I go on trying not to think too much ... but I occasionally vent

Now just look at the tv. When I have to turn it on is a continuous shaking his head. Programs from the low, perhaps because people want to escape ... or programs of complaint, them and the anger rages.

But how we got so? The dirty tricks, the mafia ... ?! Well ... when we realize that the good of the individual is not the good of the community. I forgot that in Italy individualism reigns, i piccoli orticelli… Di fatto siamo un paese in ginocchio, a country that is paying for the mistakes of the past. It is said that those who want anything too tightens, and yet…

We are a country undisciplined, disrespectful of the rules. Un paese dove tutti hanno diritti e pochi hanno doveri. A country where it is common to hear that 'anything's up to me, but to someone else '. A country that does not respect the timeliness of payments, the example in the first place by the tax authorities of the state.

We are a country ruled by bureaucratic with too many privileges, with salaries too far from those of the people. I happen to look at the elderly, the fear in their eyes. And the young ...?! Persi senza certezze del futuro, but the brave, Innovative, fighters! Io credo in loro.

I would like to do so many things ... but I do not know what to do. So I write, travel, I know and I talk to people. Share ideas and beautiful places of Italy. Everyone can do something ... a step forward to come meet. We'll make? Non lo so. They say that history teaches, and yet we do the same mistakes.

In Francia, too many privileges of the nobility at the expense of the lower classes, fece scatenare nel 1789 una rivoluzione guidata in città dalla borghesia, and in the countryside by farmers. Those were different times, but beware, Hunger creates despair.

Now go ahead, trying not to think too much ... but I occasionally vent.

How to solve the issue on typical Italian poor punctuality of pay within the agreed time? A producer responds.

Monday 15 September was held, at the 'Academy of Violas, a beautiful Provencal farmhouse in the atmosphere near Quintano Cream, a day of tasting, which involved, more than a dozen manufacturers, also it Chef Dante Ro, creator of the dinner that concluded the evening.

Accepted by the organizers, l 'Farm Ventura Sonnino (E) e l’Enoteca 'La Cantinetta' Monte Cremasco (CR), I had the opportunity to chat and enjoy the productions present giving the right timing that unfortunately the major events, often, do not allow for the large number of exhibition stands.

A pleasure to greet Ilaria Salera homonymous Azienda Agricola Salera a Garlasco (PV), and taste his rice, the main ingredient of good risotto prepared by Chef Ro Dante.

A great surprise the raw shoulder with the bone of the sausage factoryThe Scapineria, Sissa di Parma.

Food but also wine…

My land has called me to the stand of 'Winery Fruscalzo of Dolegna del Collio (GO) where I tasted a Gewürztraminer Delle Venezie IGP: the Rosa Canina Fruscalzo, a nice alternative to the usual wines offered.

I finally ended with a glass of Barbera dell 'Azienda Agricola Cascina Carrà di Monforte d'Alba, a fact that the family of the Langhe 1986 leads with natural methods 14 hectares of vineyards, and with the pleasant wine tasting Balgera Chiuro.

Asking prices for producers, naturally do not really positive reflections on the sometimes excessive mark-ups made by the food and wine.

As I often say events, as well as to taste and learn about production, allow comparison with the producers and listening to their problems and then treat love in my writings.

Precisely in this regard I have spent a long time at the booth of 'Farm Ventura Sonnino (E) producer of extra virgin olive Itrana. Together we debated on an issue that I care a lot and that I consider a real thorn in the side of Italian SMEs.

I spiego. I recently wrote about the difficulties of doing business, and not just for the bureaucracy, but also for the widespread bad habit in our country to defer to your liking payments due. I discussed it with Alberto Ventura, from 2004, after the change of course of his life as a commercial company producer of extra virgin olive oil, how many lives in Italy these difficulties.


In reality Alberto has adopted a policy resulting in the experience gained during his previous employment, Japanese influence and which has to do to trade relations.

  • Alberto, I leave the word to you to explain how you have tried to resolve the matter on the typical Italian poor punctuality of pay within the agreed time, for services and supplies received.

