We are sure to know how to read a label?

Knowing how to read a label is important, some, but it is not always easy. Just to say that a few weeks ago I found it such a detailed, that more than make up my mind has me confused. Nessuna polemica, for charity! Ben are descriptions to guarantee the origin of food dictated by the new rules on traceability. The doubts to which I refer are relevant to understanding the meaning of a number of food additives marked with alphanumeric codes. All mandatory information – He promptly told me the operator – view my perplexity in read. Well, certainly the commitment should be appreciated, but as for clarity for the consumer I know that there is still much to do! 

Within about showing the label in question. The indications are relative to the ingredients and additives of a filled pasta packaging. Let's read together.

Be’, on ingredients nothing to clarify, I'd rather go over the meaning of the term additives: those substances added intentionally to foodstuffs to keep them protecting them from microbial contamination, color them or dolcificarli. The aim is to improve the appearance and taste. You can be identified by a number preceded by the letter E, with the specific function of the relative. The most common are antioxidants, preservatives, flavorings, dyes, sweeteners and thickeners. But there are many other, harmless and less harmless. Anyway, for peace of all, there is a body set up to assess their safety: l 'EFSA, European Food Safety Authority.

But back to my label. Therefore, these are the additives.

  • Antioxidant E301: sodium ascorbate. The sodium salt of ascorbic acid E300 used to prevent browning and rancidity of foods.
  • Antioxidant E316: sodium erythorbate, synthetically produced. It slows down the food oxidation.
  • Preservatives: E252 sodium nitrite – E252 potassium nitrate. Two substances that besides preserving add flavor to meat. It should be stressed that excessive consumption of these additives can be hazardous to your health.
  • Flavor enhancer E621: monosodium glutamate. A substance used for its ability to enhance the flavor of a food intensifying the flavor.
  • Acidity: E262 sodium acetate – E331 sodium citrate. Their function is to extend the life of food.

All clear? Definitely a bit’ more after searching the meaning of each additive present in the filled pasta in question. For this purpose, a 'bugiardino of additives’ with their functions and side effects, It could help consumers to a more conscious choice. Because to be honest, some substances when added in excess may be due to allergies.

In conclusion, what is left to say ... maybe just that as far as I, read more additives added to the label, and pass me the desire to buy a food. Just to say that the choice of fresh and selected foods is undoubtedly the best choice!

Produzioni garantite DOP e IGP. It’ chiara per tutti la differenza?

Negli ultimi tempi guardo poco la televisione, direi quasi per nulla. A parte poche eccezioni la qualità dei programmi mi annoia proprio per la pochezza dei contenuti. A volte mi capita di farlo condizionata da chi ha gusti diversi, persone che si meravigliano dalla mia quasi totale mancanza di conoscenza di trasmissioni note ai più. Comunque sia capisco anche che, visti i tempi che corrono, la gente abbia bisogno di ‘leggerezza’ di contenuti, per distrarsi dimenticando per qualche ora le difficoltà quotidiane.

Nonostante ciò seguo volentieri i programmi che diffondono conoscenza, permettendo di apprezzare la ricchezza culturale ed enogastronomica del nostro bel paese. Ci sono poi le inchieste, that, da una parte mi fanno arrabbiare, e dall’altra aprono gli occhi ai consumatori che come me si definiscono informati.

Entriamo in merito. A few weeks ago, durante una puntata di Report su Rai 3, si è parlato di DOP e IGP. Nulla di nuovo certo, ma credo che molti ancora non sappiano che l’Identificazione Geografica Protetta ponga un vincolo sul territorio in cui avviene la trasformazione, ma non sulle materie prime.

Ma come… sembra quasi un paradosso?! In pratica se mi capita di visitare un paese italiano ed acquistare una tipicità del posto garantita IGP, ho si la garanzia che venga prodotta in quel territorio, ma non sempre ho la certezza che venga fatta con materie prime originarie di quel luogo. La normativa infatti in questo senso non è vincolante. Eh no! Così non mi piace!

Well, fatta questa premessa faccio continuare all’esperta, Eugenia Bergamaschi, Presidente Confagricoltura di Modena.

Cynthia, le cose stanno così: per le IGP fa fede il luogo di produzione e la ricetta, mentre la materia prima può venire anche da altre località. Per questo motivo potrai ben capire che le IGP da sempre sono state un problema per i produttori agricoli.

Accanto alle IGP esistono le DOP che tutelano i prodotti Italiani. Il prodotto DOP deve essere fatto in Italia con materia prima Italiana, come ad esempio il Prosciutto di Parma, il Prosciutto di San Daniele e il Prosciutto di Modena. Prodotti DOP perché fatti obbligatoriamente con cosce di suini nati, allevati, macellati e stagionati in Italia, secondo un disciplinare severo al quale si devono attenere gli allevatori, i macellatori e gli stagionatori.

