The Wine of Peace

As Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Peace begins with a smile, ed io always smiled ...

A few days ago my smile turned to Luigi Soini, Director of Winery Cormons. But you will say ... what we're talking? We speak of the "Wine of Peace", yes! For more, alas still unknown!
He was born as a symbol of unity and brotherhood among peoples and has been refined over time. I confess myself, that I learned recently, but I wanted to quickly remedy.

You should know that this cellar aggregates two hundred and eight hundred winegrowers vine varieties from every continent who live together in a single vineyard in Cormons.

But we think that there is magnificence in those lands ... Well, I had the honor to visit him all this accompanied by, Master Cooper promoter of a happy marriage between wine and art. But I want to tell you better, why are initiatives that deserve the attention and the right visibility.

I stared at a meeting, and as I say ... the fact that, the day of the appointment came. I was greeted by Luigi Soini project manager.

South Tyrolean by birth but now Friulian adoption. Nell'accompagnarmi in the visit, I explained my usual questions prompted by motives that had driven in this direction: “Joining forces to form a cooperative”. He explained that the Winery Cormons, was born in 1968 giving rise to the so-called "Vineyard of the World".

The collaboration of members, has permesso in 1985 you can see the materialized before harvest. We actively participated in five people, including seventy boys in the United World College in Duino in Trieste, representing 60 nations. And the result of all this, was a wine unique and lovable, Wine of Peace symbol of brotherhood, given as a gift on time every year to every head of state civil and religious as a message of peace among peoples.

In my tour I was taken to the Cantine, what I would call a real art gallery. Yes because you know that the heads of the large oak casks are hand painted by international artists. Not to mention the precious labels dedicated to bottles ... there is a real collection of famous artists who work each year for their execution.

By Enrico Baj, which paved the way in 1985 Fernando Botero it 2007, and many many more… The Book of Peace wine it is faithful witness and I have it here with me. Leafing through it and read it is a real pleasure, because the labels, beyond the painters, have left a tangible sign of the verses of poets.

Yoko Ono scrisse: "A dream alone is only a dream ... a dream together, is a reality ".

Our walk continued in the Cellar, and Luigi told me the honor to receive a visit personality as Lech Walesa, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, Prince Charles of England, Francesco Cossiga, Enzo Bevilacqua, and many others. But the most exciting moment was when he was awarded the Wine of Peace to Pope John Paul II at the archbishop's palace in Gorizia. From that moment he was granted permission to the Winery to produce the "Vinum Sancta Missa pro" for the Pope. At the end of my visit, concluded our meeting with a toast ... a toast to peace, to the people of passion and happy to continue the project.
On my return I wanted to give some bottles of wine of Peace to friends who think they need it ... why you think soffermino, because peace must be sought first within us.

"The wine and viticulture are style ... and not fashion"
Luigi Soini


I, Cristian Specogna ... and the scents of memory!

It 'usually hear that resurface memories looking at the old photos. Definitely true, but have you ever tried to close his eyes as he heard the Profumo di un wine?  The scents bring to mind the speed of light, refer to relive moments and experiences ...

And today I want to take with me… Close your eyes and imagine a green valley between hills and vineyards in the silence of nature. A gentle wind blowing through the skin, and lost his eyes savoring the beauty in this life ... Well I am there with Cristian Specogna, brought back by the smell of a wine from Friuli to its production, he wanted to give me after our meeting. The Piccolit, oldest and most famous wine that I love for its peculiarity. White grape variety native to the eastern hills of Friuli. Its name originates from its small grapes,  the production of which is so small due to the so-called aborto floreale. But that will never say?!  Simply many flowers of the vine does not turn into fruit. And this is the result of a very limited production.

But I want to tell you better ...

