The sense of belonging to a land

Lorenzaga Motta di Livenza, Treviso

There is a land in Treviso that saved me twice. The first time a child, and a second a few years ago. Now I feel I belong to her, whatever and however will, I know they are part of it. As soon as I get back from her. The excitement when I arrived the same, always, as the sadness that comes over me at the start, when I have to leave.

A land full of memories ...

I relive them walking in the vineyards of 'Old Elm Farm adjacent to the family home where I spent the happiest moments of my childhood.

A vineyard of about fifteen hectares in the hamlet of Lorenzaga of Motta di Livenza that the family Berto, owners, were named in honor of an old elm tree on the estate. For more than sixty years, by founders Mary and Peter, and poi below, by his sons Sergio and Mario, Berto continues the family tradition of grape growing and wine production in an environmentally. Raboso Trevigiano, Merlot, Malbech, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Red Refosco dal peduncle, Pinot Bianco, Chardonnay, Verduzzo Trevigiano, Glera Prosecco, these are their wines.

As you read, in their productions, there is also the Prosecco, and here I stop a moment for reflection.

During my recent forays up and down the Treviso area was discussed with both producers with friends winemakers of this wine has ancient origins that, in recent years, enjoys particular success among consumers. This favorable trend should not please me. Too bad that there is a risk, now that would define certainty, the looting of its grapes to the Treviso historical suited, explanted and replaced with prosecco, Prosecco sparkling wine and still. But beware, Prosecco DOCG Prosecco and there ... !  

Complicit in this confusing situation the market affected by the lack of culture which unfortunately, who should, does not transmit properly.Let me give you just one example. Como A short time ago in a restaurant that was recommended to me, the guy at the entrance to my own room and began telling me: “Let's start with a prosecchino?"My stock answer was: “Let's start badly !"But I think the way to present a Prosecco ?!  

In this regard, take this opportunity to intervene friend Paolo Ianna that, actively participating in the event "Vino in Villa ',  he got to know more about.


Paolo Ianna

Paolo Ianna

Hello Cynthia,

At Vino in Villa we tasted a hundred Prosecco DOCG for Help ViniBuoni of Italy; do we still have to try many in the coming days.

The quality, DOCG since the advent of 2010, is always higher. With the introduction of the new opportunities of the type "Rive",  the pride of having a prestigious name for its own product oriented in a more than positive commitment to produce with more attention and care.

I might add that the manufacturers believe in their potential, much more than in the recent past. Then, Prosecco of high quality whose quality increases from year to year.

Unfortunately you are espiantando vineyards that gave the delicious red wines that, a world of wine-oriented gurus, snob, and drawing-room, has never recognized as such.

I do not dare to judge the choices of producers who seek only to obtain sources of income not related to the whims and capriccetti of some guide, issuing moral judgments without being required.

I hope I was not too controversial.


Paul was not at all controversial, has only expressed a truth that I fully agree. Our words are driven by passion and love for the land in the broadest sense of the term. An area with a well-defined area of ​​historical production, guarantor of quality and superiority.

As pointed out by himself, the introduction of the type “Bank” reserved for sparkling wines, is a pure expression of territoriality being tied to a product derived from grapes of a single municipality or fraction thereof. This term in the local dialect, indicates vineyards in steep lands.


"Around the fields with Fausto Delegà… to collect and Silene Hops "

He collects them, and I pick him, or better, his stories! 🙂

Today we speak of Silene and Hops. Pronti your!

A few days ago I saw the photographs of the harvest Splendor made for turning fields into her beautiful Austria. Being both passionate about herbs every opportunity we can to talk and to eat them ...! 😉 Con la bella stagione poi, walk through the woods is good and useful. Besides do well to physical, walking is good for the heart, the mind, and the wallet ...!

Cynthia: Splendor, hello! I saw that you went to passeggiar for fields Lobau, but where there is?

