A history of agriculture in Brianza: Cascina Bressanella

Acclimatize yourself in the place where you live following your passions, my first rule, ffundamental to know and appreciate what surrounds us.

Da few months, again, I have turned the page and place of residence. I live in Brianza, green land full of good energy, that of nature. From my windows, wherever I look, I see trees. Essential, vitale, regenerating. Dyes weeks of vicissitudes and hitches burocratici tied upi to the my moving house, but especially to the difficult period that everyone we are living, Finally I startedd explore the area around me. This is how I spent the summer, documenting myself on the surrounding realities – historical, artistic and productive – and agoing up and down the Brianza valleys. I assure you, really amazing! Know that close a Monza and a Milan, metropolitan cities, there is this green lung is reassuring and heartening.

In addition to documenting, having the need to make good purchases, during my wanderings I met Cascina Bressanella. Ua history of agriculture born thirty-five years ago in the beautiful Brianza thanks to the passion of a woman, founder and current partner, that, after earning a laurea in scientand delland productioni animali, he started a'activities a few kilometers from the current headquarters of the farm. A farm of poultry - ducks, Pharaoh, capponi, chickens andcc. – that cor the passage of timehave led to expand. L’acquisto di a plot of four hectares of land and the desire to move to a rabbit farm, closer to his university specialization and to the studies done on this animal, gave rise to the Cascina Bressanella. In the following years, agricultural activity andbbe a new twist: the transition to cultivation of fruit and vegetables, but especially, the intuition of the importance of home delivery.

Create a true loyalty relationship con ithe customer, understand his tastes, propose seasonal products, they took her to to reach about three hundred deliveries a week in the neighboring municipalities of Monza. Attention to the consumer which rewarded it with the constitution in 2015 di will see agricultural company established together withthe daughter and son-in-law. It is with him, socio more actively engaged in the company, that I confronted myself chiacchierando long. Graduated in pedagogical consulting, accomplished i 33 age, has completely left his business pandr learn one of themltra, in nature and for nature. A reference to agriculture also due toand its peasant origins. In fact, I believe that every work experience contributes knowledge and capacity. I'm then there’Coaching, listening to those who have matured skillsand, studies and research, a shaperci andd noticearci towards new working lives. A commitment that allowed the company to be recognized as IAP (unpredictori agriculturali professionali).

About three hectares of horticultural cultivation and one and a half hectares dedicated towith fruit, including table grapes, small fruits, plums, the fig of Brianza, pere e mele, with the minimal use of phytosanitary products and with plant-based products that does not contrastino useful insects for the vegetative cycle of crops, respecting biodiversity. The plants are of the new generation with high density, with plants placed in 80/100 cm from each other. The origin and tracking of the seeds guaranteed by the passport. Dto the 2015 An online platform was also born through which you can proceed directly with orders di fruit e vegetables. Today the activity dthe company is supported by two employees establish and fromcollaboration seasonal with on-call contracts, who often fall into the circle of boys that were formed during the school internship at ENAIP, the professional training body in the agricultural sector of Monticello Brianza: www.enaiplombardia.eu . Also, with the work desk managed by the municipality of Casatenovo, the society one firstand of tirocini annual which provide for recovery paths.

Amy question about any difficulty in recruiting staff, much complained by farmers, I was pleased listen to the double significance of the problem. in fact, speople land difficulty nascit in the inability of the same agricultural entrepreneurs in not seeing young people in training courses, without necessarily expecting operators facti it's overi. To build well, also in the agricultural training, serve time and patience.

Cascina Bressanella, a farmer company attentive to the balance in terms of sustainability, whose growth is supported by an agronomist consultant – who by his training is close to biological methodologies - and by a food technician, by phase of transformation. A story of agriculture that respects tradition while contemplating innovation, as close to nature as possible and available to the territory.

Cascina Bressanella www.cascinabressanella.it
Via della Cascina Selva 11
Besana in Brianza (MB)

Brianza, bella ma non sempre facile. Due chiacchiere con gli amici della ratta.

