A history of agriculture in Brianza: Cascina Bressanella

Acclimatize yourself in the place where you live following your passions, my first rule, ffundamental to know and appreciate what surrounds us.

Da few months, again, I have turned the page and place of residence. I live in Brianza, green land full of good energy, that of nature. From my windows, wherever I look, I see trees. Essential, vitale, regenerating. Dyes weeks of vicissitudes and hitches burocratici tied upi to the my moving house, but especially to the difficult period that everyone we are living, Finally I startedd explore the area around me. This is how I spent the summer, documenting myself on the surrounding realities – historical, artistic and productive – and agoing up and down the Brianza valleys. I assure you, really amazing! Know that close a Monza and a Milan, metropolitan cities, there is this green lung is reassuring and heartening.

In addition to documenting, having the need to make good purchases, during my wanderings I met Cascina Bressanella. Ua history of agriculture born thirty-five years ago in the beautiful Brianza thanks to the passion of a woman, founder and current partner, that, after earning a laurea in scientand delland productioni animali, he started a'activities a few kilometers from the current headquarters of the farm. A farm of poultry - ducks, Pharaoh, capponi, chickens andcc. – that cor the passage of timehave led to expand. L’acquisto di a plot of four hectares of land and the desire to move to a rabbit farm, closer to his university specialization and to the studies done on this animal, gave rise to the Cascina Bressanella. In the following years, agricultural activity andbbe a new twist: the transition to cultivation of fruit and vegetables, but especially, the intuition of the importance of home delivery.

Create a true loyalty relationship con ithe customer, understand his tastes, propose seasonal products, they took her to to reach about three hundred deliveries a week in the neighboring municipalities of Monza. Attention to the consumer which rewarded it with the constitution in 2015 di will see agricultural company established together withthe daughter and son-in-law. It is with him, socio more actively engaged in the company, that I confronted myself chiacchierando long. Graduated in pedagogical consulting, accomplished i 33 age, has completely left his business pandr learn one of themltra, in nature and for nature. A reference to agriculture also due toand its peasant origins. In fact, I believe that every work experience contributes knowledge and capacity. I'm then there’Coaching, listening to those who have matured skillsand, studies and research, a shaperci andd noticearci towards new working lives. A commitment that allowed the company to be recognized as IAP (unpredictori agriculturali professionali).

About three hectares of horticultural cultivation and one and a half hectares dedicated towith fruit, including table grapes, small fruits, plums, the fig of Brianza, pere e mele, with the minimal use of phytosanitary products and with plant-based products that does not contrastino useful insects for the vegetative cycle of crops, respecting biodiversity. The plants are of the new generation with high density, with plants placed in 80/100 cm from each other. The origin and tracking of the seeds guaranteed by the passport. Dto the 2015 An online platform was also born through which you can proceed directly with orders di fruit e vegetables. Today the activity dthe company is supported by two employees establish and fromcollaboration seasonal with on-call contracts, who often fall into the circle of boys that were formed during the school internship at ENAIP, the professional training body in the agricultural sector of Monticello Brianza: www.enaiplombardia.eu . Also, with the work desk managed by the municipality of Casatenovo, the society one firstand of tirocini annual which provide for recovery paths.

Amy question about any difficulty in recruiting staff, much complained by farmers, I was pleased listen to the double significance of the problem. in fact, speople land difficulty nascit in the inability of the same agricultural entrepreneurs in not seeing young people in training courses, without necessarily expecting operators facti it's overi. To build well, also in the agricultural training, serve time and patience.

Cascina Bressanella, a farmer company attentive to the balance in terms of sustainability, whose growth is supported by an agronomist consultant – who by his training is close to biological methodologies - and by a food technician, by phase of transformation. A story of agriculture that respects tradition while contemplating innovation, as close to nature as possible and available to the territory.

Cascina Bressanella www.cascinabressanella.it
Via della Cascina Selva 11
Besana in Brianza (MB)

“Ma che pizza!” Ora ho capito il perché.

I numeri della Lombardia agricola, altro che pizza!

A few days ago, gustandomi una buona pizza, mi sono chiesta come mai spesso si usa dire “ma che pizza!” per riferirsi a qualcosa di noioso. After doing some research on the web, I found some interesting explanations. Some people attribute the sense of boredom to the fact that the pizza is flat, while others combine this way of saying to the boxes containing reels of film, who in the film are precisely informally calls pizzas, as if to say: "What boxes!”

