My night under the stars with Laura Rangoni

Laura Rangoni, journalist, writer, woman researcher and lover of nature. Chief Editor of the weekly food and wine Kale I work with. There are many similarities that led me to her. The 10 August, at his home in the province of Bologna Savigno, under a starry sky between talk, memories and plans for the future, We slid the hours waiting for a shooting star.

The nights in the country are full of atmosphere, the sounds of nature lead us away from concerns that the artificial noise created by man, over time, we wear out weighing down our lives. Surrounded by the hills of Bologna, in the company of his faithful companions, we spent the night of San Lorenzo sitting in his garden, among the scents of the garden and those of rose plants. The stars are not expected to fall. In truth, I believe that the stars are also on the ground. Those lucky enough to meet them, but especially those who have the ability to see them, can experience moments of true beauty, traendo of this luce, true warmth and well-being.

Sunday 10 August, a Casa rangoni, we held the first inaugural dinner of the cultural association of the same name that soon will start paths degustativi, and cultural well-being. A dinner of friendship and good taste-based products of the care that Laura and personally follows. I wanted to bring it here in my blog, to cherish in my memories a special evening spent among nature and listening to a courageous woman, now I'll know better.

Casa rangoni

Inaugural dinner of the Cultural House Rangoni

D) Laura, I quote a passage in which you present: “I started keeping a journal when, to fifteen years, I left Bologna, my school, friends, dreams of adolescence, to arrive at Monza. The work of my father kidnapped me, and forced to live in a region that I have never loved, in case diverse, in inhospitable places, people with foggy as the weather ... Fifty years have revolutionized my life. " I am convinced that every experience teaches. I say this because I think we can learn from every situation and in every place where we live. Given this, never give up on your dreams. Concordi?

R) Certainly, Cynthia. Dreams are my only, true wealth. And dreams are simple, writer by country. The scent of jasmine, the tranquility of my pet, the jars of preserves in the pantry. In short, what the ancients called the Golden mediocritas. The fifty years for me have marked an important turning point: enough to live “out”, I preferred to focus on “within”. On those things that make me happy, that fill my day, and that does not have an economic value. The serenity and well-being are my daily goals.

Casa rangoni

Casa rangoni

D) Change your life today, in critical times like these, someone is considered courage, other unconsciousness. I know for a fact that 'only daring' you can enjoy life in the true way to be lived. I'm not saying it's easy, tutt’altro. As far as I'm concerned, the emotions experienced through knowledge in recent years, I pay off the inevitable disappointments that these paths we have. You are at a good point. Can you give some advice to those who would, ma not bear?

R) I do not like to give unsolicited advice, because the life of each of us is different. But there comes a time in life in which – if it is fate – you realize that you can no longer remain firm in your “comfort zone”, understand that you have to dare, You need to do what you really love and try to be as happy as possible, because life runs away in an instant. I understand these things in a very traumatic, when my father came out in the morning to buy bread and never came back. A heart attack has struck down in the street. So I decided to be daring, to savor every moment of life as you were to die tomorrow. And I live today with simplicity, enjoying the small things.

…enjoying the small things

D) Now we come to Casa Rangoni, more than a house a cultural center for the promotion of the territory and of the psycho-physical well-being. How did you came up with the idea, and what the next projects in the program?

R) The idea came day after day, growing in silence. Since I moved the Colli Bolognesi, friends who came to visit said, all (and repeat: all) “Here is just fine, There is regenerated”. So I thought it was just that the “magical power” House Rangoni: make people feel good. We have distanced ourselves from the very nature, and stay here, choose their own tomatoes from the garden, go get the wood to light fire, walk among the roses, taste simple but full of stories to tell, reconciles people to a way of life more human, more harmonious with the slow pace of land. Well-being does this mean: feel good about themselves, regenerate, learn to listen and listen. After many years of studies, after so many books written, are now ready to pass on what I have learned to anyone who wants to listen and try to live in a more holistic way. So in the project there are per-courses to learn how to feel good about themselves, to enjoy the honey and wine tastings that have nothing to technical, Cooking ancient foods, traditional, genuine and simple, cultivation and use of herbs and medicinal, di fitoalimurgia…

Casa rangoni - external

…a more human way of living, more harmonious with the slow pace of land

D) As a young girl my father, for me to overcome shyness that led me to isolate myself, gave me a puppy. A dog that, as well as make me happy, for the first time made me feel responsible for creature. We are a country are not adequately educated the reception of man's best friend, despite their therapeutic help is now well established and recognized in many care. I believe that the civilization of a nation should also be recognized through respect and education to animals. To do this you should start from school. What do you think?

R) I think it is very true. All those who know me, attraverso i social o FaceBook, or my books know that I'm a cat lady unrepentant, and my dog ​​Morgana has become a star of the web :-). I love animals, but without exaggeration, respecting their nature. This should teach children, show them that dogs and cats are not toys, but people with their rights and their thoughts. And explain to them that all creatures “serve” in natura, even the mosquitoes… Maybe it will avoid a lot of ugliness and absurdity, such as the recent proposal to tear down the bear that, to defend the puppies, attacked quell'incauto seeker mushrooms…

One of the cats Laura

…all creatures "serve" in nature

D) I often say that 'I love eating more than cooking'. I say this in an ironic sense, seen that in the food and wine especially love the stories search, traditions and emotions stirred. Veniamo a te: Laura Rangoni, not a cook, but a woman who studies, search, kitchen and writes. Mistake?

R) Exact. I am not a cook, I do not have the technical basis of a chef, and I would never do such work. But I love the food because the bearer of cultural meanings and anthropological. The food is the prime factor of a people's, is still the first language and religion, in my view. I love to research the ancient flavors, especially of my land, and places in the world that I loved deeply, I love cooking as it was a time, on the stove economic, using antique tools. Dough by hand, chopped by hand, hand-cut. I do not have even a food processor and my “equipment” cookware is from museum. I love the simple food, what I call the “food hunger”, traditional, poor, with ingredients found on the territory. Too often we have forgotten the poor dishes, bread soup, just to give you an example. In my courses I teach just that: to recover flavors, who have a story to tell, a story that smacks of evenings spent by the fire, fairy tales told in the twilight, or hard work to convince the earth to give us vegetables and fruits…

Then, for work, I also studied foods more sophisticated, Ethnic and similar, but that's another story.

