And so it was that I came to Gianni Capovilla, a distiller with a heart 'mechanical’

Now there are all sorts of researchers ... scientific researchers, university, Well pharmaceuticals, I want to reveal a secret, I am also a researcher, but the souls of passion! And when in my travels of knowledge, people listening to me see the real sincere desire to discover and to learn, them takes the fateful phrase: Cynthia, you absolutely need to know ...

And so it was that one evening at dinner with dear Josko Gravner speaking of spirits was mentioned the name of Gianni Vittorio Capovilla, while a mechanic in his life driven by passion he decided to become a distiller. Dave Broom contributor to Whisky Magazine, and world-renowned taster,  defines the largest distiller in the world, but as I always say I need to look into the eyes of the people chatting face to face. I love doing it, it is my passion in life and my greatest enrichment, an inner wealth that does not s'inflaziona and that leads you to know great people. That said as I say, “pronti…via!"Head office Rosa in the province of Vicenza.

Distillery Capovilla

Distillery Capovilla

But let's start from the beginning…

I packed my bags the night before, and the beautiful perky morning was ready and excited to leave for my vacation. Yes, because to me these are really the tour!  It 's like a treasure hunt ... and there's always a happy ending! But alas, a terrible thing happened, key on the machine left!  Nooo ... I was desperate ... but like I said: "You have six months of life, how can you not leave ... and then just today!"You must know that I have a real passion for cars so I come to talk!  I really needed to Gianni, you Gianni Capovilla. And you tell me now: "But excuse Cinzia, but did not say who was a distiller?"Sure you, but years ago was a mechanic and that mechanic ...!  He had the passion I have for sports cars too. But we think, Treviso like me, passionate drive, and pure distiller!  A fairy tale!

Gianni was born in Crespano del Grappa in the province of Treviso. His childhood as part of my, spent in the green of the fields and woods, where he was born his love for the wild fruits. Sometimes we put in the drawers of memory some of our passions, but make no mistake that sooner or later they re-open!  For me and Gianni was so. His adventure began as a mechanic in Bassano del Grappa where Mr. Tosin, a stern but excellent teacher gave him the rudiments of the trade.  But the turning point came when thanks to an Alfa Romeo was offered a contract in Switzerland. Here a customer workshop with the same passion, involved him bringing with them competing and carburetor series machines, and Formula Three. His enthusiasm was seen that the races were participating real pilots, including a Clay Regazzoni ... He knew Jurg Dubler, a Swiss Formula Three champion who ran in the European championship on track. Dubler suggested to John to follow him as his personal mechanic. The salary offered was lower than it felt at the time, but it was too tempting, then he accepted. The adventure that lasted three seasons was only interrupted by the closure of the workshop team. Once back in Crespano, Gianni rented a shed where was born the "Machine Shop Capovilla sport auto". A few years later, man being creative and in need of stimulation felt the need to turn the page. The occasion was the auspicious when a customer Destemmers producer offered him a partnership in the world of wine. He had approached the wine years ago, constituting three partners a small winery. The passion for distilling was born in that period, when secretly as usually occurred, with an alembic began experimenting in the preparation of grappa and distillates.

He lived in sales commissions around Europe until the 1985, but above all realizing what was missing in the Italian culture of distillation.  Austria and Germany were far ahead in terms of number of distilleries, both in the traditional techniques for the production of stills.



Being the mechanics and technique her passion, he decided to design one. And the adventure continues today finally departed in 1986.  He was born on a farm in which it invested his passion and his love for the distillation.

Good, with this in mind I wanted to introduce Gianni, and then we come back to me ... oh my best to visit! Dov'eravamo ...? Ah si, we were indeed was, in a car that would not start just six months! Friends, view of the emergency I was forced to summon friends ... and thanks to a little push and the right incantations, magically lit. I started to drive without turning off the engine until the destination, and all was for the best.

