But the cheese, Where do I put !?

A few days ago I was scolded for having put the cheese in the fridge.

 "Cynthia, the cheese should not be placed in the refrigerator! It should be kept out, and at the right temperature. "Easy to say! Not everybody have the pantry or cellar!

At this point I asked myself:  "But the cheese, Where do I put !?”

To dissolve my doubts, the only contact was my Master Taster cheese, Paolo Leone. He graduated in Animal Science and researcher and expert popularizer of culture of food, I am certain will clarify the issue.

A rent the oral…

So Cynthia, I'll explain. First of all depends on the cheese.

  • In general you can say that:
    a) it should be kept in the refrigerator,
    b) should be wrapped in paper or foil,
    c) be placed in the lower part,
    d) should always be stored in a box (there are plastic with perforated lids),
    and) it should be kept for a short time,
    f) should be cleaned thoroughly before consumption if there were mold,
    g) before putting it back in the refrigerator if necessary by changing the paper / film,
    h) care must be taken to moisture, eliminando nel caso le eventuali gocce di condensa.

The variables are the temperature and humidity of the refrigerator, if it is vented or less…

The Parmesan cheese can be wrapped in a damp cloth but be careful to check the moisture of the cloth.

Usare separate cutting boards for cheese washed rind (on the surface of cheeses are made sponging and washing with brine), and a bloomy rind (crust that is formed upon treatment with special molds), to avoid subsequent contamination during storage.

Cynthia, advice they obviously are not claiming to express the Summa of scientific knowledge.

Sure you Paul, e sai, I want to conclude with a Milanese proverb that says a lot…

In milanese si dice: “La buca l’è minga straca, the cow is not healthy "

La bocca non è mai stanca se prima non ha il sapore del formaggio 😉

The Cat and the Fox in a Nook

The cat and the fox say !? In un Cantuccio poi !? But who will ever ?

Let me explain ... I am referring to a mischievous cook, Mauro Elli Restaurant Chef and Patron of The Corners that, in agreement with Rocco Lettieri, organized a dinner with trap, or better, an educational dinner. I can tell you only that, sniggering among other things, that do not have, the two bontemponi have it just pulled ...

"The wine has the unique property of being able to change intensity, perfumes, aromas over the course of an evening only by changing the temperature.” Mauro Elli

Last night I attended a dinner in the company of teaching Elio Ghisalberti, Rocco Lettieri, Tree Schieppati, Roberta Schira, Giacomo Mojoli and naturally Mauro Elli. All food and wine expert communicators, at least their, I am more than familiar taste and listening, when I can shut up of course.

Rocco Lettieri introduced the evening by telling us we tasted five wines Tuscan red in the dark, five goblets with different forms, a temperature diverse, obviously matched to the cuisine of Mauro. We would have had to guess the wine, the year and the best match, by writing tasting notes for each course.

One thing I really hate to do, is to speak or write about wine in a technical. I just get bored, of course, with all due respect to those who do. Wine to me is something else, is history , territory is, is a philosophy of life. I remember that, time poco fa, a wine tasting Giorgio Grai, he asked me to tell her. My answer was: “I'll drink the wine, I leave to the experts to tell”. To be clear, Expert I am referring to those who produce; I like to hear from them how a wine.

I made this premise for you to realize how little enthusiasm I had at the beginning of dinner. When Rocco then recommended it to everyone to pay attention and speak little I said to myself: “Uh signur, that evening waiting for me!"But no! I must confess that I really enjoyed it! Because ...? A bit 'for the folklore that I do my usual causing perhaps a little, but just to know people better, and then, because Mauro brought the wine to a temperature misleading, let's say so. I warmed them with my hands, because the red wine, good one, at a temperature too low, I do not like!

But the trick was right here, to taste "the wine" completely different at temperatures. Change, and eat it changes, so much to look like a different wine. Chi ha vinto? Anyone and everyone, rather, won the Wine! A great Tuscan red, the Bold Riccardo Baracchi, vintage 2006, blend 50% cabernet sauvignon and 50 % syrah.

It 'was a very informative evening teaching… but also very tasty!

A special thanks to the cat and the fox!


