Green clay, la terra che cura.
Years ago, chiacchierando tra amici con la mia stessa passione per le cure naturali, mi fu proposta l’argilla verde ventilata per risolvere un malessere del momento. Li for them it surprised me and not just, especially since my disorder was annoying stomach. Fino ad allora consideravo l’argilla solo un prodotto idoneo alla creazione di ceramiche. I never thought about how it was beneficial its use in times when, many drugs we use today and which sometimes we abuse, were not as present.
I nostri problemi di salute trovano frequente rimedio nelle pratiche antiche che oggi spesso vengono trascurate a causa dei ritmi veloci della nostra vita. Why not pay proper attention in reevaluate their uses? Managing to overcome laziness that often leads us to swallow the pill of the moment, allows us not lamb with remedies that can often be replaced by a good feed, from regular physical activity, and from contact with nature and with its products.
Well, oggi vi darò qualche utile informazione sugli usi terapeutici dell’argilla, a precious substance readily available in health food stores.
The clay is a mineral consisting of particles rich in elements such as silicon, l’alluminio, il magnesio, il ferro e il potassio. A material able to absorb the radioactivity of an organism contaminated (The source Sciences 1989 - Prof. Giorgio Fusconi). On Earth, there are different types, different composition and origin. The most suitable for therapeutic uses is the green clay. Already at the time of the ancient Egyptians was known as a fundamental component of preparations for the treatment of ulcers and arthritis. In Greece, Hippocrates, luminary of medicine of the times, used it to relieve pain.
The testimonies of historical records documenting the many uses they have found continuity through the ages. I cite only a few cases. During the Great War, the early twentieth century, Dr.. Jean Valnet French army officer, used in the prevention of intestinal disorders troops; una sperimentazione che poi ha documentato attraverso i suoi scritti di Medicina Naturale. In "The care of nature" Ghandi, than personal use, prescribed the use of clay in the case of constipation, headache, abscesses and insect bites. The basis of his studies the concept of Hindu philosophy according to which the man, composed of 'land, water, air and sun ', deve trarre in nome del proprio benessere, beneficio e cura da essi.
The argilloterapia. Loans and therapeutic uses.
The clay has many beneficial effects on our health thanks to the action of the substances that make up. A land that is curative use for both indoor and outdoor use. The most suitable is ventilated green.
- Gel of clay for internal use
Grazie alla sua azione assorbente e remineralizzante il gel di argilla, acting on the walls of the digestive system, is a effective adjuvant treatment of acidity and heartburn. Also, l'debugging body eliminates him tossine. It is prepared preferably using a glass of mineral water, or whatever, chlorine-free.
Con l’ausilio di strumenti di legno e mai di metallo, are mixed in water 2 tablespoons of clay. The compound thus obtained is left to rest for at least 12 hours. After this time we will get, in addition to the deposit which will remain on the bottom of the glass, suspended in a water surface, o meglio un gel di argilla pronto da bere. If you prepare for the evening, in the morning we will have ready to use our therapy whose intake is recommended for two consecutive months.
- Clay paste for external use
Since ancient times has recognized its ability energizing and inflammations. Per questi motivi viene utilizzata per patologie legate alle ossa e alla pelle. Just think of the recognized healing properties of mud therapy has always applied in the spas in the case of arthritis and rheumatism.
To prepare the dough is enough to put any 4 tablespoons of clay 3 tablespoons water; quindi mescolare con un cucchiaio di legno, e ricoprire con ulteriore acqua. After a few hours, once absorbed, otterremo una pasta dalla consistenza morbida, ideale per impacchi in caso di contusioni, fractures and sprains.
Aggiungendo del buon olio di oliva possiamo ottenere un composto utile per la cura di escoriazioni, redness and dermatitis. Per una maschera rivitalizzante per la pelle unire un cucchiaio di yogurt e applicare per 15 minutes. Una volta passato il tempo, risciacquare tenendo gli occhi ben chiusi. The absorbent clay eliminate toxins by removing all impurities.
The clay, a land of a thousand curative properties!
Source: Clay, precious natural medicine alive. – It. Patti P. Maggioni