Arrived at Rosa, the navigator put me in the direction pointing to the entrance to a dirt road. The paths until you reach a large area where I saw a sign with a simple written: "Parking Distillery". Entering timidly I was greeted by a nice lady who took me Gianni. We started with smiles and presentations sitting at the table between talk and tastings! As usually happens we ended up talking about me and my adventures. I must say that I live so much at this stage of my life that I never lack topics.  We continued with a stroll in the distillery where honored by his guide, I could listen to the various stages of processing. The stills, be opere d'arte, are made by a craftsman from Oberkirch in the Black Forest, il Signor Muller.  But the real driving force of his passion, è la materia prima proveniente per lo più dai suoi frutteti coltivati secondo il metodo dell’agricoltura biologica certificata. Pensate che occorrono 30/35 kg. fruit to obtain one liter of distilled pure. Ovviamente senza nulla togliere alle vinacce italiane per la produzione di grappa. E qui vorrei fare una precisazione. “There is talk of grappa when you have a product distilled from grape pomace obtained from grapes harvested and vinified in the territory or in Italian Italian Switzerland ",  then we speak of a typical exclusive Italian.

Distillery Capovilla – Interior

But not only the fruit and marc have a leading role, because another major ingredient berries are loved by Gianni. A case example is the Sorbo dell'Uccellatore. We started with a fantastic taste of plum brandy, and below were not lacking other. Here you'll think ready: "Cynthia is output retort ... " But I will say no, and you know why?  Why Gianni had me taste his spirits in his own way, namely: "Finger soaked in steel container and then in the mouth and ... voila!”

I must say that I was excited by the scents and flavors ... from the distillate and apples, than the wild raspberries, or elderberries, and many other types that the creativity of Gianni experiences, because he told me verbatim: “Every day I find that I have a future,  because every day I have something new to discover ".


Handwritten slips

At the end of my lovely visit, in front of an apricot brandy Vesuvius,  Gianni wanted to tell some of my projects ... And suddenly snapped the fateful phrase: "Cynthia, You need to know a winemaker that believes in the territory, he will listen to you ... it's called Mattia Vezzola ". I've listened to and I'll tell, because my search continues ...

I entered the world of distillation through the back door but it was love true, because passion makes the work is not joy but sorrow "

         Gianni Vittorio Capovilla


The Barolo Beppe Rinaldi

I've never said that I love hats?  More and more I am weird like! When I decided to go to Barolo with her friend Alessia Bianchi, I put a pink one, perhaps a little flashy, I suppose at least seen the curious eyes of passers-by. Obvious ... what's wrong to give a little 'color and spice to life, everything is already so gray!  The same Beppe Rinaldi from my view, when I showed up entering his cellar,  puzzled told me: “But that sun is out!?

The opportunity to go to Barolo was presented with a "Wine Tasting Experience" organized by the Strada del Barolo in collaboration with the Consortium of Barolo and Barbaresco at the Museum of Wine-WiMu.

The tasting conducted by Mauro Daniel Agricola Holds Cuneo, He has allowed us to know five good vintage labels 2007. But not only, there was talk of history, of territory and traditions.  With Mauro I debated natural wines, speech very dear to me. Even among producers the trend is to move away more and more from chemical adulteration albeit still allowed,  pointing to a product more clean and quality.

It was time for lunch. A nice walk allowed us to find a lovely little restaurant near the corner of flowers. Of course we could not make us miss the classic bagna cauda.  Alessia tried to ask it without garlic, but the owner refused rightly contesting the impossibility of the thing!  I could only agree ... After dessert and coffee, away ... we were ready for the second part of the afternoon.

Before leaving I asked Mauro your advice for the visit of a cellar close them. I told him: "I recommend, I would like to visit a winery run by a character of those that I like, combative and character, who believe in the territory and that battagliano against those who ill-treats ". The response was immediate, Beppe Rinaldi.