Per verificare che ciò avvenga esiste un organo di controllo che si chiama IPQ: Istituto Parma Qualità. Il suo compito è di controllare la filiera della DOP del Prosciutto di Parma e del Prosciutto di Modena. Il Prosciutto di San Daniele invece è controllato dall’INEQ: Istituto Nord Est Qualità.

Le DOP sono veri e propri prodotti di nicchia that, per la loro produzione, seguono un disciplinare rigoroso che impone regole molto rigide. Il costo di produzione e il prezzo finale al consumatore è più alto proprio per questo.

I take the word.

Con Eugenia, che conosco personalmente e ringrazio, abbiamo parlato a lungo al telefono sulla questione. La cosa che mi interessava far capire, è la differenza tra DOP e IGP, che vi assicuro molti non conoscono ancora. Lo scopo è sempre lo stesso: formare il consumatore affinché la sua scelta sia sempre più informata e consapevole.

Dopo i nostri discorsi e gli scambi di opinione siamo giunte alla stessa conclusione: in Italia ci sono troppi marchi, troppi consorzi, troppa disgregazione, e poca ‘comunicazione ben fatta’ delle produzioni e dei territori. Elementi critici che non fanno bene all’economia del nostro paese, agli agricoltori che puntano alla qualità, e agli stessi consumatori, spesso confusi nei loro acquisti. Ce ne sarebbero di cose da dire, ma soprattutto da fare…

Vinitaly 2015, Now do the numbers !

Quiet, I'm not giving any number, except those that come directly from Vinitaly, 49th International Wine and Spirits Exhibition that has just ended. Refer to the four-day event highlights that moves Italy wine, passions and business. Read a po'qui ...

• 576.000 bottles uncorked
• 200.000 tons of glass
• 8 tons of corks
• 130.000 glasses used
• 11.100 follower ofVinitalyTasting on Twitter
• 116.000 like the official page of Vinitaly on Facebook

There is no doubt, Vinitaly Vinitaly, a great showcase of the business in the wine industry that, for fans, is a special occasion to travel in the territories tasting wines. This is confirmed by the numbers of Italian viticulture processed data Veronafiere / Vinitaly.

• 380.000 about Italian wineries
• 665.000 hectares of vines
• 40 million hl of wine,  production 2014 estimated by Assoenologi (- 17% compared to 2013)
• 73 DOCG, 332 DOC and 118 IGT
• 10-12 billion euro turnover wine (5,1 arising from exports)

Figures that make your head spin, and not for wine tasting, but for the great resource that this area account for the future of the Italian economy. The simplifications bureaucratic and agricultural policies for the support of viticulture are essential and priority. In this regard it is hoped that the Uniform Code on Wine, and the extraordinary plan that provides for the allocation of 48 million euro for the protection of Made in Italy, has fully implemented soon.

"Wine as a whole is an area that is worth over 10 billion Euros, of which more than 5,1 generated by exports. "Ettore Riello, President of Verona fairs.

And 'essential to invest in the development of strategies to guarantee the quality and innovation in agriculture, nell'enoturismo and in the right communication for the dissemination of the culture of wine, knowledge of the territories and persons involved. All this is to ensure that a bottle of wine know transmit, as well as pleasure, emotions, history and territory.

Also, a hint of excitement in most of the catering staff in the proposals of the lesser known productions, would do well to wine, and would save varietals that make Italian viticulture richness that distinguishes us in the world. I say this everywhere and I will continue to say, for the passion I have for viticulture and for the agricultural world.

Below are some pictures of my day at Vinitaly 2015. No credit and no commitment, only a Monday passed in the company of people with the same passion for wine. What I liked? Be’, sicuramente salutare produttori già conosciuti in questi ultimi anni durante le mie visite, and others know that I'm going to find directly in the vineyard. In addition to this, I had the pleasure of doing good taste thus expanding the sensory experiences that over time help to form the 'baggage' needed for those living this area.

What I did not like? Surely the hustle and bustle that knows just who has been repeatedly at Vinitaly, an exhibition by large numbers, that for me, never replace the passion for the little ones.

Tonight we eat broccoli! I recommend, but with the stem!

You know what I'm doing tonight? I go in the kitchen! Someone distort the nose… perhaps because who knows me knows that I love eating more than cooking. 😉

In the words of the German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbachwe are what we eat – clearer than that! Personally I love the search history, traditions, but also the therapeutic properties of the food, because eating well is the secret to staying healthy.