Dinner under the stars 10 August Noodles

…the food is the prime factor of a people's

D) And 'my habit to photograph everything that I like and share, because the beautiful and the good must be spread. House Rangoni, in your hills, I photographed many varieties of flowers. In particular, loving the natural medicine, I am fascinated by the medicinal plants. I would like to organize themselves more courses to raise awareness of the many therapeutic properties of plants. This is to keep people away from the easy remedies pharmaceutical chemicals, not always necessary. When is the first course?

R) As soon sprout herbs, in the spring! But, not being doctor, I do not want to talk about therapies, and I will not do herbal medicine courses. I prefer to consider the plants, both spontaneous and herbs, as facilitators of well-being. The flowers are also: cultivate a garden or a vegetable garden is how to cultivate his own soul…

...cultivate a garden or a vegetable garden is how to cultivate his soul ...

…cultivate a garden or a vegetable garden is how to cultivate his own soul

Cultural Association Casa Rangoni

Savigno (BO)   www.casarangoni.it


Dante Cattaneo, Mayor-sweeper Ceriano Pond

Today I present Dante Cattaneo, the young mayor of Ceriano Pond, in the province of Monza and Brianza, I've known a few months ago during the 'Day of Bloom' toOrchard Park.  Why do you speak? Because along with a group of volunteers, during the month of August, helped to improve the environment by cleaning up the flower beds in the country that administers.

One way to get closer to citizens, know and discuss, to discuss issues whose solutions improve theDante Cattaneo city ​​services. Listening to the people we are enriched by experiences that, se messe a frutto, allow to improve by giving a meaning to our work. Myself, for my writings, I believe these sources are essential. For the Mayor, an example of how to bring the role to the role of the mayor who was and who should be.

Many will think the hype. As for me I just wanted to write because I wish that were the representatives of the institutions closer to the people. On the work of Dante then, time will tell who's wrong or right. Meanwhile, rather than stand by and watch, we all learn to pick ourselves up his sleeves to protect our territories!

Ma gold a rent to the oral…

  • Ciao Dante, briefly tell those who do not know the path that led you to become mayor?

I am passionate about politics and my country has always. In 2004 I was elected municipal councilor only 21 years in the ranks of the Northern League, movement to which they are writing from an early age. In 2009, a 26 just turned, I was elected Mayor of Ceriano Pond, Live the dove always, and reconfirmed in 2014 for the second term.

  • You spent most of the month of August to eradicate weeds from the flower beds of the city that administers. To tell the truth to me weed is something else ... Anyway, I am convinced that this experience has allowed you to get closer to the reality of ordinary people. How you did this idea?

It’ born in a very natural way. From 2009 in Ceriano there is a group of local volunteers called GST. (Territorial Support Group), that helps free the town with endless works and actions: control of the territory, minor maintenance, cleaning, support during the demonstrations, aid to traffic. I am one of them and I wanted to dedicate some of my free time, in a particular month as that of August, the community. I love to see my country clean and tidy, and not having resources for gardeners or entrust the work to outside firms, we roll up our hands in first person.

The team

The team

  • Can you tell me some anecdote that happened to you in this time of 'street cleaning'?

The stories are all about the relationship with the people you are seeing stops work on roads. Many have thanked me, complimented and some have gone out of their houses and joined us to clean up the country. Such generosity and gratitude, many invitations to share a drink or a coffee, because people have recognized the positivity of our example.

  • Among the plants that have eradicated remember seeing a picture of a seedling of wild rocket you've replanted in your garden at home. I know that like me you really like. I use it to prepare a sauce with the tomatoes truly delicious. E tu?

La Mangio in insalata, mixed with other salad green rigorously, or better yet alone with olive oil taggiasca, apple cider vinegar and salt. I like the spicy taste.

Wild Rocket

Wild Rocket

  • This bizarre summer is almost over. The only thing that remains is to hope for a better autumn. Watched your previous, in Serbia have any plans for the next few months?

For the next few months I currently have in mind only concerns: administer a country these days, and with a state that further complicates things to the municipalities has never been so difficult.



Lamborghini, a fantastic story of motors and wine began building a tractor.

It is said that Enzo Ferrari one day, addressing Ferruccio Lamborghini said: “You continue to build tractors and let me build sports cars."Enzo Ferrari, however, was usually also speak: “If you can dream it you can do”.

Museo Lamborghini 1 - CopyLamborghini, class 1916, historical founder of Automobili Lamborghini. The son of farmers, but with the mechanics in the DNA. A passion for cars that I understand and agree. Driving pleasure is born with us, is freedom index, is carefree travel and. Per me, for my son and for many other, is so.

A few days ago, led by Fabio Lamborghini, Big nipote Ferruccio, I had the pleasure of visiting the museum brainchild of his son Tonino, now engaged in lifestyle. In 5000 square meters of exhibition of the new forum opened 27 May 2014, I could see over twelve original prototypes of the legendary MiuraSV personal Ferruccio, his helicopter,  the futuristic Countach '74, la da golf car usata Pope Karol Wojtyla, Off Shore marine engines with a Lamborghini pluricampioni, and much of the historical production of an Italian genius that made us famous in the world.

Today, for those who still do not know, I'll tell you a little’ di's…

Ferruccio Lamborghini made his first workshop in the barn of a house Renazzo, in the province of Ferrara. After the war, starting from the needs of the campaign, built the first tractor at low cost, The Carioca, a term used in the area to indicate a product assembled with existing pieces and modified. In fact it was built with remnants of war and the recent war.

