Appuntamento per un agri picnic in Brianza. Chi viene?

L’importanza di sostenere le aziende agricole a garanzia della nostra salute e della nostra economia.

Il picnic, il tradizionale spuntino conviviale all’aperto, allegro e a contatto con la natura, che piace tanto agli italiani. Se poi si ha la possibilità di farlo in un’azienda agricola, dopo una visita e l’acquisto di qualche buona produzione, si unisce l’utile al dilettevole, trasformando uno spuntino all’aria aperta, in un agri picnic. Tutto ciò è possibile in una delle tante fattorie della Brianza, but not only…

A few days ago, spinta dalla voglia di conoscere buone produzioni vicine al luogo in cui vivo, sono andata a visitare l’azienda agricola Capoferri. In verità, sono stata attratta anche dalla sua bella posizione collinare, that, grazie agli ampi spazi verdi, permette, a short distance from Milan, di evadere dal caos e dalla frenesia cittadina.

L 'azienda agricola dei Fratelli Capoferri, born in 1956, è situata in un luogo di particolare interesse storico per la presenza della Cascina Galeazzo, un roccolo di caccia risalente al 1400 di proprietà dei Conti Porro. The main business is dairy,,it,a herd which until the 90 included about one hundred and twenty Friesian cows,,it,A number gradually decreased,,it,Stories of People Cynthia TosiniAppuntamento for agri picnic in Brianza,,it, con la produzione di diverse varietà di formaggio fresco e stagionato.

Il loro, un allevamento che fino agli anni ’90 comprendeva circa centoventi vacche di razza Frisona. Un numero che man mano si è ridotto, per la ben nota questione ‘quote latte’. Attualmente, la fattoria accoglie una settantina di capre e polli giganti di razza Brahma, una varietà di origine asiatica.

Emanuele e Virginio, due fratelli di origine bergamasca, conducono insieme dall’allevamento alla trasformazione, l’attività e la vendita diretta dei loro prodotti: eggs, honey, yogurt, e formaggi freschi e stagionati di capra e di latte vaccino. I formaggi, produzioni casearie ottenute attraverso la coagulazione del latte, rappresentano dei veri e propri secondi piatti, e non come spesso accade dei contorni integrativi. L’Italia vanta ben 48 varietà a denominazione di origine protetta (PDO), tutelate dall’Unione Europea.

Tornando alla mia visita, devo ammettere che appena arrivata ho avvertito un clima di sospetto, li per li a mio parere ingiustificato. Basta poco per capire. It’ sufficiente ascoltare le difficoltà e gli intoppi causati dagli ingranaggi rugginosi della burocrazia, per comprendere il perché di tale diffidenza. L’accanimento dei controlli e delle verifiche nello svolgimento delle loro attività, porta spesso gli agricoltori a chiudersi, e a toglier loro la voglia di combattere in un mondo Colombi cappuccinosin cui, gli interessi delle tante, forse troppe associazioni agricole, non sono sempre chiari.

Chi sostiene un comparto così importante come l’agricoltura, ha il compito e il dovere di agevolare e tutelare chi, con sacrifici, preparazione, investimenti, rischi e lavoro senza orari, preserva l’ambiente, la tradizione e il made in Italy. Il turismo rurale ed enogastronomico rappresenta, oltre che il futuro della nostra economia, una naturale evoluzione di tutto ciò.

Parole che non mi stancherò di ripetere, e che sono costretta a riscrivere ogni qual volta io visiti un’azienda in cui sento lamentare tali disagi. Se ci guardiamo attorno, ognuno di noi può qualcosa in tal senso. Sostenere un’azienda agricola con l’acquisto dei loro prodotti, è molto più conveniente di quanto si creda. Scelte a garanzia della nostra salute, della nostra economia e del nostro piacere a tavola.

A conclusione della mia visita, Emanuele Capoferri orgogliosamente, mi ha accompagnato ad ammirare il suo allevamento di colombi cappuccini, una particolare razza di grande eleganza originaria dell’India. Se passate da quelle parti, vi consiglio una visita, e se mi avvisate, ci daremo un appuntamento per un agri picnic!

Azienda Agricola F.lli Capoferri Cascina Galeazzo
Via per Mariano, 1 – Lentate su Seveso (MB)
Such. 0362 561406
Info: f.llicapoferri@yahoo.it

Valeria Terranea, a young woman torn between the passion for agriculture and a call center

You know the sheep brianzola?

Valeria Terranea, a young woman committed to the family farm in Seveso, in the province of Monza and Brianza. Diploma in Agricultural, is passionately dedicated to agriculture and to 'breeding. Despite the commitment and the desire to do, the means at its disposal are not yet sufficient to devote himself completely to his animal that looks after getting up every morning at dawn. His day indeed, is punctuated by the trilling of a call center that allows it to support themselves financially.