The important thing is to choose good raw materials, possibly #madeinitaly saw the great productions that we, but I recommend, optimizing and avoiding waste.

Stem Broccoli

Stem Broccoli

Today I went to the market and I bought two broccoli, dell’salad, a po 'di dried fruit, a piece of Provolone e un good extra virgin 'olive Italian' (check that it is written).

In this respect when you're on vacation take advantage to go visit a farm che lo produce; if you like it buy it, and then home easily send fatevelo. Against the other, consuming the same oil you've tasted on vacation will seem to relive the good times experienced.

But back to the broccoli. Now I use them to prepare a pasta dish and a mixed salad. About, are rich in vitamin C but unfortunately with the cooking in water in part is lost. To overcome this, the ideal is to cook steamed.

That said, once boiled them join anchovy fried with garlic, or in addition to the tuna. I will use this preparation for pasta. I recommend, not spared the 'quality of the pasta', affect much on the outcome of a dish!

Good, remained the stalk of broccoli. I love his taste! Once cleaned should be cut into thin slices and goes together with a nice salad, in chunks of provolone, and a lot of good nuts!

How about ...? Meanwhile, I eat, Bon Appetite! 😉

Orecchiette con i broccoli

The importance of promoting the land and its resources, also because, if you look around, There remains only one!

Ora bacchetto! Calmi, sto scherzando! 😉 Lungi da me usare qualsiasi tipo di bacchetta verso qualcuno! It’ anche vero però, che davanti a certe situazioni, non riesco proprio a non dire la mia! Non è una questione di puntiglio, It is that it is time we all learn to get serious in promoting the land and its resources, also because, if you look around, There remains only one!

Ognuno di noi, in his own way, Can anything be done to our economy, to promote our products, to raise awareness of the richness and beauty of our land. The consumer may very, starting to choose where and how to shop, paying attention to seasonality, label, and provenance. I know it is a time of crisis, but buying less, and more quality, It is good for us and our Italian.

The wheel that turned our economic system, by now, is you are stopping! Right now, are crucial synergies, doing well together! If someone believes, that running alone things can andargli good long, the illusion! Who runs alone, receives about poi, only remains!

Having said, I will make mention of some episodes that made me turn up their noses at my days spent in Crotone. These are situations in which one often encounters in Italy; We are a country rich in resources abroad envy us, but unfortunately we have not yet learned to value them as they deserve.

  • 1′ Case – I love breakfast, It is my favorite meal. A Crotone, land of great productions, in a three star hotel I've stayed, the first morning ready to enjoy what 'I thought' I expected, I found myself in front of really sad packaged products. Almost nothing of the territory, and no trace of fresh fruit; for me that love is a real affront. Offering more fruit, both in hotels and in restaurants, you could do a lot for farmers!
  • 2′ Case – During an afternoon, between one visit and another, I stopped for a drink. Well, since I was a little 'undecided, I asked some advice to the person who had come to take the order (also to hear what he would have offered me). The response was: “He wants a spritz?"But I said no! You should know that it is a Calabrian typical drink non-alcoholic coffee made with spring water of Mount Covello, situated in the territory of Girifalco in the province of Catanzaro. And 'perfect for every hour, these aunt, and taste really nice. E 'on'brasilena”. Why not offer the! Obviously Did I stressed, and I ordered.
  • 3'Case - much I love ice cream, if then matched fruit is a real meal. Well, I could not believe my eyes when one day and ordered a similar, I received a bowl with peaches in syrup! Peaches in syrup in August?! us! Say no more ...
  • 4'Case - Calabria, land of great oils. "But we want to put them on the tables!"I had to say precisely the same words all'addetta the hall who took care of the service. Moreover it would be important not to fill bottles with other oils with known labels, also because, looking at the bottle was, It is easy to see if it happens. Here come into because the famous anti-filler cap, alas rejected. The one is to rely on the seriousness of the restaurateur.

Another thing I'd like to see me bring the restaurant, It is a small bottle of local olive oil, that “I would use during the meal, I would pay the bill at a promotional price, and that would take me home.” Same thing I would like to see applied to the wine you do not end up consuming, given the proper limitations of the Highway Code.

In addition, I would like to see on the tables, as is already the case for wines, of the “oils cards of local olive oil” with informative pills that present briefly the characteristics of the varieties. Here I make a note on the Local Action Group of Crotone, the Gal Kroton, that in a few days will present the paper of olive oils adhering to their local food system.

That said, remembering that in Italy we have over 530 cultivars of olives, much is being done, but much can still be with the commitment of all, with the help of the administrations, and with the right local communication.

