The environment must be safeguarded, but especially, It is regenerated! NeoruraleHub

Regenerate the environment but as ...?! Certainly each of us can something. For example, all we could start simply by planting a tree. Actually there is a state law – Law No.. 10 of 14 January 2013 – which establishes the obligation for municipalities over 15.000 residents to stay put a tree in the municipal area for each child born or adopted. To be honest it was even set up in the Ministry of a competent Committee for the development of public parks, with the aim of supervising and receive specific information regarding the planting. Yet in many municipalities this is not done because of lack of funds. At least that justify administrators. How sad ...

The question on environmental protection and climate change is a serious thing and now debated for years. The truth is that most debates still need more concrete actions aimed at recreating ecosystems. In this regard I am reminded of a documentary film 2014 – Il sale della terra – which shows how twenty years in the Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado, with his wife Lélia Deluiz Wanick, have 'regenerated environment' in a desert area of 600 ha. The deforestation of this area of ​​Brazil once used in the land withered pastures, leaving desolation and absence of nature. Salgado, determined to restore the biodiversity that had been destroyed, he planted on his property about two million trees recreating the atmosphere of ancient times, regenerating nature. An instructive documentary film that everyone should see and on which we should reflect very.

Fortunately it is in place for some time an incessant movement animated by the new generations: Fridays for Future. I am very proud of these young people, because they have an open mind and determined to stop the mechanisms that are bringing the land to rebel. The goal of the events going on around the world is actually to enforce the Paris Agreement of 2015 It aims to keep global warming below 1,5 degrees Celsius.

We must act quickly, because I am convinced that the Earth can save us, if we can save her.

Reflections that led me to grasp with interest the invitation to visit NeoruraleHub, a rural area of 1.700 hectares born in 1996 between the provinces of Pavia and Milan, thanks to the will and passion for the environment engineer Natta, the engineer-in-law. Piero Manzoni, CEO of this reality. A region that once agriculture desert that I brought to mind the example of Sebastião Salgado in Brazil. INo more than two decades of research and development has been transformed into an agricultural and environmental sustainability model where you have re-created the right conditions for biodiversity.

re-naturalized area with about 78 hectares of forest and 107 hectares of humid air that welcomes the Innovation Center Giulio Natta, a resource center for innovative start-ups in the world dell'agrifood. Home to the agriculture sector 4.0, of the research and development of new biotechnologies for agriculture and the environment, and specialist in the energy efficiency of industrial processes of the agri-food companies. At the same time it was created the brand 'Knights of Italy’ boasting certification 'Biodiversity Alliance’ by CCPB, organization that certifies organic and sustainable products, food and non.

A startup incubator that houses research laboratories and innovative and sustainable solutions in the agrifood. Of particular interest is the presence of an experimental field for the development of medicinal plant extracts, in particular dell'epilobio, a plant known for the treatment of diseases of prostate and bladder.

A regenerated nature that rebalances the human activities with the environment.

Innovation Center Giulio Natta – Giussago (PV)


Food and climate change. We cornered!

19 March : L’Ora della Terra – Earth Hour

Cibo e sostenibilità”, un incontro svoltosi a fine Febbraio al Circolo della Stampa di Milano sull’impatto dei cambiamenti climatici e sulle conseguenze della produzione e disponibilità del cibo. Un convegno a cui ho partecipato con interesse, a cura dell’Ordine dei Giornalisti della Lombardia e in collaborazione con la Fondazione BCFN, Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition. A subject very dear to me, that requires attention and disclosure. The sensitization of journalists, grazie alla loro attività di comunicazione, It can help improve the environmental mindset.

But let the facts.

The world population is growing in number. by 2030 expected 8 billion people to feed. Taking into account the resource constraints, you need to increase productivity. Nonostante gli accordi della COP 21, The Paris Conference on Climate Change held in December 2015, greenhouse gas emissions are still increasing. Considerando che il clima impatta sull’agricoltura e sulla produzione del cibo, We have to adapt crops to climate change.