Let's say that from the beginning of my adventure, now the name is so, I made this rule: "Customers need to pay immediately!"I'm not sure most of the other good, However, in my small way I wanted, at least try, create a balance with my suppliers. I pay all the delivery, sometimes even before the receipt of goods.

A custom little Italian say. Well, the thing for me is not at all strange, because working with Japan are accustomed to punctuality and rigor, sometimes even to the receipt of payments one month before! You will understand well the difference.

I'll tell you another important thing. We farmers, not being able to produce during the year, we are forced spread the costs resulting in a concentration of the same at the time of harvest. After this phase, we have to bear the costs for the rest of the year,  always in the hope that things go well, both referring to future crops, both the business risks that only those who work the land know.

That said, if you resign myself to wait for the ones who should pay me but that do not in due time, then it would end. As far as I'm concerned, providing quality products and imponendomi well commercially and with the right people, it works.

A final recommendation: we Italians have put into their heads that we must learn not to be clever, obviously do not want to generalize, but unfortunately for the greater is so. Try to earn more money by giving a poor product and making it pay as such is not good for anyone. Making excellence, be able to sell it for a fee immediately, ensures continuity! Cynthia, I hope I explained myself, definitely do better the oil and journalist.

Italians, an undisciplined people

And 'Saturday, here in the north continues to rain. Questa strana estate of 2014 seems to feel the mood of the people. Mah, I'm thinking about what to do? I wanted to go to the lake, walk around looking at the mountains and enjoy a little 'sunshine. But no! Then I read. Nothing good. On the web information reminds us that we are in deflation, we do not even realize we were. Come spiega Wikipedia: "The deflation is a fall in prices. It derives from the weak demand for goods and services. "And how could it be otherwise…

To remedy might act on spending, reading labels better, and above the origin of the products. Obviously portfolio allowing, seen that the sacrifices they are doing especially producers and consumers, whose portfolios are emptied from taxes. I remember the lords of the institutions, even though they know it, that we have the record also those! If at least they gave the example! Ahh mine Povera Italia, that of my grandparents, the beautiful country, rich in many resources, except that of discipline and wisdom…

'd Better keep reading goes ... In other news: “The activities included in theUnlock Italy – ANSA says Agriculture Minister Maurizio Martina – help companies make a quantum leap in exports and increase revenue with new tools for promotion and protection ofMade in Italy ‪ ‎agroalimentare. We aim to make it easy to recognize the origin of our products and to strengthen the fight against fake Made in Italy”. Source Ansa Earth&Taste 29 August 2014.

A story that I shared and that has warmed the hearts. Carry some comments.

Arnaldo da Brescia: “The leap in quality!!! It means to jump from the bridge of London rather than one on the Po…”

Salvatore Accurso Tagano: “I hope it's true. We continue to get cheese, dairy product, meats and much more, from all countries of the world, with names of Italian products. The most glaring are the Parmigiano, Grana and Mozzarella. If the labels are clear and legible, Italians would realize how much garbage they eat.

Matthew Knowles: “I'm not convinced that Italians interests recognize one product over another… at the bottom are already recognizable foreign products produced by Italian.

Gian Carlo Spadoni: “In this perspective, agro food should also be involved restaurateurs, with new rules for the insignia of the Italian cuisine, with the obligation of Italian Chefs School, and the use of 90% Italian products. Then you would do all that “system”. Because if you put everything in the hands of the consumer ends up as in the catering trade liberalization on.”

What about… perhaps only that an examination of conscience on our behavior we should do it all. In these days of falls, in the stories that I have heard from several people returned from abroad, you can easily understand how, both services and civic-mindedness of many countries, is better than our.

Italians, alas, are an unruly people. The reason is obvious: we do not know to respect the rules. But not only, Unfortunately, we continue to be concerned as they say, only to 'our backyard'. The funny thing is that we own ourselves to point out the thing.

