L’Antica Focacceria San Francesco… un angolo di Sicilia coraggiosa a Milano

Some time ago, in front of a glass of wine, talked with my friend Enzo good stories to tell, those that I like. All of a sudden he told me: Been to l 'Antica Focacceria San Francesco?

In spite of myself I had to admit that no…  He promptly told me that it was a story for me. Enzo tells us often, He knows as well as I passionate people who fight for their ideals, for their freedom, for their passions! Well, even if on purpose, a few nights later I came across an opportunity to remedy, and as I say… pronti your!

The entrance to my room was packed with people. After the preliminary greetings I looked a little’ about stopping my eye on the delicacies on display. He noticed my interest in John, nice restaurant manager who offered to accompany me in the local visit. Unaware of what they were facing was subjected to my usual thousand questions. I must say I was able to satisfy my curiosity almost completely. I say almost, because some of the appealed directly to the owner, Vincenzo Conticello.

I asked him the meaning of the emblem in the center of the entrance at the headquarters of Palermo. He explained that he was a lung, the key ingredient used to garnish the cake pan, that differently from how we know it, treat her stuffed bread that is called “focaccia schietta o maritata”.  It was invented in 1851 dall’antica focacceria “maritando” la focaccia schietta (ricotta, cheese and lard), with spleen and lung of calf sliced.

You have to know that the Old focacceria St. Francis was born in the neighborhood "sock" in Palermo, strategic location of the Mafia business. Let's talk about according to local oldest born in Italy 1834.  This location gave rise to threats over the years were not fulfilled due to the determined will of the family Conticello. The situation changed when the demands of the lace formally took shape in the 2005 through extortion. The firmness in not giving in to blackmail led to a complaint and putting into operation that ended with the dismantling of the organization underworld, and to a process for direttissima.

Normal consequence of life was controlled under escort. I realized this when going down in my visit to the downstairs, I felt watched so unusual to me. I realized later chatting with Vincent, that for him and for his family life had now changed. It occurred spontaneously ask him if he had ever been tempted to give in to the circumstances. Tirando fuori dalla tasca un proiettile mi rispose che non avrebbe mai tradito chi prima di lui ha combattuto per la libertà. L’Antica Focacceria San Francesco si è prefissata grandi sfide…  For the 2015 plans to open twenty-five locations in Europe and in the rest of the world.

I contend convinced that betray their ideals is like betraying themselves. It is not always easy to walk the path more tortuous,  but once the gate opened the horizons change, and the paths to multiply ...

                  "Pay once means to become slaves forever"

So’ Vincenzo Conticello said no to lace ...


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