Splendor: Ah ah ah, hello Cinzia! The area of ​​Lobau is a Nature Park linked to the Danube, beautiful area with unspoilt nature.

Cynthia: How beautiful! And tell me, what you have collected?

Splendor: Aow I'm telling you. Today I picked up a little’ campion and a little’ Hop. In Italy the Silene is also known by yourmine of stridoli, Sgrigiui or in our dialect of Mantua. (For those who do not know me and we both Fausto land of Mantua). The Hops instead is known by many with the term bruscandolo.

Cynthia: I is watering just looking at them! With Maand prepari?

Splendor: In addition to eating them as such as it does with spinach, both the silene that hops are great ingredients for risotto and frittatas.

Cynthia: Splendor, can you give me some advice on where to go to pick them up…

Splendor: Cynthia, I would say that you can go to any place of the country clean and healthy. The Silene find it even in the mountains. The Hops it is present in all ripe to ditch in northern Italy. But be careful, when the silene goes to flower the leaves of the leg become leathery and are no longer good.

Cynthia: Interesting! Sai, Now that I think about it, I remember that not long ago my aunt Nadia has collected just bruscandoli of my Lorenzaga of Motta di Livenza in Treviso. Knowing how much I like the herbs of the field, that night has seen fit to cook a delicious omelet making!

Add lastly, but not least, that both the Silene that Hops are herbs from calming and relaxing properties. A tea made from these herbs promotes sleep, e tranquility. 😉

The roots and fasioi of Jija

The recipe : “The Roots and the Fasioi”

Apro le finestre e il mio sguardo si perde… ricordi di campagna, laughter of children, scent of hay, of bare feet on the grass, di vendemmie festanti e di sonni tranquilli.

Solo chi ha avuto un’infanzia passata così, mi può capire. Can understand the desire to get back with the mind to remember, because the Earth called, riportando ad essi.


Every year, exactly 29 June – ricorrenza di Santi Pietro e Paolo – venivo accompagnata da mia nonna Jija in campagna, nella piccola Lorenzaga di Motta di Livenza a Treviso. Finite schools, finished college, finiti i ritmi severi della vita cittadina, finalmente arrivava la fatidica data. And three hundred miles away ... and everything changed. No more buildings but fields of vineyards, corn on the cob, geese, hens… party! When I first arrived I was wandering alone barefoot on the grass, as in exploration, how to regain possession of my nature, of my size ...

And now I'm here, ancora una volta, after so many years, because Earth calls, and do not you forget it ... And 'one in the morning.


Looking out the window I contemplate the landscape. In the company of the song of cicadas and the rustling of the trees the mind travels ...

Ricordo mia nonna Jija, una donna contadina conosciuta da tutti per la tenacia e per la determinazione. Ricordo le mattine, quando mi svegliavo all’alba. Col canto del gallo tutto riprendeva il normale ciclo naturale.

I looked in the milking, in the preparation of butter, while with the scythe cutting the grass ... Life in the countryside is of great teaching, the moments we spent so great intensity.

Do not forget the flavors, they used to be ... The fresh milk, bread with fresh butter, e… i radici e fasioi! A bean puree which is flavored fresh radicchio. I assure you, una vera prelibatezza!

Mia nonna durante l’estate preparava spesso questo piatto, one of my favorites. Today I want to remember so.

Roots and fasioi


  • In a pan, put the beans (fasioi) previously soaked for twelve hours approximately.
  • Combine the chopped onion, two potatoes into pieces, a stalk of celery diced, two bones of pork, of ground cinnamon, sale e pepe just as.
  • Cook slowly until the beans are soft. Then, remove the bones and pass everything until you get a thick, homogeneous.
  • Meanwhile, sauté small pieces of bacon, that a low heat release their natural fat to use as a first dressing of radicchio.
  • Serve the radicchio (roots in dialect), with bean sauce that will be sprinkled on as a finishing touch.

