"My path to holistic ... Olio Officina Food Festival 2013 '

These were intense days spent in those Olio Officina Food Festival. Days of knowledge,  di culture, of art, music, dances, meetings and… from the many smiles!

But I want to tell you better ...

With the inauguration of the festival last Thursday 24 January, as they say you are open dances. "Paese d'honor 2013″ l’India, both as a consumer of oil, both as a country farmer of olive groves for the production of oil. This attention to olive oil comes from the fact that India is the first country in the world to incidence of cardiovascular disease. Are well-known factors that influence in this sense these pathologies: arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, smoke, diabetes, obesity and physical inactivity. Two tablespoons of olive oil are an effective quality medical facility to counter these diseases.

This edition of Oil Workshop was devoted to women, looking at the female side of the oil. About intervened Rosalia Knights, Professor of Semiotics and Theory of sign language studies at the University of Messina, emphasizing how the biology attests to the greater olfactory sensitivity female. We must relearn to sniff. Our mind is now tainted by the images that we often incorrectly condition. Go over, sniffing and not judging only on the outer…

"Distracted by a mentality visual-acoustic, We have relegated the smell of the senses 'minor'. Rosalia Knights "

Many women oil, but not only that ... I had the pleasure of seeing the dear Laura Turri I met recently visiting his oil mill in Cavaion Veronese, Gabriella Stansfield President of Women Oil, Mary Adelaide of Bertacco 'The. Agr. Hills of Marostica, Dawn of Guarini Masseria Patches Galleys (BR), the lovely Paola Fioravanti President of 'Mediterranean Union Oil Tasters and Maria Elena President of Curtius'National Association of Cooks at home.

 A meeting in particular I was very excited ... A friend and a woman whom I respect for the depth of the thoughts, and I've had the honor of reading the intimacy of our private deeds. Lei è Alessandra Paolini's Agricultural Society Doria (CS), Woman oil.

I do not have a mill company ... I make enormous sacrifices to talk to my mill so follow my disciplinary, My times, le mie convinzioni… faccio chilometri nella campagna olearia e me ne vado a molire molto lontano dalla mia azienda con costi umani ed economici notevoli, in nome della qualità che io volevo… Io il mio mondo lo vorrei in una zolla…Alessandra Paolini

Reunite Jeanne Perego, the insalatologa for excellence, it was a real pleasure. I love salads, those rich, with many ingredients and seasonings, more than outline, real main dishes rich in vitamins! His new book tells well 365, a day throughout the year and for all tastes!

He had reached the turn of Antonella and Viviana Varese. Due sorelle, due chef, and two dear friends ...! The theme of their intervention was developed on the right choice of oil for cooking fish from the lake and sea. Two sisters restorative: “Antonella with his house in Manerba del Garda Dahlias and Beans gestito along with fellow chef and Fabio Mazzolini, and Viviana with her "Alice's Restaurant” a Milano”.

Finished the intervention of Antonella and Viviana, a feeling of stomach hole made us realize that it was time for lunch. Just enough time to call a taxi and we were in a sprint from "Alice" restaurant Viviana Varese. In the intimacy of a small room underground had lunch between confidence and smiles like a long time we could not do for the mutual commitments. Once finished, ready to return to the festival, Viviana stopped me and told me: "Look at 'back here!” Sono scoppiata a ridere quando ho letto alcune frasi umoristiche sul retro della porta della cucina. Un click e… via!

Speakers of the issue relating to the oil Guides, l 'oleologo Nicola Perrucci and Maestrod'olio Fausto Borella. Recentemente ho fatto a Fausto un’intervista con domande semplici per risposte semplici, I like it. We carry a:

  • I quote a statement heard in your speech that I fully agree: "The farmer's oil supply chain cost him at least ten euro per liter. An olive oil that costs three euro is not an extra virgin olive oil, but only a lie to the consumer ". At this point I ask: But an oil with this cost as obtained?

Through sailing ship oil to the best Italian ports. Or through an uncontrolled oil is not certified South invading the Italian regions to the Alps.

The advice from the consumer Fausto redirected towards a conscious choice of an olive oil quality, is trying to choose one of the 44 Italian DOP which has a cost of about € 6-8 for 50 cl.

Another meeting was happy with the sympathetic Elia Fiorillo, President of Ceq, Consortium to guarantee the quality of extra virgin olive oil. Elijah explained to me that this non-profit organization, is open to all operators in the olive, producers, packers and distributors to promote and revive the chain Italian olive oil quality.

It was the time of the last goodbyes ... I had the pleasure to meet in person Maximum Occhinegro Marketing expert, with which a few days before floundering on the web and oil quality. I re-embraced Fausto Delegà, intervened on the sweet synergy between oils, have, api e ulivi. With Gianpiero Rorato, journalist and writer of Motta di Livenza (TV), I recalled my home country I carry in my heart. Last but not least, I said goodbye to my great friend Ancona Richard Pilesi, Marketing food & wine.

It was my turn ... It was up to me, and to Laura Pantaleo Lucchetti intervene. The theme: "The food will free your mind". Ready, via!