Are necessari investimenti nelle tecnologie per un’agricoltura sempre più sostenibile: Agriculture 5.0 The influx of new generations to this sector, the third for importance in greenhouse gas emissions after the food and the heating, certainly it is a positive factor. young entrepreneurs, men and women, sensitive to the environment and innovation. Citing the words of Danielle Nierenberg, expert in sustainable agriculture and founder of Food Tank: "Sustainable agriculture is not only an option, but a necessity to fight hunger, poverty and food waste. "

As we all know, also le scelte alimentari hanno un impatto sull’ambiente. Half of the population of 34 OECD countries, Organization for Cooperation and Economic Development, It is overweight, with estimates of incidence of chronic and degenerative diseases of concern. In 2015 deaths from heart disease were about 20 million. A paradox if we think of malnutrition in developing countries. The medical task, More than prescribing, è quello di educare dando indicazioni per uno stile di vita sano e meno sedentario. In this context, la dieta mediterranea, rappresenta un regime alimentare ideale per la nostra salute e per la riduzione di emissione di CO2.

Fundamental attention to food waste. Recentemente in Francia è stata approvata una legge che prevede il “reato di spreco alimentare” per impedire che il cibo diventi rifiuto. In Italia, da pochi giorni, è approdata alla Camera una proposta di legge analoga. Anche i ristoratori, in this sense, hanno il compito di sensibilizzare i propri clienti all’uso della “doggy bag”, un contenitore che permette di portare a casa il cibo non consumato al ristorante. Purtroppo un’abitudine poco seguita dagli italiani.

Saturday 19 Marzo tornal’Ora della Terra. La decima edizione dell’Earth Hour che dal 2007 punta a sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica sulla gravità della questione legata ai cambiamenti climatici. Un’iniziativa a livello mondiale, ma soprattutto un momento di riflessione finalizzato a sviluppare una mentalità più rispettosa dell’ambiente. Per aderire alla manifestazione sarà sufficiente spegnere tutte le luci di casa dalle 20,30 to 21,30. I nostri gesti quotidiani possono contribuire al cambiamento. Non c’è più tempo da perdere…

Facebook : Earth Hour  –  Instagram :  earthhourofficial –  Twitter : @earthhour

Credit : Fondazione BCFN – L’Ora della Terra www.oradellaterra.org   www.earthhour.org


A Seveso is the FLA, the Lombardy Foundation for the Environment, to promote and disseminate education and environmental culture.

It has been almost forty years after the accident that has affected some of the common low Brianza, in particular the municipality of Seveso. Exactly 10 July 1976 in company ICMESA Meda, a spill of TCDD, a type of dioxin among the 200 existing (toxic substances harmful to health), caused the formation of a cloud that swept the surrounding municipalities causing an environmental disaster.

The terrain of the most polluted area, the so-called area 'A', was deposited in tanks and was replaced by ground 'clean', creating a natural park that was named Forest Oaks. The history of this ugly story Italian has written extensively on a page of the site dedicated to this regional park. To learn more, click here: Accident Icmesa.

For some years I live near that park. There are nice and long walks to do in its internal. Then, when the weather permits, I have a spot under a tree where I love to stop by sliding the time with my readings. I did this because the premise, despite the past several years, when I travel to Italy to my answer about where I live, I constantly watching perplexed faces. The name of the Seveso unfortunately, evokes memories in the minds of people still tied to the disaster of dioxin.

In fact there are far more polluted areas Italian, territories in which alas is so widely practiced agriculture. Anyway, to better understand the state of affairs, Recently I went to visit FLA, the Lombardy Foundation for the Environment situated in Seveso. A research center established by the Lombardy Region in 1986 to promote and disseminate education and culture in the environmental field, equipped with a planetarium that can accommodate up to a maximum of 35 people.

Planetarium FLA

Planetarium FLA

During my visit I met Dr.. Fabrizio Piccarolo, Director of the center. After a mutual exchange of views and reflections, kindly answered my questions.

  • Fabrizio, to start seems more than a duty to ask what is the state of environmental health in Seveso?

For an environmental assessment of the town of Seveso can not be ignored by the environmental characteristics of the broader context in which it is located: presents the critical fact of an area heavily man and urbanized and that was affected by the significant transformations of man over the last century.

The numerous studies that the Foundation has done over the years in support of environmental policies of the government of Lombardy on air quality, climate change, the quality of water, say local interventions for the improvement of environmental quality are certainly fundamental, but take on even more importance and impact if implemented in a logic and system integration, also supra. And in this logic must also assess the state of health of a municipality. Surely the municipalities of Seveso have particularly care about the environmental issues and over the years have worked in this way significantly.

For the history that has had, the town of Seveso has two strengths overtime: the sensitivity and awareness of citizens, which is one of the prerogatives for the implementation and success of environmental policies, and the Forest Oaks, an example of extreme virtuosity of internationally, where a company - in the proper sense of societas - has made a dramatic event a point of positivity and beauty for the whole community. And today I would add a third point of strength: the Lombardy Foundation for the Environment, a place for the dissemination of scientific knowledge that is an opportunity for the whole territory.

