My first time to ... “ViniVeri and Vinitaly 2013 "

They were events of "large numbers" that I will not be here to list, because I am certain, that the numbers ... I would end up giving them!

These were days of intense, Days of Wine and Vintners events aimed at the promotion and knowledge of the great typical Italian that make us famous in the world. Storefronts that have to be seen to "correct doses" to savor all aspects and wealth.

But now I ask you: “Enterprise will never be possible in these contexts?"What I know for sure is that, after having spent two days up and down talking on patrol, looking, but especially walking (ouch my feet ...) I am ready to draw up a "bugiardino, ma… diVino!”

Advice, dosage, modalità d’uso e… effetti indesiderati delle Fiere di Vino 😉

I state that I have not mentioned “VinNatur” not only because this year I managed to go.  One thing I just do not understand, since we are talking about natural wines, is the reason why these wonderful initiatives with a common denominator are not organized in a single context. This would prevent visitors to fans like me, to do a tour in stages exhausting to say the least! Ehhh… sighs that I do!

That said, back to my leaflet Fairs Wine:

  • Advice: Friends, my advice is to have a clear idea on the stands on which to linger after reading the program; in otherwise, saw the numbers of admissions, you are likely to get lost in virtually!
  • Dosage: The doses administered fairs…? Basically after a day of "administration" my ears were destroyed. 🙁 I miei amici produttori, felt their return, have planned a relaxing weekend in a cabin in the mountains without telephone connections… 😉
  • How to use: Ridiculed as usual, but also in exhibitions both in the confusion while there are always some interesting, always grasp them know pausing to talk with "proven producers".
  • Side effects: Daze, sore feet, but always with a smile ..., because every time you are going home richer in knowledge and ideas to think about ...

That said, pronti your!

1′ Stage:   "ViniVeri 2013" – Tenth edition of the historical review of the natural producers in Ceredigion (VR)

I often say that I feel “Peasant” for the love and peace that gives me the earth ...

“As farmers we must never tire of being custodians of Environment and everything that composes, because it is always dominated by the desire for possession, is a place of conquest, occasion of exploitation ... We Peasants Veri competes the duty not to forget that biodiversity, any living form needs, if it belongs to the world animal and vegetable, it is itself the source of life. Giampiero Bea, President Consortium ViniVeri”

This is the thinking of the participants present, wine producers but not only ... Friends I happily revised and re-embraced.

2'Stage: "Vinitaly 2013" – International Wine and Spirits Exhibition in Verona

Vinitaly they say of each, those who love and those who hate him. Personally I had never been, a little 'out of fear of the confusion that I do not love, and a little 'because as I often say, I love to live productive realities directly "field"Together with the producers. Ciò non toglie il massimo rispetto per questa manifestazione regina incontrastata del panorama enologico internazionale. Sollecitata dalla presenza di molti vignaioli che negli ultimi tempi ho avuto il piacere di conoscere, I decided only at the last minute to participate.

My impressions? I'll reply with adjectives: majestic, imposing, immense, chaotic ... whatever, important hub of trade and a starting point for socket contacts. I have not changed my way of seeing things, but I admit that I liked the size of the event.

At the conclusion of these beautiful, albeit intense and tiring days around fairs, with my reckless driver, a winemaker outstanding Terra di Franciacorta, Monzio Compagnoni, we have “vinosamente” celebrated in a nice restaurant!

Raise your glasses and ... Health drinkers of passion! 🙂


La Barbera, a wine of character to the female ...

Generosa Barbera, drinking it seems to us to be alone in a storm at sea challengers ... Carducci

La Barbera, a wine feminine elegant and dashing personality. Carducci with these verses makes it clear the character.

A wine of Piedmont among my favorites, mentioned for the first time in history in 1249 in a document deposited in the chapter of Casale Monferrato. It spread first in the territory they then radiate in Asti and Monferrato in the Tortona.


The opportunity came with me to celebrate it with pleasure Barbera Revolution”, the vertical tasting of Coppo Barbera d'Asti Canelli on Wednesday, 23 Last October the Chick'nQuick - Sadler Milan.

The GUID Espert sommelier Luca Gardini led us, during serata, wine tasting and history. The dishes Claudio Sadler  a pleasant meeting of flavors, he's defined "traditionally avant-garde".


Claudio Sadler

La Barbera 1947, Barbera d'Asti Pomorosso vintages 2010, 2004, 1996, 1989 and finally Moscato d'Asti Moncalvina 2011 are the wines tasted Coppo.

A company in the hills of Canelli, handed down from generation to generation that does well one hundred and twenty years. New levers that look, in addition to a global market became, to a changing climate that will alter the choices and productions.

As he says Luca Gardini: “Any natural product, Barbera also, has its own evolution. "


Luca Gardini

During the evening I had the pleasure of chatting with Gianni Coppo. As I often say people are important: are the transposition of the personality and character of what they produce.