"But the coffee powder you should refrigerate, o no !?

I recently heard reproach because they held the coffee in the refrigerator…

Honestly, it took me by surprise. Instinctively, my first response was: “But you say?” However, given the determination of my interlocutor, I decided as my usual going to go into that at the bottom of the issue.

We feel a bit’ opinions…

  • Lucia Galasso, Scientific Director at the Museum of Rural Life and the Olive Tree and beekeeper

– Not that I know will keep in the refrigerator is the best aroma and flavor (I always refrigerate).

  • Samuele Vergari di Foodwinebeer.it

– Not, I keep it in the dark and in a cool, dry place.

  • Raffaella Fortunato of cookartmagazine.com

– There is a line of thought that goes in this direction. I keep it in a dry place in a jar with screw cap.

  • Teresio Nardi, Capo Condotta Slow Food – Oltrepò Pavese

– I cherish the pantry, in a dry place and in the jar.

He wants the case that, I am here to ask and, I came across the booth of Caffè Corsini TUTTOFOOD 2013, la fiera dell’agroalimentare a Milano.

Here I posed the question to Henry Gigliarelli Director of Sales,  e a Santi Anedotti Direttore Commerciale dell’azienda. Thanks to their many years of experience I could ascertain that, the important thing for the conservation of the coffee, is the sealing of the container.

Reducing the contact of the product with air if it allows the conservation and maintenance of the aroma.

Concerning instead the question "refrigerator", I have established that le basse temperature raffreddano gli oli presenti nel caffè non favorendo il miglior risultato finale. The ideal is to keep it at a temperature of 12/13 degrees. (Do you remember the beautiful handouts once…)

Good, seems to finally clarify the issues, then I prepare a good coffee,  perché il caffè, is a serious matter!  😉



The sense of belonging to a land

Lorenzaga Motta di Livenza, Treviso

There is a land in Treviso that saved me twice. The first time a child, and a second a few years ago. Now I feel I belong to her, whatever and however will, I know they are part of it. As soon as I get back from her. The excitement when I arrived the same, always, as the sadness that comes over me at the start, when I have to leave.

A land full of memories ...

I relive them walking in the vineyards of 'Old Elm Farm adjacent to the family home where I spent the happiest moments of my childhood.

A vineyard of about fifteen hectares in the hamlet of Lorenzaga of Motta di Livenza that the family Berto, owners, were named in honor of an old elm tree on the estate. For more than sixty years, by founders Mary and Peter, and poi below, by his sons Sergio and Mario, Berto continues the family tradition of grape growing and wine production in an environmentally. Raboso Trevigiano, Merlot, Malbech, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Red Refosco dal peduncle, Pinot Bianco, Chardonnay, Verduzzo Trevigiano, Glera Prosecco, these are their wines.

As you read, in their productions, there is also the Prosecco, and here I stop a moment for reflection.

During my recent forays up and down the Treviso area was discussed with both producers with friends winemakers of this wine has ancient origins that, in recent years, enjoys particular success among consumers. This favorable trend should not please me. Too bad that there is a risk, now that would define certainty, the looting of its grapes to the Treviso historical suited, explanted and replaced with prosecco, Prosecco sparkling wine and still. But beware, Prosecco DOCG Prosecco and there ... !  

Complicit in this confusing situation the market affected by the lack of culture which unfortunately, who should, does not transmit properly.Let me give you just one example. Como A short time ago in a restaurant that was recommended to me, the guy at the entrance to my own room and began telling me: “Let's start with a prosecchino?"My stock answer was: “Let's start badly !"But I think the way to present a Prosecco ?!  

In this regard, take this opportunity to intervene friend Paolo Ianna that, actively participating in the event "Vino in Villa ',  he got to know more about.


Paolo Ianna

Paolo Ianna

Hello Cynthia,

At Vino in Villa we tasted a hundred Prosecco DOCG for Help ViniBuoni of Italy; do we still have to try many in the coming days.

The quality, DOCG since the advent of 2010, is always higher. With the introduction of the new opportunities of the type "Rive",  the pride of having a prestigious name for its own product oriented in a more than positive commitment to produce with more attention and care.

