productions. A phenomenon already in vogue for years abroad. Many have understood, and have been inspired.
The world of bloggers is not always easy, there are those who act according to the passion, and there are those who get carried away by easy targets. Anyway, only pertains to the readers who followed forward in time, the passion that has helped many of us get through tough times.
The only sore point in this context, is that too many take advantage of this passion without acknowledging the intellectual commitment and not just, devoting time and energy to this task whose importance has been recognized by the same local institutions.

of Justin Catalano

With Justin Catalano in Naples

Did you know that the wine is put also into the broth ...

Well you! I have learned from my grandfather Joseph, a Mantua Doc!

Di lui, as well as the mythical playing cards that I got as a child, I have left some of the teachings, as the habit of using the spoon to roll the noodles, or to put a pinch of salt on the melon to make it sweeter, o infine, to put a little 'wine broth.

I remember many years ago, when, one morning getting up for breakfast, I saw it for the first time to drink the broth in which he had put a drop of wine. Imagine my face…: “Grandfather, but you do?! Put the wine in the broth, and, moreover, drink it at breakfast?!

Many will know that this custom is practiced in some provinces of Lombardy, Emilia and Piedmont. Add the wine to the broth, I mean what good, that certainly did not die with the, for Mantua and not only is it a real tradition! 😉

That said, the assumption that the stock should be good, I would say that we follow the recipe recommends a dear friend, Chef Massimo Dellavedova.

The Meat broth Massimo Dellavedova


  • 1 kg of cow adultery (real, brisket, pulp shoulder, scamone)
  • 500 Article. cappone (it's good chicken)
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 gambi in Sedano
  • 1 carota average
  • 2 cloves
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 4 black peppercorns
  • A little salt
  • 4,5 the. of water


  • Peel vegetables and capon (chicken)
  • Picketing the onion with the cloves
  • Put everything in a large pot
  • Simmer for at least 3 hours skimming with a slotted spoon each time froth. I would recommend not boil.
  • When cooking over, filtrarlo, fix it with salt and cool. Once cold degrease. This is simply because the fat has solidified on the surface.

In this way you will obtain three liters of broth.

Today I am going for a walk, but with the heart ...!

I love to walk in the green, I always do it as soon as I can, away from the hustle and bustle. It 's my time therapeutic. One, you got it ... 'therapeutic'!

Walking is good for me to mind, mi Rila, and is good for health by preventing many ailments!

Come on ... laziness is bad company! Five miles a day keeps the doctor away ... or almost! 😉

Do you remember that song that said: “just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, and the medicine go down, and the medicine go down ...” Well, I would like the pill go down as little as possible! Medications may very, but they are not the only answer to all ills.

Here are the therapeutic indications to convince us to walk more.

Physical exercise has a positive effect on hypertension, dislipidemie, obesity and more ... and so far I would say that we.

But what I want to emphasize more, is that doing exercise, adversely affects causing some chronic diseases, metabolic, such as cardiovascular and:

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Hypertension

Lo so, things are corny, but I insist!

Physical activity as a natural medication, that, with proper nutrition, allows you to rebalance the mechanisms of our body keeping us in shape.

The recommended dose? Thirty minutes a day we can do during the day just to attend avoiding bad company: “laziness”! 😉

A little 'clarity, quasi, in terms of the presentation of olive oil in premises

Recently, with a friend who takes care of catering, I found myself discussing the presentation of the bottle of extra virgin olive oil that I'd like to see on the table in all restaurants.

Comparing them with others in the industry, I realized that in fact there is not much clarity.

For this reason, because I like to talk knowledgeably, I was informed by consulting Maximum Occhinegro, consulente enterprise in the field of taxation and international marketing, particularly with regard to the sector of olive oil in the European and non-European.

We will try to do some 'clarity, quasi (reading you'll understand why), inserting the Law 14 January 2013 n14 and interpretation of Massimo.

  • Law 14 January 2013 n14

Art. 7 – Minimum durability and presentation of olive oil in premises.

