"The Zighinì ... and Prisoners of Sinai"

The recipe : “Lo Zighinì”

Today I wanted a good friend telling a typical dish of Eritrea to restore the situation to the attention of a people who for years lived in a dramatic situation. Cornelia Isabelle Toelgyes consistently,  commitment and dedication through a group called "For the liberation of the prisoners in the Sinai" seeks to draw public attention to this human tragedy. There are many, near and far ... each in its own way can lend a hand.

People and their stories ... popular kitchen

Lo Zighinì… Cornelia Isabelle Toelgyes

It zighinì traditional Eritrean dish, is a spicy meat stew cooked with onion and a blend of spices called Berbere. A friend gave me the recipe for her mother until the end of the seventies was the one that was used at the market in Asmara. The father used to berberè breakfast, the pranzo and dinner, and asked that this be prepared no more than once every fortnight. At home, the smell of berberè was so strong that permeated everything with relative desperation of the guys who could not take it off off. The zighinì is traditionally eaten on injera, focaccia typical Eritrean, in order for this to soak in sauce.

  • Zighinì  (spicy stew)

To wither in a pan covered 1 large onion and 2 spicchi d’aglio tritati. After 5 minutes, add 1 spoon of ghee (made by melting fresh butter in a saucepan over medium heat in a water bath and constant), 3 tablespoons of Berbere (blend of spicy),  1 glass of water and salt.

Making restrict slowly, then add 500 g in the training of e, if you need, another glass of water. Continue to simmer for 15 minutes. Add 500 g of beef and finish cooking for 1 hour until the meat is cooked and the bottom restricted.

  • Berbere (spicy mixture)

20 chillies Abyssinians (there are at least 5 Type, but without significant differences, provided that they are beautiful red)
1 teaspoon of coriander seeds
10 cloves
60 seeds of cardamom (those blacks to speak)
½ teaspoon celery seed Mountain (ajowan, intense flavor of thyme and spicy)
15 allspice berries

  • Injera  (focaccia eritrea)

Prepared by mixing in a bowl:

500 g of wheat flour
500 g di farina di mais
250 g of durum wheat
25 g of yeast (the 100 g of yeast)
500 g d’acqua

Cover and let stand at room temperature 2 the 3 days, then work the dough fermented with water as needed. until it becomes smooth and homogeneous. Heat a non-stick pan and pour the mixture in order to have a layer of 3-4 mm, as for cracks. When it begins to thicken must appear in the bubbles that give the characteristic spongy bread. Cover and let cook for about 3 minutes avoiding taking color. Allow to cool on a towel to avoid overlap of the flat loaves of bread until they are cold. Serve covered with a few tablespoons of zighinì.

"The prisoners in the Sinai ... the situation today"

Nel November 2010 Don M. Zerai became aware that they were in the wilderness of Sinai over 250 people (Eritreans, Ethiopian, somali, Sudanese, Nigerians) total slavery, in the hands of human traffickers.

Then the ransom that was asked families wandered around the 8000 dollars. To extort money, were tortured with electricity and other. While they were under torture were called relatives using a mobile phone to hear the screams of their loved ones.

If you were not able to pay, were killed directly, or, in the worst case, the were harvested organs which were then placed in the international black market. Women were often raped and became pregnant of their captors.

Today, the situation has not changed. Rather, worsened. We know that now in the hands of the traffickers are still ca. 2000 people. The turnover does not cease because of the serious political situation of the countries of the Horn of Africa. Today, the redemption of up to 60.000 dollars per person and we know that there are some kids in their hands, not free from torture…rather.

The tragedy does not end here. Once freed, often they are arrested again by the Egyptian police for illegal immigration and deported to their countries of origin, where it awaits the harsh prison. Generally can not survive more than a year.

If by chance you can reach Israel, thinking about finding salvation, their fate will change little. Generally, asylum seekers are arrested. If this is not, however, are left to their fate and the racist air that pulls in this period in Israel, I leave you to imagine the conditions in which they must live. I remind you that we are in the 2012. International Institutions, European governments and the U.S. are aware of this tragedy, but you pretend nothing. Maybe that's how you live better. But not us ...

A chat with… Enzo Primerano

Enzo Primerano,  anesthetist, rianimatore e terapista del dolore, but above all a friend and a enogastronauta for pleasure. Big fan of the chili and the relationship between food and health, or, come i cibi presenti nei nostri piatti possano svolgere un ruolo benefico.

One of his favorite quotes is:  "Do not try to become a man of success,  but rather a man of value. " Io lo conosco bene, lui lo è.

