La sauna, a natural therapy for health

Finnish sauna (dry sauna).

For a long time I put a book in which I write what 'naturally' can help us to live better. The reason is very simple, I love nature and its natural remedies. I am well aware of not discovering anything new, let's just say I remember, and a PRIMIS me, and then to those who eventually passes through here.

Today I will make you sweat, or better, I will invite you to do the sauna. Personally I really love to practice it because it makes me feel good and it relaxes me. Unfortunately, in Italy there is the right one culture and tradition that occurs while traveling abroad, where it is practiced more regularly to the beneficial effects on health.

Let's see why…

  • The sauna helps to eliminate toxins simply sweating. Sweating is in fact a form of defense of our body to fight infections.
  • Has beneficial effects on the respiratory system.
  • It helps to relax the muscles, calms, and promotes sleep.
  • Due to its detoxifying properties makes the skin more supple and radiant.
  • La sauna fa dimagrire: its heat in fact favors the increase of the heartbeat, and consequently the consumption of about 300 calories per session.

Some tips…

  • It should be practiced in total nudity, or at least wearing cotton garments. This is because the synthetic fibers, with the high temperatures, emit fumes hazardous to health.
  • The ideal is to do two cycles 10/15 minutes, each of which is followed by a shower with cold water to restore the correct body temperature.
  • While relaxing, after each session, it is important to replenish lost fluids with herbal tea.
  • It 'not recommended to those suffering from heart disease, circulatory problems, and to those who are prone to high blood pressure.

That said, I do not know you, but I'm going to do it! 😉

Today I am going for a walk, but with the heart ...!

I love to walk in the green, I always do it as soon as I can, away from the hustle and bustle. It 's my time therapeutic. One, you got it ... 'therapeutic'!

Walking is good for me to mind, mi Rila, and is good for health by preventing many ailments!

Come on ... laziness is bad company! Five miles a day keeps the doctor away ... or almost! 😉

Do you remember that song that said: “just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, and the medicine go down, and the medicine go down ...” Well, I would like the pill go down as little as possible! Medications may very, but they are not the only answer to all ills.

Here are the therapeutic indications to convince us to walk more.

Physical exercise has a positive effect on hypertension, dislipidemie, obesity and more ... and so far I would say that we.

But what I want to emphasize more, is that doing exercise, adversely affects causing some chronic diseases, metabolic, such as cardiovascular and:

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Hypertension

Lo so, things are corny, but I insist!

Physical activity as a natural medication, that, with proper nutrition, allows you to rebalance the mechanisms of our body keeping us in shape.

The recommended dose? Thirty minutes a day we can do during the day just to attend avoiding bad company: “laziness”! 😉

Did you know that olive leaf ...

Did you know that olive leaves are used for the treatment of hypertension due to their vasodilatory… There are some studies, it is true, but it is also true that once dried, for rural tradition are used to stabilize the states of hypertension.

In confirmation of what has been written above, have no weight only folk traditions.

You should know that I have contacted many people before writing what you're reading. Most did not know what to say, they simply ask me to keep them updated from any answers to my research. In fact I have not discovered anything new, l’unica cosa certa è che l’Italia ha più di 530 types of cultivars, resulting in a natural vocation, for a plant such as olive, known for its properties and its therapeutic use since the antiquity by all peoples of the Mediterranean basin.

In this regard, I have to thank for the support Dr. Fausto Mearelli, Lama San Giustino in the province of Perugia. The reading of the texts that you sent me is helpful to better understand the issue.

It was the Dr. Mazet, a doctor in Nice, who began experimenting with olive leaves in 1938, using them after they have been tested with success for the treatment of 38 its hypertensive patients. He was given a decoction their, obtained by boiling 20 Article. olive leaf in 300 cc. d’acqua, ridotto fino al volume di 200 cc.  His 38 patients, 30 stabilized resulting in a net improvement in positive, on previous blood pressure. These experiences were later also established by the researches of Italian Dr. Di Nunno.

That said ... why not try to treat hypertension even with the decoction of olive leaves!  O siamo forse troppo pigri da preferire una pillola a un infuso?! Some, sometimes it is necessary, but ... it costs us groped?!

At the end of today I have only told a story ... a story of natural therapies that we can do only good for your health!

A 'walk of the old manor that clutter ivy and bramble,

where he lives in a brown hawk ... 'standing hatred that, at last,

only with its ruins, we plant the olive tree!

 Giovani Pascoli da “Canzone dell’ulivo”


Sources:  “L'Olivo as herbal plant

             Prof.. Andrea Fabbri of the Faculty of Agriculture – Università di Parma

             Dr. Maurizio Pedrazzini Herbalist – Parma

Siete sicuri di saper respirare?

Il respiro è l’anima della vita. Tutto respira. La Terra respira.

And now I ask you: "Are you sure you know how to breathe?”