Continuando la mia ricerca, ho trovato una versione più autorevole proveniente dall’Academy Pizzaioli Gruaro, in provincia di Venezia. According to them this popular saying comes from the fact that the pizza is sometimes difficult to digest, causing swelling and very thirsty. The cause may be attributed to a rising too short or the use of low quality ingredients. Ecco spiegato il perché.

As I wrote recently in a article: there is pizza without good raw materials. Non ci sono buone materie prime senza sostegno all’‪‎agricoltura‬‬. We are in Italy, country with great quality food production. Each region has its own. La pizza può essere una grande interprete. Visto che vivo in Lombardy, la prima regione agricola d’Italia, oggi vi darò qualche dato su cui riflettere.

Regione Lombardia

  • 1.300.000 ettari di suolo agricolo
  • 54.000 farms
  • 1.500 farms
  • 200 educational farms
  • 33 consorzi di tutela
  • 31 branded products PDO and PGI (273 total in Italy)

PDO - The Protected Designation of Origin is recognized to the food products in which all stages of production, processing and preparation are carried out in a defined geographical area and with a manufacturing process complies with a specification.

PGI - Protected Geographical Indication is attributed to agricultural and food products whose origin has to refer to a specific geographical area. Unlike DOP, it is sufficient that only one phase of the production process takes place in the defined geographical.

  • 22 Vini DOC, 5 DOCG and 15 IGT

DOC – Designation of origin, the label attributed to wines produced in a given area, manufactured using local raw materials and traditional manufacturing methods.

DOCG - Controlled and Guaranteed Denomination of Origin, recognized DOC wines of quality and special quality.

IGT - Typical Geographical Indication, recognized wines produced in a given area larger than that of DOC.

  • 248 Prodotti Tradizionali

In each region Italian exists a list of products that follow traditional processing methods, preservation and seasoning adopted by at least 25 age.

  • 12 Roads of Wine and Food protected by the Federation Roads of Lombardy, that help visitors in their professional taste and historic discovery, artistic and landscape of the region

• Flavour Trail of Varese Valleys www.stradasaporivallivaresine.it
• Wine Route and Flavours of Valcalepio www.valcalepio.org
• Wine Route and flavors of Valtellina www.stradavinivaltellina.com
• Franciacorta Wine Route www.stradadelfranciacorta.it
• Hills Wine Road of the Lombards www.stradadelvinocollideilongobardi.it
• The Wine and Dine del Garda www.stradadeivini.it
• The Wine and Dine Mantovani www.mantovastrada.it
• Route Rice and Risotto Mantovani www.stradadelrisomantovano.it
• Road Truffle Mantovano www.stradadeltartufo.org
• Strada del Gusto Cremonese in the Land of Stradivari www.stradadelgustocremonese.it
• Road of San Colombano Wine and Dine Lodigiani info@stradasaporilodigiani.it
• The Wine and Dine Oltrepò Pavese www.oltrepopavese.com

Numeri che la dicono lunga. Altro che pizza!

Data: MiPAAF Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies updated June 2015
Sources: www.buonalombardia.it    www.viniesaporidilombardia.it   www.regionelombardia.it

Una volta giocavo con i lombrichi…

Agrinatura, The Rural Expo.

Una volta giocavo con i lombrichi, or better, li osservavo nei loro movimenti. Chi non l’ha fatto da bambini… Allora non mi rendevo conto di quanto fosse importante la loro presenza nella terra, una buona indicazione della biodiversità del suolo. Ripensando a quei tempi mi ritornano in mente anche le immagini di mia nonna intenta a fare il burro. Conservava la panna in una bottiglia di vetro che poi andava ad agitare vigorosamente, fino ad addensarla. Si otteneva così quel panetto bianco e morbido che spalmavo sul pane. Sapori che non si dimenticano, anche se vissuti da bambini. Ricordi legati all’agricoltura che naturalmente ritornano in mente con dolcezza e nostalgia.

Ogni volta che posso li rivivo, in attesa di riviverli per sempre. Lo faccio andando dai produttori, scrivendo di loro, e visitando le manifestazioni che mi riportano a quelle atmosfere. Una di queste si è appena conclusa ad Erba, in provincia di Como: Agrinatura, The Rural Expo. La 14’ edizione della fiera della natura e dell’alimentazione che, grazie alle sue tante presenze, ci aiuta a non dimenticare le nostre radici contadine. La loro saggezza unita alle buone e utili tecnologie, ci permette di recuperare pratiche agricole per ridare vitalità ai terreni impoveriti dalle coltivazioni intensive.

