In’ tazzulella e’ cafe ...


Peter Parisi and Cynthia Tosini

“I confess that Cinzia I was literally forced to tell her about the atmosphere of the Neapolitan coffee ... and how to say no, in’ tazzulella and’ Cafes, if it deserves its own!”

Coffee for a Neapolitan,  more than a beverage, is a sacred thing! Scans stages of days.

Very important is that of awakening!  The first coffee must be done to "workmanlike" because it determines the course of the whole day!  Never mistake the first coffee to a Neapolitan!

But why you ask the Neapolitan coffee is famous all over the world?

Friends, first made him famous mythical Neapolitan coffee maker now sadly disused.  But referring to this excellence if, it is said that the taste of the coffee is different for both the water, that for the particular roasting acclaims that the essential oils and improves the extraction of aromas.

  • Monologue dedicated to coffee “These ghosts”

I would give up everything except that this cup of coffee, tranquillamente dam qua, out from the balcony, quell'oretta sleep after that one is done after eating. And me, I do it myself, with my hands… Who could make some coffee as I prepare I, with the same zeal… with the same care? You will understand that, having to serve myself , I follow the true experiences and do not neglect anything… On the beak… you see the beak? I'll put this on the beak coppitello paper… It seems nothing… This coppitello has its function… It already, because the thick smoke of the first coffee flowing, then that is the load, does not disperse. Come pure, prior to pouring the water, you have to boil it for three or four minutes, least, I said before colarla, in the inner part of the capsule bucherellata, must sprinkle half a teaspoon of freshly ground powder. Little secret! So that, in the moment of casting here, full boil, already is flavored to your account. And it Tosto me of me. That is the hardest thing: guess the right spot cooking, color… A blanket of monaco… Color mantle of monaco.

It’ a great satisfaction and avoid well to take anger, perchè se, for one hell of a combination, for a wrong move, you know… I run away 'by hand or’ Piezzo’ 'Cup and, s'aunisce to chillo 'and under, if mmesca poses and ccafè… in short, comes a zoza… because I did it with my hands and nun m’ 'Well to seize’ cu nisciuno, I am convinced that it is good and I'll drink the same.

Caspita, Chesto is cafe… è ciucculata. See how little it takes to make a man happy.

Eduardo De Filippo

And now I am speaking ...

You should know that I did with Peter an equal exchange. I have undertaken to write about him, and he has promised me to write on a Italian gem I love deeply for its flavor and for what it represents. One, because coffee is a real moment of celebration, a leisure break that makes us start with the right pace.

I love drinking coffee sitting in the old, shrouded in history ... In my travels, I always try the local fair. As soon as I find I immerse myself in those atmospheres and the mind goes ... Perhaps because in the historical cafés, meeting places of great personalities, often became the story, and I love everything that has a…

But back to the real Neapolitan coffee I want to remember a beautiful tradition that once told me a gentleman whom I met by chance while chatting, “coffee suspended“.  Mi these: “Cinzia must know that in the old village café regulars from, it is customary to pay an extra coffee when you do not find one suspended”.  Suspended say? Suspended in the sense that?  In the sense that usually if it finds one already paid, and so the wheel turns ... Luciano De Crescenzo Neapolitan writer has made even a book, “The coffee suspended ".

When a Neapolitan is happy for some reason, instead of paying a single coffee, what he would drink, not due paga, one for itself and one for the customer who comes after. It's like offering a cup of coffee to the rest of the world…

Luciano De Crescenzo


A beer please, but… craft thanks!

The recipe : “Tiramisu to Beer”

I recently met through a mutual friend, Marco and Mario, an artisan furniture and a real estate agent, two brothers who have changed their way of life by diverting it to the world of beer.  Il loro progetto è quello di far conoscere birrifici artigianali e diffondere cultura birraia.

Given that what intrigued me a lot, I went to visit them in their beershop Al Frate brewer, e davanti a una birra mi sono fatta raccontare.

  • So ... how taken the "spark" that has transformed your life?