Bella ma non sempre facile. One, parlo della Brianza, terra verde alle porte di Milano conosciuta per la bellezza dei suoi territori e per la sua gente operosa. Un’area produttiva che nell’immediato evoca imprenditori di successo. Terra di tradizioni ma anche di chiusure. Io stessa avvicinandomi a realtà produttive, I found mistrust rarely encountered in other parts of Italy,,it,He gave a new twist to his life by transforming the house in which he lives on a farm,,it,for paths of knowledge in the green heart of Brianza just a short distance from Milan,,it,non-profit cultural association that promotes the creative and artistic impulses of the people,,it,I must say that after fifteen years people begin to trust,,it. Eppure, come dice Maurizio Alberti, un pubblicitario di Milano che si è trasferito in Brianza, wanting After You,,it,Together with partner and chef Cinzia Degani,,it,He gave a new twist to his life turning his house into a farm,,it,a farm and a free association of ideas,,it,A house with,,es,home cooking,,it,with a set menu which varies according to seasonal produce own and / or local farms associated with the Consorzio Agrituristico Agricultural and Lecco Highlands,,it,La Valletta Brianza in the province of Lecco,,it,the house in which they live and work Cinzia and Maurizio,,it.

Together with his wife and chef Cinzia Degani,,it,developing energy and emotions,,it,An experience that I personally experienced walking barefoot on the grass,,it,As I told you the night we met,,it,What are the main difficulties you encountered or still encounter,,it,Now the challenges are represented mainly by the economic crisis,,it,Follow the work in the vineyard you and you grapes for the production of your wine,,it,before the earth,,it,We learned the rules imposed by the bureaucracy and the right ways to relate with institutions,,it,but he never lost heart and he always solved all situations,,it,Stories of People Cynthia TosiniBrianza,,it, ha dato una nuova svolta alla sua vita trasformando la casa in cui vive in un’azienda agricola, un agriturismo e una libera associazione di idee. Una casa con “cucina di casa”, con un menù fisso che varia in base ai prodotti di stagione propri e/o di aziende agricole locali, associate al Consorzio Agricolo e Agrituristico Lecchese Terrealte.

Amici della Ratta

“Amici della Ratta” a La Valletta Brianza in provincia di Lecco, la casa in cui vivono e lavorano Cinzia e Maurizio. It located in the Park Montevecchia and Curone Valley,,it,It is headquartered in the ancient road of the installment,,it,from the dialect,,it,flat,,id,which means steep, wooded hill,,it,A great place to start,,it,or arrival,,it,for paths of knowledge in the green heart of Brianza,,it,cultural association non-profit aimed at giving vent to creative and artistic impulses,,it,Home to exhibitions,,it,theme meetings and development of ideas in the open,,it, ha sede nell’antica strada della ‘rata’, voce dialettale che significa colle erto e boscoso.

Un ottimo punto di partenza, o di arrivo, per percorsi di conoscenza nel cuore verde della Brianza a poca distanza da Milano. Un’associazione culturale senza fine di lucro che promuove gli impulsi creativi e artistici delle persone. Sede di mostre, incontri a tema e di sviluppo d’idee all’aria aperta, It allows you to live an educational experience and a moment of well-being among outstanding natural beauty,,it,being together,,it,developing energy and emotions. An experience that I personally experienced walking barefoot on the grass,,it,as I like to do when they are in close contact with nature,,it,chatting with Maurizio and tasting housewives preparations of Cinzia,,it,As I wrote above,,it,Brianza beautiful but wary,,it,You are in Milan and your companion in Legnano,,it,as many have told me,,it, stando insieme, developing energy and emotions. An experience that I personally experienced walking barefoot on the grass, come amo fare quando sono a contatto stretto con la natura, chiacchierando con Maurizio e assaggiando le preparazioni casalinghe di Cinzia.

Amici della Ratta

  • Come ho scritto poc’anzi… Brianza bella ma diffidente. Tu sei di Milano e tua moglie di Legnano. Eppure, come molti mi hanno detto, start a new life in Brianza and gain the trust of its people is not always easy,,it,What is your experience,,it, Maurizio,,en,They're part of the council of the Agricultural Consortium and Agrituristico Lecco Highlands,,it,How many members are and what your initiatives,,it,As you told me the night we met,,it,the idea of ​​living in Brianza,,it,every few years,,it,He developed the farm project,,it. Qual è la tua esperienza?

