Tourism "Green". Italian to like more and more!


Agrinatura Winter 2015 - Grass Lariofiere (CO)

It has just successfully completed the winter meeting of Agrinatura, the show dedicated to the food chain and animal Italian. Focus on small producers, through tastings and workshops, They occurred giving useful information to visitors for spending more and more aware and close to agriculture.

Among the insights treated to table Conviviality (the space dedicated to conferences and the show cooking), I have followed with great interest the intervention of Andrea Camesasca, Delegate for Tourism of the Chamber of Commerce of Como. Theme tourism "green", una scelta di viaggio che raccoglie sempre più consensi. Lo dicono i numeri: 4 Italian on 10 opting for a holiday connected to nature. ‪#‎GreenTourism‬‬‬‬‬

Should invest in tourism, but it requires changes, which in part depend on us, our spirit and our upbringing. Italy is a nation with a rich landscape, historic and artistic, which is confirmed by well Fifty certified sites Unesco. Soil conservation, l’agricoltura, the cuisine based on local and rural tourism, sono settori strategici che vanno costantemente promossi e agevolati.

In this regard I quote the words of Agrinsieme, coordination was born in 2013 representing companies and cooperatives CIA, Confagricoltura, Copagri Alliance and agri-food cooperatives: "The Italian agricultural landscape is a great resource. Between rural tourism and induced typical eno – 800 indications of origin recognized between wines and food products and over 9000 specialties – our campaigns are worth more than 10 miliardi di euro l’anno, not to mention the more than 50 billion worth of agricultural production which follows on those soils”. A heritage that each of us has a duty to protect, per se stesso e per le generazioni future.

The task of the institutions is to improve the safety, services and infrastructure, deficient especially in the south. The 66% the expenditure of international tourism is in northern Italy. Lombardy counts 33 milioni di presenze, Sicily 14 million. Sardinia, an island among the most beautiful in the world, 10 million. Data that make you think…

Si può fare di meglio…

In welcoming improving the hotel offer. Sono in netto calo le richieste relative ad alberghi con una o due stelle, mentre da dati Istat, aumentano gli hotel a tre e quattro stelle. In un mercato globale è importante garantire la qualità rimanendo però competitivi.

In accessibility investendo in servizi che favoriscano il turismo di persone diversamente abili. More than 80 million in Europe and 650 million worldwide. A duty and a right guaranteed by Article 7 the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism: "The possibility of direct and personal access to the discovery and enjoyment of the planet is a right to which everyone in the world should be able to enjoy equally; the increasingly extensive participation in national and international tourism will be considered as one of the best possible expressions of the steady increase in leisure time and shall not be impaired in any way. "

In mapping and geo-localize paths. Il turismo verde va a pari passo con gli sport all’aria aperta: jogging, ciclismo, nordic walking, equitazione, trekking, arrampicata, canottaggio, etc..

In conveying a sense of belonging, an important signal for tourism. Se non si crede nel proprio territorio è difficile promuoverlo e favorirlo.

Investing in improving its infrastructure network interconnection. We are more and more online, connected with the world, quick to share and review. Rendere tutto questo più facile rappresenta una grande opportunità.

As he pointed out by Andrea Camesasca, It could do a lot to promote tourism, such as reinvest in the many disused structures presenti sul nostro territorio. Molti lo hanno già fatto, convogliando energie e risorse per favorire la nascita di luoghi aggreganti di cultura, di storia e di cibo legato alla tradizione.

The 2016 è alle porte. We'll make? Who knows… Certainly each of us can do his part, even with simple everyday actions.

Con Giovanni Bazzano, agri-food expert and chef Alessandro Varenna

Con Giovanni Bazzano, esperto agroalimentare delle tipicità Lombarde, e lo chef Alessandro Varenna

www.agrinatura.org Lariofiere – Centro espositivo e congressuale
Viale Resegone, Grass (Co)

Italy needs competitiveness # # # accessibility #servizi #accoglienza #appartenenza network ... but above all he needs to go back to believing!

I often say that now the only thing that's left is the concrete land. We are one of the most beautiful countries in the world! We have a great history, great artistic, great culinary excellence, great traditions! In short, we all papers in order, but I ask: “We can better giocarcele?”