  • Medico anestesista e appassionato enogastronauta, different passions. Want to tell us how they came?

The medicine is seasoned humanity of scientific knowledge and technology, that's why I've always tried to focus on the latter, without neglecting humanity. Hence the passion for the welfare, sport and good and healthy food that let you listen to your body better, and who needs you.
Spesso ciò che ci contraddistingue non è di essere i primi a vedere qualcosa di nuovo, ma di vedere ciò che è vecchio e conosciuto da sempre e per questo trascurato da tutti. Lo diceva Nietzsche ed aveva ragione,  because even today we are often slaves of clichés, inaccuracies and false truths that often enrich those who do business with the health and close our eyes to the simple and inexpensive things.

  • Ti occupi di terapia del dolore cronico, pensi che l’alimentazione possa contribuire in tal senso?

Certamente,  the power plays a fundamental role in the prevention of chronic pain especially those. Just think of all those foods that cause headaches or some forms of food allergies. But, ancora più in generale alle sane abitudini alimentari: un equilibrio dietetico favorisce e consolida un equilibrio globale del corpo che ci protegge dai dolori.

  • Sei un cultore del peperoncino. This passion is dictated solely by your origins or has matured over time?

No ignoravo il peperoncino rosso.  I was eating when it happened but not exceed, or enhance its properties. Ricordo che le mie origini calabresi mi imponevano comunque di conoscere ed apprezzare molti piatti tipici a base di peperoncino. Dodici anni fa, dopo aver smesso di fumare, ho corretto le mie abitudini alimentari eliminando il sale dalla dieta e ricorrendo a insaporitori naturali come limone, erbe e peperoncino. In questo contesto scoprii che esisteva una vera e propria “Accademia del Peperoncino” che studiava, divulgava, e promuoveva tutto ciò che era inerente a questa antica pianta. Subito mi iscrissi, e da allora cerco di promuovere anch’io il peperoncino soprattutto per ciò che riguarda le sue proprietà terapeutiche.

  • I am convinced that investing in their passions is a real health therapy. From doctor,  What do you think ?

Il benessere è la base dell’armonia e della salute. E’ molto complesso costruire il benessere, ma in generale possiamo dire che lo si realizza con cose semplici: un corretto stile di vita, muoversi, mangiare cose sane, rifuggire lo stress,  and come together nicely with people who think like you. Tutto facile da enunciare,  but sometimes difficult to achieve.

  • Parlando di terapie naturali, pensi che i farmaci possono essere sostituiti validamente (obviously not in invalidating pathologies)?

Certamente!!  Proper nutrition and proper use of herbs are the basis of ancient and modern pharmacology and facilitate disease prevention.  The ancient writings tell us that the gods were right to teach us how to grow them and use them so that man were to remain healthy.

  • Mi racconti un piatto che ti ricorda la tua infanzia?  What wine abbineresti?

I like to remember the "eggplant parmigiana" with fried eggplant and strictly intertwined into strips, indeed the term Parmesan is derived from this type of processing (la sovrapposizione delle listarelle delle persiane in falegnameria).  Typical dish of the culture of Ancient Greece (basti pensare alla moussaka).

Per il vino da abbinare secondo me l’ideale sarebbe un bianco aromatico fresco,  then we say a Muller Thurgau or a Gewurztraminer or a gray Pinot. Among the reds it would serve a wine with little structure, slightly fruity and delicate ... a Valpolicella, un Sangiovese giovane oppure al limite un Barbera d’Asti.

Memories of summer in white, blu, green and ... "Rosso Conero"!

There are emotions so intense that remind you it's like reliving. And that is why I like to stop the happy moments of my life writing them. Ricordi estate, sea, diVini memories of friends ...! And now I carry with me in the Conero in August ... 2011.

The ConeroI love ... this stretch of the Adriatic with its small villages, the large cliffs overhanging the sea, the beautiful trails of Mount Conero ... a true paradise. I colori predominanti qui sono il bianco delle rocce, the blue of the sea, il verde lussureggiante della natura… e il rosso! Il rosso direte… the red of that?  Ma il  “Rosso Conero”,  lo splendido vino caratteristico di questa zona! Devo confessare che amo molto questo colore perché il rosso, is the color of passion ... the engine of life! Good, having said that ... ready via!

Dovete sapere che in quella vacanza Guido e Annalisa i miei amici anconetani, knowing lent themselves to accompany me to the cellars and wineries ... !  

But I want to tell you better ...