A tal proposito molto interessante l’intervento relativo alla Permacultura, l’agricoltura unita alla cultura per un ambiente sostenibile ed equilibrato. Nata in Australia, è una proposta per intervenire su terreni coltivati con un’agricoltura intensiva che a lungo andare ha impoverito il suolo.

Il sale della terra

Un esempio di quanto ho scritto, l’ho visto con la proiezione del film “Il sale della terra”. Immagini forti, a volte dolorose, ma vere e struggenti… bellissime quando la protagonista è la natura. Una documentazione della vita e del lavoro del fotografo brasiliano Sebastião Salgado, un film documentario scritto (insieme a David Rosier e Camille Delafon), e diretto da Juliano Ribeiro Salgado e Wim Wenders. Sequenze di fotografie a testimonianza di quanto l’uomo possa essere feroce con i suoi simili, a causa dell’ingordigia e dell’egoismo.

Il risultato è l’impoverimento della terra e il rischio di distruzione globale. Siamo ancora in tempo a salvare questo pianeta? Nel finale del film c’è un esempio di come è stato possibile, grazie alla tenacia di una donna che ha saputo essere compagna e moglie, riportare una terra apparentemente spenta e inaridita all’antica vitalità di un tempo, semplicemente piantando alberi, e alberi, e alberi… e ricostituendo così quell’ecosistema da cui rinasce la vita.

Solo pochi giorni fa è stato inaugurato Expo 2015: centoquaranta paesi e organizzazioni internazionali coinvolti. Fondamentali le tematiche d’interesse mondiale che verranno trattate. Un’occasione unica per Milano e per l’Italia intera. Tante le polemiche, and not only, legate ad alcune contraddizioni su chi, in parte, ha sostenuto una manifestazione che si pone come obiettivo quello di dare risposte per garantire cibo sano per tutti i popoli, nel rispetto del Pianeta e dei suoi equilibri.

La coerenza in questi casi è essenziale, affinché le persone possano ritornare a credere. Rimane la speranza che qualcosa possa cambiare nella mentalità di ‘ciascuno’ di noi, perché tutti, con le nostre azioni quotidiane, possiamo contribuire ad un vero cambiamento che riporti l’ambiente in cui viviamo a ciò che era. I prossimi sei mesi saranno determinanti.

Agrinatura The rural expo – www.agrinatura.org

Permacultura – www.naturedesignsjohnfranci.com

per info: johnnaturedesigns@yahoo.com – simonetti.francesca@tiscali.it


Vinitaly 2015, Now do the numbers !

Quiet, I'm not giving any number, except those that come directly from Vinitaly, 49th International Wine and Spirits Exhibition that has just ended. Refer to the four-day event highlights that moves Italy wine, passions and business. Read a po'qui ...

• 576.000 bottles uncorked
• 200.000 tons of glass
• 8 tons of corks
• 130.000 glasses used
• 11.100 follower ofVinitalyTasting on Twitter
• 116.000 like the official page of Vinitaly on Facebook

There is no doubt, Vinitaly Vinitaly, a great showcase of the business in the wine industry that, for fans, is a special occasion to travel in the territories tasting wines. This is confirmed by the numbers of Italian viticulture processed data Veronafiere / Vinitaly.

• 380.000 about Italian wineries
• 665.000 hectares of vines
• 40 million hl of wine,  production 2014 estimated by Assoenologi (- 17% compared to 2013)
• 73 DOCG, 332 DOC and 118 IGT
• 10-12 billion euro turnover wine (5,1 arising from exports)

Figures that make your head spin, and not for wine tasting, but for the great resource that this area account for the future of the Italian economy. The simplifications bureaucratic and agricultural policies for the support of viticulture are essential and priority. In this regard it is hoped that the Uniform Code on Wine, and the extraordinary plan that provides for the allocation of 48 million euro for the protection of Made in Italy, has fully implemented soon.

"Wine as a whole is an area that is worth over 10 billion Euros, of which more than 5,1 generated by exports. "Ettore Riello, President of Verona fairs.

And 'essential to invest in the development of strategies to guarantee the quality and innovation in agriculture, nell'enoturismo and in the right communication for the dissemination of the culture of wine, knowledge of the territories and persons involved. All this is to ensure that a bottle of wine know transmit, as well as pleasure, emotions, history and territory.

