Do you think the water helps you lose weight?

E 'with this question that begins the book of Nicola Sorrentino, Specialist in Food Science and Dietetics that, with the collaboration of Paola Gambino, idrosommelier and specialist in Medical Hydrology, reiterates the importance of drinking between six and eight glasses of water a day for proper activation of metabolic pathways. A constant physical activity and, allows us to obtain a psychological well-being.

There are no tricks in my opinion to stay in shape. Following a healthy diet based on good raw materials not produced too many, and consuming light meals that do not weigh down the body, it has the best recipe for the maintenance of a healthy.

The fact remains that we are made of water. How many times have we heard this phrase that we hear often but that which we do not pay proper attention. I do the same when the mea culpa, laziness, I do not drink enough. Well, without water we can not digest foods will eliminate the waste. We would not have the skin elastic and firm and would we be without the necessary natural lubricant in the joints and organs such as eyes and lungs.

We think?! I will, In fact, right now I'm naturally hydrating with a nice jug of water that allows me to maintain my perfect water balance. Cost? Virtually zero. And if I do not? Well, not drinking enough, as well as to have a skin off, you may run into a general malaise or risk the formation of kidney stones or disorders such as muscle cramps and constipation.

There is also quenches eating. Indeed, water is contained in all foods, but in different percentages. In particular is present in fruit and vegetables with a quantity ranging from 80 to the 90%. Speaking of food consumption, do you remember the recommendation to drink between meals? Nicola Sorrentino explains in the bookLa dieta dell'Acqua that it is a false myth, as, drink during the meal, positive change in the texture of foods facilitating digestion.

But back to the original question: "The water helps you lose weight?"The answer is yes. As explained in the book, drunk before meals, has a satiating effect without any intake of calories. In support of this thesis, there are many scientific studies and publications.

The type of water to drink will leave you to read the directions that are widely reported. As far as I'm concerned, where it is clearly guaranteed purity, privilege the public network. Remember that our tap water, when it's good, as well as helping to save us not pollute the environment.

Bottled water, alas, are mostly transported for miles and miles in length and breadth to our country. For those who chose the latter, however,, the recommendation is the proper storage of plastic bottles that, if kept away from sources of heat or if exposed to direct sunlight, transfer to water pollutants.

Source: The Diet Water. What to eat, that drinking water to stay healthy and lose weight. Nicola Sorrentino with Paola Gambino – Salani Editore

Do not grease without sacrificing good food… you can!

The German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach argued that 'we are what we eat'. I can only share this thought because I love the food in history, for the traditions, but also for their therapeutic properties. Eating well is the secret to staying healthy!

I often hear people say: "Cynthia, ma eats, I see you always eat and yet you're so skinny?!"No secret. First of all, I'm lucky to have a good metabolism, I also love eating little, often and all! I love everything that is natural, and I do not miss the beautiful walks. But not only, I also healthy habits that I like to follow:

• I like to start the day with sweetness, with a breakfast of fresh and dried fruit, honey, good jams and baked goods.

• I drink a lot, between meals to be easy digestion.

• I love the simple and not too elaborate.

• I love vegetables, specialmente cruda, why so, without cooking, does not lose vitamins or minerals.

• Mangerei semper frutta, However, although it is recommended in the morning and between meals to prevent intestinal fermentation and consequent swelling.

• I like cereals and legumes, all year.

• Do not ever skip meals, because if not I risk, to the next, to eat a lot more tiring digestion and slowing down your metabolism. Caution: Instead of skipping meals to lose weight makes you fat!

About, I do not ever miss a good glass of red wine, thanks to its antioxidant properties, is good for health. 😉 Having said, pass the word to Anna Cervini, a 'friend and a personal trainer.

We begin to burn a little 'excess fats?

di Annalisa Cervini

Enjoy fine Italian cuisine and drink a good glass of wine is a treat for all. Our country offers variety and high quality in both sectors. In most good for your health, seen that good nutrition provides the elements necessary to our body and our muscles to our bones to stay strong and elastic.

