Paul, Marco e Francesco, passionate about the land and territory: "Farmers for Passion"

It was the 30 June 2011 when I received an e-mail ...

Hi Cynthia,  pleased to make your knowledge,
my name is Paul, I 29 age, and together with some guys fans of earth and territory, as well as young farmers, We initiated the project “Passion for farmers”, synthesis that encompasses the desire and passion to communicate the excellence of our territory. An integral part of the project, are Marco, 28 age, and Francis, 26, our farmer “computer”. We are located in Ribera, small and renowned agricultural center in the province of Agrigento. Here we produce the Ribera Orange PDO. Si tratta di un’arancia a polpa bionda senza semi, extremely tasty and sweet due to the high sugar content that manages to reach the ripening, variety “Washington Navel”. The orange grove instead, is nestled in the beautiful valley of Vegetables, precisely nel basso Greenery. A veritable oasis arancicola to a handful of miles from the sea in the district of “Cannagrande”. One of the production areas most famous and oldest, in which it is possible to trace the orange groves older Ribera.

Have a good evening, Paul

After a few contacts I arranged with Francis, the most called Kiko, for a chat on Skype.  Technology is of great help, and shortens the distance ...

He told me how he started the adventure in 2003, when Paul and his brother Mark inherited from grandparents an orange grove,it, decided to continue to lead in the first person. It, Francis, called the farmer's computer, later joined. We talked of Sicily, their oranges, of their projects ...

When I told him to write the problems encountered in their path in order to give a practical example to other young people, I said so:  “Cynthia, more than we talk about the problems of the agricultural sector, we would like to talk about solutions that we believe may be more useful”.

Well, loro lo fanno. Scrivono e raccontano la Terra di Sicilia nel loro aranceto “virtuale”: contadiniperpassione.it

  • Hello guys! For a breath we have not seen at the Salone del Gusto in Turin. Paolo I aveva telefonato, but unfortunately my arrival coincided with your departure. Therefore, you were the speakers ... now you're famous, and who stops more! 😉 Mi raccontate com’ è andata?

It’ Cynthia went very well, really another experience that enriches our history. At the Salone del Gusto we simply told the story of our journey, only this time the main focus was to our use of new technologies, certainly an innovation in the field of agricultural holdings.

We have seen how the entry of young people into agriculture can really change this field, and to change for the better. But it is not only about the truth of a youth. It’ a general problem of ideas, new ideas, desire to bet on this sector flanking it with skills usually kept away from this world. We did it and we probably also convinced the Salone del Gusto, that ours is the best direction for the young, for small business owners, and for those who want to improve constantly researching the quality in terms of production and communication. We try to maintain direct contact with anyone who comes to our history and to our project, and we place ourselves in terms of transparency. Our tones are not aziendalistici, are rather informal. The slogans we do not like, we like the pure and simple dialogues. Social media and blogs allow us all this.

  • You are an example for many young. The love and respect for the land allows you to make a good farming. Let us know the excellence of the territory using the web communication, the new way to communicate. As I said a few days ago, I write about my Earth, and Italian as you, makes me happy and proud. But now tell me, To what extent are you with your project?

The project continues, the project rather undergoes continuous thrust forward thanks to the affection of our virtual friends in the last year have been transformed, in large part, in amici reali. This without making a distinction between partners, customers and suppliers. We have the idea that we are all one big family,  e con Slow Food tocchiamo con mano questa sensazione.

Farmers for Passion does not stop,  e grazie alla saggia guida di Paolo non rischia di sedersi sugli allori. These tokens of esteem because they make us enjoy our work and honor to the entire agricultural sector. Provoke in us the right energy to pursue our goals remain the same: "Allowing the company to be self-sustaining, communicate our ideas, our desire for territory and important relationships with those who choose to give us confidence, continue to produce according to the trappings of sustainability, the environmental friendliness and genuineness ".

We are working on a redesign of the site to provide a better experience for those who decide to visit our "virtual orangery",  mantenendo però la costante presenza online per dialogare con i nostri preziosi amici.

     I Contadini per Passione… non si fermano più!

Bedda Ribera, bedda a tutti l’uri, farini un paradisu ognunu spera, or land oru, o terra di l’amuri, sì bedda sì, sì bedda:  O mia Ribera… Giuseppe Nicola Ciliberto

La Barbera, a wine of character to the female ...

Generosa Barbera, drinking it seems to us to be alone in a storm at sea challengers ... Carducci

La Barbera, a wine feminine elegant and dashing personality. Carducci with these verses makes it clear the character.

A wine of Piedmont among my favorites, mentioned for the first time in history in 1249 in a document deposited in the chapter of Casale Monferrato. It spread first in the territory they then radiate in Asti and Monferrato in the Tortona.


The opportunity came with me to celebrate it with pleasure Barbera Revolution”, the vertical tasting of Coppo Barbera d'Asti Canelli on Wednesday, 23 Last October the Chick'nQuick - Sadler Milan.

The GUID Espert sommelier Luca Gardini led us, during serata, wine tasting and history. The dishes Claudio Sadler  a pleasant meeting of flavors, he's defined "traditionally avant-garde".


Claudio Sadler

La Barbera 1947, Barbera d'Asti Pomorosso vintages 2010, 2004, 1996, 1989 and finally Moscato d'Asti Moncalvina 2011 are the wines tasted Coppo.

A company in the hills of Canelli, handed down from generation to generation that does well one hundred and twenty years. New levers that look, in addition to a global market became, to a changing climate that will alter the choices and productions.

As he says Luca Gardini: “Any natural product, Barbera also, has its own evolution. "


Luca Gardini

During the evening I had the pleasure of chatting with Gianni Coppo. As I often say people are important: are the transposition of the personality and character of what they produce.

