A birthday I will never forget… at the time of COVID-19

And 'all started late 2019, almost unnoticed, or better, Perhaps we were that we did not give weight to the news began to arrive from China. Unaware of the tsunami that every few months would have overwhelmed us, we went on with our lives, playing down ... – certainly a bad flu, really, do not exaggerate – we said so. But no. The sad reality is showing.

Since we are used to living with that lightness that brought us too many years not to believe that a tragedy of this magnitude could involve us. But how can?! People like me who lives in Lombardy – the region with more contagions, health excellence region – if he continues to ask. The truth is that we were not ready. Far be it from me to do controversy, the last thing we need right now. Now we especially thank all those involved in this emergency ... indeed, we must help them and help us with that social distancing so necessary to stop contagion. There will be time for reflection to be drawn from this hard lesson.

A few days ago I found myself listening to an old man… "To, for people my age is worse than war, I can tell you with certainty because I have lived. We seniors are living in solitude for fear of stumbled upon this invisible enemy. Technology helps, it is true, but many of us have not that familiar with it for use. Some, There is also television, but to fight the anxiety is often better to turn it off.I also heard the story of a doctor and moved at the same time assisting traumatized patients in wards Covid: "One moment there was, a moment later he was gone…”

New coronavirus COVID-19

COVID-19, ‘CO’ per corona, 'VI' per viral, ‘D’ per disease (disease in English) and '19' for the year in which it was identified. A new particularly aggressive and contagious coronavirus so named for its shape of a crown with thorns, whose infection leads to more or less severe breathing problems. An infection that manifested itself for the first time in Wuhuan, in China, whose most common initial symptoms are fever, tiredness and dry cough. It spreads through the simple sneeze, or touching nose and eyes mouth with contaminated hands. To limit its spread is critical sneeze or cough into a tissue (to be thrown immediately into a trash) or on the bend of the elbow, and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. A patient can be defined as healed after the resolution of symptoms, and definitively, after being negative result to two consecutive swabs carried out at a distance of 24 hours of each other. The indication for running the swab in symptomatic persons is carried out on medical advice. Given the global reach of this new disease on March 11 2020 WHO declared the pandemic COVID-19. (Source: Ministry of Health)

A few days ago I had a birthday, a birthday I will never forget, experienced virtually, thinking about what will happen with my beautiful Italy. I wondered if once over this emergency will continue to feel united as in this difficult time… if we support our artisans, now more than ever bent by the crisis. If we continue to feel that sense of belonging to Italy, which these days has all of us excited and warmed my heart. Last year, under the pressure of these reflections I decided to give my book a provocative title: Once there were Italians. Well, I believe that after the end of this emergency that is hitting us so hard we will be wiser, but especially, we will know how to defend our Italian never. We need, ALL. This at least is my greatest hope.

Covid-19, Questions and answers  www.salute.gov.it

La famiglia di oggi. Chi la vuole perfetta, e chi la vive imperfetta.

Oggi esco dal mio seminato abituale. Parlerò di famiglia. Perché lo faccio? Because this is my space to stop thinking and to clarify,,it,and maybe,,it,even those who have learned to do this by reading my words,,it,I will speak,,it,Taste,,it,I write and travel.,,it,writing and traveling,,it. Non ho la presunzione di farla per gli altri. La faccio per me. Forse mi comprenderà chi mi conosce, e forse, anche chi ha imparato a farlo leggendo le mie parole.

One, parlerò di famiglia, come la intendo io: un nucleo che nasce dall’amore di due persone, nel rispetto e soprattutto nella verità. Non sempre genera figli, né ha componenti dello stesso sesso, né dello stesso credo. Un concetto di famiglia che nella continuità richiede coraggio e onestà; it does not follow patterns and that feeds appearances or hypocrisy,,it,only consistency,,it,I smile when I hear talk of a crisis of values ​​associat the frequency of late marriages,,it,On these reflections I will make a break,,it,I am rereading what I wrote in these years of personal growth,,it. Un’unione che crea condivisione e che genera felicità e benessere.