Then, do? On productions must intervene heavily and immediate competence of the institutions, easing the mechanisms of bureaucracy, and guaranteeing the authenticity of Italian products with trademarks can be easily understood. I sincerely hope that these latest measures by the Minister of Agriculture Maurizio Martina are effective in this regard.

With regard to discipline, alas latita, should be reinstated as a priority the’Civics, established by school subject Aldo Moro in 1958 in all schools, and currently only inserted as an appendix in other subjects. The findings resulting from such failure shall be under the eyes of all…

Maybe it only remains to hope that, view of the serious situation in which we find ourselves, something decisive is done. Meanwhile, because the sun is not out yet, I will console myself by making an apple pie, those of my tree. 😉


L’Italia, country of earth and sea ... for farmers and fishermen. In memory of Francesco Arrigoni.

There are so intense days on which, on completion, you need to think to draw the right lessons. Sunday 4 May was one of these. In St. Peter's Monastery in Lamosa, Provaglio Iseo in the province of Brescia, was delivered to Vincenzo Billeci, Assessor-fisherman Lampedusa representing the workers of the sea, an award in memory of Francesco Arrigoni, journalist and student of Veronelli.

I did not know Francis, but these days I read about him. A man who loved the mountains, who lived his passions in intimacy, unaccustomed to the fashions of the moment and the waves. A man of character who was not hiding behind a comfortable status quo that unfortunately, I woke up after a slumber of years due to a, I'm experiencing in this society. I am convinced that we would have gone very well.

The award is dedicated to him the solidarity shown by the fishermen of Lampedusa, in recent decades, to the thousands of migrants that the law of the sea with his teachings, forces to rescue. A rescue dictated by conscience, which unfortunately is in conflict with the laws of men which prohibits fishermen to intervene in support of illegal immigrants, in case of emergency.

Vincenzo Billeci interviewed by journalist Gianni Mura

Vincenzo Billeci interviewed by journalist Gianni Mura

"The emergency call. But how is it possible that an emergency hard to twenty-five years? Emergency which, among other things remind us coast 300.000 EUR per day. "Vincenzo Billeci complaint with these words a situation that has persisted for years.

I feel very close to the fishermen. Last summer I spoke to them in Fiumicino, and Pozzuoli, a Crotone. I wanted to understand what is possible, because in a country like Italy with 7450 km of coastline, fishing is dying. Surely the expensive diesel, The burro, the illegal and the institutions do not facilitate this sector. But it does not end here ... Vincent said that in Lampedusa Tunisian fishing vessels only three miles from the island, for nearly one hundred and fifty days a year. The Coast Guard operates but without great results. I still do not understand, but perhaps there is nothing to understand, because it is already all too clear.

At the end of ceremony I stopped to talk with him at length. In the years 80/90 fishermen in Lampedusa were six hundred, now there are only a little more than two hundred. It 's very different to listen to the problems experienced in the first person by those who live on land and sea. Are our politicians who should do it, because it is from them, from land and sea that we must start. I often wonder if we'll be able to repair the damage that we have done.

Vincenzo Billeci is not just a fisherman, Scrivia's poesie. We carry one who wrote in October 2013. Yesterday, when we said goodbye, it gave me an autographed copy. This will keep it carefully among the things dear.

The sea and the land


According to what you want Italians when they go to the restaurant?

A few days ago I did a little survey on what people expect going out to the restaurant. A pleasure to which Italians hardly give up, even in a time of crisis like this. I often hear people say - but how, all are in crisis but the restaurants are full! - Sure, not all, but many.

As for me I love it (are better at eating than cooking). 😉 Assaggiare cibo e vino è una mia grande passione, a moment of true bliss gift that I carefully choosing the place of refreshment. Sometimes I follow the advice of friends and acquaintances, while sometimes, especially when they are traveling, uso il ‘Tosin method’. How it works: with the excuse of a photo 'attack button' with the locals who say so, I washed for, and then, I ask directions on eateries where typical stop eating. The results are often surprising!