Also, a hint of excitement in most of the catering staff in the proposals of the lesser known productions, would do well to wine, and would save varietals that make Italian viticulture richness that distinguishes us in the world. I say this everywhere and I will continue to say, for the passion I have for viticulture and for the agricultural world.

Below are some pictures of my day at Vinitaly 2015. No credit and no commitment, only a Monday passed in the company of people with the same passion for wine. What I liked? Be’, sicuramente salutare produttori già conosciuti in questi ultimi anni durante le mie visite, and others know that I'm going to find directly in the vineyard. In addition to this, I had the pleasure of doing good taste thus expanding the sensory experiences that over time help to form the 'baggage' needed for those living this area.

What I did not like? Surely the hustle and bustle that knows just who has been repeatedly at Vinitaly, an exhibition by large numbers, that for me, never replace the passion for the little ones.

An example of youth entrepreneurship. John, Andrea, Matthew and Paul: the Masters Apothecaries.

The Saffron in Brianza.

“Agriculture as' nature naturata’ ie the nature that becomes the object, takes shape, thanks to the action of nature itself, the man.” Ivan Lalli

John, Andrea, Matthew and Paul, class between 1986 and the 1991, respectively of Parma, Messina, Milan and Rome. Four young people who met during their university studies, Now Masters Apothecaries. What to do? From 2011 produce saffron and derivatives in Usmate Velate, in the countryside Brianza. A spice known since antiquity for the therapeutic properties antioxidants, antiviral and antibacterial.

I went to find them a bit’ time ago, 'On the field', to know them by talking to them face to face, I like it. I love to confront young people who invest their energies in agriculture. Are formed by the universities but they need support from the institutions and who does communication. Much is being done but much still serves. For this, through their words, Now I will cause them to know.

Masters Apothecaries

  • Everything is born from your encounter at university, but also from the experience of Ivan during a trip to Kashmir in India. Ivan's up to you. Tell me about it '?

First I must stress the importance of the time at university. I had the good fortune to meet a company of guys really passionate about the world of agriculture and agribusiness that involved us with an association, www.associazionecerere.it, born on purpose to live out this passion. This allowed us to learn to know the different realities, experiences and men who lived with their work some magic. Hence our desire to be able to do a similar experience and boldness in the launch into the challenge of spices and saffron.

The trip to India was a confirmation of everything. In part because it made me discover how lucky we are in Italy as we are educated to watch something as simple as food and work, and clothing them in a great value; partly because by moving to own in Kashmir I could see how the man in front of the beauty is more man: areas where they grow saffron were in fact more “civilians”, even in the drama of the domain of Islamic fundamentalism (one night they killed the bartender from which the night before had consumed alcohol).

  • Can you tell me more about how you started, but especially, what were the main difficulties you have encountered?

We started at the wedding of Andrea, when around a table I Matteo and Paul we left giving appointment to the following week for the first of a long series of weekly meetings. The difficulties were especially early. Thein search of a land rent seemed transformed into an odyssey: we knocked on dozens of farms and companies finding only closed doors.

Another difficult time was the establishment of the company: define a statute regolamentasse relations between four people and those with the state was not easy. Fortunately, we have presented a good accountant who aspires to holiness that is helping us so much. The last episode that story is the choice of packaging and their graphics. Being in 4 could be a difficulty: 4 different tastes, 4 heads who would like to put something of their own in the creature… We got to see everything as a resource and to make a great product.


  • Listening to you I appreciated the agricultural production methods that you adopt environmentally. In particular interested me control techniques fertilizer. I leave you to continue…

We would like to take a responsible approach and rational agriculture. So we go beyond fashions in cultivating the land. For example in the fertilization of the field for now we are using manure that is less invasive if we, in parallel we are doing tests to try to better define the elements that consumes Saffron for somministrarglieli in granular form that is more precise. In fact, the manure has big limitations: is very uneven in content and may or impoverish the soil or ruin it by releasing excess elements.

  • From where your bulbs, and occurred as the choice?

Our bulbs are a little’ Italy a bit’ from abroad. We have and we are looking for quality. You can not generalize. Each producer works in its own way. We tried an Italian manufacturer but disappointed, with the foreign one we had better.


  • The Saffron in Brianza, say a crop which is not just linked to the territory. Courageous choice or conscious?

Primarily a choice of the heart: the Brianza hides corners that do just fall in love. From here, with courage and awareness of the risks and hardships, we launched into a new world.