They took a short walk on foot to be in front of the banner Cellar Rinaldi. We met at the entrance Carlotta, one of the two daughters of Beppe. He explained that he was already on a visit of a group of Marche. To catch up to me I tell her a bit 'of their history.

You should know that this company is now passed down for generations. He began his great-great grandfather of Carlotta, who along with his cousin Barale, wine produced up to the moment when divided by the latter, He passed the reins to his son Battista Rinaldi, father Beppe. It was he who built the current winery whose work ended in 1916. A graduate of the Wine School of Alba, It was distinguished by the liveliness of character,  for moral rectitude, and for the balance and consistency in the conduct of his life and its vineyards.

Gifts sent to his son Beppe, which according to many is awkward for his battles in defense of the territory, often abused by people who damage the image with little structures that blend with the surrounding environment. My nature is very similar to its, nothing can ever change, combative until the end ... because we believe in the territory, and its preservation. Beppe Rinaldi and his daughter Marta and Carlotta, addressed respectively to oenology and agriculture, It leads today 6 hectares of vineyards in the tradition and the experience handed down.

After the visit we met in the cellar. With this group of friendly Marche degustammo, We talked about territory, of traditions and a thousand laughs, We immortalammo with a souvenir photograph those moments of true and genuine life simple.

Barolo is a wine that needs to be produced in a particularly evoked the area ... but above, who need interpreters ...

Beppe Rinaldi

How fate brought me to a Wine Conference in Zagreb

Dico spesso che questa mia “seconda vita” è piena di conoscenze e di felici coincidenze, come se tutto fosse predestinato, come per un puzzle che prende forma. Ma non pongo limiti, e aspetto paziente facendomi trasportare dai venti… venti caldi e tranquilli da cui mi faccio guidare, come se ci fosse un disegno predefinito che si sta componendo… come se qualcuno mi indicasse la strada…

Questa mia storia inizia un giorno di Marzo del 2011,  mentre assistevo in ospedale una cara amica nei suoi ultimi momenti di vita, a Oderzo, in my land Treviso. In the same room next to her a Croatian woman was followed by his daughter, Svjetlana. And 'well-it is known as the pain touching the innermost chords of the soul ... in these situations the intensity of the relationship increases and unites more than ever.

Fu così che conobbi Svjetlana… Passammo in quei giorni ore a raccontarci, fino a salutarci con la promessa di non perderci più, perché come dico sempre, nei rapporti conta la qualità e non la quantità. Ci sono delle persone con le quali ho instaurato un legame così profondo, che nulla potrà mai cambiarlo, ne la lontananza, ne la frequenza dei nostri incontri… Quando sento la loro voce, e come se il tempo non fosse mai passato.

Improvvisamente qualche mese fa,  una sera arrivò una chiamata. Sentii Svjetlana molto eccitata… Sua figlia Lana stava organizzando una Conferenza Educativa sul vino a Zagabria, la L.O.B.I.,  e indovinate… voleva che partecipassi come ospite! Wow dissi!  Risposi di si entusiasta, e grazie a Orjana, l’altra figlia che venne con me e che mi fece da interprete, I left quiet. In my adventure, erano presenti in qualità di esperti del settore, l’americano Mark Norman, l’inglese Martin Ward, e i croati Rene Bakalovic e Aleksandar Norsic.  Parteciparono una decina di produttori provenienti dalla Croazia e dal Montenegro, mentre per l’Italia c’era l’Azienda Agricola Allegrini di Fumane (VR) rappresentata da Christian Pisetta.