A tractor accessible to all, presented for the first time at the Fiera di San Biagio di Cento. L’unico ‘neo’ was the gasoline engine, so no low-cost. For what it was decided to design a component called 'vaporizer' so as to allow the engine to operate in oil. The gas was used only in the initial phase for the ignition. In the first four-cylinder model 1946, and six in the next 1947, most powerful.

Loving sports cars and high-speed, in 1946 decided to change his Mickey Mouse Museo Lamborghini 1both in body and in the engine, until they reach the 140 km all’ora. With this car,  still functioning and present in the museum of the company, competed in 1948 to the Mille Miglia. On the front you can see the first logo used by the home, a triangle with three letters FLC (Ferruccio Lamborghini Hundred), then replaced in 1963 under the brand name of 'bull', zodiac sign of Ferruccio.

Fabio Lamborghini, Director of the museum of the same name, lead me in the eye when he told me Ferruccio, on his Ferrari 250 Gt, replaced the original clutch defective with the more robust of a tractor Lamborghini, brilliantly solving the problem. In May 1963, after having bought land in Sant'Agata Bolognese 25 km from the capital of Emilia, he decided to build his own sports car. Thus was born 'Automobili Lamborghini', and began producing a series of self among the most beautiful in the world.

In 1971, during a trip to Umbria, Ferruccio enchanted by the beauty of the land of the green heart of Italy, decided to buy an estate and invest in agriculture and wine production by creating an adjoining Resort with Golf Club. An activity that continues from the 90s with the management of his daughter Patrizia.

Despite the property of Automobili Lamborghini is no longer Italian years, the soul of this brand for me is that. Many companies are now owned by foreign multinationals, because of the difficulties of doing business in Italy, and certainly not by our skilled craftsmen. Ferruccio Lamborghini died 20 February 1993. Him remain his major creations.

I leave you with images and dreams roaring ...

reservation@ Museolamborghini.com

Such. 051 0340433 – 347 5329320

A bit 'of clarity in the production of rice, but not only… Today responding to my questions Dino Massignani.

In this article we will talk about sewage sludge is used in agriculture, common rules in the production of rice, of its drying and old varieties. But also of honey and a product that I care very: Farinaccio. Chi vuole essere consumatore consapevole e informato ha gli strumenti per farlo.

I know for a long time Dino Massignani, the Director of 'Farm Wildlife Reserve St. Maximus. Despite this, the spring that prompted me to visit this production of rice is taken when I saw some pictures of the Reserve, but especially after a recent chat with Dino about 'sludge'. Exactly so, sewage sludge is used in agriculture. A question muddy, or better, a matter of recycling in my opinion unclear. To be honest, after listening, I realized that neither of clarity there is little in many things, also in the production of rice.

The one thing that I can tell you is what my eyes have seen: a naturally beautiful and unspoilt. A perfect ecosystem with a wide natural wooded area, tra fauna, rogge, marshes, farmland, paddy fields and fruit trees. An area of ​​the Lombard Park of the Ticino Valley in which 2004 has been recognized as a Site of Community. Reserve a special protection for the preservation of different species of animals and plants protected by the International Union for the Conservation of Endangered Species.

Dino Massignani

Farm Wildlife Reserve St. Maximus

E 'is the environment in which the rice is born of the Reserve San Massimo. I would be 800 acres of property (and almost as rent) that use the old procedures in respect of the structure of the soil and the natural habitat. For all this it is essential that the human hand intervenes so wise and clever. The experience is essential, especially at a time like this, when the climatic conditions are particularly changeable.

A life devoted to agriculture that requires dedication, love and respect for nature. Although I take a little 'around Dino Massignani (call it the Cracco rice), I could see how to take his job seriously. Born into a family of farmers, could have no other destiny. As I often say ... the land called those who love the earth.

Questa felce è l'Osmunda Regalis. A protected species and anti-pollution. It is in fact capable of absorbing harmful pollutants. Osmunda ha originate from Osmùnder

This fern is present in the reserve Osmunda Regalis. A protected species and anti-pollution. It is in fact capable of absorbing harmful pollutants.

Ma gold a rent to the oral ...

  • Hello Dino, we begin to explore the question of sewage sludge. I myself I was not aware of before you I speak. I better explain the origin of this mass recycled in agriculture, but especially, is analyzed before being distributed on the land?

Sewage sludge problem ... nice. In Italy, our parliament has legislated that the solid mass created by the processing of water purification plants, both domestic and industrial, you can deploy (after processing and blending) in agricultural fields.

The problem is that those who made use (foolishly), has found only one soil pollution, especially of heavy metals.  The law provides that the controller of this spreading is the same company that pays the farmer to be able to distribute these substances on its land. The only obligation is to deliver the analysis of each field made before and after spreading.

You can easily understand that make the controller itself is from the fairy tale world. Do you think that the companies if they find indices of pollution in the soil they bring their? I just tell you that in a few years planted cereals are not even grown, or during the growing season the plants were sick to the point that the farmer had to intervene tripling treatments (chemical) to save part of the crop.

Ecosistema della Riserva San Massimo

The Reserve San Massimo, a perfect ecosystem

  • As I wrote, after listening to you, I realized that clarity in the production of rice there is little or.  This easily explains the difference in the final cost of the rice that unfortunately the consumer can not perceive. Mistake?

Exact, the world's rice is very nebulous, and many benefit, even the most unthinkable. Suffice it to say that there is no requirement for traceability of the product. Do you think that from anywhere in the world Arrivals the company name appears on the packaging, is not obliged to mention the source.

There are no controls on the values ​​of plant protection (this also happens on cereals used for pasta), and is still granted despite the drying oil releases a quantity of heavy metals on the grain. Clearly is favored by companies for tax relief arising therefrom compared to paying full price for the supply of gas.

The biggest joke for the consumer then, is related to the sales name signed on the box. It should be clarified that it is not related to the variety packed. Let me explain: every sales name signed on the box does not guarantee the variety inside, because a law allows for canning and other varieties such as spacciarle. A law that benefits only the smart ones who want to keep consumers in the dark.

