Artisan Wine Andi Fausto, a man out of the fray

Andi Fausto,  owner of the farm run biodynamic located in Montù Beccaria.

In my amateur group "Le Vigne-tte" speaks often of wine, nature, and territory. I must say that I am pleased to share their thoughts with "big" personalities. Large say ...?!  For me they are, for their belief in the land and people. The greatness belongs to the simple, needs no sparks or hype… belongs to those who live in the truth, ethics, and honesty.

Well, a few days ago while we were discussing natural wines intervened friend Teresio Nardi, trustee of the Slow Food:  “In Oltrepà there is a small producer who works with very little chemistry in the vineyard (Verderame e Zolfo) and, for some wines, without addition of bisulphite. Gets out of the box standard products do not always appreciated by the tasters official, but it is worth to taste. It's called Andi Fausto”.


Fausto Andi

As I often say, and here I repeat myself, I always follow the advice of people I respect in my path of knowledge, so that, picked up the phone on the spot, and, After a nice chat stared at a meeting. Fausto know it was a real pleasure, although I must admit that, although who knows me will hardly believe, I found who talk more than me! 😉

The biodynamic farm Andi Fausto over the years has recovered native vineyards and historic vines thanks to the family winemaking tradition handed down. During my visit I was struck by the story of the birth of the barrel teaching. Understanding the importance of the wood is of fundamental experience.

Fausto told me how, il famoso bottaio “Cassi” di Casabianca di Montù Beccaria, taught him to address issues important to the influence of the wood that you want to give your wine. These teachings have resulted in 2007 to know Peter Garbellotto, that, after having listened to and appreciated the content of requests for Fausto, realized his cellar teaching. Peter Garbellotto, one of the most well-known Venetian entrepreneurs in the global wine industry has disappeared in the 2011 a 88 age; the artisan Cooper Conegliano (TV) dubbed "the king of barrels”.

Company Agricola Cantina Fausto Andi

Winery Azienda Agricola Fausto Andi

During the visit to the cellar, Fausto when he asked me what wine I wanted to try my answer was readily: “Red and character!"I've tasted the 'Alianum vendemmia 2007, 18 degrees, a handcrafted wine as he defines it obtained from Moradella,  a vine historical who recovered. A red wine, hot, particular, enveloping, I really liked.

In his stories I was struck by an expression he used, and which I fully – the loss of the ability of the farmer's observation – the wisdom of interpretation in the observation of the sky and weather conditions so that influivano on the conduct of agricultural activities.

A man "out of the fray”, and not only for his thoughts ... This definition corresponds to the name of one of his assistance project. The purpose is to promote the integration of people through a workshop that brings together groups dedicated to the transformation of the company's products, and circuits for organic growing.

The laboratory social farming born in 2006, allows "employees" in a familiar environment carrying out the activities for the production of jams, Vegetable soups, fruit juices, over which the singular decoration of bottles intended for a targeted distribution.

“You do and let them talk”

Andi Fausto


The “respect for the farmer” Valter Calvi, winemaker in the Land of OltrepÃ

I met Valter Calvi  thanks to the advice of,,it,you have nothing to fear ... I had to get to know them,,it,for the person who is,,it,his respect for the farmer ... It is defined by many,,it,It is run by David and his father Valter,,it,For eleven generations,,it,so as to avoid the erosion of hilly terrain and at the same time creating an ideal microhabitat for herbaceous essences and useful insects,,it,you want to tell me what you mean by "respect for the farmer",,it,It is part of the Primus Group Colle,,it,and new experiences that we can do and then tramanderemo,,it,In a historic moment facing only forward,,it,Through the publication calls the "Papers Primus Collis" and to walk ancient paths,,it,we seek to promote our small but no less important story,,it Mario Maffi. When Mario told me about the passion and respect for the farmer and his son Walter David put in the conduct of their business, I decided to go with them for a visit ...


Valter and Davide Calvi from "The circle of the earth" by Laura Ferrari, Photos of Alexander Branch

I went for the first time one evening a few months ago, after I lost, as usual, wandering up and down Castana, a Pavia. When I finally managed to get seated at the table in front of a glass of wine, chatted with Valter long… I sensed her curiosity, or better, his desire to understand and know. Initially interpreted as mistrust, feeling that I was not afraid, because, when you have nothing to hide, non si ha nulla da temere… Ero li per conoscerlo, and to invite him to participate in an evening of wine tasting dell'Oltrepò. And so it was ...

