"A chat with ... Maria Elena Curzio, a cook at home "

Maria Elena Curzio, Presidente dell’Associazione Nazionale Cuoche a domicilio.

A childhood spent with his grandmother Jolanda, true southern woman who cooked listening to opera music Neapolitan, telling the recipes as if they were fairy tales, who spoke with the ingredients… telling her that "Each recipe contains a secret ".

I first met Maria Elena Olio Officina Food Festival, among women oil. We've talked at length about the desire to recover the traditions of the kitchen once, that simple, that of our childhood.

Con Maria Grazia Barone, Maria Elena Curzio e Laura Elisa Turri.

By Maria Elena Curzio and Laura Elisa Turri.

  • Maria Elena, passions are often born from the experiences made crescendo. How did your?

I remember when my grandmother was the "omelet pasta with treasure". A traditional omelet with the addition of crumb used to clean the bowl in which he had beaten eggs. Jolanda grandmother said to us grandchildren who found the crumb would have had no luck. And 'here that is my passion ... the smell of pastiera fired at night, from french fries prepared when I was sad. Cooking is giving love to the one you love.

  • You're President of the Cooks at home. How did you came up with the idea of ​​building it?

After a breast cancer fortunately passed, I decided that I would live my life turning my passion for cooking into a profession, to create something of my own. I decided to hone my skills with no cooking courses, but working in the kitchen of a great chef, Gennaro Esposito. From him I learned the hard work, rigor, respect to the products, teamwork.

He spoke of my dream and the work that I wanted to take. After listening to me gave me a challenge. I should have found that women cooking in people's homes, transferred their passion for cooking and traditions ... teaching the good. I would have invited the famous Festa a Vico which he organizes every year. So it was. After contacting via internet many cooks in the home 25 May 2011 was born the National Association of Cooks at home.

The goal we have set is the enhancement, conservation, and dissemination of traditional Italian recipes. The cooks who belong with their initiatives and the desire to get involved, seek to re-educate those who follow, the pleasure of the perfume and taste of the food, elevating the work of the woman who cooks.

  • Tra i tuoi associati hai solo donne o hai anche richieste di… "Cuochi" a Domicilio?

Ho scelto di avere solo donne perché il mestiere di cuoco a domicilio nasce al maschile con i “monsù”, that the protagonists, with their culinary art, cooked to the nobles. A cultural heritage that led only men to be chef. The economy, culture, tradition, nutrition education was the trade of women that I would dignify with their work and with the luxury of simplicity.

  • How does this exactly your business?

Call a cook at home is a unique experience; a person who carries with him the passion and the joy of cooking. Along with the landlady currency intolerances, decides the menu and the layout of the table. And 'the cook at home that goes to the grocery store. A few hours before the event comes as a Mary Poppins magic with suitcases full of goodness and tools that will create magic in the kitchen. While the hostess entertains guests, serving dishes to the guests and tells preparations waiting to see the expressions of the pleasure of taste.

  • Tell me about some real life experience lived in the conduct of your business ?

I'll tell you a great experience and a complicated.

The beautiful experience is that the first time I attended the festival in Vico. I had to prepare lunch after the press conference which was attended by many chefs and food and wine critics saddled. At the same time I had to coordinate in a huge professional kitchen cooks at home who had never cooked together. Una prova durissima che abbiamo superato preparando le ricette della nostra tradizione a noi ben note. The nicest compliment that was received by a famous chef who told us: "Stay as you are ... you are precious".

The experience was difficult when we cooked the technical symposium on Italian bread, the Comunipane, at the Molino Quaglia flour Petra. There were only two induction plates. We have prepared the dough in harsh conditions without a sink. The experience and the acquired techniques, however, have meant that everything went well.

  • So now let's talk about the great chef. As I wrote recently in a article, I am that "annoying" to some of them ... the "break", quella che a volte li prende in giro per l’esasperazione dei piatti. Non hanno capito che le mie sono solo provocazioni per riportarli alla tradizione. What is your thought about?

How to break are perhaps worse off than you. I also think that the tradition and the roots are the foundation of everything. If we forget where we start we will not know where to go. I grandi chef con le loro divagazioni stanno massificando tutto. I fight for the defense of the small local producer, for the smell of bread waited patiently, I want to teach the good, I want to tell the life of the ingredients.

  • Alas, are much better at eating than cooking. Taste and smell the aromas of the wine and food for me is true ecstasy . The hope, however, is the last to die ... You do also cooks at home "cooking classes at home ..."? 

Bringing in the homes of local, seasonal produce and the forgotten ones, with cooking classes communicate to people our goal. Personally I would be honored to teach and to be contagious with my passion, Even more, I throw an idea, we could do it in an event with famous women who want to learn by exchanging equal to their culture of pairings of wine and oil with my teachings. What do you say?

I tell you… I gladly accept the challenge ! 😉


Italy needs competitiveness # # # accessibility #servizi #accoglienza #appartenenza network ... but above all he needs to go back to believing!

I often say that now the only thing that's left is the concrete land. We are one of the most beautiful countries in the world! We have a great history, great artistic, great culinary excellence, great traditions! In short, we all papers in order, but I ask: “We can better giocarcele?”

After my recent visit to the Bit, the International Tourism Exchange, after hearing the good speakers exhibit solutions and marketing strategies absolutely essential for the promotion of the territory, I asked myself a few thoughts that I want to stop here.

As is my habit I want to start from the beginning, the birth of tourism.

For information purposes, the first travel agency was opened in London in 1841 da Thomas Cook, thanks to the impetus given to rail and maritime transport nineteenth century who made it possible in the short term movements. Travelling was no longer a luxury for the elite. In this regard I quote the AArticle 7 the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism which enshrines this right:

La possibilità di accedere direttamente e personalmente alla scoperta ed al godimento delle ricchezze del pianeta rappresenta un diritto di cui tutti gli abitanti del mondo devono poter usufruire in modo paritario; the increasingly extensive participation in national and international tourism will be considered as one of the best possible expressions of the steady increase in leisure time and shall not be impaired in any way. "

Exactly so, Tourism is a right, but for many it is no longer! Traveling in Italy it costs too much! The exterior is much more competitive.This is the simple answer people's. And 'critical thinking. Not only marketing strategies, but concrete investments and determining its revival. Below I will analyze a few points that I consider essential in this regard.

  • Competitiveness

Last year I went alone to September for Sardinia convinced to find competitive prices given the period, but I had to think again. “Leaving alone is not an advantage"So I was told. Ma eats? We are a country of singles and we are not yet organized in such a way! Anyway, single o non single, the prices of the packages are not competitive in Italy and abroad. Let's think ...