Riso Baldo Riserva San Massimo, ideal for soups

Baldo Rice Reserve Superfino San Massimo, ideal for soups

  • I like to go to the source of everything, I need to understand. The same thing goes for production. Everything comes from the seed. You told me that your certificate is. What guarantees this certification?

In order to sell a variety of rice each company, earlier in the season, RISI institution must declare the areas sown with the specification of the variety. This is used only to let the rice mills, that will sell rice, availability throughout the year is how much of that particular variety.

But mainly serves for the will, which are intended for years, to standardize the rice cereal (have much say in the matter inside the 'BODY RISI).

We will, own to protect ourselves, There autoriproduciamo the seed of authentic Carnaroli that we bought years ago from an elderly farmer and that we are certified by ENSE. (Internet show Naz. The seeds Elected) which guarantees the authenticity.


Rice fields

  • Now let's talk about rice drying. Many do not know that can take place with the aid of methane gas plants (the system used by you) o a gasolio. Some, brings a difference on the final costs, but also on the grain and our health. Am I right?

Some, in agriculture there are discounts on the purchase of diesel fuel for the use of agricultural vehicles, and when in the company is used for the drying of cereals. Unfortunately, diesel and paraffin releases PM 10 (Particulate matter, ie in small particles) so there is nothing to greet use it for drying rice.

I spiego. The heated air from the burner is in contact with the grains penetrating. The drying process is done to reduce the humidity percentage of the same, which by law must be the 11-12 % with heat shock. And 'to offer a quality product far superior that we decided to use only with the drying gas, despite its cost is at full price with no concessions.

Farm Reserve San Massimo

Silos ventilated with air recycling where corn does not rest on the ground

  • The Italians know mostly Carnaroli rice, the variety ideal for risotto. In fact there are many other. For example, the ancient rice variety 'Rosa Marchetti' of your production, ideal for soups. How come there are few farmers who would devote?

 The 'Rosa Marchetti' is an ancient variety abandoned by farmers as they reached maturity, it entices (intertwined) easily. This year we are experiencing a fertilizer with the decomposition of organic herbs, completely excluding the use of chemical products. Surely we will produce 1/5 of what they produce other companies, but it will be a unique Rosa Marchetti for health and goodness.

  • Walking around I saw many tireless workers industrious: le api. Let's talk about honey, I mean your ...

 The San Massimo Reserve is a unique environmental reality for its biodiversity that we guarantee daily attivandoci to protect it. This has meant that in recent years has become a destination, as well as visitors and University professors, of beekeepers who live problems of survival of bees locate in other places. For this reason we decided to look for serious people who have the same philosophy on our respect for life forms, to produce honey.

The choice fell on doctors Marianna Paulis Tui and Anna Blacks, which by now have moved all their hives in San Massimo, undertaking a painstaking work and quality, and excluding any chemical treatment on bees (this is not obvious, rather…)

Feeding bees to honey, and not with loaves with chemicals or water and sugar, led in time over which to have a natural product 100 %, a positive response in the labor force of bees that surprised even their. Any living being that lives and feeds in a healthy place, can only feel good.

The production of acacia honey, view the rain, it is a bit 'reduced, but still remains very high quality. Definitely will not be enough for the request. The certainty is that we accept these risks because we only sell our product (I certainly do not buy from other, to resell them as our).

Le api. the tireless workers of the Reserve

Le api. the tireless workers of the Reserve

  • One last question Dino. There is a by-product (so they call it the most though for me it is not at all), I love it because it is rich in nutrients. Very loving and very little natural medicine drugs (where not necessary) is soon explained the reason. A great natural supplement nutty flavor. Some call it middlings and who rice germ. How do you call, and especially, use it?

It Cinzia, in technical jargon by riseria takes the name of farinaccio. Some people masquerading as rice germ, even if only partially can boast this definition. In fact, one part is composed of the 1st and 2nd pericarp, that is the film that covers the white rice, not to be confused with the husk, which is the outer husk of rice.

The middlings is very nutritious and healthy (of course always depends on who produces rice, if not chemically treated, and how it is dried). Attention to the word 'healthy' is now on everyone's lips. This definition should be guaranteed by analysis. To answer your question on the use we make of it, you just say that in recent times we have sent to some chefs directing on how to use. We have other ideas about, but it is still too early to reveal ...

These are the answers to a producer who I met before at events and then, I like it, in person on the field, in reality living. With Dino remained pending a promise. As soon as possible I want to do a 'safari in the reserve'. Exactly so, I saw a pristine nature of such beauty that I need to live it again, but in my own way: in the silence, using my senses ... armed only with my camera.

Farinaccio Reserve San Massimo: 1/2 pericarp more rice germ

Farinaccio Reserve San Massimo: 1/2 pericarp more rice germ

Omelette Rice bran and Honey

Omelette Rice bran and Honey

Social Veg, Kitchen Antonio Marchello in key social

Social Veg, a project Antonio Marchello to raise awareness, interact and prepare a dish vegan or vegetarian through the web. Anthony, the Robin Food del web, is so called by his students for the determination with which it undertakes, in bringing in Italian homes, the techniques of cooking. The advantages are easy to enumerate.

First, the cost compared to traditional courses, then the opportunity to interact in chat with the community and staff live streaming, and finally, for those who have no way to physically move, the opportunity to be able to access from home, a real cooking class.

It’ Just register on www.socialveg.it. After you have received an email with the ingredients and the necessary material, follow the appointment of www.socialveg.it / live-video. Guided by expert hands of Antonio in less than an hour together, We will create a dish of the day.

When I reported this initiative, I wanted to know how I do it is customary, The person leading the project: I present Anthony Marchello. 🙂

Antonio Marchello - Photography by Monica Placanica

Antonio Marchello

Antonio has lived since childhood kitchen thanks to the passion that his mother sent him. An excellent cook who brought him up to the kitchen an ideal place to bring together the whole family. An environment that since, in a way, he never abandoned.