But now let's go back to my little survey. I state that I was very surprised that few have made reference to the 'account'. I am convinced that at a critical time like this the right relationship between quality and price is one of the main reasons that determines the choice. Some argue that it is impossible to eat well without spending, alas, molti non si possono più permettere. Io credo che partendo da buone materie prime che l’agricoltura italiana ci mette a disposizione, you can do without spending a quality kitchen madness. For example, a pasta with tomato sauce if done well, is a great dish!

That said, below, here is what has emerged (I also added my thoughts). Some, nothing new, but perhaps it does not hurt to remember.

Italians when they go to the restaurant would…

  • Qualità e accuratezza nell’uso di buone materie prime. Italian agriculture provides in abundance there without exorbitant costs. In this regard, I particularly recommend the fruit. A basket at the end of the meal, without having to ask, is more than welcome! I forgot… I would also recommend the salads, there are very few restaurateurs who know them as they go without.
  • Friendliness, education and courtesy. A smile is the best host (and costs nothing). Having to deal with the service staff is friendly and a point gained favor.
  • Accessibility. An essential feature considering the 80 million people with disabilities in Europe… 650 million worldwide.
  • A the wine list well done broken down by region, and not only with the usual well-known names. There are production of small and medium-sized agricultural realities of excellent quality.
  • We are a land of great oils, mwe want to put them on the tables so that people can know them! Personally them or put them there or ask! About, also applies to the vinegar (and I'm not referring to some balsamic products that have nothing to do). Among other things, there are many who love wine vinegar, but it's good (I understood). Once it was in every cellar, today is almost a rarity. Let's go do it!
  • A relaxing environment. I happened long ago, in a place renowned for its excellent pizza, see running up and down the staff in the dining room. It was filled with some, but be struck by the continuous passage hectic, urtava we. I love the peace ... I is crucial when I go out to lunch or dinner.
  • Cleaning and services in order treated the same way as local host us to eat. Unfortunately it happens it happens the other way.
  • The possibility of having a space for their pets What is very much appreciated by many.
  • The parking that, in cases not provided for in the vicinity, There is facilitated when we book without making us go crazy on arrival at the unexpected difficulty.
  • Wifi libero restricting the use of cell phones, which sometimes is abused by disturbing the peace of others. Compared to first of all.

Regarding this last point, Having regard to the use and sometimes misuse of the media, I would like to find 'Face to face Restaurant’, I think the name makes the idea of ​​what I want: #socialization.

Three rules for guests: you must sit at the table with people who strictly do not know, presents itself to us and chat, and… cell phones off. Outcome of the evening: it is easy to hang out with new friends, or ... try again and you'll be luckier! How about… we talk about it? 😉

Here are the answers to my original survey:

1' parte

2' parte

4' parte3' parte

The table in the photo was staged by Amelia Face, freelance fashion designer

Do not turn off the dreams of romantics: the Osteria senz'Oste, a beautiful reality that you want to punish

In Italy too often the word is not correct and punish.

We have to think that at times from an idea, from a dream threw the, born great projects. These are difficult times; people want to escape, wants carefree, want things that are true and genuine as it once was… when it was good.

They are not only nostalgic memories of those so young is no longer, no, is simply the need for an atmosphere that a bit is lost. Creed, rather they are convinced, that this is the reason why an organization like the Osteria senz'Oste really like the people.

A place for travelers in the beautiful Valdobbiadene I visited in November 2011 on the advice of a friend and chef, Simone Toninato. Knowing he had realized that it was a place for me, a place for romantics.

The Osteria senz'Oste

The Osteria senz'Oste

Well, a few days ago my cousin Hilary called me and told me that alarmed in Treviso and not only, you are going to help Cesare De Stefani, the creator of this project sanctioned for 62 thousand Euros payable under the tax, for entrepreneurial activity in the black for the year 2008.

Luca Zaia, President of the Veneto region on the question called for the use of common sense, the same idea Leonardo Muraro, President of the province of Treviso.

