The importance of promoting the land and its resources, also because, if you look around, There remains only one!

Ora bacchetto! Calmi, sto scherzando! 😉 Lungi da me usare qualsiasi tipo di bacchetta verso qualcuno! It’ anche vero però, che davanti a certe situazioni, non riesco proprio a non dire la mia! Non è una questione di puntiglio, It is that it is time we all learn to get serious in promoting the land and its resources, also because, if you look around, There remains only one!

Ognuno di noi, in his own way, Can anything be done to our economy, to promote our products, to raise awareness of the richness and beauty of our land. The consumer may very, starting to choose where and how to shop, paying attention to seasonality, label, and provenance. I know it is a time of crisis, but buying less, and more quality, It is good for us and our Italian.

The wheel that turned our economic system, by now, is you are stopping! Right now, are crucial synergies, doing well together! If someone believes, that running alone things can andargli good long, the illusion! Who runs alone, receives about poi, only remains!

Having said, I will make mention of some episodes that made me turn up their noses at my days spent in Crotone. These are situations in which one often encounters in Italy; We are a country rich in resources abroad envy us, but unfortunately we have not yet learned to value them as they deserve.

  • 1′ Case – I love breakfast, It is my favorite meal. A Crotone, land of great productions, in a three star hotel I've stayed, the first morning ready to enjoy what 'I thought' I expected, I found myself in front of really sad packaged products. Almost nothing of the territory, and no trace of fresh fruit; for me that love is a real affront. Offering more fruit, both in hotels and in restaurants, you could do a lot for farmers!
  • 2′ Case – During an afternoon, between one visit and another, I stopped for a drink. Well, since I was a little 'undecided, I asked some advice to the person who had come to take the order (also to hear what he would have offered me). The response was: “He wants a spritz?"But I said no! You should know that it is a Calabrian typical drink non-alcoholic coffee made with spring water of Mount Covello, situated in the territory of Girifalco in the province of Catanzaro. And 'perfect for every hour, these aunt, and taste really nice. E 'on'brasilena”. Why not offer the! Obviously Did I stressed, and I ordered.
  • 3'Case - much I love ice cream, if then matched fruit is a real meal. Well, I could not believe my eyes when one day and ordered a similar, I received a bowl with peaches in syrup! Peaches in syrup in August?! us! Say no more ...
  • 4'Case - Calabria, land of great oils. "But we want to put them on the tables!"I had to say precisely the same words all'addetta the hall who took care of the service. Moreover it would be important not to fill bottles with other oils with known labels, also because, looking at the bottle was, It is easy to see if it happens. Here come into because the famous anti-filler cap, alas rejected. The one is to rely on the seriousness of the restaurateur.

Another thing I'd like to see me bring the restaurant, It is a small bottle of local olive oil, that “I would use during the meal, I would pay the bill at a promotional price, and that would take me home.” Same thing I would like to see applied to the wine you do not end up consuming, given the proper limitations of the Highway Code.

In addition, I would like to see on the tables, as is already the case for wines, of the “oils cards of local olive oil” with informative pills that present briefly the characteristics of the varieties. Here I make a note on the Local Action Group of Crotone, the Gal Kroton, that in a few days will present the paper of olive oils adhering to their local food system.

That said, remembering that in Italy we have over 530 cultivars of olives, much is being done, but much can still be with the commitment of all, with the help of the administrations, and with the right local communication.

Launch my outlet here, but do not think, I do wherever I be given the opportunity. As during the first 'edition of the "Fair of Excellence Strongolesi" organized dall'operosa Pro Loco, and it was followed by a debate coordinated by journalist Giuseppe de Pipita "The Crotonese".

Invited to the table, after the greetings sent via a message from President of Calabria Giuseppe Scopelliti, and the presence of – Vincenzo Pepparelli President of the Chamber of Commerce of Crotone, Christmas Carvelli President Gal Kroton, Mayor Michael Laurenzano Strongoli, Simona Mancuso Municipal Councilor for productive activities and Francesco Fiorita minority leader of Strongoli City Council – I told my, as a blogger communicator of the territory and its producers, on what could be done starting with these small things that I highlighted earlier. As for the aid to producers, it streamlining the bureaucratic part to which they are heavily subjected, and l 'help to support them in the expenses for participation in fairs and promotional events, It would be welcome.

Siamo un paese ricco di risorse che all’estero ci invidiano, quindi forza, sta a tutti noi valorizzarle!

Today we talk about # SocialMedia Rosy Battle with ...

Rosy Battle, blogger and freelance journalist. Active in the field of social research, environmental, cultural and political. Collaborate to date with various newspapers (Lettera43, Terre di Mezzo Magazine Street; Radiopopolare, Social Editor).

It deals, in addition to, Communication and Social Media, as a consultant, trainer in non-profit and Social Media Manager / Editor. The latest project then as a Social Media Editor was the festival of Digital Journalism “Globalnews”.

A presentation of all respect, I would say! Rosy make me almost afraid! 😉

Obviously joke, ma solo perché l’ho conosciuta personalmente durante “Social Gusto”, the event held recently in Varese, that, in addition to promoting the quality of Italian cuisine, a space dedicated to journalists and bloggers to present their experiences in the evolution of communication on the subject of food and wine.

