Crotone, "The Barn Calabria"

In head the Norman Castle of Santa Severina in Crotone

Crotone, one of the most important sites of Ancient Greece named for the typical cultivation of wheat which is the product bread Cutro, Product De.Co.

I've known these lands under a sky "murfuruso" that in Calabrian dialect means covered; it was only for a short, because the sun has shone splendid in the sky for most of the time I spent there. This dialect term has been used by the writer and consultant art critic, Anna Russano Cotrone, a passionate woman who, in the time spent together, I narrated the history and traditions of this country, because to speak of the territories that you visit, you must live them with his people.

Author of the book "High Crotenese Calabria - Monuments, objects of art, history, people "published by Gangemi publisher, mi ha fatto l’onore di accompagnarmi e farmi da specialissima guida durante un pomeriggio nei giorni di visita in Calabria.

With Anna Russo Cutrone, autrice of "High Crotenese Calabria

With Anna Russo Cutrone, autrice of "High Crotenese Calabria


The first leg of my tour in land Crotonese was the visit to the Norman Castle of Santa Severina in the valley of Neto. A medieval village, thanks to its high altitude allows you to enjoy great views. A military structure from the Byzantine origins surrounded by crenellated walls, oggi sede di un museo contenente reperti archeologici.

Santa Severina - Crotone

Santa Severina – Crotone

Norman Castle of Santa Severina - external

Norman Castle of Santa Severina – external

My visit continued to Castle Caccuri, while a vast feudal territory. We reached there after driving features narrow streets of the old villages. Once arrived at the destination I got to the last step to fully enjoy the view from the tower.

Castle Caccuri - Crotone

Castle Caccuri – Crotone

A lunar landscape made that the polished stone over the centuries by wind, that has turned its walls, creating caves wind.

Cave of Sileni - Serra Grande

Cave of Sileni – Serra Grande

It was lunch time. Navigator pointing to the Cave of Sileni, in the Serra Grande. The Sileni were ancient deities goderecce who enjoyed chasing nymphs in caves. A place of peace and silence, a place to meditate and relax. In one of these we had lunch with typical local; a singular cave in the details, as for the spaces created in the walls to keep cool wine bottles.

Cave of Sileni, in the Serra Grande

Cave of Sileni, in the Serra Grande

Inside the Cave of the Sileni - Serra Grande

Inside the Cave of the Sileni – Serra Grande

Coming down from the Serra Grande in a tavern Cuccari I met a friendly group of players broom. I remember when my grandfather Giuseppe passed so the afternoons. I still jealously his Neapolitan playing cards which at the time had given me.

Moments of life in Santa Severina

Moments of life in Santa Severina


The first stage of the second day of my tour in the hinterland of Crotone was in Park and Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna. Here stood the ancient temple of Hera Persephone, one of the greatest of. What you see below is the last of 48 columns which originally composed it. I walked a long time in this natural reserve, enjoying the beautiful sea views.

Reserve Park and Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna

Reserve Park and Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna

Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna - remains

Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna – remains

Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna

Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna

Afterwards we got in the direction of Le Castella, the famous seaside resort which was filmed in 1965 the film "The armata Brancaleone“. The real beauty of the place, however,, is its origin Aragonese Castle recently renovated. E 'connected to the mainland by a narrow strip of land, ed attualmente è sede di eventi e rappresentazioni teatrali.

Le Castella

Le Castella, known seaside resort

Le Castella - Rock

Le Castella – Rock

In these few days I began to know Calabria, land of great history, land to be discovered and re-evaluate. A special thanks to my dear Martin, my guide Gal Kroton, and Piero Romano of Fattoria San Sebastian.

My first time in Calabria for Food Bloggers Day 2013

Well you, questa è stata la mia prima volta in terra di Calabria. Posso solo dirvi che ho scoperto una terra che ha bisogno di essere raccontata e rivalutata, a land of many typical, a land rich in art and history, a land to defend ...

It 'was my first time, but make no mistake, will certainly not be the last. The emotions that I experienced have made that ‘u cori mi faci cavagli… (a way of saying that the Calabrian translated means my heart like so many prancing horses at full gallop).