  • Accessibility

Eighty million disabled people in Europe, 650 million worldwide. I reiterate that tourism is a right for all. And 'fundamental comply with the accessible tourism services that make a reality. This year in International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the European Commission has recognized the prize in Berlin “Access city Award”. Unfortunately no Italian city was notable in this regard. Some friends at the return of a trip to California have told me that that, buses, have the input level of the sidewalk for allow people to move a wheel chair with easy access. This system has been adopted in some Italian provinces but is not yet sufficiently extended. Reflect…

  • Service

Friends, with regard to services is all a say. I'll tell you my experience last year in Quartu Sant'Elena, in provincia di Cagliari. A sea breathtakingly, living tract after tract; pity that not having the car with me was counting on public transport which I found to be woefully inadequate. I was furious to say the least; I still remember my outburst on twitter: “In front of me a wonderful sea, behind me services that will leave you speechless, rather, there would!” I set out but even so yet another problem! There were no sidewalks so it will cycle paths to make risky continuation walk. Obviously there is the case and the case, but there is no doubt that the transport network should be improved and enhanced, possibly by means of innovative and sustainable. I was given another experience from California where, alongside the many bike-rental outlets, Buses depart continuously prepared, inter alia, the transport of two-wheeled vehicles, so as to make easily accessible the visit of long stretches of territory. Let's think ...

  • Welcome

As is customary to say "hospitality is a sign of civilization"And not only… and here I stop.

  • Membership

As I wrote a few days ago : “I'm a traveler, an 'Italian proud of her country visit, search, and like, but especially loves to talk with people, my best guide!” Remember 17 March 2011, I was traveling. It celebrated the 150'Anniversary of the Unification of Italy. On the way I stopped at a friend's restaurant to eat and I realized that there were no signs at the entrance of celebration. I went in and after the usual greetings I said: “But if you put out the flag in my car…?” Lei ovviamente accettò. Membership is an important signal for tourism. Reflect…

  • Network

The Internet is a global network; we have a tool with which in a moment millions of computers connect to each other. Promote the area on the net is a great opportunity that we must all make the most of. Each of us can do it in his own way, even with a photo of pills with informative. Le recensioni delle persone sono una grande opportunità per promuovere il territorio italiano e le sue tipicità. Invest in the network is critical!

I want to conclude these reflections with the’Art. 1 of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism:

Tourism as a tool for understanding and mutual respect between peoples and societies "
The understanding and the promotion of ethical values ​​common to humanity, in a spirit of tolerance and respect for diversity of religious beliefs, Philosophical and moral, represent the foundation and the consequence of responsible tourism; the actors of the tourism industry and tourists themselves will respect the traditions and social and cultural practices of all peoples, including those of minorities and indigenous peoples, and they recognize the value.

When will we learn to make tourism… but tourism seriously!

The engineer Monza in the vineyards of the armed lands

"The land armies say ...? Ah bè, We are affixed, if they arm the lands now!"Give me a moment, I explain that!  This is perhaps the only case in which the armature, is by far a fortune!

I recently had the pleasure of knowing Gianni Cogo, winemaker Monza, or better, engineer brianzolo that produces passion for wine Bonassola at the entrance of the Gulf of Tigullio and the park of the Cinque Terre.

Bonassola, ancient fishing village of narrow streets and Mediterranean climate in which you can walk around looking at the sea between bouganvillee, brooms, olive trees and pine, herbs and citrus.

Gianni Venetian origins like me; fate led him to fall in love with a piece of land in the hills of eastern Liguria; terraces overlooking the sea ripped through the works of bioengineering, are its salient feature.

L 'Azienda Agricola Valdiscalve born in 2003, manages 4000 square meters of land acquired through a reconstruction and mechanization of terraces; is conducted by Gianni and his wife Maria, architect by profession, winemaker for passion. From native grapes Vermentino, Albarola and Bosco, Farms in Reggimonti and Willow, between the iodine breeze comes his VermentIng Colline di Levanto Bianco DOC.

With Gianni I spent an entire afternoon talking, I like it, to know and understand.  Le difficoltà che accomunano i racconti di chi investe la propria energia e la voglia di fare nell’agricoltura sono ormai una triste consuetudine a me ben nota. La cosa interessante, that fascinates me and I like to discover, distinctive is that element that each of us by exploiting its experience in their work transfers.

I am increasingly convinced that the earth can save us if we can save her…  Gianni Cogo sta andando proprio in questa direzione, combining the experience of his work with a passion for viticulture. In accordance with the characteristics of the territory has applied "the technique of reinforced earth"To restore the ancient terraces.

  • I leave the task of Gianni explain what it is:

The lands armed are constituted by a steel support internally coated by a network yuta and anchored to the ground. After being filled with earth, the lands are vegetated armed with traditional herbs. Allow to stabilize soils with steep slopes, persist over time, are harmoniously integrated into the landscape and allow you to make the most of the area of ​​arable land.

The restoration of the terraces with modern techniques has also allowed the regiment storm water drains so as to reduce the risk of landslides. The terraces are mechanized, ovverosono been combined with a system of "paths" followed with small agricultural vehicles (tractors). On each terrace is present a system establishing irrigation centralized "drop" that allows to reduce to the maximum waste water watering directly each screw at the base according to the needs of the season. Thanks to this system, the percentage of cuttings which do not take root is estremamenteridotta.

I take the word I to say that…

Tengo molto ad approfondire questo tema visto il hydrogeological risk of our country. The topic has been addressed recently in Rome in a national conference involving associations related to the environment and industry experts. The data that emerged more than a little alarming. I would be 6.633 common hydrogeological risk. Brakes, floods, landslides, environmental devastation, consequent to the speculation, the lack of attention to the forests, abandonment of land for agricultural policies careless, that do not help the work of the farmers and affect the development of agriculture.

Liguria is a region of the unfortunate protagonists of these mishaps.  Lo scorso autunno colpita nel cuore delle Cinque Terre con la caduta della Via dell’amore, a suspended course famous in the world; without forgetting the disaster caused by the flood that has previously also involved Tuscany with piles of debris and mud that engulfed entire areas.

We are experiencing a serious economic and environmental disaster resulting in incapable of unforgivable mistakes that have speculated on the Italian territory and. The complaints continued to shout several voices should not be cause for speculation. Whom It May Concern, must urgently put on the tables of the work the agriculture theme, easy to put in condition who can still make that Italy will be lifted by the mud that has invested.

The relationship between man and nature has dissociated as the relationship between man and man, the loss of connection and relationship with nature has increased the existential distress ... But the shelter is still the rediscovery of the world, nature, and the awareness of what is around us ...

Prof.. Paul Michael Heir (physician and philosopher)

Today I want to take off as they say… “few pebbles…”

For a long time I wanted to stop some of my thoughts on ... "Mediated and bloggers",   on ... "who is now in the spotlight",  About ... "books produced and sold more of the moment" and ... "the chefs of haute cuisine". I thank the chef Matteo Scibilia and Luigi Uploaded for giving me an opportunity.