A delightful person in simplicity and sympathy. Do you think that at the end of the conference has delighted us with his tiramisu! I often say to go beyond the windows of appearance, le sorprese sono inaspettate, a volte in positivo e a volte in negativo. Anyway, ci permettono un giudizio ed un’esperienza diretta e reale, ben lontana dal virtuale.

Detto questo entro in merito per farvi conoscere meglio Rosy, e per parlare di #comunicazione e #socialmedia, essendo io un’appassionata della comunicazione digitale.

Rosy, a te the oral… 🙂

  • Food, giornalismo e comunicazione ai tempi del web 2.0.” Qual è la tua visione delle cose?

Direi che il web ha ampliato e diffuso la cultura del cibo, creando community e influencer per tutti i gusti. But "The Italian Kitchen" for food bloggers true paradigm is that, in the times of social networks, sharing passions is greatly facilitated and affordable for everyone. And this seems to me a good thing.

  • You call "food blogger failure." Why?

In my Bat-Blog, where I talk about topics "tough" by the social and civil commitment there in plain sight the category "Food and Green", corresponding to two of my great passions: cooking for friends and treat my green corner. I realized along the way that I can not tell her how I wanted, are passions that in a "ipersocial" life I reserved for my private life, intimacy.. So although I deeply love the food, conviviality and sharing, Web me autocensuro. Although some photos of dishes and flowers on Instagram and Facebook a while, "I lose".

  • Social Media in Italy have not used appropriately as they should. The answer for many is: "I have no time!"A response that does not consider the real importance of these media for product promotion, or to improve the company's reputation through content sharing. You're the expert, what is your experience?

I confirm,  social media in Italy are not used as they should be. From SMEs to non-profit but also by ordinary citizens and Public Administration.

The care of the communication and content in small businesses, exceedingly, It is still not considered in terms of investment. And yet the world of Social Media, dai blog for Social network, really it allows you to raise awareness of projects and products to audiences, Until a few years ago, unimaginable and costs really ridiculous. What is certain is that you can not relegate them to improvisation management. Communication is a job, and like all professions it takes time, passion and continuing education. Who has gone down this road, identifying resources within its structure or turning to professionals, It is already reaping the benefits in terms of good reputation and visibility.

  •  They are romantic woman in the broadest sense, lover of traditions and earth. But they are present on Twitter ..., Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Path, LinkedIn, Foursquare, You Tube ... well I launch the network and I share everything I love and believe in. Despite this I strongly believe that the company that we have the opportunity to use, should unite and not replace direct knowledge, necessary experience to live the realities, and to know their products. Share…?

I fully share this view. On the net you can create community on topics, battles, passions. But social networks are not our only world, They are just another representation of our personalities and visions. We must not forget the relationships in the flesh. Although it is true that the grid can be born friendships and loves, collaborations and networks that, anyhow, to be "sublimated" must switch from the virtual sphere to the real ...

  • Twitter and his 140 characters, maldigerito by many, I would say, not understood. Let's say that the imposition of its brevity makes many difficulties, moreover not thus make great emotions. A rapid chirping of a thousand potential that too many still underestimate. Do you have any advice?

I agree with your analysis, Twitter has the incredible potential, in terms of speed and content indexing and can be very useful both to inform that to promote events and ideas. The point is this, Twitter more than a social network is an information network in Italy but is not yet widely used in this mode. L’approccio è un po’ ostico è vero, ma una volta fatto proprio questo concetto, si può cominciare ad apprezzare anche la concisione a 140 characters.

  • Parliamo degli #hashtag, il famoso cancelletto # that, messo davanti ad una o più parole unite, permette di aggregare le citazioni di chiunque lo utilizza. Io ormai ne faccio un uso abbondante, anzi di più. Da quanto poi, non è più ad uso esclusivo di twitter, esageroma a fin di bene!  A questo punto ti chiedo: “Qual è in questo momento la parola della tua vita davanti alla quale metteresti un hashtag ?” 😉

In nome omen per cui ti dico #battagliera. Le sfide da raccogliere sono tante nella professione come nella vita. E io non mi arrendo.




My first time in Calabria for Food Bloggers Day 2013

Well you, questa è stata la mia prima volta in terra di Calabria. Posso solo dirvi che ho scoperto una terra che ha bisogno di essere raccontata e rivalutata, a land of many typical, a land rich in art and history, a land to defend ...

It 'was my first time, but make no mistake, will certainly not be the last. The emotions that I experienced have made that ‘u cori mi faci cavagli… (a way of saying that the Calabrian translated means my heart like so many prancing horses at full gallop).

From time Piero Romano, producer of olive oil in Stroud in the province of Crotone, I urged me to go find. Distances alas often do not help, but when the relations of friendship and esteem persist, statene certi, that sooner or later the opportunity presents itself. And so it was ...

In fact, when he learned that I was in Taranto for a holiday, the first thing he told me was: “Cynthia, you would not come to the Blogger's Day 11 August organized by me and Gal Kroton!”