About this recipe, è usanza locale dire mentre la si mangia: “Magnar e morir”

My meeting with Prof. Manzoni, the winemaker from the famous crossroads

It was Cristina Garetto, protagonist of one of my stories,,it,to mention him and his famous crossroads ...,,it,I had to admit I did not know him,,it,but from the stories he gave me,,it,he intrigued me immediately,,it,Call it instinct,,it,but something attracted me to the knowledge of that man,,it,I knew that,,it,he had been buried in the cemetery of my Lorenzaga,,it,small fraction of Motta di Livenza,,it,my land of origin,,it,my only link with the past,,it,In that cemetery there is a part of my family now gone,,it,I'll be there too,,it,so I decided,,it, ad accennarmi di lui e dei suoi famosi incroci…

Dovetti ammettere di non conoscerlo, ma dai racconti che mi fece, m’incuriosì da subito.  Chiamatelo istinto, sensations, ma qualcosa mi attirava nella conoscenza di quell’uomo. Seppi che era stato seppellito nel cimitero della mia Lorenzaga, piccola frazione di Motta di Livenza, mia terra d’origine, mio unico legame col passato.

In quel cimitero c’è una parte della mia famiglia ormai scomparsa, lì ci sarò anch’io, così ho deciso. Sometimes I walk inside and look at the photos on the tombstones,,it,I look at the looks,,it,and who knows I tell myself ... there I fear nothing,,it,I am among the people I met,,it,That little cemetery between vineyards and cobs is always open,,it,This is a strange evening,,it,It is one am,,it,I'm here on my desk,,it,but I'm actually there with my mind and I'm walking on gravel ... I feel like I'm being beamed,,it,almost divided between two entities,,it,I'm looking at it while I'm writing,,it,They are there in front of the small family chapel ... ",,it, guardo gli sguardi, e chissà mi dico… lì non temo nulla, li sono tra persone che ho conosciuto. Quel piccolo cimitero tra vigneti e pannocchie è sempre aperto.

Questa è una serata strana, è l’una di notte, sono qui sul mio scrittoio, ma in realtà sono lì con la mente e sto passeggiando sulla ghiaia… Mi sento come teletrasportata, quasi divisa tra due entità. Mentre sto scrivendo lo sto guardando, sono lì davanti alla piccola cappella di famiglia…”

In the afternoon when I learned of him,,it,I decided to look for him,,it,But I wanted to have the only contact possible as I usually do before writing about people,,it,I am like that,,it,Contact with the voice,,it,with the skin,,it,with the place of belonging it is fundamental to me,,it,I went looking for myself,,it,but although I had traveled far and wide I did not find it,,it,It was late,,it,and for the moment I gave up,,it,After dinner I promised to go and drink coffee from Renzo and Anna,,it, decisi di cercarlo. Volevo però avere quell’unico contatto possibile come d’abitudine faccio prima di scrivere sulle persone. Io sono cosi. Il contatto con la voce, con la pelle, con il luogo di appartenenza mi è fondamentale.

Andai alla ricerca per conto mio, ma nonostante avessi girato in lungo e in largo non lo trovai. Si era fatto tardi, e per il momento rinunciai. Dopo cena avevo promesso di andare a bere il caffè da Renzo e Anna, Aunt's neighbors in the country and old friends,,it,Renzo knows me since I was a child,,it,I remember that every summer after months spent by the nuns being taken to the countryside was heaven,,it,In the morning he went to greet me and teased me,,it,Not to mention what he touched every year on the occasion of the fireworks of the village festival,,it,I was literally terrified,,it,but he regularly offered to distract me to avoid my sobs,,it,The paradox is that now I adore them,,it. Renzo mi conosce fin da bambina. Ricordo che ogni estate dopo i mesi passati dalle suore essere portata in campagna era il paradiso. Lui alla mattina passava a salutarmi e mi prendeva in giro. Per non parlare di cosa gli toccava ogni anno in occasione dei fuochi d’artificio della festa del paese. Ero letteralmente terrorizzata, ma lui regolarmente si offriva di distrarmi per evitare i miei singhiozzi. Il paradosso è che ora io li adoro, and as soon as I can I go to see them anywhere,,it,And again I chat and lose myself,,it,dov’ero,,en,I said that that evening in front of a cafe I told Renzo about my failed business,,it,Suddenly he told me,,it,You want us to come back together,,it,"It was past twenty-one,,it,sure I did not back down,,it,especially because the next day I would have to leave,,it,It was the last chance to look for him,,it,We started in the car,,it,we entered with a flashlight,,it,and we looked for him until he found it,,it,The loculus was low,,it,I knelt looking at him,,it.

