Un inno al vino per veri appassionati. Bottiglie Aperte 2015

  • Il vino è istinto.
  • Il vino non è moda.
  • Si beve per emozionarsi.
  • Il vino non è fatto di teoria.
  • Gli egoismi non aiutano il vino.
  • Il vino va bevuto, va goduto e va condiviso.
  • Il vino viene comunicato bene dalle persone sensibili.
  • Bevete quello che vi piace, il vostro termometro è il vostro palato.
  • La supponenza del giornalismo nel mondo del vino fa male al vino.

Sono parole di Luca Gardini dette a Bottiglie Aperte durante la verticale di Valpolicella Superiore Doc Dal Forno Romano, che ha condotto e a cui ho partecipato. Un evento che si è svolto in un luogo ricco di storia tra i più belli di Milano: il Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci. Una manifestazione che ha visto la partecipazione di cento aziende vitivinicole del territorio.

Nonostante le ‘uscite colorite’ di Luca Gardini, che a mio parere a volte sono inopportune rispetto ai contesti in cui si presenta, apprezzo il suo pensiero, un inno al vino che, da vera appassionata, condivido pienamente. For this, ho partecipato con piacere alla Masterclass da lui guidata svoltasi nella splendida ‘Sala del Cenacolo’. Per un’amante dell’arte e della storia come me, un’ambiente dalle atmosfere molto speciali interamente affrescato, la cui costruzione risale al 1709.

Sala del Cenacolo

Dal Forno Romano, un’azienda agricola situata a Cellore d’Illasi in provincia di Verona, di cui ho sentito parlare la prima volta da Alberto Malesani durante una visita nella sua cantina. Non ho ancora avuto modo di andare a trovarlo, for this, ho colto volentieri l’invito per l’assaggio dei suoi vini. In degustazione: Valpolicella Superiore DOC Monte Lodoletta 2006 – 2005 – 2004 – 2003 – 2002 – 2001 – 2000

Non mi soffermerò come fanno i tecnici su ogni annata, lascio a loro il compito. Vi dirò solo che ho ascoltato con attenzione le descrizioni dei vini, and, a conclusione dell’assaggio, ho scelto come mie annate preferite quella del 2003 and 2001. Una questione di gusti del tutto personale, as it should be. Un vino impetuoso e di grande carattere, un Valpolicella che si impone e che consiglio di assaggiare a chi ama vini di particolare struttura.

Vertical Dal Forno Romano

Per concludere, il mio consiglio è sempre lo stesso: oltre a partecipare alle degustazioni, visitate le aziende agricole e ascoltate i produttori. Imparerete assaggiando, and, grazie alle vostre papille gustative, arricchirete il vostro bagaglio di esperienze sensoriali.

Per capire veramente il vino bisogna conoscere i territori e le persone protagoniste. E’ la terra, insieme al loro cuore e alla loro testa, a dagli forma e sostanza. Questo è semplicemente il pensiero di una donna che ama il vino per ciò che rappresenta: emotions, history, tradizioni e territorio.


Riscoprire Milano…

Non amo il caos ne la frenesia… amo la campagna, il verde e la tranquillità. Forse è per questo che vivo le città velocemente, con una ‘toccata e fuga’. Qualche mese fa però è stato diverso… ho conosciuto una Milano splendente, abbagliante, aggregante… insomma ho vissuto un pomeriggio e una sera in una Milano che non mi aspettavo.

Dalla Stazione Garibaldi, attraversando la strada, mi sono diretta verso Piazza Gae Aulenti, uno spiazzo circolare di ben cento metri di diametro dedicato all’architetto e designer da poco scomparsa. La visione delle moderne e splendide architetture progettate dall’architetto argentino Cesar Pelli, in collaborazione con lo studio italiano Land, mi hanno letteralmente abbagliata.

Luci, colors, fontane e varie proposte culturali, hanno reso questa piazza un vero punto aggregante per la città.


But not only, attraversando un passaggio pedonale si incontra l’opera urbana di Alberto Garutti. Ventitré tubi in metallo cromato disposti in circolo che, richiamando quasi per amplificare la nostra voce, ci permettono di salutare il mondo dicendo: “Siamo pronti! Milano vi aspetta!


Superato un passaggio pedonale, una lunga gradinata mi ha condotto in Corso Como, il centro della vita di Milano, that, con i suoi locali e le sue vetrine, va vissuto passeggiando. The key word here is: “aggregazione”.

Corso Como

Si era fatta sera… come dico spesso le città vanno vissute di giorno e di notte, l’unico modo, per me, to know them fully. He turned on the lights Milan dressed, come sa fare solo una signora elegante indossando un abito da sera.

