The dual personality of Whisky. Do you know?

Until a few years ago I did not drink spirits, then, following a recommendation from a friend, I began to taste, correct me, to sniff!  In fact I do not drink, or better, but above all taste smell. Try doing that with your eyes closed, over time your luggage memories will be enriched by sensory experiences that will bring you back to mind the tastes and emotions.

As they say "everything is born from the passion". So it was for Claudio Riva, soul of the web community SingleMaltWhisky.it, and for David Terziotti, passionate connoisseur and author of the blog Angel’s Sharand. Together, united by the desire to promote the culture and knowledge of quality distillates, gave rise to the WhiskyClub Italia.

The November 8, at the Club House of the Golf Villa D'Este Montorfano in the province of Como, was presented the club with a meeting between people who share this passion. L’evento, started with a tasting event whiskey selected, ended with dinner by the Chef Corrado Radice, that matched his creations to three beers matured in barrels Quarter Casks former Laphroaig.  Micro-breweries Lombard presented by the Master Brewers intervened with their stories during the evening.

Claudio Riva and the chef Corrado Root

Claudio Riva and the chef Corrado Root

Whisky, but not only…  Pass the word to Claudio Riva.

  • Claudio, this club was born from a passion for whiskey, but not only… what are the goals that you prefiggi, but especially, what action you intend to promote through it?

The aim of the club is to spread the culture of good spirit through its highest excellence, lo Scotch Whisky. We want to do it in a modern way, for this reason we defined the era 2.0 del whisky in Italia. No longer the old conception of exclusive club where you can only enter if invited, but a much more open and modern which also goes by the collaboration with other professionals or enthusiasts.

After the beers will deepen the pairing with cheese, then, in collaboration with Giorgio Cabella Chef and Culture, realize a project to explore seriously the pairing whiskey-food, virgin territory especially here in Italy. We will also cocktail parties, unthinkable for a 'whiskey club' old-fashioned. I do believe that if you drink a gin & tonic you have a right to expect high quality raw materials.

Claudio Riva

Claudio Riva

  • And 'my habit, When I attend an evening, interact with the people who follow me by publishing real-time and post photos. The reason is simple: give people the opportunity to speak with any questions or opinions. Well, commenting on my photo friend chef Matthew Knowles, emphasized the distinction between whiskey and whiskey sea floor. A classification did not know. Can you explain the difference, provided there is ...

I state that the difference between whiskey and whiskey sea floor does not exist. It is, however,, with good approximation, the double soul of Scotch, that usually leads to distinguish a peaty whiskey from a non-peated. Diversification comes obviously from the site and from the ecosystem in which the barrel is maturing (angel’s share).  The sea this air will be brackish with hints of iodine and medicines, and if close to the mountains will have floral scents, fruit and honey. During the long maturation of Scotch interaction with the wood of the barrel and the environment shape the character of the malt. The desire to slow the process of evolution of Scotch is the reason why the same can have a sort of terroir that determines a unique product and unrepeatable.

The whiskey islanders have a different character, perché gli isolani sono un po’ più folli degli Scozzesi di terra ferma 😉 e perché sulle isole non ci sono piante. The process of malting barley is done with the only fuel available in abundance: la torba. The peat smoke, much more pungent and penetrating than coal, goes so deep into the grain of barley to resist all'ammostamento, fermentation, two distillations, and aging in barrel. It follows that in the whiskey Islanders, almost always, the presence of peat is much more trodden than the other malts of land.


At the end of the evening you always pull the sums. As far as I'm concerned, among the many samples, my absolute preference has been for Octomore Bruichladdich, a special bottling done for the Feis Ile 2014, the whiskey and music festival which takes place in late May on Islay. L 'whisky più torbato al mondo, born into a distillery built in 1881, located on the island of Islay, in the far west of Scotland. Resounding!


Club-House Golf Villa D'Este

Chief Conrad Root

Salmon tartare marinated in the flowers you

Salmon tartare marinated in the flowers you

Risotto alla bottarga served with beer Extraomnes Dram (Ild Ale 13,5)

Risotto alla bottarga served with beer Extraomnes Dram (Old Ale 13,5%). Mastro birraio: Louis “Schigi” D'Amelio

Veal fillet in a crust of brown bread


Mini tarte tatin with creamed mozzarella and served with whipped cream natural beer Manaresta Damned (Imperial Russian Stout 10,5 %). Mastro birraio: Enrico and Marco Valeriani Dosoli.