  • John, back to us. Are you a graduate in biology technology. I shall quote the words of the Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677): "Nature can not be considered a static thing: inside it is expressed activity. (…) The action of nature that can not be conducted on itself, but causes a split between subject (Nature naturans) and object (Nature naturata). Within this dynamic process of Nature clearly shows the problem of the relationship between freedom and necessity. "I ask you to approfondirmi an issue that we started to discuss during my visit, I refer to GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms). A term now demonized by the media. How things really are for you?

I regard agriculture as “nature naturata” ie the nature that becomes the object, takes shape, thanks to the action of nature itself, the man. I can not embrace fads, to see the man as the bad guy. I see that nature has laws that are not understandable to man in toto. Throughout history man has tried to tame.

In an ongoing relationship that never stops growing, demonize research, block the exchange between man and nature does not lead to anything good. Man is not made to be an ostrich. Must always try to cross the columns.

Masters Apothecaries
Manufacturers of Saffron and derivatives

Live Wine 2015, however you put it, we always talk about agriculture and productions.

Are now so many events related to wine. For sure they are not the names that attract me, but the contents and the protagonists. If we are to invite close friends, these appointments are turned into occasions of meetings and greetings. And 'why despite the commitments of the last days, I cropped a few hours to visit Live Wine 2015, the international wine crafted in Milan, an event dedicated to the winegrowers who work the land in a conscious and sustainable.

We talk about agriculture and productions, always. We are slowly getting back to what it was and what we were. We were living through agriculture, but then we jumped in the cities emptying campaigns. How we miss the outdoor life that allowed us to holding in your hands something true? Much work, but at the end of the day a different fatigue. This is why I love talking with farmers, discuss with them allows me to study issues of interest to me.

Here I report some moments of this day.

Interesting chat with the winemaker Flavio Faliva of Cà del Vent, Cellatica near Brescia. We started talking about confronting the use of sulfur dioxide and so-called natural wines. Then, when the speech was cited agriculture 'biodynamic', I was tempted to smile. I have great respect for those who adopt practices that protect ecosystems, but how to define biodynamic is all a say. The pollution of many lands, as well as to that atmospheric, hardly allows consistency with the application of theories of Rudolf Steiner. Anyway, I admire anyone who is thinking of cultivation choices that allow to obtain products without chemical.

Flavio Faliva Winemaker Cà del Vént - Cellatica (BS)

Flavio Faliva Winemaker Cà del Vént – Cellatica (BS)

Spostandomi the stand next, I am dedicated to tasting Masque Perricone 2012 Gate of the Wind, Farm Marco Sferlazzo Camporeale, in the province of Palermo. By posting the picture on Instagram I was tempted to write: "Degusto wines recently proposed. Restaurateurs, Grand!"The response of one of them was immediate: “We dare! Too bad that many people do not understand and ask wines known or low cost"Francesco D'Oriano, The owner of the Osteria Biscaggina Livorno. I understand that it is not easy, but the task of restaurateur is also to guide the customer towards good choices and alternatives. I really appreciate those who do it with me. But back to the wine… Perricone, a rare and ancient grape variety in Sicily, characterized by clusters conical. A little known wine that comes in a windy valley in the province of Palermo that I appreciated for the character.

Maque Perricone 2012 Gate of the Wind - Camporeale (PA)

Maque Perricone 2012 Gate of the Wind – Camporeale (PA)

Basilicata, a region that I know little. Maybe that's why I stopped in front of the stand of Antono Cascarano farm Camerlengo Rapolla, in the province of Potenza. An architect who decided to forty years to start producing wine continuing the tradition of his grandfather Giovanni. I tasted 'Accamilla' 2013 Malvasia IGP, dedicated to Camilla, his Bull dog disappeared. I'm not very attracted to white wines, but some, including this, are really interesting.

Antonio Cascarano farm Camerlengo - Rapolla (PZ)

Antonio Cascarano farm Camerlengo – Rapolla (PZ)

A pleasure to meet Stefano Minds Farm John Minds Gambellara, in the province of Vicenza. My Venetian origin I have called him. Note screw caps and crown of its bottles in the image that shows him. Although many are unfavorable, exceptions for certain types of wine, are a viable alternative to the use of the cork and the inconveniences resulting. Also, as I wrote recently, are welcome in the Nordic countries for their comfort in take home unfinished wine at restaurant.