  • Seveso, the most common associated with dioxin, a toxic substance that develops in nature through the decomposition of certain fungi, and more significantly, through combustion phenomena that the spread in the environment. Consequently what, I take small quantities through the food. From expert as six, can you explain better what the dioxin and what are the effects on our health?

With the term “dioxins” refers to a group of chemical compounds that are formed as a result of certain combustion processes, such as the incineration of waste. Dioxin is the common name of a toxic substance, the tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), definitely the most studied: insoluble in water, resistant to high temperatures and decomposes due to ultraviolet radiation in a process that can last for hundreds of years.

Scientific studies have shown that exposure to dioxin can cause numerous adverse effects on health, which depend on a variety of factors that include: the level of exposure, when it is determined, how long and how often. The maximum threshold of tolerability was in fact set by the World Health Organization in a trillionth of a gram per day per kg.

  • As already stressed, from waste combustion develops dioxin. To overcome this, the separate collection should be supported and encouraged. Seveso in this sense has been distinguished for its high. What are your initiatives related to information on waste and environmental protection?

Until a few centuries ago the waste were not a problem because all that the man "threw" was disposed OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAnaturally from the environment. Now it is not so and waste officially became a problem both for current generations and for those future. Hence the need for a major share of environmental information and education leading to a heightened awareness about this problem.
Lombardy Foundation for the Environment has always been very attentive to this issue. Since arriving in the territory sevesino is an active collaboration with Gelsia Environment, company that deals with the collection, transport and, on behalf of or directly, waste disposal in 12 municipalities in the province of Monza and Brianza (including Seveso), and one in the province of Como.

Both agencies are heavily engaged in training and public awareness regarding environmental issues: between the institutional purposes of the parts is the dissemination of knowledge and learning as a tool for practical training of human resources, essential for sustainable development of the territory.
To make the children understand the problem of waste for a few years is proposed to primary schools and secondary schools of the municipalities served by Gelsia Environment, the project "I DO NOT WASTE MI” where the training course on the topic of waste and recycling is associated with a competition. Participation is an important opportunity to stimulate children, their curiosity and their imagination to explore alternatives and more sustainable to the waste problem.

In addition to a year is being held in Seveso experimentation on the collection of unsorted waste by Radio Frequency Identification, an innovative system of traceability of the waste that has allowed us to get to about 80% of the collection. All this will be the subject of an information campaign based on scientific evidence for citizens.

  • During my visit I appreciated your educational projects for schools to form an environmental conscience in the new generations. I think the environment and food are closely linked, I refer to the food waste. They are useful in this regard training proposals for both young people and adults. Have programs in construction to that effect ?

Lombardy Foundation for the Environment and the Directorate General Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development of the Lombardy Region are working together to effectively achieve the objectives set d& Quot; Meravigliosambiente" Educational project aimed at primary school children and their insegnantiaregional planning in the field of waste and reclamation. The collaboration aims at the realization of a project to reduce waste food which action for implementation of the Regional Program Management Trash, in relation to the objectives of the prevention and reduction of waste production with fineity, also, social support to ensure food to disadvantaged groups.

For the youngest is under construction, with the collaboration of ARPA, a dossier on food and environmental sustainability at Expo 2015 to be distributed free to schools of Lombardy who request. At this followed by three more volumes innovative free, dedicated to primary schools, that can be used along with an interactive App.

  • I recently did some research on hemp, a plant with many properties, Robust and easy to grow, but above all able to help rehabilitate the polluted land. Among other things, there are many farmers who are recovering the cultivation for the production of seeds, oil and flour (laws WHO). Given the critical state of our territories, it would be very interesting to go into that through conferences and industry experts. Why not make it to FLA?

Besides being the headquarters of the FLA, the Centre for Research and Environmental Education is a place for the dissemination of science and culture. The auditorium of the ground floor is a space conceived as a place that can accommodate conferences, conferences, workshop, training courses available to entities, institutions and other organizations that, as the Foundation, work for the scientific and cultural.

Usually, as a method of popularizing science, in conferences tend not to face significant areas of specific. It will be necessary to frame the issue in a broader context that highlights the benefits and positive implications for the environment and therefore the quality of life of citizens. If answers are all these prerogatives, you can check the possibility of hosting a conference on possible while not, hemp and more generally the issue of crops, a central topic of our scientific research activities.

