Have you ever tried Friselle the water of the sea ... ?!

I remember the first time I felt propose Friselle seawater seemed like such a strange thing for me to goggle! Then, pensandoci bene, I found a beauty that they can not not try.

We think… a boat, due friselle, some tomato, a bottle of good olive oil and sea ..., obviously where clean! What a treat! About, I am forgotten a bottle of wine, possibly a good red, I like it! 😉

This is the good life that appeals to me ...

They told me that once the fishermen Salentines prepared exactly as. Habits lost alas, primarily due to the pollution that has led us to be wary, but not only, I also believe to have forgotten small and simple traditions which in my opinion give a touch of poetry and romance to life.

The Friselle are purely a typical Apulian, a poor dish whose ancient origins are lost until the time of the Phoenicians, that, Merchant ate them wet in the sea and seasoned with olive oil.

It is prepared with wheat flour that of barley; are cooked in the oven for the first time, and then, after being cut in half, a second. One part remains rough, e l’altra liscia e compatta.

It 'used to say that the Friselle must' rozzulare 'in your teeth. Softgel, but also crisp!


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