There are many young people who follow the family traditions are switching to agriculture. A choice that I understand and agree, and pushing despite the difficulties, to move forward towards a future increasingly agricultural and environmentally sustainable.

The farm raises horses Terraneo, poultry and sheep Brianza, a breed endangered. By choice no head is slaughtered. The main activity that allows them the partial recovery of costs, consists of the cultivation of grain and hay in the wasteland surrounding municipalities.

Valeria Terranea

During my visit, after I dedicated with greetings and petting the animals on, I spoke at length with Valeria on the importance of the beneficial effects that this has on the natural contact persons. For this reason, and much more, the agricultural culture should be promoted and supported in all its forms.

Pass the word to her ...

  • Valeria, with your family, you lead this agricultural reality that your grandparents have initiated many years ago. Tell me a bit 'of your story?

Everything starts from the beginning of '900, when Baruccana, small fraction of Seveso, was an agricultural country where all households owned a barn and a farmhouse with plots of land attached. The animals that were bred was mostly for work; oxen and horses to farm fields. In those days the tractors were still an unknown. Over the years that passion has been handed down from generation to generation through the ages, obviously with different purposes from those of then. To date we breed with love these extraordinary animals. Unfortunately this geographical area in which we live is not the best for crops, especially for the lack of agricultural land. Add that the passion is not only directed to the animals, but also to agricultural vehicles historians who preserved with care and that we use for exhibitions, events and fairs livestock.

  • Among the animals that breed there sheep brianzola, a breed endangered species to be protected. I describes the characteristics?

It is a race that in recent years, thanks to the efforts of many breeders, you are repopulating. Its features are brianzola Sheep robustness, and then the resulting adaptability to any type of soil or climate condition. Moreover rusticity, that is, the resistance to diseases, means that the food needs and life are not particularly difficult. The size is medium-large, In fact, adult males reach up 90-100 kg, unlike females, reaching the maximum weight of 80 kg.

They are very prolific and precocious subjects that are bred for the production of meat and wool (there is a chain of the wool that is used to produce garments of the pastoral tradition of Lombardy). The main area of ​​breeding are the provinces of Lecco, Como and Monza.

  • As I wrote earlier, it is known that the contact with the animals welfare generates bringing people to the natural rhythms. Create a suitable environment in which to live for a few hours this contact, could be a valuable aid in cases of depression and mental illness. Do you think you can achieve a similar program by you ?

With respect to this statement I think it can be a good start to build "something" socially useful here too, seen that already exist at the national and international associations of many pet therapy.

  • Valeria, it is known how much I love the nature and the agricultural world. My childhood memories in the country have great influence on the choices of my life. For this reason I believe that a rapprochement in this important sector, through educational and cultural itineraries, is of great importance in the education of children. Your company is planning initiatives in this direction?

It is definitely in the project. For the coming years we expect it to open a petting zoo and the organization of some events dedicated to children, schoolchildren and their families.

  • Now we talk of agricultural events. In the coming months, in Seveso, will take place "Seveso blooming". A demonstration farm in organizational phase that you see between the coordinators. As you said, in addition to your collection of historic tractors, there will be important producers of the territory. What are the requirements to participate and any way to apply?

The event will be exactly the 18 and the 19 April and will take place in the prestigious'Forest of oaks’. There will be the presence of nurserymen, productions of farms, and educational farms. The requirements to participate are minimal: be producers or processors of agricultural raw materials, or be educational farms or producers of flowers and plants. The enrollment will soon be published on the official website.

For info contact Valeria Terraneo
Mail: valeria_giny@hotmail.com
Cell. 340 5263379

Farm Terraneo

Farm Terraneo

“The desperation of the people of the south does do wonders”. I present Peppino Montanaro.

For some years the destiny often leads me to Taranto, a city that knew how many, especially for the known events linked to pollution. Why interested in and write about a land that some have called not my? The answer is simple: because they are Italian, and as such I believe. I am fortunate to live in one of the countries among the most beautiful in the world. A nation with a rich cultural heritage, food and wine, and an area that boasts the highest biodiversity among the countries of the old continent.

A coastline of over 7.000 km. A forest area of ​​more than 10 million hectares with 12 million trees, one third of the land area. Thanks to the variety of habitats and dell'aree weather we have over 55.600 animal species. We are a nation with 17 million hectares devoted to agriculture, an industry that generates quality products at the Made in Italy guarantee. (Source State Forestry – data 2014). Investing on fishing, agriculture and tourism, is the only possible way.

