With hand on heart, scelgo the extra Vergine

Here I report my interview, or better, my approach with the oil, told by answering the questions of Uploaded Louis, Director of Olioofficina Magazine, to your address book ‘What Oil Do‘.

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The farm Cinzia Tosini blogger talks about his experience and his approach with the oil, starting in childhood. For she continues to represent the good thing, what is good, precious and sought that the product should be used with care.

Cynthia Tosini farm is defined blogger. So, in front of the spread of food bloggers, c’è chi, instead, starts from a different view, directly from the earth, by the protagonists of the food before you even arrive in the kitchen and then on the boards.

  • What idea of ​​oil did you make during your childhood? The oil of those years was that obtained from olives or a seed oil?

My childhood is linked to the oil much more than an idea. As a child, oil represented the good thing, what was good for, the valuable and sought after product that was used with care. I was a skinny kid with a poor health, one daughter of a father from the tender care. The oil was a natural therapy that he did not fail to add to my every dish. I still remember his words: “Cynthia, Dad now provides you the good oil becomes so strong ..."Growing up my idea has not changed, tutt’altro, strengthened. L’olio, good one, that sought, continues to be a leader in my kitchen. Obviously, the oil of those years and the years to come, per me, is just the oil extracted from olives. Nothing more to my personal taste has never compared well.

  • A curiosity: the flavors and aromas of the oil of his childhood coincide with those he perceives and appreciates today?

The aromas and flavors of childhood, being associated with memories and emotions, are inimitable and matchless. In the words of the anthropologist Marino Niola - each of us has his madeleine, the flavor that reminds him of the better age. It's not just regret the flavors of yesteryear, but a state of grace to recreate, a search of lost time. And when we can feel a sense of wonder child, a childlike joy that makes us squint pleasure ... it's Time Regained. However, leaving aside the nostalgia and choosing carefully, Today you can find excellent products with the flavors and scents that are extra virgin olive oil, typicality to promote and enhance the high quality sought by many countries in the world.

  • What do you like more of an extra virgin olive oil?

The thing I like most in an extra virgin olive oil, is undoubtedly her perfume. Hearing that I just can not help but squint. If it's good is my expression of pure bliss, mentre name is gold and butter ..., I leave you to imagine.

  • How much would you be willing to spend for a bottle of extra virgin?

We say that, of course, do not overdo it, Saturday not to SPEs. If I think that there are people willing to spend crazy amounts to buy a perfume, mean body, I naturally smile. I do not spend crazy amounts, I spend digit reasonable to buy a quality product that I seek, as well as for the good fragrance, also for good taste. What can you do ... I am so done!

  • In this regard, for she often buys the bottle of How long? Of 250, 500, 750 ml o da litro?

While it is definitely a good liter, also because the extra virgin olive oil for me is not just a condiment, accompanied by the bread is especially my favorite snack.

  • In all honesty, without any sense of guilt or embarrassment, what is your favorite condiment of all dietary fat?

Without a doubt and without uncertainty, and add, with hand on heart, Extra Vergine olive oily!

  • Just oil. We come to your work. What are you working?

My real job, as well as my passion and now my life, is to tell what the earth, through the experience of the people who work and who meet the, allows to produce. The result of this expression is represented by many typical features that make Italy a great country known in the world. The mission, my, and that all true Italian, is to promote this.

“A chat with ... Uploaded Louis”

I had the pleasure to know him and to listen to the latest edition of Oil Workshop, the Food Festival which he directed and designed to deepen and spread through holistic paths, the culture of the oils. Clarify any doubt it is always useful ... so,  pronti your!

Luigi Uploaded by profession ... Oleologo. Writer and journalist, has published several books on olive oil, in addition to a novel, The oil of the conversion. Collaborates with several Italian and foreign newspapers.

  • From 2003 directs the weekly online "Teatro Naturale"Periodical specialized in agriculture, Power and Environment.
  • Since February 2009 directs the monthly on-line in English "Teatro Naturale International”.
  • From 18 November 2010 edits the blog “Oil Workshop“.
  • Uploaded Louis, oleologo-adviser tells 360 ° olive oil. How did this your adventure in the world of olive oil?

It 'an adventure born from a deep-rooted family tradition. I am the son and descendant of growers and millers. So I come from those who are the real creators of the oil. I was born in Salento, among other things, a few kilometers from Lecce, Upholstered in a land of olive trees and in the past has experienced an intense traffic of oil to every corner of Europe. Thanks to the oil trade in the seventeenth century it was possible to realize the great Baroque architecture, by virtue of the substantial gains derived from the sale of.

However, apart from this membership, I have writer Joseph Pontiggia my total commitment to the world's oil. It 'was he who encouraged me to take care. I called the "Pope of oil", Also because of my theological studies. And so over the years I have written many books, and I started to take a long series of virtuous paths that definitely left an important mark.

  • I love the olive trees, rough-looking old trees, sentinels of years of history. Some would find it hard to believe since I am known for my talk ... but I assure you that at their sight a respectful silence is imposed on me. The olive tree gives me peace and harmony. Say olive in the singular, however, is not quite correct. The reality is that there are many varieties split-level sensory olfactory and gustatory. Can you give me a holistic map updated?