Why in Italy is mainly to punish and correct? A loud voice ask who can find a solution to this nonsense, before such a beautiful place and shut off the dreams of us romantics.

Behind this place where the door is always open, there is a story of men, including that of a circus that I met in Berlin 2011, in an afternoon spent drinking in front of Prosecco Valdobbiadene hills.

Who does not know this Osteria can see it here, through photographs and the story that I did after my visit.

Clicca who > Un'eterna romantic all'Osteria senz'Oste

Valdobbiadene in Autumn

Valdobbiadene in Autumn

I would like to ask ... maybe too un'Agricolazione ?!

Exactly so, I would like to un'Agricolazione with many agricultural products. Perhaps I ask too?!

The stop itself as, given that in addition to a juice among other too dear, seen 3 euro required a far cry from the selling price to the source of oranges, some sweet, a coffee or a cappuccino, the proposal does not go quite as well as dedicated food!

In short, I do not understand, and consequently provoke! Someone explained to me why only in hotels, at least in almost all, there must be a better offer in this sense! Mah! You could help so many agricultural situations by simply using their products for a good and healthy breakfast, my favorite meal and also the most important of the day.

Unfortunately Italians because of the hectic pace of life that lead to neglect the very. Perhaps this is why the offer catering in the morning is very limited… but not justified! At least on Saturday and Sunday I would like to see far more deals!

Dr. Catherine Kousmine, born in Russia in 1904, advised his patients to a royal breakfast, pranzo of a prince, and dinner from poor. As for me I would do the Queen every morning! 😉

I'll tell you this little episode. Not long ago, as I walked in the mountains in Switzerland, along the highway, and more precisely in Bellinzona, I stopped in for breakfast. I think it was the best breakfast I've ever been proposed. Practically there was everything. Frutta fresca e secca, baked goods, yogurt, juices, frullati, centrifugal, teas ... short, a true spectacle of colors and handcrafted products that made me think… "I wonder how many farmers are helped so ..."


Maurizio gilyak. A matter of formal defect, and not of truth.

I present my, my name is Maurizio Gily. I am an agronomist specialized in viticulture and enology and a journalist. I run a technical review of the sector, Millevigne, collaboro con Slow Food, and is a consultant for wine enterprises and public administrations.

Maurizio gilyak, a man of earth and wine, a person whom I respect. Accused of formal defect in expressing true news, was sentenced to compensation for having harmed as a result, the honor of a fellow journalist.

These are the words of the judge: “… There is no question as to whether Dr.. Gily in writing reported true news ... ". But the shape wins, at least it condemned him, at the moment…

I quote part of Millevigne's article "The hemlock of Velenitaly

by Maurizio Gily

More than five years after the "Velenitaly" case, the atomic bomb dropped on Vinitaly by the weekly L'Espresso, than denouncing, correctly, some cases of fraud and sophistication, spoke, not quite as well, of hundreds of thousands of bottles of poisoned wine (poison never found), and, in another article, of the brunellopoli case, approaching pollution from carcinogens in a great confusion (never found) with Merlot pollution in Sangiovese (which obviously doesn't kill anyone), a judge of the Rovereto court sentenced me to compensate the Espresso journalist I had attacked on Millevigne. I would have damaged his reputation. Five thousand euros, plus legal fees.

According to the judge, mine was a "personal attack"Which would have gone beyond the right of criticism, damaging the honor of his colleague, which is worth a sentence for compensation, albeit decimated with respect to the counterpart's request, that it had started ten times as much (50.000 euro). Yet I have not made use of profanity, nor have I accused anyone of anything they had not done: I just wrote that one piece of news was not true (not fraud with watering down and enriching the musts, that was true, but the poisoning), after two ministries and an investigating magistrate on the investigation in question had already said so in official statements, diligently reported by me. I haven't even talked about bad faith, but only of excess of imagination ("Horror fantasies" to be precise) in reporting information collected in a power of attorney and elaborated in a creative way (for example speaking of carcinogenic substances, but without mentioning any, indeed, citing some that are not, in addition to not being ascertained its presence in the product in question).