Sit at the table, however, can sometimes mean even find yourself burdened and swollen. How then to avoid gaining weight without sacrificing good food? It can be all right, just good food to match the right physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.

In muscles, in addition to sugars, can also get fat through the bloodstream. When sugars and fats are in contact with the oxygen carried by the blood "burn".

Activity aerobic exercise is ideal to consume fats, and is possible only if the movement is not intense. At thisimages purpose are good all the activities of medium and long duration low intensity, such as running slow, bicycle, walking etc ... After about 20 'minutes of aerobic activity are used fat storage.

It 'important to have a steady and healthy lifestyle to maintain a lean physique and elastic. It 'just some small measure. For example, you can begin to pretend not to see the elevator preferring the stairs. Step by step tonificherete legs and buttocks.

Attend to some committee making a nice brisk walking for 25 '/ 30' to allow to burn fat. Even cycling allows us to move by staying in shape.

Bring a good pair of shoes and well-read amortized, and choose a location, possibly in green. Walk without thinking about anything just concentrating on your muscles. Bring back the good legs so that the pitch is sustained; with this movement each time rassoderete also the buttocks.

Walk at least half an hour a day, if you can, try to do a light jog for 5/10 minutes and start walking; interspersed with the two. If you can not walk or run everyday do it every time you get the chance.

Remember that a moving body also helps to speed up their metabolism, which will tend to result in burning fat faster. Changing our lifestyle means to keep fit and healthy.

Annalisa Cervini – Personal Trainer



“A chat with… Nicola Sorrentino”

Meet after ten years a person with whom you collaborated very well is always a pleasure. It happened to me recently in a press event in Milan. I refer to the Prof.. Nicola Sorrentino, specialized in Food Science, Hydrology, Climatology and Thalassotherapy, topics very dear to me. A chat could not miss.

From 1982 deals with issues related to food and is currently teaching "Health and nutrition crenotherapy" at the School of Specialization in Medical Hydrology, University of Pavia. Author of numerous books (What we eat, Diets flash,  The Diet of Vip, La Diet Forestry, Psicodieta, Food Dictionary, Cellulite, etc..). He collaborates with numerous newspapers and television.

  • Nicola, Italian power, promoted, rejected or postponed ...?

Absolutely promoted. The dietary "model" that over the years has emerged as the most appropriate in terms of risk and prevention of obesity, of cardiovascular disease,  and diseases in general, is to the Mediterranean:  our Italian power.  Low in saturated fat and animal protein, rich in carbohydrates, fiber and natural antioxidants, The Mediterranean diet is recognized worldwide for its benefits on line and health. Besides being tasty. This diet is based on the consumption of traditional Mediterranean: cereals (bread, mail, polenta), milk and dairy products, fish, fruit, vegetables, LEGUMI e olio d'oliva. Simple, wholesome foods, captured in their seasonal, rich in antioxidants, free radical scavengers and especially unsaturated fats. Foods with anti-aging properties, ideal to hold off cholesterol levels, blood pressure, the blood sugar level and to maintain a healthy heart, brain, e artery vein.

  • I define your concept of "diet"?

Starting from the assumption, that a healthy diet is essential for everyone and that it should be a lifestyle, for those who need to lose weight, a diet should be mainly used to feed themselves in a healthy and controlled. Once established this, I always explain to my patients who follow a diet however, is not an act of punishment, but you can continue to stay at the table with joy. Follow a low-calorie diet does not mean skipping meals and dreaming nostalgically a plate of spaghetti, essentially means to reorganize its supply, according to their tastes and habits.

  • What are the main errors that findings in animal Italian?

I have been for about ten years, the coordinator of a program called “Educating to prevent”. The program, aimed at the upper middle schools in the Milan area, was developed with the support of the Province of Milan, the Department of Education, and thanks to the support of the school board of Studies.