Since the time school, during the summer holidays, began to form working in various restaurants until, at twenty-four, the decision to open one of his own. Subsequent experiences abroad were then determining the choices and changes of direction.

Back in Italy, after a period spent working in New York, the decision to leave the restaurant to become a personal chef gave a new turn to her life. The idea of ​​being at home people to cook tailored, entering somewhat more directly in their lives, attracted him very. The truth is that creative people are in need of constant stimuli. A necessity that I understand very well, and which I myself can not do without.

Of poco, in addition to the new adventure of social and social veg kitchen, has met his other great passion: il teatro. Insieme a MaxPisu, for the production Bananas-Zelig, tour is bringing in the play "Max ter Chef"That he is the protagonist on stage in a show cooking sauce comic.

To the right key Antonio is all here: have fun working. Now that you know a little’ better I'd say it's appropriate to pass the word to him.

  • Anthony, we want to talk about Social Veg?

Sure Cinzia! Come per social kitchen, Social Veg also gives everyone the chance to cook live with us, from home, without makeup and without deception. The same ingredients, same equipment, same time and the same desire to pass along a bit 'of time in the kitchen. Eventually we will have prepared all a good dish to bring to the table and to be tasted alone or in company.

Social Veg

  • Social Veg was born after Social Kitchen. How was your first experience with the kitchen on the social web?

The beginnings were not easy. When I told my idea often say that I felt would not work and that no one would be put in the kitchen with me, following me on the web. But I have not given up, until one day I met another "crazy" like me who believed in this project. Since then Alessandro Luciano, with sua Excogitanet, is the core technology of Social and Social Veg kitchen. I think I have finally found a playmate with whom fun in creating and designing something new. People perceive it at home and listen to the transmissions are confirmed.

  • Cook for themselves alone often leads to not stimulate the desire to get in the kitchen. Any suggestions to overcome this obstacle?

Even in this case suggest to use a little 'fantasy, an essential ingredient for me. Forget about being alone. Rather mandatevi all an invitation, sia sms, via mail, with a note, un post it, as favorite. But do it really. Invitatevi dinner! Then prepare something good, make ready for good and introduce yourself to your appointment well dressed and perhaps with a good bottle of wine. I am sure that among all the guests that you have received in your life, spend some 'quality time with yourself will reserve you some pleasant surprises!

  • From your words I think I understand that the opportunity to offer to all those who want to try in the kitchen, with a discussion and sharing, it was the spring that drove you to experience the social channels of which among other things I myself am an avid supporter. It 's so?

I strongly believe in technology and progress, particularly if they are associated with human aspect quell'imprescindibile. The kitchen itself , has always been in some way sharing, exactly as for social. And 'from this concept that the idea was born to create, even if only virtually, the larger kitchen and tableware longest in Italy, but not only, because we have a following abroad. A real big family that I really like!

  • Do you think there is hope for people like me in the kitchen is a bit like saying ... a landslide?

Of course there is hope, and not only!  As we say in social kitchen and social veg "the kitchen must be accessible to all". Cooking for yourself… Rather, you are officially invited to cook with me live!

Caspita, have been challenged! At this point I can only accept! State pronti, but especially, stay tuned on Social Veg! 😉

Photo di Monica Placanica


It 'time budgets. Object: Business Plan? Subject: Cynthia shearers

A few days ago I did a little 'order in my archives.

Who takes care of 'communication', to be a blogger, a publicist or a journalist, lives between data, notes, Books, studies, schedari, contact ... for me it is so. I take very seriously what I do. There is a lot of work behind, travel, search, costs, knowledge, disappointments, emotions ...

Well, I have had in hand an analysis that, unbeknownst to me, almost without realizing it, I was made about a year ago. After, then, I was handed a script with three sheets. One, have been analyzed, I did not ask, and I do not know well because. I was subjected to this investigation as to understand if I were a person to invest, or perhaps better, use.

I spiego. A woman, ago, I approached demonstrating friendship and interest in what I was doing. I have no secrets ... I live in the sunshine, then, view his kindness, I had no problems to open them the doors of the house. In fact I was under analysis. As a result, to my surprise I was handed after time with a script called 'reserved'. I will not name, but what is written about me, if it is reserved or not, I decide io.

In magazines, My strengths are revealed (I transcribe verbatim):

  • "Ability to report very strong. Can you get a feeling for the people and to get you to open the door to enter. It 'an extraordinary strength. "The answer is simple, are sincere and especially myself. It is not always easy to open. But I know that my experience can serve other, and then, why not. People, now more than ever, need honesty, simplicity and especially to trust in someone.
  • "Culture and Manners. Transmit both so strong, and this is an excellent paper. "But again, there is sudden communicators, in no way. To do that you need to experience the area by listening to the characters that live the reality and the productions. Then we complete the research and study.
  • "Passion determined, and not just because you tell yourself that you are passion-driven, but because we perceive really. "Nothing to add.
  • "Expertise and skills for effective communication on the web (Search SEM and SEO: if you rely on yourself, you are able to find immediately, with the various search engines, the place and the people you follow)."I love the digital communications for the possibilities it offers for the promotion of the territory, and visibility that, through it, I can give to those I consider it appropriate to learn. I do not deny that I also met the wrong people for whom I trusted, is part of life ... the weather is great and the detector shall cause to overcome the bitterness.
  • "Write good, with your own personal style, simple and pleasant. "I started writing by accident ... it is now a necessity. I write first and foremost for me, learning and continuing to do so.
  • "Photography. Sei brava, photos are nice, whether it be people or objects. Can you grasp the essence. "Older I get the more I like. Photographer everything, almost in fear of losing what I see. I agree to communicate beauty.

All the nice things you say. The only note dolente, written at the end of the three pages that I have been handed a surprise in an envelope, can be summed up with an interpretation of my work with "lack of focus, or better, with lack of clarity of purpose ".