He told me and I told him, greeting him a promise: “See you in Canelli.”


Gianni Coppo

Barbera means everything, for us 120 years of history dedicated to this wine, for Piedmont is its soul hidden, Most Popular, more magical. Fam. Coppo - Canelli



A chat with Paul Lionheart, the… Cheese?


Oggi vi voglio presentare Paolo Leone, my Master Taster cheese!

He graduated in Animal Science and researcher and expert popularizer of culture of food, leads sensory pathways knowledge to spread the culture of cheeses. Real sensory experiences that allow us to conscious consumption of this dairy product, apprendendone the history and characteristics.

I met Paul through my group "Le Vigne-tte". A group dedicated to those who love food and wine, but especially to those who love the land and the people who meet and work. Comments that says one evening we decided to organize a rally to meet everyone in person!  Era momentaneamente senza auto, and then after we agreed, I went to take him to Milan. On the way over to tell us of our lives, viaggiammo accompagnati dal sottofondo musicale che aveva portato con sé. Musica di gran classe di cui è appassionato. I'll give you a taste ...

You are not to te souviendras
My face, my name.
The earthly puppets
Are three small towers and then go ...

“Tu ne te souviendras pas” – Barbara 1962

Have you heard how wonderful ... real poetry to the ears and soul!

But now stop the music, è tempo di farvi conoscere Paolo Leone, or better Paolino, as I call it! 😉

  • Paul, Do you remember that morning on the way, I asked him how he did your passion for the world of cheese. Let's go back in time,  tell me ...

The passion for cheese food is far, goes back to childhood when my sister and I had a 'nanny',  Maria (Mariute as it was called by its), Origin of the low Friulian; when he came back from holiday we always wore a beautiful piece of Dairy, that, even if well wrapped, This gave off a scent of milk, burro e… cheese not resist!  Me lo ricordo ancora adesso!

Even a passion for the stories of the cheese comes from there ... And 'then increasing more and more to study and work when I started attending farmers and dairymen. Beyond what I could (and I can) I see, There were facts and stories that only they knew, but who willingly shared, e così pian piano mi sono appassionato e ho deciso di fare da portavoce di una piccola parte di quel mondo.

  • Posologia e modalità d’uso del… formaggio

Il formaggio è un alimento quasi completo, al punto che basterebbe aggiungere soltanto un piatto di verdure, magari a foglia verde, per soddisfare le esigenze in nutrienti di un pasto. Ma su questi aspetti lascio la parola agli esperti del settore… (unless they think that Quartirolo is a low-fat cheese!).

As for the 'how',  the first concept you must keep in mind when you want to eat cheese, (one or more) with sensory satisfaction, is that it must be removed from the refrigerator in advance of the time of tasting, the time it takes to reach an adequate temperature, or at least 16 ° C- 18°C.  Then it must be prepared, cleaned if necessary, well cut (I'll explain later…),  put in the right flavor sequence.  In short, you can't mess with cheese!

  •  “Don't let the farmer know how good the cheese is with pears". What do you think of combinations with cheeses. Better enjoyed alone or ... combined with ... ?

Here in this I am a bit fundamentalist ... Since I suppose the cheese is good, why combine it with something? If anything I can use pears or other fruit or other products, as 'separators' of flavors.

In case (toh… A case, and what a case!)  I wanted to taste some tasty cheeses, for example of goats, and if the season allows it, I find that fresh and ripe raspberries, are a great food to alternate. Likewise are excellent thin slices of green apple, which can also cleanse the mouth from the flavors of fatty and aged cow's milk cheeses. However, you can find an almost infinite amount of combinations, just taste and experiment. But ... avoid offering me the combination with "compote of Tropea red onions caramelized with balsamic vinegar, ginger e…" I got it !?

  • I recently discovered Fontina DOP by visiting a Valdostana reality that produces it in the Alpine pastures. In these valleys at an altitude of 2000 meters animals are fed in pastures rich in a particular vegetation that gives the milk characteristics far more peculiar farming in the valley. Despite this, you can not distinguish between a label and a fontina Alpine valley floor, seen that the marking is the same, and is not allowed by the specification to add anything beyond the specification for the PDO. What do you think, and how do you evaluate the descriptive part of the labels for the consumer's knowledge?

This is the subject of a battle that I have been fighting for some time. Just in these days I was communicating these concepts to students. Consumers need to understand where quality lies, and labels, they would allow it. Also the use of trademarks on the forms (in France it has been happening for some time) they can indicate the provenance of a cheese. However, if the producers agreed and did joint action, maybe… they could get something. I know it's not easy.  But… the battle continues!

  • “Cheeses and craft beers”. A fashion or ... ?  

Everything is fashion, nothing is fashion…

Beer, indeed beers (cit.) present a variety of scents, aromi, flavors and alcoholic strengths, that can be perfectly combined with any food; in particular the combination with cheeses, which for variety and complexity are no less than beers,  represents one of the most exciting 'challenges'. Whenever the opportunity arises to organize a tasting of 'beers and cheeses', especially with Schigi or Kuaska, two Italian beer gurus, I can not help ! Even if I always come out pretty tipsy ...

  • By now you know me ... Tell me which cheese would you offer me ?

The buffalo blue, blue because it has blue-green molds like those used to make Gorgonzola. I associated it with you because it is flavorful and persistent! If eaten during the meal I would say that it is perfect to combine it with a Buttafuoco! If, on the other hand, you eat at the end of the meal ... let's accompany it with a passito made from brachetto grapes (so the wine experts have a reason to blame me!)