Respirare è molto di più di un atto meccanico. Respirare è saper godere appieno delle emozioni della vita. The truth is that the frenzy of daily life has now overwhelmed us by dragging us like in a vortex, senza respiro, indifference, nell’ansietà…

Now stop, and look at this picture. E 'Earth, we, we will in the universe, the immense sky ... and now breathe, e respirate, e respirate… I did seriously, with a technique that takes the name of rebirthing. I wanted to delve into this topic for a long time, but as with everything that I tell, I had to live it, so it was. I can only tell you that, breathing led by experienced friends, I did like the feeling of wandering in space, a strong emotion that can not be explained in words, you can only live.

Rebirthing (rebirth): deep breathing technique guided by a rebirther (professional who has attended a course of rebirthing). It improves the oxygenation of the body's cells by slowing down muscle tension by bringing out repressed thoughts and emotions.

Let us pause a moment and take breath.

The paradox of our time is that… we laugh very little, suffer from insomnia, and we wake up tired. These are times of quick meals and slow digestion. George Carlin

Breath is life ...

di Manuela Preatoni

Breath is life, the breath is a loyal friend who accompanies us throughout life, come into the world with the first breath and we go with the last.

In our life we ​​can say we all, and yet, believe me when I tell you that most of us can not breathe.

We we put in our body the bare minimum to survive, but there is much more energy ... Oxygen is vital, energy that moves and stretches out to stimulate each of us, regenerating heart, soul, and body.

Our life is made up of emotions, dreams, jewels, but alas, even pain, sufferings and defeats. Whenever we live in one of these experiences, Think about it, we hold our breath, resist, not manifest, because it is not good nor cry, nor rejoice… and here we begin to breathe evil.

It 's so that our natural way of breathing is changed, from our repressed emotions, rhythms of a life of breath, from the stresses and frustrations. So our breath loses vitality, it loses its regenerating properties, is no longer spontaneous and liberating, and remains trapped in armor created from stiff muscles.

Without realizing it, we lose its beneficial effects.

Il respiro…

  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Reduces fatigue and stress by decreasing cortisol and blood lactate (stress hormones). The effect that flows from it is to liberate the latent energies enhancing the status of mental vitality.
  • It’ Detoxifying: the 70% of body toxins are released in the exhalation reducing acidity in the blood and thus favoring the functionality of the kidneys.
  • It increases the production of endorphins, the hormone of happiness, creating psychophysical relaxation, with a state of general well-being and sense of fullness and satisfaction.
  • Intervenes in the regulation of the endocrine system.
  • Free from emotional tensions.

These are just some of the benefits of a good and healthy breathing.

Have you ever watched as a child to breathe 3-4 age? His breathing is free, full, we have an expansion of the rib cage is both the abdomen, energy through the whole body without finding barriers. Try to observe an adult, unlikely to have a complete breathing, you will notice that prioritize, unknowingly a part of the trunk, and above will not be a harmonious breath, but broken, short, light, sometimes almost imperceptible.

  • We were able to breathe, but now the time has come to re-learn… Let's get to with a short exercise:

Set aside 10 minutes per day. Sit, seduti o sdraiati, in a quiet place if possible. Close your eyes and begin to breathe normally paying attention to your breath, observing where your energy comes not, trying to perceived tensions in the body, pain, feelings, emotions…

Then dare a little 'slightly increasing the inhalation, do not overdo it. Even if you feel that there is no longer a place you'll be amazed how much more air we can introduce. Try to make your breathing as complete and uniform as possible, without resistance, and unstrained. Observe your body still, your feelings, the small changes that take place… Relax and begin to familiarize yourself with your best friend.

At the end you will experience a state of well-being, lightness, a sense of release from tension and stress… And think that you have only breathed for 10 minutes.

There are techniques (Rebirthing, Breathwork…) which offer much longer and more intense breathing sessions, but that require preparation, and, top, the presence of a supervisor. But for now, let's stop here, begin to approach a healthy breathing and conscious with this simple exercise, to see if this amazing world we can fascinate ...

Good breathing at all!

Manuela Preatoni  
Physiopter therapist E-mail: manu.marco@alice.it
Giuliano Di Betta 

Today you drink magnesium chloride ... but with grape juice!

Lo conoscete il cloruro di magnesio?

Il magnesio è un minerale. And 'present in cocoa, dried fruit, in seafood, in beans, in beans, in the bran, nell’orzo… insomma in alimenti un pochino trascurati.

La carenza di magnesio è causa di molti malesseri: dall’area psichica, to the muscle, to the cardiovascular, e a molte altre.

Magnesium deficiency is the cause of many ailments from mental ..., to the muscle, to the cardiovascular, e a molte altre.

Questa carenza può essere semplicemente risolta con l’assunzione di un integratore: “magnesium chloride“. An affordable rooms with a minimum expenditure safely at any pharmacy, exactly as I do from time. It 'simply dissolve 25/30 Article. in one liter of water and drink half a glass once a day.

Alas, the taste is not the best, but just dilute it with fruit juice, and you're done! Today I have prepared a glass of grape juice diluted with! 😉

Molte le sue proprietà: purifica il sangue, increases the tone immune and contributes to the proper functioning of most of the equipment of our body, in short, keeps you young! 😉 Già nei primi anni del 1900 i medici francesi P. Delbet e A. Nephew, I experienced excellent results with the use!

Non vi resta che provare…



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