Carlo Ravasio, a mason who is in Bergamo Oil and Wine

When I asked Carlo Ravasio his job, without hesitation he answered me: – Cynthia, I'm a bricklayer! – Startled, I looked a bit 'puzzled. La realtà, the real one, is that many people I meet have two lives (I understood).

It grows and changes, the same events that sometimes overwhelm us make us discover hidden potential that awaken our passions and transform our lives. The question is – qual is real life? – Creed, rather they are convinced, that is the one that makes your heart beat us, that keeps us alive, and that makes us wake up in the morning with the desire to do.

Charles Ravasio is an entrepreneur building grew in the lands of an ancient rural village, once used as breeding of goats: Cavril (caprile in bergamasco). Its work has led him to invest in the abandoned village of his childhood in Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII, was determined to bring it back to life.

This recovery has given birth to a farmhouse, a house with a terrace from which I have enjoyed, sitting on a bench, the beautiful view of Bergamo. But not only, he also revived the old cellar where lie the bottles of the wines produced on the farm adjoining Sant'Egidio.  Una storia familiare di origine contadina iniziata nel dopoguerra con l’acquisto della prima vigna: ‘Ronco Evening’.

Farmhouse found! And with that view! #Cavril #Agriturismo #SottoilMonte #Bergamo

Ronco Evening

Tre ettari di vigneti e uno di oliveto da cui produce olio extra vergine di oliva da cultivarOil mill, Casaliva, Leccino and Pendolino, and the wine that bears on the boards of its biological agriristoro. Ronco Evening, product with a cut of wine Merlot variable between the 60-70% and Cabernet Sauvignon for the remaining part, Tessére obtained from Merlot, Turano da uve Cabernet Sauvignon, and finally Marinele, da uve Yellow Muscat.

During dinner, where I met, Charles I expressed the desire to know how worthy of his land and its production using raw materials of small and medium farms in the area of ​​proven quality.

From an idea often arise projects, that if shared, together and allow you to do well. Questa determinazione ha fatto nascere l’associazione delle ‘Setting Terre’, a group of growers united by a desire to enhance and promote the production of wine from Bergamo, many not yet considered as such.

Commitment, passion, quality, value, growth, and study programs: these seven key points that unite producers who want to associate. Seven, symbol of perfection linked to the fulfillment of the lunar cycle, for the Egyptians a symbol of life.

The night I met him, I had the pleasure of tasting a dish typical of the peasant: the Bread soup with vegetables with poached egg (poached egg). A dish by some considered poor, for me a rich dish, tramandandolo from generation to generation because it allows us to keep alive the historical memory of our bell'Italia.

A tree without roots has not lifeblood, exactly how a country that does not keep her memory alive…



The sense of belonging to a land

Lorenzaga Motta di Livenza, Treviso

There is a land in Treviso that saved me twice. The first time a child, and a second a few years ago. Now I feel I belong to her, whatever and however will, I know they are part of it. As soon as I get back from her. The excitement when I arrived the same, always, as the sadness that comes over me at the start, when I have to leave.

A land full of memories ...

I relive them walking in the vineyards of 'Old Elm Farm adjacent to the family home where I spent the happiest moments of my childhood.

A vineyard of about fifteen hectares in the hamlet of Lorenzaga of Motta di Livenza that the family Berto, owners, were named in honor of an old elm tree on the estate. For more than sixty years, by founders Mary and Peter, and poi below, by his sons Sergio and Mario, Berto continues the family tradition of grape growing and wine production in an environmentally. Raboso Trevigiano, Merlot, Malbech, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Red Refosco dal peduncle, Pinot Bianco, Chardonnay, Verduzzo Trevigiano, Glera Prosecco, these are their wines.

As you read, in their productions, there is also the Prosecco, and here I stop a moment for reflection.

During my recent forays up and down the Treviso area was discussed with both producers with friends winemakers of this wine has ancient origins that, in recent years, enjoys particular success among consumers. This favorable trend should not please me. Too bad that there is a risk, now that would define certainty, the looting of its grapes to the Treviso historical suited, explanted and replaced with prosecco, Prosecco sparkling wine and still. But beware, Prosecco DOCG Prosecco and there ... !  

Complicit in this confusing situation the market affected by the lack of culture which unfortunately, who should, does not transmit properly.Let me give you just one example. Como A short time ago in a restaurant that was recommended to me, the guy at the entrance to my own room and began telling me: “Let's start with a prosecchino?"My stock answer was: “Let's start badly !"But I think the way to present a Prosecco ?!  

In this regard, take this opportunity to intervene friend Paolo Ianna that, actively participating in the event "Vino in Villa ',  he got to know more about.


Paolo Ianna

Paolo Ianna

Hello Cynthia,

At Vino in Villa we tasted a hundred Prosecco DOCG for Help ViniBuoni of Italy; do we still have to try many in the coming days.

The quality, DOCG since the advent of 2010, is always higher. With the introduction of the new opportunities of the type "Rive",  the pride of having a prestigious name for its own product oriented in a more than positive commitment to produce with more attention and care.

I might add that the manufacturers believe in their potential, much more than in the recent past. Then, Prosecco of high quality whose quality increases from year to year.