Siamo da sempre consumatori e amanti della buona birra. Spinti da uno spirito di cambiamento e dalla situazione economica attuale, we decided to turn our passion into work.

  • As a reputed beer culture in Italy?

Cynthia, We can only tell you that it is hard to speak of a true beer culture in Italy. One of the goals of our project is precisely to bring many people as possible to the world of beer.

  • What are the main differences between the beer and the craft beer industry?

The biggest difference between a beer and a craft industry, is that the latter have not undergone heat treatment and no filtration, keeps yeast "alive and well",  e quindi in continua fermentazione.

  • Si sente spesso parlare di birra “cruda”. A voi la parola…

For birra cruda means a non-pasteurized beer, not filtered and therefore free to express many beneficial properties for the body.

– The pasteurization is a heat treatment conducted at a sterilizing 60 ° C for about twenty minutes, employed by the industry to eliminate the beer every organism,  extending the duration and standardizing the taste.

– A beer is not filtered is a beer complements of vitamins, antioxidants and live yeast.

  • I'm discovering a real world of craft beer. Describe some of them that particularly impressed you?

In order not to hurt anyone, we will say that each craft brewery has its own story that deserves to be heard ... We will give everyone the right space.

  • His friends jokingly tease me because I love to use the glasses "right" for wine, per la birra, and not only ... I often see beer drinking from the bottle.  This habit can penalize the tasting?

First of all, each style of beer corresponds to its glass. As for the habit of drinking directly from the bottle, in addition to heavily penalize the tasting, ingests a lot of carbon dioxide causing the classic "brewer's belly".

  • Women and Beer… What is your opinion?

"Women and Beer" is a nice combination to grow, because too many women consider the beer a bitter drink. Cynthia, even though we know you love red beer ... do you remember the cherry beer that we made you taste?  A different enthusiast, aromas and flavors perfect for pairing with a tart cherry!

  • What do you propose for the present and for the future with your project?

The ideas ... so many projects also! For now spreading good beer culture, is our highest aspiration.  Things will come gradually.

  • Beer and food… Can you tell me a recipe?

Sure Cinzia! We know that you like tiramisu… but you've never tasted beer?

– Same as for the classic tiramisu,  the only difference is that you have to soak the ladyfingers well in the beer.

– When ready to serve and serve with a fresh mug of beer used in the same recipe. When the two meet in the mouth it tastes feel ... an explosion of taste!


Weed will you! The Portulaca, "Weed" beautiful and good.

Justin Catalano

It seems strange that the man classifies certain weeds. A leg vedere, in fact, nature in every form of life has its exact place, presupponendo che in un ecosistema perfetto anche piante apparentemente inutili abbiano una loro precisa collocazione e scopo. Perhaps the only weed, as we understand human, is just the man!

Weeds such as are seen in our common human sense are in fact cure or light imbalances that occur in the soil.

L’incuria umana, his lack of respect for places, bad workmanship or, why not, imbalances created by excessive fertilization mean that mother nature is compelled to give us a signal or put themselves a remedy.

The weed is an indication of fallow land where they are spilled or landfills. Chamomile with its small and beautiful flowers is the healing of the land too compact and minimally processed.

  • But then why call them weeds?

The point is just that. We define these just for their elimination difficult, for their invasive behavior, and for our poor ability to eliminate having forgotten how to live in harmony with nature.

Today we speak of Portulaca (Portulaca oleracea), widespread in our fields and known by many names in dialect (Erba PORCELLANA, sportellacchia, purchiacca, grass pucchiacchella, etc..). Annual plant to spread and prostrate (we would say meandering), we often find ourselves especially in the months from June to August, appearing in our gardens. It looks very similar to a cactus plant with its fleshy leaves and its brown branches. His little yellow flowers do make it first appreciate and, then, curse when trying to get rid.

  • But why is there, and above all it is really unusable?

Surely on the basis of a few lines before the Portulaca appears for a reason. Bad soil drainage, namely, simply put water stagnates in the basement because it was too compact.