Stefano Minds

Stefano Minds

Meet the Island of Giglio? It is located in the province of Grosseto, in front of the Monte Argentario. It has beautiful beaches and a clear sea. There have been years ago, to be precise in Giglio Castello, between medieval walls and small wineries. I got to find those lands drinking Ansonaco Carfagna grape ansonaca in purity, dell’farm Artura. The advice is not to drink it cold, or better, to drink it at cellar temperature.

Vineyard Altura

Vineyard Altura

As I was leaving I saw the stand of Fulvio Bressan. Did not know him personally, I knew, however, the controversy that recently the concerned. I wanted to get an idea of ​​the character, rough in some ways, per me, after meeting him, absolutely harmless. We showed up and we shared experiences. Carry a passage that I share his philosophy: “No biological, although my personal rule I impose conditions of the vineyard and winery even more severe than those of the various 'certifications'. No biodynamic, because I know that, unfortunately, the rules can be ridden by fashion, and I know that nothing is easier than to impose rules and then break them, taking advantage, so, ingenuity of others."For now I will settle the impressions I had in knowing a fair, with a simple exchange of views. Obviously I also tasted his wine. When someone asked me what I thought, I replied that his wine is the wine of Bressan.

Fulvio Bressan Luca - Farra D'Isonzo (GO)

Fulvio Bressan Luca – Farra D'Isonzo (GO)

I just had to run away… the time available to me was over. But not before having made one last thing. I waited for a plate of Tajarin mushroom and tomato prepared by my dear Mauro Musso, a true artisan pasta using only high quality raw materials. I invite you to read by clicking WHO, some of his natural signs on Agriculture. Open your mind!

Mauro Musso

Mauro Musso and his Tajarin

Valeria Terranea, a young woman torn between the passion for agriculture and a call center

You know the sheep brianzola?

Valeria Terranea, a young woman committed to the family farm in Seveso, in the province of Monza and Brianza. Diploma in Agricultural, is passionately dedicated to agriculture and to 'breeding. Despite the commitment and the desire to do, the means at its disposal are not yet sufficient to devote himself completely to his animal that looks after getting up every morning at dawn. His day indeed, is punctuated by the trilling of a call center that allows it to support themselves financially.

There are many young people who follow the family traditions are switching to agriculture. A choice that I understand and agree, and pushing despite the difficulties, to move forward towards a future increasingly agricultural and environmentally sustainable.

The farm raises horses Terraneo, poultry and sheep Brianza, a breed endangered. By choice no head is slaughtered. The main activity that allows them the partial recovery of costs, consists of the cultivation of grain and hay in the wasteland surrounding municipalities.

Valeria Terranea

During my visit, after I dedicated with greetings and petting the animals on, I spoke at length with Valeria on the importance of the beneficial effects that this has on the natural contact persons. For this reason, and much more, the agricultural culture should be promoted and supported in all its forms.

Pass the word to her ...

  • Valeria, with your family, you lead this agricultural reality that your grandparents have initiated many years ago. Tell me a bit 'of your story?

Everything starts from the beginning of '900, when Baruccana, small fraction of Seveso, was an agricultural country where all households owned a barn and a farmhouse with plots of land attached. The animals that were bred was mostly for work; oxen and horses to farm fields. In those days the tractors were still an unknown. Over the years that passion has been handed down from generation to generation through the ages, obviously with different purposes from those of then. To date we breed with love these extraordinary animals. Unfortunately this geographical area in which we live is not the best for crops, especially for the lack of agricultural land. Add that the passion is not only directed to the animals, but also to agricultural vehicles historians who preserved with care and that we use for exhibitions, events and fairs livestock.

  • Among the animals that breed there sheep brianzola, a breed endangered species to be protected. I describes the characteristics?

It is a race that in recent years, thanks to the efforts of many breeders, you are repopulating. Its features are brianzola Sheep robustness, and then the resulting adaptability to any type of soil or climate condition. Moreover rusticity, that is, the resistance to diseases, means that the food needs and life are not particularly difficult. The size is medium-large, In fact, adult males reach up 90-100 kg, unlike females, reaching the maximum weight of 80 kg.

They are very prolific and precocious subjects that are bred for the production of meat and wool (there is a chain of the wool that is used to produce garments of the pastoral tradition of Lombardy). The main area of ​​breeding are the provinces of Lecco, Como and Monza.