Milano by night

Vi consiglio di non perdervi la visione dei bellissimi murales degli studenti del Liceo Artistico Umberto Boccioni di Milano, presenti sulle pareti del corridoio sotterraneo della fermata ‘Stazione Garibaldi’ della metropolitana.



La bella Milano si è preparata per EXPO 2015 un evento unico per il “Sistema Italia”: an Expo with the first model Digital Smart City del futuro, un quartiere ecocompatibile a pochi chilometri dal centro.

Una grande Milano pronta ad accogliere il mondo!

Piazza Gau Aulenti..

A history of food tainted by past

In swordfish tested at low temperature, 62 degrees, with caramelized chestnut Gran Marnier, pureed cannellini and zest (peel) orange caramel. Chef William Paolucci.

David Lacey, father del Ristorante The Malmaison di Milano. I met him during a recent demonstration on street food. What struck me about him? The way he told his raw materials, in particular by providing recommendations and insights on crustaceans and molluscs, drawing particular attention to the public, have given rise to one of the most successful interventions of the day.

E 'for this reason that I wanted to know him better by accepting an invitation to dinner at his restaurant. But I did not know everything, one, I did not know earlier related to his private life that alas affect its history of restorative.

Yesterday, People who know me and care about me, knowing how I feel about the protagonists eno, you are worried about writing me in private. I was there just to get to know a person and the dishes of his good young cook, William Paolucci. Point.

 Raw fish

Raw fish

A man from Puglia who has lived in Milan a difficult, who left school at fifteen to work in the markets of fruits and vegetables, getting up at three in the morning, in the cold of winter and the sun in the summer. Then, at night, work in a nightclub to cover the costs.

“Cynthia, I will never forget where I came from, memories always give me the joy of smiling. I was born in a historic district on the outskirts of Milan, Giambellino, in 1965. I've lived through the worst years. Più della metà dei miei amici e compagni di scuola sono morti per droga, while others ended up in jail. Now that I have something of mine that really gives me satisfaction, I do my work with love and passion, that's it.”

Of course I gave him some advice. There are many changes to be made in its local. As I said to David last night, sometimes change is necessary to give a true turn their lives around, making hard choices and serious about turning the page. Chapter closed.

Vi lascerò solo le immagini che mi hanno colpito il giorno in cui l’ho conosciuto.

La Maison Charles Heidsieck, 160 year history of Champagne

The British writer Charles Caleb Colton compared champagne at a critical: "There is nothing more repulsive when it is bad ... nothing more delicious when it's good."

Although I am a woman who loves red wine (the good ones), when I have the chance I take with pleasure the taste of a glass of champagne produced by a Maison renowned for the quality and history.

Charles Heidsieck is a French wine that was born in the vineyards of Champagne - Ardenne region in northern France. A wine that appeals to luxury, elegance and seduction, much loved by women.

Champagne Charles Heidsieck

Champagne Charles Heidsieck

Well, a few nights ago I took the invitation of Philarmonica, Actually the distribution of selected productions, attending a dinner dedicated to this product champagne from a historic Maison born in 1851.

In the center of Milan, accepted in the delightful Restaurant ‘Brassica Merenda‘, obtained from a patrician apartment at the end of 1700, was held the event with tasting conducted by the expert guidance of Mark's Church.

A summer evening in Milan with #charliesway @philarmonicaspa

One summer evening in Milan with charliesway # @ philarmonicaspa

Not knowing Marco, when I asked him what that occupy, his answer was ready: “Cynthia, I tell stories of wine and men”. What better opportunity to listen…

In an estate will be, in a unique and elegantly furnished, with ten bloggers I did a tour of tasting, combined with a dinner by the typical Mediterranean flavors.

Si beve Champagne Charles Heidsieck Millésime 2000 Vintage Brut e... Mediterranean food you eat

Si beve Champagne Charles Heidsieck Millésime 2000 Vintage Brut e… Mediterranean food you eat

A Maison with five labels: Charles Heidsieck Brut Réserve, Rosé Reserve, Vintage Brut 2000, Vintage Rosé 1999 e White Millennia 1995.

To each his own champagne. My, at least one who has approached more to my liking for the pleasure of the nose and in the mouth, è stato he millennia Vintage White 1995 Vintage.

Vintage White millennia 1995 Vintage - Charles Heidsieck

Vintage White millennia 1995 Vintage – Charles Heidsieck

To accompany, oltre a Billie Holiday con ‘Crazy He Calls Me‘, listening to the tales of Marco on the vicissitudes of a family that has resulted in the soirees of the European courts to the present day, its products.