I got them in the morning. It was very peaceful, and the fact of being in advance, a very rare thing for me as a hopeless laggard, allowed me to take a stroll in exploration. The environment was very pleasant. An up and down the hills they cheered him making me look lost as usual in the maze of thoughts on life. But the appointment time had come,  and then made my way to the meeting with Cristian. There were no clear indications of office reception,  and then at the sight of the first open door asked: "There is no?"Dawned out of the face of a smiling boy who greeted me… Cristian Specogna.

Together we went for a walk in the vineyards. It, worried of my heels, and I for nothing. Years of experience allow me to go anywhere, although I must confess that I love to walk barefoot on the grass!

He told me that his grandfather, returned from Switzerland, wanted to invest in Colli di Rocca Bernarda buying a plot of land. Graziano and Gianni,  children, gave the first impetus to the company until handing over to him and his brother Michael.

Cristian is doing a great job of marketing,  promoting his company and the Horn of territory Rosazzo internationally. This merit has been recognized in the allocation of 'Oscar Green 2010 for the category "Export your wine" the regional selection of Coldiretti. It’ promoter together with other young producers in the area of ​​white wine "Blanc di Cuar”, that in local dialect means White Horn. This wine is made from grapes Tocai ... oops, I said?!  One, because it is now known that the European Union has imposed on us not to say "Tocai",  but "Friulano". It will not go down, but it is so! Now the Tokay, and 'Hungarian! We Italians, however, we now have the Blanc Cuar,  more than a name poem! Member of the Ducal Court of the Duchy of Friuli Wines born in 1972 to Cividale, promotes and disseminates the Friulian viticulture.

The time was fast past chattering of my and his life. We were not made to miss anecdotes and laughter, and even two slices of salami with a glass of his wine. With pleasure I noticed that he used to sniff the food tasted ... habit that I really appreciate! As always proclaim the sense of smell is the sense of the emotions ... and together that morning, we have experienced many!

A Brianza in Brindisi ... the discovery of beer!

Yeah I hear you say… Now here she is from the beer! yes Beer, but crafted! I must say that has always interested me – in particular the red – and what better opportunity to talk about…

But let's start from the beginning..

Finally after a year of adventures more or less happy, came the moment of well-deserved holiday! The tour was organized for Italy, and the stages to be friends were reason for me to thrill. The distances required the use of railway vehicles, alas, sore point for my bulky luggage.

You should know that I am a woman who always brings with it many accessories ... just like that.  I like to combine clothes and hats, shoes and handbags, necklaces and earrings ... So when I move the ideal would be a nice chest, and are charged as, get up and down from the trucks is not the most comfortable!

That said I'll explain my surprise when arriving at the station in Brindisi noticed the lack of escalators!  Eh sì, why the bleachers did not favor the transport of my bags, then in the presence of security personnel, I did my heartfelt grievances. The guard was puzzled kindly to my rescue, and promptly made himself available and said with a wry smile: "Ma'am, here is much that we train!"I told him Exaggerated, and joking over the incident we took our leave with a smile and a handshake. My friend Maria had since come to take, and the sight of the scene could not help but start laughing!

After the customary greetings, they opted for a stop at a traditional brewery. I must confess that I have a passion for red beer,  but that night the choice was difficult given the wide range of beers from local proposals, the GRUIT This former term is used to define the mixture of herbs and aromatic spices which give perfume and tastes by customizing your beer.


I liked it right away at first sight. It was about a site with vaulted ceilings, former Augustinian convent.  Part of the premises were destinasti to the brewing workshop. Visit accompanied by experienced staff has been a pleasure.

At one point I asked: "But how did you decide to produce beer?"Well, 'the answer was obvious: "We like it so much that we decided to produrcela us!”

The choice of the type of beer to be ordered at this point was complicated, and therefore do… The only was to taste them all!  They arrived at degustative jugs table that were described in their characteristics.

You should know that beer has ancient origins. It is not known exactly who was the creator. Certainly we know that was produced when cereals were cultivated. With the discovery of fermentation through the use of yeast,  each then gave an original mark giving impetus to the emergence of different techniques refined over the centuries. Corn for excellence used throughout history was the barley. Then slowly they were introduced others such as rye, wheat, rice, but ...

