Today you drink magnesium chloride ... but with grape juice!

Lo conoscete il cloruro di magnesio?

Il magnesio è un minerale. And 'present in cocoa, dried fruit, in seafood, in beans, in beans, in the bran, nell’orzo… insomma in alimenti un pochino trascurati.

La carenza di magnesio è causa di molti malesseri: dall’area psichica, to the muscle, to the cardiovascular, e a molte altre.

Magnesium deficiency is the cause of many ailments from mental ..., to the muscle, to the cardiovascular, e a molte altre.

Questa carenza può essere semplicemente risolta con l’assunzione di un integratore: “magnesium chloride“. An affordable rooms with a minimum expenditure safely at any pharmacy, exactly as I do from time. It 'simply dissolve 25/30 Article. in one liter of water and drink half a glass once a day.

Alas, the taste is not the best, but just dilute it with fruit juice, and you're done! Today I have prepared a glass of grape juice diluted with! 😉

Molte le sue proprietà: purifica il sangue, increases the tone immune and contributes to the proper functioning of most of the equipment of our body, in short, keeps you young! 😉 Già nei primi anni del 1900 i medici francesi P. Delbet e A. Nephew, I experienced excellent results with the use!

Non vi resta che provare…



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