  • He FLA è partners del 'Project Manage'Intends to safeguard and restore biodiversity in the Nature Network 2000 Lombardy. What were the habitats that have seen directly concerned for their protection?

FLA LaboratoriesSince the beginning of the political nature 2000, The Foundation has followed for the Lombardy Region the implementation and development in the region and nationally, in particular with the creation of the Regional Ecological Network and its implementation at the local level. Nature 2000 is the network of protected sites established under two EU Directives ("Habitat" and "Birds") for the preservation of animal and plant species of particular importance at the European level.

We have dealt, as a senior scientific, the drafting of the monitoring program of the species and habitats in the annexes of the two directives, and we are working actively in the implementation of the planning document for the management of Natura 2000 and PAF (Prioritized Action Framework), a document that will collect the necessary actions, listed by priority, for the management of Natura 2000 in England for the period 2015-2020. The document will contain, among other things, an introductory overview on the conservation status of habitats and species, the objectives of conservation strategic description of the key measures to achieve them, all issues on which the FLA is now engaged for years.

Lombardy Foundation for the Environment
Long 10 July 1976, n. 1 – Seveso (MB)

For info tel. +39 02 8061611
fax +39 02 80616180
e-mail: flanet@flanet.org

The creative recycling, art which comes by the inspiration.

Article published in the monthly 'Health & Nature’ – December 2014 And. Now

Tom Regan, American philosopher, said that those who are not persevering will never get any change, then, from where we start? I would say that there is reinvented, believing in themselves and in their abilities. I am the daughter of a craftsman, an artist of the marble that sent me, in addition to its creativity, the passion for the land.

The crisis that our country is experiencing involved, more or less, all sectors. Aunt because, many waste and many faults. Those who want to go abroad, those who resist, and who surrenders. Food and wine, crafts, Fashion, Tourism, art ... these are the pillars that support Italy. The resources we have, although many have been wasted.

Today I start from here, telling you about creative recycling, the ability to recover the most unexpected materials for design objects. I myself love to revive bric who habitually lie abandoned in attics, maybe that's their story, or perhaps simply for the satisfaction of seeing revive an object. We are many that we do. Below I will give some examples.

Giuseppe Colucci, as well as collaborate with the company mechanics family, from 2011 has reinvented itself by creating a line of very singular obtained by combining steel and old olive parquet recovered. But not only, look what he could do with props recovered on construction sites: bottle holders! (photo in the header)

  • Giuseppe how you started?

My “begin” started after a journey full immersion lasted twenty-seven years. I ranged from art to graphic, from photography to video, from design to architecture, up to the precision engineering, experience that led me to realize all my projects with machines that I have available in the company.

The contamination received in time, allowed me to give life to creations that are often a summary of experiences, who see industrial materials recovery mix with images, colors, lights and equipment from construction sites. Parquet, waste taken from materials for industrial packaging, props construction decommissioned, production scrap metal, all waste materials, that, seen through different eyes, become raw material.

The collaboration with the FOUNDATION AND MAURO VIALLI FOR RESEARCH AND SPORT, non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds for cancer research and ALS, born from a casual acquaintance. The need for creativity has always pushed me to carry out new projects and create more and new collaborations, convinced that these are the fundamental means of common growth, and dissemination of important messages. So I made especially for them my new object, “flame of life” candle holder / incense, produced in limited numbered series, made of aluminum and olive wood parquet from recycled. Part of the proceeds from the sales will be donated that will fulfill them for charitable purposes.


Giuseppe Colucci – Art Design Factory www.artdesignfactory.eu

Another example. Dina Miele, nurse but most assiduous consumer of coffee in capsules.

The combination of the bright colors of the wafers that have accumulated over time led her to experiment, thanks to its manual always strong, of crafts. After being recycled, processing them through his imagination, has created a line of jewelry that called bijou The CialDine. These results.


Your Miele - Le CialDine dina.miele@libero.it

Always recycling wafers, Chiara Zirilli stylist newcomer 25 age, for his thesis project has created a corset really interesting.

  • Clear how you got the idea for this realization that I personally find beautiful?

I wanted to address the challenge of making a corset Elizabethan era (my argument is in fact: Elisabetta 1 always same nel teatro, in painting, in fashion and photography) combining the old with the new techniques and experimenting with unconventional materials. I decided to use a material that, always in the kitchen at home, allowed me to realize my project: waffles Coffee Nespresso.

