'I would like black skin’ said a song while listening ... I say: Beta-Carotene oil and walnut husk!

I would like black skin saying Do you remember a song ...? The singer Nino Ferrer nel 1967. An ode to the blues music that, despite the passing years, many still remember.

Well, just now hearing it on the radio I thought that I too would like black skin, or better, a shiny golden skin due to sun. Almost a mirage for a woman like me who skinned, if too exposed, threatens to turn into a red shrimp! 😉

In realtà, to live better in the sun and to have a golden complexion, just follow the right diet and wise advice.

First, there are basic rules to follow. Seem obvious, but they are not at all given the high number of cases of highlights, for direct and prolonged exposure, and heatstroke, due to humidity levels that exceed the summer 60-70%.


That said, I'd do a quick review. Attention to…

  • Do not expose yourself to the sun in the middle.
  • Protect your eyes with sunglasses and head with hats.
  • Dress with bright fabrics of natural fibers (linen and cotton), avoiding synthetic fibers that do not allow the proper perspiration.
  • Dress warmly when going from an air conditioned place to a warm.
  • Keep the windows open in the morning and close them, obscuring environments, during the hottest hours.
  • Strive to drink at least two liters of fresh water, but not cold, in order to avoid unpleasant congestion. Beware of sweet drinks; besides being caloric are little refreshing.
  • Moderate alcohol, because they increase sweating and feeling of warmth.
  • Moderate consumption of cooked, fried and fatty, preferring rice and pasta with light sauces.
  • Abundant with fruits and vegetables. Being water-rich foods, are ideal for hydrating our body. Also, as we all know, have a refill of vitamins and minerals that during the summer we lose through sweating.
  • I forgot ... a bowl of ice cream is good and fresh alternative to one of the main meals of the day.

But then… for my tan?

The key word here is Beta-Carotene, an orange pigment capable of stimulating the production of melanin naturally present in the skin. There are many foods that contain, particularly those whose color varies from orange to red: carrots, apricots, tomatoes, peaches, pepperoni, cherries, But not only melons ..., on the skin, In addition to using high-protection creams, I smear of’Oil walnut husk that, thanks to the substances of which it is composed, reacting with the keratin naturally present in the epidermis, helps my tan.

About, guess what I eat today? 😉

You know how you eat the fruit on the table? One…? So why not order it?!

Today I start with this challenge since, more than a chef friend, revealed to me that Italians tend not to order the fruit to the restaurant to avoid possible embarrassment in eating. Them to them this statement has left me a bit 'puzzled, then, pensandoci bene, it led me to reflect. It is possible that one of the reasons this may be? Mah, I do not believe, also because I personally do not see the problem. Manners and etiquette not find it beautiful to touch food with their hands. It 'a more comprehensive way to taste.

The fruit… nice, colored, good, full of vitamins! An important resource that gives us our agriculture. I would always see the offering of breakfasts, anywhere, in town and country, in restaurants and bars. Lately I have begun to ask for a meal in the restaurants. Well, and dramma, and I'm not joking! Some are even without. It would be just to change things! A basket at the end of the meal without having to ask, is more than a duty!

I can already hear the boos… It’ useless to make those faces, I know well that it is advisable to eat between meals! You have to admit, however, that in any case it is a viable alternative to ultra-calorie desserts often we weigh and easy on the digestion. Some will say - ma eats, a statement like this from a woman like you greedy? - Sure, I've never hidden, but not to give up sweets I confine myself in the main meals. The fruit, however, is the fruit, I adore u, and I can not do without! 😉

That said, for the fanatics of etiquette and to avoid making gaffes, make a ripassino on correct ways of eating at the table.

The Etiquette and FruitFirst, it should clean and served accompanied by a saucer, a knife and a fork (Except for some exceptions).

  • Citrus: After cutting the two sections at the poles, it affects the peel with a knife, and with the same peeling. The slices are eaten with the hands holding the seeds in the same post near the mouth of the funnel.
  • Watermelon: After removing the seeds with a knife, you eat sliced ​​with a fork.
  • Banana: The Etiquette says to eat it you should not use the knife. However it is advisable to make a cut lengthwise and then with the help of a fork to Comminute.
  • Cachi: Cut in half and eat with a spoon.
  • Cherries: You eat holding them by the stem. The core should be held in the hand placed near the mouth of the funnel.
  • Figs: Once cut in four parts, you eat with a fork.
  • Strawberries: Bringing you eat with your hands to your mouth.
  • Kiwi: Cut into wedges with a knife and eat with a fork.
  • Mela / Pera: Before you peel cut into wedges, then you eat with a fork.
  • Melon: Cut into slices and eat with a fork.
  • Fishing: If you eat peeled proceed as for apple.
  • Grape: You eat holding the bunch in his hand and pulling the berries with your fingers. The seeds you hold with your hand placed near the mouth of the funnel.

What about… all free. I for one know that if you come to dinner with me,,it,you must be prepared to My spontaneous and innocent gaffe,,it,bon ton,,en,Galateo,,en,Eating at the table,,it, dovete essere pronti alle mie gaffe spontanee e innocenti! A tavola, and not only, I make several! 😉

Did you know that the khaki ...

As a young girl I was living in a house with lots of fruit trees. One day my father, having to expand a garage, was about to sacrifice one: a persimmon tree.

I liked them so much! I remember we pulled them down from the November, then let them ripen slowly resting them on long wooden planks.

In trying to eat the kernels that riponevo then carefully by. I was anxious to make me open up to my father to see the shape of small resting who routinely found. If I have to be honest ... this thing I can still! 😉

Well say, as he finished the story ... then the tree was sacrificed?

My father found a way of not making me do it, as you can imagine, delighted! The building was enlarged, but with a persimmon tree sticking up from the roof. Well you! My father was a great! 🙂

In addition to to share with you one of my childhood memory, did you know that the khaki ...

  • Persimmons are native to China and Japan. They arrived in Europe in the late nineteenth century.
  • They are an excellent source of beta-carotene, of vitamin C and potassium.
  • They are rich in sugars, therefore a good source of energy. Apportano circa 60 Kcal per ogni 100 grams.
  • Persimmons are a fruit because its biological plant does not need pesticide treatments.
  • The oral cachi the result indicates that the singular and plural. Anyway, even if erroneously, in common parlance it is now customary to use the word shard to indicate the result of the singular.

About, vanilla or apple persimmon persimmon, from the pulp much firmer, are also good, but of a different variety.

Source: 'Foods that are good, cibi che fanno male’ – Tom Sanders professor of nutrition and dietetics at King's College, University of London


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