Mini tarte tatin with creamed mozzarella and served with whipped cream natural beer Menaresta Damned (Imperial Russian Stout 10,5 %). Mastro birraio: Enrico and Marco Valeriani Dosoli.


A lemonade ... but thanks to the coffee! Do you know the Brasilena?

Exactly so, a soda to coffee that I was able to appreciate during my holiday in Calabria.

The Brasilena is a soft drink fizzy typical Calabrian obtained by infusion of coffee (infusion of the coffee powder in boiling water).

To prepare it using the spring water of Monte Covello, situated in the territory of Girifalco in the province of Catanzaro. This mountain is known for its wealth of woods, for its wildlife, and for the quality of its mineral waters.

Un soft drink, se vi piace chiamarla così, with a low percentage of coffee (about 12%) produced by 1982 Water from the Company Calabria.

And 'perfect for every hour, these aunt, and taste really nice. An Italian product. I do not understand why not propose this instead of notes beverages from abroad from objectionable content!

I have to admit that before going in Calabria did not know it either. So it is easy to say. The cause is mainly due to the poor promotion of the product by the manufacturer.

In all cases, I recommend you try it if you get a chance. The selection always depends on the question ...

Our Lady of Mount Covello

Our Lady of Mount Covello – Photography Tele Pepè Girifalco

In’ tazzulella e’ cafe ...


Peter Parisi and Cynthia Tosini

“I confess that Cinzia I was literally forced to tell her about the atmosphere of the Neapolitan coffee ... and how to say no, in’ tazzulella and’ Cafes, if it deserves its own!”

Coffee for a Neapolitan,  more than a beverage, is a sacred thing! Scans stages of days.

Very important is that of awakening!  The first coffee must be done to "workmanlike" because it determines the course of the whole day!  Never mistake the first coffee to a Neapolitan!

But why you ask the Neapolitan coffee is famous all over the world?

Friends, first made him famous mythical Neapolitan coffee maker now sadly disused.  But referring to this excellence if, it is said that the taste of the coffee is different for both the water, that for the particular roasting acclaims that the essential oils and improves the extraction of aromas.

  • Monologue dedicated to coffee “These ghosts”

I would give up everything except that this cup of coffee, tranquillamente dam qua, out from the balcony, quell'oretta sleep after that one is done after eating. And me, I do it myself, with my hands… Who could make some coffee as I prepare I, with the same zeal… with the same care? You will understand that, having to serve myself , I follow the true experiences and do not neglect anything… On the beak… you see the beak? I'll put this on the beak coppitello paper… It seems nothing… This coppitello has its function… It already, because the thick smoke of the first coffee flowing, then that is the load, does not disperse. Come pure, prior to pouring the water, you have to boil it for three or four minutes, least, I said before colarla, in the inner part of the capsule bucherellata, must sprinkle half a teaspoon of freshly ground powder. Little secret! So that, in the moment of casting here, full boil, already is flavored to your account. And it Tosto me of me. That is the hardest thing: guess the right spot cooking, color… A blanket of monaco… Color mantle of monaco.

It’ a great satisfaction and avoid well to take anger, perchè se, for one hell of a combination, for a wrong move, you know… I run away 'by hand or’ Piezzo’ 'Cup and, s'aunisce to chillo 'and under, if mmesca poses and ccafè… in short, comes a zoza… because I did it with my hands and nun m’ 'Well to seize’ cu nisciuno, I am convinced that it is good and I'll drink the same.

Caspita, Chesto is cafe… è ciucculata. See how little it takes to make a man happy.

Eduardo De Filippo

And now I am speaking ...

You should know that I did with Peter an equal exchange. I have undertaken to write about him, and he has promised me to write on a Italian gem I love deeply for its flavor and for what it represents. One, because coffee is a real moment of celebration, a leisure break that makes us start with the right pace.

I love drinking coffee sitting in the old, shrouded in history ... In my travels, I always try the local fair. As soon as I find I immerse myself in those atmospheres and the mind goes ... Perhaps because in the historical cafés, meeting places of great personalities, often became the story, and I love everything that has a…

But back to the real Neapolitan coffee I want to remember a beautiful tradition that once told me a gentleman whom I met by chance while chatting, “coffee suspended“.  Mi these: “Cinzia must know that in the old village café regulars from, it is customary to pay an extra coffee when you do not find one suspended”.  Suspended say? Suspended in the sense that?  In the sense that usually if it finds one already paid, and so the wheel turns ... Luciano De Crescenzo Neapolitan writer has made even a book, “The coffee suspended ".