  • As I wrote earlier, it is known that the contact with the animals welfare generates bringing people to the natural rhythms. Create a suitable environment in which to live for a few hours this contact, could be a valuable aid in cases of depression and mental illness. Do you think you can achieve a similar program by you ?

With respect to this statement I think it can be a good start to build "something" socially useful here too, seen that already exist at the national and international associations of many pet therapy.

  • Valeria, it is known how much I love the nature and the agricultural world. My childhood memories in the country have great influence on the choices of my life. For this reason I believe that a rapprochement in this important sector, through educational and cultural itineraries, is of great importance in the education of children. Your company is planning initiatives in this direction?

It is definitely in the project. For the coming years we expect it to open a petting zoo and the organization of some events dedicated to children, schoolchildren and their families.

  • Now we talk of agricultural events. In the coming months, in Seveso, will take place "Seveso blooming". A demonstration farm in organizational phase that you see between the coordinators. As you said, in addition to your collection of historic tractors, there will be important producers of the territory. What are the requirements to participate and any way to apply?

The event will be exactly the 18 and the 19 April and will take place in the prestigious'Forest of oaks’. There will be the presence of nurserymen, productions of farms, and educational farms. The requirements to participate are minimal: be producers or processors of agricultural raw materials, or be educational farms or producers of flowers and plants. The enrollment will soon be published on the official website.

For info contact Valeria Terraneo
Mail: valeria_giny@hotmail.com
Cell. 340 5263379

Farm Terraneo

Farm Terraneo

E 'born Jack Pepper, my cocktail agriculture!

A few nights ago entering the Level Bar, un locale di Desio, un comune in provincia di Monza e Brianza, I asked for a cocktail agriculture. One, you got it, un drink a base di verdure. Bè, the barman after looking at me a bit 'dazed told me: “He wants what Excuse?!

Of course, mine was only a small provocation to ensure that agricultural products find use as broad and varied. Fresh green vegetables base ingredient for cocktails. Why not?!

In short, want to know how that turned out? Well, that evening Jacopo Soliani, known by most as Jack, teased by my request has created a drink agriculture in a pepper that I very much appreciated: il Jack Pepper!

A rent the oral…

  • Jacopo, What do you think of the use of vegetables in the preparation of cocktails?

Simple, vegetables means freshness and lightness, and in the field of mixology, innovation! It's nice to think about taking vitamins and antioxidants in the form of drinks , even during an aperitif with friends.

  • Now let's go. You caught nicely my challenge creating the Jack Pepper. You tell me?

When you asked me to create a drink agricultural thought I'd take advantage of the products of agriculture not only for the realization, understood as ingredients, but also as a container. The Pepper Jack is the combine between light aperitif, but with character, and creativity. Ideal for all lovers of cocktails little alcohol and decided.

> Vodka flavored with pepper Homemade gives it a strong flavor without sinning of heaviness.

> Tomato and fresh lemon juice give liveliness.

> The bitter celery from the boost and the right touch of depth.

Cynthia, conclude by thanking you for the inspiration because, Also loving the classics, are always looking for new approaches and challenges in terms of outstanding buds, mixtures and presentation.

Thanks to you, Jacopo, at the next cocktail agriculture! 😉

Jack Pepper

Jack Pepper


About seasonal vegetables, you know the Spingitora?

The Spingitora is an ancient tradition in use in Apulia. In practice, during the meal, without having to ask, is brought to the table a plate of mixed seasonal vegetables. Not that fresh vegetables seasoned, as the word, 'Push' to eat again.

The story seems to trace this custom to the Spanish, that, in turn, have inherited from Arab countries. A part of the origins, very loving vegetables, I find that this tradition should be spread and shared.

The important thing, in the choice of raw materials, is the seasonality and provenance. E 'therefore advisable to be careful in purchasing, to safeguard our health and to help the Italian agriculture.

But why it is recommended to eat more vegetables?

Let's do a quick review.

  • They are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • In the warm months, with the loss of fluids, help us to idratarci.
  • They are a good source of carotenoids: plant pigments with antioxidant properties. The latter, by neutralizing free radicals produced in excess by the, avoid that these molecules damage the membranes of healthy cells and their DNA.
  • Numerous studies have confirmed that a diet rich in vegetables is a sign of good health. In populations that are abundant consumption, the incidence of cancer is much lower.
  • Better raw or cooked? It 'a matter of taste. Anyway, eating them raw you avoid wasting vitamins.