Fixed the usual events in the short program was made. He expected a busy day up and down the hills of Ancona. I spent the evening to browse the sites of farms intensively relishing the expectation of the emotions that I experienced. Ma forza che diamo inizio al racconto del mio tour… di-vino!

  We started by Cantina di Alessandro Moroder

And here I dwell for a moment on the memories of the memory of this surname. Eh sì, because Alexander is the cousin of Giorgio Moroder who in 1983 He created the soundtrack for the Scarface film by Brian De Palma. Wow!!

Famiglia di grandi persone originarie della Valgardena,  Alessandro and his wife Serenella moved from Rome in 1984 that appeared to Ancona liability family company acquired by the ancestors at the end of '700.

Di questa epoca sono felice testimonianza le grotte presenti sotto la cantina, che ho potuto ammirare accompagnata da Alessandro squisita guida. L’introduzione negli anni ’80 di nuovi metodi nella coltivazione della vite,  l’ammodernamento della cantina e il coinvolgimento dei figli Marco e Mattia hanno portato alla produzione di ottimi vini, as the Doric Conero DOCG Riserva 2005, which I appreciated while we were chatting together…

Continuammo il nostro tour visitando laFattoria Le Terraces

E qui inizio col porvi una domanda: "Do you like Bob Dylan songs ?” Bè a me si, and also to Antonio Terni owner of Fattoria Le Terrazze Numana. He always great fans and passionate,  durante un concerto volle regalargli del vino di sua produzione. Bob appreciated it so much that he proposed to Antonio to produce it together. Thus was born in 2004 a wine called "Planet Waves" Planetary Wave,  the title of his 1974 album A wine of Montepulciano with strength for 75%,  e la morbidezza del Merlot per il 25%.

Cinzia Tosini with Antonio Terni

Antonio Terni

Argentine-born Antonio,  ma di origini italiane dopo essersi laureato in ingegneria nucleare ritornò nella sua terra d’origine investendo nella promozione del suo bel territorio.

Tasting a glass of Chaos, another of its wine production, He was spontaneously ask him if his studies had influenced the decisions in the company. He said making me see the labels of its wines ... true nuclear explosions. (photograph in header)

Fattoria Le Terraces

Fattoria Le Terraces                                                                   

An unforgettable day, ricca di racconti di vita… Ad un tratto un languore allo stomaco ci ricordò che era ora di pranzo. We stopped at a little place with breathtaking views, where my usual I made a little '"folklore" for my unusual requests on the plates to be ordered. What should I do so are, But it seems that in my company friends are not bored. A coffee, Limoncello of the good ones… and ready way to start!

It was the turn of ' Azienda Agricola Malacari

We came to Offagna, uno dei borghi più belli d’Italia e davanti ad un vecchio portone nell’attesa di Alessandro il titolare, here and curiosammo. In our eyes it appeared an old historic home. I love these atmospheres,  mi ci immergo con tutta me stessa, è quasi un dejà vu ogni volta…

You should know that this winery is one of the oldest in the Marche.

Built by Andrea Malacari in 1668, it is still operational yet. Under exactly the same in ancient times brickwork, produces excellent wines, including the Grigiano 100% Montepulciano.

Alessandro Malacari Starrabba in telling me his life choice, from journalist to winemaker,  mi condusse orgoglioso in visita alla sua bella cantina. His ancestors, Accounts Malacari Misturi of Grigiano, they had inherited this house protected for its historical and architectural value, dal Ministero per i Beni culturali. Se vi doveste fermare da quelle parti vi consiglio di approfittare di una visita alla villa oltreché alla cantina. Si perché i saloni, the old library with its splendid ancient books, nonché i vari cimeli, and swords which they are passionate completed my wonderful visit.

La giornata stava giungendo al termine, but not before visiting the last Winery in the program ... Montecappone

,We arrived in a short Jesi. At the entrance of their resale, Our meeting point, found a family atmosphere that enveloped us immediately. It was an atmosphere jovial between the cheerful voices of the grandson Alessandro Mirizzi, My very special guide that day and his cute parents.

With Alexander made a visit to the beautiful drive through the vineyards. In car power adapter.. but why?  Perché dovete sapere che from 1997 la famiglia Bomprezzi – Mirizzi conduce ben più di 60 hectares of vineyards. And walk with my heels would be tough!

Vineyards Montecappone

Vineyards Montecappone

In the lead Alessandro explained to us that the seal was designed in white grapes turned to Verdicchio and the Sauvignon Blanc, mentre per le uve rosse al Montepulciano ed al Sangiovese. After the visit to the modern cellars, where the vintage wines are bottled after the summer while reserves are aged partly in barriques and partly in cement, we moved in salt to taste a wine from their particular name, “Utopia, Verdicchio di Jesi DOC Classico Riserva castles ". We said goodbye greetings from well, Trade in hand and a sincere smile.