I might add that the manufacturers believe in their potential, much more than in the recent past. Then, Prosecco of high quality whose quality increases from year to year.

Unfortunately you are espiantando vineyards that gave the delicious red wines that, a world of wine-oriented gurus, snob, and drawing-room, has never recognized as such.

I do not dare to judge the choices of producers who seek only to obtain sources of income not related to the whims and capriccetti of some guide, issuing moral judgments without being required.

I hope I was not too controversial.


Paul was not at all controversial, has only expressed a truth that I fully agree. Our words are driven by passion and love for the land in the broadest sense of the term. An area with a well-defined area of ​​historical production, guarantor of quality and superiority.

As pointed out by himself, the introduction of the type “Bank” reserved for sparkling wines, is a pure expression of territoriality being tied to a product derived from grapes of a single municipality or fraction thereof. This term in the local dialect, indicates vineyards in steep lands.


Vino Cotto, cooked or ... both?

The recipe: “Caldidolci Vin Cot Quistello”

Vino cotto or cooked must? I would say both, but we are sure to know the difference? To do a bit 'of clarity I will help manufacturers.

Recently, after knowing better both products, I realized that not everyone knows the difference. Both excellent productions, however, different for both density that for the uses to which they are intended.

We start from the assumption that the firstmulled wine in the Picenois a real wine. It’ obtained by boiling the wort from the vines of Verdicchio, Trebbiano, Montepulciano and Sangiovese, and is aged in oak barrels. E’ un the dessert vino, also used in desserts and to flavor meat. Above is an excellent remedy for curing cough and cold, and for people like me, Loves naturale medicine, this is already a good reason to talk about it.

It let me know Emanuela Tiberi of 'Farm David Tiberi Loro Piceno, with which, during an evening of food and wine circle “For All Tastes” coordinated by Charles Vischi, I got to chat.

Step prays al "Cooked wine Mantua" that, in the dialect, is called "cooking wine". I met thanks to my dear Paola of Cellar Quistello Mantua, receives the Twitter, and then in person to GourMarte, the food and wine event coordinated by Elio Ghisalberti.

La Cantina is a social Quistello cooperative formed in 1928 by a group of growers whose production is spread along the banks of the river Secchia. A land full of ancient traditions and gastronomic wine that I know well and I appreciate for my paternal origins valances.

Therefore, here to help me to clarify is their President, that defines me their mulled wine is not a wine, but a cooked grape must; is used as a seasoning for meat dishes, for salads, and also for sweets.

As established by rules of production of vin cooking, the raw material used is the Lambrusco grape must Grappello Ruberti, historic grape grown in the production area of ​​the PGI Quistello. It 'a product with a lot of concentration of grape sugar and alcohol-free.

In conclusion, back to the question I posed initially on: “vino cotto or cooked must?” I would say both. I will use the "Vin Cot Quistello" in the preparation of a dessert by themselves recommended, and the "Vino Cotto Piceno" as a dessert wine to accompany. 😉

"Caldidolci Vin Cot Quistello"

  • Ingredients:

A liter of milk, 3 cups cornmeal thin, a pinch of salt, sugar to taste, a bit of butter, a handful of raisins, pine nuts to taste, a dash of Vin Cot Quistello.

  • Preparation:

Prepare a poultice bringing milk to the boil while adding the flour of corn and a pinch of salt. Rimestare bene, until the flour is cooked. Add, stirring constantly, sugar, a bit of butter, a dash of VinCot and for the last few raisins and pine nuts.

With the polenta obtained form many biscuits oval and let them rest for a few hours. Pass them then baked, being careful not to dry them.

I "Caldidolci" as the word itself, should be served hot.

"Around the fields with Fausto Delegà… to collect and Silene Hops "

He collects them, and I pick him, or better, his stories! 🙂

Today we speak of Silene and Hops. Pronti your!

A few days ago I saw the photographs of the harvest Splendor made for turning fields into her beautiful Austria. Being both passionate about herbs every opportunity we can to talk and to eat them ...! 😉 Con la bella stagione poi, walk through the woods is good and useful. Besides do well to physical, walking is good for the heart, the mind, and the wallet ...!