  • You made me want to cut a piece of it!  But wait a bit, I used to read that you teach how to "cut" cheese ... This is beautiful,  you want to explain me?

Starting from the assumption that everyone must eat all the representative parts of a cheese, this fact occurs only if we cut it correctly. Since the maturation of the forms occurs for almost all cheeses (the exception is the blue cheese),  from the periphery (the crust) in the center of the shape, it would be an incomplete sensory experience "eating only the central part, or only the outermost one ”of a cheese. Because if I don't know him, and I don't know how to cut it, I can decide that the scabs are not important.

I'll tell you an anecdote to make the concept better; I shudder to remember having even read it on a very popular Italian cooking blog. There are those who remove the crust of cheeses with a flowery rind,  to make them more presentable (sic!). I specified 'Italian' , why try to imagine writing a similar sentence on a French blog ? At the very least, they wait for you outside the office and take Camembert cakes in the face!

Per concludere, if they are cut well they can be presented well and preserved better. I'm waiting for you for a practical demonstration!

  • In these years of experience you have had the opportunity to taste many cheeses. Difficult answer, but courage!  Tell me if anyone particularly impressed you?

They threw me many, but no one has ever hit me ... Ahahahaha Seriously, without a doubt, what struck me most was the Tchoukou, the Tuareg cheese. It is an unsalted and 'dry' cheese. This type is almost unique compared to our usual ones, both in size and appearance, remembers a pastry.

Curiously I find that, also one of the other cheeses that struck me, it is not salty. It deals with, as you may have guessed, of Pannerone (from Lodi), famous above all for its bitter-sweet taste and for the notes of butter that are perceived first on the nose, and then in the mouth.

Then ... I could tell you one for each letter of the alphabet,  but I will stop at the letter B. B come Bitto: "I will never forget that piece of mountain cheese that tasted of exotic fruit on the nose, pineapple in particular! Amazing!”


How about a vegetable garden on the roof?

You will say: “Nettle on the roof? Cynthia, but you say?!"I say that you got it! A vegetable garden on the roof for the reduction of air pollution, to promote the thermal insulation of the building, to regulate the flow of rainwater, and especially, to grow fruit and vegetables! 😉

In many countries, such as Norway, Japan, gli USA è tendenza ormai diffusa. Bene, I I saw one just a few days ago, a I Giardine, a beautiful reality organic Misson (LC),  in Montevecchia Park.  Ornaghi Albertina and her husband Giancarlo are a concrete example of the Earth who loves and respects the above, cultivating fruits and vegetables in a natural way and without chemical fertilizers.

From them I found Forgotten Fruits such as'Azzeruolo, herbs like Salvia Ananas, the Wild Celery, l’Erba di San Pietro, Perilla frutescens theDo not forget ... weeds such as purslane, the Silene and Pimpinella. Do you remember the saying: “the salad is not good and it is nice if there is no burnet!” 😉

Earth, from the Latin Earth.  The third planet in order of distance from the Sun and the largest of the terrestrial planets in the solar system. The planet they live on all living species known. The only planetary body in the solar system suitable to sustain life. The future of the planet is linked to that of the Sun, but it also depends on us.

Our mistakes, le nostre esigenze insaziabili l’hanno intossicata. Ognuno di noi nel suo piccolo può fare qualcosa per curarla, just as they do to the Albertina and Giancarlo Giardine.


Pass the word to their…

  • The Giardine, un’avventura nata un anno fa. I told your project?

Our adventure was born from a passion for wild herbs has been going on 27 age. In our free time we wander through meadows and woods; from the Brianza to the Trentino region ... Let us study and flowers, wild grasses and herbs.
We began to dream of a piece of heaven on earth in which to grow from vegetables to flowers, the herbs fruits ...

We always banished from our minds chemicals. With the help of various documents and books, prepare our pesticide plants grown by us, e con la raccolta spontanea lavorando il suolo con attrezzi non invasivi. Dopo alcuni errori di percorso abbiamo notato che in natura molti problemi si risolvono da soli, without human intervention. We have thus given a greater attention to the observation of the environment and the time required for natural cycles of life. Thus was born the VERICOLTURA: “Vera,  because there is truth in the Natural”.

  • A "clean earth" I think it is fundamental to start with each crop and to get a healthy product. How do I restore land that no longer have this feature for the adoption of improper chemical fertilizers?

The earth loses its natural fertility mainly for 2 reasons:

–  First, for processing that does not respect the layers below the surface; For example, turning and twisting the life of micro-organisms. The mechanical working of the soil is essential equipment with a low impact, reaching a compromise and maintaining a relationship with the land of balance and common sense, and especially forgetting the deep-rooted principle of continuous and progressive gain.

–  Secondly, the products also natural (not mature manure) poison poisoning the life below the earth, interrompono la catena rigenerativa indebolendo la naturale resistenza delle piante agli agenti patogeni.

  • I explain your concept of naturalness?

The natural for every living being is the absence in their habitat, artificial man-made alterations (the earth is a living container). L’uomo è un anello della catena della vita. Ogni fiore ha il suo colore, each herb has its own scent and its secret virtue.

  • How have you lived this year's drought?

This year's drought it can be interpreted in various ways. Extraordinary event or gradual change in future climate?  In all cases, about two and a half months of total absence of rain has given us the opportunity to observe the reactions of horticultural plants and insects. With different modes of the various types of vegetables run natural (without the addition of water), have gradually decreased the production until the total block, and the apparent desiccation. With the first rains in a short time, everything is returned to life with excellent products.

  • Work with Mother Earth ... you tell me your experience?

