Today we talk about # SocialMedia Rosy Battle with ...

Rosy Battle, blogger and freelance journalist. Active in the field of social research, environmental, cultural and political. Collaborate to date with various newspapers (Lettera43, Terre di Mezzo Magazine Street; Radiopopolare, Social Editor).

It deals, in addition to, Communication and Social Media, as a consultant, trainer in non-profit and Social Media Manager / Editor. The latest project then as a Social Media Editor was the festival of Digital Journalism “Globalnews”.

A presentation of all respect, I would say! Rosy make me almost afraid! 😉

Obviously joke, ma solo perché l’ho conosciuta personalmente durante “Social Gusto”, the event held recently in Varese, that, in addition to promoting the quality of Italian cuisine, a space dedicated to journalists and bloggers to present their experiences in the evolution of communication on the subject of food and wine.

A delightful person in simplicity and sympathy. Do you think that at the end of the conference has delighted us with his tiramisu! I often say to go beyond the windows of appearance, le sorprese sono inaspettate, a volte in positivo e a volte in negativo. Anyway, ci permettono un giudizio ed un’esperienza diretta e reale, ben lontana dal virtuale.

Detto questo entro in merito per farvi conoscere meglio Rosy, e per parlare di #comunicazione e #socialmedia, essendo io un’appassionata della comunicazione digitale.

Rosy, a te the oral… 🙂

  • Food, giornalismo e comunicazione ai tempi del web 2.0.” Qual è la tua visione delle cose?

Direi che il web ha ampliato e diffuso la cultura del cibo, creando community e influencer per tutti i gusti. But "The Italian Kitchen" for food bloggers true paradigm is that, in the times of social networks, sharing passions is greatly facilitated and affordable for everyone. And this seems to me a good thing.

  • You call "food blogger failure." Why?

In my Bat-Blog, where I talk about topics "tough" by the social and civil commitment there in plain sight the category "Food and Green", corresponding to two of my great passions: cooking for friends and treat my green corner. I realized along the way that I can not tell her how I wanted, are passions that in a "ipersocial" life I reserved for my private life, intimacy.. So although I deeply love the food, conviviality and sharing, Web me autocensuro. Although some photos of dishes and flowers on Instagram and Facebook a while, "I lose".

  • Social Media in Italy have not used appropriately as they should. The answer for many is: "I have no time!"A response that does not consider the real importance of these media for product promotion, or to improve the company's reputation through content sharing. You're the expert, what is your experience?

I confirm,  social media in Italy are not used as they should be. From SMEs to non-profit but also by ordinary citizens and Public Administration.

The care of the communication and content in small businesses, exceedingly, It is still not considered in terms of investment. And yet the world of Social Media, dai blog for Social network, really it allows you to raise awareness of projects and products to audiences, Until a few years ago, unimaginable and costs really ridiculous. What is certain is that you can not relegate them to improvisation management. Communication is a job, and like all professions it takes time, passion and continuing education. Who has gone down this road, identifying resources within its structure or turning to professionals, It is already reaping the benefits in terms of good reputation and visibility.

  •  They are romantic woman in the broadest sense, lover of traditions and earth. But they are present on Twitter ..., Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Path, LinkedIn, Foursquare, You Tube ... well I launch the network and I share everything I love and believe in. Despite this I strongly believe that the company that we have the opportunity to use, should unite and not replace direct knowledge, necessary experience to live the realities, and to know their products. Share…?

I fully share this view. On the net you can create community on topics, battles, passions. But social networks are not our only world, They are just another representation of our personalities and visions. We must not forget the relationships in the flesh. Although it is true that the grid can be born friendships and loves, collaborations and networks that, anyhow, to be "sublimated" must switch from the virtual sphere to the real ...

  • Twitter and his 140 characters, maldigerito by many, I would say, not understood. Let's say that the imposition of its brevity makes many difficulties, moreover not thus make great emotions. A rapid chirping of a thousand potential that too many still underestimate. Do you have any advice?

I agree with your analysis, Twitter has the incredible potential, in terms of speed and content indexing and can be very useful both to inform that to promote events and ideas. The point is this, Twitter more than a social network is an information network in Italy but is not yet widely used in this mode. L’approccio è un po’ ostico è vero, ma una volta fatto proprio questo concetto, si può cominciare ad apprezzare anche la concisione a 140 characters.