E di nuovo che chiacchiero e mi perdo… dov’ero? Ah si! Dicevo che quella sera davanti a un caffè raccontai a Renzo della mia impresa fallita. Ad un tratto lui mi disse: “Vuoi che torniamo insieme?” Erano le ventuno passate. Friends, certo non mi tirai indietro, in particolar modo perché l’indomani sarei dovuta ripartire. Era l’ultima occasione per cercarlo.

Ci avviammo in auto, entrammo con una pila, e lo cercammo fino a trovarlo. Il loculo era basso. M’inginocchiai guardandolo. I saw a proud and proud look that did not surprise me,,it,I was determined to write about him,,it,and so I did,,it,Headmaster of the Enological School of Conegliano,,it,he became a famous researcher experimenting during the 1920s,,it,'30 crosses of vines in the properties of the Collalto family,,it,He documented his studies with about seventy publications,,it,A happy testimony of its crossroads we have the most interesting grape,,it,Luigi Manzoni used Pinot Bianco's pollen and fertilized Riesling's flowers thus obtaining the combination,,it. Ero decisa a scrivere di lui, e cosi feci.

Preside della Scuola Enologica di Conegliano, divenne famoso ricercatore sperimentando nel corso degli anni ‘20 – ’30 incroci di vitigni nelle proprietà della Famiglia Collalto. Documentò i suoi studi con una settantina di pubblicazioni. A felice testimonianza dei suoi incroci abbiamo il vitigno più interessante, l 'Crossing Manzoni Fotocamera Luigi Manzoni6.0.13.

Il Prof. Luigi Manzoni utilizzò del polline di Pinot Bianco e fecondò i fiori di Riesling ottenendo così la combinazione. The numbers indicated the row and the position of the plant,,it,The Enological School of Conegliano recently wanted to reorganize the congruous material of Manzoni present in its Department of Sciences,,it,they have managed to assemble a particular wooden optical bench camera from a brilliant project,,it,connected to a microscope,,it,it was used for scientific microphotographs,,it,These photographs obtained by Manzoni in the laboratory after days and days of meticulous attempts,,it.

La Scuola Enologica di Conegliano ha voluto recentemente riordinare il congruo materiale del Manzoni presente nel suo Reparto di Scienze. Do you think that sono riusciti ad assemblare da un suo geniale progetto una particolare fotocamera a banco ottico in legno, that, collegata ad un microscopio, veniva utilizzata per le microfotografie scientifiche. Queste fotografie ottenute dal Manzoni in laboratorio dopo giorni e giorni di meticolosi tentativi, they are still considered unsurpassed,,it,and this says a lot,,it,In reading his writings came the personality of a,,it,stubbornly determined man in achieving his goals,,it,I must admit that I am very happy with him in this,,it,Thanks to its rich documentation, I can now say I have known it,,it,because there are so many ways to get to know people,,it,I'm more and more convinced that writing your own ideas,,it,their own projects,,it,and their emotions,,it,give us a pinch of immortality,,it, e questo la dice lunga.

Nel leggere i suoi scritti scaturiva la personalità di un uomo caparbiamente determinato nel raggiungere i suoi obiettivi. Devo ammettere che in questo mi rispecchio molto in lui.