Partimmo di buon’ora e raggiungemmo Zagabria per tempo. Durante il viaggio con Orjana parlammo molto affrontando i discorsi tra i più disparati, a volte, toccando momenti d’intensa emozione. Things read of the war that has engulfed these peoples have always upset. I'll never understand how mankind can get to reach the threshold of such cruelty. Quando ne parlai ad Orjana, lei mi raccontò alcuni suoi ricordi… Il giorno che vide tornare il padre dalla guerra… la sua lunga barba, i suoi occhi tristi e stravolti da immagini indimenticabili.  Aveva otto anni all’epoca, e la memoria dei racconti che lui fece alla famiglia, quasi senza rendersi conto della presenza di una bambina, che forse pensava non capisse l’addolorava ancora. Finimmo per emozionarci entrambe, e volli fermarmi, riemergeva troppo dolore… Le immagini della bella Zagabria ci distolsero da quei pensieri.

Arrivate all’ Hypo Centar fummo accolte con tutti gli onori. Tutto era pronto, e toccò a me con il taglio del nastro, open the Conference. After the various usual photos, ebbi il piacere di parlare con Mark Norman Professore di Internet Marketing, the importance of social networks for marketing and sale in the wine sector. Despite being aware of their affect on the market these new sales techniques, rimane sempre in me la convinzione ove sia possibile, dell’esigenza di un contatto umano con il produttore.

Un vino è molto di più di una bevanda… the wine is history, is thinking ... is a philosophy of life. Quando mi approccio ad esso,  chiedo che mi venga raccontato.  L’uomo che lo produce con la sua esperienza e con il suo vissuto,  lo personalizza, giving this nectar singular notes and inimitable.E’ per questo che la conoscenza dei produttori per me è insostituibile esperienza di vita che mi è indispensabile per conoscere il loro vino… per lo meno,  per come lo concepisco io.  E in questo mio pensiero, chiamatelo pure romantico, avevo il supporto di Martin Ward,  gentleman inglese appassionato educatore alla degustazione dei vini. Un vero piacere conoscerlo ed ascoltarlo, un caro amico ormai.

Passeggiando tra i vari stand incontrai i gentili signori della Vinarija Rupice di Podgorica, nel Montenegro. Mi raccontarono delle loro scelte nel portare avanti la tradizione vinicola di famiglia con una produzione limitatissima per veri amatori. Ottima la degustazione del loro vino rosso “DI VINE”,  che ho potuto apprezzare ascoltando la loro storia.

Ma non solo il vino mi attrae… eh si, io sono un’appassionata di tutte le tipicità. E proprio li ne trovai una… “il maraschino, liquore dolce di ciliege marasche”. Il liquore deve il suo nome all’ingrediente originario della Dalmazia. I primi a realizzarlo furono i monaci domenicani di Zara, attorno al XVI secolo. L’azienda storica Maraska, è ormai la prima produttrice di maraschino di tutta la Croazia.

Le giornate passarono velocemente tra le tante degustazioni, cene e conferenze. Orjana da scettica qual era, è tornata appassionata più che mai a questo settore. Credo che le sia servita questa esperienza per la sua vita e per il suo futuro. Le esperienze servono sempre, arricchiscono il nostro bagaglio di conoscenza e ci fanno crescere.  Mai privarsene,  perché non si può mai sapere dove ci portano… infatti,  il mio viaggio continua.

Bisogna andare dal vino, senza aspettare che sia il vino a venire da noi, diceva così Filiberto Lodi all’amico Mario Soldati

“The Amaretti my great-grandmother Mary…”

The recipe : “The Amaretti Abruzzo”

di Claudia Marcucci

People and their stories ... popular kitchen

It was Christmas Eve 1998, and like every year my parents that evening with my grandparents went to Mass in the church of San Rocco Atessa. I, as usual, I remained with my great-grandparents Mary and Nicholas.

Like all children waited impatiently midnight for the arrival of Santa Claus. In the meantime I was helping my great-grandmother Mary in the preparation of a trick that tradition in our family was prepared the night before.  We would have then eaten during the opening of presents for us children accompanying him to a glass of milk, and for the older ones with a good glass of wine.