Cynthia: Splendor, hello! I saw that you went to passeggiar for fields Lobau, but where there is?

Splendor: Ah ah ah, hello Cinzia! The area of ​​Lobau is a Nature Park linked to the Danube, beautiful area with unspoilt nature.

Cynthia: How beautiful! And tell me, what you have collected?

Splendor: Aow I'm telling you. Today I picked up a little’ campion and a little’ Hop. In Italy the Silene is also known by yourmine of stridoli, Sgrigiui or in our dialect of Mantua. (For those who do not know me and we both Fausto land of Mantua). The Hops instead is known by many with the term bruscandolo.

Cynthia: I is watering just looking at them! With Maand prepari?

Splendor: In addition to eating them as such as it does with spinach, both the silene that hops are great ingredients for risotto and frittatas.

Cynthia: Splendor, can you give me some advice on where to go to pick them up…

Splendor: Cynthia, I would say that you can go to any place of the country clean and healthy. The Silene find it even in the mountains. The Hops it is present in all ripe to ditch in northern Italy. But be careful, when the silene goes to flower the leaves of the leg become leathery and are no longer good.

Cynthia: Interesting! Sai, Now that I think about it, I remember that not long ago my aunt Nadia has collected just bruscandoli of my Lorenzaga of Motta di Livenza in Treviso. Knowing how much I like the herbs of the field, that night has seen fit to cook a delicious omelet making!

Add lastly, but not least, that both the Silene that Hops are herbs from calming and relaxing properties. A tea made from these herbs promotes sleep, e tranquility. 😉

The cook of the Pope, the one who was called the "Michelangelo of the kitchen"

I met the writer Ketty Magni thanks to dear Walter Calvi, winemaker in the land of OltrepÃ, that, knowing my passion for the history and traditions, has seen fit to segnalarmela.

At that time I was organizing an evening for charity, Women May. When I invited did not hesitate a moment to participate. I remember that we spent a few moments of the evening listening to the readings of his novels.

Today I want to present the last of his writings, "The cook of the Pope", a fascinating fresco on Italy rinaand worth a brief detour on one of its protagonists hidden, the one who was called by his contemporaries the "Michelangelo of the kitchen".

The cook of the pope happily combines the canon of historical fiction with the Italian culinary tradition.

Ketty Magni

The cook of the Pope

The book traces the history of Scappi, cuoco segchallenge, at the service of the Popes, in epoca rinascimentale. Dopo an apprenticeship in northern Italy, his career took place in thirty years old: still in Rome caput mundi, where the papacy is a court of sfrenatezze and chastity, is disputed by the cardinals and nobles, until Pius IV he wants with it and only if, how to cook secreted (ie private). In the dungeons of the Vatican remote kitchens will have the onerous task of serving even the inflexible Pius V. It, that had fed even the Emperor Charles V, will be sought by cardinals and prelates whenever there was to make a good impression at the table. But Bartholomew had a secret dream, l 'Opera, all his gastronomic knowledge deployed in the white pages. I realize posting it at seventy.

It is an anthology of recipes: sturgeon heads flushed with violets, liver of veal with a sauce of bitter oranges, pigeons fried with sugar and cinnamon, rice Lombard, cookies roman, pottaggi of fresh pork sausages croaker venetian bolognaise. In addition to the Italian regional recipes, Escape also welcomes foreign traditions: couscous Moorish Arabian origin, soup of milk Ungaresca, the wild boar stew German, the cock stuffed pigs oglia potrida to Spanish, eggs affrittellate French.

But Bartholomew had another dream, prohibited: the beautiful Claudia Column. He will feel sorry for her the intense flavor of an impossible love that in a stolen night of passion with the conventions of the times will give him a son who, for those same conventions, will never be his.



"The Family Serandrei… a history of Venetian land and sea "

The recipe : “Bigoli vellututata of sauce with leeks and fried bread”

Come diceva William Shakespeare, there is a story in the life of all men, and hear is my passion.  A few nights ago, sitting next to Kim and Gianni Serandrei, on the 50th 'anniversary of the Restaurant "La Caravella”,  I spent a pleasant evening listening to the story of a Venetian family in a city that always fills me with eyes, the heart and soul ...