After my recent visit to the Bit, the International Tourism Exchange, after hearing the good speakers exhibit solutions and marketing strategies absolutely essential for the promotion of the territory, I asked myself a few thoughts that I want to stop here.

As is my habit I want to start from the beginning, the birth of tourism.

For information purposes, the first travel agency was opened in London in 1841 da Thomas Cook, thanks to the impetus given to rail and maritime transport nineteenth century who made it possible in the short term movements. Travelling was no longer a luxury for the elite. In this regard I quote the AArticle 7 the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism which enshrines this right:

La possibilità di accedere direttamente e personalmente alla scoperta ed al godimento delle ricchezze del pianeta rappresenta un diritto di cui tutti gli abitanti del mondo devono poter usufruire in modo paritario; the increasingly extensive participation in national and international tourism will be considered as one of the best possible expressions of the steady increase in leisure time and shall not be impaired in any way. "

Exactly so, Tourism is a right, but for many it is no longer! Traveling in Italy it costs too much! The exterior is much more competitive.This is the simple answer people's. And 'critical thinking. Not only marketing strategies, but concrete investments and determining its revival. Below I will analyze a few points that I consider essential in this regard.

  • Competitiveness

Last year I went alone to September for Sardinia convinced to find competitive prices given the period, but I had to think again. “Leaving alone is not an advantage"So I was told. Ma eats? We are a country of singles and we are not yet organized in such a way! Anyway, single o non single, the prices of the packages are not competitive in Italy and abroad. Let's think ...

  • Accessibility

Eighty million disabled people in Europe, 650 million worldwide. I reiterate that tourism is a right for all. And 'fundamental comply with the accessible tourism services that make a reality. This year in International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the European Commission has recognized the prize in Berlin “Access city Award”. Unfortunately no Italian city was notable in this regard. Some friends at the return of a trip to California have told me that that, buses, have the input level of the sidewalk for allow people to move a wheel chair with easy access. This system has been adopted in some Italian provinces but is not yet sufficiently extended. Reflect…

  • Service

Friends, with regard to services is all a say. I'll tell you my experience last year in Quartu Sant'Elena, in provincia di Cagliari. A sea breathtakingly, living tract after tract; pity that not having the car with me was counting on public transport which I found to be woefully inadequate. I was furious to say the least; I still remember my outburst on twitter: “In front of me a wonderful sea, behind me services that will leave you speechless, rather, there would!” I set out but even so yet another problem! There were no sidewalks so it will cycle paths to make risky continuation walk. Obviously there is the case and the case, but there is no doubt that the transport network should be improved and enhanced, possibly by means of innovative and sustainable. I was given another experience from California where, alongside the many bike-rental outlets, Buses depart continuously prepared, inter alia, the transport of two-wheeled vehicles, so as to make easily accessible the visit of long stretches of territory. Let's think ...

  • Welcome

As is customary to say "hospitality is a sign of civilization"And not only… and here I stop.

  • Membership

As I wrote a few days ago : “I'm a traveler, an 'Italian proud of her country visit, search, and like, but especially loves to talk with people, my best guide!” Remember 17 March 2011, I was traveling. It celebrated the 150'Anniversary of the Unification of Italy. On the way I stopped at a friend's restaurant to eat and I realized that there were no signs at the entrance of celebration. I went in and after the usual greetings I said: “But if you put out the flag in my car…?” Lei ovviamente accettò. Membership is an important signal for tourism. Reflect…

  • Network

The Internet is a global network; we have a tool with which in a moment millions of computers connect to each other. Promote the area on the net is a great opportunity that we must all make the most of. Each of us can do it in his own way, even with a photo of pills with informative. Le recensioni delle persone sono una grande opportunità per promuovere il territorio italiano e le sue tipicità. Invest in the network is critical!

I want to conclude these reflections with the’Art. 1 of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism:

Tourism as a tool for understanding and mutual respect between peoples and societies "
The understanding and the promotion of ethical values ​​common to humanity, in a spirit of tolerance and respect for diversity of religious beliefs, Philosophical and moral, represent the foundation and the consequence of responsible tourism; the actors of the tourism industry and tourists themselves will respect the traditions and social and cultural practices of all peoples, including those of minorities and indigenous peoples, and they recognize the value.

When will we learn to make tourism… but tourism seriously!


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