When a Neapolitan is happy for some reason, instead of paying a single coffee, what he would drink, not due paga, one for itself and one for the customer who comes after. It's like offering a cup of coffee to the rest of the world…

Luciano De Crescenzo


A beer please, but… craft thanks!

The recipe : “Tiramisu to Beer”

I recently met through a mutual friend, Marco and Mario, an artisan furniture and a real estate agent, two brothers who have changed their way of life by diverting it to the world of beer.  Il loro progetto è quello di far conoscere birrifici artigianali e diffondere cultura birraia.

Given that what intrigued me a lot, I went to visit them in their beershop Al Frate brewer, e davanti a una birra mi sono fatta raccontare.

  • So ... how taken the "spark" that has transformed your life?

Siamo da sempre consumatori e amanti della buona birra. Spinti da uno spirito di cambiamento e dalla situazione economica attuale, we decided to turn our passion into work.

  • As a reputed beer culture in Italy?

Cynthia, We can only tell you that it is hard to speak of a true beer culture in Italy. One of the goals of our project is precisely to bring many people as possible to the world of beer.

  • What are the main differences between the beer and the craft beer industry?

The biggest difference between a beer and a craft industry, is that the latter have not undergone heat treatment and no filtration, keeps yeast "alive and well",  e quindi in continua fermentazione.

  • Si sente spesso parlare di birra “cruda”. A voi la parola…

For birra cruda means a non-pasteurized beer, not filtered and therefore free to express many beneficial properties for the body.

– The pasteurization is a heat treatment conducted at a sterilizing 60 ° C for about twenty minutes, employed by the industry to eliminate the beer every organism,  extending the duration and standardizing the taste.

– A beer is not filtered is a beer complements of vitamins, antioxidants and live yeast.

  • I'm discovering a real world of craft beer. Describe some of them that particularly impressed you?

In order not to hurt anyone, we will say that each craft brewery has its own story that deserves to be heard ... We will give everyone the right space.

  • His friends jokingly tease me because I love to use the glasses "right" for wine, per la birra, and not only ... I often see beer drinking from the bottle.  This habit can penalize the tasting?

First of all, each style of beer corresponds to its glass. As for the habit of drinking directly from the bottle, in addition to heavily penalize the tasting, ingests a lot of carbon dioxide causing the classic "brewer's belly".

  • Women and Beer… What is your opinion?

"Women and Beer" is a nice combination to grow, because too many women consider the beer a bitter drink. Cynthia, even though we know you love red beer ... do you remember the cherry beer that we made you taste?  A different enthusiast, aromas and flavors perfect for pairing with a tart cherry!

  • What do you propose for the present and for the future with your project?

The ideas ... so many projects also! For now spreading good beer culture, is our highest aspiration.  Things will come gradually.

  • Beer and food… Can you tell me a recipe?

Sure Cinzia! We know that you like tiramisu… but you've never tasted beer?

– Same as for the classic tiramisu,  the only difference is that you have to soak the ladyfingers well in the beer.

– When ready to serve and serve with a fresh mug of beer used in the same recipe. When the two meet in the mouth it tastes feel ... an explosion of taste!


The oldest café in Europe

I love drinking coffee sitting in the old local, shrouded in history ... In my travels, I always try the local fair, and as soon as I immerse myself in those atmospheres, and the mind goes ...

But now I wonder, what is the "coffee" the world's oldest ?

                         Responds Justin Catalano

The oldest café in the world already existed around the 1500 in Constantinople, a coffee with small cakes.

It was done squat as I think it was also done at the Cafe Procope, old Parisian venue opened in 1686 by a Sicilian who moved them.

The methods of obtaining the drink known to us are very recent. Even the so-called Neapolitan coffee maker (non the mocking!) mutuava from the old system.

A filter permitted to avoid posing, instead present in the coffee Turkish. It would be more correct to say original as it also did in Ethiopia and neighboring areas so as to always. The so-called funds then, in some areas of the Mediterranean basin are also beds (Grecia in testa)!


