"I nu faci Piattu of honeycombs?"The mashed beans Franca and Nini

In my past days in Carovigno I met a family owned a small restaurant on the sea. Even if someone finds it hard to believe, I can not say a word unless I'm in a good place, while unlike, if I am comfortable, is a river in flood. Well, The first time I went to this family restaurant I met Nini, his wife Franca, ed Elena, their daughter.

TARDI Era, there were few people in the local. I ate sitting at a table, and Ninì to another, a short distance. I have seen silent and with sad eyes. Maybe that's why I asked him what he had in the pot. With the puzzled look told me that unfortunately could not enjoy what he wanted because of a disease. I do not know why, perhaps to send a bit 'of my enthusiasm for that moment passed them, but I moved and I sat down to eat next to him for a chat. He told me of his meeting with Domenico Modugno…

Nini has left us Wednesday 23 Last July after a long illness. I promised to write to him and Franca of our meeting. In verità lo avevo già fatto, before you even get the news. This is my way to remember.

“I nu faci Piattu of honeycombs?” It 's so that you ask Specchiolla, fraction of Carovigno in the province of Brindisi, one of the typical dishes of Puglia. How I found out? Andando Jude, a small restaurant on the sea that drew my attention to the flowers and plants placed in beautiful frame around the local. Those who love nature in itself is already a special person, per me, I love the green, the best presentation.

In fact the exact name of this refreshment is TAV. (shooting), restaurant as well as being the headquarters of clay pigeon shooting Specchiolla. There are entry a day after, riding a bike on the boardwalk, appetite was felt. Inside a simple typical trattorias family, and on the back, all'esterno, a porch from which I admired the beautiful view of the sea.

In addition to familiarize yourself with the environment I like to do it with people, that's how I met Nini and his wife Franca, the owners of the restaurant. You're the queen of the kitchen, e lui, with her daughter, room attendant. The first time I went they told me of his past in Milan, when he worked at the Piccolo Teatro. He took care of the transport of the sets and everything else needed for the preparation of comedies.

One day, having to deliver the costumes to the dressing room before a performance of Domenico Modugno, decided to inserirgli shirt in a ticket with a simple wish of good luck. Domenico, nativo di Polignano a Mare, I went to look for before going on stage to thank, pleased to have on staff a co-worker of his land.

It 'so who knew him, but not only, the comedy was so successful as to induce Domenico Modugno to make a habit of greeting to Nini before the beginning of each show. Beautiful atmosphere of a past time that I listened to on a hot summer afternoon, facing the beautiful sea of ​​Carovigno and a plate of mashed fava beans.


  • Soak in the water a handful of beans per person for an entire night.
  • Then drain and transfer them in a pot of water covering them. In addition to combine the salt and a potato head, cut into cubes.
  • Once you come to a boil, cook over low heat for an hour removing the foam that gradually form.
  • Stir occasionally moving the pot vigorously, without the aid of spoons.
  • Once absorbed the water passing the mixture into the strainer in combining contemporary of extra virgin olive oil.

The mashed beans thus obtained can be accompanied by chicory country, from hot chili peppers, or from the white. It is also good warmed up the next day with the fried onions.

A legume among the oldest that can be used fresh or dried. It 'a good source of phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium and vitamin E.

Da Ninì

Restaurant by Nini T.A.V. – Avenue of Tamarisk, Specchiolla - Carovigno (BR)

The call of my spirit Southern

I love to listen to nature, maybe that's why my spirit is felt most southern south, where intensely perceive his calls. I was nineteen when I realized, I met Puglia, love at first sight.

A region with a coastline of 800 km, the longest and most varied of Italy. Long beaches alternating with rocky cliffs, calette, pine and juniper forests. There are two National Parks: one of the Gargano and the Alta Murgia. Tre Aree Marine Protette: Torre Guaceto, Tremiti Islands and Porto Cesareo. Sixteen State Nature Reserves and eighteen regional protected areas. A biodiversity to preserve and protect.

Torre Santa Sabina

Torre Santa Sabina

It’ in this land that I spent my last vacation, between Bari and Brindisi, Taranto.

Mine is a busy life, passed between nature and knowledge discovery. The truth is that when we love what we do, no different than the time spent between work and holiday, perched something non esclude other.

