Tasting blind ... a matter of the senses from the many surprises!

Bergamo, 4′ edition wine en primeur

In the courses that more or less all of us wine lovers attended in time, It was taught that wine tasting is done through a visual analysis, smell and taste. Nothing is more true, which, however, I would add that the experience gained over the years through tastings, trains and shape, allowing to evaluate a wine with a greater awareness. Exactly what I say to those who approach the wine, and not considering himself an expert, turning aside from give judgment. The important thing is to feel the smells and taste… to taste… little taste ..., good and often. First for personal enjoyment, and secondly to enrich their sensory memory.

The fact remains that the tasting of a wine is a very personal issue related to their senses. He has proof that whenever, After a blind tasting, no conditioning label or producer or vintage, the results are a real source of surprises! Verdicts without conditions certainly more honest. That's exactly how as part of the fourth edition of "wine en primeur", there was a blind tasting of local reserves in the match against the great Bordeaux.

A comparison between the wines obtained from harvest 2018 coming from the far western edge of the province of Bergamo to the proximity with the lake Iseo, con noti Bordeaux, for a total of fifteen productions. An event in which I participated with pleasure that allowed tasters and connoisseurs to be able to talk with the producers of wines for tasting. All this took place in the halls of Casa Virginia Tenuta Villa d'Alme, a cellar and agriristorante in the heart of the hills of Bergamo Park.

Well, the final scores of the blind tasting, after two renowned Bordeaux won the third place a wine Bergamo, and to follow a little further away points, other wines produced Adda Oglio. A result that rewards the efforts of communication and qualitative growth in recent years have marked this land.

What remains to be said? Simply that taste 'in the dark’ is more than recommended, but especially, is great teaching!



Francesco e Salvatore Salvo & Enrico and Roberto Cerea: eight hands for a pizza with the Stars

In head Francesco and Salvatore Salvo with two of their co-workers.

Where was I with Francesco e Salvatore Salvo… ? Ah si, I had been in their pizzeria in San Giorgio a Cremano in the province of Naples. It was September 2013. The story began them, or better, first on the web through a mail exchange, then the person, I like it, clutching hands while speaking you look into the eyes.

Holders of pizza 'Unless Unique Seat’, Salvatore and Francesco are a point of reference for those who love pizza made with good quality raw materials.

Pizzeria 'Unless Unica Sede' - San Giorgion a Cremano (NA)

20 September 2013 – Pizzeria 'Unless Unique Seat’ – San Giorgio a Cremano (NA)

I am a passionate, and as such when I see the passion and desire to do well, my interest takes over. Deepen this knowledge brings me, as soon as possible, in the places where the stories originate.

Last 26 May at the Canterbury residence of Brusaporto, in the province of Bergamo, there was a dinner at eight hands that saw the protagonist of the Neapolitan pizza Francesco and Salvatore Salvo. Eight hands because with them the pizza has been interpreted by the hosts Enrico and Roberto Cerea.

These interpretations have given rise to the 'starry pizzas' thanks to a series of collaborations between the two brothers Salvo and chefs from various regions of Italy. A tangible sign of one who is distinguished by the desire to 'do good' but especially 'do together'.

I often say that - one thing leads to - and so it was. Thus was born my friendship with Francesco and Salvatore. To be in this evening was yet another proof of the fact that, when a relationship is based on the estimation, do not get lost.

A special meeting in a dream location: Residence Canterbury brothers Ceredigion, an oasis of refreshment and well-being in the green Brusaporto in the province of Bergamo.

Residence Canterbury - F.lli Cerea

26 May 2014 – Canterbury residence Brothers Ceredigion – Brusaporto (BG)

I did not know Enrico and Roberto Ceredigion. That evening, however, I was able to appreciate the simplicity and courtesy that I was shown. Their restaurant – Da Vittorio – named after the father died a few years ago. A man with a long experience in the restaurant that created, with his wife and sons Francis Brown, Henry, Roberto, Barbara e Rossella, the first Relais Chateau of Bergamo.

The application - Except

26 May 2014 – Residence Canterbury – The application & Except

These are the eight hands, between St. George and a Cremano Brusaporto, who gave life to an evening dedicated to the pizza that I have had the honor and pleasure to participate, but attention also enjoy ...! Do not believe us? Friends, io ho le prove!