I discovered MOTHER EARTH in Turin in the last edition. Listening Carlo Petrini,  Andrea Recollection, Shiva Vandana and the daily life experiences of farmers from various parts of the world, I understand that the principles of Mother Earth were the mirror of our thinking and modus operandi.  Protection of biodiversity (many years to propagate seeds and sometimes recover endangered species) against waste, food for health ... I do not feel up to working with the experts at Terra Madre light years away from me, but in my small way I would bring my positive and negative experiences, to those who dream of a future for the world and CLEAN RIGHT.

  • Practiced beekeeping.  I recently read some attacks in which they accuse of exploiting beekeepers bees. What do you think?

Beekeeping in my opinion, is not different from the problem of land. The bee produces honey for its survival, and we derive from this product advantages and benefits.
Their presence in the territory stable even in times of low production, is an indispensable factor for the proper natural balance .
Bees are our allies for survival, and should not be regarded only as a means of income.

  • Your "tetto verde"Is an example that I hope we can multiply the benefits it brings to the environment. What are the tips that you can give to people who want to pursue this option?

At the completion of tetto verde we came up with many difficulties.  Although popular for a long time, today and even encouraged in some states of northern Europe for its advantages, Here we met a lot of disinterest. Il nostro primo obiettivo era ambientale perché non sopportavamo l’idea di deturpare il paesaggio agreste con la visione di un tetto. Pensando poi alla velocita dell’acqua con i temporali su un tetto convenzionale, and the subsequent slide violent, There has set a goal to contain even a small part of any environmental damage. Without forgetting the other benefits, such as climate benefits to housing.


A word of advice: there demoralized if the idea of ​​improving the environment in which you live you will find people skeptical. Certainly you will find those who endorse; the important thing is to entrust the implementation competent people both for the preparation of the bed, both for the type of soil base.

The Earth does not belong to man, is the man who belongs to the Earth.

Roe Lame (Native Americans)

The Giardine
Cascina Planet VI – Misson (LC)

Street Food ... "take a step back to go forward"

Street Food, literally translated street food. In the past a common habit, practice abroad, lately in Italy evaluated with the use of an English terminology. Let's face it, so calling it a sense of modernity that would not otherwise have, but the bottom line is that these are typical of the local food that is consumed while walking or on a bench,  more economically, experiencing more territory.

Only a few days ago I was talking with Beniamino Nespor, along with owner Eugenio Roncoroni  Restaurant and Burger Bar in Milan,  “At the Market.

Two young ventinovenni I met thanks to Francesco Ottaviani, a doctor with whom I often exchange opinions and experiences. Knowing me told me: “You have to go! Those guys love the warmth that people look for in!"Some call it madness, I only say that I am wary of normality. I love the creative minds with that bit of madness that allows you dare.

Upon my arrival, I hit the outer part of the local, I would say almost anonymous ... No sign of restaurant, only a few chairs outside and an indication of the Burger Bar. Then, entering, l’atmosfera è cambiata…  The small and friendly ambience and the choice of making visible the work in the kitchen put me immediately at ease. She accepted the kind Benjamin, with whom I immediately started chatting ...

  • Pet, when Francis told me about you and your local with a lot of enthusiasm, knowing your young age, I was immediately intrigued. How did your friendship and your partnership subsequently?

We met for the first time in junior high, but then we lost touch. Three years ago a mutual friend put us in touch because he knew of our intentions to open a restaurant. After we visited again for a while ', we decided to take the project forward, "Al Mercato".

  • “At the Market”, because the choice of the name?

It 'was the first name that immediately put us agree, and in any case reflected our idea to create a point type market, where you see what you eat while it is being cooked. One thing very common in Asian markets.

  • No sign outside indicates the presence of your restaurant. What motivates this choice?

The signs are not necessary, we love it so, only with our logo in red neon. We've never done advertising of any kind because we rely much more on word of mouth. I also find that gives a good feeling to pass before this anonymous place outside, seeing this great kitchen, people who eat, those in the queue…

  • Tell me what kind of food do?

On the restaurant do international cuisine to Italian base. We like to mix ingredients from around the world, ideas we are thinking about our travel, but using the bases and techniques of Italian cooking. We also try to keep the very concept of Italian antipasto, first, and second. At Hamburger bars we love to offer burgers and other street food world, obviously using the techniques of the restaurant. This gives us the opportunity to always offer a quality product.

  • “Street Food”, What made you decide to follow this path also?

The street food is the passion of every foodie. And US, well as the cooks, We also foodie. We love to go around eating in the worst dives of the world, eating on the street, in piedi,  random things ... In short, try out new experiences. The street food is what makes us understand how it is that a country. The experience of eating with your hands then, is totally different from the one made using cutlery.

  • Pet, when you asked me what I wanted to eat I replied: “Take me what you would eat at this time”.  Friends, I've brought a mega sandwich proved very good.  Having said so obviously does not capture it. Me I want to tell?

You ate our burgers made in the preferred manner I. The hamburger "At the Market"It is our interpretation of the classic American street food.

We use the meat from an organic farm, from the tritiamo 2 to 6 times a day, prepare the vegetables every day, the onion jam we do the, Pickled cucumbers we do them, puree sauce, and the bread we designed together with our baker ... Then there are all the various additions to suit every palate.

He who lives without folly, is not so wise as he thinks.

François de La Rochefoucauld

“A chat with ... Roberto Giuliani”

Roberto Giuliani, Editorial Director of Lavinium, wine magazine and online culture in which 2007 ha ricevuto il Premio Veronelli come “Miglior sito di enogastronomia” con la seguente motivazione: “Why in the sea of ​​carelessness in which reels surfing the net, stands for the reliability of information and the deepening of the news while in the large joint of his interests”.