I remember that, when Louis a few months ago he asked me to intervene on olive oil seen by the consumer of the food web and the communication I said to myself: "Beautiful challenge!"Challenge that I took a lot of effort with reading texts, probing against people, and visiting OLEIFICIO ...

And 'well known how little there is in Italian culture in the world oil, rather, in the world oil, since we actually over 530 cultivate, but we still call the oil in the singular.  La gente conosce l’olio d’oliva, not according to the area of ​​origin and the cultivar, but according to the manufacturer's name. Why not put in plain sight some more information on the origin?!

The truth is that, Who can if the power of attorney by relatives or friends directly in the places of production, while for those who procures at large retailers the choice falls on or offered for olive oil for cooking, or the most well known brands for use in raw. Some make no mistake they told me that they buy the oil with the highest price. This will never be a conscious choice ... ?!

That said, I promised myself to take advantage of my speech to make very specific requests that help people towards a more informed choice of olive oil:

  • For Communicators I ask more simplicity in the words. Often insist on this concept because the important thing is to do good culture of the earth with simple words, to reach people. People still call the olive oil quality, "The good oil". The term "extra virgin olive oil" now so used, to most people is still unknown (evo: andxtra inergine d’theiron).
  • To Olivicoltori I ask you to organize more events degustativi to tell people their own oil. As said Veronelli: “The oil like wine. The olive tree as the vine."In addition to" Open Cellars "why do not you do ..." Oil Mills open ".
  • At Wine ask you to create an angle for a “oleoteca” allowing the oil tasting.
  • For Restaurateurs I ask you to tell the olive oils that are brought to the table just as you would for wine, just ask the manufacturers data sheets, or even better, train workers in boardroom with oil taster courses.
  • But I ask something also consumers. To be more curious to try the oils, we have so many varieties. When in doubt, as I said to prefer Dop. But when you're on vacation take advantage to visit a farm that reality will make you much more aware about the product they consume.

Finally, I can not stress the importance of promotion of the territory and its products through the network. This, however, does not obviate the fact that the direct knowledge of the manufacturer and its products is irreplaceable tool… least, for them as I live ...

Antonella and I Varese between 'Dahlias and Beans’

Oh say acciperbolina! Even among the dahlias and the beans is now Cinzia, but that c'azzeccano?! A little 'patience and we get, it all makes sense, quasi!

Today I was looking at some photos and I focused on this with me and Antonella Varese one day in March… and made me want to tell you.

I got in touch with Antonella for some time now. His smile is open and frank I liked him immediately. Often we commented that published some posts on facebook. From the tone of his writing I realized that it was a spirited and likeable person, and rarely am I wrong.
I was amused when he commented a few oddities in the demands of its customers. Ah, I told you not ... As usual I think people are telepathy with me, and in fact I would often berate: "But do you think in your head"!

So I'll explain ... Antonella has a delicious Agriturismo sul Lago di Garda, Dahlias and Beans. Comments commenting, a day that I promised in my first shift from those parts I'd stop by her to eat. I had the opportunity the 17 March 2011 and here I stop for a moment ... We remember that great feast is celebrated on that date? Of course you do! It celebrated the 150'Anniversary of the Unification of my beloved Italy, and what better way to celebrate it than to stop by Antonella!!
I love all of Italy, I always say ... unique country for the traditions steeped in history ..., Art, of great men and women, people of passion ... then you want to put, I'm here too!! Daiii that joke! 🙂 Tra l’altro, my good friend Roman journalist Giorgio Ferrari, with his passion for the Renaissance of which he is the narrator in Rai, I did fall in love even more. He says they remind him of the beautiful Gigogin ... and here I bow to such a comparison.

Therefore, said for the fact that the occasion was special, and in this regard I was provided with two Italian flags. One I had left in my first leg in Padua from my friend Emanuela which had been lacking. And the other was in my car with me. I hope that does not tell me what to do?! But obviously in plain sight, and add "proudly"!
That day I arrived to Treviso, Saying goodbye to a dear sweet friend, Wanda hundredth, I'd never seen. With her had spent his last moments in the hospital, with the Italian flag that we felt.
But back to Antonella ... About one o'clock I arrived at the destination, and I saw with amazement that there were no signs at the entrance of celebration. I went then, and after the usual greetings I told her: "But if I put out my flag ... what do you say?” Lei accettò di buon grado, and so on ... Well prepared, I felt better!

Exhausted, I chose a table and decided to "spiazzarla with ordering"! In fact, when he asked me what I wanted to eat, I replied: “Fai tu, I eat everything except the tripe!” E lei…: "How do you?"And you told her, you say or do not say what your customers often put you in trouble. Well I'm around I'll put you to the test. Other evidence that… They came delicious dishes, and I had to give up his skill.

In fact I had no doubt. Among other things, the labels of the wines did not disprove the quality. That day made me taste Ribolla Gialla The Tunella, a large indigenous grape from Friuli.
Law, excellent chef and queen of her kitchen, appena then, sat down with me at the table. And there were two women, two new friends that were told of the disappointments of his life ..., of children and new loves. Antonella has made courageous choices that have repaid. It still has many dreams that I believe will carry with commitment. The vein of his family is quality catering, and she is worthy witness.



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