Devo dire che dopo quindici anni le persone cominciano ad avere fiducia because they can see with their own eyes that our was not only a business choice,,it,but a lifestyle choice,,it,We have shown to love this territory,,it,initiatives of solidarity with the farmers of Norcia who were hosted in our markets and organized a dinner with us,,it,whose proceeds were donated to their,,it,It has resulted in the construction of a farm,,it,We learned the rules imposed by the bureaucracy and the right ways to relate with institutions,,it, ma soprattutto una scelta di vita. Abbiamo dimostrato di amare questo territorio, rispettandolo.

I soci, farms in the province of Lecco,,it,There are about thirty of which eighteen are also farms,,it,catering and accommodation, or,,it,only restaurant,,it,The initiatives of the Consortium are various,,it,Organization of Agricultural Markets of Osnago and Ballabio,,it,until last year also Valmadrera,,it,Wine tasting evenings,,it,cheeses and meats from farms and,,it,like last week,,it, sono una trentina di cui circa diciotto sono anche agriturismi (ristorazione e pernottamento o, come noi, solo ristorazione). Le iniziative del Consorzio sono varie: organizzazione dei mercati agricoli di Osnago e di Ballabio (fino all’anno scorso anche di Valmadrera), serate di degustazione di vino, formaggi e salumi presso gli agriturismi e, come la settimana scorsa, iniziative di solidarietà con i produttori agricoli di Norcia che sono stati ospitati nei nostri mercati e hanno organizzato una cena da noi, il cui ricavato è stato devoluto a loro.

  • Come mi hai raccontato la sera che ci siamo incontrati, in 2000 è nata l’idea di vivere in Brianza, then, a distanza di qualche anno, si è concretizzata con la realizzazione di un agriturismo. Quali sono le maggiori difficoltà che avete incontrato o che incontrate tutt’ora?

Le maggiori difficoltà sono state ottenere i permessi dalla Provincia, le regole cambiavano di anno in anno, e i rapporti con il Parco Regionale di Montevecchia che, especially at the beginning, vedeva la nostra attività come invasiva di un’area naturale e non propositiva per la formazione di un turismo sempre più consapevole. Ora le difficoltà sono rappresentate soprattutto dalla crisi economica, ma credo sia così un po’ in tutti i settori.

  • Da pubblicitario ad agricoltore. Segui i lavori in vigna e conferisci l’uva per la produzione del tuo vino, il Ratin Russ. Com’è avvenuta questa trasformazione e chi ti ha insegnato a lavorare la terra?

La trasformazione non è ancora avvenuta del tutto. Soprattutto siamo diventati imprenditori agricoli e,  prima della terra, abbiamo imparato le regole imposte dalla burocrazia e i giusti modi per rapportarci con le istituzioni. Poi collaboriamo con chi ne sa più di noi: l’azienda La Costa, che fa parte del nostro Consorzio, oltre a darci una mano nel vigneto, ci vinifica l’uva (loro, come ben sai, have the cellar and,,it,a good winemaker,,it,For the garden was relatively easy although our flounces are clay and 'stone-throwing,,it,and hard to work,,it,with time we learned what are the crops that are best suited both to climate and the ground,,it,your wife,,it,the passion for cooking Cinzia that prompted us to face this choice,,it,Cynthia has lived for many years in Africa,,it,from South Africa to Tanzania,,it, above all, un bravo enologo). Per l’orto è stato relativamente più semplice, anche se le nostre balze sono argillose e ‘sassaiole’ e dure da lavorare, con il tempo abbiamo imparato quali sono le colture che meglio si adattano sia al clima sia al terreno.

  • Cynthia, tua moglie, care and follows the kitchen,,it,You and Cinzia have defined your farm also a free association of ideas,,it,I take the floor to end with a board open to those lucky enough to live near this green land,,it,Brianza,,it,a few kilometers from Milan,,it. Anche lei proviene da un’altra esperienza lavorativa. Una seconda vita nata dalla passione o da un’esigenza?