Torre Santa Sabina

Torre Santa Sabina

In those days I saw old friends, and I have met new. Many emotions, as the day on which, in the sea of ​​Taranto, during a sudden storm boat ride made me realize how much can be loud and boisterous sea.

In those moments I saw the fear, but also the courage of a woman, Aurora, who introduced me to his side as well as the sensitive and delicate, decided and determined that a woman who knows how to react to problems.

Pier St Eligius (Marina Taranto)

Mare in burrasca – Pier St Eligius (Marina Taranto)

After the storm I have not had to miss the Friselle seawater prepared as once did the fishermen Salento.

Friselle seawater

Friselle seawater

Along with Catherine, I met a woman who casually strolling along the beach at Torre Santa Sabina, I visited places that have long wanted to see. After talking for a long time, encouraging me to get off the rocks for a swim, a single recommendation: “Cynthia, this place alive with the spirit of the South.

Our tour started in Polignano a Mare, a picturesque village perched on a rocky outcrop overlooking the sea. Many remember him for being the birthplace of Domenico Modugno, I remember especially the poetry of its landscape.

Polignano a Mare

Polignano a Mare

A glimpse of Polignano a Mare

A glimpse of Polignano a Mare

The cliff of Polignano a Mare

The cliff of Polignano a Mare

While traveling I like to share thoughts and photos on the net. It’ so that people who follow me in my itinerary, as well as send the warmth and nostalgia of the countries that have been forced to leave, advise me and direct me. A more intense way to live the journey.

Thanks to the information Emanuela comment in a photo, Polignano I tasted for the first time the granita with whipped cream and coffee 'Supermago Frost', an ice cream shop in the historic founded by Joseph Campanella 1935.

Iced coffee with cream and Supermago Frost

Iced coffee with cream and Supermago Frost

The next stop was in San Michele Salentino, in the province of Brindisi. A country where young people want to vent their poetry with real 'attacks poetic’ written on the walls.

Attacks poetic in San Michele Salentino

Attack poetic in San Michele Salentino

poetic Attack

Attack poetic in San Michele Salentino

poetic Attack

Attack poetic in San Michele Salentino

After the poem the story. A Brindisi, as in all the towns in Apulia, there is much. Here I visited the Duomo and Columns, alte ben 19,20 meters, symbol of the city and the end of the Appian Way.

The Cathedral and the Pillars of Brindisi

The Cathedral of Brindisi and the Pillars symbol of the city

This is the Land of the Ravines. The friend Rosana Tinella introduced me to one of Mottola. A ravine consists of a series of caves carved into the rock, which houses three stone churches full of graffiti High Middle Ages.

Gravina di Mottola

Gravina di Mottola

Between visits, and the other I have not had to miss a dish of orecchiette and dragged married in tomato sauce with fresh ricotta cheese, accompanied by the traditional slices of watermelon. Catherine told me that this mix of different size dough is prepared together on purpose for a better outcome of the dish.

Strascinati married and orecchiette with tomato sauce and fresh watermelon

Strascinati married and orecchiette with tomato sauce and fresh watermelon

We could not miss an evening dedicated to Pizzica. A very old traditional dance of Salento which refers to the movement that gave relief to women plucked from the tarantula, Salento term to indicate the tarantula.

The Pinch

The Pinch

There are shows that nature has to offer and that you can not lose…

The sunrise in Torre Santa Sabina

L'alba Torren Santa Sabina

Sunset at Specchiolla

The sunset in Specchiolla


The clouds tinged with pink in Torre Guaceto

The moon in Carovigno

The moon glints of silver in Carovigno

If I close my eyes, the mind and thoughts go out to the land. I miss its trulli and its white houses, its sea, rocks and wild shores. I miss the olive trees, the red earth, the chirping of crickets and cicadas. I miss the scent of fig trees burned by the sun, flowers with bright colors, the stone walls and the sound of the wind ...

Trullo in San Michele Salentino

Trullo in San Michele Salentino


Specchiolla, Carovigno

Olive grove in Carovigno

Olive grove in Carovigno

Flowers of Brindisi

Flowers of Brindisi

Flower caper

Flower caper

Corallo at the Molo Sant'Eligio in Taranto.

Coral at the Pier St Eligius in Taranto. Effects of changing temperatures that make you think…

Flowers of Brindisi

Flowers of Brindisi

Flowers of Brindisi

Flowers of Brindisi

The plant of butterflies

The plant of butterflies

Dry stone walls

Dry stone walls


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