Did you know that chocolate…

These days I ate too much chocolate… uff, I have a face full of pimples!

I still remember when ... let me think, here is, I have been sixteen, in an afternoon of total boredom (even then could not sit still) I made a powerful concoction made with chocolate. I had used so much, but so much, chocolate to make a truly explosive! Well, a few days after the explosion occurred, one, but with a giant pimple! 🙁

My father took me to the doctor, that, soon as he saw, sent me to the hospital for direct etching. Fairly embarrassing situation, one, because the location was not the most sympathetic. I can not forget the episode, also because, thanks to the scar that has remained (fortunately not visible to most) I can not.

Anyone who knows me knows I am greedy ...! I can not get it to start it to close the day, without having eaten a cake! That said, to return to the chocolate, I recommend, do not like me, do not overdo it!

A short but good and all, the secret is to stay healthy! 🙂

Did you know that ...

  • Chocolate is made from the fruit of the cacao tree, a plant native to South America, whose scientific name is Theobroma cacao, in greco, food of the gods. The Aztecs 3000 years ago, used these seeds as coins.
  • There's chocolate, and chocolate! Favouring a quality that contains at least 70 percent cocoa.
  • And 'rich in antioxidants, substances that slow the aging process.
  • Being very energetic, is an excellent food to recharge. And 'even included in the diet of astronauts during space missions.
  • And 'rich in fat: provides 500 calories each 100 grams
  • Chocolate contains caffeine: 125 grams of dark chocolate contain an amount of caffeine equal to that contained in a cup of coffee.
  • Thanks to phenylethylamine, a chemical found in cocoa, il cioccolato ha delle proprietà antidepressive, therefore improves mood.

Source: 'Foods that are good, foods that are bad '- Tom Sanders professor of nutrition and dietetics at King's College, University of London


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