An intense day, full of emotions, of knowledge and great tasting. To all of them I asked how would promote the territory. The answer was: “yes, We Conero”!  Yes, because "yes, We Conero "is the association 13 small producers of Rosso Conero which are characterized by typical products wines.  But not only,  insieme hanno prodotto 2000 bottles solidarity whose proceeds were intended Pediatric Hospital G.Salesi.

Come dice Yoko Ono: "A dream alone is only a dream, a dream together, is a reality. "

L'Acetaia di Josko Sirk

I never knew my grandfather Emilio, but he gave me were great things…

Friulian man of passion, great entrepreneurial spirit rooted in the traditions, but with an eye toward innovation. A disease carried him off early. I have left him in addition to the estimated earned with tales of his adventures, my middle name, Emilia. He was born in Cormons in the province of Gorizia.  When recently I was presented the opportunity for a short break them I said to myself: "But what better opportunity for a return to basics…"I think it is good to everyone occasionally pausing to think, to reflect. You may be citizens of the world, but I am convinced that its ties with the country of origin is indissoluble.  Anyone who thinks he can do without is a dreamer.

The torniamo of CormonsPensai tra ... me and me, "Far 400 km, and I like to travel ... "And, in fact, men who do not SAM_1952say I had arrived at their destination. Upon my arrival I was welcomed by the pleasant surroundings of the hills of Collio ingentilendo the landscape gave an air of romance to the whole context of the past.  I walked to the place where I was staying, "La Subida",  and I was not at all rejected.

The place was surrounded by a lush green, between plants of rosemary and lavender bouquets tied artfully arranged and everywhere. I began my usual exploration, pausing my gaze to a large enclosure in which a group of trotting horses.  I love these animals from the look noble and proud, and I wanted to give them a bit 'of my time. Lost in my thoughts I called myself to my duties as host, and returned to the base.

SAM_1947I immediately had the pleasure of meeting the hosts, Trace, looking man frank and firm and sweet wife Loredana. But they were less children. In particular, Tanja reminded me of a damsel in Provence, With wide-eyed and soft clothes, always smiling and willing to talk. Then I met Michael, great collaborator whose warmth and kindness distinguished him from the start. And as usually happens, chatter and laughter in a serious conversation and the other did not fail. But suddenly it was mentioned a vinegar ... and my curiosity is sparked.

Acetaia say, "Oh God has also given vinegar",  Well it is a very interesting and not respected. And I, in spite of my Roman friends that challenge me, I love to put drops on oysters. Seeing is believing! Do you think that Italy is the first producer in the world with vinegar, and this suggests it should be further enhanced. Raise awareness of the many uses and destinations can be attributed to him would give due credit.

Did you know that you great sprayed on vegetable soups, the omelettes, the fat fish, aboutL'Acetaia di Josko Sirk strawberries ... but not only, just a little 'dilution is an excellent remedy to gargle for sore throat. And not only, think a cube soaked in vinegar chewed slowly stops the hiccups and reduces seasickness. Efficace per calmare una scottatura superficiale o per neutralizzare una puntura d’insettoe molto di più. (Fonti di joske Sirk).

But back to my visit ... I had the pleasure of having as a guide Josko Sirk, oste come lui loved definirsi,  nonché l’artefice di questo sogno e progetto in continua evoluzione. We began our walk through my usual stream of questions ... as if to find some kind of hidden secret of life. I wonder if my curiosity will be satisfied ever. We walked to a trail that would lead us to our protagonist, the Acetaia. In during our walk, Josko behind my insistence, told me about his family arrived from Slovenia in difficult times. After having devoted himself to the cultivation of the earth and then the activity at the inn, the failed father made him responsible choices.

Wondering if SirkOver the years to come with his wife Loredana, riuscì a concretizzare il sogno della sua vita: create a heart of green residential oasis of peace and relaxation, "The climb". And knowing there does not seem to ask the meaning of the name ... Well, built upon a sixteenth-century church in the country, Church of Christ of Subida which in turn owes its origin to a miracle which occurred in 1597.