  • Parliamo degli #hashtag, il famoso cancelletto # that, messo davanti ad una o più parole unite, permette di aggregare le citazioni di chiunque lo utilizza. Io ormai ne faccio un uso abbondante, anzi di più. Da quanto poi, non è più ad uso esclusivo di twitter, esageroma a fin di bene!  A questo punto ti chiedo: “Qual è in questo momento la parola della tua vita davanti alla quale metteresti un hashtag ?” 😉

In nome omen per cui ti dico #battagliera. Le sfide da raccogliere sono tante nella professione come nella vita. E io non mi arrendo.




"# SocialGusto : the evolution of communication, and ... the mine "

“Le civiltà maggiori furono dettate da popoli che ebbero le cure più grandi nell’arte e nella scienza dell’alimento… “ da “La Cucina Italiana” N. 1 – ANNO I – 15 December 1929

How is my dear friend Giorgio Ferrari: “Italians are the sum of experiences in History. If you lose you go back to being confused that the common people have no voice. The kitchen becomes poor that wealth, wine farmers who becomes DOC.”

A quote that I fully agree, being fond of history convinced that, to move forward one step back should be done. I'm talking about the recovery of traditions, Cooking poor but rich in history, I speak of simplicity ...

It 'a difficult time for many, the gears of our economy are slowing overall. We must unite, but above all we must unite. We need people to believe in, people with real passion for the area, for its history and its people. Utopia, no, only true love for my country.

If each of us to take a step forward, in his own way, how can, I am sure we would end up meet. I'm a romantic in the broadest sense of the term, and launch my cry, my #TamTamxlaTerra, for those who believe like me, the future that we have under our feet ...

Forgive my outburst, but I can not do otherwise. Whenever I get the chance, my way, cheerfully, with my garish hats, with my smiles, with my river of words, I profess my faith to the earth.

I was presented with the opportunity to Social Gusto, the event coordinated by the gentle Silvia Giovannini, held in the magnificent Este gardens of Varese.

Featuring the cuisine of Italian quality closer to the people, but not only. The space reserved for the cultural offer has allowed journalists and bloggers, to expose their experiences and their thoughts, in the evolution of communication on the subject of food and wine.

I had the pleasure of being at the table with:

  • Anna Prandoni, Director of Italian Cooking, the most important cooking magazine in Italy founded in 1929
  • Laura Pantaleo Lucchetti, food bloggers like me who collaborated with Green Cabbage, weekly online food&wine
  • Rosy Battle, journalist expert in social media and "lack of food blogger"
  • Samanta Abalush Cornaviera, housewife 2.0
  • Eugenio Peralta, foodblogger creator of the blog The man is a Locust
  • Jenny Maggioni, blogger

Simple people who I got to appreciate, driven by a passion for food and for the recovery of traditions, but with an eye to the network and its great potential for the promotion of the territory and its productions.

In my speech I told him how, almost three years ago, I started my adventure that is literally sweeping me now, ma che mi piace tanto. Non faccio un mistero sul cambiamento che la mia vita ha avuto improvvisamente. After an initial loss I raised reinvesting in the passions of all time, land, l’agricoltura, wine, and history of the people.  Da ragazzina sono cresciuta tra le vigne nelle campagne trevigiane… la terra lascia il segno, in time, and souls.

I created a group on Facebook, Le Vigne-support. I shared links related to the traditions, dialects, al cibo, couples to wine. Someone noticed this woman noisy. One day I was suggested to read an interview with a winemaker of Aosta. I was moved so much that I went there to meet you. When I learned that he had not the means to the label in the back of his bottle of wine, I wanted to tell the story of the vineyard.

I brought it to him after it printed, because I wanted that might give together with the sale of its wine. Someone has accessed, and asked me to write. My story now continues here on the blog and on Green Cabbage, although I have a dream, to live in the countryside and work in agriculture. I often say to myself,: “Cynthia, feet on the ground, and remember why you started.” I am learning and will continue to do so, because in the end you never stop ...

Among my many passions, there is also that of digital communication. Twitto, photographer, launch on social ... a real plague! 😉 Metto in rete tutto quello in cui credo e che mi piace, to share my moments of happiness, convinced of the importance of communication and food and wine of the region through the web.

But one thing I am firmly convinced,  i social che abbiamo l’opportunità di utilizzare devono unire, and not replace direct knowledge, experience needed to know the reality, and their products. Do not stop at the windows ...


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