  • But let's get to the more interesting question ... is useless?

And here the amazing response. Absolutely not!

Its tender leaves are delicious in salads, either alone or as an addition.

Pari its twigs, once dried in the sun and stored, they are very tasty if used as a condiment for pasta aglio e olio in which they were soaked. You will get a sauce where these "sticks "for their aromatic, vaguely reminiscent of the flavors of the porcini mushroom.

But, and this is the most interesting news, also does well as a plant rich in Omega-3, fat can increase our immune system, and vitamins.

So eat! But not only.

  • The infusion of its leaves has purifying effects on the body. It 'a good diuretic.
  • When used for external use is fine to treat hives, pimples and eczema.
  • The farmers used, if a bee sting or a wasp, take leaves more fleshy,  break them in half,  and rub on the bite.

In short, the Portulaca missing only the word. And if talking would say "weed will you!

The oldest café in Europe

I love drinking coffee sitting in the old local, shrouded in history ... In my travels, I always try the local fair, and as soon as I immerse myself in those atmospheres, and the mind goes ...

But now I wonder, what is the "coffee" the world's oldest ?

                         Responds Justin Catalano

The oldest café in the world already existed around the 1500 in Constantinople, a coffee with small cakes.

It was done squat as I think it was also done at the Cafe Procope, old Parisian venue opened in 1686 by a Sicilian who moved them.

The methods of obtaining the drink known to us are very recent. Even the so-called Neapolitan coffee maker (non the mocking!) mutuava from the old system.

A filter permitted to avoid posing, instead present in the coffee Turkish. It would be more correct to say original as it also did in Ethiopia and neighboring areas so as to always. The so-called funds then, in some areas of the Mediterranean basin are also beds (Grecia in testa)!


“A chat with ... Justin Catalano”

I met Justin Catalan commenting on one of his writings weeds, topic very dear to me.  Some questions and answers, and down on the phone talking ... Cute and passionate, but especially love the earth!  His stories have brought me to him ...,,it,political ideas and social status,,it,The world,,it,"A chat with ... Giustino Catalano,,it

Educator of Taste, Tea Tester professional, Trustee and Teacher and Trainer Slow Food Gardens and MIUR. Responsible Presidio Sausage Red Castelpoto. Professional Sommelier FISAR and official taster of various products. Consultant Eno-gastronomic catering. Ambassador of the Academy of Gastronomy Historical.

Descended on the paternal side from a family of producers and mediators of wines and oils that provided the Moet Chandon liquer de expedition until the '30s of the last century. And from the maternal side are the great-grandson of a baker Modica and grandson of an expert pastry. Growing up in the shadow of these people try to pursue the passions that are in my DNA study, seriousness and constancy. If you have equal interests you are most welcome, regardless of skin color, political ideas and social status. The world, such as pleasure, is of all…”

  • Justin Catalano, a blessing for me to meet you ... your presentation speaks for itself. But in the end who you are?

I am a food and wine consultant. Word that means everything and nothing does not mean anything. I'm just a fan of my land and gastronomy seeks to 360 °.

  • Write stories of products. Tell me about ...

I believe that a product that tells the hard work and ingenuity (what I call human affectivity) behind, is not a product.

  • Do you like your job?

One thing I can say with certainty. I wake up in the morning and are happy with the work I have to do my job because I love it. My heart beats for the new things that I discover every day.

  • Do you have dreams that you would like to achieve?

I have no dreams. I live life for what he sent me and what I can accomplish every day.  A 50 years, there have neither dreams nor regrets. You live in joy.


But… Beer makes you fat?

My questions to the experts. Says the Prof. Nicola Sorrentino

La birra è una bevanda naturale e salutare priva di grassi e povera di sodio. It’ often at the center of debate and controversy, that create confusion and mistrust in the drinker: we clearly!

