Digital communications: why it's important?

Intervista di Maria Grazia Rosati pubblicata il 15 Dicembre su www.kailashweb.it

The digital communications It is an essential element for all companies, often, They fail to understand the importance.

The project #KailashLab continues its path Digital education and along the way he met Cynthia Tosini every day tells, into your blog and social media, "Stories of People" because people are important and even more so their stories.

How you can make digital communications? Simply telling

Deciding to do Storytelling, exposing their companies telling, It increases the trust of customers. Increase confidence ensures efficient and mouth Word of mouth helps to create more and more stories.

The 7 December I met Cynthia at Tosini fair Agrinatura, dedicated to the enhancement of the agricultural sector, forest, livestock and the promotion of rural tourism and the natural and environmental heritage.

The place was not chosen at random but because behind every exhibitor present at Agrinatura, There are interesting stories that Cynthia is always able to tell her to perfection.

I asked a few simple questions helpful to make it clear to many realities the importance of online communication.

 Maria Grazia Rosati |kailashweb– Hello Cynthia, thank you for accepting my invitation. I leave immediately with presentations: who you are and what you do?

Cynthia Tosini |Intervista KailashWeb  Who are they? Just a woman who has reinvented. After a bad 'fall', getting up, They came quite by accident in the communication to become a journalist. I've spent the last five years along kilometers and kilometers in an attempt to recover and experience in areas that love always, and that I think are closely linked to the future of the Italian economy: l 'Food and wine, tourism and the environment.

What I do? Condivido il bello e il buono del territorio italiano mettendo al centro le persone. It is not always easy, because I live between two lives ... like I was on a bridge. Sometimes I go down one part, and sometimes the other. Step by step, I learn and build, with the knowledge that everything can change in an instant.

Maria Grazia Rosati |kailashweb

– Like telling "Stories of People", tell us about your experience.

Cynthia Tosini |Intervista KailashWeb"Stories of people" is my space on the web free of constraints and limits, where I write what I live and I have experienced in recent years. And 'it born after two experiences in wine sites, in a case like the author, and the other as a founding member. The themes that have taken the 'Food and wine, the'ambient e le beauties of the Italian territory. A storytelling lived just through my eyes, my emotions, and knowledge of the people. A narrative that requires research, commitment, passione ed entusiasmo. Essential elements who support me and accompanying me.

Maria Grazia Rosati |kailashweb

– The Digital communication is important? Explain how you use the web and social media in your job.

Cynthia Tosini |Intervista KailashWeb Direi fondamentale. Social and digital communication, if you used well, They are strategic for the promotion of the territory and its products. Unfortunately in Italy we do, but not communicate. In this regard, I reiterate the importance of strengthening the network, that, when insufficient, limits the scope for people like me who promotes and enhances resources. The Internet is a global network, a tool with which in a moment millions of computers connect to each other. A great opportunity that we all have to make the most. Finally, I stress the unjust limitations that do not allow you to share images in museums or artistic sites, a cultural heritage and a common good. Carried this regard Article 9 of the Italian Constitution: "The Republic promotes the development of culture and scientific and technical research. It safeguards landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the nation. "In Italy it has many resources, those responsible should only help those who want to communicate to the world. Long speech ...

Maria Grazia Rosati |kailashweb

 – Le realtà che incontri che rapporto hanno con il web?

Cynthia Tosini |Intervista KailashWebSome have great value, while other almost absent. Behavior that is justified by the lack of time, or lack of knowledge of social networks. The situation is very variable, but is improving. The problem is also the way to communicate. A website is no longer enough. Products must be recounted, so that consumers can understand it the full value.

Maria Grazia Rosati |kailashweb

– Because a company has to communicate digital?

Cynthia Tosini |Intervista KailashWebBecause with the advent of the web we open to the world. Using the network can let us know, but above all we can raise awareness of our work and our productions.

A brand that is communicated with all means, to prevent counterfeiting gain the upper hand.

Come comunicare online |KailashWeb

Maria Grazia Rosati |kailashweb

– The same holds even for the small realities?