This time I had my back to the wall, my only answer was a YES!

I wanted to stop myself a few more days in Calabria, because to speak and write of the territories that you visit you must live them with her people ... Today I will begin to tell you about my first day.

Food Blogger Day 2013

It 'was an intense day, full of flavor, knowledge, breathtaking views and handshakes. A day dedicated to the area and production in the Crotone. A tour organized by Gal Kroton, local action group, and Piero Romano's Farm S. Sebastian of Stroud.

We started the day with breakfast at Fattoria San Sebastian. So many good things to taste: good cakes Maria La Cava, le marmellate, the fresh fruit produced locally, and much more.

I love breakfast, are my favorite meal! In particular, I was kidnapped by "pitta n’chiusa”, a typical dessert from Calabria named for the circle of dough containing the filling, ben chiuso. Pita, from the greek crushed, un dolce a base di uva passa, almonds and honey… a real treat!

It was the turn of John Lucanto, dell’Beekeeping Diego Lucanto di Mesoraca. Passo per passo ci ha spiegato la lavorazione del miele. Fascinated by the sight of this timeless product of many virtues, we have carefully listened to, and then… we tasted!
This small family-owned company, in addition to producing, maintain and distribute their products, organizes tasting sessions and paths of knowledge of the processing of honey.

After breakfast,, a visit to Museo Contadino Farm located in San Sebastian, allowed us to go back in time to relive the methods of olive oil production of yesteryear.

The next stop was a visit to the mill stone of Casabona, the “Barn of the Bourbons”.  Here comes the hard wheat flour Senatore Cappelli, that, macinata a pietra, preserves the nutritional and natural.

A short distance away a herd of the characteristic “black pig of Calabria”, a Razza typical Calabrese.

When it was time for lunch we headed to the Aragonese Tower of Melissa, Stopped del Gal Croton. We waited many samples typical of the area including the caciocavallo, the black pig bacon, the brawn, la ‘nduja, pilchard, Pecorino Stroud, inter alia, recognized for the high quality of numerous awards, and much more…

During lunch we were escorted to a good red wine from Cantina Val di Neto IGT, and the craft beer brewery Blandino, both local productions.

I owe a special thanks to his friend Piero Romano, a special person who welcomed me like few have been able to do with the dear Martin, Maybe di Croton. In his Fattoria San Sebastian Stroud, produces organic extra virgin olive oil obtained from the higher plants trees, and in part by olive younger. The cultivars are: Round of Stroud, Carolea, Nocellara Belize, Nocellara Etnea, Biancolilla, Leccino, Frantoio and Coratina.
In the photo below, I wear my apron personalized with first name and last name Piero gave to each of us. And individual e… click! 🙂

In Torre Melissa, in a historical fort dating back to the sixteenth century, surrounded by breathtaking views under a blazing sun, we spent the afternoon deepening the knowledge of what was seen directly with producers. It 'was a moment of real aggregate, friendship, exchanges of views and contacts. But not only, We also admired the beautiful collection of sculptures of shells collected in the course of forty years of life by Antonio Rosati.

In addition to the many pictures of the ritual, We told local television station filmed from our experience on the day lived. Of course I told him about how my, starting from catering, could be done to promote local productions.

For example, it would be enough to propose a mini format of olive oil included in the bill to be put on the table, and that, once tasted is then brought home. Same thing goes for wine; who must drive is limited by consumption, then propose a taste and the ability to take away the bottle. Or, suggest a basket of fresh fruit in the territory at the end of a meal or breakfast in the hotel, that in addition or alternative to the traditional sweet, it would be good and useful and at the same time help farmers. Ci sarebbe da scriverne e parlarne a lungo…

I ended my evening watching the Folk Group San Sosti and dances typical Calabrian dedicated to emigrants who return for the holidays in their own land.


Back to the roots of "The Italian Kitchen" with ... Anna Prandoni

Anna Prandoni, Director of "The Italian Kitchen". We met in Social Gusto, the event that allowed us to expose our experiences, albeit different, in the evolution of communication on the subject of food and wine. A young woman, listening to his speech, I got confident and determined.

I must admit to being better at eating than cooking, convinced that, you can love food and wine in all its aspects. Personally, the thing that fascinates me most, course as well as taste, are its traditions and its protagonists. I like to go to the roots. For this reason, when Anna gave each of us a copy of the speakers 1 'edition of "The Italian Kitchen" of 1929, I caught the gesture with a lot of emotion.

Today, as well as ask a few questions to get to know better, I would like to mention some steps that copy I have just mentioned. An edition of 15 December 1929, the first well of 84 years ago. Comes naturally to me comparing it to an elegant lady in step with the times, lover of style and traditions, that does not neglect the details, and that considers food a distinctive feature of our memory and our territory.

Anna Prandoni

Along with Anna Prandoni to Social Taste with Laura Pantaleo Padlocks, Rosy Battle, Silvia Giovannini, Samanta Cornaviera e Jenny Maggioni – Este Gardens – Varese.

Anna, a te the oral ...

  • So you're director of a newspaper, wife and cook, I forgot something ...?