‘Champagne Charlie’, the name by which it is known in America, is a wine of a French company that stands out for its recognized ability to work as a team. An attitude than an inclination, that over time enables economies and territory.

Restaurant 'brassica Merenda'

Restaurant 'brassica Merenda’


My first time with a hedgehog ... at the restaurant 'Da Giulia'

My first time with a hedgehog has been a few years ago in Milan at the restaurant 'Da Giulia'. But what you got?! The hedgehog in question to which I refer is, indeed it was ... a great sea urchin! 😉

Never having had the opportunity to taste this delicacy, few years ago a dear friend has seen fit to provide for taking me precisely at this restaurant in Milan. A family-run business whose owners, Abbott and Julia both of Bisceglie in the Province of BAT (Barletta-Andria-Trani), are united in life and in work from twenty-five years.

After that there were other, also because they are now friends with whom, sometimes in person and sometimes I interact on social, but mostly I delight the palate.

That being said now take advantage of the occasion to make them some questions, but above all to explore some topics that I care very. When I go to a restaurant, who knows me knows, I go with a critical eye, and not only. The quality catering can be a lot for the promotion of the territory of its productions.

Giulia is too busy in the kitchen, Gianni's up to you to answer me! Are you ready? Today we will talk about the territory, of food culture, of extra virgin olive oil, della doggy bag, of wine, alcohol test… of course the restaurant.

  • How much of your land, I mean how traditions and specialties in the kitchen of your restaurant?

I want to test? Cinzia are ready! Therefore, all our cuisine is based on typical dishes of our homeland even though a modern twist. We use raw materials typical of the area such as Senatore Cappelli flour produced in the Murgia, the grits Tumminia Castelvetrano, the burnt wheat Daunia of San Severo, extra virgin olive Bisceglie, le verdure, la frutta, shellfish and seafood from Manfredonia.

  • Often insist on the fact that pills with food culture, can also be made by caterers explaining the origin of the raw materials of the dishes that bring to the table. Share?

Absolutely agree with you. And 'our habit to tell the dish that we bring to the table for our guests to make them understand what they eat.

Busiati Trapanesi semolina Tumminia pistachio pesto and tuna bottarga

Busiati Trapanesi semolina Tumminia pistachio pesto and tuna bottarga

  • Let's talk about extra virgin olive oil. As I often say I would like to see on restaurant tables, as is already the case for wines, of 'cards of olive oil' pills with information that present briefly the characteristics of the cultivar (variety of olives). Then, I wish I was offered a small bottle of olive oil is representative of an area that I would use during the meal, I would pay the bill at a promotional price, and that I would take home. Utopia or hope? 

Speaking of oil can not forget when I was a child I devoted the olive harvest in the countryside. I remember the alarm clock a good time to 4.30 and my father, who lit the fire to warm up while the big predisposing the jute sacking around trees. Tempi duri ma belli.

I wonder if it is possible a list of extra virgin olive oils? Some have it, the important thing for me is to have a certified quality extra virgin olive oil and olives produced in Italy by land. As you know I use extra virgin olive Lamantea, a product of the lands of Apulia. The varieties of olives used are the olive and olive CORATINA OGLIAROLA, typical of our land.

  • Now for the doggy bag, or rather the package with which the guest of the restaurant brings home the food that has advanced. A consuetudine all'estero, in Italy a much less practical in use. Are we too 'gentlemen'? I wonder, but how they do it?

Cynthia is we ourselves who want to bring home the leftover food in a container ready to be heated. I first and foremost am opposed to the waste of food, especially in these times of crisis.

  • Same thing goes for wine, at least for me. Given the correct restrictions in force, in case we should put the guide is desirable, when you order a bottle and you end up not, that they could take home. Sei in Accord?

Some,  it happens that some take away the bottle. Customers are now aware of how much they can drink. It’ for this reason that I chose a good number of bottles cl 375 while I decided not to serve wine by the glass because, in addition to losing the magic of uncorking,  can be recovered even think about wine.

The Sicilian cassata Giulia

The Sicilian cassata Giulia

I conclude my talk with Gianni remembering, about the limitations in force concerning the consumption of alcohol, that the regulations require mandatory for all public places open past midnight, possession of a device which allows customers who have to drive to detect your blood alcohol level, the well known limit 0,5 grams (for new drivers is expected to rate 0).

It would be advisable that they had all, even those that close before midnight. However be aware that it is our right to ask to be able to make an 'alcohol test', in case we have doubts about what we drank.

Locandina alcolemia

The photographs of the dishes are of 'Da Giulia Restaurant’


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