But his life was evolving, and another project was for years more and more emerging: La Foresta dell'Acetaia"For the noble vinegar production of the best grapes of the Collio, niche product for those who can understand it, unfortunately ill-treated by the lack of information attributed. Completely made of wood, the Vinegar was in perfect harmony with the surrounding environment. The star was white grapes from native grapes, from the adjacent vineyard. In my entry I showed a magical setting for those who love the environment. Stepped barrels and barrels arranged methodically, intended to facilitate the various processing stages. No presence of machines, everything followed a natural cycle. I did try the scent of his creatures, recommending not to swallow. I inebriai in intense and hard head from which I wanted to try the flavor slightly wetting the lips ... I must say pleasantly satisfied.

Josko mi these: "One of my gripe is how to make vinegar once , with the best grapes of the Collio ".   For someone like me who love the tradition to listen to these words was true poetry. With five producers united in friendship and passion he has finally finished off a project to raise awareness of the vinegar with its customs and its history: the Friends acids.

While it is true, with’ it is true, that a large wine is made’ by a large grape, this great grape I make my big vinegar. It takes me a few years, and in this time I have to take care of him and cuddle him like a baby in swaddling clothes.

  Josko Sirk


“A chat with ... Giorgio Ferrari”

Giorgio Ferrari, Professor of Contemporary History, author and host of cultural programs for RAI. An honor to have him as a friend, a pleasure to let you know.

  • Who is Giorgio Ferrari?  

It’ the sum of his memories of the gene inherited. Without memories, we are nothing. So it is with the people. The Italians are the sum of experiences in History. If you lose, returns to be confused that the common people have no voice. So it is with wine and food and wine. The kitchen becomes poor that wealth, wine farmers who becomes DOC. This too is History. Our roots gave birth to the Italian people, with its traditions, with his creativity, with its excellence known in the world… E il territorio italiano pulsa di Storia ad ogni passo. “Perché certi piatti si fanno così in un determinato posto e non in un altro? Because creativity, la fantasia e le esigenze della gente di quel posto hanno creato quella cucina”.

  • George, com’è nata la tua passione per la storia?

Fin da bambino. Alle elementari la parte storica del sussidiario la leggevo tutta di un fiato. Naturalmente allora mi affascinavano le battaglie e i grandi eroi. Poi col passare degli anni ho capito che la Storia siamo noi. Ognuno ha il suo ruolo piccolo o grande.

  • Che personaggio storico avresti voluto incontrare, e perché?

Ne vorrei incontrare molti. Forse quello che mi intriga di più è Voltaire. Non ha combattuto battaglie, non è stato uno statista, ma con i suoi saggi, soprattutto col Trattato sulla tolleranza, ha cambiato il Mondo, ha innescato un moto per cui oggi godiamo di libertà (anche se spesso non la sappiamo usare) e uguaglianza dei diritti.

  • It’ ormai diffusa la tendenza nel recuperare vecchie tradizioni del passato sia in vigna che in cantina. Credi che sia solo una moda, o che ci sia una vera voglia di ritorno alla vita dei bei tempi?

Credo che sia una tendenza inarrestabile. E dovrebbe far scuola. Senza le nostre tradizioni siamo automi in balia di ogni imbonitore.

  • Per chi ti conosce bene è nota la tua passione per la vodka. Questo amore è dettato solo da una questione di gusto, o da altri fattori?

La vodka è un pocome un panino, si consuma in fretta, entra subito in circolo e tra amici crea un immediato circuito di allegria. Per la verità il liquore che amo di più è il whiskey torbato. Ideale nelle lunghe serate invernali, magari mentre leggo un bel libro.

  • Credi che sia possibile per i giovani un futuro da investire nella terra?

Il futuro è nella terra. Ho conosciuto molti giovani professionisti che a vario titolo ci lavorano e l’amano. Se avessi un figlio lo indirizzerei li. Oggi ilmondo contadinonon è più quello che Marx definiva nella formula: “Idiotismo della vita rurale”. It’ un campo in cui ci vuole grande professionalità, oltre che passione.

  • Giorgio ormai hai un appuntamento serale fisso sulla tua bacheca facebook. Quasi un servizio sociale per coloro che in alcuni momenti di solitudine della propria vita, sanno di poter trovare sempre un amico disponibile con cui discorrere dei temi più svariati. Com’è nato tutto questo?

Nacque per puro caso. Una sera scrissi che mi stavo versando una vodka e un gruppo di amici commentarono: “A noi non la offri?” La sera dopo scrissi non mi ricordo più cosa e gli stessi amici commentarono: “Ehi, questa sera non si beve?” Così è nato il mio bar virtuale. Ogni sera è aperto, cambiano gli avventori, a volte è affollatissimo, a volte è quasi deserto, ma la porta è sempre aperta per gli amici.