From time Piero Romano, producer of olive oil in Stroud in the province of Crotone, I urged me to go find. Distances alas often do not help, but when the relations of friendship and esteem persist, statene certi, that sooner or later the opportunity presents itself. And so it was ...

In fact, when he learned that I was in Taranto for a holiday, the first thing he told me was: “Cynthia, you would not come to the Blogger's Day 11 August organized by me and Gal Kroton!”

This time I had my back to the wall, my only answer was a YES!

I wanted to stop myself a few more days in Calabria, because to speak and write of the territories that you visit you must live them with her people ... Today I will begin to tell you about my first day.

Food Blogger Day 2013

It 'was an intense day, full of flavor, knowledge, breathtaking views and handshakes. A day dedicated to the area and production in the Crotone. A tour organized by Gal Kroton, local action group, and Piero Romano's Farm S. Sebastian of Stroud.

We started the day with breakfast at Fattoria San Sebastian. So many good things to taste: good cakes Maria La Cava, le marmellate, the fresh fruit produced locally, and much more.

I love breakfast, are my favorite meal! In particular, I was kidnapped by "pitta n’chiusa”, a typical dessert from Calabria named for the circle of dough containing the filling, ben chiuso. Pita, from the greek crushed, un dolce a base di uva passa, almonds and honey… a real treat!

It was the turn of John Lucanto, dell’Beekeeping Diego Lucanto di Mesoraca. Passo per passo ci ha spiegato la lavorazione del miele. Fascinated by the sight of this timeless product of many virtues, we have carefully listened to, and then… we tasted!
This small family-owned company, in addition to producing, maintain and distribute their products, organizes tasting sessions and paths of knowledge of the processing of honey.

After breakfast,, a visit to Museo Contadino Farm located in San Sebastian, allowed us to go back in time to relive the methods of olive oil production of yesteryear.

The next stop was a visit to the mill stone of Casabona, the “Barn of the Bourbons”.  Here comes the hard wheat flour Senatore Cappelli, that, macinata a pietra, preserves the nutritional and natural.

A short distance away a herd of the characteristic “black pig of Calabria”, a Razza typical Calabrese.

When it was time for lunch we headed to the Aragonese Tower of Melissa, Stopped del Gal Croton. We waited many samples typical of the area including the caciocavallo, the black pig bacon, the brawn, la ‘nduja, pilchard, Pecorino Stroud, inter alia, recognized for the high quality of numerous awards, and much more…

During lunch we were escorted to a good red wine from Cantina Val di Neto IGT, and the craft beer brewery Blandino, both local productions.

I owe a special thanks to his friend Piero Romano, a special person who welcomed me like few have been able to do with the dear Martin, Maybe di Croton. In his Fattoria San Sebastian Stroud, produces organic extra virgin olive oil obtained from the higher plants trees, and in part by olive younger. The cultivars are: Round of Stroud, Carolea, Nocellara Belize, Nocellara Etnea, Biancolilla, Leccino, Frantoio and Coratina.
In the photo below, I wear my apron personalized with first name and last name Piero gave to each of us. And individual e… click! 🙂

In Torre Melissa, in a historical fort dating back to the sixteenth century, surrounded by breathtaking views under a blazing sun, we spent the afternoon deepening the knowledge of what was seen directly with producers. It 'was a moment of real aggregate, friendship, exchanges of views and contacts. But not only, We also admired the beautiful collection of sculptures of shells collected in the course of forty years of life by Antonio Rosati.

In addition to the many pictures of the ritual, We told local television station filmed from our experience on the day lived. Of course I told him about how my, starting from catering, could be done to promote local productions.

For example, it would be enough to propose a mini format of olive oil included in the bill to be put on the table, and that, once tasted is then brought home. Same thing goes for wine; who must drive is limited by consumption, then propose a taste and the ability to take away the bottle. Or, suggest a basket of fresh fruit in the territory at the end of a meal or breakfast in the hotel, that in addition or alternative to the traditional sweet, it would be good and useful and at the same time help farmers. Ci sarebbe da scriverne e parlarne a lungo…

I ended my evening watching the Folk Group San Sosti and dances typical Calabrian dedicated to emigrants who return for the holidays in their own land.



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