It’ la passione per la cucina di Cinzia che ci ha spinto ad affrontare questa scelta. Cinzia ha vissuto per molto tempo in Africa (dal Sud Africa alla Tanzania) for many years and has found itself having to cook in various situations where you do not always reperiva the raw material or the quality was not,,it,but he never lost heart and he always solved all situations. IS,,it,coming so also in contact with different cultures and traditions that have influenced her cooking,,it,So in our farm we offer traditional dishes but always with a touch of creativity in more,,it,Leave space for cultural events such as book presentations,,it, but he never lost heart and he always solved all situations. IS’ venuta così anche in contatto con culture e tradizioni diverse che hanno molto influenzato il suo modo di cucinare. Così nel nostro agriturismo proponiamo piatti della tradizione ma sempre con un pizzico di creatività in più.

  • Non solo agriturismo ma anche una libera associazione di idee. Come concretizzate questo progetto?

Lasciamo spazio ad iniziative culturali come la presentazione di libri, poetry readings,,it,We organize exhibitions of paintings,,it,photography and sculpture as well as,,it,naturally,,it,tastings of local products,,it,The proposals come from our customers and we assecondiamo them willingly freely,,it,So much to give as well as food for the body,,it,a good dose of food for thought,,it,which of these it does much good times,,it, Organizziamo mostre di pittura, fotografia e scultura oltre a, naturalmente, degustazioni di prodotti locali. Le proposte arrivano dai nostri clienti e noi li assecondiamo volentieri in tutta libertà. Tanto da dare così oltre al cibo per il corpo, una buona dose di cibo per la mente, che di questi tempi fa molto bene.

Riprendo la parola per concludere con un consiglio rivolto a chi ha la fortuna di vivere vicino a questa terra verde, la Brianza: impariamo a rivolgere uno sguardo più attento a ciò che ci circonda, potremmo scoprire bellissime realtà che spesso cerchiamo lontano da noi.

Buona estate, anche in Lombardia!

Montevecchia Park

Amici della Ratta – www. amicidellaratta.it

Via Curone, 7 – La Valletta Brianza LC – Such 039 5312150

Appuntamento per un agri picnic in Brianza. Chi viene?

L’importanza di sostenere le aziende agricole a garanzia della nostra salute e della nostra economia.

Il picnic, il tradizionale spuntino conviviale all’aperto, allegro e a contatto con la natura, che piace tanto agli italiani. Se poi si ha la possibilità di farlo in un’azienda agricola, dopo una visita e l’acquisto di qualche buona produzione, si unisce l’utile al dilettevole, trasformando uno spuntino all’aria aperta, in un agri picnic. Tutto ciò è possibile in una delle tante fattorie della Brianza, but not only…

A few days ago, spinta dalla voglia di conoscere buone produzioni vicine al luogo in cui vivo, sono andata a visitare l’azienda agricola Capoferri. In verità, sono stata attratta anche dalla sua bella posizione collinare, that, grazie agli ampi spazi verdi, permette, a short distance from Milan, di evadere dal caos e dalla frenesia cittadina.

L 'azienda agricola dei Fratelli Capoferri, born in 1956, è situata in un luogo di particolare interesse storico per la presenza della Cascina Galeazzo, un roccolo di caccia risalente al 1400 di proprietà dei Conti Porro. The main business is dairy,,it,a herd which until the 90 included about one hundred and twenty Friesian cows,,it,A number gradually decreased,,it,Stories of People Cynthia TosiniAppuntamento for agri picnic in Brianza,,it, con la produzione di diverse varietà di formaggio fresco e stagionato.

Il loro, un allevamento che fino agli anni ’90 comprendeva circa centoventi vacche di razza Frisona. Un numero che man mano si è ridotto, per la ben nota questione ‘quote latte’. Attualmente, la fattoria accoglie una settantina di capre e polli giganti di razza Brahma, una varietà di origine asiatica.

Emanuele e Virginio, due fratelli di origine bergamasca, conducono insieme dall’allevamento alla trasformazione, l’attività e la vendita diretta dei loro prodotti: eggs, honey, yogurt, e formaggi freschi e stagionati di capra e di latte vaccino. I formaggi, produzioni casearie ottenute attraverso la coagulazione del latte, rappresentano dei veri e propri secondi piatti, e non come spesso accade dei contorni integrativi. L’Italia vanta ben 48 varietà a denominazione di origine protetta (PDO), tutelate dall’Unione Europea.