In the quality of their beer, has great relevance the water used which must have special characteristics. In fact, each type of beer requires a quality of water with distinctive elements. And 'the brewery to treat, according to the final desired product. The introduction of aromatic mixtures, then conferred distinctive aromas the various types of beer. And the choice has now become wider, giving a wider range of possibilities for lovers of this wonderful drink.

I that evening, I betrayed the red for a spectacular blonde double malt, a genuine product, without adulteration, built according to the traditional phases inherited from brewers ...


And thus was born "The Supreme"

The Supreme tell, but what we are talking? I spiego… the Supreme was a sinuous and fascinating woman painted on a wall of an ice cream parlor, already ... and that is how my story begins today.


The Supreme

Thrust from the warm days ago, but not only, if in una known ice cream parlor Brianza. I knew already renowned for the quality of its products, but this time I had gone there with a very specific mission. On a mission in ice cream you ask? Sure you, because behind excellence which it is, c’è passione, and look for the souls of my passion is now a need for life! I always say I know, but I like it so much, that become repetitive, My other defect. That said ... ready, via!

I walked into the small room that at first glance reminded me of the classic ice cream parlor country, where he is now a regular customer who enters, and listening to the rhythmic friendly hello, is constant and pleasant. I ordered my cup of ice cream, However, by including the request for a chat with the lady who was serving me, Anna, the holder. He looked at me puzzled there for them, but smiling, and I have to say that I liked it immediately. As soon as the customer let him sat at a table with me. At first I showed, and then I began to ask how he began his adventure.

Anna era nata in provincia di Taranto, in a family that lived in the work of the land, various crops and vineyards. From his mother he had taken the entrepreneurial streak. It was in fact that she took care of the management and sale of products.

When the activity was no longer enough to support the family, had to move to the north. Once grown, plunged into its first project. Young opened a dairy, but in short he had to leave to devote himself once married to the family. A husband and three children occupied most of the day.

Life, however, often puts us to the test, and so it was for her. The sudden death of her husband left her alone for forty-three years with three kids to look after. He had to start over ... As he spoke boldly I looked, and I saw in her the strength, kindness, and the dogged resolution of a determined woman.

After adapted for various uses, now when the kids were grown, the opportunity presented itself to acquire an ice cream parlor. A fifty-one years with the support of his son Luke then twenty, they flung enterprise that would prove to be a success. Together they went to see the local already started. Entering were hit by a charming woman painted on a wall. Era lei, The Supreme, and she came from the name of. It took him no more than a day to decide, even a moment more.

The new adventure began ... Anna told me that the first years were hard, they worked to cover the costs. They were forced to extend the local sacrificing the beautiful painted views of the Supreme. The activity of the ice cream was not enough, and to remedy it was decided to create a wet bar. Meanwhile, Paul, l’altro figlio, was venturing in the activity with interest and curiosity almost maniacal. Paul told me that once he went to Padua in motor to meet a professional ice cream which he had heard. He wanted some advice to get the best combination of ingredients for a perfect fiordilatte.

Both Paul and Luke had sent their studies on very different roads, but then both screened in this dream family, were induced to leave their business to devote himself entirely to ice cream and pastry. Initially they had acquired the technical basis for an approach adopted with the franchise for two years. But the space fantasy that left them, was limited, then left to continue this road of independent specialists. The search continues and combinations of ingredients was their school.

Paul was telling me proud of her specialties. For example, for the ice cream Sicilian Cassata, used a cheese that came directly from Sicily, while for the ice cream used tropical fruits typical imported from Brazil. But their pride was the taste that bore the name of "The Supreme". In practice it was ice cream made with almond paste, plain chocolate, caramelized almonds and chestnut honey, vera pump! Obviously I did not miss me ...

In the afternoon when I entered the room only to arrange a meeting, I ended up spending three pleasant hours laughing and chatting. And of course, eating ice cream to everyone who knows me ... not hardly believe!