Read, easy to use and in various colors. Eventually I realized my corset entirely with those, I used the beauty of 430, by sewing them together one by one with the silver solder wire. The ultimate goal was a personal interpretation of the classic armor. The use of the pods proved to be a perfect material and particularly with a final effect to as satisfactory.

Chiara Zirilli

Chiara Zirilli chiarazirillimsfb.wordpress.com

Beautiful objects true? Good, I now make to you a question: "Are you certain you do not have anything to recycle?”


Chiara Boni, a fashion designer in balance with nature

Chiara Boni, one of the big names in Italian fashion. I met her a few days ago in Milan, in its environment, among people with whom he collaborated for years. A Florentine designer who I met through his thoughts, real attacks poetic whose thrust well understand. Its, a feeling expressed in the work and respect for the environment.

Why meet a stylist? As I often say Italy has many strengths to promote: l’agricoltura, food and wine, Tourism, l'arte, fashion ... Everyone tries to do it his way. As far as I'm concerned, I try to learn more about the people who are its protagonists through their creativity and their commitment. Follow them during their work allows me to enhance them when I feel that they can do good for the economy Italian.

Given this, I do not hide that always appreciate the style and elegance. In a society of race, where time is neverChiara Boni enough, Chiara has combined practicality without neglecting femininity. But not only, his is a fashion in balance with nature, an eco-sustainable production controlled from the outset.

For his clothes avails itself of the collaboration of an Italian company that cares about the environment, from 2001 to the 2008, was able to reduce for each kg of fabric produced the consumption of 5% electricity, of 13% methane, of 19% of water, of 21 tons paper consumption and carbon, and 25% the consumption of dyes and chemicals. These, alas, are increasingly frequent cause irritation and skin allergy.

Its, a passion for fashion as a child born with the attendance along with the mother of tailor shops and ateliers. After the London experience, in 1967, the rebellion to the clean lines of the Italian fashion of those years, it is expressed with a 'boutique breaking' in the open 1971 Florence. In the eighties, the important collaboration with the Group Financial Textile Turin lasting fifteen years, then, from 2000 to the 2005, experience in politics as a Councillor for the Image and Communication of the Tuscany Region.

A 'drive for flexibility' by experimenting on materials, in that 2007 led to the emergence of 'La Petite Robe'. Dresses in stretch fabrics in many versions that do not crease, ideal for the suitcase. From 2009 collaboration with Maurizio Biella Germanetti, gave a further boost to his life. In America today is present with a showroom in New York, and in the most important department store.

A day with Chiara Boni

One question.

  • Clare, in a project of 'Ideal City' what is your role?

Cynthia, the 'Ideal City' is a blend of creative attitudes, a partnership involving Urbanism, Design, Food and Fashion, as protagonists of urban ethics.

My role is to offer an opinion 'femminilista' evolution of the urban concept. 'Femminilista' is the style of those who, come me, embarked on a search for years flexibly to the needs of women in the sign of femininity.

After meeting, as always, I feel the need to digest what I live to draw the right lessons. The day spent with Chiara made me understand how fashion can contribute to environmental. Knowing sustainable product development is to know the methods of cultivation of materials, that demand respect for nature and the minimum use of chemicals. The ethical behavior for the realization of the tissues, safeguard the ecosystem and our skin.

Chiara Boni and his collaborator Monica Galleri

Dressed by Chiara Boni and his collaborator Monica Galleri

“The desperation of the people of the south does do wonders”. I present Peppino Montanaro.

For some years the destiny often leads me to Taranto, a city that knew how many, especially for the known events linked to pollution. Why interested in and write about a land that some have called not my? The answer is simple: because they are Italian, and as such I believe. I am fortunate to live in one of the countries among the most beautiful in the world. A nation with a rich cultural heritage, food and wine, and an area that boasts the highest biodiversity among the countries of the old continent.

A coastline of over 7.000 km. A forest area of ​​more than 10 million hectares with 12 million trees, one third of the land area. Thanks to the variety of habitats and dell'aree weather we have over 55.600 animal species. We are a nation with 17 million hectares devoted to agriculture, an industry that generates quality products at the Made in Italy guarantee. (Source State Forestry – data 2014). Investing on fishing, agriculture and tourism, is the only possible way.

My conversation with Peppino MontanaroThese are the thoughts that I did with Joseph Montanaro during our meeting. It, after listening to me, by careful person what is, I replied: “You know Cynthia, desperation of the men of the south does do wonders“.