I'm also a huge fan of classical and contemporary dance, a voracious reader of novels and essays, una Twittomane, and a tireless traveler.

  • I often say that I am a thorn in the side of the cooks. Provoke them a little bit because I think that often exceed with the "fireworks in the dishes".  Tornare un po’ alla tradizione facendo cultura del cibo e del vino anche al ristorante, what is useful and good. Two more words when dishes are served, or a wine, or the superb olive oils would not hurt our own ...

I agree, but at the same time I consider unnecessary and excessive protruding explanations, especially the ones that tell you how you have to taste a dish. If you feel the need to 'explain' how should I deal with your creation, we are in a different area from the nourishment. We enter the world of artistic creation. And then there are the restaurant, as commonly understood, but in a place where I attend and participate in a culinary performance.

Until we can get the public understand this big difference, we will not be able to explain why a huge bill, and even the value of Carlo Cracco compared to traditional trattoria cooking very well. Caution: I did not say I prefer one to the other: I only say that we must at all costs emphasize the differences to appreciate both.

  • Chef superstar, it can not be more! Okay that is their moment, caspita ma,  mi viene spontaneo chiedermi quando cucinano? Recently, joking with some of them I wondered when they will make a movie? Title: “Lo Chef che aspettava le sue… stelle” 😉 Esagero?

Not. Lately, our chef, joking, he said to his colleague starry: more than three you do not damage, the fourth had not yet invented. This need for affirmation, however, is the ancestral, in my view: for decades the cooks were relegated in their kitchens, to do hard work in the days and times when normal people are having fun. Now that you have cleared customs, it is also understandable their healthy need to stand out from their dens.

However, most of them, in the secrecy of the confessional, confirm that they want to come back soon. Then, a clarification: says Pierangelini answering the question 'Chef, but if you are here tonight who cooks at his restaurant?’. 'The same people who cook when I'm at the restaurant'. Dispelling a Myth: the chef true, the head of a brigade of cooking in a restaurant structured, no cooking ever: is to pass, controls the dishes, and deals with the conception and strategy of the restaurant. The good chef is one who is able to convey to its employees its history and its technique, and enable them to replicate his dishes, without him.

  • And 'the era of new communication Food bloggers go go! With all due respect for the passion, all write about cooking now. What about ...

Which, fortunately, in the world of food there is room for everyone. The market, il web, Readers will evaluate and give reason to the best content, as it ever was.

  • I now come to some quotes. I'm reading the first edition of "The Italian Kitchen" of 15 December 1929: "It can be said that for some time the family kitchen is in decline." I would say that the most current ...

Very current. The first copy is my security blanket: every time I make a presentation, or I am going to write something the consultation: I always find a step, a cue, a hint that gives me the 'the' wise and sensible things to write today.

  • Continuous: "You can feel good in your living room and be comfortable in the kitchen; pantry must have for every woman (I add every man) la stessa importanza del guardaroba come la cucina quella del salotto”. Questo a sottolineare quanto sia importante ricercare la qualità negli ingredienti. Products of poor workmanship at low prices should not deceive ...

Agree. And we must never limit itself to the kitchen: our magazine has always been a reference point for the art of receiving. Not cooking for 'exercise in style', but to make a gift of love to their loved ones. And then you can not serve a recipe cooked with love on a plate or bad without tablecloth, or without accompanying by a light conversation and appropriate.

  • I conclude with this: "If in the nineteenth century and the beginning of our need higher averted from the kitchen, must attempt to rejuvenate the art of cooking, which is the essential link of the union of the family. "

Amen! Whether it's immediate family, enlarged, Friends or relatives, the kitchen is really magical place, the glue necessary to make each assembly a unique and joyful. Some, we can not mess it up badly cooked!

Belle replies! Blanca Anna, and hooray ... The Italian Kitchen!

Mussels arraganate to Taranto

Recipe: “Mussels arraganate to Taranto”

Over time I learned to experience the cities you visit walking slowly, day and night, looking at the views of the hidden, and the moments of real life…

A few nights ago, in the beautiful and picturesque Taranto, I watched the fishermen employed in the shuffle of their boat. I listened to them while cheerfully exchanged jokes with each other. To tell the truth I knew a little something, Read a little ... at least I think 'here what they were saying:

“Catà, quann’u marit arriv’a quarantina, lass’a mugghier e s’n ve a cantina, quann’a mugghier arriv’a quanrant’ann lass’u marit e s’pigghi’a Giuann.”

I translated it means: “Cataldo, when her husband arrives at forty neglects his wife and goes to the cellar, then his wife at forty you just have to be a ... John”. La saggezza popolare eh😉

Every time I stop to watch, I think fra me and me, what I want to live for one night the real life of the fishermen on a fishing boat. Sooner or later I'm sure I'll do it. This is now my life, the beautiful life that I have stolen my heart…

For now I'm happy to sample their catch. Here I report a very simple recipe that I tasted typical Tarantino Restaurant in Old Bridge, a beautiful night with a unique atmosphere ...

Mussels arraganate to Taranto

Start by telling you that "arraganate" mean in Taranto “gratinate”.