This morning, reading an article published by Luigi Uploaded on her blog,  “More humility and less boldness behind the stoves”,  ho voluto togliermi come si suol dire qualche sassolino dalla scarpa… Tutto è nato da un post dello chef Matteo Scibilia, dell’Osteria Buona Condotta di Ornago:

Now there is a great divide in the world of food. In just a few and always the same chef in the spotlight. Always the same journalists protectors and it is unclear whether or capacity for success on customers. This incredible moment of great Mediated our industry, between bloggers and the like, looks like a circus that turns on itself”.

I read important concepts, analyze them one at a time.

  • The first: “E’ un momento di grande mediaticità del nostro settore, between bloggers and the like, looks like a circus that turns on itself. Matthew Knowles Osteria Good Conduct ”.

Therefore, although it is known that I do not like the term blogger, fall into this category Media. I have this blog was born from the earth forever, for its products, and for the People. A blog created as a therapy of the good life, after that it overwhelmed me making me fall. I raised so, writing what I live. Having said that within about; Blogs are online diaries that are born from passion. These containers allow us to give diffusion.

Given the recent controversy then, insisto sul concetto che blogger e giornalista sono figure ben diverse. Il blogger scrive per lo più trasmettendo il proprio credo e le proprie emozioni. The journalist is such, because it exerts exclusive profession; often writes chronicles, e non sempre trasmette emozioni. Anyway, both of these figures can help the promotion of the earth in a difficult time like this, "Doing well". And 'essential to everyone's help spreading of productive, for the region and for our Italian.  Insisto, "Is not a race"!

I remind everyone that for “noi blogger”,  l’energia e non solo quella per ciò che facciamo, is of great sacrifice. For me, however, and in any case will be, continuing unabated, in spite of everything, keeping your feet on the ground and remembering why I started doing all this. Then, if this time of great Mediated can be used to help "all", why not!

  • And more ... "People are attracted to those who are in the spotlight. Uploaded Luigi ".

Purtroppo è una società che si ferma a guardare più le vetrine che i contenuti. Qualche giorno fa una persona mi ha scritto chiedendomi se ho uno zio americano per ciò che faccio. I almost enjoyed it saw the ease with which I live, but it made me think, about what is likely to deceive the apparent vision of things. E 'for this reason that, despite what I consider good knowledge on the web, I live is very important to know the people. Knowledge is an indispensable means to give concrete judgments. So if the time and knowledge does not emerge contents, the lights are turned off in a hurry.

  • And more ... "In the library the books exhibited and sold are those signed (but not necessarily written) by trombones television. Uploaded Luigi ".

Unfortunately true… Books from lightweight content, mirror of society. Maybe accomplice is television with its communication messages for more than a little thick. Forse perché si sta vivendo un momento difficile e la gente vuole evadere. Sta di fatto che gli editori seguono l’onda del marketing. It's up to us to ride the wave right ...

  • And more ... "Some chefs unmentionables, after having for a long time made pornography haute cuisine, today call for a return to simple kitchen at affordable prices. Uploaded Luigi ".

So I am that "annoying" to some of them ... the "break", one that sometimes takes them around the use of the leaves that taste like oyster or the exaggerated exasperation of dishes. Quella che ordina in posti in cui non è consuetudine farlo una frittata di cipolle, or Mozzarella, or vegetables in batter telling them that maybe a mint leaf would improve the whole.  Io sono “the disturbing element” for many, so they tell me… They did not understand that my provocations are only to bring them back a bit’ tradition!

I remember one evening when the person to have dinner with me, ironically passed the knife to the chef puzzled by my requests. I represent as I often say people, the passion that draws pleasure from food. It is people like me who should say most of their. This of course with all due respect to the experts. Point out that with some chefs are friendly, I respect them and admire them for their bravery. There are different deals, just this.  Per quanto mi riguarda amo le tradizioni e la cucina semplice di una volta, if anything a little revisited. It 'possible that I can not find a chef who makes me, sometimes even that does not know, the "ciceri e tria" facts as facts go??  E’ vero, is a specialty of Lecce, but why not do cookery courses Regional instead of doing the "fireworks" in the dishes?!

Concludo con un ricordo. Una sera ormai quasi due anni fa, I was having dinner by accident in a restaurant with three Michelin stars then. After my initial provocations that have helped to defuse the atmosphere battened, il proprietario mi ha raccontato che era stato condotto per un incontro di lavoro in un locale analogo al suo. Friends, it had rather annoyed. Mi these: “Ma caspita, they could not take me to eat at a place where they served two slices of salted pork and so on ...” Ahhh!! So that's it, apparently the truth is that, simplicity in dishes like very much to them! 😉

"Restoring identity to the Peasant"

Today I want to stop and think ... Sometimes it is necessary to make a point about their own experiences.

And 'well-known by now ... I love to visit its sites, talk to the farmers, those with a capital C. Listening to their stories, their stories, their outbursts ... I'm tired, angry, fought… I meccanismi contorti della politica e della burocrazia li attanaglia a tal punto da toglier loro la voglia di lottare. All this leads to isolate scattering energies, the good ones, those that something could still. Some are demotivated to the point of losing the passion, others sink, unable to bear the costs of management. Every time I feel like dying a farm is a wound to the heart, una sconfitta per l’Italia.


  • Farmers' need to believe again "!
  • You must "identify people who are able in which they can have faith", it is from there that you can, and that you must restart.
  • You must create "networks that unite them with a new mindset".
  • It 'important to "go in the same direction without scattering".

For many are a dreamer, a woman who makes poetry, that, driven by the enthusiasm and little experience, still believe that we can do it this Italy. I see it in their eyes when angry from what I hear, propose solutions. Too many twists criminals have ruined what our grandparents and our ancestors have built with toil.

Often debate on this topic, because the key to the problem must be found! Perché forse continuare a parlarne può indurre qualcuno a crederci! The signals are all right, young people are projecting more and more towards this sector. Just today I read an article on the rise of 26% enrollment at the University for undergraduate courses in agricultural and food sciences. E 'for this reason that I decided to bring some reflections on the rural world made in the various threads that I often find it to baste, to see if there is still a way to go ... I believe!

The job of the farmer, like the sailor and soldier, contains in itself a food for the soul: it is only to release him.”

Jean Guitton

  • Teresio Nardi, Trustee of the Slow Food Oltrepà Pavese: “I'm from the land, I worked 38 years in school and I was very young; I have always given my students sincerity, I sent them a good example and passion for the job. Now I can devote my passion to the land where I was born and raised; I do it because I like it, I do not ask anybody anything and everything that gratifies me very…”

Our economic model has failed so many things, everything is seen as a function of income and all as productive tool. The land is not capital! I have always taught that a large part of the ground floor is natural – nature, non-renewable and thus be preserved with love and attention, more authoritative than others have told me, but how many times in the last fifty years there has been a political project in this sense. Another consideration: the farmer must be seen as a guardian of the environment and the territory, motivated and valued this in his work for this reason. Yet: the soil needs to produce food! No energy or building areas or warehouses… Yet: the food is a fundamental right (I was taught from birth that the food is not wasted) is not a bargaining chip. All this the real farmers know this and live badly the current situation.