Launch my outlet here, but do not think, I do wherever I be given the opportunity. As during the first 'edition of the "Fair of Excellence Strongolesi" organized dall'operosa Pro Loco, and it was followed by a debate coordinated by journalist Giuseppe de Pipita "The Crotonese".

Invited to the table, after the greetings sent via a message from President of Calabria Giuseppe Scopelliti, and the presence of – Vincenzo Pepparelli President of the Chamber of Commerce of Crotone, Christmas Carvelli President Gal Kroton, Mayor Michael Laurenzano Strongoli, Simona Mancuso Municipal Councilor for productive activities and Francesco Fiorita minority leader of Strongoli City Council – I told my, as a blogger communicator of the territory and its producers, on what could be done starting with these small things that I highlighted earlier. As for the aid to producers, it streamlining the bureaucratic part to which they are heavily subjected, and l 'help to support them in the expenses for participation in fairs and promotional events, It would be welcome.

Siamo un paese ricco di risorse che all’estero ci invidiano, quindi forza, sta a tutti noi valorizzarle!

Let the treasure hunt? Rather… label! Meet Sara Cordara

It’ estate, it is time to carelessness, games and fun. Good, I thought about doing a treasure hunt, then, if it really is a treasure, is to be verified! How? The game, then that game is not, takes place by reading the labels of the products we buy! But how do? And above, those who fail to understand what they read! Sometimes I wonder if some producers think that consumers are small chemical!

If you think carefully, what you read, and that for the most part do not understand, I'll eat!

Today we launch a challenge! Together with Sara we decided to make a play summer, is called “hunting etiquette”. Of course I mean those deceptive, those made for nuclear engineers, maybe then, even they do not understand!

These rules: when you do not understand what you read, or when something is written on the label does not convince, send us a photo, Sara Cordara will be our Sherlock Holmes ... but the label!

 Good, VI presents La investigatrice our special! 😉

Sara Cordara, biologist, nutrizionista e specialista in scienza dell’alimentazione.

For years dealing with communication and nutritional science. Fights to defend and enhance the Made in Italy, and for food labeling clearer, less misleading and deceptive, consumer protection.

  • Hello Sara, I read that for years you deal with communication nutritional. You look very young, you want to tell us about your career path?

After the five-year degree in biological sciences with a thesis on aspartame,  the chemical sweetener most discussed from time, I decided to specialize in food science. I am fascinated by everything that is nutrition 360 °. I worked for a couple of years at a research laboratory Luigi Sacco Hospital in Milan but I felt a little mouse Laboratory.

Having always had a nice gab, I started working as a popularizer scientific journals with some being as Viversani&certain.  Currently supporting the marketing department of Yakult, un’azienda specializzata in probiotici e con loro seguo un progetto con dei runners. Ho anche una mia rubrica di nutrizione su una radio piemontese.

Are of the opinion that the best form of communication is the direct contact with people, once there was a paper, now communicating through social as facebook and twitter, websites, i blog.  In my opinion it works, you can not interact well, provided that the communication is clean and done with intelligence.

  • You fight to enhance the Made in Italy  through more transparent labeling that addresses the consumer towards a more informed choice. View your experience, what is the current situation?

The average consumer reads food labels but includes very little, and is not to blame. In recent years I have received many reports of indecipherable labels and incomprehensible. The fault lies with a system that works badly and often part directly by the European Community.  

Let me give an example, just recently has not passed from Brussels the measure on the stopper to prevent anti-refilling in restaurants olive oil is continuously mixed with the old one, perhaps with that of seeds. It would have been a way to protect our olive oil, the “re” the Mediterranean diet.

  • I am a strong supporter of nutrition education from childhood, but not only. Instead of prescribing medicines galore, propose courses for the purpose of education pathology patients to a healthy lifestyle, avoiding the abuse pharmaceuticals, alas, is too widespread in the media. Are repetitive, lo so, but I wonder if in the long run this thought can be transformed from utopia to hope ...

A healthy food awareness takes shape during childhood and adolescence, and here that parents have to work hard, Once adults become complicated change their ways. Childhood obesity is unfortunately increasingly rising taking along all related complications such as diabetes and hypertension.

A good education comes from private households; durante i miei seminari nelle scuole elementari non è infrequente trovare bambini che non mangiano il pesce perché non essendo gradito da uno dei genitori non viene cucinato. Poi c’è il problema del junk food, junk food cheap and convenient that is spreading more and more.

Maybe I'll be too hard, but the idea that consumerism and many food companies go hand in hand with the pharmaceutical, the premium will ” gorge of food” e the second one “care”, the one can not exist without the presence of the other. The latter concept summarizes some’ My opinion about.


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