 It, loves writing, photography, and of course ... wine!

I know him through his comments ... through his positions with respect to which I say, considering his experience. I call it a passionate connoisseur of the Earth.

Vivo d'purpose, my life is based on feelings. I happen to be wrong but mostly c'azzecco. The experience and the pain makes us acquire a sixth sense about people ... I feel Roberto in the sensitivity of a gentle man and nature lover. A man serious and ironic in equal measure. One, because as he said Soren Kierkegaard, Danish poet considered the father of existentialism, the irony is the eye sure know how to get it wrong, the assurdo, compartment of the existence ...

Having said that as I say, point and the hood. Roberto is your turn! It's up to you to respond, and then, pronti your!

  • Roberto, I briefly introduced according to my intuitions. Anything to add or reply?

Not, if anything, to be subtracted, you're all too generous.

  • You are the son of a musician, how did you come to in love with the world of wine?

In fact, the music is always my great love, I can not stand without, not surprisingly I enjoy playing the piano and drums.

The wine arrived as a professional interest in Mature, about 15 years ago. I always drank but not that much to deepen their knowledge. I used to buy from young wines of Lazio that belonged to the period when there was still producing quantitative, it was difficult to "fall in love" of wine at that time, at least for me. My first love, one of the wines that made me open my eyes to a world of infinite possibilities of expression, was a bottle of Nebbiolo d'Alba at the end of the 80s.

Then I made three trips around France, and there I had confirmation of what there was to know and appreciate.

I graduated from AIS sommelier in Rome and began to deepen our territory starting from Tuscany to get up to Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta, Friuli and gradually all the other Italian regions. Also starting to write for local magazines until, in 2000 I had the opportunity to collaborate in the newly revised Lavinium.

  • Web o meglio World wide web, I think one of the most powerful inventions in the world. The freedom to communicate, to have their own space in which to share their passions, in which to tell their own beliefs ... And’ so that now Journalists, blogger, more or less experienced web writer, have their say. Caos o… ?

As often happens, when you have available a free tool to use in almost absolute freedom, some chaos it creates, because we are now millions of people using, but it still represents a largely positive phenomenon, the important thing is to learn to use it wisely. The fact that everyone can have a space to express themselves, but also to deepen the knowledge without territorial boundaries, music, the history, all’arte, culture in general, is something fantastic. Unfortunately, not all make use of this, and this fact generates a certain chaos, moreover, there is no regulatory.

Another limit, at least today, lies in its gratuitousness always, which prevents professionals to get the right gain from their work on the web, except in rare cases.

  • "The consumer (very vague term and coarse), be educated to understand that what you eat and drink strongly influences your health,  le sue energie, le sue capacità in generale”. Parole tue Roberto, I fully agree that. But I believe that, if the current state albeit with the media present information, is still very apparent lack of culture of food and wine, there is a communication problem. What do you think?

The communication problem exists, certainly, but mostly it is the miscommunication to do damage, from misleading advertising directly and indirectly with which every day we hammered from childhood. Then there are the so-called "bad habits", those who grew up with Coca-Cola, le more your, packaged foods, not only has cultural problems but the "vices" that is not easy remove. I could see firsthand how many people have resistance to any argument that calls into question their habits. This does not mean that it is useless to try to make people understand that eating healthy is essential, inform you about the damage it can do to a certain type of health foods, but in my opinion it is not enough, also because, come ben saprai, there are those who "works against", downplaying the importance of avoiding too refined products like sugar, sale, flour etc.. and trying to prove that there is no difference between industrial and organic products. But the topic is complex and we can not develop it here.

  • I love listening to the stories of people, is my passion! I love to go to the root of everything. About this I am reminded of a comment regarding seeds. Cito testualmente: "It 's ESSENTIAL purchase them from those who cultivate them always, beware if you do not know the origin. Many nurseries actually buy them from the industries that produce them in the laboratory. Thanks to this we lost the tomatoes of Pachino, whose seeds are no longer the original ones but they come from Israel. That seed is a huge problem, also because many are hybridized, or are not reproducible, or are GMO. It is laughable to think if there is a biological control over seeds…” A questo punto mi chiedo, but how can people trust the definition of "organic" when he reads these things?

We live in a world ruled by God's money, This requires us to be wary and suspicious. There are no labels to ensure the quality and authenticity of a product, unfortunately, for the reasons just said, I therefore believe that organic is not an absolute guarantee. Also because, having occupied a market share of more and more interesting, bio was also dragged into the industry. You can imagine how unlikely it is to have a truly organic produce hundreds, sometimes thousands of acres. Here, is definitely a way to contact the small producer, magari a km zero, the farmer or at least to those merchants that cater to local small farms.

  • Other topic pressing, want to talk about sugar? You place the question recently under my notice. I would like to respond here?

As I mentioned before, sugar is a serious problem: impossible to quantify the use, just think that in a can of Coca-Cola is the equivalent of several bags of refined sugar, or in any confectionery product is used in considerable quantities. It is no coincidence that diabetes has become an increasingly common disease, which is even more striking at a very young age, ie at the stage where you take more refined sugars in absolute, beverages through, Snacks, candy and anything like the majority of children of this age of consumerism.

Some people even put three teaspoons of sugar cappuccino, although milk has already its own sweetness that offsets the bitterness of the coffee. "Bad habits", Use at least ... just full of sugar cane (not the raw, which undergoes virtually the same refining processes of the white produced from sugar beet), when we add it to the food, can reduce a little 'damage, in addition to providing more good doses of minerals and B vitamins. And then, if we had the healthy habit to always use the sense of smell, would notice such as refined sugar has a sweetish smell strongly but fake, while the integral is much less sweet and fragrant.