It is not easy… the real farmers: those who cultivate the land, who believe in their work, that protect the environment and local traditions, which absorbed the culture of the land from their grandparents and their family's history; are also those who know the uncertainties of their goals, e le temono: seasons, le intemperie, drought, the grandine, the wind and everything that affects the life cycle of living beings that worked so hard to raise and protect their. Before feared only nature that is sometimes friend and sometimes enemy is; now also fear the “progress” that subtracts the ground, Freedom of seed, clean air, landscape, environment, Biodiversity; have often been deceived by technology. For all this it is difficult to engage, win their trust, make them believe that today there is someone who is on their side and wants to return to the land, environmental protection, the development of the territory and traditions, as well as a quality food and right that can only come from the work of “farmer”.

  • Uploaded Louis, writer, journalist, oleologo, has published several volumes on olive oil. Collaborates with several Italian and foreign newspapers, with address books and articles. From 2003 directs the weekly online "Teatro Naturale", periodic specialized in agriculture, Power and Environment.

The trouble is that on the peasants continue to speculate. Ci vorrebbe una riformulazione delle associazioni di categoria non più adeguate ai tempi. Manage the bureaucracy and especially a lot of money, but do not dispense ideas, and most are no longer associated with their. I have a friend who was the founder of one of the three major existing associations, and which has now been cut off because it was considered “useless” as an intellectual. This is precisely the error; associations need to be guided by intellectuals who give an address and that they do so without fanfare, as happens. Io sono figlio di agricoltori e da fanciullo, and then a boy, I worked in the countryside; I know what it means, for this, knowing the needs of farmers are deeply worried about their. Today as yesterday, no one represents and protects. The same communication rather than help the farmer to take that step forward that fails to accomplish alone, it trivializes.

Non ha senso creare una nuova associazione, but it is urgent that change leaders, they are real farmers, Their first. Farmers at Heart, rather than in the form. It 'an obstacle course. I myself am I being punished for my writings with acts of hostility, ma not demordo, perché quando le idee sono buone, sooner or later everything goes in port. Today the farmer to be saved should be left free, but freedom is a goal difficult to achieve. To overcome the obstacles you need to make independent farmers, and independence is obtained with the certainty of income. Here lies the sticking point: so the money (a lot) given to agriculture, ends up in the wrong hands, and so farmers never gain their freedom. Non sono ottimista perché convinto che, as for the policy, nothing will change nell'associazionismo. I'm picking up new members of intellectuals from which I hope to take the "right force" to stimulate change. It is not easy. Rather, Italy is easier to change than not farming. Si tratta di un’impresa ardua. But I love a challenge, and I will get something, I'm sure ...

  • Alfonso Pascale, Vice President of Zooprofilattico the regions of Lazio and Tuscany, member of the Permanent Table of the National Rural Network Partnership on behalf of the Social Network Farms. He collaborates with the National Institute of Agricultural Economics (INEA).

The associations were born in the last century all live a profound crisis of representation. Adapting to the current model of public intervention in agriculture (CAP subsidies), that destroy the social capital of rural, and in giving up change, have failed their essential function: produce relational goods and create bonds of solidarity.
Their position defense mechanisms of student welfare intervention in the economy is not derived (how to say hypocritically) by concerns for the fate of its members. Their conservative attitude is dictated only by the desire to defend the structure of its organizational structure, that have adapted over time to the management of certain services. Good people there in these organizations but are not able to provide real support to the farmers and the land they no longer have the trade union culture and professional to do it.

It should build new networks, a new civil society that is self-organize outside of the bonds that historically have been determined between the political system and society.

We do not know to read the wisdom that they have given us the farmers ...

Alfonso Pascale

"My path to holistic ... Olio Officina Food Festival 2013 '

These were intense days spent in those Olio Officina Food Festival. Days of knowledge,  di culture, of art, music, dances, meetings and… from the many smiles!

But I want to tell you better ...

With the inauguration of the festival last Thursday 24 January, as they say you are open dances. "Paese d'honor 2013″ l’India, both as a consumer of oil, both as a country farmer of olive groves for the production of oil. This attention to olive oil comes from the fact that India is the first country in the world to incidence of cardiovascular disease. Are well-known factors that influence in this sense these pathologies: arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, smoke, diabetes, obesity and physical inactivity. Two tablespoons of olive oil are an effective quality medical facility to counter these diseases.

This edition of Oil Workshop was devoted to women, looking at the female side of the oil. About intervened Rosalia Knights, Professor of Semiotics and Theory of sign language studies at the University of Messina, emphasizing how the biology attests to the greater olfactory sensitivity female. We must relearn to sniff. Our mind is now tainted by the images that we often incorrectly condition. Go over, sniffing and not judging only on the outer…

"Distracted by a mentality visual-acoustic, We have relegated the smell of the senses 'minor'. Rosalia Knights "

Many women oil, but not only that ... I had the pleasure of seeing the dear Laura Turri I met recently visiting his oil mill in Cavaion Veronese, Gabriella Stansfield President of Women Oil, Mary Adelaide of Bertacco 'The. Agr. Hills of Marostica, Dawn of Guarini Masseria Patches Galleys (BR), the lovely Paola Fioravanti President of 'Mediterranean Union Oil Tasters and Maria Elena President of Curtius'National Association of Cooks at home.

 A meeting in particular I was very excited ... A friend and a woman whom I respect for the depth of the thoughts, and I've had the honor of reading the intimacy of our private deeds. Lei è Alessandra Paolini's Agricultural Society Doria (CS), Woman oil.

I do not have a mill company ... I make enormous sacrifices to talk to my mill so follow my disciplinary, My times, le mie convinzioni… faccio chilometri nella campagna olearia e me ne vado a molire molto lontano dalla mia azienda con costi umani ed economici notevoli, in nome della qualità che io volevo… Io il mio mondo lo vorrei in una zolla…Alessandra Paolini

Reunite Jeanne Perego, the insalatologa for excellence, it was a real pleasure. I love salads, those rich, with many ingredients and seasonings, more than outline, real main dishes rich in vitamins! His new book tells well 365, a day throughout the year and for all tastes!

He had reached the turn of Antonella and Viviana Varese. Due sorelle, due chef, and two dear friends ...! The theme of their intervention was developed on the right choice of oil for cooking fish from the lake and sea. Two sisters restorative: “Antonella with his house in Manerba del Garda Dahlias and Beans gestito along with fellow chef and Fabio Mazzolini, and Viviana with her "Alice's Restaurant” a Milano”.