That 's right. It 's the same feeling I get too, especially when they are in contact with ancient olive trees. It is no coincidence that so many poets have written verses that are great elegies. And it is also correct that we should not only think of the olive tree in the singular. The varieties of olives are lots of, thousand.

Italy has the absolute primacy: 538 are cultivars that Ivalsa, the Institute of propagation woody, ha censito. It is not only an important aspect for the high value of biodiversity itself. It also means to have a real chance of winning from the pressing of the many, differenti olive, oils peculiar and unique. A sensory map I have drawn in my latest book, “Oil: raw and cooked”, published by New Techniques, but the next edition of Olio Officina Food Festival there will be surprises in this regard.

  • As it considers the culture of the oils in Italy?

I am unabashedly optimistic. Because I am convinced that, in fondo, with the strength of will and commitment you can still get great results. I have them obtained, e li vedo. Compared to the past are satisfied. We have to deal with the rest of the past decades and wait for the future, working hard. Today we are not happy, objectively because if the consumer chooses a function of the cheaper it will mean that there is no real product culture, in the full sense of the term. But it is different, Today there is a greater sense of responsibility. Manufacturers have gotten better.

Now it's up to the chef, and especially caterers, gain a greater awareness, and study, study time: experiment with new food formulations especially with the extra virgin olive oil leading player. L’olio,  but also all the other condiments, must together take on the role of important ingredient, and not be confined within the food on which the marginal gloss over as has happened so far.

  • Listening to your speech,  I remember a concept that you often underlined: "The Olive Oils regarded as true principals of preventive medicine".  At this point the question spontaneously arises: "Dosage and method of use?”

Yes, are "principals of preventive medicine", because no food can heal, but it can certainly make contributions to improve our state of health.

Dosage: always, everyday, without skipping one. The oil from olives dale helps to improve the perception of other raw materials, and it is also a vehicle of healthy flavors.

– The how to use: moderation, always, because even the best fats are still fats, and can not exceed. For this, with high quality oils you get a high impact and condente, accordingly, also it leads to the need to utilizzarne every time a little, the right amount, designed to add flavor and make it more edible and tasty food.

  • Spremitura the broth, a freddo, the first pressing ... We make it clear these concepts?

There is only one pressing, today, with new technologies; and despite an EU regulation to carry forward the label the words "cold pressing" (oils obtained from mills and presses) and "cold extracted" (oils derived from modern mining technologies, by centrifugal) in reality there is no longer a hot extraction. Terminologies are resisting the imagination, but not close to reality.

  • Since the average Italian obtains his supplies directly from the supermarket shelf, what advice would you give to a conscious choice?

The best advice is to go directly from the manufacturers. At least when we're on vacation and we can meet you directly at the companies would be a nice gesture of solidarity. If you are not guarantees survival to growers, the whole system collapses. In the case of the families, it would be appropriate to bring children, so as to place them in direct contact with reality.

Then, Another tip, given that the majority of consumers are buying largely in supermarkets, better not to pander to the worst instincts relying on below cost: as well as immoral, below cost can hide the deceptions. This does not mean that some low prices are not justified, if you are from abroad, where the production costs are lower, but it must be said that the best choice is preferably positioned on the products so-called "premium", medium-high. At the bottom is a little utilizzarne, and the little bit of fat must be necessarily the best.

  • How do you rate the communication specialist oils in Italy?

The communication specialist in the field of oil could also evaluate well, but in fact does not exist. We are sadly lacking in communication, and often do not notice the true communicators, Professionals, but those who believe improvised need only put a series of words in a row and invest money in order to communicate. It must be said that the general press stops only at the surface and is confined to post press releases, news then built in the image and likeness of those who can not communicate. We are so far behind in the field of oil and communication of that which revolves around. It 'a serious deficiency that should be remedied cultural.

  • The oil improves with age?

Not, oil life is short. The higher the quality, and best preserved oils, more if it extends the life. Think of oils Aging is a mistake.

  • Unlike wine taster courses, those oils are not yet as popular as they should.  In your opinion what is the cause?

In fact they are common. More than anything else taking place patchy and not you realize the impact of those tasting courses are conducted in Italian. Missing definitely an attitude similar to the sommeliers, inclined to educate the sensory analysis of oils even the common people, lovers. The problem is rather that there are associations of producers financed by the European Union and to the activity of organization of courses, thus penalizing the true taste of schools. This causes an imbalance and the consequences are can be seen in the few courses for enthusiasts.

  • What is the role of oil in the kitchen?

Accompany all, quasi, the other ingredients, amalgamandoli. Fats are also carriers for flavors and nutrients and calories. The oil also has a function of plasticizer and attenuator salty taste, but also a function of non-stick and lubricant together, in addition to the function of brown and exert an anti hardening in bakery products.

  • I love to dip bread in oil… What is the proper way to taste it to assess the quality?

Through the taste of the oil directly into the glass. The oil with the bread we taste, but in the glass it has been tasted to evaluate all the goodness.

  • And now to finish what do you say to recommend a recipe "oily"?

The recipes are so many, and each has its heart recipe. Now, if I had only one thing, go back to the absolute simplicity. From Salento which are, even though I live now in 1984 a Milano, I say the frisella, or this bread toasted in the oven wet for a few tens of seconds in water, then covered with tomatoes cut into chunks, on which you pour salt, oregano and olive oil. You could add around: rucola, onion, capers ... I think we should start from the simple to derive maximum benefit.



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