Seven of Cantrina

Seven years have passed since the day I met Cristina fallacies Farm 'The Cantrina’ Bedizzole, in the province of Brescia. I came up to her by following one of the many tips that at that time were leading my life. A succession of stages that led me to know and to write stories of people related to land. An exciting journey that, with slower tempos and with a different awareness, It is ongoing. I still remember the famous words that closed my every encounter: “Cynthia, you have to know ..."It was through one of these tips that one summer morning I came to her. I still remember that after a look at the vineyard – that as usual I contemplate my own as if it were a business card – we went to the basement and there we began to tell ...

Cristina fallacies is not born winemaker. His creativity brought originally to move towards the Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. It was her first husband, Dario Dattoli, Brescia known restaurateur wine lover, to take in 1990 the wine business. A path that was interrupted tragically in his vineyards in 1998, due to a fatal accident with a mechanical means. A difficult time in his life that he put to the test, but who knew how to react strongly with the help of Diego Lavo, expert winemaker and active part of the company. Well, twenty years have passed since the beginning of this adventure in the world of wine, years in which 'The Cantrina' – the name of the small rural village of Valtènesi – It has also evolved thanks to Cristina artistic training. creative imprint in the activity both in the vineyard and in the cellar in the activity that you love so defined:

"A free exercise in style. Free because I like to be creative, exercise because exercise I call my wines, style because everyone has their own ".

The 13 May to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the winery, I had the pleasure of attending the tasting of a selection of twenty harvests of the most representative wines: Rinè (vintages 1999, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2013, 2017), Nepomuceno (vintages 1999, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2011, 2015), Sun Dario (vintages 1999, 2001, 2006, 2009, 2012).

A growing organically developed on 8 hectares of vineyard with international varieties and local varieties, of which in particular the Groppello, occupying the 40% of the surface. A grape native to the Brescia side of Lake Garda red berry, whose name originates from the dialect 'lump’ (node) for the characteristic grapes tightened together. Protagonista enoic of Valtènesi (about 400 ha) It has two varieties: Groppello Gentile and Groppello of Mocasina.

Eight products wines: Chiaretto DOC's Riviera Valtènesi (vine: Groppello), Rosanoire rosé (vine: Pinot Nero), Rina Benaco Bresciano IGT White (vitigni: Riesling, Chardonnay, Crossing Manzoni), Doc Valtènesi (vitigni: Groppello Gentile 90%, Groppello of Mocasina 10%), Nepomuceno IGT Benaco Bresciano red (vitigni: Merlot, Rebo and Marzemino), Zerdì IGT Benaco Bresciano red (vine: Rebo), Sun Dario sweet white wine (vitigni: Sauvignon, Semillon, Riesling), Heretic vino sweet red table (100% Pinot Nero) for a total of about 40 thousand bottles.

The Cantrina, a production reality in continuous evolution that foreign tourists fond of the Garda, through tastings at local restaurants, visit and well know.

The wine is born first in my head, even before that in the vineyard, even before in the cellar ... you have to have an idea of ​​exactly how wine art. Cristina Deceptions


The. Agr. Cantrina Cristina Warlock

Via Colombera, 7 – Bedizzole (BS)  www.cantrina.it

Vine Wine ...: I present to you Cristina Warlock

There are lives easier ... if Lives are lived. We live and grow up in pain, experience, in joy, in knowledge. Life in the Land of ... Vine Wine.

It was a summer morning when he was still sleepy, into thoughtless chatter with friends first planned the day. Suddenly the chef friend Fabio Mazzolini mi these: “You can not leave without knowing Cristina Deceptions of the winery La Cantrina!”

I always listen to good advice, my life is now conducted by word of mouth of people who know and show me the next step. I'm going, listening, and story, and at the end I would say: “Cynthia you need to know ..."It 's almost a ritual now, some call "path", I say it is just living life, moment by moment… deeply, as for me it has never been before. Just being rocked by the winds, sometimes good and sometimes bad ... but the wind never stops, pushes you, and raises you ...

I made arrangements over the phone, and Cristina arrived by early morning. I'm always very excited when I walk the road that leads to the knowledge of new places and people. They are my favorite adventures, I like to live it to myself to enjoy them fully… Just arrived at the destination I saw her slightly agitated. There was a bit 'of confusion due to the fact that the Cristina dog had just attacked with a sad outcome a rabbit out of the cage accidentally. The reaction of his children was that you can imagine ... As soon as the situation returned to normal, we set off to visit. After a look at the vineyard which generally contemplate on my own, as if it were a business card, went into the cellar, and began to tell them ...


Cristina was intrigued by my need for discovery and learning. I explained that in this “My second life” knowledge is fundamental, is first of all ... nothing satisfies me and satisfies me more. Listen to the stories of the people is like a journey through time and space ...

From the basement, we moved into the tasting room, He told them of his wines and his life path. You are not born winemaker, his creativity had brought her the Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. He was the first husband Dario Dattoli in 1990 to undertake this activity. Dario Brescia known restaurateur and wine lover gave the initial impetus to the company, until one morning 1998 Cristina received a phone call. An accident with a mechanical means ended the life of her husband in the same vineyard that he loved so much.

We often take too much for granted… we do not realize that just a moment and everything changes, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse ... They are the tests to which life presents us, is for us to react and then get up again. Cristina Inganni ce l’ha fatta, took over in 'Azienda Agricola La Cantrina in 1998, six hectares of vineyards, which runs with the help of a fundamental Diego Lavo, expert grower. The Cantrina, the name of the small rural village of Valtènesi, in the municipality of Bedizzole (BS), the hinterland of Lake Garda.

His artistic training has given a creative activity both in the vineyard and in the winery activity. She likes to define it: A free exercise of free style ... because I like to be creative, exercise because exercise I call my wines, style because everyone has their own. It produces five varieties of wine: Sun Dario a sweet dessert wine, in memory of her first husband, Rina IGT Benaco Bresciano White, Corteccio Benaco Bresciano IGT Pinot Noir, Sedra Benaco Bresciano Rosso IGT and Nepomuceno Benaco Bresciano IGT Merlot. (IGT: IGT).

We ended up talking about my concerns on the expression “local”. This French term meaning the much-debated, expresses a territory in which the interaction of the physical and biological, and human factors, determines the typicality of a product. I would have to leave to the French their expression. We have our Italian, “the typical”, that harmonious combination of elements that man with wisdom and skill allows you to better express.

Typicality of the wine: “Expression of the experience of man applied to the vine, to the territory and climate”

At one point he said Cristina: “Cynthia, You need to talk to Angelo Peretti…” (editor of the online internetgourmet.it). The same afternoon well spent half an hour on the phone with Angelo. It was very comprehensive, ma… c’era ancora un “but” that untied by reading the definition of terroir given by Veronelli:

Is ... the song of the earth and the soul of the winemaker.

The wine is born first in my head, even before that in the vineyard, even before that in the cellar… You need to have an idea of ​​exactly how wine art… Cristina Deceptions


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