He told me and I told him, greeting him a promise: “See you in Canelli.”


Gianni Coppo

Barbera means everything, for us 120 years of history dedicated to this wine, for Piedmont is its soul hidden, Most Popular, more magical. Fam. Coppo - Canelli



How fate brought me to a Wine Conference in Zagreb

Dico spesso che questa mia “seconda vita” è piena di conoscenze e di felici coincidenze, come se tutto fosse predestinato, come per un puzzle che prende forma. Ma non pongo limiti, e aspetto paziente facendomi trasportare dai venti… venti caldi e tranquilli da cui mi faccio guidare, come se ci fosse un disegno predefinito che si sta componendo… come se qualcuno mi indicasse la strada…

Questa mia storia inizia un giorno di Marzo del 2011,  mentre assistevo in ospedale una cara amica nei suoi ultimi momenti di vita, a Oderzo, in my land Treviso. In the same room next to her a Croatian woman was followed by his daughter, Svjetlana. And 'well-it is known as the pain touching the innermost chords of the soul ... in these situations the intensity of the relationship increases and unites more than ever.

Fu così che conobbi Svjetlana… Passammo in quei giorni ore a raccontarci, fino a salutarci con la promessa di non perderci più, perché come dico sempre, nei rapporti conta la qualità e non la quantità. Ci sono delle persone con le quali ho instaurato un legame così profondo, che nulla potrà mai cambiarlo, ne la lontananza, ne la frequenza dei nostri incontri… Quando sento la loro voce, e come se il tempo non fosse mai passato.

Improvvisamente qualche mese fa,  una sera arrivò una chiamata. Sentii Svjetlana molto eccitata… Sua figlia Lana stava organizzando una Conferenza Educativa sul vino a Zagabria, la L.O.B.I.,  e indovinate… voleva che partecipassi come ospite! Wow dissi!  Risposi di si entusiasta, e grazie a Orjana, l’altra figlia che venne con me e che mi fece da interprete, I left quiet. In my adventure, erano presenti in qualità di esperti del settore, l’americano Mark Norman, l’inglese Martin Ward, e i croati Rene Bakalovic e Aleksandar Norsic.  Parteciparono una decina di produttori provenienti dalla Croazia e dal Montenegro, mentre per l’Italia c’era l’Azienda Agricola Allegrini di Fumane (VR) rappresentata da Christian Pisetta.

Partimmo di buon’ora e raggiungemmo Zagabria per tempo. Durante il viaggio con Orjana parlammo molto affrontando i discorsi tra i più disparati, a volte, toccando momenti d’intensa emozione. Things read of the war that has engulfed these peoples have always upset. I'll never understand how mankind can get to reach the threshold of such cruelty. Quando ne parlai ad Orjana, lei mi raccontò alcuni suoi ricordi… Il giorno che vide tornare il padre dalla guerra… la sua lunga barba, i suoi occhi tristi e stravolti da immagini indimenticabili.  Aveva otto anni all’epoca, e la memoria dei racconti che lui fece alla famiglia, quasi senza rendersi conto della presenza di una bambina, che forse pensava non capisse l’addolorava ancora. Finimmo per emozionarci entrambe, e volli fermarmi, riemergeva troppo dolore… Le immagini della bella Zagabria ci distolsero da quei pensieri.

Arrivate all’ Hypo Centar fummo accolte con tutti gli onori. Tutto era pronto, e toccò a me con il taglio del nastro, open the Conference. After the various usual photos, ebbi il piacere di parlare con Mark Norman Professore di Internet Marketing, the importance of social networks for marketing and sale in the wine sector. Despite being aware of their affect on the market these new sales techniques, rimane sempre in me la convinzione ove sia possibile, dell’esigenza di un contatto umano con il produttore.

Un vino è molto di più di una bevanda… the wine is history, is thinking ... is a philosophy of life. Quando mi approccio ad esso,  chiedo che mi venga raccontato.  L’uomo che lo produce con la sua esperienza e con il suo vissuto,  lo personalizza, giving this nectar singular notes and inimitable.E’ per questo che la conoscenza dei produttori per me è insostituibile esperienza di vita che mi è indispensabile per conoscere il loro vino… per lo meno,  per come lo concepisco io.  E in questo mio pensiero, chiamatelo pure romantico, avevo il supporto di Martin Ward,  gentleman inglese appassionato educatore alla degustazione dei vini. Un vero piacere conoscerlo ed ascoltarlo, un caro amico ormai.

Passeggiando tra i vari stand incontrai i gentili signori della Vinarija Rupice di Podgorica, nel Montenegro. Mi raccontarono delle loro scelte nel portare avanti la tradizione vinicola di famiglia con una produzione limitatissima per veri amatori. Ottima la degustazione del loro vino rosso “DI VINE”,  che ho potuto apprezzare ascoltando la loro storia.