  • Se ti dico che… “perhaps we need to go back to go forward ",  cosa mi rispondi?

On this subject I can tell you now that I am a firm believer in the theory of the decline of Serge Latouche, we have reached a tipping point, rather, mostly we crossed. We are draining the planet uninhabitable and making the lives of animals, plants and men. Our company is based on the rise uninterrupted consumption and maximizing profits. It is no coincidence that, still, we hear from all the political currents that to revive the country must return to produce and increase consumption, this is madness. You have to aim for a new economy and a new society, I have other bases on which to base their own welfare, the real one, not that induced by false desires and needs with which the system requires us to live.

  • Friends, I'd end up with a toast!  Ormai un pochino mi conosci, I love the red wines of character and structure. What I offer?  E… a proposito, from which you are music lover, just put a background, but I recommend, tell me the title and artist ... I am curious I! 😉

I think I can add "extremely fine", I am sure that a person like you, who loves the pleasure of life and appreciate its nuances, also seek elegance in a wine. The mine proposta, strictly Italic, pushes me with his eyes closed toward the Valtellina Superiore Sassella Red Rocks Reserve Ar.Pe.Pe., a dazzling wine, 100% Nebbiolo (locally known chiavennasca) that comes from terraced vineyards and rugged at the base of the Rhaetian Alps, Subarea Sassella.

The background music? In this case rather than the background will be a companion of emotions: Waltz For Debby, one of the most beautiful compositions as a fine jazz pianist Bill Evans.


A cry for help farmers: "Let us work!”

Today I want to give space to vent to a friend grower that is echoed in many other voices. Bureaucracy, bureaucracy and red tape still! That 's what I hear constantly from the producers. We need to make administrative or farmers tell me… mah, I say!

I wonder if any of these bureaucrats enforcers of so much paper to fill you realize what it means to produce? Of how much effort, time, and commitment involves working the land? But not only because leisure must occupy it for promotion at trade shows and events to get to know, it is essential to know their products.  I remember years ago reading that a company in Japan has imposed its executives to have direct experience in production among the workers ... it would also be here with us, and I would say in many areas!

I support always with great conviction that in order to judge the work of others, to understand the difficulties, problems and solutions, we simply do! Instead of occupying the comfortable offices, outputs, and spoken with the producers!  You must live the reality! You have to listen to them! You are our representatives, and now and then to move, to pull on the fate of this Italy wound and brought to its knees! The earth is what we are left, those who work it is our only hope to save us from this crisis! Let us help you work!

Forgive my outburst, but the Italian, the real ones, those who struggle do in every way, even so, a cry for help! And that's why I now give the floor to one of them… friend Marco Bernava.

  • Framework, what would you ask the institutions at both national and European level in the immediate to help manufacturers?

Let us make and sell!"Why do wine is an art ... it's poetry and technical at the same time, and artists have to have space to do well, They must have freedom of movement.

We are stuck in a system that does not work Cinzia, and not only in winemaking but I dare say all over the agrarian sector. Concentrating on the development of viticulture and wine, I believe that as in the rest of the primary sector is one of the major faults of the EU and by the policies of the member countries: "Guidelines that result in regulations and controls that bluntly define as useless as harmful, a scheme of the implant / explant inconsistent, a customs officer that should not exist and instead binds all negotiations intra-, heavy labeling rules, qualification systems of the products a bit 'random … and much more I could add ... "

My experience as a technician and now as a producer makes me realize more and more growers with their crying for low prices, for their impotence on the market because the supply frazionatissima (and without collective voice, make no mistake), in front of giants that dictate purchase prices of the grapes, taking into account only their logic of profit (the result of an incorrect system globally), not least considering the cost of production of the wine grower.

I understand more and more what in the past has been distorted and spoiled the sector. It hurts to think about how wine is perceived by certain sectors of society, due to wrong policy choices in substance. It makes me sad to see how you have to make do with the administration of certain paperwork taking over the features of a voodoo ritual rather than an administrative. My experience leads me to conclude that I want to live well as a technical part of agriculture fascinating and dynamic and that I will live as a struggling producer of commercial and himself, in the hope (o illusione) that the system simplifies.

I'm not saying that it should be an anarchist sector, but even that I should spend half of my time working for the public administration. What is certain is that the industry needs to have a proper and coherent legislative system constraints that which is harmful to health (it is a food product) and what is actual fraud, but leaving that producers can create originality and that may offer and sell with agility.

I let go of only two examples in Europe: the labeling and the qualification system of the wines on the one hand, and other authorized oenological practices. There are paradoxes of how you should NOT operate at the supra-national sector. Basically the market because we are confronted with the "new world" wine, where the rules are more lax and where they can see that the bottom of the equivalent of every wall that the EU builds us and that we have to jump does nothing but increase the cost of production, therefore decrease the competitiveness on international markets, and to be cherished wines sometimes even on the domestic market. Results: on the one hand and on the other we import cheap wines limit the consumption of domestic product, essentially confusing the consumer and away from the gaudire a product that is part of our culture for centuries immemorial.

Then do not forget that the viticulture and enology are the basis for the management of many areas of our countries: landscape management, environmental management, socio-economic fabric (think in addition to producers also all'indotto enoturistico). This social role should be further rewarded and not beaten by both Community and national policies. Should be allowed to work and foster the development of the wine industry and what gravitates around him, especially in growing areas, where every economic alternative would be either a crash or an aberration and a destruction of the territory. I am referring specifically to the topic wind farm in Spain and as far as I know in Italy: interests of multinational painted with the colors of ecology and sustainability, sold to the territory as helpless as is agriculture, destroying their vocation and turning it into a pseudo-industrial landscape and mass-raped by speculation (in the country had not yet arrived).

