Lambrusco is a wine, but a set of wines

Creed, rather they are convinced, that the average consumer intends Lambrusco as a type of wine. Well, is not so! Lambrusco is actually a collection of different wines that grows in the hills of Modena-Reggio Emilia. A family of indigenous varieties of ancient origins, mentioned for the first time by Pliny the Elder as Vitis Lambrusca work "Naturalis Historia".

Over SorbaraThat said I quote some: Lambrusco Salamino, Lambrusco Maestri, Lambruscthe Barghi, Lambrusco Marani, Lambrusco Viadenese, Lambrusco and Olive ... Lambrusco Sorbara. A native vine tied to the land and the grapes from which it takes its name, which is characterized by freshness, the Acidito and minerality. Perfumes, colors and tastes that have surprised me. A good alternative to the usual suggestions.

Wednesday 29 October at the Ristorante Sadler Milan took an evening devoted to Lambrusco Sorbara of Cleto Chiarli. A farm in Modena, which extends, with various seals, on over 100 hectares of vineyards. One hundred and fifty years of history and five generations of producers engaged in the exploitation of the grape Sorbara.

While listening to Mark's Church evolution over time that has characterized this wine, I happily accepted the plates studied by CClaudio Sadler checklist of t, great interpreter of pairings of the evening. A superb dinner with excellent wine pairings. The dish that I liked more?  The risotto with mushroom powder trumpet and gold dust. Resounding! The wine? The Sorbara grapes Founder's Reserve, a classic Chiarli produced according to the traditional rules, bottle fermentation method with ancestral (ancient method).

I conclude with a written Veronelli  stretch of “Learn about wine” (Rizzoli-Hachette 1997) Source House Veronelli. Read describes as Lambrusco di Sorbara…

No other wine brings us back, come lui, all'idea patriarchal, Daily life.
E 'un wine "umano». Precisely for this, perhaps, is the wine against which the highest are the betrayals.
So I have to wait for years and have thousands of tests for drinking and Ribère a glass that fully satisfies me.

Why is really Sorbara so good, Your Lambrusco should have the following characteristics:
red light on net pink background, bright; cheerful fragrance, with a clear emphasis of purple; very personal; dry and fruity flavor; freshness accentuated by clean acidity not without its rustic elegance; crisp and vibrant red foam.

Its alcohol content is between 10,5 and 12 ° and the Acidito totale da 6 a 8% .
The year is always the last to recommend, since it is a delicate wine that she has a brief, Enchanted youth.
It 'important that the bottle - brought to a temperature of 14-16 ° C - is served at the time, so enjoy it, and primis, the abbondante, evanescent foam.


La Barbera, a wine of character to the female ...

Generosa Barbera, drinking it seems to us to be alone in a storm at sea challengers ... Carducci

La Barbera, a wine feminine elegant and dashing personality. Carducci with these verses makes it clear the character.

A wine of Piedmont among my favorites, mentioned for the first time in history in 1249 in a document deposited in the chapter of Casale Monferrato. It spread first in the territory they then radiate in Asti and Monferrato in the Tortona.


The opportunity came with me to celebrate it with pleasure Barbera Revolution”, the vertical tasting of Coppo Barbera d'Asti Canelli on Wednesday, 23 Last October the Chick'nQuick - Sadler Milan.

The GUID Espert sommelier Luca Gardini led us, during serata, wine tasting and history. The dishes Claudio Sadler  a pleasant meeting of flavors, he's defined "traditionally avant-garde".


Claudio Sadler

La Barbera 1947, Barbera d'Asti Pomorosso vintages 2010, 2004, 1996, 1989 and finally Moscato d'Asti Moncalvina 2011 are the wines tasted Coppo.

A company in the hills of Canelli, handed down from generation to generation that does well one hundred and twenty years. New levers that look, in addition to a global market became, to a changing climate that will alter the choices and productions.

As he says Luca Gardini: “Any natural product, Barbera also, has its own evolution. "


Luca Gardini

During the evening I had the pleasure of chatting with Gianni Coppo. As I often say people are important: are the transposition of the personality and character of what they produce.

He told me and I told him, greeting him a promise: “See you in Canelli.”


Gianni Coppo

Barbera means everything, for us 120 years of history dedicated to this wine, for Piedmont is its soul hidden, Most Popular, more magical. Fam. Coppo - Canelli




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