The grandmother began to pull out of the fridge the preparation made with almonds, sugar well mixed with the clear egg,  then held at rest for three hours. With the dough grandmother told me to make balls of average size, after that she rested on a greased baking sheet at 150 degrees for infornandole 30 minutes.

While the macaroons cuocendosi in oven gave off an intense perfume that intoxicated,  Grandma told me that it was essential to prepare this recipe for her, because her back to his youth. When I asked in amazement why this tradition, her with tears in my eyes watching my grandfather told me :

It 'has become a tradition for the Christmas Eve 1944 while making this cake for your grandmother Etta, I heard a knock at the front door and went to open…  At that moment, after a year and a half I was able to embrace the man in my life that was left for the war and returned home safe and sound to his family. It 'was the most beautiful emotion of my life ... And' there in my mind, as a souvenir photo. Every time I smell this sweet,  memory takes me back to that emotion…”

This is the last memory I have of my great-grandmother who left us for good a few months later ...


The Amaretti my great-grandmother Mary


● 1 kg of sweet almonds, peeled and finely chopped

● 1 kg di zucchero,

● 10 clear egg whisk


Combine almonds and sugar mix well with the clear.

Allow to stand for three hours

Sprinkle the work surface with flour and sugar in equal amounts by placing the dough

Forming the macaroons placing them on a greased baking sheet and bake at 150 degrees for thirty minutes

Combine dessert wines of great scents as Erbaluce Caluso Passito, Loazzolo Wine from Piedmont, Vino Santo Trentino, Tuscan Vin Santo, Passito di Pantelleria or Lipari.


Arben, from Albania to Italy to fulfill a dream ...

Some time ago, in the event "Open Cellars" I had the pleasure of running into a beautiful story of life that today I want to tell.

.I chose a winery nearby, La Brugherata a Scanzorosciate (BG). Upon my arrival I was struck by the beauty of the place, but I was particularly attracted by the stories of our guide, Arben, the soul of the vine. It was just a few days ago, that reminded me of him, I decided to meet again. You should know that I have little memory, and are not physiognomist, but if someone or something hits me, for sure I do not forget, and so it was. In fact, as soon as I saw it I immediately remembered his face, and did not fail to tell him.

We decided to go in the cellars here and we started with our chat. At first I told him what I had led until then, and that is the gravitational force that attracts me to the beautiful stories of life.  And her it was all right .... He began to tell me how he had come to Italy from Albania twenty years before. In his country lacked the work, and Italy represented hope for a job. The son of an agronomist, but no knowledge of the industry, had found a location on a mechanical. And it was repairing agricultural machinery, which had its first contact with the vineyard. By visiting them often for deliveries, slowly met people who were part of. And one fateful day came the first proposal for collaboration.

Without realizing slowly piroettato found inside the dream that is now the pride of his life. The proposal was in fact a collaboration in the activity of 'farm. Arben enthusiastically accepted his new adventure began .... He received the courses that made him learn the basics on the production cycle and the forms of farming life ... Oh yes, it says its breeding. I was surprised a bit 'too the first time I heard him on a course that I attended.

From the basement, we moved outside ... Walking between the rows Arben spoke to me of the owner of the vineyard with words of appreciation and respect.  The owner told me,  a lawyer born in Bergamo with genuine passion for the wine world, had recreated here a corner of Tuscany, land sua origine.  But not only, had created a garden in a vineyard enriching Mediterranean species, Well fifteen thousand rose bushes, that in the flowering period made it a piece of paradise.

You could see it in his eyes a true admiration towards that 'man who reposed complete confidence in him, that was of its quality excellence products but never to compromise. And I admired myself in listening from the personality that stemmed. I proudly described the stages in the production of the wine that he personally followed almost maniacally. The vine demanded constant care and constant attention, that he wanted to pay in person. The difficulties in the acquisition of staff to his aid, stemmed from the lack of a stable business hours. What often poorly tolerated by the people who come to this reality.  I am convinced that if there is no passion,  this is not the right job!