A glass of our favorite blonde does not make you fat and brings the right mix of vitamins, fiber, Mineral sali, and antioxidants. A glass of light beer with meals (200 cc) makes only 68 kcal, about the same as a similar quantity of orange juice or a 'other drink fruit-based, less than a glass (125 cc) of red or white wine, half of any soft drink.

It should be debunked the idea that beer is a drink high-calorie and full of chemicals harmful to our health. The beer is made only from natural substances such as barley and hops and only those who drink large amounts tend to gain weight. This idea of ​​fattening drink, probably, is related to the fact that in some countries of Northern Europe its excessive consumption is also linked to an unhealthy diet, rich in fat and calories.

The beer instead, combined with a proper lifestyle and Mediterranean-type diet healthy and balanced, can beneficially affect our state of physical well-being. There are many scientific studies that say that moderate consumption of alcohol is combined with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, thanks to the presence of minor compounds such as polyphenols, also important to reduce the oxidizing phenomena related to aging in general.

Il basso tenore alcolico e la sua “lightness” make beer suitable for men and women interested in their physical form, and who do not want to gain weight. Studies conducted in the U.S. showed that women used to drink a glass of beer with the meal, make less effort to stay leaner than teetotal.

Often women do not like to drink beer because they fear that the foam gives a sense of swelling resulting in dilation of the stomach and annoying. But the foam does not swell because the excess carbon dioxide remains trapped in the foam itself and is not ingested. In the opinion of experts a good beer should be served with a very compact and high foam at least two fingers. All the reasons that make beer “clear” a friend of the line!


My dance with… le api!

Well say ... 'I'm around Cinzia is just gone! But no ... and I tell you now I tell you!

You must know that bees exchange information with each other through dances with which food sources are indicated, the direction and quality of the nectar. For example, dance with the sisters of the abdomen lead to distances of more than 100 meters, while with the circular dance they signal supplies in the immediate vicinity. The discovery of the language of bees was made in 1973 gave premio Nobel Karl Von Frish zoologo austriaco.

And so now we dance… in the direction of Padova beekeeping Giarin!

Always love this product, and when my friend Gianpaolo told me that his uncles produced it, I have not missed the opportunity for a visit incognito… is why I revealed only at the end as I was arrived at their. I like to let me know who I am, in the end, there is much more satisfaction!

The dear and kind Maffeo owner of the company welcomed me. He told me of his adventure to discover the honey and not only… Because his passion for this art was born in 1980 when Anna then his girlfriend gave him a beehive. Slowly his dedication to beekeeping increased, intensifying the activity until it became the main interest of the family.

We know all the beneficial properties of honey derived from the nectar of flowers, I want to remember but only for a moment his compositions nutritional. Well for 100 g. honey we have an energy value of 314 kcal, proteins 0.6 %, carbohydrates 78 %, especially from fat 0%… then under to eat, then that is so good!

Prowling in their emporium, Curious curious I found a liqueur made with a long process of maceration of wildflower honey, alcohol, spices and lemon peel. This dew of theirs from the Euganean hills is called "Honeymoon". An elixir already known in ancient Greece in 1500 a.C., considered a sacred drink gift of the Gods produced by bees that transformed the sun into honey by uniting the lifeblood of the earth ...water.

With Maffeo chatted for a long time… He told me about the didactic meetings organized with the students to share passions and knowledge acquired over the years. Its a nice idea was to adopt a hive painted by the children themselves, to give them a sense of belonging that entice them to follow the continuity of their visits, the stages of the production of this natural product.

Walking in the surrounding garden I noticed beautiful stone sculptures that I soon discovered his creations. Proud made me do a real art trail… yes, because in the house where they resided there were so many!


The flowers of elderberry jelly

The recipe : “The flowers of elderberry jelly”

Fausto Delegà

Collect the flowers of Elderberry is a gesture that has great joy and fills the nose with an intense aroma and unique. The magic is done then the possible transfer of aroma and flavor in all preparations in which the flowers of elderberry can be used. A kind of eternalising spring that you can do to break out again every morning at breakfast, in any meal marrying this jelly with cheese.