Therefore, purchased mussels, I'd take it to cars because I love them!  I recommend, however, they are beautiful fresh!

Once you open them to clean raw, predisponetele and a half shell on a baking tray.

Then prepare the dough for the filling, mixing well in bread crumbs with olive oil, in this case Pugliese, and it's good I recommend! Unirea's pepe, parsley, and pecorino cheese to taste (no sale).

Once mixed well together filled with mussels, and move the pan in the oven for 10 minutes of a 220 degrees.

La mia amica Maria Palumbo, tarantina DOC, recommended as an alternative, for those who love to feel the full flavor of the mussels, not to add the cheese ... Tastes are tastes! 🙂

I I tasted with the cheese ... I assure you, a treat!

The Production of Black Mussels Tarantine is the oldest and largest in the world.

The Tarantini implanted, and consequently taught to most of the world the cultivation of mussels. Those of Taranto, recognized also for the shape, have now become saltier because it is grown in the Great Sea. In fact, the Vera Cozza Taranto is that of the Mar Piccolo, area currently impractical for pollution. (cit. Mimmo Modarelli)


Ponte Vecchio Restaurant

Piazza Fontana, 61, Taranto

Fettuccine with saffron told by Enrico Fiorentini, lo chef, but especially the man

A few nights ago Enrico Fiorentini, chef del The restaurant Canneto at the Sheraton Milan Malpensa Airport Hotel, I was just amazed! Let me explain why ...

When I see posted on social networks photographs of dishes without the slightest explanation I stizzisco somewhat. I like to understand what I see, and it is for this reason that the curiosity to know I do not hold back from asking information about the creations of raids cook on duty.

I am convinced that curiosity, Ben fasting, to be successful. It 'just ask without fear of not knowing. Many do not know, but alas they do not ask. You can make good food culture, wine, oils and vinegars as well, information with pills that do discover an underwater world of good things.

Good, This time the photographer-cook-creator to be pinched is Enrico Fiorentini.

I must confess, I saw that I myself almost did not believe it, that, after a couple of times ironically I pointed out the lack, to remedy he wanted to dedicate a plate, but not only, also he told me unless I ask him! 😉

Read below as he described it…

"Fettuccine with saffron drawn to the bronze fennel cream, prugne rosse and cacao "

Cynthia, the fettuccine with saffron bronze drawn, is a limited production dell’The. Agr. Vigna di More, very small company Marche, rather small, of which the holder is one of the simplest and most genuine people I've ever met.

The prugna rossa in this period is at its highest, with the balance between sour and sweet it is extremelyFettuccine bronze drawn sugosa. The fava di cacao enriches and gives the character of crispness and authority in respect of saffron, noble spice made from the flowers heart. The wild fennel finally, is the spontaneous grass for excellence this season, gives freshness, pleasant feeling of lightness and clean on the palate.

I have dedicated this dish because I think you have a lot of similarities with all these qualities that I just listed. An understated elegance and a sophisticated simplicity ... a combination of qualities that may seem conflicting, while on the other hand they are each the other compensation.

I must say I was pleasantly surprised that Henry. Think about that as soon as I met him I was a little obnoxious. I asked him to tell me a bit’ di's, but with a recommendation, to use the heart…

But who is Enrico Fiorentini? I mean the man, as well as the chef ...

Cynthia, I can start by telling you that I liked being in the kitchen because my, for work, They were often absent. Saturday was market day, you shopped, and then, back home, you cleaned vegetables. I liked the manual and the product processing in food, was fascinating, and it still is. I remember an old cookbook found in a drawer, “it Carnacina”. Initially seemed to me almost incomprehensible, then, on the occasion of get-togethers at the end of the school at the time of medium, I used venturing into some marble donut not properly leavened, to smile even thought ...

When it came time to choose the high school address I was tempted to orient myself to the hotel. I was not aware of the sacrifices of life to which I was getting into. From the first year I was involved from my era chef, Marco Olivieri, little extras in school events. At a distance I can tell you without a doubt that I was lucky, because it was a serious professional who carried out his work with passion. Here is the key word for those moving towards this career, the passion and the feeling, basic requirements for those who want to cook.

I do not hide that I put more effort at work and in school, of course when there was an opportunity; why I take this opportunity to thank my family who constantly has always supported me. After graduation I started with the first experiences, da Peck, from the Orti di Leonardo, by The Duke of Milan, until the Emerald Coast and Tuscany, then continue abroad, with the meeting of cultures and ethnic cuisines. A continuous metamorphosis of man and chef who was in me.

With foreign travel I have changed many things in my life, It took over the loneliness, melancholy, remoteness. It 'was then that I would concentrate more on the job, locking me in myself, in my world, surely with a different impact on being, becoming less social, less communicative, more closed, Bear and moody. When I came, after a long stay abroad, I found myself almost catapulted into an environment that no longer recognized. When came the time to leave was invading me anxiety and anguish ... A succession of strong emotions that was pouring in the kitchen, perhaps, because over time, It grows emotion ...