Finished the intervention of Antonella and Viviana, a feeling of stomach hole made us realize that it was time for lunch. Just enough time to call a taxi and we were in a sprint from "Alice" restaurant Viviana Varese. In the intimacy of a small room underground had lunch between confidence and smiles like a long time we could not do for the mutual commitments. Once finished, ready to return to the festival, Viviana stopped me and told me: "Look at 'back here!” Sono scoppiata a ridere quando ho letto alcune frasi umoristiche sul retro della porta della cucina. Un click e… via!

Speakers of the issue relating to the oil Guides, l 'oleologo Nicola Perrucci and Maestrod'olio Fausto Borella. Recentemente ho fatto a Fausto un’intervista con domande semplici per risposte semplici, I like it. We carry a:

  • I quote a statement heard in your speech that I fully agree: "The farmer's oil supply chain cost him at least ten euro per liter. An olive oil that costs three euro is not an extra virgin olive oil, but only a lie to the consumer ". At this point I ask: But an oil with this cost as obtained?

Through sailing ship oil to the best Italian ports. Or through an uncontrolled oil is not certified South invading the Italian regions to the Alps.

The advice from the consumer Fausto redirected towards a conscious choice of an olive oil quality, is trying to choose one of the 44 Italian DOP which has a cost of about € 6-8 for 50 cl.

Another meeting was happy with the sympathetic Elia Fiorillo, President of Ceq, Consortium to guarantee the quality of extra virgin olive oil. Elijah explained to me that this non-profit organization, is open to all operators in the olive, producers, packers and distributors to promote and revive the chain Italian olive oil quality.

It was the time of the last goodbyes ... I had the pleasure to meet in person Maximum Occhinegro Marketing expert, with which a few days before floundering on the web and oil quality. I re-embraced Fausto Delegà, intervened on the sweet synergy between oils, have, api e ulivi. With Gianpiero Rorato, journalist and writer of Motta di Livenza (TV), I recalled my home country I carry in my heart. Last but not least, I said goodbye to my great friend Ancona Richard Pilesi, Marketing food & wine.

It was my turn ... It was up to me, and to Laura Pantaleo Lucchetti intervene. The theme: "The food will free your mind". Ready, via!

I remember that, when Louis a few months ago he asked me to intervene on olive oil seen by the consumer of the food web and the communication I said to myself: "Beautiful challenge!"Challenge that I took a lot of effort with reading texts, probing against people, and visiting OLEIFICIO ...

And 'well known how little there is in Italian culture in the world oil, rather, in the world oil, since we actually over 530 cultivate, but we still call the oil in the singular.  La gente conosce l’olio d’oliva, not according to the area of ​​origin and the cultivar, but according to the manufacturer's name. Why not put in plain sight some more information on the origin?!

The truth is that, Who can if the power of attorney by relatives or friends directly in the places of production, while for those who procures at large retailers the choice falls on or offered for olive oil for cooking, or the most well known brands for use in raw. Some make no mistake they told me that they buy the oil with the highest price. This will never be a conscious choice ... ?!

That said, I promised myself to take advantage of my speech to make very specific requests that help people towards a more informed choice of olive oil:

  • For Communicators I ask more simplicity in the words. Often insist on this concept because the important thing is to do good culture of the earth with simple words, to reach people. People still call the olive oil quality, "The good oil". The term "extra virgin olive oil" now so used, to most people is still unknown (evo: andxtra inergine d’theiron).
  • To Olivicoltori I ask you to organize more events degustativi to tell people their own oil. As said Veronelli: “The oil like wine. The olive tree as the vine."In addition to" Open Cellars "why do not you do ..." Oil Mills open ".
  • At Wine ask you to create an angle for a “oleoteca” allowing the oil tasting.
  • For Restaurateurs I ask you to tell the olive oils that are brought to the table just as you would for wine, just ask the manufacturers data sheets, or even better, train workers in boardroom with oil taster courses.
  • But I ask something also consumers. To be more curious to try the oils, we have so many varieties. When in doubt, as I said to prefer Dop. But when you're on vacation take advantage to visit a farm that reality will make you much more aware about the product they consume.

Finally, I can not stress the importance of promotion of the territory and its products through the network. This, however, does not obviate the fact that the direct knowledge of the manufacturer and its products is irreplaceable tool… least, for them as I live ...

"A chat with ... Fausto Borella, the Maestrod'olio!”

Fausto Borella, Maestrod'olio,,it,and food and wine expert,,it,Thomas is a great source of memories,,it,I love listening to his stories of the good old days ...,,it,That said you will say ... "And then ...,,it,"And so I tell you that at that moment he began telling Thomas,,it,"You absolutely have to know Fausto Borella,,it,"That said,,it,done,,it,because after an exchange of views with Fausto,,it,I decided it was the right person for some depth in the course ...,,it,holistic insights,,it,But we do not waste time ... Ready ... via,,it,I read that come defined Maestrod'olio,,it,I also read that you attended the Faculty of Law,,it,You want to tell you how to turn your life around me this,,it ed esperto di enogastronomia

Days ago, during one of my long talks with his friend Thomas Ponzanelli, it was argued olive oils and olive growers… I told him that I have read on a copy of the Ex Vinis 2002 Luigi Veronelli, a true manifesto on Olive Oil. Tommaso è una grande fonte di ricordi… Amo molto ascoltare i suoi aneddoti dei bei tempi passati…

Detto questo mi direte… “E quindi… ?” E quindi vi dico che proprio in quel momento Tommaso esordì dicendomi: “Devi assolutamente conoscere Fausto Borella!” Detto, fatto! One, perché dopo uno scambio di opinioni con Fausto, ho deciso che era la persona giusta per qualche approfondimento in più… ovviamente, approfondimenti olistici!  😉

Ma non perdiamo tempo… Pronti… via! 😉

  • Splendor, leggo che vieni definito Maestrod’olio. Leggo anche che hai frequentato la facoltà di Giurisprudenza. Mi vuoi raccontare come hai dato questa svolta alla tua vita?

I felt that I could never play forensic toga worn by my father for over,,it,I needed to move,,it,know the people,,it,in an expression,,it,Living my land,,it,you've had the fortune to know Luigi Veronelli,,it,I present a memory of the experience of those years,,it,It was thanks to the presentation made by Leo Ramacciotti,,it,at that time chief AIS Versilia,,it,We were at the Versilia Prize and introduced me to Gino Veronelli praising my passionate sommelier talents and promising writer of gastronomy,,it,For two years I have turned the whole Italy alongside Maestro experiencing an unforgettable experience,,it,The olive oil culture in Italy is still poor,,it,Much is said about it,,it,and much made of it,,it,but still not enough,,it 50 age. Avevo bisogno di muovermi, di conoscere le persone, in una espressione, Vivere la mia terra.