Perhaps, after almost four years that I carry out this activity, it is time to take stock and reflections. He was right this person? I do not know what to tell you. I know for a fact that I know very well what is my goal: communicate the territory and especially the people who are its protagonists. My dream for the future: be part of the active.

My blog is a container of what I have experienced and learned in recent years. I do not know Other, or better, perhaps the sore, not for me, that much about 'snubbing the rules of this society' (only when it is the right), has a long and difficult path.

I live what I do customizing it with who I am and with what I believe. I write what I live if I pass something, or I think it needs to be done to pass a message. What is certain is that I'll never do it 'dictation'.

And 'possible to eat with good raw materials without spending follies? Responds chef George Perin

I have known George Perin during a evening dedicated to Nebbiolo that took place a few days ago at MO.OM Hotel Olgiate Olona, in the province of Varese. And 'now my habit, interesting if I evaluate the arguments of my interlocutor, deepen his knowledge with a chat that allow me to understand and above all continue to learn.

Chef George Perin -

Chef George Perin

The choice of Giorgio to make the cook was almost a must. In those years, the addresses were in fact privileged school aimed at vocational schools that allowed an immediate entry into the labor. Nato and Verbania, opted for the Hotel School of Stresa initially without any ambition career.

Season after season, away from the affections and friendships, the path has begun to inspire enthusiasm. The good fortune to work alongside great chefs of Novarese, allowed him to be formed by learning the fundamentals of classic cuisine which then has maintained over the years as the pillars of his working method. As they say, one thing leads to.

Detto ciò vi presento l’Executive Chef dell’Hotel MO.OM Giorgio Perin. A lui la parola.

  • George, Do you think you can eat with good raw materials without spending follies?

Not only can, but it is necessary if you want to produce a good result that satisfied both customers and the home for which you are working. Is it not what you normally do in every family? It tries to contain costs and to meet all the needs. A result that can be achieved through a careful selection of products, proper calibration of goods, and a cooking method that avoids wastage reducing to a minimum or even canceling them.

  • The best catering 'yesterday or today that'?

I think that there is the best of one better than the other without the. I spiego. Today we tend to always seek new flavors, new combinations, and new cooking methods to satisfy both palates that need to shrink the waiting time and the consummation of the dishes. But we must not forget that in the kitchen 'yesterday' there are tastes, perfumes and authenticity that no news today could never make us forget. Many recipes of today are reinterpretations of dishes yesterday, the most genuine and natural.

  • Would you recommend to your son / daughter to go your own way?

Every job, se fatto bene, commitment and passion is hard, as well as every person is the architect of his own destiny. NO, I have not recommended it to my children my work, I have never expressed their willingness to do so. Personally, I am happy that they feel in their choices made.

Chef George Perin


  • Why do you think women have a harder time to establish itself in the high food?

In my opinion it is difficult but not impossible. This work when done with passion requires great dedication, sacrifice and time. I would, therefore, not a matter of ability or possibility, but of self-denial. Getting high food may mean giving up the family, for fun and time for themselves. But things are changing in this direction.

  • The kitchen is a question of meaning. It is scientifically proven that women have a higher sensitivity. Precisely for this reason, you accept to work alongside a woman?

A few years ago I would have had some serious reservations if I had proposed a collaboration between men and women in the kitchen, maybe for my dominant character, perhaps for bias, or maybe just because I've always seen my work "Man". Today I would be more open to this possibility, but would not do it as a matter of sensitivity, because in order to cook well, to match tastes, to create color effects, this skill is essential regardless of gender.

Cynthia, I conclude these our chat by telling you that I spent almost an entire life being keen for a job that required me great sacrifices but that gave me enormous satisfaction. Thanks to this experience I got to know great minds, other countries and cultures. I'm still happy with my results and operating. I thank my family for the patient, enthusiastic, objective support without which everything would have been much more difficult. In Fede, George Perin.

How not to share the words of George. The family, for those lucky enough to have, is the most important support in life. And 'nest that warms us in the cold moments and sustains us in difficult. Never take it for granted ...

The kitchen of Chef George Perin.

I present Alessandro Vitiello, or better, "Only the vin d'art"

Alessandro Vitiello, for friends Sandro, a sommelier and restaurateur but above all a friend. 'Only the vin d'art' is an anagram of his name developed by Joseph Maria Grassi, a friend who delights so.

A man who has in his heart a land, his Ponza. I am moved when I see him sharing memories and photographs in black and white of the island who had to leave as many for business reasons. He says in his blog: ‘The home of the Sack of Ponza’.

"When tornavo to Ponza, the next morning, ridiventavo the sailor of my father and his five-meter boat we went fishing together. My father gave up practicing the sea at the end of '92: had more than eighty years ... "

Constantine Sacco in Santa Teresa in the 60s (left on the bow)

Constantine Sacco, father of Sandro, Santa Teresa in the 60s (left on the bow)

Sandro, thanks to its long experience as a restaurateur before the Osteria of the Seveso bowls and now at Ristorante Il Fauno Cesano Maderno, has many memories spent with the characters of Italian. From time to time when there is an opportunity, I love knowing how to listen, someone agrees with me.

Today I want you to know…

Hello Sandro, I wrote these thoughts one morning at dawn. I did not sleep and my mind ran. Maybe the desire to travel with the words? Who knows… I think we understand each other nostalgic and romantic.

  • A few nights ago you were telling me that time… I love it when you tell me stories of the world of food, lo sai. Me citing someone who is stuck in my mind in particular?

There could be many Cinzia, to tell the truth rather than anecdotes remind people that love between Milan and surrounding areas have spread the art of good drinking. I recall, for example, Anthony Trimboli – Apulian origin – that in his youth, in the postwar period, had turned almost the whole of France and Italy had brought an encyclopedic knowledge of French wine in general and in particular the champagne. Talk to him – man bluntly – was a unique pleasure.