But the gem is yet to come ... Paul, become sommelier, had worked to combine his two passions. He enrolled in the 2010 the Italian championship for ice cream. And guess what he proposed ... yes, ice cream Franciacorta. He finished second out of forty participants for Lombardy! Unfortunately, that day it was devoid, but he promised me that he will find me to my next visit ...


A story of love and passion between a woman and a vineyard

It all began in the rolling hills of Champagnole, with the song of the hoopoe and the vineyard souls ...

I want you to read me, while accompanying you the sweet songs of Charles Aznavour and Gilbert Becaud, as has happened to me while I was living my adventure.

I thought a lot about how to start my story, a love story, of passion, of contrasts, but a true story, a story of the past, that makes you believe in people, that makes you hope that the world can change, that you understand that our connection to the earth is inseparable, indissoluble, and only you can save us.

My life was not easy, tutt’altro. Continuing obstacles to overcome, sometimes almost insurmountable. But there is a light in front of me that keeps me going, that makes me believe in people, that makes me see that flame that burns in the souls, sending you energy and emotions, hope and inexhaustible desire to savor life in all its aspects. And I look at them with my light, and they thee retransmit. And that's the beautiful thing…

My story begins on a Sunday like many others. After an afternoon of chatting with friends, Coming back home. I was invited to comment on an interview with a woman, Anna

But not only Anna, The winery owner, plays an important role in this story. There are many souls around her feverish energy, of passions and contrasts. this vineyard, "The protagonist vera",  It has a heart that beats, and despite the constant adversity, He takes up this love for the land and encourages all to move forward.

Do you think I exaggerate… nooo! Anna I was with them for a walk among the rows of this screw ... sprang them energy, I felt almost a magical atmosphere. I was wrapped in attendance who continue to live in spite of the disasters noticed. Are perceptions that you have to try. We know how we are skeptical when we experience. You may wonder the sense of my statement, difficult to explain, sensations, It sensations felt in listening to Anna in his stories.

Walking in the vineyard he felt the presence of Sabrina, companion of the owner of the vineyards, disappeared after an incurable disease, and Giuliano, friend and great help in the vineyards and cellars, tragically he died after being rushed from his helicopter one day, shortly after flying over those rows. And what about Gianni owner of the vineyard ... With its understated elegance and its fervor told me stories of his homeland and typical Valdostane. And the sweet Nelly’, friend, promoter and photographer of the vineyard.

And to look at all of them, I was the, in the hills of Champagnole, small hamlet of Villeneuve in Aosta, delightedly, by so many beautiful souls.  And the hoopoe, with their eye-catching plumage and their song that brought me beautiful memories of childhood, in the countryside by his uncles in Treviso.


But let's start my story ...

After reading the interview with Anna, He was born in me the uncontrollable desire to know. The passion that I felt I belonged in that woman attracted me. then I obtained his phone number, and after some preliminary contacts via e-mail, I called.

His voice belied my impressions. She was the woman I had idealized. After exchanging some mutual confidences on our lives, I told her that I would have liked to meet her. She did not hesitate, indeed he said he felt a hidden bond with my voice. he said sensations, and he insisted that I stop when I come directly from her sleep. He gave me a strong emotion… The fact that a person as well known in an instant,  He could tendermi hand, It was for me a source of happiness that I expressed so. I am sensitive incurable romantic, but I like myself so, and I try not to change.

We agreed on the date, and finally the moment came. This law 200 km, and drive like, with my stops, photographing here and. Sometimes stopping in risky places. If you see a blonde head with a purple camera, it's me!

Finalmente has reached Champagnole. I saw the street sign, and I headed for a dirt country road between two vineyards. I found myself in a gravel courtyard surrounded by typical buildings. There were no signs related to the vineyard, then after parking the car, a bit 'timid, I began to look around. You should know that I'm very curious, of course, in the positive sense of the term. I like to enjoy with the eyes of every remote corner. Looking here and, finally I saw a writing brush of grapes on a white wall.