But this is a 'different story Cinzia: if you want we'll talk! 


But ... you make love with food?

I remember one day when I described the feelings of a cook in a sweet taste… true ecstasy! He told me ascontandomi: “Cynthia, you made love with food“. He touched interrupt the conversation of the person with me to dinner,,it,For me the food is celebrated,,it,"For years now we are spectators of a media barrage of misleading information,,it,I often speak to my doctor supporting his friend Nicola Sorrentino to dispel myths and mistaken beliefs that influence us in power,,it,Nutrition education in schools is essential,,it,but also it teaches how to eat to live long and well,,it,understandable with,,it,Instead abounds with vegetables and low-calorie food,,it,Many studies say that foods such as,,it,the secret is to season it with simplicity and imagination,,it. The intensity of the moment was such as to make that my focus was entirely devoted to the pleasure of those emotions. Do you think I exaggerate? Friends, depends on how you live ... I live the food slowly savoring and enjoying the flavors and scents… not for nothing are always the last to finish. Per me il cibo va celebrato, but beware, always remember that, as is now being used to say: "We are what we eat"!

And now I ask you: "How many really realize the damage of a poor diet?” Ormai da anni siamo spettatori di un bombardamento mediatico di informazioni fuorvianti. Very often say: "Turn off the TV ... and you start to think that maybe go back a step back and collect the healthy habits we once could only be good!”

Vegetable, dried fruit, less refined foods, less fast food ... just read and find out a bit '. Much is being done in this direction, and much can still. Faccio intervenire spesso a mio supporto medico l’amico Nicola Sorrentino per sfatare miti e credenze sbagliate che ci condizionano nell’alimentazione. L’educazione alimentare nella scuola è fondamentale, I would also say that civic, here and there would have to say, but I will not get out off topic, because today is the protagonist Nicola Sorrentino and his new book “The Diet Sorrentino”.

A book that, as I said Nicola, helps you lose weight, ma insegna anche come mangiare per vivere a lungo e bene.

Nicola, a te the oral ...

The Diet Sorrentino. The real healthy diet to lose weight and stay healthy”

Nicola Sorrentino

A book light, comprensibile con many tasty recipes and easy to perform for anyone who wants to try their hand in the kitchen. A diet that limits fat, monitors sugars, abbonda invece con i prodotti ortofrutticoli ed alimenti ipocalorici, but at the same time tasty and satiating.

A diet a bit 'vegetarian because it provides such as proteins of animal origin only yogurt , Parmesan cheese over pasta and fish, weekly eggs. Rarely does a sandwich with ham or bresaola. Many dishes with vegetables: this, beans, peas, lentils, soy. How to snack and snack, often dried fruit because it allows you to get to the main meals with less hunger. Molti studi dicono che gli alimenti come la dried fruit, with a good fat content but with low glycemic index, increase the sense of satiety.

A book where he says that the pasta is not fattening: il segreto è condirla con semplicità e fantasia, preparing a light sauce with vegetables, flavored with herbs and spices, and drizzled with extra virgin olive oil, yogurt sauces or a teaspoon of parmesan cheese. A diet which includes lunch or dinner a range of tasty main dishes where pasta is accompanied sometimes with vegetables or beans and sometimes fish,,it,Better if the dough is integral,,it,with refined flour are deleted many important nutrients for the body,,it,except for the Parmesan cheese and yogurt,,it,admitting that a small amount of dairy products helps to cover the calcium and vitamin D needs,,it,Mediterranean diet which takes into account,,it,Sandro Serra,,it,sometimes fasting or induce the desire to consume blood with voracity,,it,others you delight in savoring small bites,,it. Meglio se la pasta è integrale: con la raffinazione della farina vengono eliminati molti nutrienti importanti per l’organismo. Whole grains and pasta consumed daily and paired with a lifestyle correctly can reduce the risk of many diseases. And more help to lose weight.

A book where it is written that we must drastically reduce the red meat. In the past, bring meat to the table was a sign of well-being, Today it is not so. At one time it was thought also that the meat was needed to produce blood and that might give strength and vigor, today no longer considered synonymous with health. However you have to make some clarifications: definitely white meats are less harmful than the red ones and lend themselves to different cooking methods and less unhealthy. Contain lower amounts of fat and bring to a lesser extent cholesterol and uric acid, substances related to various diseases.

In the diet Sorrentino there is no milk, are not expected neither dairy, fatta eccezione per il parmigiano e lo yogurt, ammettendo che una piccola quantità dei suoi derivati aiuta a coprire i fabbisogni di calcio e vitamina D, but asserting that even if neither can well do without. Lo yogurt, however, is lean, private that the lipid fraction (0,1% fat), white or fruit, place it in the diet may be an opportunity to greet, although the milk proteins are not the best: a cup of yogurt, because of its water content, do not make more than 4-5 g (about 4 each 100 g). The fact of being deprived of fat results in a reduction of the content of calories, cholesterol and saturated fats that make this food suitable for any diet. However, the main quality lies in its content of yogurt lactic acid bacteria (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli), which exert a positive effect systemic inflammatory, immune-stimulating and regulating bowel function. In this regard, you can not help but notice that some varieties are even enriched with fibers.