Utopia? Not, solo coerenza.

Che sia in atto un cambiamento dei costumi nella nostra società è più che evidente. Su questo credo che nessuno abbia nulla da eccepire. La stessa legislazione sta legiferando nuove normative che riportino le leggi al passo con i tempi. Troppi interessi economici hanno fatto sì che il matrimonio sia, più che un legame d’amore, un contratto da gestire e su cui basare il sostentamento della propria vita.

Per tutta la vita…

Già… Una promessa che abbiamo fatto in molti, forse perché per anni ci siamo adagiati su un modello di famiglia statico, duraturo nel tempo. Per tutta la vita… come chiedono i sacerdoti celebranti agli sposi durante la cerimonia. Peccato che loro non sposandosi non ne conoscono veramente il significato. Più che per tutta la vita, servirebbe un matrimonio che si rinnova, diciamo ogni cinque anni. Se c’è l’amore continua, se non c’è non alimenta interessi economici e quant’altro. La realtà è che l’Italia è trai i paesi con maggior casi di infedeltà coniugale. Altro che amore…

E i figli… come la mettiamo?

I figli hanno bisogno di modelli mi è stato risposto. Senza dubbio, ma a patto che questi siano veri. Give up on new beginnings and persist in relationships based on lies for the sake of the children,it, è solo una scusa che denota mancanza di coraggio nell’affrontare la realtà. Ho vissuto ciò di cui parlo da figlia, da madre e da moglie. Esperienze che mi hanno insegnato che ciò che conta, nel tempo e nella crescita, nostra e loro, è la capacità di saper instaurare rapporti basati sul dialogo e sulla sincerità. Le verità difficili sono meglio delle bugie di convenienza, that, una volta scoperte, confondono e non permettono di distinguere il vero dal falso.

Crisi dei valori.

I smile when I hear about the crisis of values ​​associated with the frequency of marriages end. Mind you, non che io stessa non l’abbia detto più volte, ma non certo per l’accostamento ad un sacramento religioso che impone scelte che per lo più non vengono rispettate. Quando parlo di crisi di valori, io intendo una crisi etica e morale che condiziona in senso negativo i rapporti in generale.

Potrei continuare a lungo, ma in fondo a che serve… questa purtroppo è la società di oggi, quella dell’apparenza.

Ordine dei Giornalisti. Entro in punta di piedi, ma con le idee chiare.

Forse non tutti sanno, mi riferisco ai non addetti ai lavori, che i giornalisti si distinguono in professionisti e pubblicisti. I primi esercitano questa professione in modo esclusivo e continuativo, mentre i secondi, possono svolgere attività giornalistica non occasionale e retribuita, e nel contempo svolgere anche un’altra professione. Entrambe le figure, oltre ad essere iscritte all’Ordine dei Giornalisti, hanno diritti doveri e responsabilità. Devono diffondere le notizie nel rispetto della verità, senza condizionamenti e strumentalizzazioni. La loro indipendenza e credibilità, garantisce all’opinione pubblica il diritto a ricevere un’informazione onesta.

In this regard Indro Montanelli in 1989 wrote:

“La deontologia professionale sta racchiusa in gran parte, se non per intero, in questa semplice e difficile parola: onestà. E’ una parola che non evita gli errori; essi fanno parte del nostro lavoro. Perché è un lavoro che nasce dall’immediato e che da i suoi risultati a tambur battente. Ma evita le distorsioni maliziose quando non addirittura malvage, le furbe strumentalizzazioni, gli asservimenti e le discipline di fazione o di clan di partito. Gli onesti sono refrattari alle opinioni di schieramento – che prescindano da ogni valutazione personale – alle pressioni autorevoli, alle mobilitazioni ideologiche. Non è che siano indifferenti all’ideologia e insensibili alle necessità, in determinati momenti, di scegliere con chi e contro chi stare. Ma queste considerazioni non prevalgono mai sulla propria autonomia di giudizio. Un giornalista che si attenga a questa regoletta in apparenza facile potrà senza dubbio sbagliare, ma da galantuomo. Gli sbagli generosi devono essere riparati, ma non macchiano chi li ha compiuti. Sono gli altri, gli sbagli del servilismo e del carrierismo – che poi sbagli non sono, ma intenzionali stilettate, quelli che sporcano.”