I knew I was finally reached its destination. I looked around as exploring.  I was immersed in a wild garden seeds under an old lime tree. Not far away, I saw a wooden pergola beside a white brick oven, and a fountain from which gurgled a gush of water pouring into a clear log of wood painted with skill and theme recalls. You adopted me immediately with the enthusiastic camera what I saw, shooting quickly every picturesque corner. A gentle breeze seemed to accompany me, giving me the feeling to wrap nicely in a hug welcome.


In fact I felt observed, I with my red jacket, I felt surrounded by curious eyes. All this until the arrival of a car parked next to my, and that allowed me to get out of dreamy atmosphere in which I was immersed. The car went down two middle-aged people, who looked at me absently.

I felt in me to introduce duty although it was not required me, I told them I was a friend of Anna, and that I was waiting. The blonde lady looked at me curious, He was accompanied by a man who spoke to me, He stood for a moment your eyes without giving me a lot of importance. Having not yet seen anyone from the moment I arrived, I allowed myself to ask them for information, but it was quickly answered that we knew not help me in any way. I decided to call her on the phone. I replied promptly, tone vispo, giving me precise directions to it in a nearby restaurant where he was having lunch with some friends. I arrived at their destination within minutes.

To welcome me on the roadside she…

After a hug and the preliminary greetings I explained my arrival, and I knew then that the vineyard had crossed her parents. He led me to the table where I was immediately greeted by smiling faces that I warmly shook hands anxious to know what I had until then conducted. The atmosphere warmed immediately, and between smiles and jokes, I was inundated with questions. Gianni especially put me continual questions, finding ready answers. I noticed that I was listening carefully, curious to see what force had pushed me so much, to reach their. The answer I knew well: “See the passion in people now so rare, that passion which for me is the engine of life…”

As time passed quickly,  I was aware of being them among strangers that slowly they were no longer. And I talked and talked, with my usual stream of chatter. One, They are irreducible chatterbox, I like to tell, thoroughly convinced that genuinely opening up to people from life experience and they receive equal. It 's like a virtual trip, and I like, I love to hear what lives can be adventurous and sometimes tragic.

To make us understand that it was late was the waiter who told us a little embarrassed that they were coming to close. We looked almost surprised and we became time account. so we decided to get going to the vineyard to immerse ourselves in the atmosphere which had strongly attracted me there.

As soon as you arrive at the vineyard, Anna introduced me to his parents. The couple looked at me with different eyes, apologizing for the cold reception to my previous arrival. Then, after the various presentations of ritual, We decided to take a walk among the vineyards, I and she.

He explained how he came from the first time there when one day in the spring of 2008 he joined his parents in a small plot of land in the vineyard rented and used as a vegetable garden. She saw a man, Gianni, that pruning rows with a big forbicione. Observing it in that movements of ritual,  gradually he made him realize his interest, his curiosity, and decided to imitate him. Without realizing it, he fell in love with the vineyard, of that atmosphere, and that peace which gave her the contact with the earth.

At that time Anna hour thirty-nine, He had had problems at work, He struggled with his line manager, big injustice and accusations against him then proved unfounded. The consequences were drastic and had to reluctantly leave.  After having won a suit remained only the satisfaction of having demonstrated his good faith. He had to start, restart, and he wondered how ... But fate often leads us on the right path, It is only up to us to see it ... And so it was ... The meeting with Gianni and his proposal to manage the vineyard gave a decisive new direction to his life.

But back to his story ...

While we walked, he told me proud of the four plots of its vineyards, located at four different fractions. A total of three hectares of heroic viticulture,  to the rugged slopes of the land that is not always made it easy to her care. Anna told me that he gave each a name, but his favorite was "Tess", the oldest. Here in particular the atmosphere we breathed was full of magical sensations, I was there, and I could perceive with her.