Ma non solo il vino mi attrae… eh si, io sono un’appassionata di tutte le tipicità. E proprio li ne trovai una… “il maraschino, liquore dolce di ciliege marasche”. Il liquore deve il suo nome all’ingrediente originario della Dalmazia. I primi a realizzarlo furono i monaci domenicani di Zara, attorno al XVI secolo. L’azienda storica Maraska, è ormai la prima produttrice di maraschino di tutta la Croazia.

Le giornate passarono velocemente tra le tante degustazioni, cene e conferenze. Orjana da scettica qual era, è tornata appassionata più che mai a questo settore. Credo che le sia servita questa esperienza per la sua vita e per il suo futuro. Le esperienze servono sempre, arricchiscono il nostro bagaglio di conoscenza e ci fanno crescere.  Mai privarsene,  perché non si può mai sapere dove ci portano… infatti,  il mio viaggio continua.

Bisogna andare dal vino, senza aspettare che sia il vino a venire da noi, diceva così Filiberto Lodi all’amico Mario Soldati

Fu così che nacquero “Le donne di Maggio”

I often say that my second life is really fantastic, and not just for the things I'm doing. The large meetings that I have the good fortune to have, emotions that are true no longer be able to take me away ...

But now I want to tell you how they were born Women May ...

During dinner, an event that I had organized in Pavia, I was sitting next to a woman who was organizing fashion shows for fun.  E 'common knowledge for many that I love clothes, I am a woman with bows and hats ... lace and silk organza ...! I love the elegance of the good times! If you invent a time machine I fionderei in the 60s, when femininity was enhanced by clothing and accessories. You will say ... and then? So I say to you that even though I sometimes hear people say: "Cynthia, but where you have to go dressed like that ?!”, I like it so much that I do the same! 

But back to the famous night dinner ...

As soon as I heard about the parade, I proposed to organize it now embarking on a wine tasting. We felt with stakeholders days after, and we fixed a date. It was decided that the event would take place in May. May, the month when the roses bloom like women taking charge of their life reborn .... It was this thought, I snapped a spring!

Exactly ... so I organized a party for women in renaissance, women like me, which call into play with courage after passing the events to which you refer the life. The events that you bend, and that changes your perspective on things making it more profound and meaningful.

Women getting up that invest in their passions. Women who join hands in a circle as the internal energy that develops from them strength and courage, but above all allows them to help each other not to feel more alone.

It was then that I decided that in the evening the stars were women: Women May.

“Halloween ... in the ancient barrel room of the winery Pietrasanta”

Halloween festa stregata! It scares the night! All out late at night with festeggiam chaos. Witches, wizards and ghosts… Confectionery, pancakes, chocolates! What a great recipe! What a night deadly! Many haunted masks; many frightened faces; many sweets in the tummies; tante zucche in lumicini. It’ a party a po’ scary, with ghosts and witches galore! And with wizards and monsters in droves spend this night!

of Jolanda Restano

E 'already ... is it true that for me every excuse is good to be with friends! And when a few days ago and Lucilla Carlo's Cellar Pietrasanta they invited me to their event in the ancient barrel, I did not hesitate a moment.

I arranged immediately choosing dress to wear. As I say at every opportunity is the right outfit, and a 'well I'm around… the parrucca! But the opportunity was tempting not only to celebrate Halloween “in our own way”,  but to taste their wines and specialties that they had taken steps to prepare.

Several were the stars of the day…

We started with wine tasting… the wines of Saint Columban, l’unica Doc della provincia di Milano. The Farm Pietrasanta is its location in the old family mansion dating back to the mid-700. The six hectares of vineyards rise on a hill in the middle of the Po Valley, and include nine varieties (barbera, croatina, merlot, cabernet, sauvignon, pinot nero, Verdea, sauvignon blanc e riesling renano). In combination was served the "Raspadura",   Parmesan cheese said "Typical Lodigiano", served in puff read scraped from the surface of the shape young man with a special knife.

There were some typical cold cuts, cream of pumpkin soup, polenta with cheese Lodi, i ceci con porcini e chicchi d’uva e la crostata con marmellata di noci e cioccolato. A degna cornice ci venne presentato the book by Alessandra Sprouts "The Treasure of Count Notary",  and precious ceramics that have shaped the history of the house Pietrasanta.

At the end of a beautiful day,  removed “the costumes” concludemmo con la promessa di rivederci presto. Si perché Carlo e Lucilla sono rispettivamente Coordinatrice e Presidente del Movement of Lombardo Wine Tourism (MTV). This Regional Association nonprofit currently meets 89 cellars united by the desire to promote the wine tourism with the promotion of dedicated reception and refreshments initiatives.

    “The wine adds a smile to friendship and love sparkle…”

It. de Amicis


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