Caution: the plan of the Elder, excluding flowers and fruits, is a toxic plant.

Even the fruits are to be avoided raw, for their high laxative property that retain in part also from cooked, in the form of jam, for another exquisite. Scurissima, con colore intensissimo e che marca in modo quasi indelebile ogni cosa che tocca. Attenzione anche a Do not confuse the normal Elder with the ebulus, by herbaceous larger fruits, inedible and toxic, true purgatory deadly.

 I close with some curiosity ...

  • The generic name Sambucus could arise from a woodwind musical instrument, known in Latin as “sambuca”.
  • From the fruit you get a blue dye and an ink.
  • The juice of the root is used to dye hair blacks.

La gelatina di Sambuco

A complete maturation collect 20 Elderberry flowers possibly sunny days, warm and dry.

Soak them in a liter of water with the juice of one organic lemon for three days, then strain through a special paper and add to the liquid, filtered and perfumed, a gelled kg of sugar per liter. Boil over medium heat for 8 minutes.

Remove the white foam which generally form a bit’ in surface,  and then invasettare hot.

Immediately close,  Leave to cool and store at room temperature. You will get a perfect jelly that capped, and vacuum, will keep up to a year. Once opened, keep refrigerated.


“A chat with ... Fausto Delegà”

Fausto Delegà, my "mielologo" ... The passionate love of the land, for the traditions, for oils, for the wild herbs but above all for the honeys he made us meet. Mantuan like me, lives in Vienna with a commuter plane between Austria and Italy. He is an Italian Doc, I want you to know ...

  • Splendor, imagine that we just met. How do you introduce yourself?

How I would submit ...? If the honey and oils could suddenly be understood by everyone in their dialects thin, delicate and harmonic, the world will change. Here I thought I would submit this guide for a while’ years in the challenges, ideas and provocations that launch here and there to move, as I say, the point of view prevalent today in large part to consumers on the honey and oils.

Because only by moving the point of view, changing the beliefs that dominate us, species in the food, we hope to subvert the current dramatic situation which sees the creator of foods, the farmer agri guardian increasingly proposed as anonymous, sparente, in society who believe in large part that the food miraculously appear on the shelves and in the fridges of ipertutto, perhaps for a spell in which the face and hands and the genius of those who make food disappear to make room for that big Brand, the va bene, It took only the final and least difficult path for those who can do the caiman: the god market today largely globalized everything. Here I would submit as a creator of new points of view.

  • How did your adventure of gastro-popularizer?

The adventure was born many years ago, Sometimes when I count mathematician I am surprised a bit ', but not for long, given my idea that time is a stupid belief, I would therefore suggest that my ideas of twenty years, with a path that went gradually improved over time. Process required, I would say, increase of knowledge in recent years have really changed the horizons in the cellars, in mills, hives myeloma and in all the productions good and just in general.

I could say that more than twenty years ago it was a conviction to affirm that wine and oil were the words that the sun wrote on the earth and that the soil was a living organism of which we are part. Today, often, you are taken for mad unless you start from there at least to take a step forward. I was born as a popularizer and journalist 25 years ago, when Slow Food took its first steps through ARCI, when the oil was less good and less verbose than today, when blogs didn't exist and one had to write to say something, perhaps for the Unity, as I did a few times for the first few years, or with my other experience… founding a free radio.  The advent of the web with today's social media and blogs, food adoptions, the creation of Po Valley honeys, plant neurobiology,  they favored the start of a new cultural path.

  • We are both from Mantua. Tell me about your memories of this land?

Gave me birth wrote Virgil. And Dante noted in the Comedy the courtesy of the Mantuan people. People of land and water, a city born in the middle of a swamp of the Mincio that surrounds it with its lakes. City with a unique skyline in the world, recently disfigured by the earthquake, but already in the process of recovery.

Mantova it is also the city of the cuisine of Princes and people, where in the 1500s great chefs began to codify the techniques. Land of qualitatively excellent productions, just think of its salami, cotechini, shoulders, melons igp, onion, and in recent years also the land of extreme Lambrusco, elegant, unpublished and amazing, see Ruberti.