Maybe we need miracles, o forse, above all, we need people who believe in the territory and where you can go back to believing. L’Italia, Whether we like it or not, is made by the Italian, Players are we, The match is open. The important thing is that the institutions put us in a position to compete, and go back to being successful.

Joseph Montanaro, Peppino, è nato a Massafra l’11 novembre del 1940. An employee and a contractor marked by creativity. A man caring environment that has decided to invest with his company Kika Turismo e Cultura S.p.A.. (Kau, The first word spoken by his son Philip) agriculture and tourism. A concrete commitment visible in the recovery of architectural complexes rural location, such as the Grande Colonial Accept, The Cottage Mallet Canon,  Masseria L'Amastuola, Cottage and the Holy Cross.

With one hundred and sixty acres of land Amastuola transformed in Crispiano, in the Regional Park 'Land of the Ravines’ in the province of Taranto, agricultural land is no longer productive in a vineyard-garden. Waves of parallel rows of vines interspersed with islands in twenty-four thousand five hundred olive trees from well.

A project signed by the artist and landscape architect Fernando Caruncho, research in an area of ​​archaeological and historical interest under the supervision of the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Puglia, supported by the Centre for Archaeology of the VU University of Amsterdam. This research led to the publication of the book by Gert Jan Paul Crielaard 'Greeks and natives in the Amastuola'. The Region of Puglia, in 2010, awarded the realization of this project calling “Good Practice for the Protection and Development of the agricultural landscape, also for tourism”.

You may wonder how I came to him. The answer is simple, who accompanied me knows me and the kind of people I love to meet, and with which confront. Peppino Montanaro, with his experience and his experience, confirms my belief for the success of projects.

The family first. The wife Rosaria and her children Ilaria, Donato and Filippo, with their spouses Joseph, Anna Raffaella and were and are the real push that allowed him to go ahead. It’ that arises from them the strength to overcome the hard times. The family, for those lucky enough to have, by way of their work and offering allowing you to build a 'nest’ in the darkest hours.

Creativeness, inventive and tenacia. Before meeting, I listened to his son Joseph along while I was talking to a man from the South who, With Giuseppe Doors, son Peppino starts and activates the Companystarting their own business in 1984 Kikau with aluminum frames, at a distance of eleven years has transformed the company into a joint stock company with investments in targeted sectors in the territory. Some projects have been carried out, as for the Cantina Amastuola, and some are in progress after the acquisition of Masserias in the recovery phase. Program in tourist accommodation, promotion of the territory, editorial production, developing activities for the sale of handicrafts and agri-food.

Businesses are made by people. Essential element for the growth of a company is the quality of the relationship with its employees. Peppino was also discussed in this. Much more than employees, people to work together making the team for the achievement of good results. Alone is not going anywhere, together we build.

Innovation and respect for the environment. Adottare pratiche sostenibili a tutela di sé stessi e del territorio è prioritario. The technology and research are crucial to the quality, provided that they meet the natural characteristics of the products. This is the policy of Amastuola. One example is the use of the Scholander pressure chamber that, for the benefit of the grape, intervenes with irrigation only when needed and at the same time prevents waste. Following this line of thought always, is used a recycled glass bottle light, and a screw cap made of aluminum, RICICLA materials of 100%, with a special membrane within which ensures the proper micro-oxygenation of wine established by the Department of Food Science of Udine.

The sense of belonging. Believing in the territory and recognize part of it is essential to pass it on to those who visit. If I sincerely believe in something I can pass on my passion to share the enthusiasm. That day I heard.

At the end of our chat, before saying goodbye, I made a request to Peppino: I asked him to display the flag of Italian farm in plain sight. This to me, I believe in people working together for a real change, would be an important sign of belonging. Abroad, it is a custom, in Italy it is only during sports events. I know that many do not feel represented because they see in it the state institutional. Matter of point of view. To me, the flag represents the land and the people working Italian. I do not know if I will satisfy Peppino, for some promised me that we will think seriously.

I wrote about my meeting, as I usually do, as I have lived knowing the territory and the people. Peppino I felt particularly close to the sharing of thoughts and lifestyle. Today I feel closer to him and his family. A few days, after a long illness, his wife Rosaria let. She is part of his plans, and this will continue to live in those lands.

www.amastuola.it –  www.turismoecultura.it

Video by Sabrina Merolla, producer and host of GOOD WIND


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