And so it was that I came to Gianni Capovilla, a distiller with a heart 'mechanical’

Now there are all sorts of researchers ... scientific researchers, university, Well pharmaceuticals, I want to reveal a secret, I am also a researcher, but the souls of passion! And when in my travels of knowledge, people listening to me see the real sincere desire to discover and to learn, them takes the fateful phrase: Cynthia, you absolutely need to know ...

And so it was that one evening at dinner with dear Josko Gravner speaking of spirits was mentioned the name of Gianni Vittorio Capovilla, while a mechanic in his life driven by passion he decided to become a distiller. Dave Broom contributor to Whisky Magazine, and world-renowned taster,  defines the largest distiller in the world, but as I always say I need to look into the eyes of the people chatting face to face. I love doing it, it is my passion in life and my greatest enrichment, an inner wealth that does not s'inflaziona and that leads you to know great people. That said as I say, “pronti…via!"Head office Rosa in the province of Vicenza.

Distillery Capovilla

Distillery Capovilla

But let's start from the beginning…

I packed my bags the night before, and the beautiful perky morning was ready and excited to leave for my vacation. Yes, because to me these are really the tour!  It 's like a treasure hunt ... and there's always a happy ending! But alas, a terrible thing happened, key on the machine left!  Nooo ... I was desperate ... but like I said: "You have six months of life, how can you not leave ... and then just today!"You must know that I have a real passion for cars so I come to talk!  I really needed to Gianni, you Gianni Capovilla. And you tell me now: "But excuse Cinzia, but did not say who was a distiller?"Sure you, but years ago was a mechanic and that mechanic ...!  He had the passion I have for sports cars too. But we think, Treviso like me, passionate drive, and pure distiller!  A fairy tale!

Gianni was born in Crespano del Grappa in the province of Treviso. His childhood as part of my, spent in the green of the fields and woods, where he was born his love for the wild fruits. Sometimes we put in the drawers of memory some of our passions, but make no mistake that sooner or later they re-open!  For me and Gianni was so. His adventure began as a mechanic in Bassano del Grappa where Mr. Tosin, a stern but excellent teacher gave him the rudiments of the trade.  But the turning point came when thanks to an Alfa Romeo was offered a contract in Switzerland. Here a customer workshop with the same passion, involved him bringing with them competing and carburetor series machines, and Formula Three. His enthusiasm was seen that the races were participating real pilots, including a Clay Regazzoni ... He knew Jurg Dubler, a Swiss Formula Three champion who ran in the European championship on track. Dubler suggested to John to follow him as his personal mechanic. The salary offered was lower than it felt at the time, but it was too tempting, then he accepted. The adventure that lasted three seasons was only interrupted by the closure of the workshop team. Once back in Crespano, Gianni rented a shed where was born the "Machine Shop Capovilla sport auto". A few years later, man being creative and in need of stimulation felt the need to turn the page. The occasion was the auspicious when a customer Destemmers producer offered him a partnership in the world of wine. He had approached the wine years ago, constituting three partners a small winery. The passion for distilling was born in that period, when secretly as usually occurred, with an alembic began experimenting in the preparation of grappa and distillates.

He lived in sales commissions around Europe until the 1985, but above all realizing what was missing in the Italian culture of distillation.  Austria and Germany were far ahead in terms of number of distilleries, both in the traditional techniques for the production of stills.



Being the mechanics and technique her passion, he decided to design one. And the adventure continues today finally departed in 1986.  He was born on a farm in which it invested his passion and his love for the distillation.

Good, with this in mind I wanted to introduce Gianni, and then we come back to me ... oh my best to visit! Dov'eravamo ...? Ah si, we were indeed was, in a car that would not start just six months! Friends, view of the emergency I was forced to summon friends ... and thanks to a little push and the right incantations, magically lit. I started to drive without turning off the engine until the destination, and all was for the best.

Arrived at Rosa, the navigator put me in the direction pointing to the entrance to a dirt road. The paths until you reach a large area where I saw a sign with a simple written: "Parking Distillery". Entering timidly I was greeted by a nice lady who took me Gianni. We started with smiles and presentations sitting at the table between talk and tastings! As usually happens we ended up talking about me and my adventures. I must say that I live so much at this stage of my life that I never lack topics.  We continued with a stroll in the distillery where honored by his guide, I could listen to the various stages of processing. The stills, be opere d'arte, are made by a craftsman from Oberkirch in the Black Forest, il Signor Muller.  But the real driving force of his passion, è la materia prima proveniente per lo più dai suoi frutteti coltivati secondo il metodo dell’agricoltura biologica certificata. Pensate che occorrono 30/35 kg. fruit to obtain one liter of distilled pure. Ovviamente senza nulla togliere alle vinacce italiane per la produzione di grappa. E qui vorrei fare una precisazione. “There is talk of grappa when you have a product distilled from grape pomace obtained from grapes harvested and vinified in the territory or in Italian Italian Switzerland ",  then we speak of a typical exclusive Italian.