Unfortunately you are espiantando vineyards that gave the delicious red wines that, a world of wine-oriented gurus, snob, and drawing-room, has never recognized as such.

I do not dare to judge the choices of producers who seek only to obtain sources of income not related to the whims and capriccetti of some guide, issuing moral judgments without being required.

I hope I was not too controversial.


Paul was not at all controversial, has only expressed a truth that I fully agree. Our words are driven by passion and love for the land in the broadest sense of the term. An area with a well-defined area of ​​historical production, guarantor of quality and superiority.

As pointed out by himself, the introduction of the type “Bank” reserved for sparkling wines, is a pure expression of territoriality being tied to a product derived from grapes of a single municipality or fraction thereof. This term in the local dialect, indicates vineyards in steep lands.


Vercesi Castellazzo ... diVino a dip in the history dell'Oltrepò Pavese!

I am fond of history, lo so, I have said before ... Well, are also fond of historic homes, here and say,: "You've already said that too!"And I told you that I love swords? Rise, now I'm just looking, as I have said many times that too! Good, found that are repetitive when I like something (is the truth!), I only say that, knowing that in the farm Vercesi Castellazzo I found "story, an aristocratic residence 800, and even ancient swords ", chi mi fermava dall’andarci!

L 'Farm Vercesi Castellazzo is conducted by his friend Gian Maria Vercesi with his brother Mark in Montù Beccaria (PV). About 20 acres planted to Croatina, Barbera, Pinot Nero, Ughetta e Cabernet Sauvignon. Their history dates back to ancient. Gian Maria told me that his family has owned this land since 1600. However, it was the father in 1961 to give impetus to the company making wine grapes grown until then only.

Gian Maria met at a wine tasting evening I organized about a year ago in Oltrepò OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAbunting, beautiful land, I was beginning to discover. Why ask me to organize an evening in an area I did not know? Friends, during my "tour vinous", as I call them, I often mistreat, or better, I often heard some people critical of the sector towards their wines, and especially to the lack of cohesion of the producers in the promotion. In a way we can not say that things are not exactly, but maybe something is changing. As I often say, go it alone leads nowhere. Fare “system”, this is the right key to open the door leading to the actual promotion of a territory.

Organize that evening cost me no little energy, especially the mistrust that I found myself face… For weeks I went up and down from Milan to Pavia to talk with producers, to make them understand that my intent was sincere. Led by dear Mario Maffi and supported by the farm Doria Montalto who welcomed us, the evening finally took place. But we think, "Canteen dell'Oltrepò, i Doria Montalto, that promoted other local wineries ". When I told this to my project gave me many dell'illusa dreamer! They told me: "Imagine if a producer welcomes to his house the other producers in such a difficult time!" Good, I we are successful, maybe because I have a hard head of Mantua, or perhaps simply because he who takes the win! I just know that in the Land of OltrepÃ, this thing happened…

And now I can just, I go back to these hills to chat with them, with friends winemakers known as ...

  • Gian Maria, tell me what the transmitter “I think your”, in your wine ?

I try to convey the strength of the terroir while avoiding heavy-handed intervention in the cellar, sull’uva, on musts, and on the wines that derive. I try to touch them as little as possible just to keep all their assets arising from the land they live on.

  • It is not an easy time for any Italian manufacturing sector. As an expert of the area which you, can you tell me how you're living in viticulture Oltrepà Pavese? But above all, what are the major current difficulties of you growers?

The difficulties are always those of, unfortunately. Poor relationship between colleagues, but, above all, the amount of quality wine that disappears in relation to the other wine, what fake, mystified, raped to make money from a product that fills the shelves of supermarkets and talking to the market that kind of quality. From here originates the saying that the wine is mediocre dell'Oltrepò Pavese. Another problem is that "there is never time" and very, touches delegate it to others ...

  • As a producer you have tips or suggestions to give reporters and bloggers on the world of wine communication?

Just a tip: not stop at appearances (dell'Oltrepò), deepen without being influenced by fashion. Search, discover ...

  • To make it clear to anyone who reads as I have known, I telling the tasting evening I organized a year ago now. I mentioned some words such as "distrust"Or as"a system”. The desire for change is strong in many. Proof of this is the free association of producers "inotre" of which you are a member and promoter. I want to talk?

Also was born in 2002, starting with the idea of ​​participating at Vinitaly with a large group that is resting not on the usual collective institutional.

We are about ten manufacturers with a dual purpose: "First, participate in trade shows and events to raise awareness of a large number of quality labels, and economies of scale. Second, to degustarci, taste and other.

We've had ups and downs often related to the time available. Now, however, we're sharing with events and tastings. We have one in the works of a great past year interpreted by us ten, and another a bit 'more complicated, which is still in embryo.

In Pavia our wines are sold exclusively in the Village, in a wine bar called also, and in the bar area VEGA Stradella. We also provide wine dell'Oltrepò, Also a gourmet shop showcase of small productions of the territory, il GOODURIA, in the central Piazza Duomo di Voghera. To be clear, Also 80%, rest d'Italia 20%.

We believe in spreading our brand within the province, and this is something much more feasible when working as a team ...


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