1. The date of minimum durability within which the virgin olive oils retain their specific properties under suitable treatment can not be more than eighteen months from the date of bottling and should be preceded by the words "Best before" followed by the date.

2. The virgin olive oils offered in packages in the public exercises, without prejudice to the use of cooking and preparing meals, must have suitable closures so that the contents can not be altered without the package is opened or altered, or must be labeled to indicate at least the origin of the product and the production batch to which it belongs.

3. The violation of the prohibition referred to in paragraph 1 entails the application of the holder of the public exercise of an administrative fine of € 1.000 a € 8.000 and confiscation of the product.

4. Article 4 del Decreto-add 10 January 2006, n. 2, convert, with amendments, by law 11 March 2006, n. 81, paragraphs 4-c and 4-d are repealed.

“Interpretative key” the law in question by Massimo Occhinegro

The law 14 January 2013 with Article 14 of 7 second paragraph was intended to repeal the earlier law explicitly prohibiting the use of “famous” oil cruets. However albeit in a confusing, wanted to introduce on the one hand the use of bottles with caps and other anti-topping confirm the obligation of the origin and production batch to which it belongs.

The article, however, is poorly written and subject to different interpretations. The “key” interpretation lies in my opinion in the sense of “or”. In the Italian language “or” can be interpreted as a synonym for “or”, but in that case, the legislature might have thought bottles with locking system anti-topping, unlabeled, which is for logic, meaningless, one side, while the other packs without anti-filler cap but labeled with an indication of origin, date of maturity of less than 18 months from the packaging and production lot, which also in this case such eventuality would make little sense having regard to the desire to prevent the reuse of the packaging.

Therefore, the word “or”, in my opinion should be interpreted to mean “namely”, (as often happens in the formulation of laws) with the intention of offering a specific more compared to what is written in the first part of the same article 7, paragraph 2.

Ultimately this means that the bottles must be labeled as required by law and that more should have anti-filler caps. It is evident, however, that the wording of this item was made in a hasty and confusing as mentioned in the introduction.

What's left to say ... oh, well, I would say that at this point, the only thing that I would say, it is up to us to pay attention to choosing the right catering virtuous quality conscious.

A 'contessino' to the Court of St. Stephen Cesano Maderno

You will say: "A contessino the Court Santo Stefano ... Cinzia, but in what sense?!"Let me explain ...

Therefore, I often meet again with people with whom I have worked extensively in the past. What amuses me somewhat, especially because they often find themselves in front of a totally different person, let's say you ... much more, I would say a much more pleasant and smiling. This is because until a few 'years ago, I was a coordinator battened Viking forced to stand up to a lot 'of doctors (some rebels), and then I had to make the tough.. (to pretend, rather, then seriously!) 😉

That said, after yet another invitation to a 'contessino' (then you will understand why I call it), I decided to accept accompanying him to dinner. In fact, the subject in question, which at the time I worked, is an intelligent and committed to fighting injustice by writing and not just. I was just a little 'reluctant for his ways, that, as my father said, are the classic attitudes 'Bausch'. For those who do not know him, this term Lombard dialect, is used in an ironic sense to refer to a person who airs.

Anyway, taking a cue from one of the protagonists of the Italian Risorgimento, the beautiful Gigogin, and as I sometimes define my dear friend Giorgio Ferrari, daghela a step ahead, from the chorus of the song that reminds her for her courage in making a step towards the foreign oppressor.

Obviously there are not oppressors here, say more foreign, since the contessino snubbing the area where I live wanted me to take him to dinner in Gran Milan! Seee ... I pull it out of the spider, it is neither…!

Worship Milano (apart from the traffic), and I love the challenges! So I told him: “Caro, in the first place if you want me to take steps, and second, we go to eat in my part!"The contessino, surrendered to my will, had to pull out his' torpedo’ as he calls it, and it was decided to pick me up! Third! 😉

Answered the question you know where I took? Well, we went to dinner in an old courtyard in the old town of Cesano Maderno, the Court Santo Stefano. Il malmostoso, after complaining for doing two-step walk, and after stating that he did not eat fish because as a child he had remained a bone in the throat, we gave up and followed me.