L’Antica Focacceria San Francesco… un angolo di Sicilia coraggiosa a Milano

Some time ago, in front of a glass of wine, talked with my friend Enzo good stories to tell, those that I like. All of a sudden he told me: Been to l 'Antica Focacceria San Francesco?

In spite of myself I had to admit that no…  He promptly told me that it was a story for me. Enzo tells us often, He knows as well as I passionate people who fight for their ideals, for their freedom, for their passions! Well, even if on purpose, a few nights later I came across an opportunity to remedy, and as I say… pronti your!

The entrance to my room was packed with people. After the preliminary greetings I looked a little’ about stopping my eye on the delicacies on display. He noticed my interest in John, nice restaurant manager who offered to accompany me in the local visit. Unaware of what they were facing was subjected to my usual thousand questions. I must say I was able to satisfy my curiosity almost completely. I say almost, because some of the appealed directly to the owner, Vincenzo Conticello.

I asked him the meaning of the emblem in the center of the entrance at the headquarters of Palermo. He explained that he was a lung, the key ingredient used to garnish the cake pan, that differently from how we know it, treat her stuffed bread that is called “focaccia schietta o maritata”.  It was invented in 1851 dall’antica focacceria “maritando” la focaccia schietta (ricotta, cheese and lard), with spleen and lung of calf sliced.

You have to know that the Old focacceria St. Francis was born in the neighborhood "sock" in Palermo, strategic location of the Mafia business. Let's talk about according to local oldest born in Italy 1834.  This location gave rise to threats over the years were not fulfilled due to the determined will of the family Conticello. The situation changed when the demands of the lace formally took shape in the 2005 through extortion. The firmness in not giving in to blackmail led to a complaint and putting into operation that ended with the dismantling of the organization underworld, and to a process for direttissima.

Normal consequence of life was controlled under escort. I realized this when going down in my visit to the downstairs, I felt watched so unusual to me. I realized later chatting with Vincent, that for him and for his family life had now changed. It occurred spontaneously ask him if he had ever been tempted to give in to the circumstances. Tirando fuori dalla tasca un proiettile mi rispose che non avrebbe mai tradito chi prima di lui ha combattuto per la libertà. L’Antica Focacceria San Francesco si è prefissata grandi sfide…  For the 2015 plans to open twenty-five locations in Europe and in the rest of the world.

I contend convinced that betray their ideals is like betraying themselves. It is not always easy to walk the path more tortuous,  but once the gate opened the horizons change, and the paths to multiply ...

                  "Pay once means to become slaves forever"

So’ Vincenzo Conticello said no to lace ...

“A chat with ... Michelangelo Sharp”

Blog: The wine room

Freelance International Press, Wine blogger on 'The wine room', sommelier AIS. Stumbling into the world of wine ... and there fell into the great! A real pleasure to know, because I have to say that on this World diVino, think just like him!

  • Ritual question,  com’è nata questa tua passione per il mondo del vino?

I approached the world of wine gradually; up to 30 age (oggi ne ho 44) I had neither passion nor interest! Then it happens like when you fall in love, is always difficult to explain why, is something magical that happens and whisks you away forever! In the late nineties I started reading the Gambero Rosso and I realized that the wine was not just a drink but could be "disease of the soul" to quote Mario Mariani! From then on I became omnivorous, I read magazines about food and wine in packs and began to drink in a more conscious. Then at the end of 2006 I started the AIS courses, good starting point to have a minimum of technical knowledge. In 2008 I took the exam and I attended for a period actively in the life of the association finding that was not for me! In fact, as often happens in these cases the passions are further away and maybe for a long time remain dormant and then wake up suddenly; I say this because my grandfather was a good farmer Apulian wine at home and I have clear memories of when vinified, and then as a child I always had a huge passion for restaurants, something will mean no?

  • How did you start writing stories about wine and people? 

I always liked to write; with the advent of Facebook, I started to put a few comments to the photos that I used to wines and from there I got the idea, certainly innovative, saw that I was thinking about the millionth, to make a blog and so in July 2010 I started! I thought it would last more than a couple of months; instead it was a growing and frightening if you think about it makes me shiver! I want to point out however that despite being the millionth blogger I've always tried to avoid technicalities, scores, controversy free, etc.. but I preferred to tell stories, wine and people precisely! 

  • What is the story you've written, and that impressed you most? Why?

In fact there are many, more or less all, otherwise they would write! Let's say that maybe they are closely tied to that of Marko Fon, because the wines I have profoundly marked by Marko!