Cynthia Tosini |Intervista KailashWebSome. Small family businesses are the heart of the Italian. Represent our great tradition that distinguishes us in the world. Visit the small reality teaches and excites for life stories that can be heard, and entrepreneurial courage that alas, in recent years, It is strained by too much bureaucracy and the underworld.

Maria Grazia Rosati |kailashweb

– A word of advice for companies that are just online.

Cynthia Tosini |Intervista KailashWebThe advice I give to companies is communicate their products with images and everyday gestures shared on social platforms. Rather than quantity is useful focus on quality content, using simple words that convey the culture and value of the products. To show off their work, creating confidence and conveying emotions, It is based on the promotion.

Stories of people, il blog di Cinzia Tosini dove il racconto si fa emozione

Intervista di Selene Deposit pubblicata il 9 December 2015 su Destinazione Umana

Cinzia Tosini è una di quelle persone che sentono la necessità di stringere le mani, di guardare le persone negli occhi, to listen and talk, convinta che alla comunicazione sul web, bisogna unire la conoscenza diretta, indispensable and irreplaceable experience: da questa certezza nasce il blog www.storiedipersone.com, in cui trovano spazio racconti di persone che col loro lavoro, la loro passione ed entusiasmo, contribuiscono a rendere l’Italia un posto migliore.

  • Hello Cynthia, cominciamo raccontando chi sei e di cosa ti occupi oggi.

Who are they? Una donna che ama l’Italia e che a modo suo, tenta di condividere il bello e il buono del territorio mettendo al centro le persone. Our, è un Paese in cui si sente sempre meno il senso di appartenenza: la causa senza dubbio è il malaffare e le cattive amministrazioni. Despite this, each in its own way, può decidere se essere spettatore o protagonista per il bene comune.
Per rispondere alla seconda parte della domanda, dirò metaforicamente che in questo momento è come se vivessi sopra un ponte. Da una parte tesa dalla necessità e dall’altra dalla passione. Due vite lavorative, di cui una legata alla comunicazione. Da poco sono anche entrata a far parte dell’Ordine dei Giornalisti della Lombardia: un traguardo raggiunto principalmente con me stessa, su cui sto riflettendo.

  • Nella tua biografia dici di essere una donna che sta vivendo una seconda vita: in che senso?

It 's so. Da oltre cinque anni sto vivendo una seconda vita. Gli eventi che inconsapevolmente ci travolgono spesso ci cambiano profondamente. Superate le fasi critiche e accettati i cambiamenti, we just have to suffer or react. La forza la si trova dentro di noi, giving impetus to potential unexpected. Discover skills that we never thought he'd get, It leads us to think that nothing is by chance. Così è stato anche per me. Coincidenze e incastri che in questi anni mi hanno portato a scrivere e a conoscere persone che altrimenti non avrei mai incontrato. Un onore e un piacere. Un senso nuovo alla vita.

Stories of people is my container of experiences. Emozioni fermate con le parole che custodisco e che ho intenzione di portare su carta, to reread the time that I have lived in these years. I lettori troveranno parole semplici scritte col cuore, racconti di cibo e di vino, travel and agriculture, Memory recipes and traditions, but especially, troveranno storie di persone che hanno contribuito alla valorizzazione del territorio italiano.

  • Ho letto che ti sei definita una Farm Blogger: ci spieghi meglio cosa intendi?

Prima di diventare giornalista, sono stata costretta più volte a correggere chi erroneamente mi definiva una food blogger. Non lo sono, nel senso che più che a cucinare sono brava ad assaggiare. La verità è che il mio interesse è focalizzato soprattutto sulle materie prime. Mi piace conoscerne le origini e l’evoluzione. Visitare le aziende agricole guidata dai produttori in questi anni, mi ha permesso di imparare e di comprendere meglio le problematiche che rallentano la crescita economica italiana di questo settore. E’ da queste considerazioni che è nata la definizione di farm blogger.

  • C’è un viaggio o una particolare esperienza che ha inciso profondamente sul tuo cammino?