Parole sagge dettate dall’esperienza di un grande giornalista della storia italiana, che a mio parere esprimono l’essenza dell’etica del giornalismo. Il mondo della comunicazione, in cui mi sono ritrovata quasi per caso, richiede tenacia, determinazione, passione e indipendenza. Well, I have decided to capitalize on the experience gained in recent years, durante i quali, percorrendo km e km in lungo e in largo per l’Italia, ho cercato di conoscere le risorse, ma soprattutto di focalizzare gli ingranaggi che bloccano un paese come il nostro, con potenzialità non espresse come dovrebbe essere giusto che sia.

Recently, dopo un percorso durato qualche anno, sono entrare a far parte dell’Ordine dei Giornalisti della Lombardia. Ho passato gli ultimi mesi leggendo e riflettendo sulle “Lezioni di diritto dell’Informazione e deontologia della professione giornalistica”, scritto dall’avvocato Guido Camera, e sulle Carte deontologiche, manuali e linee guida, che molti di questo settore dovrebbero leggere, se non tornare a rileggere. In realtà, questa tappa, It is above all a rematch that I took with myself. Un punto d’arrivo, or better, un nuovo punto di partenza. Di strada da percorrere ce n’è ancora molta. The important thing, it is not to lose the desire to continue to learn and to share with enthusiasm the beauty and the good of the Italian territory.

In conclusion, per chi vuole intraprendere il mio stesso percorso, I thought it might be worth a short guide with the basic conditions for enrollment List of Journalists Publicists.

  • E’ indispensabile avere esercitato per almeno due anni un’attività giornalistica non occasionale e retribuita regolarmente svolta presso una testata registrata in Tribunale.
  • E’ necessario documentare la tracciabilità finanziaria della retribuzione ricevuta: almeno 2000€ lordi nel biennio.
  • Gli articoli pubblicati nei due anni, di cui va allegata una copia, devono essere almeno 65 nel caso di quotidiani, and 40 per i periodici.
  • Il Consiglio dell’Ordine, da poco più di un anno, ha introdotto per gli aspiranti Giornalisti Pubblicisti un colloquio/esame condotto da un Consigliere istruttore.

Testi di riferimento e fonte:

“Lezioni di diritto dell’ informazione e deontologia della professione giornalistica” di Guido Camera. Consultabile in formato pdf nella sezione “pubblicazioni” del sito www.odg.mi.it

Ordine dei Giornalisti – Consiglio Regionale della Lombardia
Via A. Da Recanate, 1  Milan - Tel 02 6771371

Da "I Quaderni dell'ordine"

Of “I Quaderni dell’Ordine” – Deontologia istruzioni per l’uso. Mario Consani e Guido Camera

The passion, the guidance of the blogger. Woe to those who lost, but woe also to those who abuse it!

I think by now everyone knows what a blog, a diary in network born from a passion, in which to write and share via social networks, what we love to live. A phenomenon that has developed since the late 90s, and has contributed to radical changes in the way people communicate on the web. A personal space free from constraints, in which to give vent to their thoughts and their own creativity. A real container, full of life and emotions.

Regarding my, I mean the blog, I do not know how long. It 's just a phase in my life that allowed me to know and learn, getting up after a fall. For some, I know that I will cherish some of the stories that I have lived, printing them on paper pages, irreplaceable traveling companions, says a future time.

All this to say what? Perhaps to say that it is the passion that drives us? Some, woe to those who lost, but woe also to those who abuse it! Feeling taken into due, the risk of being repetitive, I continue to write about this on my personal space, to clarify that the passion should not be used, ne fraintesa.

