Territorial identity, respect for the land, Agriculture and Sustainability: the keys to the future

Sunday 30 March, in the splendid setting of Palazzo Arese Borromeo Cesano Maderno in the province of Monza and Brianza, si è la svolta kermesse "A World of Taste"The festival of food and culture aimed to study issues in view of Expo 2015, the Universal Exposition to be held next year in Milan between 1′ May and 31 October.

Cultural initiative sponsored by the City of Cesano Maderno coordinated by Ketty Magni, Antonio Zappa, Eva Musci and Simone Toninato, aimed at enhancing local products and included in the project Supermilano. Up to 16 April sixteen municipalities involved in the events dedicated to the promotion of food, agriculture and artistic heritage, for the rediscovery of its territory and its enhancement.

An event in the round during which through the intervention of writers, Journalists, chefs and producers, we wanted to dedicate a showcase to the local area and its potential. Territorial identity, respect for the land, Agriculture and Sustainability: the keys to get out of the crisis we are experiencing in recent years.

L 'Expo 2015 will be unrepeatable opportunity to see our country at the center of the world. We are ready…? Maybe not yet fully, however, it is our duty to prepare well for everyone as it can enhance its territory, for the future of the new generations.


Gigi Bridges mayor of Cesano Maderno and Celestino Oltolini Councillor for Culture

The event opened with the participation of Davide Oldani, chef and owner of Restaurant D'Or Cornwall, who presented with Davide Oltolini, food and wine critic, his latest book, "Chefacile".

Although I appreciate the creativity of the chefs, I deeply love the simple cuisine of tradition based on good local ingredients that promote Italian agriculture. For this reason, I happily accepted the testimony of Davide Oldani, when, during his speech, cited 'compliance with the farmer' and its determination to bring to the table local products.

Leafing through his book, I appreciated the simplicity of some of the dishes that have accompanied me during my childhood, such as the 'Polenta and milk' or 'omelette and bread'. About, in the first pages there is also the recipe for the dough to clean copper pots. Listen to this short video in which I have taken.


Among the many exhibitors the Baker in Cesano Maderno Gianmario Longoni that offered in the tasting 'Bread Borromeo'Prepared according to a historic recipe. With his friend Gianmario share a passion for the history and traditions. I'll let you know through his words.

An increasingly strong deviation from the ancient recipes of the past in favor of a standardization of industrial products has greatly corrupted, and continues to corrupt not only tastes, but also the authenticity of the food in question. Handle the dough is an action that goes beyond the raw mechanics and development of a product: create a means to transfer to a food component inanimate, but coming from Nature, a new life.”


Il Fornaio in Cesano Maderno

I love fruits and vegetables. To represent The Orchard Park, a farm of well- 80 acres within the Park Groane.

A few days ago for my birthday I asked my son to give me a tree, or better, I wanted to adopt it in this orchard. An apple tree Red Delicios with my nameplate that will follow during the flowering season, and from which the fruit directly gather.


The Orchard Park Pond Ceriano (MB)

Did you know that saffron cultivation is limited to about 25 ettari in Sardegna, a 8 in Abruzzo, and in small areas cultivated in Tuscany, Walking, Umbria, Sicily and Lombardy for a total of about 35 ha? Well you.

They told me the boys Zafferanamy, a small agricultural reality Brianza born from an experience of production for family use. A highly prized product. Think about that for a pound of saffron stigmas should be collected about 120.000 flowers.


Zafferanami, simple agricultural society Varedo (MB)

Even at the risk of being repetitive I testify again: "I love agriculture and farms!"Do you think that in Cesano Maderno, a short distance from my house, c’è l’Azienda Agricola Villa Marina. A company focused primarily on the breeding of native breeds at risk of extinction. A farm where you can see the cattle Varzese, the sheep Brianza, the goat with four horns, Workhorses, Donkeys, again, pigs, geese and poultry. In short, a wonder!

I will visit as soon as possible to have it learn more, anche perché stanno recuperando con il vinoGroanello, the wine tradition of Brianza already documented in the scrolls of the Benedictine monastery of Santa Maria in Milan Aurona.