“Without memories, we are nothing. So it is with the people. The Italians are the sum of experiences in History. If you lose, returns to be confused that the common people have no voice. So it is with wine and food and wine. The kitchen becomes poor that wealth, wine farmers who becomes DOC. This too is History. Our roots gave birth to the Italian people, with its traditions, with his creativity, with its excellence known in the world”. Giorgio Ferrari, Professor of Contemporary History

Era l’anno 1905 when Zoe Lustig of Hungarian origin, and Ugo Serandrei, Born in Pisa, but moved to Venice, married. They rented a small pension of eight rooms, which they called "International" and began the hotel business.

Ugo, once returned from the Great War, together with his son Renzo he devoted himself to the hotel amplifying and enhancing it. In 1908 nasceva l’Hotel Saturnia & International. Saturnia, Virgil's ancient name of Italy.

Located in the heart of the city, between Piazza San Marco and the Accademia Galleries, the hotel was the ideal meeting point to return, after the war, to that desire for normality that would allow to talk again of art and culture. Under the guidance of Renzo Serandrei, Thus was born the Ciro’s bar, famous club at the time attached to the hotel, who had the honor of welcoming the likes of Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir.

In 1963 another turning point. Ciro's bar was transformed by Renzo, great lover of cooking, in the restaurant "La Caravella"So named for the interior who reported memory environments characteristic of an ancient sailing vessel.

The creativity of Renzo, man in constant search, meant that the restaurant might acquire for twenty-five consecutive years, the Michelin star. Fifty years of history and tradition: 1963 – 2013.

The continuity in the family has meant that, after the death of Renzo, follow the activities the child Alberto.  From 2012 The hotel is run by Ugo Serandrei assisted by his sons, fourth generation of the family: Marianna, Gianni, Greta e-Zoe Kim.

From 2000 a new challenge, the’Hotel Ca’ Pisani that, Kim told me how Serandrei, is inspired by the principles of "Design Hotels" reinterpreting the art deco style in a contemporary. Being a passionate story that retrieves antique pieces here and there, I was struck by how, with patience, Beds have collected original '30s and '40s, all different from each other.

Chatting sitting next to Kim, I have noticed his ability to "look beyond". Not all have the, is a skill that you purchase through the difficulties… which gives richness of mind and sensibility. Suddenly, while I told him about my habit of collecting rocks and stones in memory of the places I visit, mi have detto: "Cynthia guess? My mother is a geologist!”

Rossana Serandrei Barbero, a woman to the ground in a seaside town. I asked the reason for his choice of life, and, consequently his extensive studies related to the foundations of Venice, I updated the state of health of the city.

  • My choice of life is easily explained. As a teenager I was madly in love with the mountain, of the rocks and, for extension, dell'arrampicata. I joined because I wanted to be a geologist geology in Tierra del Fuego. I studied for forty years underground in Venice and I can say that his health, compatibly with age, It can be described as good. Rossana Serandrei Barbero

During our talk of land and sea, that evening, celebrating fifty years of the history of "La Caravella", it Chef Silvano Urban told us about his cooking simple and respectful of tradition and high quality raw materials.

Today we talk about food in many ways: we move from show food to the food art, from media food to the concept food up to the food design. In my view the time has come to back to basics, or to a kitchen in which the research is based precisely on the study of product, without vulgarity, without excess and the desperate attempt to spettacolizzare at all costs.”

At the end of my story I want to bring the recipe for the main dish chosen by Chef Silvano Urban, a dish of traditional.

Bigoli and salsa, served warm with creamed leeks and fried bread


Serves 4 people


  • 200 g of onions;
  • half a cup of olive oil;
  • sale as just;
  • 300 g of dark bigoli (whole wheat spaghetti);
  • 75 g of salted anchovies;
  • a pinch of pepper;
  • bread crumbs.


Peel the onions and slice finely. Then, pour half the oil in a pan and add the onions; let them dry on low heat. Bake in covered container, for about 15 minutes, wetting the onions occasionally with a little 'water (not more than a glass throughout), stirring the mixture until it will be reduced to a pulp. Meanwhile, put on the fire water for cooking pasta: just bubbles, add salt and the pasta.