I can not define exactly what I felt. We were there to talk, so, as friends forever, but in fact it is known recently, and everything was very spiritual. Empirical perceptions I felt elevavano me to an almost unreal stage, and I had to wake up from a hypnotic stupor. The passion with which Anna told me the story of the anime I enchanted vineyard. Listening to her I had the impression that those lands were pervaded by opposing forces, negative and positive clashing, but insistently she predominated love and passion, winning against everything, allowing you to keep alive a dream that I now felt strongly even belong to me. The vineyard was the continuity of life. I was kidnapped from the land. His energy had won me over and now I could no longer feel bound by the commitment that slowly without realizing I was going to take.

But back to the real star of my story ...

Anna told me of the Chardonnay vineyard in the village of Verne, A Villeneuve. It stood at 750 meters above sea level and had a very hilly with consequent difficulties in its management. The second plot was located near Villeneuve Tessey, a 650 meters above sea level. This vineyard, the oldest dating back to 1930, that he nasceva Petit Rouge. The third in San Pierre, was all terraced with stone walls Dry. And finally the fourth, Pinot Noir and Muller Thurgau was in Champagnole. Here there was also the cellar, the reign of the vineyard.

He told me how difficult it was to follow the four plots, with large and small everyday problems, but the rewards were such that everything easily passed into the background. The joy that made her look after the vineyard, She repaid her fatigue. Then with the help of Gianni and wonderful friends and constant over time, the days passed happily.

He told me how pleasantly spent his time to tie the rows, being careful not to break them. During the period of pruning almost feeling the "tak" in the cut and in the heart, He born about the need to apologize to Mrs Vine ... so she called. Then, the thrill of seeing blossom buds, flowers, the vine leaves that cling tenaciously ... sensations that gives us the nature.

And how nice to talk to her ... you, talk to the vineyard ... because he said to me, "she gives you life lessons".  And I listened to Anna talk, almost in a dream state and how much I understood her. I was reliving my childhood, a sad little girl rescued from the earth. As a young girl in Treviso had felt the same feelings in the grandparents' vineyards, and how much they had saved me,  and how much I wanted to relive them ...

The pleasure of spending time outdoors, the sun's rays on your face, walk barefoot on the ground, were priceless sensations. The vineyard was teaching life, see it change over the seasons, the brave rows clinging to the wires, like us to life, He gave her inner peace and serenity.  His dream was to give it to the world, producing wine of Peace. Utopia called, maybe yes, maybe not. He told how the company did hoopoes with their song, those beautiful birds with bright colors, nesting them in camps.

And he told me that his dream would be to put classical music in the vineyards. But we think, pure ecstasy for those who can understand it. And all these treatments led to a long wait harvest. I will attend the next, and I honestly can not wait. For me is the celebration of life, with music and many friends, a return to the fine traditions of the past, the love and passion for simple things, for the real things. A return to my childhood in the countryside, the best memories of my life.

And with all of us there will be Sabrina, Gianni companion for so many years in the life and passions. She had given the first impulse of life to the vineyard. The streets of fate though another woman had led them, Anna, also thirty-nine. Here Sabrina roses in the garden each year continued to blossom, and that reminded everyone how life goes on ... And there will also Giuliano, common friend of John and Anna, special person from the soul, and great collaborator of the vineyards.

And back to the past with the pressing made dancing barefoot in vats ... and celebrate life ...

Cynthia & Cynthia ... in the "Vigne di Alice"

A person called me long ago 'Alice in Wonderland'… Friends, now our paths are divided, but I continue to live among them ... my dreams, my hopes ... as others say, in fairy tales. It will be, ma io ci sto cosi bene che a traslocare non ci penso proprio! And today I found another amazing ... Alice, but the vines! Well you, “The vineyards of Alice”!