Tornando alla mia visita, devo ammettere che appena arrivata ho avvertito un clima di sospetto, li per li a mio parere ingiustificato. Basta poco per capire. It’ sufficiente ascoltare le difficoltà e gli intoppi causati dagli ingranaggi rugginosi della burocrazia, per comprendere il perché di tale diffidenza. L’accanimento dei controlli e delle verifiche nello svolgimento delle loro attività, porta spesso gli agricoltori a chiudersi, e a toglier loro la voglia di combattere in un mondo Colombi cappuccinosin cui, gli interessi delle tante, forse troppe associazioni agricole, non sono sempre chiari.

Chi sostiene un comparto così importante come l’agricoltura, ha il compito e il dovere di agevolare e tutelare chi, con sacrifici, preparazione, investimenti, rischi e lavoro senza orari, preserva l’ambiente, la tradizione e il made in Italy. Il turismo rurale ed enogastronomico rappresenta, oltre che il futuro della nostra economia, una naturale evoluzione di tutto ciò.

Parole che non mi stancherò di ripetere, e che sono costretta a riscrivere ogni qual volta io visiti un’azienda in cui sento lamentare tali disagi. Se ci guardiamo attorno, ognuno di noi può qualcosa in tal senso. Sostenere un’azienda agricola con l’acquisto dei loro prodotti, è molto più conveniente di quanto si creda. Scelte a garanzia della nostra salute, della nostra economia e del nostro piacere a tavola.

A conclusione della mia visita, Emanuele Capoferri orgogliosamente, mi ha accompagnato ad ammirare il suo allevamento di colombi cappuccini, una particolare razza di grande eleganza originaria dell’India. Se passate da quelle parti, vi consiglio una visita, e se mi avvisate, ci daremo un appuntamento per un agri picnic!

Azienda Agricola F.lli Capoferri Cascina Galeazzo
Via per Mariano, 1 – Lentate su Seveso (MB)
Such. 0362 561406
Info: f.llicapoferri@yahoo.it

I Mirtilli, piccoli frutti con grandi proprietà benefiche

Agricoltura sociale

I mirtilli, quei piccoli frutti che tutti conosciamo e che spesso troviamo nei boschi. Forse è per questo che da sempre mi attirano e che mi hanno portato a visitare la società agricola Unicorno, che da qualche anno li coltiva.

Ho conosciuto Azzurra, the holder, durante una manifestazione in cui presentava il suo succo concentrato, or better, il suo nettare di mirtilli composto da ben 75 % di questi piccoli frutti di prima scelta non trattati. Nascono sulla collina di Villa Sommi Picenardi, una dimora storica nel cuore della Brianza, immersa in uno dei cento parchi più belli d’Italia.

Always eats, presi i giusti contatti, mi sono accordata per una visita che mi ha permesso con la giusta tranquillità e con i miei tempi, di vedere le piante e di conoscere meglio il loro luogo d’origine. A guidarmi Azzurra Livraghi Sommi Picenardi, l’ideatrice di questo progetto che, dopo essersi occupata di un allevamento di cavalli, è diventata un’imprenditrice agricola.

Il suo desiderio di far nascere dalla collina, un tempo dedicata alla viticoltura, una coltivazione diversa, ma che soprattutto la vincolasse solo per un periodo dell’anno, l’ha portata a scegliere questo tipo di produzione, sia pur limitata ma di qualità: poco meno di 3.000 bottiglie di Nettare della Vita of 250 grams.

Per la lavorazione e il confezionamento della frutta si è poi affidata alla Cooperativa Oasi Onlus di Guanzate, un esempio di Agricoltura Sociale per dare opportunità lavorative a persone svantaggiate, con particolare attenzione alle persone disabili. Citando le loro parole – thegni uomo può portare molti frutti – semplicemente operando nell’ambito agricolo ed ambientale.

I mirtilli sono piccoli frutti, ma con grandi proprietà benefiche per la nostra salute.