 Nutritionists have intervened with a nutrition education program for students, by distributing a questionnaire to fill. He has had a great impact, and allowed to focus on many errors. Among these it emerged that the problem was at home, where there had been no support, or follow-up to our efforts. It is therefore necessary to educate the parents.

Another point is the television advertising that targets children and is extremely harmful. The children put pressure on parents to buy snacks that are advertised.
There have been positive developments such as the labeling regulation that aims to inform consumers about what they are buying, using special labels for product quality, for organic products, etc.. The labels are also a means to ensure the origin of food.

It’ Clearly we need more information campaigns, especially in schools, to get to children, because it is at that age where the problems begin diet-related health. We must educate families, teachers, school officials, family physicians, pharmacists, in short, all those who come in contact with the public.

  • What is your opinion on the "organic food",   fashion or reality?

It is organic food. Mrs. Obama recently launched a very precise message: support local agriculture, sustainable and organic. The United States has always been strongly influenced consumption patterns, especially in young. In the program of American agriculture is an incentive to young people to become farmers, but above all to let people know what and how to eat. Nutrition education program that has already been discussed in our country and that I clarify in the next question.

  • Always advocated the importance of nutrition education in the school curriculum. Much is being done,  but much could still. What do you think?  

In recent 40 years the eating habits of Italians have changed considerably. A higher standard of living has allowed the use of rare and refined products: on the one hand are missing nutritional deficiencies than once, the other has exposed all the people who eat more than they should, to serious health problems.

Obesity, gotta, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension,  diabetes, difficulty breathing, osteoartrosi, etc.. The 50% the Italian has an overweight of about 6 kg. This excess fat not only disfigures our silhouette, but opens the door to all the diseases mentioned above.

Obesity is a major public health problems of the millennium. The Italian obese adults are around 4 million, those who are overweight 16 million.  One in three children is overweight, one in ten is obese.

  • The fault?

– Food fads that come from other countries rich in sugars, of fries and low in vegetables and fiber.
– Too much advertising that influences the taste and choice of food for adults and even more children who spend many hours in front of a television. Mothers who, fatigue or laziness after a day's work, definitely prefer junk food appetizing and easy to prepare, but high in fat, calories and with a low intake of nutrients.
All this helps to create the smallest birth of a serious problem because the extra pounds, that in addition to being unsightly cause them embarrassment and discomfort, throwing open the door to many diseases. The diet should be varied and should provide the body with all the nutrients it needs: proteins, fat, sugars, Vitamins, minerals and fiber plants.

  • And 'now customary presence of star chefs in the food and wine events. Their creative cooking aims to enhance the dish at times almost maniacal. Personally I really love our great tradition that has made us famous in the world,  and I am convinced that there is a real desire to return to the simplicity of flavors. What is your opinion on this?

I am totally opposed to dishes with elaborate preparations and pairings “anomaly” that remove the taste and flavor. You have to know how to exploit the ingredients at our disposal, enhancing the natural flavors, without weighing it down with strange preparations, varying much food also subject to seasonal.

  • I love listening recipes contained, I remember when you told me about your pizza at the Escarole…  I wish I raccontassi one to which you are particularly fond, and that brings you back to mind the atmosphere of childhood.

The pizza with the escarole reminds me of my childhood, but there is an episode that still after fifty years I have not forgotten why lived nicely with joy and fun. It was a Sunday, and my mom had invited him to lunch uncles and relatives.

He had begun to cook the day before to prepare octopus in tomato sauce. Dish that my mother cooked excellently, and that the pasta with the sauce condiva compulsorily handmade. One of those dishes that cooked “slow fire” the day before, is even more tasty.

They were about two pounds of octopus that between awe and wonder at the time of heating the whole, had disappeared! There was only the sauce! My mom was very upset thinking it was a joke. In fact my sister Nives, still in “meat”, and worthy wife of my brother Antonio too gourmet, during the night he had eaten all!  He ate two pounds of octopus and was fine! I hope my sister does not read this story that has always denied. Certainly the octopus could not melt or… volar your!



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