There are many. Diciamo che negli ultimi anni il mio è stato quasi un percorso a staffetta; durante ogni incontro me ne veniva suggerito un altro. Come non ricordare Lino Maga, Mario Maffi, Nuria Gaja, Beppe Rinaldi, Chiara Soldati, Gianni Vittorio Capovilla, Alberto Malesani, Chiara Boni, Giovanni Trapattoni, Peppino Montanaro, Tommaso Bucci, Fabio Lamborghini, e molti altri ancora. C’è un uomo che però mi ha colpito in particolare e a cui sono molto affezionata: Joško Gravner, il vignaiolo delle anfore. Nonostante lo abbia sentito definire ruvido e scontroso, io so per certo che non corrisponde al vero. Un uomo semplice e gentile dal carattere forte e deciso, un friulano.

Anche tu, come noi di Destinazione Umana, metti al centro la conoscenza delle persone: cosa significa secondo te, viaggiare verso una Destinazione Umana?

Significa viaggiare attraverso la conoscenza e l’esperienza delle persone. A volte ci dimentichiamo che la storia è di grande insegnamento.


With hand on heart, scelgo the extra Vergine

Intervista di Uploaded Louis pubblicata il 17 November 2013 its Oil Workshop Magazine

Cynthia Tosini farm is defined blogger. So, in front of the spread of food bloggers, c’è chi, instead, starts from a different view, directly from the earth, by the protagonists of the food before you even arrive in the kitchen and then on the boards.

  • What idea of ​​oil did you make during your childhood? The oil of those years was that obtained from olives or a seed oil?

My childhood is linked to the oil much more than an idea. As a child, oil represented the good thing, what was good for, the valuable and sought after product that was used with care. I was a skinny kid with a poor health, one daughter of a father from the tender care. The oil was a natural therapy that he did not fail to add to my every dish. I still remember his words: “Cynthia, Dad now provides you the good oil becomes so strong ..."Growing up my idea has not changed, tutt’altro, strengthened. L’olio, good one, that sought, continues to be a leader in my kitchen. Obviously, the oil of those years and the years to come, per me, is just the oil extracted from olives. Nothing more to my personal taste has never compared well.

  • A curiosity: the flavors and aromas of the oil of his childhood coincide with those he perceives and appreciates today?

The aromas and flavors of childhood, being associated with memories and emotions, are inimitable and matchless. In the words of the anthropologist Marino Niola - each of us has his madeleine, the flavor that reminds him of the better age. It's not just regret the flavors of yesteryear, but a state of grace to recreate, a search of lost time. And when we can feel a sense of wonder child, a childlike joy that makes us squint pleasure ... it's Time Regained. However, leaving aside the nostalgia and choosing carefully, Today you can find excellent products with the flavors and scents that are extra virgin olive oil, typicality to promote and enhance the high quality sought by many countries in the world.

  • What do you like more of an extra virgin olive oil?

The thing I like most in an extra virgin olive oil, is undoubtedly her perfume. Hearing that I just can not help but squint. If it's good is my expression of pure bliss, mentre name is gold and butter ..., I leave you to imagine.

  • How much would you be willing to spend for a bottle of extra virgin?

We say that, of course, do not overdo it, Saturday not to SPEs. If I think that there are people willing to spend crazy amounts to buy a perfume, mean body, I naturally smile. I do not spend crazy amounts, I spend digit reasonable to buy a quality product that I seek, as well as for the good fragrance, also for good taste. What can you do ... I am so done!

  • In this regard, for she often buys the bottle of How long? Of 250, 500, 750 ml o da litro?

While it is definitely a good liter, also because the extra virgin olive oil for me is not just a condiment, accompanied by the bread is especially my favorite snack.

  • In all honesty, without any sense of guilt or embarrassment, what is your favorite condiment of all dietary fat?

Without a doubt and without uncertainty, and add, with hand on heart, Extra Vergine olive oily!

  • Just oil. We come to your work. What are you working?

My real job, as well as my passion and now my life, is to tell what the earth, through the experience of the people who work and who meet the, allows to produce. The result of this expression is represented by many typical features that make Italy a great country known in the world. The mission, my, and that all true Italian, is to promote this.


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