It is a diet that does not create too many complications, the midday meal, for example, often consists of simple dishes to be enjoyed at the bar or in the restaurant, un’alimentazione di tipo mediterraneo dove prende in considerazione The food not only as energy needs or survival, but also as "conviviality". Conviviality understood as a manifestation of affection, communication, aggregation: and then no guilt if occasionally eat a steak or a sausage, a sandwich with ham or bresaola. A slice of cake or a wedding dinner can not hurt or ruin your diet. Then, is right to celebrate birthdays, Christmas and the holidays ... Very different to celebrate every day! What you need to change is the style of life and methodological approach to the day. Since good nutrition, varied and equilibratadipendono the right growth, the ability to cope with daily tasks with energy and efficiency, disease resistance and quality of life. The Diet Sorrentino, based on the principles of healthy eating, allows you to regain the form in 30 days of eating everything, without having to give up or even to pasta to pizza, reducing, without demonize, proteins of animal origin.


Who butter hurts ... die by the sword!

Now you say: “Cynthia, but that's not how it is said!” Lo so bene! Not for nothing are passionate woman with swords, and then I borrowed the phrase and I adapted a little bit. Also because I confess to being known for my gaffe spontaneous and not remembering ... well proverbs is my habit storpiarli! Son mica perfect! 😉

Having said this, and at the head. I wear the armor and sword I am ready to defend the butter!

This product derived from the processing of cream, is almost demonized, unfairly in my opinion, convinced that not only good but good face! But do you remember those beautiful slices of bread, butter and jam we ate from small??  Well ... I still eat them, but few are those who do. 🙁

So now by hard head which I try to convince you!

How to say ...?! But while making my dear Nicholas, or better, the Prof.. Nicola Sorrentino specialist in food science. 🙂

  • Nicola, explain to me what is the relationship between cholesterol and butter?

Cynthia, butter contains saturated fats primarily of, also contains cholesterol, all substances taken excessively predispose to cardiovascular disease, even more so when combined with other risk factors such as smoking, overweight, and a sedentary lifestyle. The butter fat, however, unlike other fats are “short-chain”, particular important fats for energy readily available and easily digested when eaten raw.The butter and a’ excellent source of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D).

As regards cholesterol, 100 g butter will make 250 mg, less than two eggs which alone bring about 360 mg of cholesterolThe guidelines for healthy eating Italian not say to avoid butter, but in the context of fat intake, I recommend a portion (10 g) per day.

A good butter is given mainly by the quality of “cream ” (put), and its processing. The butter is made by separating the fat (solid) milk from the liquid. To obtain 1 kg of butter are needed 23-25 kg di latte. It’ a lot of food energy because it consists primarily of fat. Lipids or fats are the nutrients at a higher calorific: provide approximately 9 kcal/g, more than twice that of sugar (carbohydrates) and proteins.

The butter is free from grinding and treatments hydrogenation (reaction that transforms the normally liquid vegetable oils into solid fats). The hydrogenation process can lead to the formation of “trans fatty acids” dangerous to our health, because they lower the good cholesterol and raise the bad cholesterol. Often the hydrogenation is conducted at oils not good quality. Learn to read labels, because often these acids are contained in margarines, in cooking fat, and in many bakery products such as biscuits or pastries. Currently there are products on the market with words “non hydrogenated vegetable fat”: they certainly do not contain trans fatty acids, but are not products that you can identify as the best. We prefer those that contain olive oil or butter.

That said I would add ...: "From tomorrow at breakfast both adults and children,  bread and butter ... big smiles! 🙂

A History of Champagne ...

Robert De Niro in the film said the Hunter: "When a man says no to champagne, says no to life ". I would add that – It is the same for a woman –

It was a long time that I wanted to know one of the Maison land of Champagne. Read often of their ability to "to team"I really like. In this regard, I quote from an interview a few days ago when Alfonso Isinelli, curator with Luca Burei guide of the best 99 Maison di Champagne 2012/2013 says: “It 'surprising their ability to stay together, to team ..."Sorry to say, it is an attitude that is often missing in Italy. Go ahead united and compact is great winning strategy in the world of wine, and are not ...

That said, as I say, punto e a capo… 😉 Ora voglio raccontarvi la mia bella giornata passata alla House Pannier Chateau-Thierry in the center of the Marne with a real team ... A team in the land of Champagne!

L’amico Roger Sesto, adventure coordinator representing the Seminary Veronelli, invited me recently. When he told me I was in the land of Sardinia but was enough for me for a moment to accept! I always welcome with great enthusiasm the wine tours! The team was present in addition to me e a Roger, Gigi Brozzoni Director of the Seminary Veronelli, Silvano Piacentini Pannier distributor in Italy, Elio Ghisalberti wine journalist, Michelangelo Tagliente wine blogger, Rumi journalist Claudia, Paolo Ianna wine consultant.

During the trip, apart from the anxiety of Michelangelo for the flight, time has passed cheerfully between stories and laughter, between toast and of course ...! Brindisi that Mic has done with his "pants" ! 😉

Upon our arrival to expect the dear Terence, a guide to really cheer for the sympathy and availability. He told us that the Maison Pannier was founded in 1899 da Louis Eugene Pannier. You should know that the Count of Champagne Hughes Lambert about a thousand ago, to build the fortifications had to dig into the rock to extract the stone required. They formed so long tunnels, to be exact 12 mi e mezzo, Monsieur Pannier deemed it ideal for the conservation and aging of their Champagne Thanks to this constant temperature.

Tradition and technology hand in hand with grapes from vineyards "Pinot Noir from the Montagne de Reims, Pinot Meunier from the Marne Valley and Chardonnay from the Cote de Blancs"They made us appreciate their Champagne that we could enjoy the lunch that concluded our visit. Personally, among the many tastings popped a particular love with the Blanc de Blancs Vintage, without taking anything away but the other Champagne intense aromas and elegance that I will remember this day in time…


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