When the onions are cooked, add the anchovies previously washed, desalted and boned; mash with a fork repeatedly, until a brown sauce. Then turn off the heat and add the remaining oil to the sauce, mixing. Drain bigoli, rovesciateli in a bowl, toss with the sauce and the fried bread crumbs.

Cut into rounds 200 grams of leek; let it dry with a little olive oil and a little water. Correct the mixture of salt and when it is cooked, whisk all getting a soft cream, but sustained, that will accompany the recipe. Finally, completed the dish with bread crumbs and fried extra virgin olive oil

The addition of the last ingredient, or leeks, aims to mitigate the strong taste of anchovies. "It 'a dish explained by the same chef,  that makes no compromises with modern culinary visions ".

The porphyry that led me to Gattinara…

I have known Paris Iaretti during a dinner at Milano, while, seduta a fianco a lui, I listened to the many similarities of our lives. That evening he gave me a stone, a porphyry coming from his vineyard.

I've never said that I have a house full of stones? I collect anywhere. They are pieces of land that I visit often, and that I would not leave. Near them gives me energy, I brings back memories to mind, makes me feel less distant ... Having his hands porphyry that allowed me to have the first contact with the land that he called me to his knowledge.

Paris Iaretti was born in Gattinara 1′ July 1970. After attending primary schools, he graduated from the Professional Institute of Hospitality Varallo Sesia. First cook, then butcher, and then ... his peasant origin prevailed.

He told me how, at the end of 1999, tired of being under a row of neon in a chain of supermarkets, decided to change my life. The news that year expressed by his father to sell the family vineyards, was the spark trigger that caused the change of his life.

The “root outcropping” of a very old Vespolina

His passion for the vineyards and the land is atavistic, being a descendant of a family of peasant origins date Gattinara that has always made wine. Only the father, Peter, if it is busy cultivating a hobby for about half a hectare of vineyard. From there started his adventure, when in 1999, has spent his settlement to buy a small tractor.

In the first three years, the harder, has renovated the old family house, transforming it into a cellar at ten feet below ground, where the wine, quote his own words, resting in a cool and dark place without noise or shaking. Now, after new facilities and renovated old vines, operates four hectares of vineyards, three of which registered as Gattinara DOCG vineyards and which produces four wines: 

  • Gattinara DOCG Riserva
  • Gattinara DOCG Peter
  • Velut Moon Coste della Sesia Nebbiolo
  • Uvenere red table from vineyards around 50 / 70  years of age. 

Paris Iaretti, was awarded by the Guide to Italian Wines 2012 of “The Espresso” for Gattinara Peter 2007, and placed in the cellar teaching ALMA WINE ACADEMY, the International School of Italian Cuisine Colorno.

"Cynthia, when you told me you were coming to visit my vineyard I have been happy; I never tire of getting people in the hills between the rows to beat the volcanic igneous rock rich in iron. Only then can you understand the Nebbiolo Gattinara, I produce a wine with the utmost respect for the environment and the traditions. Paris Iaretti "

I can only add, that he who loves wine with real passion, over to drink, it lives on the field, listening to the stories of peasant life of those who produce ...

San Martino, Paride Iaretti     


November hills… in the vineyard silent a little bunch of grapes is still clinging to his mother retort, escaped the eye of the winemaker and the gap, perhaps hidden in the colors of the leaves in October. Sta li, solitary, in the evening sun after the storm last summer in San Martino, aware of them die where he was born.

Sad, not being able to attend the feast of harvest, the trip with his teammates in the vat to the cool and dark cellar, euphoria of fermentation and long rest in the barrel waiting to be mature wine, rubino, full-bodied and aromatic.

He recalls being a little gem, a tender bud hanging by a fragile branch, to have been a small, fragrant flower. Remember to have enjoyed the sun of July and he feared the storms of August; and now, coming from the country to the voices and sounds of the fair, nobody remembers him…

The will be grateful, in December white snow, sparrows ruffled shivering and hungry will find rest in its berries wilted Interested looming.