Today he is responsible for 7 hectares of vineyards. The result is an excellent production of excellent red and white wines of great character and a brut. But the highlight is the Scanzo Muscat DOCG, wine produced exclusively in the municipality of Scanzorosciate.  The holder is credited with the establishment of the Consortium of Scanzo Muscat besides the attribution of DOCG.



Fu così che nacquero “Le donne di Maggio”

I often say that my second life is really fantastic, and not just for the things I'm doing. The large meetings that I have the good fortune to have, emotions that are true no longer be able to take me away ...

But now I want to tell you how they were born Women May ...

During dinner, an event that I had organized in Pavia, I was sitting next to a woman who was organizing fashion shows for fun.  E 'common knowledge for many that I love clothes, I am a woman with bows and hats ... lace and silk organza ...! I love the elegance of the good times! If you invent a time machine I fionderei in the 60s, when femininity was enhanced by clothing and accessories. You will say ... and then? So I say to you that even though I sometimes hear people say: "Cynthia, but where you have to go dressed like that ?!”, I like it so much that I do the same! 

But back to the famous night dinner ...

As soon as I heard about the parade, I proposed to organize it now embarking on a wine tasting. We felt with stakeholders days after, and we fixed a date. It was decided that the event would take place in May. May, the month when the roses bloom like women taking charge of their life reborn .... It was this thought, I snapped a spring!

Exactly ... so I organized a party for women in renaissance, women like me, which call into play with courage after passing the events to which you refer the life. The events that you bend, and that changes your perspective on things making it more profound and meaningful.

Women getting up that invest in their passions. Women who join hands in a circle as the internal energy that develops from them strength and courage, but above all allows them to help each other not to feel more alone.

It was then that I decided that in the evening the stars were women: Women May.

“Halloween ... in the ancient barrel room of the winery Pietrasanta”

Halloween festa stregata! It scares the night! All out late at night with festeggiam chaos. Witches, wizards and ghosts… Confectionery, pancakes, chocolates! What a great recipe! What a night deadly! Many haunted masks; many frightened faces; many sweets in the tummies; tante zucche in lumicini. It’ a party a po’ scary, with ghosts and witches galore! And with wizards and monsters in droves spend this night!

of Jolanda Restano

E 'already ... is it true that for me every excuse is good to be with friends! And when a few days ago and Lucilla Carlo's Cellar Pietrasanta they invited me to their event in the ancient barrel, I did not hesitate a moment.

I arranged immediately choosing dress to wear. As I say at every opportunity is the right outfit, and a 'well I'm around… the parrucca! But the opportunity was tempting not only to celebrate Halloween “in our own way”,  but to taste their wines and specialties that they had taken steps to prepare.

Several were the stars of the day…

We started with wine tasting… the wines of Saint Columban, l’unica Doc della provincia di Milano. The Farm Pietrasanta is its location in the old family mansion dating back to the mid-700. The six hectares of vineyards rise on a hill in the middle of the Po Valley, and include nine varieties (barbera, croatina, merlot, cabernet, sauvignon, pinot nero, Verdea, sauvignon blanc e riesling renano). In combination was served the "Raspadura",   Parmesan cheese said "Typical Lodigiano", served in puff read scraped from the surface of the shape young man with a special knife.

There were some typical cold cuts, cream of pumpkin soup, polenta with cheese Lodi, i ceci con porcini e chicchi d’uva e la crostata con marmellata di noci e cioccolato. A degna cornice ci venne presentato the book by Alessandra Sprouts "The Treasure of Count Notary",  and precious ceramics that have shaped the history of the house Pietrasanta.

At the end of a beautiful day,  removed “the costumes” concludemmo con la promessa di rivederci presto. Si perché Carlo e Lucilla sono rispettivamente Coordinatrice e Presidente del Movement of Lombardo Wine Tourism (MTV). This Regional Association nonprofit currently meets 89 cellars united by the desire to promote the wine tourism with the promotion of dedicated reception and refreshments initiatives.