This is my thought, alas, unfortunately, does not correspond to the reality of things. I blogger, loved and criticized, those who commit themselves by customizing what they do,  those who put in their company does little energy, who move within their means, armed with cameras and the technology to share. They are the ones that use all the free time, often their holidays, studying and writing in the most unexpected hours.

Some become so good to be researched and be contacted by those who need to be known, often without recognizing. This is the point. Let me tell you a few episodes that involved me, and that made me almost lose the will to continue in a world in which the cunning prevail. It 'been a while, because I have not finished yet.

First case. A couple of years ago I was contacted to tell the personal stories of life of a famous castle of Bergamo where you Restaurants. After having known them and have found their stories interesting, I accepted the assignment. They were still needed a couple of meetings to collect the material I needed. To support this, I asked them a refund for the time and car trips. No reply, then suspended collaboration.

According to case. Circa un anno fa, I was involved in a three-day tour-blogger-course related to the promotion of the territory in the Veneto, precisely to Treviso, a city that I love very much to my roots. I wrote 'course' with us because there was a photographer who guided us. It was agreed to reimburse travel expenses. Months have passed, continued promises, but nothing. I had almost resigned, when, towards the middle of August, I was again promised the reimbursement of expenses incurred before the expiry of the month. Still nothing, or better, almost a mockery. My passion is and that of many, and that of these gentlemen as we call?!

Yesterday, after my outburst, in private many have told me to live the same situations. Carry the words of a friend: “Cynthia, if you write, maybe do a favor to all of us, many things go unnoticed, Now it is fashionable to speak of bloggers more harm than good.

I promised that I would.

Visibility, do not we use this word ...

The night brings counsel ... is so. I act with my heart, always, too, often at my expense ... but maybe it's time to change, and water, I do not want to change, I want to remain the same as always, but rather pondering my choices. Come ora, after yet another proposal that is traded my collaboration with promises of visibility.

I am somewhat 'tired of this word, because the one I, I mean visibility, I tried to guadagnarmela alone, sharing, with projects, in my thoughts, with my work. Now I try to give it to others, when they consider it appropriate, when I know I could do well.

Let blogger, as I call today, has a lot of work behind (I do not love this definition, but since 'for now’ are, I prefer to call the farm for bloggers who feel the call to the earth). The last few years have been intense… years of research, to live the reality, listening to people, but most of all years to learn ... I will never stop doing it.

I live between files, notes, registers ... use all technological means that allow me to use the network to share what I do. These are the bloggers, sometimes called in exchange for promises of visibility… often without reimbursement of costs (to give you an example, I'm waiting for one yet agreed to travel expenses since last October).  You understand that perhaps something is wrong.

That said, as I say, I would just point and head! Perhaps it is appropriate to change the register.

Report here again the response to a question I was made a short time ago by Justin Catalano (ditestaedigola.com) on the issue.

  • World blogger: chi lo ama, chi lo odia, and who uses. But who cares really the communication made by bloggers and why .... Cynthia, What do you think?

The passion that drove many bloggers in this direction, compresa me, did emerge as their emotional charge combined with digital communications, can be of help in these difficult times that we are living, to the territory that the productions. A phenomenon already in vogue for years abroad. Many have understood, and have been inspired.

The world of bloggers is not always easy, there are those who act according to the passion, and there are those who get carried away by easy targets. Anyway, only pertains to the readers who followed forward in time, the passion that has helped many of us get through tough times.
The only sore point in this context, is that too many take advantage of this passion without acknowledging the intellectual commitment and not just, devoting time and energy to this task whose importance has been recognized by the same local institutions.

Bloggers and journalists, passion and profession, emotion and rationality. Two roles whose writings have a very different emotional. Anyway, both can help by communicating, each in their own way, the land and its productions. The key thing for me is consistency, which must be maintained by not follow the waves of convenience of the moment.

Then, concluding, not call in exchange for visibility… because the truth is that if you call us, visibility you need you!


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