In the meantime, in my mind one thought ... I can do it not tonight!

But just think ', the 'contessino scribe golfer doctor' has enjoyed everything! From quaint place by the ancient walls, until the aperitif in the basement.

As far as I'm concerned, as well as to introduce it with those who have followed the dinner-citizen as a man with the snobbish, I removed also the satisfaction to correct when, asking the clerk in a room Barbera, I replied: “Sinstitutions nobleman, which is said to be the Barbera!” Ehhh… when ce vo 'ce vo'!

But not ended! While I gustavo a chickpea soup and mussels could not help saying: “Cynthia, but you eat the mussels! But do you trust!"Uhh ... I said signur ebbasta!

My meal ended with a 'Miascia Como', a typical cake made with bread, amaretti, My, pere, raisins served on a sauce of persimmon, and, an ever-present glass of liqueur liquorice I love!

Boys night ... luckily that, as for Cinderella, the spell is gone midnight! Obviously joke, all in all I really enjoyed it! 🙂


Meet Samuel Vergari, a blogger in pajamas!

Blog:  FoodWineBeer 

It has long been debate about the communication gap made between bloggers and journalists. An argument that is now chopped and ritritato two figures whose writings have a very different emotional. I insist that, whatever, both can help each communicating to them how the land and its productions. The key thing for me is consistency, which must be maintained to avoid the waves of convenience of the moment.

The passion that drove many bloggers in this direction, compresa me, has highlighted how digital communication can be of help in these difficult times that we are living. This does not tarnish in any way the figure of the journalist, that, professionally performs the same task to. It is not a race, never will be, being the very different form of communication.

I made this premise to introduce a blogger, or better, a Passion blogger I know and follow for a long time: Samuel Vergari, in arte ‘FoodWineBeer’.

Although the approach of Samuel is not my, in the sense that unlike him I love writing after living person of the territory and its actors, I respect his choice dictated by family needs at this time.

The world of bloggers is not always easy, I knew long ago, when, following the public relations and the content of a site about food and wine of which I was a partner, I wanted to know with a phone book that I had decided to call it 'Passion Blogger', the 'true fans', those with commitment and consistency transmit their passion through blogging (online diaries).

Even after leaving that role, for not sharing the positions, my project is not lost. In my own way, continuous giving visibility to those who believe can 'do well’ to disseminate knowledge of quality production.

Vergari Samuel was born into a family devoted to agriculture. The passion for wine producers of Sangiovese inherited from grandparents, has allowed him to appreciate over time to become a reference point for friends, for advice on the choice of wines. The turning point in the 2010, when, driven by the growing passion decide to start a blog. Much work to give shape, many steps and changes of direction, until the birth of 'FoodWineBeer'.  

A blog that aims more products, that producers. The reason soon revealed: Samuel is a real pantofolone, or better, a father of two small children that led him to make himself indispensable in the family. It 'so he writes his articles, often in pajamas on the couch, between the interruptions of his children and their micro dramas. Despite family commitments, the pleasure of writing about what tasted at home and in restaurants surrounding areas, prompted him to continue. Then, as soon as possible, on rest days, trips to Italy allowed him to expand his knowledge.

“Cynthia, the rewards are many, in particular that of being able to know, although in many cases only in a virtual, a lot of nice people from the world of wine and beer. Some, even in this world there are negative characters, people who promise and then not maintain, profiteers and boastful of all kinds…  I'm just a simple fan that behind has little theory and much practice. A man and a father who tells his experiences in pajamas on the couch at home ... Samuel Vergari”

I conclude with my thoughts. Noi blogger, much criticized but at the same time sought, I am convinced that we do something good. In our own way we try to convey that passion that has helped many of us to overcome the difficult moments of our lives.

Now I ask you: “Are they better than those that use this passion…?”


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