Unique land in Italy, where they are produced together, one to the north and the other to the south, Padano and Reggiano, two cornerstones of our cuisine in the world.  It, from my point of view, land of honey, with a melliferous history that begins in Roman times, a town now in the province of Rovigo, but then linked to Ostiglia and Mantua, which still bears the name of Melara, Ara dei Mieli. Virgilio, son of beekeepers and himself a lover of bees and honey, dedicates the fourth book of the Georgics to bees and honey. In a land like this, one can only be born mixed with good and beautiful.

  • Yes myelologist passionate, how do you think the honey culture in Italy?

Let's put our finger in the wound. I start from a provocation: if I asked your readers in a dry question how many honeys can be produced in Italy, I mean honey types between monoflora and honeydew, and at the same time, as bees do to make honey, how many correct answers would I have? I don't think more than one in every ten respondents. This gives the meaning and the measure of the question. But we could partially ask the same question for olive oil: how many varieties of olive trees exist in Italy? We will have very few correct answers. Because few know that Italy could give to the world, and to all of us, quasi 60 different types of honey. And at the same time few would say that our olive cultivars are closer to 600 variety that alle 500. Then no one would probably answer the question of how the bee gives us honey. Not, I do not leave you with the suspended question, or rather we leave it only halfway suspended. The bee makes honeys with an absolutely extraordinary technique, an immense exchange of kisses between bee and bee, create honeys. Know it and that's it… At the moment.

  • Live in Vienna, what is the reality on the promotion of the territory with respect to Italy?

I must say that the attention and the desire to understand, with respect to our material culture and our products that move with people here in Vienna and Austria, they are generally notable, sincere, and deep. We are much loved, benevolently envied, sought after and often… disappointing, because much of the immense and powerful reality of our terroirs remains stuck in the shackles of a state that has massacred foreign trade, which closes the promotion offices here, and that when he tried to promote he did it with the usual suspects and strangers, friends of ... cousins ​​of ... financiers of ... useless parties and banquets, losing words and slogans.  Perhaps the contagious creativity of a crazy and lucid genius like Oscar Farinetti will make history in the coming years. However, in Vienna we are moving and equipping ourselves to change direction, methods and purposes.

  • To conclude, I naturally ask you a request ... Tell me a recipe based on honey?

First of all some considerations ...

When I read or hear recipes in which, sometimes, honey is often mentioned among the ingredients, no maybe it is better to say mi inca… Why…? Why 99 times out of a hundred the word honey is used in such a generic and imprecise way that it almost seems like using chestnut in that recipe, acacia, strawberry tree or lavender both the same thing. This is healthy, beautiful and narrow ignorance.  The same one that makes you write and say too: “a drop of olive oil…” as if there were a single honey, and a single olive oil available. It's time to say ENOUGH to these stupid indications.  One should refuse to proceed with all the recipes that address these two points, oil and honey, they propose this unacceptable superficiality.

Then a fundamental rule. Honeys always go well with fatty substances, from cheeses to butter, from cream to lard and finally also with oils, especially those from olives. Another important thing is that they can be present throughout the kitchen, from appetizers to first courses, from second courses to side dishes and of course… in desserts as the great teacher and friend Corrado Assenza teaches us.

Only one thing I could recommend, not a real recipe but an exaltation of taste. When in the summer, not having the good fortune of having their own vegetable garden or not being able to live in terrestrial paradises such as our islands or the southern regions, often we are satisfied with tomatoes that remain light years away from their true "tomato" taste.  Here, in these cases an appropriate and very calibrated dose of honey from white fir honey from Tuscan terroir, gli mette quella marcia in più che la serra non gli avrebbe potuto mai regalare. Seeing is believing, ah ah ah ah…


“Pesavo 192 kg ... ust do not Peso 74” The History Chef Peter Parisi.