  • Contengono sali minerali e una discreta quantità di vitamina A e C.
  • Hanno proprietà antibatteriche naturali.
  • Favoriscono la salute degli occhi.
  • Rallentano l’invecchiamento cellulare.
  • Rafforzano i vasi sanguigni, quindi sono consigliati nei disturbi circolatori e in caso di fragilità capillare.
  • Sono antiossidanti.

Blueberry Plant

Unicorno Società Agricola Semplice
Azzurra Livraghi Sommi Picenardi
Via Sommi Picenardi, 8
Olgiate Molgora (LC)

An example of youth entrepreneurship. John, Andrea, Matthew and Paul: the Masters Apothecaries.

The Saffron in Brianza.

“Agriculture as' nature naturata’ ie the nature that becomes the object, takes shape, thanks to the action of nature itself, the man.” Ivan Lalli

John, Andrea, Matthew and Paul, class between 1986 and the 1991, respectively of Parma, Messina, Milan and Rome. Four young people who met during their university studies, Now Masters Apothecaries. What to do? From 2011 produce saffron and derivatives in Usmate Velate, in the countryside Brianza. A spice known since antiquity for the therapeutic properties antioxidants, antiviral and antibacterial.

I went to find them a bit’ time ago, 'On the field', to know them by talking to them face to face, I like it. I love to confront young people who invest their energies in agriculture. Are formed by the universities but they need support from the institutions and who does communication. Much is being done but much still serves. For this, through their words, Now I will cause them to know.

Masters Apothecaries

  • Everything is born from your encounter at university, but also from the experience of Ivan during a trip to Kashmir in India. Ivan's up to you. Tell me about it '?

First I must stress the importance of the time at university. I had the good fortune to meet a company of guys really passionate about the world of agriculture and agribusiness that involved us with an association, www.associazionecerere.it, born on purpose to live out this passion. This allowed us to learn to know the different realities, experiences and men who lived with their work some magic. Hence our desire to be able to do a similar experience and boldness in the launch into the challenge of spices and saffron.

The trip to India was a confirmation of everything. In part because it made me discover how lucky we are in Italy as we are educated to watch something as simple as food and work, and clothing them in a great value; partly because by moving to own in Kashmir I could see how the man in front of the beauty is more man: areas where they grow saffron were in fact more “civilians”, even in the drama of the domain of Islamic fundamentalism (one night they killed the bartender from which the night before had consumed alcohol).

  • Can you tell me more about how you started, but especially, what were the main difficulties you have encountered?

We started at the wedding of Andrea, when around a table I Matteo and Paul we left giving appointment to the following week for the first of a long series of weekly meetings. The difficulties were especially early. Thein search of a land rent seemed transformed into an odyssey: we knocked on dozens of farms and companies finding only closed doors.

Another difficult time was the establishment of the company: define a statute regolamentasse relations between four people and those with the state was not easy. Fortunately, we have presented a good accountant who aspires to holiness that is helping us so much. The last episode that story is the choice of packaging and their graphics. Being in 4 could be a difficulty: 4 different tastes, 4 heads who would like to put something of their own in the creature… We got to see everything as a resource and to make a great product.


  • Listening to you I appreciated the agricultural production methods that you adopt environmentally. In particular interested me control techniques fertilizer. I leave you to continue…

We would like to take a responsible approach and rational agriculture. So we go beyond fashions in cultivating the land. For example in the fertilization of the field for now we are using manure that is less invasive if we, in parallel we are doing tests to try to better define the elements that consumes Saffron for somministrarglieli in granular form that is more precise. In fact, the manure has big limitations: is very uneven in content and may or impoverish the soil or ruin it by releasing excess elements.

  • From where your bulbs, and occurred as the choice?

Our bulbs are a little’ Italy a bit’ from abroad. We have and we are looking for quality. You can not generalize. Each producer works in its own way. We tried an Italian manufacturer but disappointed, with the foreign one we had better.


  • The Saffron in Brianza, say a crop which is not just linked to the territory. Courageous choice or conscious?

Primarily a choice of the heart: the Brianza hides corners that do just fall in love. From here, with courage and awareness of the risks and hardships, we launched into a new world.