Distillery Capovilla – Interior

But not only the fruit and marc have a leading role, because another major ingredient berries are loved by Gianni. A case example is the Sorbo dell'Uccellatore. We started with a fantastic taste of plum brandy, and below were not lacking other. Here you'll think ready: "Cynthia is output retort ... " But I will say no, and you know why?  Why Gianni had me taste his spirits in his own way, namely: "Finger soaked in steel container and then in the mouth and ... voila!”

I must say that I was excited by the scents and flavors ... from the distillate and apples, than the wild raspberries, or elderberries, and many other types that the creativity of Gianni experiences, because he told me verbatim: “Every day I find that I have a future,  because every day I have something new to discover ".


Handwritten slips

At the end of my lovely visit, in front of an apricot brandy Vesuvius,  Gianni wanted to tell some of my projects ... And suddenly snapped the fateful phrase: "Cynthia, You need to know a winemaker that believes in the territory, he will listen to you ... it's called Mattia Vezzola ". I've listened to and I'll tell, because my search continues ...

I entered the world of distillation through the back door but it was love true, because passion makes the work is not joy but sorrow "

         Gianni Vittorio Capovilla


A Brianza in Brindisi ... the discovery of beer!

Yeah I hear you say… Now here she is from the beer! yes Beer, but crafted! I must say that has always interested me – in particular the red – and what better opportunity to talk about…

But let's start from the beginning..

Finally after a year of adventures more or less happy, came the moment of well-deserved holiday! The tour was organized for Italy, and the stages to be friends were reason for me to thrill. The distances required the use of railway vehicles, alas, sore point for my bulky luggage.

You should know that I am a woman who always brings with it many accessories ... just like that.  I like to combine clothes and hats, shoes and handbags, necklaces and earrings ... So when I move the ideal would be a nice chest, and are charged as, get up and down from the trucks is not the most comfortable!

That said I'll explain my surprise when arriving at the station in Brindisi noticed the lack of escalators!  Eh sì, why the bleachers did not favor the transport of my bags, then in the presence of security personnel, I did my heartfelt grievances. The guard was puzzled kindly to my rescue, and promptly made himself available and said with a wry smile: "Ma'am, here is much that we train!"I told him Exaggerated, and joking over the incident we took our leave with a smile and a handshake. My friend Maria had since come to take, and the sight of the scene could not help but start laughing!

After the customary greetings, they opted for a stop at a traditional brewery. I must confess that I have a passion for red beer,  but that night the choice was difficult given the wide range of beers from local proposals, the GRUIT This former term is used to define the mixture of herbs and aromatic spices which give perfume and tastes by customizing your beer.


I liked it right away at first sight. It was about a site with vaulted ceilings, former Augustinian convent.  Part of the premises were destinasti to the brewing workshop. Visit accompanied by experienced staff has been a pleasure.

At one point I asked: "But how did you decide to produce beer?"Well, 'the answer was obvious: "We like it so much that we decided to produrcela us!”

The choice of the type of beer to be ordered at this point was complicated, and therefore do… The only was to taste them all!  They arrived at degustative jugs table that were described in their characteristics.

You should know that beer has ancient origins. It is not known exactly who was the creator. Certainly we know that was produced when cereals were cultivated. With the discovery of fermentation through the use of yeast,  each then gave an original mark giving impetus to the emergence of different techniques refined over the centuries. Corn for excellence used throughout history was the barley. Then slowly they were introduced others such as rye, wheat, rice, but ...

In the quality of their beer, has great relevance the water used which must have special characteristics. In fact, each type of beer requires a quality of water with distinctive elements. And 'the brewery to treat, according to the final desired product. The introduction of aromatic mixtures, then conferred distinctive aromas the various types of beer. And the choice has now become wider, giving a wider range of possibilities for lovers of this wonderful drink.

I that evening, I betrayed the red for a spectacular blonde double malt, a genuine product, without adulteration, built according to the traditional phases inherited from brewers ...



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