As pointed out by Prof. Nicola Sorrentino, specialist in food science, Obesity is a major public health problems of the millennium. The Italian obese adults are around 4 million, those who are overweight 16 millions.One in three children is overweight, one in ten is obese. This excess fat not only spoils your silhouette, but opens the door to cardiovascular disease, hypertension, al diabetes, difficulty in breathing, all’osteoartrosi, and other well-known pathologies.

The Story of Peter Parisi, chef and owner of "Era Ora",,it,I had the power to decide and finally tell just by opting for an intervention is even with the difficulties of before and after,,it,The History Chef Pietro Parisi.,,it,products and territories.,,it,  his restaurant in Palma Campania


  • Hello Peter, tell me about you.

I am a former obese kid in Naples, pesavo 192 kg, currently my weight is 74 kg.  Needless to say that in the past I have tried diets, drugs, gastric tube, admissions to lose weight ... all with poor results, and for a short time. The turning point came after the use of minimally invasive surgery.

  • How did you experience the problem of obesity?

I lived for many years, say for at least a fortnight. As a kid there gave weight, but growing has begun to create me real problems, both living with my peers, that mental. I was mocked for my physical, and this led me to become estranged from companies.  I found myself in an existential loneliness that was pouring with great feasts of food.  It was hard to get a girl, I smiled certain, but they walked away. Everything was complicated, from dressing to relate with people. My adolescence was not easy…

One night I even risked their lives because of a sudden sleepiness due to obesity, that led me to go out and hit the road with the car. Someone pointed accusing me of using drugs ... anything!  But it is easier to judge than to understand ...

I recall the memory of a friend who accompanied me during my long night gastronomic itineraries, between croissants, peppered mussels, fried pizzas and cannoli ... The resulting weight gain brought me many problems like sores under belly, always swollen feet, excessive perspiration, difficulty in movement.

Cynthia, it was difficult to get up in the morning. A lot of listlessness, headache, Back pain ... I almost want to smile when I think now I can not stay in bed for more than 7 hours. I am a cricket in the work, turn around and casually tossed it is a wonder. Pleasures discounted for many ... but not for me.

  • How did you live your everyday relationship with people?

I see on television and in newspapers that many people having difficulty in weight loss fall into despair. Nello stesso tempo vedo persone non obese che ci considerano degli incapaci, of the weak, for our difficulty in sustaining a dietary regimen. The consequence is the marginalization.

I happened to go to a restaurant and being told by the waiter if I needed the support of two chairs.  You have no idea how I lived discomfort every time. The reality is that obesity creates huge barriers,  port and those who live, almost to hide.

  • Your willpower, valid and necessary medical supports, the passion for your work ... elements that have led you to make a decisive impact on your life. 

One, now my life has totally changed. It 'been a difficult path.  Ho avuto la forza di decidere e dire finalmente basta optando per un intervento sia pur con le difficoltà del prima e del dopo. I have regained that confidence in me that I had lost, and now, with my experience, are more than ever determined to give hope to those who want to like me going down this path. One thing is certain, my passion for food, for the traditions, for the area that I send in my job as a cook, is constant and unchanged.

  • Peter, now you're the chef and owner of your restaurant "was now" in Palma Campana. Despite your young age, becoz you are immersed in this world as a child. What are your plans for the future?

I started 7 age, in the pastry kitchen of his maternal uncle almost playing. Then, as is often the spark is struck, and it was love at first sight. But we think, spettatore della preparazione della sfogliatella riccia ripiena di ricotta di bufala con salsa allo Strega… bè, bewitched seriously!

The studies and experiences then did the rest. My plans now are geared towards proposals for a good table, with healthy,  favoring km 0, and buying from small producers. With the service of Market Gourmet Shop of Era Ora, propose them to the consumers, a new way of shopping.

I chatted at length with Peter. He 's young but determined, passion for the traditions, to the territories and for the rediscovery of the good flavors of the past unites us. Our origins are different, ma eats physician always, I feel at home everywhere, fortunate to live in a country full of typical unique in the world.


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