Memories of summer and ... "Frico Friulano"

I remember when as a child, during the summer holidays in the countryside, There was organized for the usual trip cousins ​​in Friuli…

Along the way, as I watched from the window the succession of beautiful landscapes of Carnia, in the province of Udine, I listened to the stories of my great-uncles were Trava and my grandfather Emilio.  He left a short time before I was born ... my middle name is in memory of.

A man creative and ingenious, generous and good company, so love to remember my cousin Julian. He lived in Carnia until the love of my grandmother, Louise, led him to move to a small town in the province of Treviso.

Meat, a land between the mountains inhabited by hard-working men and women, i Friulani. Julian still lives there ...

"Carnia is a place where you are at peace with yourself and with the world ... is the harmony between man and nature.” Giuliano De Colle

Today in his honor want to remember a dish of traditional Friulian I really love, il Frico. A plate with ancient origins, mentioned for the first time in 1400 by Maestro Martino of Como in the work "De Arte Coquinaria". Here I report the typical recipe of family.

  Il Frico Friulano

Serves 4 people:

  • 2 cucchiai d’olio
  • half an onion
  • 500 Article. potato
  • 250 Article. cheese montasio
  • sale q.b.


– Finely chop the onion, brown it in a frying pan and add the potatoes cut into fine strips.

– Season with salt and cook for 20 minutes, stirring often all.

– When the mixture is well blended, add cheese, cut into thin slices to melt it.

– Turning more times Frico so as to create a uniform crust and golden.

At this point I can only wish you good appetite greeting you as you would expect in Friuli send ...! 😉


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