  • In 2001 hai avuto la fortuna di conoscere Luigi Veronelli. Mi regali un ricordo dell’esperienza di quegli anni?

Fu grazie alla presentazione fatta da Leone Ramacciotti, a quel tempo delegato dell’AIS Versilia. Eravamo al Premio Versilia e mi presentò a Gino Veronelli elogiando le mie doti di appassionato sommelier e promettente scrittore di enogastronomia. Per due anni ho girato l’intera Italia al fianco del Maestro vivendo un’esperienza indimenticabile.

  • La cultura dell’olio d’oliva in Italia è ancora scarsa. Molto se ne dice, e molto se ne fa, ma non ancora abbastanza. Consumer choice in front of the shelf is not easy,,it,The olive oil of large retailers is called with the name of the manufacturer and not by territorial origin,,it,Lack clearly the place of origin on the label does not help to understand the characteristics,,it,and does not help the consumer in choosing,,it,It is so small that to date no one has understood the real difference between olive oil and extra virgin olive oil,,it,Olive oil is a blend of refined oils and a percentage of extra virgin olive oil still undefined,,it,To be extra virgin,,it,They should be followed by chemicals, analytical paragraphs which lead to the result of having an oil,,it,euro or from,,it,My job,,it. L’olio d’oliva della grande distribuzione è chiamato con il nome del produttore e non con la provenienza territoriale. La mancanza a chiare lettere del territorio d’origine sull’etichetta non aiuta a capirne le caratteristiche, e non aiuta il consumatore nella scelta. What do you think?

È talmente scarsa che ad oggi non si è capita la reale differenza tra olio di oliva e olio extravergine di oliva. L’olio di oliva è una miscela di oli raffinati e una percentuale di olio extravergine ancora indefinita. Per essere extravergine, instead, vanno seguiti dei paragrafi chimici e analitici che portano al risultato di avere un olio da 2 euro oppure da 30 euro. Il mio compito, seen the huge quality gap between the two price ranges and the current and still unexplained ignorance on this,,it,It is to communicate - through courses,,it,events and festivals in Italy and abroad - the real Italian extra virgin olive oil culture of quality,,it,What advice would you give the consumer to direct it towards a conscious choice of a quality olive oil,,it,If you look at the supermarket one of,,it,Italian DOP that has a cost of about € 6-8 per,,it,cl.,,en,otherwise look for the label that speaks in a more transparent and fair as possible to the consumer,,it,year of production,,it,nutritional table,,it,not so much with acidity or saturated fats that leave the time they are,,it, è quello di comunicare – attraverso corsi, eventi e manifestazioni in Italia e all’Estero – la reale cultura dell’olio extravergine italiano di qualità.

  • Quali consigli ti senti di dare al consumatore per indirizzarlo verso una scelta consapevole di un olio d’oliva di qualità?

Se sei al supermercato cercare una delle 44 DOP italiane che abbia un costo di circa 6-8€ per 50 cl., altrimenti cercare quell’etichetta che parla in maniera più trasparente e corretta possibile al consumatore: annata di produzione, variety of olives, tabella nutrizionale, non tanto con acidità o grassi saturi che lasciano il tempo che trovano, but with the inclusion of tocopherols,,it,and total polyphenols that make unique the territory oils,,it,How important is the "oil color" and from what we can understand that "oil is bad",,it,The color of the oil is not at all important,,it,it's time to debunk many clichés,,it,The color can help us,,it,to understand how it will smell,,it,seeing mucilage,,it,sediments that will lead to such sludge defect,,it,A faulty oil will recognize after a few tastings of facts defective samples through the courses,,it,Or through an uncontrolled,,it,These oil,,it,no South certificate that invades the Italian regions to the Alps,,it,Often in the sauce,,it (Vitamin E) e dei polifenoli totali che rendono unici gli oli del territorio.

  • Quanto è importante il “colore dell’olio” e da che cosa possiamo capire che “un olio è difettoso”?

Il colore dell’olio non è assolutamente importante, è arrivato il momento di sfatare molti luoghi comuni. Il colore ci può aiutare, in qualche caso, a comprendere come sarà l’odore, vedendo mucillagini, sedimenti che porteranno per esempio al difetto di morchia. L’olio difettoso si riconosce dopo pochi assaggi e degustazioni di campioni difettosi fatti attraverso i corsi.

  • I quote a statement heard in your speech that I fully agree: "The farmer's oil supply chain cost him at least ten euro per liter. An olive oil that costs three euro is not an extra virgin olive oil, but only a lie to the consumer ". At this point I ask: But an oil with this cost as obtained?

Through sailing ship oil to the best Italian ports. Oppure attraverso una incontrollata tratta dell’olio non certificato del Sud che invade le regioni italiane fino alle Alpi.

  • Spesso nel condimento, it abounds with olive oil incorrectly,,it,How much is a monthly conscious use for an average family,,it,As the President said the IGP Toscano Consortium,,it,daily use of olive oil per person accounts for the cost of,,it,sms per day,,it,Then we can afford a quality extra virgin olive oil or not,,it,Veronelli wrote,,it,the olive tree as the screw,,it,I fully agree with the thought,,it,consequently at what,,it,I wish,,it,When I'm in a restaurant,,it,not being presented to me only wine,,it,but also the oil that served me,,it,Ask the staff room is formed of this is a utopia or hope,,it,It is a hope,,it,considering,,pt,that gives,,it,years I organize courses,,it. A quanto corrisponde un uso consapevole mensile per una famiglia media?

Come disse il Presidente del Consorzio IGP Toscano, l’uso quotidiano di olio extravergine a persona incide per il costo di 2 sms al giorno. Allora ce lo possiamo permettere un olio extravergine di qualità oppure no?

  • Veronelli scriveva: “The oil like wine, l’olivo come la vite”. Condivido pienamente il pensiero, and, conseguentemente a ciò, vorrei che, quando sono in un ristorante, non mi venga presentato solo il vino, ma anche l’olio che mi viene servito. Chiedere che il personale addetto alla sala venga formato in tal senso è un’utopia o una speranza?

È una speranza. Considerando, however, che da 11 anni organizzo corsi, first thanks Sommelier Italian Association of Oil Franco Ricci,,it,and later with my Academy Maestrod'olio,,it,At my lectures I always had a very low percentage of restaurateurs,,it,waiters,,it,maître and experts that would be absolutely true ambassadors of this message,,it,Are you an expert of vinegar,,it,And 'now customary find on supermarket shelves balsamic vinegars of a few Euros,,it,What do you think and what advice to consumers,,it,I'm not exactly an expert on vinegar,,it,I know the subject because it fascinates me,,it,The speech is similar to the oil,,it,There is a specification very rigid and structured that manufacturers must follow to get the DOP Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and Reggio Emilia,,it,The product packaged in bottles of,,it, e in seguito con la mia Accademia Maestrod’olio. Alle mie lezioni ho sempre avuto una percentuale bassissima di ristoratori, camerieri, maître e addetti ai lavori che sarebbero in assoluto i veri ambasciatori di questo messaggio.