Some time ago, during a dinner at Milano, I told to a person sitting next to me in my enthusiasm to know and write stories about passionate people. All of a sudden my partner stopped, and told me he had a story for me, a story of women who were producing wine in Treviso. Figuratevi io, practically with his eyes wide! And PRIMIS, women who made wine ... and then you want to put, a Treviso, mine land Origine.

After you have programmed the visit finally the moment came. I went in the direction of Carpesica, fraction of Vittorio Veneto. Li was waiting for me Cinzia Canzian, between an avenue of roses and 'vineyards Alice'.


Le Vigne di Alice

In telling his story I noticed the proliferation of similarities to my childhood. Although she grew up in the countryside among the vineyards of the grandfather and the grandmother's tavern. Educated to the importance of wine aroma, wide awake and ormai.

'Educating the scent of wine': un concetto che condivido pienamente. We are so 'spoiled by images’ we lose much of our sense of smell.

With the sense of smell can recognize thousands of different aromas, while the sense of taste can distinguish only four flavors. The truth is that smell is the sense of emotions…

Here I'm lost… Dov’ero…? Ah si, I told Cynthia, I do not, law, Cynthia the vineyards, reserved for a woman who told me about the evolution of his project "Le Vigne di Alice", dedicate alla nonna di suo marito.

Con lei Francesca, his invaluable help and winemaker of the vineyard. A dream realized, which led to excellent wines and good intuitions as to ALICE EXTRA DRY in transparent bottle.

Cynthia & Cynthia ... you looked with bright eyes and shining in front of a wonderful backdrop of natural beauty…

Massimo and I Dellavedova ... the "chef in love"!

In love ... but you say "in love" of those who? But to me obvious! Quiet Maximum I can already see that Gin eyes or noo ...?! Friends, Seriously I want to present Massimo Dellavedova, my dear friend and chef ... I love that man!

I met him now time back by Antonella Varese, other chef protagonist of my story. He tells me often that Antonella is its female version, while I was there I can only say, I have the pride to count them both among my circle of friends. It certainly does not refer us the art of cooking ... I can see your face "alienated" by my son Andrew, that tells me that friends often noticing my interest in this world think about how lucky he is and tell him: “Who knows what dishes you eat at your house! E lui: "Ehh ...!"I must confess that I love good food, but how to cook it is better to pass over. E… va bè! Mica can be good at everything!

Ooops ... I am lost ... What I said?! Ah sì, I love Max, and as I could not. Sensitive and passionate man, but a bit 'crazy like me. With him my ironic emerges to the fullest and when you are, I enjoy it too much to take it a bit 'around, Time passes and the sound of laughter. When he tells me about some anecdotes, "Its a kind host who asked him the fish, but he did not know too much about fish ... "I say that we just have to laugh! Maximus in a gastronomic event has had the audacity to create finger in plastic balls that came from a vending. For non-expert like me, finger food is food eaten with the hands. Think that funny and original use as if by pulling balls like when the children estraevamo eager to discover the surprise! Well Max is so, loves to play on the imagination of the people ... Not for nothing is one "chef smile!”

Ma always eats physician, I point on the simplicity ... and in fact a day, while listening to the speeches of haute cuisine between him and another of his great colleague starry, I could not help myself. Do you think that debating the use of leaves from taste of oyster, the Oyster leaf Leaves also known as vegetarian oyster. Well 'I intervened so: "But I said sorry, but directly use the oyster noo ...?!” They looked at me almost resentful of my lack of appreciation for their research, I would call sometimes morbid! Now you see such elaborate dishes that often the authentic home cooking is an object of desire! Recently I happened to find myself in front of almost manic presentations. Beautiful certain, but sometimes more suitable for photo shoots for cookbooks! It 'true that creativity is part of their profession ... And then I say that perhaps revisit the classic dishes of our tradition, is what you expect people like me, who like to approach to a simple kitchen and quality.