Da Gianni Cogo, Giorgio Grai, a Michele Bean, Franco Dalla Rosa. No meeting is by chance ...

A single common denominator, a bunch of grapes made up of many small spheres. The circle is closed, per lo meno questo cerchio. In Giapponese la parola cerchio è tradotta in ‘enso’, and means lighting, force, universe. It 's the time when the mind is giving free rein to creativity.

Once Upon a time, in a past time, I lived my life with the handbrake on. Revolved around itself, not take me anywhere. I did not live, or better, I survived. Autoconvincevo accept a life that I have the good fortune to live, it was a challenge to myself. But now I wonder – but why should we do it?! –

Life is real only if it is lived. The moment you understand, pian piano lasci andare il freno a mano, and everything changes… Change to the point that you can no longer live the life of the first. That's the only problem. And then run, you know, seek, but finally alive. And so it happens that as you continue to live what you have not lived, and to know what you have not known, meet people who advise you, and when you feel the need to talk.

"No meeting is a chance ... I am beginning to think and believe strongly that it is so, and this thought makes life more fun and meaningful. If you look back to your past life, you can see that every person you met, every single person, has contributed in its own way to let you be who you are today. Kay Pollak”

Ricordo ancora quando incontrai Giorgio Grai su consiglio del viticoltore Gianni Cogo. Quando mi chiese il motivo della mia visita, gli risposi che non lo sapevo, or better, ero li per capirlo. Thanks to him, despite the positions taken by some’ harsh, I came across a wine-del Collio Friulano, Michele Bean. Incuriosita da alcune sue affermazioni legate a Grai, gli chiesi di incontrarci.

Michele è un giovane enotecnico della terra del Collio. Harsh but true, passionate and true belief for the land, think like me, that il vino sia fatto da persone. Uno di quegli uomini che i più definiscono ruvidi, con cui io amo confrontarmi. Ci siamo trovati in una piazza di Treviso.

Michele Bean ha iniziato la sua attività nei Colli Orientali del Friuli, seguendo ogni fase della viticoltura, as it should be for those who really want to understand, imparare e migliorare. After working in the USA, in 2003 he returned to Italy. Now he is a consultant to companies in Sicily, in Toscana e in Friuli. But not only, since it is experimenting with new realities and new varieties in Serbia.

I like to have something to do with inspiring people, who do not necessarily want to live on the tracks. The wine gives you a chance to become a better person, do you know if you capture the essence. It is not the product itself ... is something that goes far beyond. It’ the flicker that you see in your eyes when you taste the good things to others. And 'the broken voice of a manufacturer "true",  quando ti parla della sua esperienza di vita e del suo percorso. They are proactive, fair, elastic springs but for nothing, Visionary, but continues to grow ... Michele Bean "

Mi consigliò di conoscere un uomo in cui riponeva profonda stima e rispetto, Franco Dalla Rosa.  Mi these: He formed me. A good part of my knowledge base is his. "  Ho seguito il consiglio.

Franco Dalla Rosa, uno di quegli uomini che quando ti stringono la mano lo fanno sul serio. Un uomo semplice dal volto buono e dalla lunga esperienza. In una vecchia Osteria di Treviso mi ha raccontato brevemente il suo percorso di vita. Nato ad Asolo da una famiglia contadina. Suo padre, I described it with great words of admiration, è colui che gli ha trasmesso quell’amore per la terra che lo ha portato verso il settore dell’enologia. After studying in Conegliano has undertaken its way into the world of wine, working first in the Cantina sociale di Asolo, then continue in the Company Cà Ronesca Dolegna del Collio. Here he met a young enthusiast who began to take its first steps in viticulture, Michele Bean.

In the afternoon we spent together was discussed traditions, of wine culture, and abused and improper terms such as "bubbles" and "prosecchino" that, without diminishing the wine culture, favoriscono le produzioni industriali legate alla quantità e non alla qualità.

Franco is back to perform his work as a winemaker in Asolo, because the roots have called, because this man is an integral part of this land. It has a project: retrieve a red grape nearly extinct in which he believes. But that's another story ...


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