Welcome guest Allan Bay, wine and food journalist and writer who has presented his latest book 'The dishes of my life'. It made me think his speech devoted to the temperature sanitizing of food often overlooked in the home.

Allan ha sottolineato quanto a volte, cercando la tecnica migliore, you do not pay proper attention to the temperature of food preservation, con conseguenti rischi di malattie a livello gastrointestinali, often not associated with these oversights.


Allan Bay con Ketty Magni

At the conclusion of the event was a roundtable dedicated 'to the flavors of the past and flavors of today'.

Speakers Mauri Corrado President of the Cultural Association 'Living Building', Gianmario Longoni baker in Cesano Maderno, Stephen Pelizzoni professor at the Institute Hotelier Dancers Seregno, lo chef John Gain President of Cooks Brianza, Gianluca Capedri portal and Gastronomist Matthew Knowles, Ornago restaurateur recently awarded by the President of the Republic for his commitment to cultural.


Layer rotonda “The flavors of yesteryear and today's flavors”

Among the realities of the territory are also the 'Tree of ice cream Seregno I've already known and previously reported, the sweetness of the honey Joseph Viscardi, the wines presented by 'Enoteca Colombo Cesano Maderno, Cioccotratto by Association 'Atelier del Risk’, the Prosciuttificio Marco d'Oggiono, and finally the library 'A world of books'Seregno .

Among the books presented by the authors' Cheescake and Whoopie!'Of Mauro Padula and Carolina Turconi and 'The area is woman' of Gigliola Braga, biologist and nutritionist.

Food, culture ... and a lunch at the historic Restaurant Il Fauno Cesano Maderno inspired recipes Scappi, cook to Pope Pius the Fifth, from the book 'The cook of the pope' of Ketty Magni.

It chief Simone Toninato ha interpretato con maestria i piatti dell’epoca, avvicinandoli ai gusti dei nostri tempi.

Cibo e Cultura… Body and Mind…

I present Alessandro Vitiello, or better, "Only the vin d'art"

Alessandro Vitiello, for friends Sandro, a sommelier and restaurateur but above all a friend. 'Only the vin d'art' is an anagram of his name developed by Joseph Maria Grassi, a friend who delights so.

A man who has in his heart a land, his Ponza. I am moved when I see him sharing memories and photographs in black and white of the island who had to leave as many for business reasons. He says in his blog: ‘The home of the Sack of Ponza’.

"When tornavo to Ponza, the next morning, ridiventavo the sailor of my father and his five-meter boat we went fishing together. My father gave up practicing the sea at the end of '92: had more than eighty years ... "

Constantine Sacco in Santa Teresa in the 60s (left on the bow)

Constantine Sacco, father of Sandro, Santa Teresa in the 60s (left on the bow)

Sandro, thanks to its long experience as a restaurateur before the Osteria of the Seveso bowls and now at Ristorante Il Fauno Cesano Maderno, has many memories spent with the characters of Italian. From time to time when there is an opportunity, I love knowing how to listen, someone agrees with me.

Today I want you to know…

Hello Sandro, I wrote these thoughts one morning at dawn. I did not sleep and my mind ran. Maybe the desire to travel with the words? Who knows… I think we understand each other nostalgic and romantic.

  • A few nights ago you were telling me that time… I love it when you tell me stories of the world of food, lo sai. Me citing someone who is stuck in my mind in particular?

There could be many Cinzia, to tell the truth rather than anecdotes remind people that love between Milan and surrounding areas have spread the art of good drinking. I recall, for example, Anthony Trimboli – Apulian origin – that in his youth, in the postwar period, had turned almost the whole of France and Italy had brought an encyclopedic knowledge of French wine in general and in particular the champagne. Talk to him – man bluntly – was a unique pleasure.

As with the rest of the "Jacobin" by Adriano Romano. Masters even before sellers. What about the brothers Brovelli? Men of other times that told the wine with great passion.