That was what I wanted to Henry, I wanted to come out and so the man was. Reading his words, besides to excite, I understand a little more what it means to be a chef today affirmed. A tough job that, seen from the outside, really it does not make the idea of ​​the difficulties. As I often say, to understand the people and their work, the only solution is to live them, directly on the "field".

Henry also loves music. This is what I wanted to give me, music reminiscent of the sea, summer, and walks on the sand barefoot ...

A chat with a Baker's Subversive, perché c’è pane e… Pane!

The recipe: “Le Macine”

I'm going to take the bread from the baker ... love it!

You know that smell that you feel coming into the shop ... mmm, wonderful!  But beware, c’è pane e… Bread! 😉

I want to do some 'clarity! Today you go to the bakery, but to talk about bread, flour, ... yeast and sourdough.

My victim of the moment is Maximum Grazioli, a baker who I met at the last Meeting of Subversive of Taste.

From 1974, date of opening of his shop, produces continuity with bakery products.

"The bread, a flavor that has a zest for life and that leaves you speechless, that accompanies us and leads us to walk through time. Maximum Grazioli "

But now bake bread, ops che ho detto, inform you today ...! 😉

  • Hello Massimo, start from the beginning, but how to make bread?

To make bread, but it's good, you need to use high quality raw materials.Maximum Grazioli

First. The use of stone ground wholemeal flour is fundamental.

Second. Giving due importance to the time needed to ripen the dough, fundamental step to develop aromas and flavors, and to make it more digestible.  

Third. The sweat and toil of those who make the bread you from his soul, but in exchange wants your.

Fourth. The yeast.

  • We speak of a fungus. Eh si, its a fungus, "Yeast". Therefore, you hear of yeast, Yeast mother ... Let's ripassino?

The sourdough starter is a culture of microorganisms, various fungi and bacteria, whose metabolism produces a fermentation, that is, transforms the starches of the flour into carbon dioxide and alcohol, making the dough.

The real peculiarity of the yeast, is that among the various fungi and bacteria (the two species are cousins), are present lactic acid bacteria and acetic that produce a series of organic acids and damage to the bread, made with yeast, unique characteristics in terms of aroma, digestibility and retention.

Unlike, in yeast fungi are present only (Saccaromiceti) which ferment is, but produce very little organic acids. You can understand very well the aroma of bread.

  • Now step to a topic that I would call hot, I am referring to flour. Let's say there's a bit ' of confusion between the consumer, because sadly there are bad meal and dubious origin. Do you want to tell me about it, and especially, give some advice for a more informed choice?

From my point of view it is crucial to use the stone ground, that are integral,  and that possibly come from cereals organic farming. This gave him the true value of bread for anyone who decides to bake in a home or professional.

I confirm then, that in the world of flour from mills industrial, not everything is clean and clear. I would say at this point, that it is better to buy them from small mills that grind stone, or through GAS, or, finally, in specialist shops kind Nature is.

  • The water in the dough also has its due importance. You use that water?

For water I use a device that makes it even lighter by removing some’ limestone.

  • Salt or no salt, in the sense that some use it some do not. When, and as such should be used in the bread ...?

It is for the salt, and only sea salt. I use the Piran salt that is less bitter. The percentage is 1,6 % su ogni kg di farina. Also, with wholemeal flour rich in flavor, if it has less need.

In conclusion I ask you a recipe with bread, a tradition, I like it! 🙂

There you are satisfied Cinzia, I'll give you the recipe to make "Le Macine


Ingredients :

·       800 Article. of stone-ground flour "The Grinders" Mulino Marino

·       200 Article. Rye wholemeal

·       650 cl. water to 28 °

·       400 Article. sourdough ready to maturity

·       15   Article. salt


Preparation :

  • Mix all the ingredients, except for the salt, and for 50 Article. water that only add to the end to balance.
  • Stir the mixture slowly until a dough well format.
  • It 'important that the final temperature of the mixture is about 27/28 degrees.
  • Let rise in a warm for more than 2 hours.
  • Then form the loaf, and let it rise for another 2 hours.
  • Bake at 210 ° for 60 minutes.
  • Finally, turn off the oven, leaving within the millstones for other 10 minutes with the door ajar.


La Bottega del Pane Massimo Grazioli

from 1974

Via Rossini 15 – Legnano (MI)

e-mail: massig61@alice.it

Reinvent a life at forty, from hairdressers to chefs, his name is Dino, his Trattoria "La Colonna"

A few nights ago I had dinner in a restaurant in Milan, “The Column. It does not have a site, rather, the only site who is the real one. What intrigued me. We are so accustomed to travel on line that sometimes we overlook things concrete and tangible… but fortunately, not always.

The dinner prepared by Dino, Chef de The Column, was organized by Francesca Lovatelli Caetani, Editorial Director WebSpotMagazine, e da Ivana Villa of web-spot.it. Hyear attended by more than me, a group of journalists and bloggers. Monica Papagna of a biscottoalgiorno.com, Sara Millett of the-appetite-comes-leggendo.com, Amelia Face freelance fashion designer, and a surprise guest with whom I lovingly discussed during the evening, the reporter Alexander Aleotti, Chairman of the Brera Football.