    “The wine adds a smile to friendship and love sparkle…”

It. de Amicis

Un'eterna romantic all'Osteria senz'Oste

I am an eternal romantic, I always will be and no event can ever change my way of being, ormai l’ho capito. Some live in the clouds, others live in a dream world. I am so…

I made this premise to make you understand my enthusiasm when one evening with a person I went to see Simon Toninato, a chef has become a dear friend. You should know that for a year here in the way I put myself to the people has changed.

Life presents us with sometimes insurmountable obstacles, but if you manage to climb over you begin to see things with different eyes, you remove the patina that it dulls the mind and do not allow us to give due weight to our choices. Everything becomes lighter, and the only open-heart talk with the people becomes a real discovery of life. I now live so.



We began to chat with Simon telling our stories. After listening to some excerpts of my life told me that I absolutely had to go to a tavern: the Osteria senz'Oste.

Yeah I hear you say: “Simon must have thought that you needed to drink !"But I tell you noo! Quest'Osteria in the heart of the beautiful Valdobbiadene is a place for romantics like me, the ideal place for daydreaming!

But now I want to tell ... because I went there seriously!

With my candy white, hundred of macchinina, One morning shortly after I left in that direction. Finally come to Valdobbiadene was not easy to find. After wandering up and down the steep streets, However, enjoying breathtaking views, I saw a sign indicating. Sighing excited I parked the car in the appropriate spaces, placed between the rows of vines.


The parking lot between the rows Osteria senz'Oste

While walking here and I shot the photo to stop the beautiful images that filled my eyes. Then, I saw a small road that I indicated the direction, and slowly climbed. When I reached the top I was speechless.

I was alone in front of a typical country house, with bunches of corn hanging on the walls, herbs in flower beds, and an old wooden door that opened wide after contemplating.


The Osteria senz'Oste

Entering, My expression was enchanted in front of a typical peasant family home of the good times. Everything was in perfect order: pottery place on the shelves, Wooden cutting boards specially designed for use, and so serve to refresh themselves.

After I looked a bit 'around I found the appropriate directions clearly marked on the table. Then, had not yet had lunch, I arranged a snack serving me as if I were alone at home. Each product was carefully preserved as the cost per. Obviously, being in the heart of Valdobbiadene, I poured myself a glass of Prosecco.


I was at peace with the world…

In that atmosphere of other times I was at peace with the world. All of a sudden decided he entered a man of mighty. I followed him with his eyes as he, muttering to herself about the everyday chores, was engaged in lighting the fireplace.

I had not bothered to take a look, perhaps to meet my intimacy with the place. I looked at him and said,: “Friends, Luckily, that has to do his…” I drew his attention, click and turned, looking a bit 'dazed. I do not remember exactly how it happened, but he began to tell me a bit 'of his life.

It was a circus that was born in Berlin, after the loss of family, met by chance the person creator of this project. He listened to, and accepted his invitation to follow in Italy. Despite the look a bit 'sad, he told me that he was happy that choice. The peace of the place allowed him to find his peace.

Just as he arrived he went. I followed him until I saw him disappear outside. Thoughtful shook me from my thoughts I realize that it was time to have to go. Rest everything perfectly in order as I had found, and I made the account alone, putting money in a small bank prepared specifically for use.


Before leaving, I saw the book make and I decided to make one myself. This was the proof of my coming of my thought, firmly convinced that the Italian people, the real one, are men of honor and passion. I wrote it very clearly, because the Osteria senz'Oste is proud of testimony.

Switzerland in me ... and viticulture Ticinese!

Swiss say?  And now that has to do with Switzerland? A moment that will explain! You have to know that they are known for my accuracy organizational, has always been my innate gift and for this someone said: Beware that arrives Switzerland!

