Nostalgia nostalgia di di Budapest goulash ..., Hungarian soup

And to, every time you return from a vacation, short or long it is, It is gripped by that melancholy that travelers like myself know well. That hint of sadness that comes from nostalgia for the places and the experiences. Despite this, as I often say, the important thing is 'go' to know and to spread the time. Today is already so ..., I have recently returned from Budapest, the 'Paris of the East', from 1873 the capital of Hungary. A city known for its hot springs that the Danube – 'King of the rivers' – divided into two: 'Buda', the highest side of Trapani; ‘Pest’, the lower part and modern. An elegant European capital created by the union of three cities: Buda, Buda and Pest e – where the seat of the parliament and the largest synagogue in Europe, and the oldest underground 'Continental' (1896).

The best thing is the view of Pest to Buda ' (Hungarian proverb).

Well, in this cold February evening I decided to overcome the post-trip preparing melancholy a dish that I love: yl goulash Hungarian traditional (goulash). A soup of ancient origins made with beef and vegetables that once cooked-beinga outdoors in large pots placed directly on fire. A very apt choice, seeing, in the United States and beyond, each 4 February is celebrated with the soup 'National soup day’. Below carry-over recipe that was given to me by the chef dell'Ungarikum Bisztró, a typical restaurant in the center of Budapest where I had the pleasure of dining.

Traditional Hungarian Gulyás


  • 400 grams of beef into cubes
  • two tomatoes
  • two carrots into rounds
  • a yellow pepper, chopped
  • two chopped onions
  • 2 patate be a
  • means of celery stalk
  • a clove of minced garlic
  • a tablespoon sweet paprika
  • two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • two liters of water
  • salt and pepper


Saute the chopped onions, then add the meat over high heat rosolandola. Add salt, pepper and ground cumin seeds, stirring continuously. Add the tomato, the pepper, garlic and paprika. Deglaze with about two liters of water, and bake at moderate heat for about 90 minutes. When the meat is almost ready to add the other vegetables and cook for another ten minutes.

The traditional Hungarian Gulyás is served with small dumplings of dough called 'csipetke'. They are prepared by making a dough with an egg, one hundred grams of flour and a pinch of salt. Cook them in boiling water for several armed, drain and add to the soup.

goodbye (goodbye) Budapest!

Hungarikum Bistro – Budapest, Steindl Imre u. 13

Il Gulash ungherese

of Agostino Zampieri

Hello Cinzietta, I thought I'd send you a recipe that reminded me of my Venetian origins very close to your, since my parents are in the area of ​​Oderzo, a Treviso. Then, pensandoci bene, I decided to send you the recipe for a dish where the atmosphere reminds me of a trip I made recently in Budapest.

Budapest is a beautiful city divided in two by the Danube, ‘Buda and Pest '. A city rich in history, suggestive of bridges, the magnificent palaces, and thermal waters.

A people of great history, in the kitchen…



Ti parlerò del Gulash, and more precisely the Gulash ungherese, given that there are an infinite number of variants. Despite being an international recipe now, the final results are very different from each other. Among other ingredients, there is also the red wine that you like it, and this is an added value not just.

This dish of Budapest, full of aromas and spicy at the right point, it is a bit 'everywhere, such as paprika which is its basic ingredient. Among the memories, their photo, and the gift of this beautiful city, I also have a bottle of Tokaji Szamorodni Szraz (dry) waiting for the right opportunity to be open ...




For the vegetable broth to prepare in advance:

2 medium onions, 2 potatoes, 2 carrots, 2 celery stalks in 2 liters of water


For Goulash: 

500 gr beef chopped into chunks (best front cuts)

3 small onions

4 medium potatoes

½ cup of full-bodied red wine

200 grams of tomato pulp

1 tablespoon of sweet paprika

½ teaspoon hot paprika (at will)

4 tablespoons of olive oil

50 gr di burro

1 tablespoon of flour

Salt and pepper q.b.



Cut the onions into thin cubes and fry gently in oil and butter. Just take color add the floured meat into chunks, stirring constantly until it begins to brown. Add salt and pepper blend the wine making, then add the paprika, the tomato pulp, and any remaining flour. Continue stirring as needed by adding the hot broth. Cook over low heat for about two hours.  


Meanwhile, cook the potatoes, that, once warmed, They must be peeled and cut into small pieces. It will be added in the broth, along with the carrot, a few minutes before serving at the table.






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