Just arrived, as is my habit to do to learn about the environment in which they work the people I meet, I poked around a bit for the local. The atmosphere a little 'retro memories of the past have attracted my attention immediately.

An old megaphone, a picture with a dedication in memory of Renato Rascel a dinner them, and a corner wall with a pen writing by the visitors of the Trump local, made me smile. Then, once called to order, I joined the group.

Fell downstairs I found myself in front of the beautiful mise en place prepared by Amelia Face, etiquette expert and lecturer in courses devoted to the preparation of the table. Greetings, chat, and then at the table. Mi was Venuta decisamente fame.

An interesting detail detected upon reading the menu of La Colonna, is that the motion of the plates is already linked to a wine, both as a cost, that for the matching.

After the dinner, appena a potuto, I did sit next to me Dino, lo chef. He had earned my sympathy immediately, since my arrival and offered a glass of wine, a sparkling wine, had not used a well known term to define the sparkling wines that just can not stand.

Dino boy, although the mother had a restaurant, it is directed towards different field. Having left school at ITIS, exercised for a long time the profession of hairdresser for lady.

About ten years ago the turn with the decision to become a chef. By day he sold frozen, and he learned to cook evening working alongside a chef. Then, with the acquisition of the premises that still manages, the fulfillment of a dream. Never think it's late to change your life ...

Trattoria La Colonna in

Via S. Maria alla Porta, 10 – Milan


Let the treasure hunt? Rather… label! Meet Sara Cordara

It’ estate, it is time to carelessness, games and fun. Good, I thought about doing a treasure hunt, then, if it really is a treasure, is to be verified! How? The game, then that game is not, takes place by reading the labels of the products we buy! But how do? And above, those who fail to understand what they read! Sometimes I wonder if some producers think that consumers are small chemical!

If you think carefully, what you read, and that for the most part do not understand, I'll eat!

Today we launch a challenge! Together with Sara we decided to make a play summer, is called “hunting etiquette”. Of course I mean those deceptive, those made for nuclear engineers, maybe then, even they do not understand!

These rules: when you do not understand what you read, or when something is written on the label does not convince, send us a photo, Sara Cordara will be our Sherlock Holmes ... but the label!

 Good, VI presents La investigatrice our special! 😉

Sara Cordara, biologist, nutrizionista e specialista in scienza dell’alimentazione.

For years dealing with communication and nutritional science. Fights to defend and enhance the Made in Italy, and for food labeling clearer, less misleading and deceptive, consumer protection.

  • Hello Sara, I read that for years you deal with communication nutritional. You look very young, you want to tell us about your career path?

After the five-year degree in biological sciences with a thesis on aspartame,  the chemical sweetener most discussed from time, I decided to specialize in food science. I am fascinated by everything that is nutrition 360 °. I worked for a couple of years at a research laboratory Luigi Sacco Hospital in Milan but I felt a little mouse Laboratory.

Having always had a nice gab, I started working as a popularizer scientific journals with some being as Viversani&certain.  Currently supporting the marketing department of Yakult, un’azienda specializzata in probiotici e con loro seguo un progetto con dei runners. Ho anche una mia rubrica di nutrizione su una radio piemontese.

Are of the opinion that the best form of communication is the direct contact with people, once there was a paper, now communicating through social as facebook and twitter, websites, i blog.  In my opinion it works, you can not interact well, provided that the communication is clean and done with intelligence.

  • You fight to enhance the Made in Italy  through more transparent labeling that addresses the consumer towards a more informed choice. View your experience, what is the current situation?

The average consumer reads food labels but includes very little, and is not to blame. In recent years I have received many reports of indecipherable labels and incomprehensible. The fault lies with a system that works badly and often part directly by the European Community.  

Let me give an example, just recently has not passed from Brussels the measure on the stopper to prevent anti-refilling in restaurants olive oil is continuously mixed with the old one, perhaps with that of seeds. It would have been a way to protect our olive oil, the “re” the Mediterranean diet.

  • I am a strong supporter of nutrition education from childhood, but not only. Instead of prescribing medicines galore, propose courses for the purpose of education pathology patients to a healthy lifestyle, avoiding the abuse pharmaceuticals, alas, is too widespread in the media. Are repetitive, lo so, but I wonder if in the long run this thought can be transformed from utopia to hope ...

A healthy food awareness takes shape during childhood and adolescence, and here that parents have to work hard, Once adults become complicated change their ways. Childhood obesity is unfortunately increasingly rising taking along all related complications such as diabetes and hypertension.

A good education comes from private households; durante i miei seminari nelle scuole elementari non è infrequente trovare bambini che non mangiano il pesce perché non essendo gradito da uno dei genitori non viene cucinato. Poi c’è il problema del junk food, junk food cheap and convenient that is spreading more and more.

Maybe I'll be too hard, but the idea that consumerism and many food companies go hand in hand with the pharmaceutical, the premium will ” gorge of food” e the second one “care”, the one can not exist without the presence of the other. The latter concept summarizes some’ My opinion about.


How come there are few women Executive Chef?