  • C’è un protagonista dell’enogastronomia che vorresti conoscere?

I would like to know them all, because the more you know and the more you learn and Grow Rich! Naturalmente il mondo dell’enogastronomia, as all the worlds, is populated by beautiful people and bad people, although I must say that until now, at least in my experience, have prevailed early and with some of them I made real friendships!

  • Meeting with many manufacturers, what are the most common difficulties that you demonstrate?

It may seem strange but encountering producers hardly speak of difficulties, or rather it is a topic that touches almost never, because we always talk about the positive aspects of the wine world! Then it is obvious that there are difficulties! Instead, I often find myself talking about the boring debate between conventional, organic and biodynamic!

  • What do you think of the subdivisions of the wines in natural, biological, organic and biodynamic? Credi che possano aiutare o confondere le scelte del consumatore ?

Resume the above. I find this distinction that some are in good (biodynamics) and bad (conventional) it is really tedious and boring. Very trivially tell you that biodynamic wines I tasted were real crap and biodynamic wines beautiful;  idem per i convenzionali, then how about? The producers are serious and careful in reducing the chemical vine for some time without any pinning badge!

  • La comunicazione enogastronomica sul web è ormai molto affollata da blogger e giornalisti più o meno esperti. What do you think?

Being the millionth blogger does not have much say in the matter, or rather I can not afford to make judgments; I only say that everyone has the right to have their say, a sort of "First Amendment"; of course respecting the rights of others! It's like rock music: I think that if there were the Rolling Stones or the Beatles is obvious that it makes no sense to start a band because they are unreachable, but I believe that everyone has the right to try in life because you never know! Then the rest of the time will decide the, who deserves the others will remain for oblivion! Its one thing but non compromise, I prefer to have four people who read me rather than offend or discredit the work of producers giving rise to controversy free for more contacts!

My encounter between the jars with Josko Gravner

You know those summer afternoons, when the heat causes us to idleness making us lose the lightness of chatter ...?  Well, just so happened that my cousin told me Hilary: "Been Josko Gravner the vintner who makes wine in amphorae ?". Well, I jumped up and said: "In the jars ...?!”.  I am not able to give many explanations, and then, piqued by curiosity, I started right away with my research. I began to read him fascinated, and decided that I should know…

I watched some videos in which he told Josko his philosophy of the earth ...  poetry to my ears! Call me too romantic, but the feeling that I was listening for balance and wisdom.

And 'that is rooted in the land the answer to my research, this is my therapy, this will be my rebirth,  why is the love for it that I find the deeper meanings.

I sent an email to Josko Gravner to arrange a meeting. From his response I realized that the moment was not propitious. It was time to harvest, and the needs of the vineyard absorbed. A little disappointed I resigned myself to postpone the meeting, but from person stubborn which are not demorsi. Soon the time came!


The morning of departure loaded the luggage,  I pointed in the direction of the navigator Oslavia.  I was particularly excited;  while I was driving along the road I thought about how the meeting would be held. Then, I thought to myself that the only way to establish sincere relationships with people is to be yourself, and so did.

Finally arrived at the destination I was pleasantly surprised by the simplicity of the house of Josko.

It was his smile to greet me, pleasant family atmosphere and that put me at my ease. Those who know me well also experienced my shyness that I try to hide chatting.

Josko Gravner 1

That afternoon with us was the sweet wife Mary Josko, and Sabrina and Debora, two of their friends in Viareggio. We started our guided tour and a tasting between each other and the stories about his life.  He told us how he started his adventure grower, making frequent references to the loss of his father when he was just twenty-five years. I knew well what I was saying, having had the same experience at the same age. The teachings of the fathers, however, accompany us throughout life, like an echo that continues to spread in the head.

Josko told us of his trip to Georgia, the search for a wine without chemistry that follows the cycle of nature: a simple and clean wine as in times past. From Georgia he brought their bottles and finally abandoned the use of steel. He told:  "The wine in amphorae lives, while in the steel not breathe ... The amphora is like a womb in which the wine is then matured in large barrels, that unlike the small not affect too much ... "


He told us his son Miha died prematurely, and the willingness of the latter to move towards Ribolla, will that faithfully respects Josko. Ci parlò di Aljosa, his trusty assistant and now an integral part of the family. How much passion and love put these in conducting the work in the vineyard and in the cellar. The time passed very quickly with my questions that often surprised by the naivety that probably was not used. Because I want to understand ... because this is my search.