  • Sei un esperto di aceto.  E’ ormai consuetudine trovare sui banchi dei supermercati aceti balsamici da pochi euro. Cosa ne pensi e cosa consigli al consumatore?

Non sono propriamente esperto di aceto. Conosco la materia perché mi affascina. Il discorso è simile all’olio. Esiste un disciplinare molto rigido e ben strutturato che i produttori devono seguire per ottenere la DOP Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena o Reggio Emilia. Il prodotto confezionato in bottigliette da 10 cl can cost as much,,it,As for the balsamic vinegar to use every day,,it,the only qualitative reference is the price,,it,If it costs less than,,it,€ for bottles,,it,it means that inside has added caramel,,it,and it is not aged in barrels,,it,See you soon at Olio Officina Food Festival,,it,I promise me you will lead me into an olive oil tasting,,it,Will be a pleasure…,,it,What my father did was much more than a simple handshake,,it,I realized that I would never be brought to study all my life rules and regulations that do not belong to me,,it,I needed to break away from a desk and travel,,it,savor and move me,,it,In a word live my land ...,,it,Maestrod'olio,,it,Adele Scirrotta,,en 100 €. Per quanto riguarda l’aceto balsamico da usare tutti i giorni, l’unico riferimento qualitativo è il prezzo. Se costa meno di 10 – 15 € per bottiglie da 25 cl. vuol dire che all’interno è aggiunto caramello al 2% e non è invecchiato in caratelli.

Splendor, ci vediamo a breve ad Olio Officina Food Festival. Mi prometti che mi guiderai in una degustazione d’olio, true?     

Sarà un piacere…

Quello che fece mio padre fu molto più di una semplice stretta di mano; capì che non sarei mai stato portato per studiare tutta la vita regole e norme che non mi appartenevano. Avevo bisogno di staccarmi da una scrivania e viaggiare, conoscere, assaporare ed emozionarmi. In una parola vivere la mia terra…

Fausto Borella


Laura Angelini ... the one who whispers to the vineyards

Laura Angelini Azienda Agricola The Hearthstone of Ortonville – La Spezia

The sweet Laura ...

I met her a year ago now ... Initially through his thoughts on the web, and then, as often happens in this journey of my life, person, when one day he invited me to join her in "Terre di Vite", an event at the Castle of Levizzano in Modena which participated as a guest.

Laura Angelini Cantina Hearthstone of Ortonville (SP), a woman and a friend to whom I feel close to the sharing of thought and philosophy of life ... A woman who has rebuilt investing in the land ...

A relationship between man and nature that goes far beyond the craft: "Give your soul to the plants and see that they reciprocate… Talk to them like a son ". We would like to produce a wine that is “good” the gente, and convey an emotion all'intenditore win because the quality at the expense of quantity, and these lines written and dictated by a peaceful way of life… remain today and tomorrow before us… Laura Angelini

Pass the word to her ...

  • You call yourself "one who whispers to the vineyards". It 'a romantic definition that conveys love like you to share this world. How did your story in the world of wine?

The world of wine is a very beautiful fairy tale. As in many fairy tales there are bad people who sometimes disturb a bit ',  but we will do everything because the tale is beautiful and happy ending. Tired of the routine of the modern world we decided to start this adventure to experience nature and follow the course of time, marked by the succession of the seasons, of nights,  days, rain and sun.

We've gone from working in office jobs and in-store, to a life in contact with the earth and nature, to reconnect the wire that was increasingly thinning. But above all, we have not made the mistake of connecting the wine in the portfolio. The Hearthstone is both a business and a family where Stephen, Laura and Linda are the protagonists indissoluble.

  • Drove the Winery Hearthstone of Ortonville along with your husband. How did you start, and those who have been introduced to the art of making wine?

Stefano and I follow the whole chain, from the countryside to the bottle. We started to produce wine to create something of our own without having to submit to any, so as to bring forward the idea of ​​a wine typical of our area without compromise. Then, friendship with old winemakers helped us.

  • What are the main difficulties you encountered initially both bureaucratic and managerial?

We encountered many difficulties ... With passion, l’amore, and commitment we overcame them all always ready to fight for our ideas. The envy of others I think it was one of the major, whatever, continue working ...

  • As for the choices and directions of your winemaker affect the wine you produce?

Our winemaker, Giorgio Baccigalupi, has been indispensable as a technician and as a friend. With the passage of time more and more we followed his advice as a friend, and always less than those from winemaker. This is not because we have become good, but because we tried our path, very different from his and that of our colleagues. We are considered the “black sheep” Colli di Luni.

  • I remember that, during surgery in Terre Vine, I have heard women protagonists of viticulture Ligurian wounds institutions. I heard them express their anger with the lack of institutional measures necessary to safeguard the wine sector. After one year you hear of expressing the same vent or something has changed?

Often institutions have a brake and not a help, despite what we try to live with them. In some cases, however, we have provided substantial aid, so they are not always to blame or denigrate. I think that sometimes people (referring to my colleagues in Liguria), sfoghino with institutions hiding at the bottom of the problems they have with themselves. Purtroppo l’Italia è malata di politica, of leadership, and much more ... I think the healing will take time… also by the absence of "medicine" ...

  • I remember your beautiful hand-painted bottles ... How did you get the idea, and what inspires you? 

Our hand-painted bottles are an expression of the love we have towards our work, of ourselves, people, life, and of everything that surrounds us. Let us always remember that we live in a world with a wonderful life, not forgetting friends, which represent the largest wealth ...

Stephen paints bottles in front of the wood stove in the winter evenings, and I often, are his muse…

Correva the anno 1995, a cold winter evening Laura and I sat in front of the stone fireplace. The fire licked the logs on and popping, the reflected heat enveloped us, Linda was conceived by little. The flames seen through the glass of a glass of white wine danced creating bizarre figures. That night was born a nursery rhyme…

The stone hearth transmits its heat…

the sun radiates the lives and gives the grapes the color…

wine conveys the spirit of those who created it to who knows taste…

and the people all singin…

The Hearthstone

Stories of Courageous women ... "Meet Nadia Vincenzi"


Nadia Vincenzi, chef proprietor of Rimini Ristorante Da Nadia, a Michelin star in Castrezzato, Brescia.

The brave women, those who get up, those that life despite everything can not bend. I try and give them the hand, because they know, is a continuous life lesson.

I met thanks to my friend Nadia journalist Elio Ghisalberti that, knowing my taste in people, has seen fit to introduce me.