You open the dances ... the start of the parade of pizzas!

Except & The application

26 May 2014 – At work!

Margherita del Vesuvio

Margherita del Vesuvio : Tomatoes Piennolo Vesuvius PDO wineries Olivella, Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP, Extra Virgin cellars of Vesuvius Villa Dora and basil

Cossack : Tomato in Corby, Pecorino di Bagnoli Irpino, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil DOP Colline Salernitane the winery San Salvatore and basil.

Cossack : Tomato in Corby, Pecorino di Bagnoli Irpino, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil DOP Colline Salernitane the winery San Salvatore and basil


Marinara: Old Naples Tomato “Miracle of San Gennaro”, wild mountain oregano, garlic of Sulmona, Extra Virgin Olive Oil monocultivar Ortice Head of Pellingieri and basil

Spring onion and anchovies

Spring onion and anchovies : Onion nocerino, Fresh anchovies, Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP, Caciocavallo Podolian Irpino seasoned chips a year, Extra virgin organic olive farm Titone DOP Valli Trapanesi and basil

The pizza Starry Brothers Ceredigion

The pizza Starry Brothers Ceredigion : Smoked cheese of buffalo, tomato Piennolo, cod cooked at low temperature, creamed potato and pesto Genovese

Fried Stuffed Pizza

Fried Pizza : stuffed with Ricotta di Bufala Campana, Smoked Mozzarella di Bufala Campana, Cicoli pork kuoko Merchant Mario Avallone and black pepper Rimbas – Malaysia


Carlo Ravasio, a mason who is in Bergamo Oil and Wine

When I asked Carlo Ravasio his job, without hesitation he answered me: – Cynthia, I'm a bricklayer! – Startled, I looked a bit 'puzzled. La realtà, the real one, is that many people I meet have two lives (I understood).

It grows and changes, the same events that sometimes overwhelm us make us discover hidden potential that awaken our passions and transform our lives. The question is – qual is real life? – Creed, rather they are convinced, that is the one that makes your heart beat us, that keeps us alive, and that makes us wake up in the morning with the desire to do.

Charles Ravasio is an entrepreneur building grew in the lands of an ancient rural village, once used as breeding of goats: Cavril (caprile in bergamasco). Its work has led him to invest in the abandoned village of his childhood in Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII, was determined to bring it back to life.

This recovery has given birth to a farmhouse, a house with a terrace from which I have enjoyed, sitting on a bench, the beautiful view of Bergamo. But not only, he also revived the old cellar where lie the bottles of the wines produced on the farm adjoining Sant'Egidio.  Una storia familiare di origine contadina iniziata nel dopoguerra con l’acquisto della prima vigna: ‘Ronco Evening’.

Farmhouse found! And with that view! #Cavril #Agriturismo #SottoilMonte #Bergamo

Ronco Evening

Tre ettari di vigneti e uno di oliveto da cui produce olio extra vergine di oliva da cultivarOil mill, Casaliva, Leccino and Pendolino, and the wine that bears on the boards of its biological agriristoro. Ronco Evening, product with a cut of wine Merlot variable between the 60-70% and Cabernet Sauvignon for the remaining part, Tessére obtained from Merlot, Turano da uve Cabernet Sauvignon, and finally Marinele, da uve Yellow Muscat.

During dinner, where I met, Charles I expressed the desire to know how worthy of his land and its production using raw materials of small and medium farms in the area of ​​proven quality.

From an idea often arise projects, that if shared, together and allow you to do well. Questa determinazione ha fatto nascere l’associazione delle ‘Setting Terre’, a group of growers united by a desire to enhance and promote the production of wine from Bergamo, many not yet considered as such.

Commitment, passion, quality, value, growth, and study programs: these seven key points that unite producers who want to associate. Seven, symbol of perfection linked to the fulfillment of the lunar cycle, for the Egyptians a symbol of life.

The night I met him, I had the pleasure of tasting a dish typical of the peasant: the Bread soup with vegetables with poached egg (poached egg). A dish by some considered poor, for me a rich dish, tramandandolo from generation to generation because it allows us to keep alive the historical memory of our bell'Italia.

A tree without roots has not lifeblood, exactly how a country that does not keep her memory alive…




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