Morale: in the country recognized as 57th in the world for freedom of the press, according to the ranking of "reporters without borders", preceded by many nations not famous for their democracies, the truth must be told in moderation. Pardon, with continence. Especially when you go to touch companies, groups and people with shoulders wider than yours. Like Millevigne against Espresso- Republic: a flea against a tank.

“The extraordinary solidarity that came to me from much of the wine world, in particular by Italian winemakers, convinced me to appeal. From them, and from you, the push to open has also arrived, overcoming my natural embarrassment, a public subscription to finance the costs of this appeal, that neither I, nor the publisher of Millevigne are able to support.” Maurizio gilyak

  • At this LINK there is a good public subscription causa.org and a host of information.

Here is the HISTORY of the facts:

1. Paolo Tessadri's lawyer sent me, in September of 2011, a warning to remove my article "junk via express" from the web asking me at the same time 50.000 euro of damages for having infringed the honor of his client (who had therefore noticed it three years later). My answer was that I would remove the article from the web, and so did, as a conciliatory gesture and in relation to the time elapsed, but not denying anything of what I had written and obviously specifying that I would not pay a cent. And I thought, honestly, that it ended there.

2. After a second warning, I offered Tessadri the opportunity to reply to my article on Millevigne, stating that his reply would be published without comment. I am in fact convinced that this is the right way in which a journalist must defend his honor if he deems it harmed.. In truth I think that when a reporter publishes news that is neither true, nor likely, as in this case, honor damages him alone, but so much. Another possibility would have been that of a conciliatory meeting at the order, but even this was not taken into consideration.

3. Tessadri did not adhere to my proposal and started the civil case, lowering his request a 25.000 euro. My lawyer then explained to me that this choice was probably motivated by a banal question of a bracket in the cost of stamps ... Tessadri's defense had perhaps realized the surreal entity of the first request.

4. The competent court of Rovereto, instead of that of Alba, where Millevigne is based, it depends on the fact that Tessadri's defense does not refer to the magazine, but to the web, based on a sentence of the Supreme Court which establishes that in the event of defamation via the web, the competent court is that of the residence of the injured. My defense had no grounds to oppose in this regard. Note that the Millevigne site in 2008 the classic four cats saw it (we have also produced an appraisal which proves this, a few dozen contacts per article at most), while the magazine was, then, a tabloid with free circulation in addition 10.000 copy, but "sticking to the web" allowed Tessadri to get the trial by playing at home.

5. After this sentence, Tessadri could report me to the order, which in turn could sanction me and suspend me for ethical violation. I don't know if it will but as far as I know it I think it is probable.

“Hello Cynthia, how the world you live?”

Today I received this email that the public only in part. I sent her a person I've known for some time through comments on social networks. When I read it I thought it would not have been enough a written response to explain how the thought. Certain things need to be said 'voice', or even better, 'Person'. I believe this touch key to the knowledge and understanding in every situation that I'm interested in deepening.

Hello Cynthia, excuse the disorder, take this opportunity to ask you some information (as profane), about how the world works that live, how to write articles on the world of wine and food in general. I joined in friendship with a director of a newspaper website that asks me to “lanciarmi” writing something inherent to wine and sending photos, then I will release. It’ a bit 'that I think, also because they are in a situation of crisis work and trying to find other outlets, or at least begin to diversify a bit '. I do not know in the least how it works, I wondered how “tour” the mechanism, because you have to move visiting wineries / wine / events…etc.. Seeing what svolgi you wonder if you can teach me a bit ', not to be totally unprepared when they go into certain topics, especially those of an economic ...

Anyone who knows me knows how much I appreciate the use of digital media, this to the possibility that I offer to amplify what I consider appropriate to share. But beware, first and foremost I love with all my senses to discover what I want to know, understand and deepen. E 'for this reason that the only answer that I felt to give, has been to write a phone number and a word: Call.