Un aneddoto. One evening happen a couple of friends for dinner at the Osteria delle Bocce (our previous restaurant) accompanied by another couple. On display at the entrance was the latest selection of whiskeys Samaroli. Dopo price, a nearly empty restaurant, the friend asks me to bring the whiskey more strange that I, in method anonymous, his guest. This gentleman, after tasting, told me everything you can about this strange distillate that I had pulled out of a piece of furniture that I had in another room. After drinking plenty together told me about his work. He spent his time in Scotland to select whiskey on behalf of a multinational. Some time ago to see the movie "the side of the angels," I remembered him.

  • Do you remember when we first met? I almost practically obliged to organize evenings of culture and taste for knowledge of food and wine. You should know that Sandro is a great connoisseur and lover of food and wine, maybe just lazy little enthusiasm from people in learning. But then came a volcano…

It’ Cynthia Tosini is certainly true that a volcano as it is also true that I cultivate "the art of the doubt". I was old enough to be sure of not having to sell certainties and every so often to ask if you need something or someone to tell my world. Then, when you clash with Cynthia Tosini many doubts go to hell and resumes.

You have to know that we started organizing events dedicated to wine and food from the autumn of '84: trent’anni fa. There was no internet and our news traveled by ordinary mail, yet there was so much attention, and often had problems dealing with the many who wanted to attend. I then I had fun to put together so many courses to organizations or institutions in the area. Before I teach you amused. Even now, this rule applies.

Alessandro Vitiello

Alessandro Vitiello… Sandro

  • Step to a question related to your business. How would you describe the average consumer today, in the sense of what to expect and what to look for?

The average consumer today suffers as long as you live. We who have lived through the years of the "Milan to drink" we find it hard sometimes to make sense of what is happening. The consumer remains attentive and curious, ready to consider with respect to the good and new is proposed. He added, however,, or rather considered more important than in the past, judgment on the fair value of things which are served.

You can also pay as much a bottle of wine but it is important to be worth the money spent. It is not enough that anyone who sells it is "a man from the first page". Not hide, however, that are complicated years; know how to do well in the kitchen and know how to find great wines at a fair price has become critical.

  • I often say that the role of restaurateur, presenting the dishes and serving wine, can be called a veicolatore pills information critical to convey to the consumer food culture. Esagero? I do not think. I am convinced that, starting from the table, not to bore the guest, you can do much in this direction.

You're absolutely right: the profession of catering can be a great opportunity to spread a lot of good habits, not only food. Not by chance at a restaurant or eating in the company, we often talk about food and conviviality.

It reminds me of Garcia Marquez – The General in His Labyrinth – he does ask a host of Simon Bolivar: “But because the Europeans are at the table when discussing food?”. What answer? At the table while talking about food is talked about throughout the human condition. Besides, even the Christian liturgy think in these terms: the story of Jesus on Earth ends with a last supper.

  • Now, at the end of our chat this, one of the many, I'd like you to write me a reminder of your land. Com’è Ponza a primavera?

Ponza is my "place of the soul". I spent most of my time here in Brianza, ma if I definirmi, me say that I am Ponzese. What do you mean? Anything and everything. We ponzesi not we better do it worse than others. We are another thing. It is said that a person's character is formed in the first years of life; I've built my looking at the sea. From my backyard, in the days of storm thinking of my father who was fishing in the waves or in the beautiful spring mornings, when the beauty of the landscapes is the scent of the gorse.

Those things you bring them stuck inside and not lose the most. Ponza in the spring is the most beautiful place in the world. Not only for the beauty of the area, but also and above all for its flavors. Go around the hills to pick wild asparagus, savor the goodness of certain artichokes grown in the volcanic soil that gives it a very strong flavor is unique emotion.

And the sea? In the spring you eat the most delicious crab spider, cuttlefish and squid in quantity and fish soup which at this time has a special flavor. I could go on for hours telling you, but if you have so, give yourself a week to Ponza in the spring, I guarantee you that you will have trouble getting back.

Sandro, I promise you that I will…

Photographs by Alessandro Vitiello


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