It was once said that vanity is a woman ... once!!! Now things have definitely flipped, I am referring to men more often than chef, superstar! Sure it's their time, but perhaps it is the case that they return a little bit in the kitchen! Mmm, I now know that I should stoop, before I arrive in a pot head! 😉

Va bè, Seriously, the fact is that for us women assert is a bit more difficult. We must be brave, competent, possibly good-looking, in ordine, Madrid, wives and ... well do double the effort. Or are we to step back ... or remain!

This applies to all fields of Italian society, administrations, in health care, in politics and,  per stare in tema, nell'enogastronomia. Just look at the relationship between, men and women, both in cooking and in the kitchen judge who.

It 'a world of mostly men chef and men assessors. Ebbasta!!! We women, mostly, we have much more feeling than you, it is scientifically proven, and sensitivity nell'enogastronomia dowry is very important!

Detto ciò passo la parola a donne chef, stellate and, from various Italian regions, this living environment, and then make an informed judgment can give a coherent answer and female. Please, a voi oral ...

Donne e Chef

  • Antonella Rossi, And Chef Patron at the Restaurant "Napoli Mia” (NA)

Hello Cynthia, always the cook, also the time of the Monzù monsù or as they say in Sicily, has always been a man, even if women were to cook for the family.  Il cuoco oggi è chef, and by definition is a man.

For us women it is increasingly difficult to find space in this category, even though at times many women are better than men. Women have an aesthetic vision of the TV and watch it from the feminine side, making it more elegant. For cooks males we remain women, and therefore we do not have visibility as their.

  • Maria Probst, Chef del Restaurant "The Red Tent” Cerbaia (BE)

Hello Cynthia, I wonder why!? Therefore, you have to be especially sports. And 'lives a little’ different from the usual. Many sacrifices and much satisfaction… every day you have to be on top, motivated, happy, and with a great desire to do ...

It is not a job for everyone… It is always under examination, and you do not have a day of relaxation. But if you are a person with a strong motivation, gives you a totally different world from the usual. Woman struggling to emerge more, perché riflette sempre sui propri errori. L’uomo, unlike, and more self-confident.

Then there is another important factor, namely that of having to arrange even the family. Doing a job so challenging is truly an art. In my case it is only possible because the family is a family.

  • Paola Bertinotti, Boss Restaurant "Pinocchio" in Borgomanero (NO)

Hello Cynthia, I can tell you because I do not do. The’ commitment of the room compared to that of the kitchen is lighter. A chef can not possibly leave the kitchen. A woman generally also has commitments with family and with children who can not delegate some other.

More fortunate are those who work at home, but, I tell you, I could not give up the afternoons I spend with my children until eight in the evening. Ubi largest ...

  • Erica Petroni, Genius of Food at its Laboratorio “FOOD ART FACTORY” (MI)

Hello Cynthia, Well there are,  io sono un esempio…

The reality is harsh. They are all men; must be respected as a man, have so much strength, and work for twenty hours a day without a break and without respite.

For women who do make it, there is no privacy! In addition to the men that still annoys a woman to command ...

  • Nadia Zampedri, And Chef Patron at the "Trattoria Pegaso” a Gavardo (BS)

Hello Cynthia, penso che sia solo una questione di famiglia.

Avendo dei figli da accudire non è possibile organizzare un lavoro come il nostro.

It 's too as long as you require.

  • Nadia Vincenzi, Chef and Patron of the restaurant "Da Nadia" in Castrezzato (BS)

Hello Cynthia. Le donne chef hanno più difficoltà ad affermarsi rispetto agli uomini, I think because of old prejudices.

It 'a tough business regardless of whether you are male or female, to do this you must be very certain.

This is my thought.

  • Carla Teodori, Chief Restaurant "AD Cookies” (RO)

Hello Cynthia, I too have asked me, but… a po ', it is because we left behind with the times. Until a few years ago we women were not very well accepted in the kitchen. It 'a very heavy work, both physically and mentally. Personally, I had serious problems working, I went ahead especially for stubbornness, do not be intimidated when making their male colleagues teased me.

Then, as for all the work we are a bit’ penalized by having to care for their children and the family. It 'a job that takes you over time to have no more social life, and believe me, there are few people who will give up. To the Executive Chef you must have a lot of experience, if it is abroad, all the better. For example, when I went to Egypt to practice, I was the only woman to have the courage to do. And a very long story to explain, There would be talk for days and days ...

  • Delilah Davoli, Chef presso Pause Restaurant-International Centre Malaguzzi Reggio Emilia

Hello Cynthia, I think the underlying reason is to be found in the roles traditionally assigned to women, mothers first, and only recently entered the world of work, and very few in robes management. Mi auguro, and it seems to me that something has changed, that these spaces, will “conquered” by women.

We know that often women are to have an edge over… If we know well demonstrate the ability to use our brains through our gifts of organization and efficiency.

This does not mean that the chefs do not lead to organizational problems, rather, social life is put to the test. “Courage, we can do it!”.

  • Trish Bottura, Chef per eventi

Hello Cynthia, Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that it is a very challenging job, be occupied 12/16 hours per day for a woman who has a family becomes difficult.

Usually a Chef Executive remains in the same place long-term, and the structure that assumes any fears motherhood…


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