Not for nothing when it comes to organizing something I see the finger pointing, and I must say that I like, it's my creativity that finds its proper application. But they are both precise and sometimes clumsy! And it goes well mica say that genes are lost in the little things! I can already hear the boos ... but by that joke!

So I said that I feel a little 'Switzerland,  then guess where you go today? In Lugano, the discovery of viticulture in the canton of Ticino.

Come to abitudine,  I read up a bit 'before going on site. You have to know that viticulture in Ticino was developed in the early years of the twentieth century, after the passage of the devastating phylloxera. In fact in Mendrisio 1906 were implanted the first Merlot strains that, thanks to ideal weather conditions, have developed for the greater covering 80% of the 1.000 hectares of planted area. In the remaining 20% ​​are present for the red grapes the unique native vine Bondola,  Pinot Noir, Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon. For the white grapes Chardonnay,  Sauvignon Blanc and the Kerner.  From 1997  the wines from Ticino have the recognition of the designation of origin.

Just last September in Lugano there was the presentation Vintage 2009 organized by Francesco Tettamanti,  winemaker and director of Ticinowine,  "The art of cultivating the wine". Francesco was my kind companion. In lead me told me that the harvest of 2009 It coincided with the twenty-fifth anniversary of winemakers in Ticino,  l’AVVT .

It has decided to celebrate the event with a collection of wines in numbered edition, accompanied by the Guide to the tasting by Paolo Basso, Vice world champion sommelier in 2010. Appreciable the original labels of the bottles with portraits of manufacturers carried out by the Ticino painter Gianluigi Susinno.

The evening then continued pressola Cellar Moncucchettoof Lisette and Niccolò Lucchini. Visiting the modern structure designed by architect Mario Botta, I liked the choices of Nicholas in keeping the environment intact stone from which it was derived. Here Paul Bass expertly guided us in the tasting of 6 wines he had selected for us.

Sitting side by Lisette I spent the evening chatting as my usual on the beautiful story of life traveled with her husband Nicholas. Telling some of my dreams, she told me: “Sol the great passions can transform utopias into reality.  And I believe it fully, Because passion is the driving force of my life!

I miei tour Vinosi… Aosta. “La Cave du Vin Blanc de Morgex and La Salle”

The impetus to the creation of the cooperative between small producers of Morgex and de la Salle was given by the parish priest, Don Alessandro Bougeat. Thus was born 'the Association des Viticulteurs that he followed in 1983 all’attuale “Cave du Vin Blanc de Morgex e de la Salle”, che ormai annovera un centinaio di soci attivamente presenti nella conduzione dell’ azienda.

Il vigneto ai piedi del Monte Bianco, raggiunge un’altitudine di 1200 meters. Per salvaguardarlo dai danni del gelo e del vento si usa l’allevamento a pergole basse, sorrette talvolta da sostegni in legno o da caratteristiche pietre tipiche della zona.

Grazie alle condizioni di temperatura e di secchezza nell’aria, sono sfavorite le malattie crittogamiche (malattie parassitarie causate da mushrooms), con conseguente minore necessita’ di trattamenti. Qui il protagonista è il Prié Blanc, vitigno autoctono selezionato per il suo perfetto adattamento.

Durante la visita in cantina mi ha colpito sentire da Nelly Dainé la mia personale guida nonchè amica, il motto della Cave: “In vigna come 2000 anni fa.. in cantina come fra 2000 anni”. Friends, questo per far capire quanto tradizione e tecnologia debbano andare a braccetto.

Oltre a raccontarmi dei nove vini in produzione di cui sette DOC, si è soffermata in particolare sul loro figlio prediletto, il vin de glace denominato “Chaudelune”. Eh sì, perché questo vino da meditazione ha una vendemmia invernale eseguita tra i -5 and the -10 degrees, solitamente di notte. Le uve vengono pigiate ghiacciate, e fermentate in botti di sette legni tipici valdostani piu due barrique di rovere.


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