As with the rest of the "Jacobin" by Adriano Romano. Masters even before sellers. What about the brothers Brovelli? Men of other times that told the wine with great passion.

Un aneddoto. One evening happen a couple of friends for dinner at the Osteria delle Bocce (our previous restaurant) accompanied by another couple. On display at the entrance was the latest selection of whiskeys Samaroli. Dopo price, a nearly empty restaurant, the friend asks me to bring the whiskey more strange that I, in method anonymous, his guest. This gentleman, after tasting, told me everything you can about this strange distillate that I had pulled out of a piece of furniture that I had in another room. After drinking plenty together told me about his work. He spent his time in Scotland to select whiskey on behalf of a multinational. Some time ago to see the movie "the side of the angels," I remembered him.

  • Do you remember when we first met? I almost practically obliged to organize evenings of culture and taste for knowledge of food and wine. You should know that Sandro is a great connoisseur and lover of food and wine, maybe just lazy little enthusiasm from people in learning. But then came a volcano…

It’ Cynthia Tosini is certainly true that a volcano as it is also true that I cultivate "the art of the doubt". I was old enough to be sure of not having to sell certainties and every so often to ask if you need something or someone to tell my world. Then, when you clash with Cynthia Tosini many doubts go to hell and resumes.

You have to know that we started organizing events dedicated to wine and food from the autumn of '84: trent’anni fa. There was no internet and our news traveled by ordinary mail, yet there was so much attention, and often had problems dealing with the many who wanted to attend. I then I had fun to put together so many courses to organizations or institutions in the area. Before I teach you amused. Even now, this rule applies.

Alessandro Vitiello

Alessandro Vitiello… Sandro

  • Step to a question related to your business. How would you describe the average consumer today, in the sense of what to expect and what to look for?

The average consumer today suffers as long as you live. We who have lived through the years of the "Milan to drink" we find it hard sometimes to make sense of what is happening. The consumer remains attentive and curious, ready to consider with respect to the good and new is proposed. He added, however,, or rather considered more important than in the past, judgment on the fair value of things which are served.

You can also pay as much a bottle of wine but it is important to be worth the money spent. It is not enough that anyone who sells it is "a man from the first page". Not hide, however, that are complicated years; know how to do well in the kitchen and know how to find great wines at a fair price has become critical.

  • I often say that the role of restaurateur, presenting the dishes and serving wine, can be called a veicolatore pills information critical to convey to the consumer food culture. Esagero? I do not think. I am convinced that, starting from the table, not to bore the guest, you can do much in this direction.

You're absolutely right: the profession of catering can be a great opportunity to spread a lot of good habits, not only food. Not by chance at a restaurant or eating in the company, we often talk about food and conviviality.

It reminds me of Garcia Marquez – The General in His Labyrinth – he does ask a host of Simon Bolivar: “But because the Europeans are at the table when discussing food?”. What answer? At the table while talking about food is talked about throughout the human condition. Besides, even the Christian liturgy think in these terms: the story of Jesus on Earth ends with a last supper.

  • Now, at the end of our chat this, one of the many, I'd like you to write me a reminder of your land. Com’è Ponza a primavera?

Ponza is my "place of the soul". I spent most of my time here in Brianza, ma if I definirmi, me say that I am Ponzese. What do you mean? Anything and everything. We ponzesi not we better do it worse than others. We are another thing. It is said that a person's character is formed in the first years of life; I've built my looking at the sea. From my backyard, in the days of storm thinking of my father who was fishing in the waves or in the beautiful spring mornings, when the beauty of the landscapes is the scent of the gorse.

Those things you bring them stuck inside and not lose the most. Ponza in the spring is the most beautiful place in the world. Not only for the beauty of the area, but also and above all for its flavors. Go around the hills to pick wild asparagus, savor the goodness of certain artichokes grown in the volcanic soil that gives it a very strong flavor is unique emotion.

And the sea? In the spring you eat the most delicious crab spider, cuttlefish and squid in quantity and fish soup which at this time has a special flavor. I could go on for hours telling you, but if you have so, give yourself a week to Ponza in the spring, I guarantee you that you will have trouble getting back.

Sandro, I promise you that I will…

Photographs by Alessandro Vitiello

Life Blogger… rather, then Farm Blogger. Cynthia Tosini.

Intervista di Justin Catalano published in the January 8,it 2014 its Head and Di Gola.

Eclectic, solar, intelligent, Curious, nice, from the big-talking .... many positive adjectives to define Cinzia Tosini, Farm Blogger e autrice su questo sito, but perhaps the most appropriate is passionate. I wanted to tell it in his own words and here I am.

Chi è Cinzia Tosini?

First of all, let me love you just call Cynthia! It 's the first thing I say when I introduce myself. To be honest I'm also Emilia which is the second name that was given to me in memory of my grandfather's legendary Friulian. Therefore, to return to the question - who are? - I will immediately respond that they are simply a woman who for over three years is living a second life.
It all started catching it in his hand, after, passed one initial loss, I reinvested my time in the passions of all time: land, l’agricoltura, wine, and the stories of people. I believe that the main motivation, can be attributed to the fact that as a young girl I grew up in the countryside with his grandparents in Treviso.
Often we do not realize that the earth, if you really lived, leaves a mark in time, in memories, and souls. Unfortunately, the evil of our century is that we run and we live in constant search of goals, without realizing that the primary need is to rediscover the harmony of being in contact with nature.

Come hai iniziato a scrivere?