I once asked Massimo: "What do you prepare yourself to me if I asked you a fresh appetizer for the summer?"He accepted the challenge and asked me: “Breadsticks amaretto wrapped in prosciutto di San Daniele with low salinity with bicolored storm melon mint, accompanied by finger food drawstring cantaloupe melon, and yellow melon with ham dehydrated. All accompanied by a woman and a Fugata Torbato”. Wow dissi!
He is not considered a great wine connoisseur ... When once asked him what he said predilection : "You know there are different, depends on the place and my mood ... the choice of wine for me to follow the mood ". Have you ever thought about it? It, an incurable romantic sweet and passionate as me. His dream is to create the space in which to invest his projects, his experience and his great creativity. And as I say, must always leave the doors open to the hopes, because people full of resources should be supported and encouraged ... are the future and the driving force of our beautiful country!

As one of my colleagues: "The earth is not ready for the extra terrestrial" and I add ... "as women for romantics". Maximum Dellavedova

Antonella and I Varese between 'Dahlias and Beans’

Oh say acciperbolina! Even among the dahlias and the beans is now Cinzia, but that c'azzeccano?! A little 'patience and we get, it all makes sense, quasi!

Today I was looking at some photos and I focused on this with me and Antonella Varese one day in March… and made me want to tell you.

I got in touch with Antonella for some time now. His smile is open and frank I liked him immediately. Often we commented that published some posts on facebook. From the tone of his writing I realized that it was a spirited and likeable person, and rarely am I wrong.
I was amused when he commented a few oddities in the demands of its customers. Ah, I told you not ... As usual I think people are telepathy with me, and in fact I would often berate: "But do you think in your head"!

So I'll explain ... Antonella has a delicious Agriturismo sul Lago di Garda, Dahlias and Beans. Comments commenting, a day that I promised in my first shift from those parts I'd stop by her to eat. I had the opportunity the 17 March 2011 and here I stop for a moment ... We remember that great feast is celebrated on that date? Of course you do! It celebrated the 150'Anniversary of the Unification of my beloved Italy, and what better way to celebrate it than to stop by Antonella!!
I love all of Italy, I always say ... unique country for the traditions steeped in history ..., Art, of great men and women, people of passion ... then you want to put, I'm here too!! Daiii that joke! 🙂 Tra l’altro, my good friend Roman journalist Giorgio Ferrari, with his passion for the Renaissance of which he is the narrator in Rai, I did fall in love even more. He says they remind him of the beautiful Gigogin ... and here I bow to such a comparison.

Therefore, said for the fact that the occasion was special, and in this regard I was provided with two Italian flags. One I had left in my first leg in Padua from my friend Emanuela which had been lacking. And the other was in my car with me. I hope that does not tell me what to do?! But obviously in plain sight, and add "proudly"!
That day I arrived to Treviso, Saying goodbye to a dear sweet friend, Wanda hundredth, I'd never seen. With her had spent his last moments in the hospital, with the Italian flag that we felt.
But back to Antonella ... About one o'clock I arrived at the destination, and I saw with amazement that there were no signs at the entrance of celebration. I went then, and after the usual greetings I told her: "But if I put out my flag ... what do you say?” Lei accettò di buon grado, and so on ... Well prepared, I felt better!

Exhausted, I chose a table and decided to "spiazzarla with ordering"! In fact, when he asked me what I wanted to eat, I replied: “Fai tu, I eat everything except the tripe!” E lei…: "How do you?"And you told her, you say or do not say what your customers often put you in trouble. Well I'm around I'll put you to the test. Other evidence that… They came delicious dishes, and I had to give up his skill.

In fact I had no doubt. Among other things, the labels of the wines did not disprove the quality. That day made me taste Ribolla Gialla The Tunella, a large indigenous grape from Friuli.
Law, excellent chef and queen of her kitchen, appena then, sat down with me at the table. And there were two women, two new friends that were told of the disappointments of his life ..., of children and new loves. Antonella has made courageous choices that have repaid. It still has many dreams that I believe will carry with commitment. The vein of his family is quality catering, and she is worthy witness.



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