We felt shortly after. The first thing I said is that the 'payback' is still right, must have its real match in the quality of service offered. "I do not sell anything if you do not ensure the uniqueness of the service". E’ fondamentale l’esperienza, preparation, and your mind open to new technologies.

The road ahead is long. Some arrive before, some come later and some you lose ... everyone follows his path. The important thing is to be yourself, driven by passion and not by the waves of time. This makes a difference, the difference is the path ...

Some, along the way learning is growing, This is the natural evolution of things, But that should not obscure the choices initially undertaken. The character, l’istinto, simplicity are essential skills that, with humility, emphasize the person. Knowing how to keep your feet firmly on the ground, continue to learn, know the people, share experiences and be able to draw the right lessons in each. There are no secrets, the important thing is to remain yourself.

At the end I told him how I started writing, visiting and telling the story of a winemaker of Aosta, the road traveled so much in the past three years, of the many experiences, of the many people I met, disappointments but also of emotions. As we all have dreams and hopes, and with these every day I go on…

In Italy there are about 7450 km of coastline, but the fishing is dying. Someone explains it to me?!

Until a short time ago I was involved in the organization and optimization of resources, actually I still am, because I apply these principles in everything I do.

Today my challenge starts here.

In recent months I have been in Taranto, a Crotone, and Pozzuoli, Fiumicino ... well I've been in places of the sea, but especially in places dedicated to fishing. To better understand this area, I tried to approach trying to organize an exit night with fishermen, to follow their work, to understand talking and living with their. Unfortunately, the mistral is not favored me, repeatedly blocking my plans.

I am a hard head, some would say a hothead, in fact they are a passionate and idealistic, and do not give up easily. Precisely for this reason I have continued to deepen the topic to understand .... I did it in Naples, of Taranto, Crotone and in Fiumicino. I stopped and talked with them, some were wary, while others, after realizing my real interest, I explained.

People fought, dashed, tired, almost gave up on the state of things, people to listen to. I am well aware that the difficulties of everyday life is very different than writing and talking about.

I love my country and its people, talking to them live on the territory, of the nord sud. I support the passion and enthusiasm, even if it is sometimes put a strain on the disappointments. But it is a matter of seconds, because just a shoulder to 'make me act and react’ the only way that I: People listen to me and interpreter of the voice of the people, one that works, i veri Italiani.

That said step to step, because I want to understand ...

  • In Italy there are about 7450 km of coastline, but fishing is dying. Something is wrong, something I can not understand, especially in a time of crisis like this, that optimize what we have left should be a priority issue. Someone will define boring, even talkative stressing continuously, in what I write, the same concepts.
  • In Italy, the fashion, Tourism, l’agricoltura, fishing, food and wine are the leading sectors, and as such should be favored the most of their paths. Unfortunately it is not so. I still do not understand ...

These are hot days, days of deep crisis. There is no mention of other games that powers salaried politicians from Italy that works, that if I remember well! I do not want to talk about their, mi logora, mi la bharti, I find it useless and frustrating. I want to talk about our productions, of Italian, their hardships.

I reiterate an important number, our own wealth and as such should be valued. We have 7450 km of coastline, but fishing is dying.

They tell me that in Mazara del Vallo in recent years by 380 vessels have been left 80, Fiumicino seven years ago there were 45, now there are 25, Crotone is happening the same thing. The fishermen are on their knees. It is destroying one of the most important economic.

They tell me that in late September for a month there will be a biological rest for the repopulation of the seas. A still for trawling though this concerns only the vessels. Do not stop the small fishing. But I ask, is really small? Once a small fishing nets used a meter and a half high, now come to 12 meters. Once they stopped to 3 miles into the sea, now stop at 10…

Why not stop all, and not a per mese, but for a year! And then, because they allow outputs 14 ore in mare! Should be allowed a maximum 8 hours! These are the words of the fishermen, those who love the sea, those that do not exploit.

Their first problem is the high cost of diesel, the second is the bureaucracy and institutions that do not help them as they should, the third is the illegal ...


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