In our ramble, Bruno the dog Josko, we kept him company following us from room to room. Suddenly he was attracted by something, and struck with a sudden spring Sabrina, having in his hands a cup of Ribolla I poured it completely on. They were all visibly embarrassed at the sight of my shirt and my jacket wet skin. They were moments so excited that I immediately wanted to play down saying: “But we think, I will have the honor of having the jacket to Gravner!". Believe me ... after a very short time the spots are dried to perfection without leaving any halo that wine ..., it was just clean!


In our tour of tastings degustai all vintages. I was a bit 'hesitant because I'm used to drinking very little because of a headache due to excess use of sulfur dioxide in wine. That day nothing happened,  my head was perfectly lucid. I said shocked: “At this point it is natural to ask ... but what we are accustomed to drinking wines?! But how much chemical is introduced?!”.

They spent three hours without my realizing it; it was time to say goodbye, except that Mary insisted that I stay for dinner. Sitting side by Josko chatted throughout the evening going from one topic to another. I will never forget the emotions of the day. I desired to tell them relive every time I reread.


I recently read Josko define "a hermit". I could not help but smile, Perche Josko, is simply a winemaker in the land of Oslavia, friendly and jovial, who welcomed me as if I were a family member. Italian winegrower known worldwide for his research and for its simplicity,  a great man who I got to know and appreciate, who advised me, and I will never forget!

"In many mock me for my being, ma cosa volete sono vecchio per cambiare e alla fine sono felice di essere cosi. Non avrò denari da lasciare ma una Terra sana dove il sudore di mio padre Jozef e mio zio Franc non è stato versato invano. And 'these two men that I thought in these years of great changes, and goes to them my first and last thought of my day. And finally, I guess the proud and smiling. "Josko Gravner




“The Marubini broth Sunday…”

The recipe : “I Marubini and Brodo”

di Paola Frigeri

People and their stories ... popular kitchen

I remember the Sunday when I woke up slowly ... I heard the bells ringing the last touch to remind everyone that it was time to go to Mass.

I prepared myself for dragging me into the kitchen with her hair still matted, ready for breakfast. A bit 'of milk with coffee,  and the toasted bread wet in my white bowl that I brought back to the main streets of Cremona with its patisseries… Only sold them the kind of "pan biscuttat". Under my nostrils passed the smell family that took me back to the origins of my parents Cremonese. The city of Cremona ... a fresco of many memories. I Marubini, memory of flavors that reigned on my table on Sunday.

I remember my mother to Saturday browned the topside flavored with sage and with that slice of butter bought in the countryside of Cremona.  Prosciutto, salami without garlic (I did not like), bologna, and a piece of boiled. So the whole, combined and ground, was ready for the filling.

Every Sunday the plank was placed on the table ... the pasta pulled artfully and cut into squares,  the filling perfectly in the middle, and the view of the most beautiful thing ... the Marubino. A perfectly equal to each other, Mom wanted them so,  all perfect ... as ready for a party. The broth was alone in the meantime, can not wait to guests fall into one at a time.

And finally, a reminder of her, I can almost see it ... Two curlers on her head as if to put duty,  and gaze with admiring eyes tended toward that table full of Marubini all in a row, as small but great soldiers ... as big as my mom.

"Omelet cugli sparni" (Omelette with wild asparagus)

The recipe : “The Wild Asparagus Frittata”

Romano Pomponi

People and their stories ... popular kitchen

Simple and genuine, with eggs of hens in the farmyards, white onion country, wild asparagus and bacon at home. Of course, extra virgin olive oil hills ciociare

Good, cominciamo dagli asparagi selvatici… Essendo la Ciociaria una terra collinare e montuosa, it is not difficult to find; both grow in clearings, that in the woods sunny up to about 1000 m. The oil is produced almost exclusively on rocky hills, alkaline, with low acidity, and the slight tickle that disappears with time.

Quasi una frittata di moda… Io sono nato nel 1958, and while living in a tourist town like Fiuggi, almost all had the pork raised in the countryside, le galline,  e piccoli orticelli in cui si piantavano ortaggi di vario genere, Now it seems organic, but we were all so even then, were biological, and we did not know!

The omelet was a dish that is often prepared, tasty but poor, appeared on the table of all, I do not say every day, but almost. I forgot, asparagus should be broken with your hands until you can hear the soft part, la parte legnosa non va utilizzata. Io faccio soffriggere gli asparagi con la cipolla e il guanciale.  Appena il tutto comincia a rosolare aggiungo le uova, and put a pinch of salt for each.  Andrebbe servita con del pane casareccio cotto nel forno a legna. Un piatto umile ma sostanzioso… come la mia amata Ciociaria


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