I conclude with one last piece of advice. Raw vegetables willingly go hand in hand with the Pinzimonio: a mixture obtained by mixing good extra virgin olive oil, sale, pepe, good vinegar or possibly lemon.

A fresh and light dish perfect in every season, I recommend to my friends restaurateurs to bring more to the table!

Calendar of Vegetables

Source: 'Foods that are good, foods that are bad '- Tom Sanders professor of nutrition and dietetics at King's College, University of London

Being able to see ... more than one sense a dowry. Dripping Taste 2013 – Treviso

In recent days, a Treviso, ho partecipato ad un workshop led by photographer Mario Fortress, a course organized by the Group Restaurateur of the Treviso, inserted into the photo contest "The Face, il Gesto, il Gusto”. Its purpose, that to deepen their knowledge of messages that your body language, through pictures, provides us with the time.

Have you ever seen the Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci in Milan? Well, this is much more of a wall painting, is an epitome of unread messages through symbols, expressions, and signals, that the author has deliberately restricted the watchful eyes and prepared. If you will observe, do it with the attention it deserves, I assure you that what you will derive will be unforgettable ...

I made this assumption because, when you look at this my photo report, you will see what they have caught my eye, that fleeting moment I stood still in an image. The important thing is that 'you see really', without stopping just to look. More shots that are reminders of the heart, transmitted through pictures to relive and recall memories. In sharing my own way, sending messages and emotions ... for those who can see, and for those who can catch them ...

The meeting is knowledge and emotion ...

It 's so, I am increasingly convinced. The meeting is emotion, is discovered, is listening, enrichment of life is ... Around a table, together with the group of people who have participated in this initiative, is started, so our knowledge.



The wine is history, territory is, is passion… Wine brings people together.

We had to start with a toast. We toast to meetings, friendships, victories ... I toast 'health'!

La Tordera - Costa del Mau Valdobbiadene

The wine is history, territory and passion. The wine brings people together.

The interpretations of the images ...

Mario has seen fit to begin to know each other with a small test. Each of us chose, among many photographs scattered on the table, two that we liked and no one. Personal interpretation of an image can tell a lot about a person ...

Reading images

Reading images

With the scents you travel in time ...

The smell of food makes us travel through time and memories, but not only takes us back ... with my mind in a territory. These days I met Vuance, or better, dolce Viktoriya Litvinchuk.

The scents of food

The scents of food

Treviso… youth, l’agricoltura, e the earth.

Sono linked to this city for my roots, for the childhood memories, and the land.

Here is a young farmer that system to the art of radicchio… What a beautiful image! I love agriculture, farms, animals… not for nothing are a farm-blogger! 😉 Questo è il mio sogno di vita… convinced increasingly, che il futuro lo abbiamo sotto i piedi.

I giovani e l'agricoltura

The youth and agriculture

The courage to change my life ...

Here Andrea Fighera, a young man who decided to make a change in their lives. He left his old job to devote himself to the production of cheese in 'Farm family "Vaka Mora", a Sala d’Istrana.

Andrea Fighera dell'Azienda Agricola Vaka Mora. The courage to change.

Azienda Agricola Andrea fighera Vaka Mora. The courage to change.

The craft…

Andrea fighera intent on breaking the curd while I, fase per fase, firm and share the images. Too bad that you can not even transfer the fragrance…

The breaking of the curd

The breaking of the curd

The tenderness of the animals ...

It’ so… animals and their eyes they send me peace, tenderness, and well-being…



Chef in the spotlight ...

Cooks or superstar? Much debated topic now… No doubt this is their moment, but we are sure that you are not overdoing? More and more I look at this picture ... I think the creativity alive in the intimacy.

Chef Mirco Migotto

Chef Mirco Migotto

Cucinare è un’arte…

It’ a lifestyle choice that requires effort, knowledge and creativity…  un’arte che richiede passione.

Cucinare è un'arte

Cucinare è un’arte

The artisans of taste

The artisans make Italy great taste in the world. The continuity of experience, from generation to generation, means that the traditions handed down in the history are not lost. The Pastry historical Ardizzoni it is a worthy example.

The Artigianato. Pastry Ardizzoni

About, this is my last thought for you Mario. I had to write two lines for each photo, lo so, mi scuserai, are not always successful… I think you understand, have a romantic rebel who acts on instinct and belief… it's too late to change me.

I ragazzi di @trevisocomicbookfestival

With the boys oftrevisocomicbookfestival



With Michela Pierallini

With Michela Pierallini



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