My story, at least one of the last years, is a continuous succession of coincidences and joints that slowly led me to write (I swear, I would never have said).
It all started after reading the interview with a winemaker in Aosta. His words had me excited to the point, to convince me to go to Aosta to meet you in person. Its, a hard life, a bit 'as my. When he told me that he had no money to print the label on the back of the bottle of wine he produced, I decided to write a piece, I printed that, and that gave her so that the omaggiasse together with wine.
It was then that I was asked to publish, inserting it into my address book on a site about food and wine: Vino Way. I accepted a little 'hesitant, but only if you can tell the productions starting from the people. After, as He has limited its scope only to Lombardy, decided to exit continuing my adventure with the realization of a site, or better, a dream of which I was a founding member: World Wine Passion. Unfortunately,, not a sharing of some positions, convinced me to turn my Address Book on the site, in a personal blog: Stories of People.
What in recent years has been an obstacle course, intense and accelerated, past by writing what I experienced, listening to people, and traveling the length and breadth of Italy, the way that pleases me to know the area.

Why did you decide to write starting from the 'people'?

I decided immediately to write about people, primarily because to talk about food and wine, you have to have a lot of experience behind, and secondly, because I realized that I listen to the change in direction of people who had decided to invest their passion in the ground and nell'enogastronomia, really appealed to me.

Farm blogger, why are you so defined?

Therefore, This definition came about after many reflections made by myself. I was often to correct the other person on duty, when, feeling define a food blogger, I could not find anything fitting for this role. I confess to being better at eating than cooking.
I love the food and wine for his stories, for the territory, for its traditions and its protagonists. I like to know and enjoy experiencing the realities on the 'field', for me the best way! I love to visit the farm accompanied by manufacturers, then, see the evolution and the birth of the products, allows me to understand better understanding of the issues related to them.
It 'was born from these considerations that the definition that I finally felt fit like a glove: farm blogger.

After three years, experiences that you feel you've gained?

Many are the experiences, I learned a lot, and I have known many. I often say that this is not an easy world. Unfortunately selfishness win over common sense, often making it difficult the road that would do the right system for the benefit of all.
Italians must change their mindset if they want to start. We should begin by creating school immediately, with the new generation, a new way of thinking. Someone will smile now reading my words, has no importance, I believe in what I write seriously, utopistico the phenomenon.
Despite this, My greatest satisfaction is to have created over time a dense network of relationships based on the estimation, on respect and friendship. This to me is of paramount importance, build relationships based on good reputation, especially in a world like that eno, whose foundations are based on the passions.

Bloggers and journalists, much debated topic. What do you think?

I recently wrote on the blog, especially because I feel pulled in because.
Bloggers and journalists, passion and profession, emotion and rationality. Two roles whose writings have a very different emotional. I insist that, whatever, both can help by communicating, each in their own way, the land and its productions. The key thing for me is consistency, which must be maintained by not follow the waves of convenience of the moment.

World blogger: chi lo ama, chi lo odia, and who uses. But who cares really the communication made by bloggers? And because?

The passion that drove many bloggers in this direction, compresa me, did emerge as their emotional charge combined with digital communications, can be of help in these difficult times that we are living, to the territory that the productions. A phenomenon already in vogue for years abroad. Many have understood, and have been inspired.
The world of bloggers is not always easy, there are those who act according to the passion, and there are those who get carried away by easy targets. Anyway, only pertains to the readers who followed forward in time, the passion that has helped many of us get through tough times.
The only sore point in this context, is that too many take advantage of this passion without acknowledging the intellectual commitment and not just, devoting time and energy to this task whose importance has been recognized by the same local institutions.

of Justin Catalano

With Justin Catalano in Naples

Meet Samuel Vergari, a blogger in pajamas!

Blog:  FoodWineBeer 

It has long been debate about the communication gap made between bloggers and journalists. An argument that is now chopped and ritritato two figures whose writings have a very different emotional. I insist that, whatever, both can help each communicating to them how the land and its productions. The key thing for me is consistency, which must be maintained to avoid the waves of convenience of the moment.

The passion that drove many bloggers in this direction, compresa me, has highlighted how digital communication can be of help in these difficult times that we are living. This does not tarnish in any way the figure of the journalist, that, professionally performs the same task to. It is not a race, never will be, being the very different form of communication.

I made this premise to introduce a blogger, or better, a Passion blogger I know and follow for a long time: Samuel Vergari, in arte ‘FoodWineBeer’.

Although the approach of Samuel is not my, in the sense that unlike him I love writing after living person of the territory and its actors, I respect his choice dictated by family needs at this time.

The world of bloggers is not always easy, I knew long ago, when, following the public relations and the content of a site about food and wine of which I was a partner, I wanted to know with a phone book that I had decided to call it 'Passion Blogger', the 'true fans', those with commitment and consistency transmit their passion through blogging (online diaries).

Even after leaving that role, for not sharing the positions, my project is not lost. In my own way, continuous giving visibility to those who believe can 'do well’ to disseminate knowledge of quality production.

Vergari Samuel was born into a family devoted to agriculture. The passion for wine producers of Sangiovese inherited from grandparents, has allowed him to appreciate over time to become a reference point for friends, for advice on the choice of wines. The turning point in the 2010, when, driven by the growing passion decide to start a blog. Much work to give shape, many steps and changes of direction, until the birth of 'FoodWineBeer'.  

A blog that aims more products, that producers. The reason soon revealed: Samuel is a real pantofolone, or better, a father of two small children that led him to make himself indispensable in the family. It 'so he writes his articles, often in pajamas on the couch, between the interruptions of his children and their micro dramas. Despite family commitments, the pleasure of writing about what tasted at home and in restaurants surrounding areas, prompted him to continue. Then, as soon as possible, on rest days, trips to Italy allowed him to expand his knowledge.

“Cynthia, the rewards are many, in particular that of being able to know, although in many cases only in a virtual, a lot of nice people from the world of wine and beer. Some, even in this world there are negative characters, people who promise and then not maintain, profiteers and boastful of all kinds…  I'm just a simple fan that behind has little theory and much practice. A man and a father who tells his experiences in pajamas on the couch at home ... Samuel Vergari”

I conclude with my thoughts. Noi blogger, much criticized but at the same time sought, I am convinced that we do something good. In our own way we try to convey that passion that has helped many of us to overcome the difficult moments of our lives.

Now I ask you: “Are they better than those that use this passion…?”


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