A few days ago I wanted to go find,  per la persona che è, for the man whom I respect, for his belief of the Earth, per il suo rispetto del contadino… Viene definito da molti a maverick, a free man and maverick, a man who does not follow the crowd

I understand well because they are very similar, said a rebel…  I say that we are people who consistently follow its own nature, who do not want to comply just because the weather requires it. Sometimes you may be alone, but if it succumbs, it is, however, only in a crowd…

L 'Winery Calvi è condotta da Davide e dal padre Valter. Da undici generazioni, since the end of 1600, continues the tradition of grape growing on the hills of Brown. Nine hectares of vineyards divided into ten vines: Montarzolo, Cane, Custieu, Dove, Pragazzolo, Monteguzzo, Bugena, Frach, Falerna, San Bacchino. Their viticulture is based on respect for the environment and the well-being of the plant, without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides limiting. Take over twenty-five years, the technique of the rows dell'inerbimento, così da evitare l’erosione dei terreni collinari e nel contempo creando un microhabitat ideale per essenze erbacee ed insetti utili.

But now the word Valter Calvi ...

  • Valter, vuoi raccontarmi che cosa intendi per “rispetto del contadino”?

And 'respect for "Mother Nature" that the true farmer has innate. Considering that we are an integral part of the system: land, water and sky, we can not relate with these elements and with all living beings except with respect.

  • Are you a history buff like me.  Fai parte del gruppo Primus Colle, tell me who you are and what you aim?

The comparison above is inextricably linked to the knowledge that our ancestors have left us, e alle nuove esperienze che noi possiamo fare e che poi tramanderemo. In un momento storico rivolto solo in avanti, together with other fans, we wanted to create an association that seeks the history of this area of ​​our First Hill, and before it could spread to keep always. Attraverso delle pubblicazioni chiamate i “Quaderni di Primis Collis” e a camminate per antichi sentieri,  cerchiamo di divulgare la nostra piccola ma non meno importante storia.

  • Are you a member of the Club del Buttafuoco historical as both a producer and a passionate. Carlo Porta, poeta dialettale milanese, attributed to this wine's name Buttafuoco for his body and character. Tell me about your adventure started this?

Anche qui il “rispetto” ha avuto parte preponderante. Ho sempre pensato che le fatiche, sweat, e le immense conoscenze dei vecchi vignaioli non potessero perdersi per inconsistenti esigenze commerciali. The idea of ​​the Club Buttafuoco Storico was born in 1989 con l’impianto di una vigna. Ho poi cercato di coinvolgere altri produttori spiegando che al di la dell’interesse per raggiungere quella “nobiltà” che il vignaiolo deve avere, needed to produce a wine with strong ties to the land and the ancient knowledge.  Quasi per gioco abbiamo cominciato a produrre Buttafuoco secondo le esperienze dei nostri avi, and in those vineyards handed down as highly suited. The 7 February 1996 è nato il “Club del Buttafuoco Storico”

  • Are you a researcher. You told me of your experimentation with a variety called Vespolina the Ughetta…

Cynthia, researcher is a big word ... always by winemaker I made new tests. If it were not so we would not have come to this wealth of diversity in the wine world ...

L’Ughetta di Canneto (Vespolina is a name given to back that I do not like) e the Moradella, were among the most cultivated grapes before the advent of phylloxera in these my lands. Now that we were able to retrieve it is normal curiosity to see their character in purity.

  • In my discussions “vinose” I defend to the hilt small producers for the traditions and the typical who bravely carry on since the difficult period. I frequently say that I preach poetry,  ma non qualità. This statement is motivated by the difficulty to sustain the technology in the basement due to the small size of these realities. Valter, turn the question to you ...

The peasant family business is a priceless heritage that Italy is still rich and that the whole world envies us. It can produce the products by the inimitable, can maintain traditional production techniques and truly "natural", but it is especially crucial for the protection of the territory, whether the material or the immaterial.

In the context of the world market a wealth of this kind can be strategic to convey the image of our products. Therefore also useful to the food industry, which of course also has its own identity.

The respect of the farmer means that he enters on tiptoe in nature,

con umiltà, and devotion ...

Valter Calvi



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