My conversation with Peppino MontanaroThese are the thoughts that I did with Joseph Montanaro during our meeting. It, after listening to me, by careful person what is, I replied: “You know Cynthia, desperation of the men of the south does do wonders“.

Maybe we need miracles, o forse, above all, we need people who believe in the territory and where you can go back to believing. L’Italia, Whether we like it or not, is made by the Italian, Players are we, The match is open. The important thing is that the institutions put us in a position to compete, and go back to being successful.

Joseph Montanaro, Peppino, è nato a Massafra l’11 novembre del 1940. An employee and a contractor marked by creativity. A man caring environment that has decided to invest with his company Kika Turismo e Cultura S.p.A.. (Kau, The first word spoken by his son Philip) agriculture and tourism. A concrete commitment visible in the recovery of architectural complexes rural location, such as the Grande Colonial Accept, The Cottage Mallet Canon,  Masseria L'Amastuola, Cottage and the Holy Cross.

With one hundred and sixty acres of land Amastuola transformed in Crispiano, in the Regional Park 'Land of the Ravines’ in the province of Taranto, agricultural land is no longer productive in a vineyard-garden. Waves of parallel rows of vines interspersed with islands in twenty-four thousand five hundred olive trees from well.

A project signed by the artist and landscape architect Fernando Caruncho, research in an area of ​​archaeological and historical interest under the supervision of the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Puglia, supported by the Centre for Archaeology of the VU University of Amsterdam. This research led to the publication of the book by Gert Jan Paul Crielaard 'Greeks and natives in the Amastuola'. The Region of Puglia, in 2010, awarded the realization of this project calling “Good Practice for the Protection and Development of the agricultural landscape, also for tourism”.

You may wonder how I came to him. The answer is simple, who accompanied me knows me and the kind of people I love to meet, and with which confront. Peppino Montanaro, with his experience and his experience, confirms my belief for the success of projects.

The family first. The wife Rosaria and her children Ilaria, Donato and Filippo, with their spouses Joseph, Anna Raffaella and were and are the real push that allowed him to go ahead. It’ that arises from them the strength to overcome the hard times. The family, for those lucky enough to have, by way of their work and offering allowing you to build a 'nest’ in the darkest hours.

Creativeness, inventive and tenacia. Before meeting, I listened to his son Joseph along while I was talking to a man from the South who, With Giuseppe Doors, son Peppino starts and activates the Companystarting their own business in 1984 Kikau with aluminum frames, at a distance of eleven years has transformed the company into a joint stock company with investments in targeted sectors in the territory. Some projects have been carried out, as for the Cantina Amastuola, and some are in progress after the acquisition of Masserias in the recovery phase. Program in tourist accommodation, promotion of the territory, editorial production, developing activities for the sale of handicrafts and agri-food.

Businesses are made by people. Essential element for the growth of a company is the quality of the relationship with its employees. Peppino was also discussed in this. Much more than employees, people to work together making the team for the achievement of good results. Alone is not going anywhere, together we build.

Innovation and respect for the environment. Adottare pratiche sostenibili a tutela di sé stessi e del territorio è prioritario. The technology and research are crucial to the quality, provided that they meet the natural characteristics of the products. This is the policy of Amastuola. One example is the use of the Scholander pressure chamber that, for the benefit of the grape, intervenes with irrigation only when needed and at the same time prevents waste. Following this line of thought always, is used a recycled glass bottle light, and a screw cap made of aluminum, RICICLA materials of 100%, with a special membrane within which ensures the proper micro-oxygenation of wine established by the Department of Food Science of Udine.

The sense of belonging. Believing in the territory and recognize part of it is essential to pass it on to those who visit. If I sincerely believe in something I can pass on my passion to share the enthusiasm. That day I heard.

At the end of our chat, before saying goodbye, I made a request to Peppino: I asked him to display the flag of Italian farm in plain sight. This to me, I believe in people working together for a real change, would be an important sign of belonging. Abroad, it is a custom, in Italy it is only during sports events. I know that many do not feel represented because they see in it the state institutional. Matter of point of view. To me, the flag represents the land and the people working Italian. I do not know if I will satisfy Peppino, for some promised me that we will think seriously.

I wrote about my meeting, as I usually do, as I have lived knowing the territory and the people. Peppino I felt particularly close to the sharing of thoughts and lifestyle. Today I feel closer to him and his family. A few days, after a long illness, his wife Rosaria let. She is part of his plans, and this will continue to live in those lands.

www.amastuola.it –  www.turismoecultura.it

Video by Sabrina Merolla, producer and host of GOOD WIND


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