Grazie alla sua ricca documentazione ora posso dire di averlo conosciuto. Yes, perché ci sono tanti modi di conoscere le persone. Sono sempre più convinta che scrivere le proprie idee, i propri progetti, e le proprie emozioni, ci dia in dono un pizzico d’immortalità.

The story of Cristina ... a woman of the future with a look to the past

It is said that behind every great man, c’è una grande donna… Bè, I have been able to confirm.

It all began one afternoon in my country Lorenzaga Motta di Livenza, between the rustle of the corn shaken by the wind, the song of the hoopoe, and the cheerful voices of Erica and Giulio, my little cousins ​​who were rolling in the grass. After a look at the window in contemplation of such simple beauty of life, I started watching videos of some local producers.

Suddenly my attention was magnetized by a woman who told, Cristina Garetto. Something life d istinto, I always say, is my guide in life. Friends, that day my instincts pointed to the direction and set me in motion. After a brief search found the contacts and I arranged for a meeting with her. The next afternoon I was in Tezze di Piave, in the main office of the Cellar Cecchetto.

As usual I took a turn them around. Mi like to understand where people live and feel the atmosphere, is know as a bit '. After stopping my memories with some pictures, I headed entrance. Cristina was to welcome me, and our smiles made us know immediately.

Azienda Agricola Cecchetto

Azienda Agricola Cecchetto

During my visit, I told the meeting happy with Giorgio Cecchetto, her husband. Law, graduated at the higher Institute would never have thought to his fate in the wine world ... but life holds for us nice surprises, enough to grasp them.

He told me about the company and its wines. Proudly sponsoring the vine Raboso and its territories, Cantina Cecchetto is a founding member of the "Brotherhood of Raboso Piave".

All of a sudden he told me that make wine grapes obtained from well 35 hectares of vineyards in Lorenzaga Motta di Livenza.  I could not help that astounded eyes, explaining that I had just arrived from there.

Cellar Cecchetto Lorenzaga in Motta di Livenza

Cellar Cecchetto Lorenzaga in Motta di Livenza

Cristina became sommelier, decided to point to the tradition of trying to maintain a particular form of vine cultivation, "The Bellussera" (cultivation of four screws supported by a pole, that, once they reach the height, are inclined giving the vineyard a form radiating). Designed by F.lli Bellussi between the 1850 and the 1900, now disused because supplanted by forms with higher density of plants per hectare. Tradition hand in hand with innovation, because at the same time looking to the future with the experimental. In 2002, in fact, were planted the first 5000 screws from new clonal selections of Raboso.

You must know that I love the history and traditions. Lo so, lo so, I have already said in my other stories ... But this is to make you understand my enthusiasm, when suddenly he told me that the study of a text 1600, the refinement of Raboso happened in acacia wood land ..., gelso, chestnut and cherry! ("The Hundred and ten memories that make good factor out of Villa" by Giacomo Agostinetti, born in 1597 the Cimadolmo, a confining Paese)

Vineyards Cecchetto

Vineyards Cecchetto

For this effort she was awarded the "@ Terra Prix 2010 " by the Minister of Agriculture Giancarlo Galan as part of the celebration of the World Day of Rural Women. He told me of his research, and at one point he mentioned a certain Prof. Luigi Manzoni and his famous intersections. He said he was buried just Lorenzaga, in the cemetery where there is almost my whole family, where when the time comes I will be there. Oh my mama say, but that speeches should be and do ..., so to speak, I have many stories yet to be told!

Prof. Ma making al. Manzoni, you should know that what intrigued me and a lot of! So much so that on the same evening, I and my dear friend Renzo, with a stack to the hand, Lorenzaga wandered in the cemetery of his research to the past twenty-two! I've never said I'm quite stubborn and that if I put myself in the head is not something difficult to reach? Friends, is so! When you finally found it satisfied I stopped in front of his eyes fierce and proud.

It was then that I decided to tell him ... and I will, in my next story.


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