The destination is not exactly close to me has passed into the background when, to my question about why that choice, the response was: "It 'a woman of those that appeal to you, of those who fought, of those whose history is to listen ... "I must admit I also thought, saw the chatterbox that are: "And it is a survival strategy in the evening ?!" Obviously I am joking, first because after all they say that I am sympathetic, and second, Nadia listen because it was a real experience… While she was telling me about his path I sometimes sad expression, and sometimes a bit 'of which are dreamy romantic ... Actually, I heard a story of life and love the happy ending that took place thirty-eight years later ...

Nadia Vincenzi born in Rimini Romagna parents had to move to ten years in Molise with family needs to work. Those were his happiest years, those of the best memories, after school when the time passed fast in the family restaurant. And 'there with his mother and father who has learned the rudiments of the art of cooking that still refer to those teachings.

The years passed ... Years carefree cheerful rhythms that brought Nadia, thanks to its beauty, to win the title of Miss Molise. In '67, a vent’anni, he married and had two children. After a seemingly serene things changed and had to be separated. Was twenty-six, two children, and had to start over… With all his strength he decided to open a small restaurant near Termoli familiar with the experience gained. The work so, the commitment and the sacrifices constant. The only recreation he allowed himself was to some evening in the ballroom when it was possible. It was there that he met Valerio, that beautiful boy, As Nadia described him to me telling me, which he attended for about a year.

One day Valerio did not show up for an appointment and they disappeared from his life. She was disappointed and resentful, did not understand, but had to go on, and so he did ... He went to the north and met a man. Two other children were born, but this time the luck was not with her. He stood alone again ... To carry on he worked in a supermarket for four years, until the 90, went back into play again when opening a small restaurant, "At Desco", St. Joseph fraction of Rovato, Brescia. The adventure continued here until '93 and then continue with a new business in Sarnico. In 2000 recognized the efforts invested in the Michelin star Nadia. But an event again stopped his life ... Of the sudden knee pain forced her to undergo a surgery that stopped the activity for six months. He found himself in the position of having to sell the restaurant ... After rehabilitation the desire to return in Molise, where he had lived the happiest moments of his life was so much, but a new opportunity is the proposed, the proposed acquisition of a place in the countryside in Castrezzato, Brescia. Thus began a new adventure with the restaurant "Da Nadia" in which the 2011 was recognized Michelin star.

In one of his co-worker during the use of social networks formed. To overcome loneliness Nadia went in search of old friends of Molise. One evening taken by memories typed the name of that his love suddenly disappeared many years before, Valerio. The name appeared ... It seemed unlikely, but even if he was the only image, davanti a lei. He decided to write to understand why suddenly so many years before had left. Valerio said ... The excitement in reading indescribable… The truth was that his parents, when they heard a woman who attended separate with two children, had prevented him from attend. They began to resent the 17 May 2012, then, in the next twenty days ago A continuous succession on the phone, up to 10 Valerio last June when he returned from Molise by Nadia, forbidden love by thirty-eight years before. Now they live happily together and collaborate.

Nadia concluding the story of his story he told me: "Cynthia, now do not cry anymore at night, are no longer alone, he finally came back to me!"The reality is that you should never give, you should always leave a door open to hope. Nadia is proof ... A woman who has found his lost love well after thirty-eight years ... A woman who lives the rewards of a life of commitment and sacrifices expressing experience and creativity in the kitchen simple dishes that recalls a time. A kitchen-Romagna Adriatic fish.

Rereading ... "The second oil Veronelli"

Strange coincidences happen in my life ... You'll say: “In che senso?” Mah, To tell the truth I do not know either, ma è vero che l’anno scorso ho conosciuto Uploaded Louis, che poco dopo gli ho fatto un’intervista e… e poi lui mi ha invitato a dire la my sull’olio d’oliva guardandolo dal punto di vista del consumatore nella nuova edizione del Festival Olio Officina 2013, and then…

And then… leggendo una copia di “Ex Vinis” di Luigi Veronelli del 2002 regalatami da Gianni Vittorio Capovilla, ho trovato un articolo, o meglio un suoManifesto sull’olio d’oliva. That said, dopo aver strabiliato gli occhi mi son detta:  “Va che coincidenza, trovo questo pezzo di storia proprio in questo periodo che mi sto documentando…”

Luigi Caricato mi ha raccontato che lui stesso ha curato dal 1998 to the 2001 sul bimestrale “Ex Vinis” una rubrica sull’olio all’epoca del tutto nuova, che poi diventò una vera guida alle produzioni d’olio d’eccellenza.

Veronelli voleva creare un documento con le linee guida rivolte agli olivicoltori italiani uniti dalla volontà di una produzione olearia basata su un olio estratto per cultivar, e dalla sola polpa delle olive.

L’articolo iniziava motivando l’accettazione della proposta tesa all’elaborazione di un progetto di controllo qualitativo di quello che, secondo lui e altre persone con cui collaborava, definiva “l’olio secondo Veronelli”.

Lui voleva dare ai contadini, quote his own words, “la possibilità di essere protagonisti, di avere dalla terra che lavorano – dura tutto l’anno, tanta pena d’inverno, d’estate, tanti sudori, tanti caldi, tanti freddi; faticante sinonimo di contadino; la fatica è la sua misura quotidiana – il benessere”.

10 April 2001

“Ciascuno avverte. E’ in corso un epocale mutamento sociale. Coinvolge appieno l’agricoltura. Il divenire, per molti aspetti rivoluzionarlo, del comparto olio d’oliva è già iniziato. E’ sostenuto dalle persone che hanno lavorato e lavorano per la qualità e l’onestà. Con i vecchi criteri si potrebbe fare al massimo un olio onesto. Con le tecniche mirate alla qualità (e non come succedeva “antan” alla quantità) it will instead be possible to make excellent oils. Oil like wine. L’olivo come la vite. Dalla raccolta manuale e separata delle cultivar, escludendo il nocciolo prima di una delicata estrazione monocultivar, nasce… Veronelli”

Un vero e proprio “Manifesto in progress per una nuova cultura dell’olio d’oliva” di tredici pagine, voluto da Luigi Veronelli e realizzato da Olioro in collaborazione con Metapontum Agrobios. Poco tempo dopo si sarebbe occupato di un altro importante progetto, le denominazioni comunali, le De.Co.

Ora il custode della sua memoria storica è Gian Arturo Rota con il quale ha collaborato per quasi vent’anni. Arturo sta mettendo a frutto l’esperienza maturata dandone continuità nel sito “Casa Veronelli”.

Recentemente ha scritto insieme a Nichi Stefi il primo libro a lui dedicato, “La vita è troppo corta per bere vini cattivi“, edito da Giunti e Slow Food Editore.

Sono convinta che scrivere i propri pensieri, il proprio credo, your own experience... give us a pinch of immortality.


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