  • John, back to us. Are you a graduate in biology technology. I shall quote the words of the Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677): "Nature can not be considered a static thing: inside it is expressed activity. (…) The action of nature that can not be conducted on itself, but causes a split between subject (Nature naturans) and object (Nature naturata). Within this dynamic process of Nature clearly shows the problem of the relationship between freedom and necessity. "I ask you to approfondirmi an issue that we started to discuss during my visit, I refer to GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms). A term now demonized by the media. How things really are for you?

I regard agriculture as “nature naturata” ie the nature that becomes the object, takes shape, thanks to the action of nature itself, the man. I can not embrace fads, to see the man as the bad guy. I see that nature has laws that are not understandable to man in toto. Throughout history man has tried to tame.

In an ongoing relationship that never stops growing, demonize research, block the exchange between man and nature does not lead to anything good. Man is not made to be an ostrich. Must always try to cross the columns.

Masters Apothecaries
Manufacturers of Saffron and derivatives

Valeria Terranea, a young woman torn between the passion for agriculture and a call center

You know the sheep brianzola?

Valeria Terranea, a young woman committed to the family farm in Seveso, in the province of Monza and Brianza. Diploma in Agricultural, is passionately dedicated to agriculture and to 'breeding. Despite the commitment and the desire to do, the means at its disposal are not yet sufficient to devote himself completely to his animal that looks after getting up every morning at dawn. His day indeed, is punctuated by the trilling of a call center that allows it to support themselves financially.

There are many young people who follow the family traditions are switching to agriculture. A choice that I understand and agree, and pushing despite the difficulties, to move forward towards a future increasingly agricultural and environmentally sustainable.

The farm raises horses Terraneo, poultry and sheep Brianza, a breed endangered. By choice no head is slaughtered. The main activity that allows them the partial recovery of costs, consists of the cultivation of grain and hay in the wasteland surrounding municipalities.

Valeria Terranea

During my visit, after I dedicated with greetings and petting the animals on, I spoke at length with Valeria on the importance of the beneficial effects that this has on the natural contact persons. For this reason, and much more, the agricultural culture should be promoted and supported in all its forms.

Pass the word to her ...

  • Valeria, with your family, you lead this agricultural reality that your grandparents have initiated many years ago. Tell me a bit 'of your story?

Everything starts from the beginning of '900, when Baruccana, small fraction of Seveso, was an agricultural country where all households owned a barn and a farmhouse with plots of land attached. The animals that were bred was mostly for work; oxen and horses to farm fields. In those days the tractors were still an unknown. Over the years that passion has been handed down from generation to generation through the ages, obviously with different purposes from those of then. To date we breed with love these extraordinary animals. Unfortunately this geographical area in which we live is not the best for crops, especially for the lack of agricultural land. Add that the passion is not only directed to the animals, but also to agricultural vehicles historians who preserved with care and that we use for exhibitions, events and fairs livestock.

  • Among the animals that breed there sheep brianzola, a breed endangered species to be protected. I describes the characteristics?

It is a race that in recent years, thanks to the efforts of many breeders, you are repopulating. Its features are brianzola Sheep robustness, and then the resulting adaptability to any type of soil or climate condition. Moreover rusticity, that is, the resistance to diseases, means that the food needs and life are not particularly difficult. The size is medium-large, In fact, adult males reach up 90-100 kg, unlike females, reaching the maximum weight of 80 kg.

They are very prolific and precocious subjects that are bred for the production of meat and wool (there is a chain of the wool that is used to produce garments of the pastoral tradition of Lombardy). The main area of ​​breeding are the provinces of Lecco, Como and Monza.

  • As I wrote earlier, it is known that the contact with the animals welfare generates bringing people to the natural rhythms. Create a suitable environment in which to live for a few hours this contact, could be a valuable aid in cases of depression and mental illness. Do you think you can achieve a similar program by you ?

With respect to this statement I think it can be a good start to build "something" socially useful here too, seen that already exist at the national and international associations of many pet therapy.

  • Valeria, it is known how much I love the nature and the agricultural world. My childhood memories in the country have great influence on the choices of my life. For this reason I believe that a rapprochement in this important sector, through educational and cultural itineraries, is of great importance in the education of children. Your company is planning initiatives in this direction?

It is definitely in the project. For the coming years we expect it to open a petting zoo and the organization of some events dedicated to children, schoolchildren and their families.

  • Now we talk of agricultural events. In the coming months, in Seveso, will take place "Seveso blooming". A demonstration farm in organizational phase that you see between the coordinators. As you said, in addition to your collection of historic tractors, there will be important producers of the territory. What are the requirements to participate and any way to apply?

The event will be exactly the 18 and the 19 April and will take place in the prestigious'Forest of oaks’. There will be the presence of nurserymen, productions of farms, and educational farms. The requirements to participate are minimal: be producers or processors of agricultural raw materials, or be educational farms or producers of flowers and plants. The enrollment will soon be published on the official website.

For info contact Valeria Terraneo
Mail: valeria_giny@hotmail.com
Cell. 340 5263379

Farm Terraneo

Farm Terraneo

The Orchard Park, a history of fruit born from a dream Trentino

The recipe: Tortei potatoes de Val di Non

I love fruit! I often wonder why it should not be offered from catering. For example, the apple is a fruit known for its digestibility. E’ nutriente, low in calories, and is a good source of fiber. I love it so much that I adopted an apple tree! 😉

Today I will tell you a story of fruit born from a dream Trentino made in Brianza.

It all started when, not so long ago, drive along a road that I did not know, I noticed a gate in front of a cart with an indication of an orchard, or better, of Orchard Park.

From the outside you could see a long dirt road with lots of fruit trees. I could not get… It 'started as a story of knowledge and friendship with a group of Trentino who have realized their dream of land and agriculture in the beautiful Brianza.

But not only, my adventure took me to adopt a tree apple that will follow from now on during flowering and pruning, up to September, month dedicated to the collection of fruits.

One way to approach to agriculture, for learn about the work of the farmers, to follow the stages of the life of the trees under the guidance of experts during visits to explain the evolution of plants taken. Adopt a tree means treat yourself, with an annual quota of 25 euro, a true contact with nature. One piece of advice that I give to parents encourage new generations to the land and to ensure that the resent their.

The Orchard Park Pond Ceriano, in the province of Monza and Brianza, extends 80 acres within the Park Groane. A farm was born from the idea of ​​a group entrepreneurs of Trento that fate would bring in Brianza. Inside you can also find a Bottega circuit Campagna Amica, with local agriculture and typical Trentino.

The first of the originators of the project that I knew was Walter Cova, a furniture enthusiast agriculture that is divided between the land and its work. Both the commitment necessary to conduct the seal, but as I said Walter – work the land regenerates you and pays you back in time with its fruits - A thought which I fully shared.


Sunday 6 April we celebrated together day dedicated to bloom.

E 'was great to see them all together laughing and joking, simply, as it was once in the countryside. A day dedicated to nature and ecology sponsored by Pro Loco and the administration of Ceriano Pond. Respectively present the President Gianmario Longoni and the Mayor Dante Cattaneo.

During our time together we talked about agriculture, History, and traditions of Brianza and Trentino. About the latter, I got to taste 'Potatoes tortei de Val di Non 'Prepared by Stefano Conforti and Matteo D’Andrea under the supervision of Alberto Cova. Three friends and chefs to delight and passion.

Who does not know this dish of traditional thirty can read below the recipe that I got from my chefs give talkers (I did not think the Trentino speak so much ... even more than me). 😉

Tortei potatoes de Val di Non

Ingredients for 4 people:

– 1 pounds of white potatoes
– 100 gr di farina bianca
– Sale q.b.
– Peanut oil for frying


  • Peel the potatoes and grate them coarsely.
  • Combine flour and salt, then mix with a spoon of 'Uncle Paul' (a spoonful, they call it so).
  • Fry until golden brown.
  • Then spread on a paper towel, and serve with cold meats and cheeses from Trentino.

Regarding the wine, I was advised to combine a good Teroldego, and volete, for after dinner, a delicious flavored grappa all'Asperula, medicinal herb which is found in woods.

As I always say the 'People’ are the key to everything, health, and goodbye to Orchard Park!


Orchard Park – Via the Pond 56 – Ceriano Pond (MB)

www.frutteto.biz – E mail: info@frutteto.biz


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